• Published 9th Feb 2024
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Source Code - Nugget27

Source Code, once an indie game developer is transported to Equestria by unknown means.

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The Cutest Little Colt Becomes the Cutest Little Prince

Button and I had woken up pretty early in the morning, or rather, I did. Unlike in most countries on Earth, foals had to be at school at around ten in the morning. That was a far more reasonable time than seven in the morning. It was early enough for the foals to still not enjoy going to school, but they could get a normal amount of sleep if they stayed up late. Button was still sleeping, and I was still a little drowsy, so I… what the fuck is my body doing? My tongue, on its own accord, was licking Button. My body was grooming a foal on its own. And… I was fine with this.

The taste of Button’s fur was a lot like his scent, so he didn’t really taste like anything in particular. Surprisingly, the feeling of fur inside my mouth wasn’t that weird. Button pretty quickly started waking up at my constant grooming, before he rolled over, and I started grooming his belly. Soon, I was grooming Button’s mane and holding him with my hooves.

“Mmm.” He stretched his legs. “Mr. Code?”

“Just call me Source, or Code, whichever you prefer, kiddo,” I said, before resuming my grooming of him.

“Why are you… grooming me?”

“I dunno. I woke up, then started doing it without thinking. I’m a little surprised about it. Want me to stop? If so, I can make us breakfast pretty quickly.”

“This…” Button nuzzled me. “This feels really nice. Though isn’t that something mares do to their foals?”

“Heck if I know, I’m not a mare and I’ve never had foals. This is kinda fun though,” I rested my head over Button’s tiny little body. This is fun. “I don’t think Spike or Twilight are awake yet, since Twilight’s a bit of a night owl and Spike is a heavy, late riser. Wanna help me make breakfast for them? It’ll be a chance to work on your multitasking.”

“Okay… Can we just sleep for five more minutes though?”

“Sometimes I wish I could, kid, I wish I could. Sometimes it’s best to get up and embrace the day and then promptly tell it to fuck off after an hour.”

“Oh… So no five more minutes?”

“Would you rather have your five more minutes on the couch while I make us breakfast?”

“That would be nice…”

“Alright, c’mon,” I laid Button on my back, which he was the perfect size for, and started gently walking down the stairs. He fell asleep, with his lower jaw laying right in between my ears. I ended up sitting in the center of the kitchen and cooking everything exclusively with my magic so that I wouldn’t accidentally wake him up. I felt a bit like a sinner, moving food around with my magic instead of my hooves. Soon, Spike and Twilight came downstairs, and Spike stopped in shock. “Howdy guys,” I whispered. “Keep it a little quiet, Buttons’ still sleeping.”

“Source,” Twilight whispered. “That,” she pointed at the sleeping colt on my back. “That is adorable. Are you certain he isn’t already your foal?”

“Not yet, but I’m liking Button so far. He’s a sweet little thing, and so far…” I chuckled. “I dunno. It feels nice to be taking care of him. It… I hope this works out. It…” I chuckled. “You and Spike know my case, right?”

“Yeah… from another world?” Spike and Twilight said at the same time.

“Yeah… and while Apple Jack’s family basically thinks of me as family, and that I’m going to be marrying Celly sometime next year… If I get to adopt Button, then I would be so darn happy. I can have somepony, neigh, somebody to that would genuinely be family in this world. It… would be something I also never thought I’d get to have; my own son.” I rubbed the back of my head after quickly setting the table and plating all of our meals. It wasn’t much, it was just tofu bacon, eggs, and pancakes. “Uh… I shoulda asked before making breakfast, shouldn’t I?”

“No, it’s cool,” Spike waved a dismissive hand. “I was about to come down and make breakfast anyways and you made breakfast for me and Twilight…. And I think Twilight would’ve said that while you’re living under this roof, what’s hers is yours as well.”

