• Published 30th Jan 2024
  • 281 Views, 12 Comments

My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season XII - DakariKingMykan

Two waring kings are causing much suffering, Lightning is harassed by an old friend

  • ...

Episode 14: A Chili Gut feeling


The rooster crowed, and the sun began to rise over New Sweet Apple Acres, and yet both Applejack and Buddy’s families, as well as other farmers from the area were already wide-awake and busy with final preparations.

The field was packed with loads of stands being set up, as well as a dance floor with a stage in back, a daycare area with a playground, and even a medical tent.

“Well, that should just about do it.” said Bright Mac.

Pear Butter giggled with glee, “This is so fabulous.” and she looked under the big archway which read “Annual New Sweet Apple Acres Chili Cookoff.” Where the first prize was 1000 bits.

Pear Butter sniffed the air, “I can almost see and taste it all now.”

“Eeyup.” agreed Big Mac, and he licked his lips while smacking them in a tasting way “I can just about taste it too. I love the Chili Cookoff.”

Apple Bloom chuckled, “Just you be sure you don’t overeat again like you did last year, remember?”

Big Mac did! He ate so many different bowls of Chili, he got a real stomachache, and he was passing so much gas for a week, he made flowers wilt, and apples go rotten.

Big Mac felt embarrassed.

“Just try and control yourself, that’s all we ask.” said Buddy.

“Come on, y’all. Daylight’s coming in.” hollered Applejack. “We still got much to do, and the chefs will be here any second.”

“I think they’re already here.” said DD, and she pointed way out beyond the sealed gates. Many of the attendees were camped out by the gate, so anxious and excited for the Cookoff.

This urged the farmers to set up even faster.


Blizzord ordered more attacks on Planet Moltic, but the guards were moving slower weakly, and taking too long to load all the launchers or get more ice-meteors and missiles ready.

“What is the matter with all of you?!” he bellowed. “I demand that you get those objects ready, and now!” and he raised his trident and fired ice beams at the restless guards, frightening them to work harder and faster.

Smark nervously approached the annoyed king. “Um, begging your pardon, sire, but don’t you think you were a little hard on them?”

Blizzord furiously glared at him and shouted, “MAYBE I WASN’T HARD ENOUGH!!” His loud, booming voice sent the little alien rolling along the floor and hitting the wall.

Blizzord angrily grumbled, “What sort of an army have I? What is it that they need?”

Smark got up and explained, “Sire, they need rest, food, and time to plan out their work better.”

“No!” snapped Blizzord. “I need more soldiers, more workers, more resources, and there’s only one place I’m going to get all that-- United Equestria.”

He turned and looked sharply at Smark. “Well?! Do you have any ideas at all how to get me all this?”

“As a matter of fact, yes.” replied Smark, and he clapped his tiny hands summoning his latest monster.

In walked a humanoid Bumblebee like creature. He was tall with four arms and two legs. He was icy blue with dark blue stripes all around him with two large antennae on his head with large pincers on his mouth, and he had evil looking wings too.

“I am Freezzzz-zzz-zze-Bee.” he said in a typical insect lisp. “I’ll get you more followerzzz-zzz-zzz!”

Blizzord grinned wickedly. “If I remember correctly, you can shrink down to the size of a regular insect while maintaining your normal super strength and speed. You can unleash Icy-Stingers, and…

…Your Snow Pollen-- anyone who touches or ingests it becomes frozen on the spot.”

Freeze-Bee fluttered his wings, making a buzzing noise, and then turned to face Smark for a demonstration.

“Hey! What are you doing?” Smark wailed.

“SNOW POLLEN” Out from behind the monster blew a swarm of tiny white flakes, and the moment they touched Smark, he found himself stuck in place. “I… can’t… move!”

Blizzard laughed wickedly. “Smark, I believe you’ve found just what I need. With this, I can easily expand my army and resources.”

He then instructed Freeze-Bee, “Go to United Equestria, and bring me back all the servants and soldiers that I’ll need.”

Bee bowed, “My pleasure… Zzz-Zzz-Zzz!”

