• Published 30th Jan 2024
  • 281 Views, 12 Comments

My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season XII - DakariKingMykan

Two waring kings are causing much suffering, Lightning is harassed by an old friend

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Episode 10: Hot/Cold Feet

Author's Note:


Bug off with your spite thumbing me down every time I post/update!


Another day, and it was that time again, and Grand Ruler Celesto picked up the statue of Goldwin off his pedestal in the hallway to move him someplace special.

Some of the children who lived in the Royal Palace were getting dressed in leotards and dancewear.

Including Prince Castor and Princess Leilani.

“Children,” Celestia called, “Are you ready?”

“Yes, Mother.” the children called as they came through the door.

“Oh, don’t you look like real dancers.” Celestia joked, and then she led her children down the hall.

As they went along their way, they came into some familiar faces; Shining Armor had arrived with Flurry Heart, who was almost four years old.

“Hiiiiii…” Flurry called.

The children ran up to her, happy to see her.

The two parents chuckled, and then everyone headed downstairs to the big dance hall where other children were joining in, and Grand Ruler had Goldwin all set up.

“Ready everybody?” he called.

The children nodded, and all together, everyone chanted the magic phrase…

“Powers of life, now begin
awaken the magic from within!

As Goldwin came to life, he began to dance around the place putting on his usual opening show for his students, while magical voices were heard in the background.

Magic Dance School,
there are fun things to do.
Magic Dance School,
It is waiting for you.

Goldwin leapt up high letting showers of magical sparkles rain out from his our as he spun around.

There’s magic in the air,
A wondrous dancing fair.
A many people who are wanting,
To see you all there…
For Magic Dance School…
Let the Magic begin,
Let the Magic begin…!

Magic Dance School…
Shout it from within!

And the children all shouted with glee, “MAGIC DANCE SCHOOL!!”

Goldwin did his finishing pose as the song ended, and he received thunderous applause, so he took a bow.

“Good morning, children.”

“Good morning, Mr. Goldwin.”

“Oh, it’s so wonderful to see you all here again at Magic Dance School. We’re going to have a lot of fun today and learn new things…

…But you know what we always do first.”

“We do our warm-ups!” the children answered.

“That’s right. It’s important to do our warm-ups so we don’t hurt ourselves when we dance.”

Goldwin was a great instructor, and wonderful with all the children. He was there to help them stretch just right, the positions for them to hold and step, and even teach them several tricks.

“Now, remember, when you spin around, try to keep your eyes focused in one position. Then you won’t feel so dizzy.”

The grownups all watched from the upper level where they could all have refreshments, talk, and just keep an eye on their children without being seen.

“You have to admit, he really is wonderful with them.” said Celestia.

Grand Ruler agreed.

“Flurry Heart loves, dancing,” said Shining Armor “I’m glad we signed her up for classes here.”

“Oh, by the way,” asked Grand Ruler “How’s the ballet show coming along back home? I’m looking forward to seeing it.”

Celestia nodded in agreement, but Shining Armor then looked grim. “Not so well. Our leading mare and stallion dropped out.

The said the play was becoming too common for them, and they’d rather have sophistication.”

Their majesties hung their heads in dismay.

“Cadance is trying to find someone new, but at such short notice, everyone else is booked or just not as interested. If we don’t find replacements soon, we’ll have to cancel the show.”

Their majesties were really looking forward to seeing the show, as well as taking the children along as part of their cultural studies.

An hour and a half later, Dance School was over for another week. The students all came together to give their teacher a big group hug before gathering their belongings and departing for home, except the three royal children, as their parents came right downstairs to collect them.

“You all looked like you had fun.” said Celestia.

“We did, Mother.” replied Castor.

“Watch me do a twirl.” said Leilani, and she pirouetted with grace.

“That’s wonderful, darling.” said Grand Ruler.

Flurry sighed, “I wish I could do that.”

Her father hugged her, “It’s okay honey. You’re just starting out, and your cousins are older and taller than you are.”

Goldwin approached Flurry and smiled with her, “I like seeing you here at class anyway, that goes for all the children.

It means I have whole new friends to share with. It’s a great way for me to connect with the outside world.”

Then he went off to plan next week’s lesson steps, but the entire group all watched him leave with sad expressions.

“Goldwin is so sweet.” said Celestia. “It’s such a shame that he can’t leave the palace and see new sights.”

Grand Ruler sighed, “We’ve tried everything we can, but we just can’t seem to find the right magic or the right way to bring him fully alive so he could.”

Flurry felt so sorry for Goldwin, “Will he ever be able to leave the castle?” she asked her father.

Shining Armor shook his head, “We don’t know, honey, but we’re not going to give up. He deserves a life outside.”

While Goldwin was alone preparing his dance lessons, he couldn’t help but gaze out the window, and felt rather sad for himself again.

“I wonder if I’ll ever get to see things out there.” He wondered to himself, and he began to sing a soft sad song lamenting his condition.


What’s it like out there,
Beyond the palace walls,
It’s a great big world,
I hear it as it calls

There’s meadows lush and green,
Where the flowers, they bud,
And the animals play all day,
In the treetops and the mud.

What’s it like out there,
Beyond the palace walls,
It’s a great big world,
I hear it as it calls

The mountains reaching to the sky,
And they’re covered in snow,
The towns are bustling each day
With friends to meet and know

What’s it like out there,
Beyond the palace walls,
It’s a great big world,
I hear it as it calls

To feel the warm breeze fluttering,
And the sun on my face,
But I’ll never get to share it,
Cause stuck here in this place,

What’s it like out there,
Beyond the palace walls,
It’s a great big world
I hear it as it calls

I hear it…
..as it calls!