“That… Hah. There once was a girl in a simpler time with night-like hair and skin so white. Wherever she went, everyone she’d tell ‘what appears as mine is ‘thine as well.” I chuckled. “Ah… Shit. Twilight, you don’t have to do that. I was hoping to pay you back for letting me stay by making you breakfast. Hope you don’t mind me making breaky for Button?” Twilight took the time to notice that I only made three meals.

“Source, why didn’t you make yourself anything?”

“I don’t eat breakfast often. Sometimes, I eat it if Celly makes pancakes, but that’s it. I just wanted to make sure Button had something to eat, Twi. I can wait for lunch.”

“...Alright, but don’t feel bad about taking my food, Source. Everypony’s gotta eat, after all.” Button soon woke up and I deposited him in his chair. Twilight cut a bit of pancake before popping it in her mouth.

“Oh, this is good!” Spike said with his mouth full. “I didn’t know you could cook, Source!” He stuffed another bit of pancake in his mouth.

“I have some experience. I mixed a bit of syrup into the batter. It’s… what restaurants back home did for some breakfast…” I chuckled. “Ah fuck, I could kill for a cheap, greasy breakfast sandwich from a fast food place.” Button looked at me a bit inquisitively. “Button, I’m gonna be dead honest, I ain’t a pony in the head. I was once a human, which is a type of creature that straight up doesn’t exist in this world. I…” I hummed. “You heard of the pony found in a crater after a magical accident?”

“Yeah. He was hurt real bad apparently,” Button didn’t take long to put two and two together. “You’re that pony?”

“Eeyup. Dunno why I’m here, dunno how. I went to sleep one night, woke up in a hospital bed to a horse in a nurse outfit. Ran right into a wall and then called the first pony I actually got to talk to… ‘Sun Butt’. Anyways! That’s how I came into Equestria and met your possibly adopted mother.” I chuckled. Nopony got my reference. Nopony ever gets my references.

Button hummed. “...I believe you, I guess. You do act a bit weird. Weren’t you that pony running after Nightmare Moon and threatening to ‘neuter her?” I nodded. “What does that mean?” Even Spike looked a little curious, while Twilight was just looking at me and shaking her head. I wasn't going to answer that even with her opinion on the matter.

“...Something horrible. I’ll tell you when you’re older.”

“Fine… But I’m going to hold you to that, Source.” Button then took a bite of his pancake and his eyes widened. I smiled with a bit of pride at my somehow not butchered pancakes. There was a similar reaction to the bacon and eggs that made me smile. Apparently ponies were only used to sunny side up eggs, not scrambled, not over easy, none of that. So an omelet with onions and tomatoes mixed in grabbed their attention pretty quickly.

“Source, you’re replacing Spike on breakfast duty whenever you’re in town.” I chuckled, now realizing the mistake I’ll make when I bring potatoes to turn into french fries later. I won’t be allowed to leave once Twilight and Spike get addicted to my cooking. Button was definitely addicted since he got done in a heartbeat after he sampled everything and was licking the plate… I slowly got up, but got forced to sit down again when Twilight planted a kiss on my cheek.

It was just a thank you gesture, luckily. Hopefully. I really hope so.

Button and I trotted on into the school building. Cheerilee was a bit surprised to find that I was in Ponyville again, but didn’t question it. Most of the students were happy to see me as well, for some reason, even though I didn’t do anything the last time I was here. I played with a phoenix in the front of class and chimed in here and there, and didn’t really speak. Today, however, I want to be a bit more proactive. Whenever Cheerilee was giving a lesson, I’d remain quiet, but then came the paperwork and all of that fun stuff, I would go around the room and help foals out as best as I could without giving them the answer.

Snips and Snails brushed off any attempt I had with helping them, but they seemed to worry more about looking cool than intelligent. When I got around to Diamond Tiara, she hogged me at her desk for a solid ten minutes, asking how to solve each problem. “What is two times ten?” She asked. This was the tenth time she did this. I know she's doing it for attention, or whatever, since most foals just asked a question like which order to do double didgits, and let me go on my way to the next foal. I was starting to get a little annoyed, since I saw a foal raise his hoof up for some help, but here I was, helping Diamond Tiara, who's acting like she's an idiot.