The two went off leaving poor Smark still frozen where he was. “Help! Don’t leave me like this! Hey!!”

The fields were bustling with ponies and other creatures.

The playgrounds were full of children playing, under the watchful eye of their parents, and even Applebloom and DD.

DD could only playfully scoff. “Nearly three whole years of training for Starfleet, just so I can play babysitter.”

“Aw, go one.” said Applebloom “Who wouldn’t want to look after all these cuties?”

She referred to the infants all playing in a shallow ball pit, while the big kids played in the playground. Babies, like Twinkle Star, were kept in a special playpen where adults could keep watch over them, like Rhymey and Buddy, while their wives had entered the cookoff.

Krysta and her fairies even performed light shows for the children to watch; doing all kinds of fancy tricks and flight formation patterns while sprinkling their sparkles and light beams around.

Meanwhile, the dance area was going wild already, especially with Applejack leading the square dancing.

“Step right up, and join your hands,
Spin yourselves right where you stand
High-five left, and high-five right,
Now give a hug and make it tight.”

The dancers all did as they were told, and Lightning and Starla were among some of the couples.

“Whoa!” Starla exclaimed as Lightning dipped her down.

Her husband chuckled. “This feels great. We haven’t been able to do much of this since Twinkle was born.”

“I just hope she and Shining Light are okay at the daycare.” said Starla.

Spike and Rarity came dancing by, “Really, Starla. I know how you feel but cut loose a bit.” said Rarity.

“Yeah, if we can handle Twilight at the daycare, you don’t have to worry either.” added Spike. “Besides that, the best part’s coming soon-- The Chili tasting!” He hungrily licked his lips, and Rarity rolled her eyes.

Applejack continued to speak-sing…

“Now break it on up with your arms up high,
Cheek-to-cheek, and thigh-to-thigh,
Now step right up for a Do-Si-Do,
Front and back, and away you go.”

Swift Star just stood outside of the dance floor, having no one to dance with, and watched all the couples go about.

Then he decided to head off and check out of the rest of the grounds, and he bumped into someone.

“Oh! Please excuse me.” he said, and then realized who it was-- “Doctor Heart?”

Blitz was surprised to see him here as well. “Hi…” she said almost nervously, making him blush softly. “I didn’t know you were here.”

Swift chuckled nervously. “Well, first promoted since I was dayed off-- Uh… I mean… first day off since I was promoted.”

Blitz couldn’t help but giggle at him.

“So… how come you’re here? Shouldn’t you be working at the hospital?”

Blitz motioned over at the medical tent on the far side of the ground. “I’m working there today. Lightning and Dr. Penny thought I should come. Have some fun whenever I have a break.”

They both ended up staring at each other for a moment, and both began to feel warm inside, only to suddenly turn away and feel very embarrassed.

“What am I doing?” they both thought, and they couldn’t seem to fight their obviously growing feelings towards each other, even if Blitz was about six years older than Swift.

Swift could barely realize what he was doing next when he asked her, “Um… Doc…?”

“Please… just call me “Blitz” or “Blitzy.”

“Okay… Blitz… I was wondering if you’d… if it’s not too much…”

Suddenly, there was an announcement over the intercom on the grounds. “Attention Please. Dr. Heart, you are needed at the med-tents. Paging Dr. Heart.”

“Gee, I better go…” said Blitz, “Why don’t we meet up later.” she said to him.

Swift felt his heart racing and answered. “Yeah, sure…” then Blitz ran off leaving Swift frozen and stiff where he stood while thinking to himself. “We’re going to meet up later. That’s practically a… date?”

Lightning and Starla saw the whole thing while they danced, and they both smiled with hope in their eyes.

Little did anyone notice, Freeze-Bee had already entered the area. He remained small so he would not be easy see, and alarms wouldn’t be triggered as easily.

“Look at this place.” he said to himself. “It’s chuck-full of being-zzzz to take back to King Blizzord.”

He didn’t dare use his Snow Pollen just yet not wanting to alert anyone to his presence, the sudden smell of chili cooking tingled his antennae. “I think I know just how to do the job now.” he snickered.

