• Published 30th Jan 2024
  • 278 Views, 12 Comments

My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season XII - DakariKingMykan

Two waring kings are causing much suffering, Lightning is harassed by an old friend

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Episode 9: Doc-Torn Up.


Poor Swift Star hadn’t felt the same since he took Blitzy on the tour and acted rather short with her, and yet he couldn’t get the image of her out of his head.

“She’s so pretty, and yet she’s so hot-tempered!” he said to himself as he imagined her standing in different poses admits a golden, stary background, with her mane waving and her eyes sparkling.

Then he could hear her grouching at him while making hurtful and inaccurate statements…

“All you Starfleeters know is war and chaos.”

“You cause more problems than you fix!”

“I hate Starfleet, and anyone involved with it.”

He pounded angrily and let out a great big, “ARGH…!!”

“Shhhhhhhh…!!” many ponies in the library called him, making him realize where he was, and felt most embarrassed.


He had been cramming hard again for the promotion exams, which were now only days away, and his brain was twisting and turning with test anxiety, as well as his thoughts about Blitz.

Suddenly, the alarm went off. The civilians all remained where they were while he rushed outside to see Ice and Flame Guards terrorizing in the streets.

Lightning, Krysta, Rainbow, and the Twins swooped in from above, and Lightning saw Swift and urged him to come over and help.

“Let’s take them!” Lightning called.

“RIGHT!” the others shouted.

“Yeah!” agreed Swift, and he tapped his energizer, “Power On!”

Once he was transformed, the fight was on.

Lightning punched and kicked the weapons out of the guards’ hands with such grace and swiftness, and he even pulled off a brand-new trick.

“Try this bit of Uniforce!” he called, as his hand glowed brightly and the Uniforce extended from his arm in a super long, solid beam-- like a sword. A few simple waves, and the beam struck all the guards at different distances around him, blowing them to smithereens.

“Wow!” Swift exclaimed softly, almost forgetting to concentrate as more guards came at him.

“Ha!” he kicked a guard hard in the chest, knocking him into two others.

Two others then grabbed him, but he flipped them both over onto their backs.

The guards ganged up on Krysta, but she didn’t feel the least bit afraid. The guards came in and swung their swords and spears at her, but she zipped and sprinted about.

“Am I too small or too quick for you?” she teased.

The guards angrily threw their weapons up at her, but she just conjured her double portal to send the weapons right back at their owners. “They never learn.”

Dyno and Myte punched and kicked down more of the guards. Then they found themselves surrounded on each side.

“Shall we?” asked Dyno.

“Andale!” hollered Myte.

They waited as the Flame Guards charged from one end, and the Ice Guards came in from the other end, and at the last minute, performing beautiful Spanish Pirouettes, the guards missed and accidently struck the opposing guards.

“Chumps!” the twins chuckled.

Rainbow rushed in from here, there, up, and down, kicking and punching each guard in her path.



…And here comes THREE!!

Whoo! I get a thrill out of this!”

One person who wasn’t getting a thrill was Swift. He did well at the start, but now, as he faced a bunch of guards coming at him.

“Come on you creeps!” he balked while standing ready, but because of his restlessness and test anxiety, he was getting worn out easily, and worse he began to hallucinate about Blitzy again.

This allowed the guards to apprehend and beat him senselessly.

“Swift!” Lightning shouted. He rushed over quickly pulling the guards away and tossing them aside for the others to blow into bits, but Swift was injured in the beating he took-- clutching his arm in agony, and his forehead had a huge gash.

“Come on! Let’s get you to the hospital.”

“Right, here goes.” said Krysta, and she teleported everyone off.

More ice and flame meteors were causing trouble all over the cosmos thanks to Flareous and Blizzord.

Some planets had Starfleet outposts on them to watch over the populace, and the soldiers did their very best to deflect the threatening objects, but the soldiers would weaken themselves severely by blowing out too much power in the deflection.

Even still, small fragments of objects still struck the surface, and while the damage was not as severe, there were still some casualties and injured soldiers and civilians.