I've seen her do math on her own, she's not even stupid.

“Add ten twice,” I said. “That’s your answer.”

“Just tell me the answer! C’mon!” She pounded her hoof on the desk. "How are you useful as a teacher if you don't just give me the answer? Instead, you tell me to do more stupid math!"

“I wouldn’t be helping to teach you anything if I just did everything for ya. Multiplication is just taking the first number and adding it to itself a certain number of times. Usually that number of times is determined by the first. My method takes longer, but it's easier. Your question's ten times two, so add ten to ten twice. There's your answer.” Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes at least seventeen times throughout that. What a brat.

“Oh! Mr. Code, can you tell me what nine times three is?” SIlver Spoon asked.

I didn't even look away from Diamond Tiara's worksheet. “Add nine three times,” I said while internally shaking my head. These two fillies… I think they just like having the attention of Celestia’s stupid plaything. “And your next problem, just add six four times.” SIlver and Diamond looked shocked at that. “Everypony here has the same worksheet, I know which one that is. It’s the fourth one from the start; you’re going to be on the second row with the question I just told you how to do.” I walked over to the colt that needed some help, told him how to do a problem. Several foals later, I made my way to Scootaloo’s desk. She was actually the furthest behind, but I could tell that she was trying to do everything the right way. Even... if she was seemingly doing all the math in her head. She wasn't showing her work.

“Hey, you got everything right, kid. You’ll do Rainbow proud. I would show how I'm getting those answers, if I were you, but still got everything right."

Scootaloo nodded, before going back to write how she got her answers... Only to look up at me and give me a head tilt that had no right being as cute as it was. “But… That means I’m an egghead. Especially if I show how I got the answers I'm getting!”

“So? Rainbow would be proud of ya for doing well in school. Plus, if you’re smart, you can go far in life. Or just be able to come up with more ideas on how to get your cutie mark.”

“...Can I get a cutie mark for being super smart?” Scootaloo asked, looking hopeful.

“Maybe. Though, I think scootering around might be more your thing. You’re pretty good with the scooter.” Scootaloo hummed. “Good work, kid.” I patted her on the back. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were similar cases, though there were further ahead on their worksheets than Scootaloo was, they got most, if not all of their questions right after I helped them out with their multiplication and division or telling them my full proof plan for solving both. I walked up to Button’s desk after helping the next six foals, and nuzzled him. ‘Howdy kid,” I looked over his work and nodded. “Lookin’ good, Button!”

“I got them all?” He looked up, dropping his pen after losing focus on his levitation... Hey, something to help him out with later!

“Yea, and you’re showin’ how you got your answers. I know Cheerilee will appreciate that. It’ll help show her your thought process and how to help you through more math in the future.” I hummed. “Writing with your horn?”

“Yeah. It helps me get better at controlling my Levitation. It said so in your textbook, even Dinky and Sweetie Belle are doing it.”

I looked at both of the aforementioned fillies. “Huh. How did I not notice that?”

“You don’t have eyes?” Button asked. I immediately casted an illusion that made it seem like my eyes didn’t have pupils.

“Yeah, I guess I’m blind now. That’s a shame,” I uncasted the illusion and re-casted it so I just had Nightmare Moon eyes. “I suppose I’ll… have to torture you for taking my eyes.” Button blinked at that, before I ruffled his mane. “Nah, I ain’t gonna hurt ya. I’ll just tickle the hell out of you.” His ears shot up while he looked at me with fear in his eyes. I am going to blow raspberries into his stomach for hours. That had me chuckling as I walked back up to Cheerilee’s desk and sat down next to her while she graded the work from yesterday.