There were lots of stands in the field with ponies and other creatures cooking and selling their very own chili, and soon it was time for the judging to begin.

The judges were none other than Mykan Stevens, who was always invited as a regular, and Pyron and Glaceia as special guests.

*Mykan’s POV*

The crowds cheered, and I felt very flattered as I bowed, and as one of the judges, I wore a sash, with the coveted blue ribbon, as well as an envelope containing a cheque for the prize money.

“Thank you so much.” I said to everyone. “I really coming here to judge the contest every year, because not only do I get to sample all the wonderful concoctions you’ve made, but this also helps with my research and studying of your world, so that one day both your world and mine can co-exist in peace.”

I received a standing ovation for such a thought.

“Yes, and that is also why I have personally asked that Prince Pyron and Princess Glaceia be my two guest judges this year, so that they, too, may sample all this food and learn more about the world they have come to befriend.”

The couple bowed or curtsied to the cheers. To them, it felt so nice to participate in a festival such as this due to their former lives of battling or being cooped up inside.

“However,” I announced, silencing the audience. “Do not forget, as well as the three of us, there is one other judge you must impress, and he’s not easy.”

Chills ran down everyone’s spines and I dramatically pointed across towards, “…Big Macintosh!”

Everyone shuddered in fright as Big Mac stomped onto the grounds, like a mean desperado looking to cause a fight-- even if it was all just for show. He rolled his eyes back and forth eyeing the stands and the crowds, and then he reached in back of him pulling out his special bowl, and spoon, which made everyone gasp.

“Why is everyone so afraid?” asked Pyron, and I explained to him, “It’s alright, it’s just for show. Big Mac is well respected in this contest. He’s got such good tastes that he just puts on a little show for everyone.”

“Ah…” said Glaceia “I see he obviously plays his role well.”

The tasting was on. We, the judges, only had to taste a spoonful of each and everyone’s chili. We didn’t want to overfill ourselves, and we, again, reminded Big Mac not to overstuff himself.

The rules were fair and simple for all the cooks; they were allowed to make chili in any way that they could, even with added in foods, but no one was allowed to use any magic of any kind. This contest was strictly for ordinary culinary crafts.

The Apples, Bright Mac and Pear Butter, were cooking a batch of the late Granny Smith’s special apple-flavored chili, and with a large picture of Granny, dedicated to her memory.

“Mmm… This tastes sweet.” I commented, making the couple blush, and Bright Mac looked at Granny’s picture, “I’m sure Ma would’ve loved that comment.”

Tree Hugger was serving vegetarian chili, which tasted so meaty and yet it had no real meat at all.

Glaceia found it rather tasty.

Fluttershy was trying a rather unusual recipe that she and Angel made-- Pet-Food Chili-- which had all kinds of kibble, carrots, and a bit of birdseed in it, making it look rather… questionable.

She told the skeptical customers…

“It might look like a big messy waste,
But give it at least one little taste.

I’ve tried it before, and found this to be true…
This recipe is good for pets, and me and you.”

Meaning it was good for both pets and the people, which prompted people to try some.

Pyron was rather skeptical about tasting it, but he did so under obligation, and he was quite surprised. “This is lovely.”

Fluttershy smiled, and angel tipped his little chef’s hat and bowed.

“Hey, muchaos, come on over here…” called Dyno.

“Si. Try some of our Salsa Chili, great for eating with tacos.” added Myte.

All three of us tried some tacos, and the chili sure gave it a zing with the shredded cheese.

Meanwhile, Big Mac sure lived up to his reputation when sampling the food.

“Too salty.”

“Needs more pepper.”

“Not awful.”

“Eh… rather unusual.”

He loved his own family’s chili of course, but he wasn’t allowed to play favorites among his own kin and had to judge everyone fairly.

“Hey, Big Mac…” Pinkie Pie called “Come on over here and try my “Chili Surprise.”

Apple Spice held up a tray of regular cupcakes. “Get ‘em while they’re fresh.”

Big Mac was most confused. “Cupcakes, In a Chili contest?”