Medical staff, both Starfleet and the populace, were all tied up dealing with all this at once and required assistance-- more doctors, nurses, specialists, and medical supplies to treat the warriors and other patients.

United Equestia sent some of their own medical specialists to other planets to assist the outposts in their emergencies, this left some of the hospitals and sickbays a little short on staff, but not too seriously.

This did, however, leave opportunities open for newly graduated medical students, and even others like Blitzy Heart.

She finally relented and agreed to take up a job at New Ponyville General Hospital, so she could pay her rent in the Royal Palace.

Dr. Penny Sillion, upon viewing her credentials, was more than pleased to have her admitted to the staff.

“I’ve often admired you Space Doctors. I often thought of becoming one myself.”

Blitz smiled, “Just the same, Dr. Sillion, thank you for giving me this chance.”

“It’s my pleasure, and please… call me “Penny.”

Another new member of the staff ran into them in the halls.

“Whoa… What up fellow lady docs.” said Tree Hugger. Because she was a licensed physician and the hospital needed more hands, she was pleased to volunteer her services.

“Love the coat. White is, like, the radiance of the healing waves. You feel it caress your inner vibes.”

Penny and Blitz stared at her wide-eyed and perplexed at her hippie act.

Nevertheless, Blitz happily got to work. She gave checkups to some ponies. She helped treat those who were sick; like Pinkie Pie having a bad stomachache.

“Ooohhhh!” she groaned. “Note to self: Chili and Cupcakes don’t go well together.”

Apple Spice sighed and informed her again. “That’s why you don’t put chili IN the cupcakes. I tried to warn you.”

Blitz helped others who had broken or sprained bones. Why she even was asked to assist Penny in a stomach surgery, since her regular assistant was out.

Then, there were Starfleet officers coming in to have their physicals for the promotion exams-- a lot of them.

Still Blitz didn’t seem to mind too much. She was still just beginning to soften up to Starfleet, knowing it was important.

One of her patients was a Space Alicorn mare, with a soft orange coat, a reddish mane, and she looked as if she had been crying.

“You seem physically healthy.” said Blitz. “Is something wrong?”

The mare did her best to hide her sadness. “Nothing’s the matter. Everything’s okay.”

It wasn’t Blitz’s job to pry into someone’s life if they didn’t want to talk about it.

“Well, your physical is nearly done. Just go down the hall for your radiology exam and exercise tests.”

“Thank you.” The mare replied as she left the exam room, but Blitz could see tears coming from the corner of her eye as she went.

“What’s with her?” she wondered.

Suddenly, there was an announcement over the intercom.

“Dr. Heart wanted in Exam Room 5B.

Dr. Heart wanted in Exam Room 5B.”

She picked up her clipboard and made her way down the hall, and she was ever surprised to find the patient she was looking after was Swift Star.


Swift couldn’t believe his eyes. “What are you doing here?”

“She works here now.” said Lightning “We’ve known for a while.”

Blitz was surprised to see Lightning and friends there too, but now was not the time for further questioning.

Blitz examined Swift and diagnoses, “You suffered a small concussion, and you have a hairline fracture in your arm. You’ll need stiches, and your arm to be in a cast and sling for a week or two.”

Swift felt like leaning back hard on the exam table in outrage. “Perfect! Absolutely great!”

Krysta pitifully shook her head. “These things happen.”

“Sorry, Meng.” said Dyno.

“We really are.” added Myte.

Lightning hung his head low. He already suspected it was his test anxiety and restlessness that caused him to be injured-- but he didn’t know of the rest of it.

Rainbow was the only one who gave Swift any confidence. “You’re going to be just fine. I’ve busted myself up many times, and I always bounced back.”

Later, he and his friends were having drinks and snacks in the cafeteria while Blitz got to work binding up Swift’s arm.

“Hold perfectly still.” she told him.

As she worked putting the shell and the plaster in place, Swift, again, became lost at how pretty she looked.

“Why are you doing this for me? I thought you hated Starfleet.”

Blitz gave him a stern look, but remembering how horribly she treated him before, she couldn’t blame him.

“It’s my job.” she simply said, “Besides, I’ve had a little bit of an eye-opener. I see Starfleet isn’t all that much that I thought it was.”