“Mr. Code!” Diamond Tiara sings. “I need help with this division problem!” I teleported over and told her how to do it, before teleporting around the back to where Button was sitting. Soon, I had a colt, who was bored because he got all his work done, laying on the side of my belly. I started using Eye Spy spells to start seeing how foals were doing, until…

“Mr. Code, why are you cuddling with that orphan? Cuddling Isn't a very stallion thing to do. Plus it's an orphan you're cuddling with.” Diamond Tiara pointed out. Now everypony was staring at us. Button looked a little downtrodden by that comment. “And wouldn’t Button’s parents be doing that if he had any parents that actually loved him? Then you wouldn't have to snuggle with that stupid foal.” My mouth was open to respond until she said that. I blinked a couple more times, and noted that… Button had tried hiding himself under my foreleg. That made me smile a little before I looked up.

“Diamond Tiara, that is just screwed up. You can make fun of me for being a cuddlebug, I can take being bullied, but doing what you just did? That’s screwed up. Don't poke fun at kids in shitty situations.” I nuzzled Button. “How do you know if he has nopony to love him, hmm? Who’s to say I’m not planning on adopting him the moment Princess Celestia says yes?”

Button unburied his head for moment. “I thought…”

“Hey, you’re a good kid. Say the word, and I’ll sign those papers faster than you can say ‘I’.”

“Why are you even adopting that blank flank?” Silver Spoon asked. “He’s a loser and an orphan!” Cheerilee seemed a little distracted by her work, but I could tell that she was listening. Button seemed content with hiding his face from the world again. I could see the Crusaders and Dinky getting pissed in the corners of my eyes; they were probably going to yell at Diamond Tiara for that if I weren't already talking.

“Man, fuck if I care if he has cutie mark, or not, of if he were a griffin chick or a manticore calf.” I looked under my leg pit to find Button’s little nose sticking out from under it. “You good, kid? Wanna go take a breath of fresh air?”

“I’m good, sir.”

“No you aren’t, Button. I can feel you crying into my leg.”


“Sorry, nothin’. Hey Ms. Cheerilee, me and Button are gonna go step outside for a moment. He’s got all of his work done anyways. We’ll come back inside in a moment.”

Ms. Cheerilee nodded before glaring at Diamond Tiara and SIlver Spoon. They had the grace to look guilty at least. “Go ahead, Source. I am going to have a few words with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon while you do that.”

“You alright, kid?” I asked, sitting Button on a swing in the playground. He found the ground more interesting than my face. He was glaring at it with the most sad look I’ve seen on Button since I’ve met him. That’s a look that shouldn’t belong on a kid's face, or a foal’s, or anyone as young as him.

“Diamond Tiara’s right,” Button muttered. “My parents didn’t love me enough to keep me after I was born. What makes me think you’ll love me?” He almost growled.

“Kid,” I said sternly. “If I didn’t like ya, I wouldn’t be trying to see if I can adopt you or not. Want me to call Celestia down here and see if we can’t expedite the adoption? Celestia was hoping to be able to have a little colt she can dote on. It is a thing she loves doing, after all. Luna would be more than excited to have a nephew.”


“Button,” that got him to finally look at me. “I love you, kid. Whether I wanna deny it or not, you are the closest thing to a son that I’ve had so far. And while, again, I wanna wait until you make your choice, I’ll root for ya kid. Whether you wanna get adopted by me, or somepony else, I will root for you. I will still be here.” I pat him on the shoulder. “Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are dumbasses if they think making fun of somepony with potential is a good idea. I can see why they are, too.” I kept staring the kid in the eyes. “They’re scared, kid. They’re scared that you’ll have a cooler talent and destiny than they do. Hell, I’m jealous. You could have a cutie mark in magic, mine’s a bunch of ones and zeroes, something that’s honestly kinda boring. You could be anything you want, you can do whatever you want. I just hope I can call you my son by the end of the week, Button.”