“Try it.” said Pinkie. “Spice and I spent weeks trying to get it right.”

Her husband nodded.

Big Mac picked a cake up, and given the size of his mouth, he plopped the whole thing in and gulped it down. It just tasted like an ordinary cake.

“Hey! What’s the big idea entering these in a Chili Cookoff?!” he scolded.

“Wait…” Pinkie said, and then she counted backwards from three, and the moment she said “One” Big Mac gasped, and he felt this spicy sensation strike his tongue and down his throat.

“Whoa! Hey! What the--” he fell on the ground gasping and wheezing from the heat of the taste as if he had just drunk a bottle of hot sauce, and finally. “WHOOOOOO…!! He stuck his head up high and seemed to breathe a small jet of fire from his mouth, aweing and frightening the crowds.

Big Mac bolted up on his feet and shouted, “YEE-HAW!! That was a humdinger of a surprise!”

The couple and I lined up along with many others to try the cakes, and Pinkie and Spice shared a soft kiss for their success.

*POV Pause*

Many picnic tables were spread about in the grounds where the goers could sit with their food and drinks and enjoy things more.

All blissfully unaware that trouble was sneaking about.

Freeze-Bee fluttered about, unseen by all. “This will do nicely.” he chuckled. “SNOW POLLEN”

He unleashed loads of his spores all over the foods and in the drinks of all the goers. No one could see them due to them being so tiny, but he knew they would be just as effective.

“Zzz-Zzz-Zzz! One taste, and they’ll all be mine for the taking.”

Swift sat at a table with a bowl of Chili in front of him, but all he did was pick at it with his spoon. His mind was really wandering.

He didn’t even notice when Lightning, Starla, and Krysta came over and asked to sit with him.

“Uh… Swift…?” Lightning said to him. “Are you going to eat that or just pick at it?”

“Hmm…” was all Swift said.

Krysta fluttered before his face waving at him, and he still didn’t respond. It didn’t take much to know, “He’s got it bad.”

Starla nodded, and Lightning softly shouted, “…Ten-Hut!” causing Swift to jump in fright and flick his chili on Starla’s face.

“Oh!” groaned Swift. “S…S… Sorry, General. I guess I wasn’t paying attention.”

“Obviously.” Starla said as she wiped her face. She couldn’t help but taste the chili too. “Mmm… not bad.”

Just then, Blitzy came along on another break from her duties at the med-tent. She had a bowl of vegetarian chili from Tree Hugger. “Hi…” she said to everyone, making Swift’s heart race again.

“Um… hi, Doc-- I mean… Blitzy.”

Lightning and the ladies saw this as a perfect time to slip off.

“Hey, where are you all going?” asked Swift.

“Um… going to check on the children in the playground.” said Starla.

“You know kids-- can’t always be without Mom or Dad.” teased Lightning.

Krysta could only giggle softly.

As the friends headed off, Starla had a strange feeling in her stomach.

“Are you okay?” asked Lightning.

“What was in that chili?” Starla wondered.

Other ponies were already starting to feel the same chilling feeling in their stomachs too after eating a spoonful of chili or sipping drinks, or just a lick of an innocent ice-cream.

Blitz and Swift sat at the table just looking down at their bowls of chili, wondering what to say to each other.

“So…” Swift suddenly said, “Are you enjoying the festival?” He couldn’t bring himself to look up at her, feeling too shy.

“I haven’t seen much of it yet.” Blitz answered. “You know more of it than I do. What’s it like?”

“Well, there’s… um… well... there’s chili of course.” He felt stupid for saying such a thing. “I must sound like a total idiot.” he said in thought.

“I can see that.” chuckled Blitz. Then she started to feel awkward too. “What’s wrong with me? I’m falling flat on my face.”

Suddenly, they looked up at each other and became lost in each other’s eyes, yet again.

Their lips curled into soft smiles. “Why don’t we just eat before it gets cold.” Blitz suggested, and Swift agreed, but then… just as Blitz raised the spoon to her face for a taste…

…Swift noticed something happening, and he quickly slapped the spoon away from her, getting it all over her white coat.