“But I still think that Lightning shouldn’t be part of all this.”

Those words automatically made Swift roll his eyes. She still hadn’t learned enough.

“When are you going to get it through your head; you can’t just make Lightning leave all this.”

Blitzy looked up at him angrily, but decided not to say a thing to him, fearing it would cost her the job.

The cast was all finished anyway, and she fit the sling around his arm. “You stay in this room until tomorrow. We need to make sure your concussion doesn’t worsen.

No Training, No Battling, No Lifting heavy things for two weeks, and no Field Exams either.”

Swift sighed, “There goes my promotion for sure. Thanks anyway.” He almost smiled at her, but now there wasn’t much left for him to do but just lay in bed as he was instructed.

His head still ached a bit, but he didn’t know if it was from the stiches, the blow to his head, or his stress, especially as he watched Blitz clean up the mess she had made during the procedure.

“I’ll check up on you again. Get some rest.” she told him.

Swift slumped miserably in his bed.

“By the way…” Blitzy said. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“For being so hard on you before.” She almost smiled at him, which made Swift’s heart race.

Then she was gone, and he was alone with his thoughts, which still plagued him.

“She doesn’t think Starfleet is bad anymore, yet she still wants Lightning to leave it all. What is up with her?

How can she be so pretty and still so blind to things? And now she’s the one looking after me too!”

He pictured her again in that golden scenery, and she winked at him and called his name. “Swift…


Then the fantasy faded into reality, as it was Lightning who was calling to him. “Swift, are you okay?”

He suddenly snapped awake. “Whoa…” he groaned realizing where he was, and then he held his head. “Ohh…! My head!”

“Easy, meng. You need to relax.” said Dyno.

“I’ve never seen someone so stressed out over a test before.” added Myte. “Dyno and I were nervous, but not to the point where we couldn’t concentrate in battle.”

Lightning shook his head pitifully, “Well, you won’t be taking the field test when it happens. I’ve already postponed yours until you heal. In the meantime, you can get plenty of rest, and relax like I’ve been telling you to!”

“Yes sir.” agreed Swift. “I just feel so stupid right now. I just can’t think straight.”

“It shows…” Rainbow teased under her breath, earning her an angry glare from Krysta.

“Swift,” Lightning said “I know the pressure seems hard, but you can’t let it get to you. You know as well as I do that a good Starfleet fighter needs to have a strong and level head.”

Swift nodded, but he thought to himself, “It’s not just the test that’s on my mind is the problem.”

Suddenly, there was a voice at the door. “Excuse me…”

Everyone turned and saw a Unicorn Stallion. He had a dark blue coat, with a brown colored mane, and his cutiemark was that of a scoop with bricks.

He had a face with an expression saying he was looking for trouble.

“Can we help you?” asked Lightning.

“You can, Commander.” he said. “The name’s Brick Wallen. I came here looking for my fiancé, Sun Setter. She’s having her physical for those promotion exams.”

“Yes, I know her. She’s a cadet fresh from the academy, ready to become a full-fledged member of the force.” said Lightning.

“I don’t think so.” sneered Brick. “I want you to kick her off the force right here and now.”

Lightning was stunned!

“What?” snapped Krysta.

“Kick her off the force?” exclaimed the twins.

Swift didn’t like the sound of that either.

“You heard me.” Insisted Brick “I want her off the force before she becomes to attached to it, and you can kick her off.”

“No, I can’t, and I won’t.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t just expel a cadet with great potential without a good reason.”

“Oh, really? Well, I’ve got a good enough reason for her to get off the force.”

Before he could explain…

“Brick?” called a voice. It was Sun Setter coming down the halls after completing the last of her physical exams.

“There you are!” growled Brick. “Come on, we’re getting out of here.” And he reached to grab her by the arm and pull her off with him.

“Now, wait just a minute!” snapped Lightning.

Sun saluted to him, “Sir… I didn’t know you were here.” Then she turned and saluted to Rainbow and the Twins, “…Generals.”

Sun then looked back at Brick. “This is my Fiancé, Brick Wallen.”