“Would you adopt me if I said I want you to?” Button asked, giving me a small little head tilt. I simply nodded. “Like… right now?” I nodded again. “And…”

“I would be happy to adopt ya. Whenever you feel ready. And, if you end up hating me, hey, you can disown me, knock me out, and throw me off of Canterlot. Then make a cute face to Celestia and she’ll let you off the hook.” Button snickered at that.

“No way that would work on the Princess!”

“Nah, it would. I call her Sun Butt, she can’t be too happy about that.”


“Yeah, I’m her coltfriend. I get on her nerves a lot, so if you killed me, she’d be fine with it.”

“But I don’t wanna kill you.”

“But the option is there.”

“You’re a messed up pony, Source.”

“I know.” We both chuckled. “Wanna go back to class now?”

“Not really… Can we go to the orphanage? I want you to sign something for me.”

“Alright,” I said, before patting my back. “Hop on, I’ll tell Cheerilee that you got sick and are going to die from cancer. She’ll let you go.”

“WAHT!?” Button asked.

“I’m kidding! But we gotta let her know what’s going on. Hold on,” I teleported a notebook to me, before writing something in one of its pages. I tour it out before sending it off to Celly. I had a feeling that I knew what was going to get signed. “Aight, let’s go tell Cheerilee, eh?” I trotted back inside of the schoolhouse. “Yo Cheerilee,” I said after poking my head in the door.

“Yes, Source?”

“It’s cool if I just take Button? He ain’t feeling like being in class right now. He’ll be back tomorrow, wearing a cute little crown.” Cheerilee’s eyes widened, before she nodded. Button whispered something into my ear. “Nevermnd, he’ll be back after recess; he wants to finish the school day.” Cheerilee folded up a paper airplane and threw it at my face. It bounced off my nose before it fell to the floor in the saddest way possible.

“Just go, Source!” I nodded along before walking out and down the street. It was weird, making my way to the orphanage in broad daylight. I also mostly didn’t remember the way, so Button had to re-correct some turns. He happily laid his head in between my ears, before happily humming a little tune. “So to be clear,” I said. Getting Button’s attention as I turned a corner. “I’m signing adoption papers, right?”

“...If you want to adopt me, because I want you to.”

“Then I’ll sign some adoption papers. Hope you don’t mind having one more pony also signing those?” I stopped. “This next left, right?”

“Right. Also, who’s the second pony signing them?” He asked. Ah, he doesn’t know! Darn.

“Eh, you’ll see.” We took one more left, and there the orphanage was. There, I could see Celestia walking up to the orphanage as well. She was making it look like she got a chariot ready, but I know how much of a pain in the ass it is to get one ready on such a short notice. Judging from the slight, almost unnoticeable burns around the base of her horn… she DragonFire’d here. I almost smiled with pride, knowing that that was a new transportation method that was going to be a bit more widespread amongst us unicorns… And because it gave Celestia something else to sneak out of the castle with.

“Howdy, Celly.”

“Hello, Source. I see that your plans for the week were sped up a little?”

“Oh yeah. I told Button my plans yesterday, and then the very next day he said he was ready. I guess I’m ready too.”

“You do know that taking care of a foal is no small task, correct?”

“So? It’s just feeding him, taking care of him, and making sure he turns out to be a good pony. I can do that. He may pick up a bit of a potty mouth from me, though. With my heritage, he is bound to learn what the C word is within a week of living with us.”

“...Us?” Button asked before he went silent. I could feel his breathing stop.


“I’m going to be adopted by you and PRINCESS CELESTIA?” Button asked.

“Yeah. I said you would be wearing a cute little crown when you come back to school tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? Wouldn’t-”

“You are taking school in Canterlot? Yes, yes you could. But… I don’t think you wanna say goodbye to Sweetie Belle or her friends right? You think Sweetie’s pretty, dontcha?”

“I-I don’t! Her laugh is nice, though. And… she does have a nice mane.” I chuckled at his backtracking. We walked inside and greeted the mare at the front counter.

“Oh, hello there- OH DEAR CELESTIA!”