Angrily, Blitz asked, “What was that for?” and Swift quickly exclaimed “Don’t eat a bite, it’s dangerous!”


Swift pointed behind her, at all the ponies that were starting to look and feel sick after sampling the food, not just strange feelings in their stomachs, but many were stuck where they were on the spot, unable to move at all.

Mykan was stuck, Pyron and Glaceia, Big Mac, and so were many of the customers and tasters.

Even Starla was frozen stiff. “I… Can’t… Move!” she groaned.

Lightning and Krysta looked all over to see more ponies freezing up on the spot, and unable to move an inch.

“This is evil work. It has to be.” said Krysta.

Lightning agreed, and he flew up high in the air. “EVERYONE…!!” he called “Evacuate the grounds at once. Evil is attacking! Repeat: Evil is attacking! Get off these grounds!”

Hearing his call, and knowing he would never jest, the crowds turned into a giant stampede, running for the nearest way out, only to suddenly run into a horde of Ice-Guards blocking the way.

Applejack tipped her hat down while fuming angrily, “Go ahead, fellers! Make my day!”

All over the grounds, the ponies and Spike powered up.



“Dragon Power!”

“Power On!” Even Swift transformed too.

No one noticed Applejack silently slipped away.

Starla was frozen stiff and couldn’t transform, and Lightning scanned her with his visor. “Your involuntary muscles have been frozen. That’s why you can’t move.

Try and power up your aura, that might get you going.”

“I’ll… try…” groaned Starla.

“Try all you like; it won’t do any good.” buzzed a sinister voice. Lightning looked up, and he saw the massive monster come down and land on a table, frightening the massive crowd of civilians.

“Who are you supposed to be?” asked Krysta.

“The name is Frezz-zzz-zze Bee, and King Blizzord will be pleased when I bring him this new colony of drone-zzz-zzz!” he referred to all the civilians and other sentries he had frozen.

Lightning’s eyes narrowed in anger, and the monster ordered his guards. “Get them!”

The guards began to move forth, forcing the civilians back by threatening with their spears pointed at everyone.

“Do something! Stop them!” wailed Blitz.

Swift shook his head, “We can’t. There are too many civilians huddled together, we might hit them.”

Seeing this, Krysta whistled for her fairies. “Get these civilians out of here!”

The fairies swarmed in to obey their queen, but the monster wouldn’t hear of it.

“ICE STINGERS” unleashing several narrow icicles from his behind, Bee shot straight at the fairies and other civilians too, forcing Lightning to rush up and block the shots with a wall of Uniforce.

“Are you crazy!” he bellowed.

Bee chuckled, “No, just in a hurry… to get you all back to Planet Iceinia. King Blizz-zz-zzord shall reward me well when I give him these new servants and fighters for his cause.”

The Ice-Guards moved in closer.

The little children in the playgrounds began to cry in fright as the monsters approached. Rhymey and Buddy stood their ground, while DD and Applebloom huddled all the children close to them.

“Stay behind us, kids.” said DD.

“We’ll keep you safe… I hope.” added Applebloom.

All the toddlers huddled close, including Shining Light.

“Don’t try anything!” buzzed Bee. “One move from anyone, and I’ll unleash my wrath!”

Suddenly, his legs were lassoed by a big rope-- Applejack’s rope-- and he was sent soaring far across the open fields away from the festival grounds. “Take that, Bug-Breath!” Applejack hollered.

The Ice-Guards were distracted, and this served well for the fighters.

Rhymey and Buddy kicked several of the guards away.


More of the Ice-Gaurds decided to just take those of us who were still stuck back to Iceinia. They moved in and grabbed me, lifting me up first. I still couldn’t move, and there was only one hope for me.

“SWORD OF PURE SOUL” My magical sword appeared, and its incredible, enchanted powers could already sense something wrong with me, and cast a bright light upon me, blinding the soldiers.

All at once I could feel the evil spell on me dissolving and I gained my mobility back. I grabbed my sword and slashed at the guards’ ice-spears, breaking them all to bits, and then I leapt in and hacked at the guards, knocking them to bits too.