“Yeah, we got that.” said Rainbow.

“And don’t you forget it.” sneered Brick. “I’ve told her a-hundred times, I’m going to wear the pants in the family, and there plenty of other jobs she can have besides this.”

The friends got the whole picture now.

“You don’t like Starfleet, do you?” asked Dyno.

“I didn’t say that!” snapped Brick.

“You didn’t have to; it shows.” said Myte.

Brick seemed to be getting angrier. “Whether I do or not, I just want Sun out of this nonsense.”

Sun glared at him furiously, “I told you, I am not going to quit the force, not after all the hard work, time, and money that’s been put into my training.”

Brick looked back at Lightning and the Generals, but they all just glared at him with strict expressions telling him they were not willing to help him.

“Here’s the bottom-line!” he said to Sun. “You can either be my wife or part of Starfleet, but not both! You take that test or take the exit with me!”

Everyone felt struck that he would make her choose such a thing. Sun did not answer verbally. Instead, she removed her engagement ring and gave it back to him.

“Fine!” growled Brick, and he stormed off.

Sun’s eyes filled with tears.

Lightning put his hand on her shoulder. “Are you going to be alright?”

“I’ll try, Commander.”

“Guy’s a jerk. He doesn’t deserve you.” said Krysta, but her words didn’t help Sun at all.

Lightning looked back at Swift as if to tell him, “We should go.” and Swift agreed as he watched the officers leave with the tearful cadet.

No sooner had the left, did Blitz come from around the corner of the hall doing her rounds, and she overheard everything.

She couldn’t believe how rude and loudmouthed Brick was to Sun.

“I take it you saw all that?” Swift asked from his bed.

Blitz only just realized she was standing right outside his door.

“This happens a lot.” Swift admitted. “Some ponies either just don’t like Starfleet, and/or they just don’t want their family or friends to be involved.”

Blitz slowly walked into the room astounded to hear this.

“I remember, years ago when I was training at the Starfleet Academy.

One of my instructors, Captain Silver Night, had been on the force for four years. He was having terrible emotional troubles. He was engaged to a lovely mare, and she laid it on the line for him.

She didn’t want to be married to a Starfleet Officer, and when he refused to give up all the years he devoted to the force, she gave up and left him. She did more than break his heart, she crushed part of his spirit…

He became aggressive in his instructing, and he pushed us cadets to the edge and beyond, and when anyone questioned him, he just went harder and meaner.

“Drop and gimmie 50…!

…Make that 100!!

Do not question my orders!

You are all a sad and worthless disgrace, and I am going to write recommendations to expel you all!!”

Finally, he had gone too far, and one student stood up to him-- Me!

“What is your major malfunction, Cadet Swift Star!”

“I don’t think I’m the one malfunctioning here, Captain.

It’s easy to see that you’re the one with the problems, but what gives you the right to take it out on us, your students.

Maybe that mare-friend of yours is a disrespectful lady who cares more about herself, but she’s your problem.

And you know… maybe she’s right.

It wouldn’t be easy to be married to a Starfleet Officer. You’re so much stronger and more powerful than she is, you’d spend a whole bunch of time out on the battlefield, putting your life in danger, while she sits at home worrying her heart out if she’ll ever see you again.

And even then, when you do stick around, what’s she to think of you? A big strong Starfleet pony that has the power to crush whole buildings, and maybe she’s got friends who would be ashamed or worried to hang around you, feeling and worrying that the simplest infraction breaks the law, and you’d have to bust them.

I don’t know much about this romance thing, but I do know this… people have their objections to the service, and they feel uneasy about being around people like us who contribute to it…

But above all things, I know this… I’m training to be on this force because it’s a job that needs doing, it’s a job you can be proud of, and a job that benefits not just you but everyone else—even those who think differently about it and wished it was gone.

You tell your mare that the next time you see her and see how she acts, and if she still refuses, well then, it’s her loss, not yours. You’re better than she is, and you deserve better than she ever does.”

After that, Captain Silver Night took some time off to collect himself, and to try and reconcile with his mare. She refused to take him back, but thanks to the advice I gave him, she returned to the academy, and he didn’t act so harshly.