“Yes, that would be me,” Celestia said with a giggle. “I was hoping to adopt a foal, me and my coltfriend have been talking about it recently, and figured we should adopt one from a small town.” The mare, to her credit, quickly shook her head and nodded.

“Which foal would you like to adopt, Princess?”

“The one resting on my coltfriend’s neck, if you would.”

“...Button’s getting adopted?” She asked.

“Yes, Mrs. Heart. Source Code said he would adopt me, and then… I forgot he was dating the Princess. He hardly brought her up in the time he’s been around me.”

“Okay… I’ll go get all the adoption papers for them both to sign. Are you sure you want to do this, Button?”

“I am.” He said firmly. “I want to finally get out of here. As nice as you’ve been to me, Mrs. Heart, I just want to be able to call somepony Mom and somepony Dad… It’ll be weird calling the Princess ‘Mom’ though.”

“And I would be delighted if you started calling me Mom,” Celestia said.

We found ourselves sitting in the sitting room. Well, actually Celestia was playing with Button while I started signing everything. I had Button sign every now and then, and Celestia would sign whenever and wherever I asked. It was actually a lot more straightforward than I thought it would be. It was only three pages of signing, but I was taking my time with reading, since it looked like Celly and Button were really enjoying themselves. I looked up from my papers to see…

Button hanging from Celestia’s muzzle while growling at her.

“I win!” Button exclaimed happily, before sliding off of his soon-to-be mother’s face.

“That you did, Button.”

“Wait… I won’t get arrested for assault, will I?”

“Why would I adopt my own son?” Celestia asked. “If I were to do that, then I would have to send myself to the Sun.”

“I don’t know… I almost forgot you were the Princess when you got me to start playing with you.”

“I won’t just be ‘the Princess’ to you, Button. Soon, I will be your mother. And, I will still be sending you to school, with Source Code as an escort, to Ms. Cheerilee’s schoolhouse. I wouldn’t want you saying goodbye to your friends, and eventually, you and Source will be able to make the journey in ten minutes top, or be here in thirty via a chariot. Once we walk you back to class, I will have to depart to make sure everything is ready for you, and to return to daycourt.”

“Oh. I’m sorry if-”

“Don’t you dare,” Celestia said sternly. “I am more than willing to put everything down for you. You are to be my foal soon, and as my foal, you may get my attention whenever you like if you deem it necessary. I am only a little old, I can easily tutor you on math or history here and there.”

“I’m done signing the papers,” I announced. Cream Heart, or Mrs. Heart, walked over. She was a really young mare, and was kinda pretty. A tan mare, an earth pony, with a baby bottle as a cutie mark. However, as pretty as Cream Heart is… I have a Celly. When you have a Celly, you don’t need much else. Cream Heart looked over the documents before nodding. “Well, it’s official, you, Source Code are officially the father of Button, and Princess Celestia, you are officially the mother of Button. Congrats!” Cream Heart walked over to Button, whispered a few things and nuzzled him, before turning to walk away.

“Goodbye Mrs. Heart!” Button waved, looking a little sad, before looking at me and Celestia with a smile. “I guess… this is a new chapter in life?”

“It is for me,” I said. “I have a son now.” Oh god. I am a dad now. Might as well wing it, like I’ve always had, and hope my son turns out well. I will actually be involved with raising him, none of that nanny shit.

“Well?” Celestia asked. “I’m certain you would like to ride on my back, Button?”

“I… Can?”

“You are my foal. You can ride on my back on the way to class.”

“...Oh dear Celestia,” he muttered. “I’m Princess Celestia’s foal,” I saw his mouth try to mutter the words. “Holy shit…” Celestia gave me a very disappointed look; she only knew of one pony who used that phrase, and it was yours truly! I smiled sheepishly, while rubbing the back of my head. “If you wouldn’t mind… Princess- Mom, Mom Princess.” Celly and I chuckled at that. Celestia lowered herself onto her belly, Button hopped on, and we started walking back to Cheerilee’s school. “Does this mean I’m a Prince now?” Button asked.