The crowds were amazed by my battle skills-- Not bad for auxiliary Starfleet Fighter.

Still, many more guards surrounded me, and I couldn’t take them all on by myself, but help came in the nick of time…

Pinkie, Fluttershy, and the Spanish Twins leapt in and made quick work of the chumps.

“Thanks, a bundle guys.” I called them.

“Hey, friends stick together.” Pinkie said with a wink, and the Twins nodded at me.

*POV Pause*

Swift leapt up into the air and began to punch and flip more guards over, while Blitz watched and thought he looked really cool doing it.

She was so lost, she didn’t realize when one of Krysta’s fairies came along, “Excuse me…” and warped her away to safety.

All the fairies were working hard to transport everyone, affected or not, away from danger.

One of the fairies was about to warp Starla away, but her magical aura began to flare up helping to counteract the spell and regain her mobility.

She stretched out and flexed her fingers before dismissing the fairy. “That will be all.”

The fairy shrugged, and then headed off.

The monster was still out there, and Starla knew what she had to do.

Freeze-Bee landed with a huge crash in the open fields, and Applejack landed down to confront him and scolded, “Buster, you got some nerve messing up the festival like this.”

Bee got up snickering, “I’m no “Buster.” I’m a Buzz-zz-zzard, and I’ll show you why.”

Applejack rushed for with her fist ready to punch, but the monster dodged, and she missed.

“SNOW POLLEN” he sent his larger spores straight for her, which were strong enough to freeze her with the touch…!

Applejack quickly zipped out of the way, and she appeared behind Bee to kick him in the back, but he quickly reached behind and grabbed her foot with two of his arms, he then flipped her over his head and slammed her hard on the ground…

And again…

And again…

…But on the fourth attempt, Lightning came rushing in and headbutt the evil Bee hard, sending him soaring up high and crashing down hard.

Starla, Spike, Rarity, and Krysta arrived on the scene.

“Applejack.” cried Rarity, as she rushed over to help her up. “Are you alright, darling?”

“Me? He couldn’t hard enough to tickle…” Applejack said, in a dizzy, weary voice. She recovered quickly.

The team regrouped to face the monster, only to find he was gone!

“Where did he go?” asked Spike.

“Keep sharp now.” said Starla.

Suddenly it began to snow on everyone. “How can it snow at this time of year?” wondered Spike.

Lightning gasped and realized, “Wait a minute…” and before he could say anything else, he can the others were frozen dead still, save for Krysta who was small enough to avoid being hit by the flakes.

“Lightning!” cried Krysta.

“Not again!” groaned Starla.

Bee came fluttering down cackling wickedly. “Feeling a little cold inside, are we? My Snow Pollen is even stronger when I use it while in full-sizz-zz-zze. I doubt you’ll be able to escape it this time.”

The fighters tried and tried, but it was harder to power up their auras this time to melt the pollen’s effects.

Bee moved in closer to ensnare them all. “I’ll just take you all to Iceinia and be back to get more of you.”

Before he could reach for them, Krysta came soaring in and kicked him hard in his huge face, sending him crashing along the ground.

“You leave them alone!” Krysta shouted.

Outraged, Bee aimed his backside at her. “ICE STINGERS”

Krysta managed to easily outmaneuver the bombardment and soared her way to strike again, only for him to magically shrink down right in front of her so he was the same size as she was.

“So that’s how you snuck into the festival!” snapped Krysta.

Bee snuffed and put up his dukes, all four of them. “Maybe you’d like to fight someone your own siz-zzz-zze! At least now you can’t outmaneuver me!”

The two glared at each other furiously and rushed forth.

Krysta fired a blast from her wand, which Bee dodged. He swung his fist at her, which she caught in her free hand, only to get punched hard in the face by another of Bee’s fists.

She recovered quickly, and then zipped over and kicked him hard in the gut.

With loud roars, the two charged at each other, engaging in a long bout of furious and swift punches and kicks, neither one of them getting an opening, until… WHAM!! They both hit each other hard causing them both to crash onto the ground.