He even found some other mare who was proud to be with him, but even still…

…There are others out there like Brick, and think that they are in the right, and they know what’s best, when really, they’re just looking out for themselves.”

Blitz felt struck by the story and given what she had seen in the halls made her think about the way she wanted to take Lightning away from all of this.

“But I’m not just doing this for myself, I’m doing it to honor the Harmonian Traditions. I can’t let the spirits of my people be disturbed knowing that one of their own kind has turned against them.”

Swift sighed and shook his head. “How do you know they’d be angry? How do you know they wouldn’t be proud of the accomplishments you and Commander Lightning have achieved?”


“Commander Lightning helps to defend people, so they don’t have to suffer the same horrible fate your planet did.

And you… you help people by healing them and making them well again.

Maybe what the two of you do makes you better than before, not traitorous. Take that with you and think on it.”

Blitz stood where she was completely stunned by the way things were.

“Ahem!” said a voice from the door, and there stood Penny. “I hope I’m not interrupting, but there are patients waiting.”

Blitz felt embarrassed and headed out the door.

She stopped again and said to him, “Thanks.” she smiled lovingly. “You’ve given me a lot to think about.”

Then she dashed off, but her smile made his heart begin to race. It showed on the heart-monitor, which Penny noted, and then she looked back up the hall, at Blitz.

Penny wasn’t the only one.

Krysta was hovering up at the ceiling. She had seen Blitz approaching and thought she’d stick around in case more drama occurred.

She fluttered off to find Lightning.

Outside, Lightning and the friends saw Sun Setter to the stairs.

“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” asked Lightning.

Sun nodded, “Yes, sir. I want to keep my mind clear for the exams. I’ll deal with Brick another day, and if not, then I’ll just keep going and be better.”

“Good for you, Chica.” said Dyno.

“You’re going to make it just swell.” added Myte.

Rainbow gave her a thumb-up.

Then Sun flew off for home.

Lightning was proud, but then he looked around and noticed, “Where’s Krysta?”

Suddenly she appeared calling out to Lightning.

“Where were you?” Rainbow asked.

Krysta couldn’t help but giggle, “You’re not going to believe this…”

She then whispered her thoughts into everyone’s ears, that Swift had a crush on Blitz.

“What?!” Lightning said utter disbelief.

“No way.” added Rainbow.

The Twins gawked at one another.

Rainbow then burst out laughing. “You’re kidding, right? That is just so--” she fell over laughing and kicking and wiping tears from her eyes, but the others didn’t think it funny at all.

Lightning could still hardly believe it. “Are you sure, Krysta?”

“Well, he showed the signs, but I can’t be totally sure.”

Lightning thought it over, but he couldn’t prove or disprove it either way. “I think we’ll have to ask him about it, but not right now. Wait until he gets better. He’s already under enough stress.”

“Besides, we have to get ready for the exams.” said Dyno.

“Si, lots of officers and cadets to test and grade.” added Myte.

With that, the friends went off, but Rainbow was still holding in a few laughs. “Swift and Blitz…?”

Swift just lay in bed, still with his mind going in circles about Blitz.

“She’s really come far since I first met her.” he thought. “Maybe I should ask her out.” He gasped and then did all he could to perish the thought, “What am I thinking?! She doesn’t really like me, and besides, she’s busy, I’m busy, she’s much older than I am.”

No matter how many excuses he tried to make, the thought of going out with Blitz didn’t leave his mind.

“I’m toast!” he thought grimly, and yet he was smiling on the outside.


In our next episode: Goldwin is given a great opportunity to see the world by performing at the New Crystal Empire, but Flareous and Blizzord have a performance to give of their own when they each send a monster to attack, and the two monsters merge together forming a great threat to bring down the curtain.

Can our heroes save the show and their lives?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Hot/Cold Feet”)

Author's Note:

Here's a little speech from Sgt. Joe Friday (Dragnet) from the episode that this chapter reflects from.

Cops have to go through an awful lot when they do their jobs, and some people don't like cops and want little or nothing to do with them...

Starfleet is no different.