“A High Prince, I think, it’s mostly ornamental at this point, since you’re pretty young. But if you ever felt like it, we could teach you how and then it won’t be as ornamental,” I answered. “I wouldn’t recommend it; nobles are pricks and I’ve had to duel one of them because I was mean to their friend.”

“You put Prince Blueblood in the hospital.”

“He deserved it!”

“I’m not denying that, dear,” Celestia chuckled.

“Wait… You beat up Celestia’s nephew?” Button asked.

“Yeah. Kicked his shi-crap in.”

“But isn’t he a top duelist?”

“He has won several tournaments…” Celestia mused. “And he got dragged around the arena he dueled Source in, pelted with spells, and was put in the hospital right after. This happened after he challenged your new father, it was rather fun to watch Source get angry for once.”

Button slowly turned to me. “Why did I get to have the coolest dad in the world?”

“Because I’m the coolest pony in the world.” I ducked and looked left and right. “Oh good, Rainbow Dash didn’t try to kill me for that.” I hummed as we came to a stop in front of the gates for Cheerilee’s school house. Everypony was out, as it was recess. “Wanna go play with your friends before class starts back up?”

“But… I wanna get to know my new Mom…”

“There will be plenty of that later. If you want, I can make Source sleep on the couch and we can snuggle up together all night. I can even introduce you to your new auntie.”

“That… would be nice. But why make Dad sleep on the couch?”

“Your mother’s a sadist, that’s why. I adopted a kid and I can’t even snuggle with him on his first night in my home.”

“Oh.” We walked past the gates and everpony that was playing stopped, looked at us, and then noticed Celestia. They all started running towards us, skidding to a stop on their butts. “Princess!”

“Hello, children. It is good to see foals your age running and happily playing…” Celestia giggled. “I hope your education is going well… Well, Button, I believe you wanted to play with your little friends, correct?” I got up close to Button as Celestia lowered herself onto her belly.

“Say the thing; it’ll be funny,” I whispered.

“Okay, Dad,” he whispered back. “Okay Mom! I’ll see you after school!” Celestia flinched at that, before smiling widely, and more genuinely than she had just a moment. I think she would’ve squealed if we were in a more private setting. She might just also be proud because she knows it’ll take the piss out of everypony here, so she’s probably really proud of it.”

“Of course, my son. I hope you enjoy pancakes; it’s what I’ll be making tomorrow morning for you!” Button’s ears shot up after he had hopped off her back. “I’ll take that as a yes!” She turned to me. “Take the train home tonight if you don’t stay the night in Ponyville; I will arrive at Twilight’s library if you do stay the night. I don’t want to put Button in the back of a chariot just yet; he is just a foal after all.”

“I expect to see you at Twilight’s tonight then.”

“I suppose I will, too, then. Farewell, Source.” We kissed before Celestia took to the air, shot fire out, and started zooming to Canterlot.

“HEY! THAT’S MY SPELL MA!” I shouted with a chuckle. I looked back to see Button happily nuzzle up to my leg, before he ran up to the Crusaders and shook them out of their stupor. Meanwhile, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were just sitting there, jaws hanging. Tiara’s tiara fell off her head somehow, and Silver’s glasses also fell on the ground. I started chuckling at the now shocked fillies.

Yeah, Button’s a Prince now, and he’s the cutest little prince to ever exist, kid. Eat them apples! Mmm… I’m going to buy my new son some apple pie after school. That sounds good right now. I saw a pink tuft of mane dive back into a nearby bush… Okay, Pinkie Pie knows about Button being adopted… so much for the quiet night at Twilight’s place.

Author's Note:

Source is going to end up holding Button over his head, with magic, while running through town while making airplane noises. That's going to just be a short, mini-chapter that's not even going to be more than a few paragraphs... At some point.

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