Bee managed to get up while Krysta struggled. Bee saw his chance and changed back into his large size, with his big shadow looming over her. “Feel lucky that my king has need for you, or I could just squash you like the insect you look like now.”

“Don’t even think it!” sneered Lightning.

Bee turned round to see Lightning and group were slowly gaining their mobility back by powered up their inner auras stronger than ever.

“I don’t believe it!!” cried Bee, and he quickly unleashed his, “SNOW POLLEN!”

“Not this time!” growled Lightning, and with a loud roar, he changed into his Enticorn form. Thanks to his incredible bright energy, the snowflakes vaporized before they could even reach him and the others, and helped all the fighters gain their full mobility again.

Krysta fluttered up to the group, and they all glared the monster down.

“I think it’s time to exterminate this here pest.” said Applejack.

“I could not agree more.” said Rarity.

Lightning nodded and used his powers to cast Uniforce bindings around the creature’s legs, holding him down.

Rarity used her magic to bind the monster’s four limbs together.

“You think you can hold me down?!” he bellowed, and he prepared to shrink again to free himself.

“Oh, no you don’t!” shouted Applejack, and she lassoed him with her rope, and with a huge yank she slammed him several times like how he did to her, and she threw him up high.

“My turn!” said Spike, and he took in a huge breath, “DRAGON FLAME!” unleashing his huge fire stream into the air, hitting the monster hard and making huge explosions.

“Get him, Starla!” hollered Lightning.

“With pleasure.” his wife replied, and aiming her bow she powered up her finisher. “GALACTIC PROJECTILE!”

POW!! Her fiery shot bound straight at the monster, striking right through him, blowing him up, breaking the monster badge, and imprisoning the guard.

With the monster gone, the effects of his snow wore off, causing everyone still affected to return to normal.

“They did it!” cried Swift. “Lightning and the others did it!”

The ground erupted with cheers of joy and rejoice.

Once everyone had returned to the ground, since no real harm was done, and the bad guys were all gone, the people agreed not to let what happened that day cancel the rest of festivities.

*POV Continued*

The four judges and I were ready to announce the winners of the Chili Cookoff.

“The winner is…” I called out and then paused just for anxious dramatics “…Pinkie Pie and Apple Spice, for their Chili Surprise Cupcakes.”

The crowds applauded, and Pinkie leapt up for joy, twirling her husband around in the air to the point where he was about to blow chunks.

Even the losing chefs applauded, for they were more than impressed by the couple’s recipe and felt they deserved it.

I bestowed the ribbon upon Pinkie and gave her the cheque for the prizemoney.

“Well done, Pinkie.” I said to her, and the next I knew Pinkie grabbed me in a huge, thankful hug, nearly crushing me.

Then she dropped me flat on the ground. “Whoops… Sorry.”

“No… problem…” I groaned.

Suddenly, Big Mac groaned too, and he held his bloated stomach.

“Oh, no!” said Bright Mac.

“Honey, you didn’t!” said Pear Butter. Her son nodded, “Eeyup. I’ve done it again.” His stomach gave a sick gurgle, and he belched loudly-- he had eaten far too much again.

Rather than bring him to the med-tent, he just went straight home and to bed.

“He just doesn’t learn.” I said, and I made sure to note this for my research on the intelligence and behaviors of the ponies.

*POV Ends*

As the day began to grind to a close and the sun began to set, the festival wasn’t closed just yet. It was going to continue through the whole weekend.

However, several of the families were preparing to head home, as their very young children were getting sleepy.

“Did you have fun today?” Starla asked Shining Light. Her little son nodded, “But I didn’t like that awful monster.” Then he let out a huge yawn, and Lightning was carrying baby Twinkle who was fast asleep. “I think it’s time we got home.”

“But I’m not sleepy.” yawned Shining.

“Oh, yes you are.” teased Starla, and when her son tried to protest, she picked him up and he fell asleep in her arms.

Rhymey and Fluttershy were leaving too with Button Fly, and they watched as Pinkie and Spice headed home, with Biscuit Pie, and the prizes.

This made Angel hang his head miserably.

“Oh, don’t feel too bad,
You tried your best and should be glad.” said Fluttershy.

Rhymey agreed and added,

“You may not have won the contest,
But your chili really tasted best.

You sold many helpings and more,
I’ve never seen people eat so much before.”

Hearing this and remembering all the comments the tasters gave did make Angel smile.

It was a shame; they and most of their friends were really looking forward to staying longer for what happened next over at the dance area.

“All right, y’all…” Applejack announced, “The night is beautiful, and the starts are shining. What do y’all say we have a little slow dancing?”

The band played soft and lovely music for many of the couples to dance to.

Buddy and Tree Hugger…

Bright Mac and Pear…

Even Pyron and Glaceia were enjoying a lovely dance.

Once again, Swift was standing on the sidelines. “What a day.” he said to himself, and then he found himself looking out into the crowd… for Blitzy again. “Snap out of it.” he whispered quietly. “It’s not like I’m just going to turn around and bump into her.”

Funny, because the moment he turned round to head off, he bumped right into her as she approached him, and he nearly knocked her down with his super strength.

“Oh!” he cried. “S-S-Sorry!”

Blitz brushed herself off, “Think nothing of it. We really have to stop running into each other like this.”

Swift chuckled nervously. “So, how come you’re here?”

“I was told the fireworks were going to start soon, and this was the best place to be before they happened.” She fibbed slightly on that. “…Also… I…” she paused trying to find courage of how to say what she wanted, “…I wanted to thank you for saving me today. If it wasn’t for you, I’d have been frozen too.”

Swift shook his head, “I’m just doing my job. That’s all it is.” though he really felt flattered by her thanking him.

They just stood there on the sides watching the couples go by, and the music sure was beautiful.

Both felt their hands twitching, and in a flash, at the same time they both turned to each other and asked, “Would you like to dance?”

They both blushed realizing the awkwardness of this, but then smiled, and without saying anything, they suddenly found themselves sharing a slow dance on the floor, which Applejack and Buddy noticed, so did Krysta as she and her fairies sat on the stage.

Blitz and Swift never felt so warm, so light before. All they could do was gaze at each other while moving slowly across the dance floor.

Then, the music ended softly, and their faces began to move towards one another… Applejack saw it, so did Buddy.

“Go on…!” Krysta muttered softly, but just as their lips were about to make contact… the skies lit up with fireworks, startling them.

The crowds all began to cheer at the sight of the pretty colors and lights in the skies, save for the other three-- Applejack, Buddy, and Krysta all sighed in annoyance.

Applejack went backstage where Dyno and Myte were at the firework controls. “Are you guys crazy?!” she scolded, making the Twins confused. They were told to start the fireworks at the end of the song.

Nevertheless, the fireworks were lovely, and even Blitz and Swift couldn’t help but cheer for joy, though these constant interruptions were starting to annoy them, because there was no way they could hide their obvious feelings from each other any longer-- even if they missed another kiss.

But what would they do about it now?


In our next episode: Pyron and Glaceia are feeling in the dumps of their eventual departure, which prompts the team to put together a memorial trinket for them both. Meanwhile, Flareous and Blizzord’s actions cause an incredibly massive meteor to make its way towards United Equestria, prompting everyone to take a deadly mission to stop it.

Will Starfleet successfully stop this massive life-threatening rock?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Future’s on the Rocks”)

Author's Note:

I have to work on a big vid right now... so this is Hiatus until further notice

Comments ( 8 )

This fanfiction rocks. How many more seasons will be produced after this one?


I have no idea, but I already have a Season 13 and another possible movie in my plans, as well as a Gen 2

What's gen 2 going to be about?


Nothing really all that different, just new characters that's all (Including Lightning's Son and Flurry Heart all grown up)

Comment posted by Aredellen deleted April 13th

How many generations of Starfleet will there be? Also have you heard of mlp gen 5? I honestly think it's really good.


I don't know, and I don't intend to watch G5, I've got enough anger for MLP already.

Why do you hate mlp?

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