Like all times, as the song ended, Goldwin would stick his hand outside the window, only for his fingers to start to turn back into solid gold, forcing him to pull back, and he hung his head low.

Meanwhile, Flareous was in his master bedroom sharpening his big sword, and as he worked, he gazed at the royal portrait on the wall, of himself, his wife and Pyron when he was very little.

Looking at his wife filled him with a deep sadness and rage he had been feeling for many years. “Blizzord will pay!” he said to himself. “I’ll not rest until his entire world has fallen for the pain they caused me!”

Then he looked at Pyron, “My son! How could you betray me, and after everything I’ve done! Why… why will you not come home? Why did you have to leave your father with that brainwashed Icienian!”

He was so upset that he raised his sword high and destroyed his sharpening wheel.


At the same time, Blizzord was looking at tiny photos in a locket he wore round his neck. One was that of his own wife, whom he still blamed Flareous for her death, and the other was of a very young Glaceia.

“I may not ever be able to get my queen back, but I will have my daughter back, and I will destroy anyone who gets in my way-- be it Flareous or Starfleet, or anything at all.”

The two kings were both in grouchy moods, even as much as launching attacks wouldn’t seem to snap them out of their funk.

“I need some entertainment.” Flareous grumbled, and he ordered, “Summon the Royal Dancers!”

A single tall female dancer came out, with orange skin, long flaming hair, and fiery clothes. She began to dance around, spinning, leaping, and prancing about, making fireballs and fire trails as he slid along.

“STOP!!” bellowed Flareous. “KELTAR! What is the meaning of this? I ordered the Royal Dancers!”

Keltar bowed, “With all due respect sire, the dancers were all injured when the last attack shook the palace, but I found this unusual monster badge and thought I’d test it out.”

Flareous did seem furious, but after seeing the destruction this dancer did with all the flames everywhere. “Hmm… do you think you could give them same performance to Starfleet?”

The dancer bowed and said, “Flare-O-Rina, at your service, my lord. I’ll dance up such flares that will roast my victims alive!”

She snickered wickedly which brought an evil chuckle to Flareous.

Meanwhile, Blizzord’s Royal Dancers were able to perform for him, but he did not feel any bit of enjoyment seeing them prance about.

“ENOUGH!!” he thundered. “You call yourselves “Royal Dancers?” More like “Royal Dunces!”

“But sire, wait…” called Smark, “They haven’t gotten to their big act yet.”

Blizzord raised his trident ready to skewer him in anger, but Smark quickly called, “Que Twinkle-Froze!”

That’s when a slick looking female dancer with long icy hair, and an icy crystal outfit leapt out in front of the dancers.

She shouted, “ICE TWISTER!” while she spun around on her toes making icy winds blow like a cyclone, and large ice balls to come raining down all around.

“And that’s just for starters,” she hissed. “When I dance, I can freeze up the house big time.” She demonstrated this by leaping up high in a grand jete and shouting, “FROST FOOT FORCE” she landed on the ground with a strong slam, which didn’t hurt her, and a long trail of large spiking icicles popped out from the ground, scaring the dancers and the guards away.

Blizzord gave an evil grin. “I bet I know who else would enjoy a performance like this.”

“Who’s that?” Smark asked, which earned him an angry glare. “Ohhh, I get it.”

Blizzord could only roll his eyes.

Meanwhile, Professor Brain had invited Goldwin and their majesties to the labs for an incredible breakthrough he had made.

“Why do I need to be here for this, Professor?” asked Goldwin.

Brain chuckled, “Why, Goldwin, old chap… this is going to make you extremely happy I tell you.”

He cleared his throat and explained, “As you know, our attempts so far to allow Goldwin to be in places beyond the palace have been unsuccessful, but I believe that I have the answer, which has taken me years to perfect.”

He then presented special cuffs, gloves, boots, and a visor for Goldwin.

“What are these things?” asked Grand Ruler.

The Professor told Goldwin to don the accessories while he placed a large silver panel on the floor. Once this was complete, the professor activated the magical devices.

Goldwin was bathed in a bright light, and then, right next to him on the panel appeared a second Goldwin. Everyone gazed in awe.

“Hey, it’s me.” Both Goldwins said at the same time, in perfect sync. Goldwin covered his mouth in shock, and his clone did the same thing.

Their majesties were astounding.

“Professor…!” cried Celestia. “This is positively incredible.”

“Ah, but you’ve not seen the most of it yet.” replied Brain. “Goldwin, walk around a little bit and set your visor’s transparency to half.”

“Okay.” said Goldwin.

With the visor set and switched on, Goldwin was astounded. “Wow! I can see things through the eyes of the clone and still see everything in front of me.”

He took a few steps forth, and his clone did the same thing.

He did a few pirouettes, and the clone copied him.

“This is incredible!” cried Goldwin.

“It’s almost like a droid.” said Grand Ruler.

Brain nodded, and then he moved towards the clone. “Goldwin, please extend your right hand.”

Goldwin did as he was told, and Brain placed a simple metal ball into the clone’s hand.

“What?!” cried Goldwin. He looked down at his own empty hand, “I don’t believe it. I can… I can feel it! It’s cool, and it’s heavy.”

He could see the ball in the transparency of his visor, and though his real hand was empty, through the incredible technology combined with magic, he was able to toss the ball up and catch it while still feeling it.

Next, Brain handed the clone a cup of water. Goldwin made the clone drink it, and he himself could feel the coolness of the water running down his throat.

“I can taste!” he cried for joy.

Brain smiled widely. “Satisfactory! Most, Most, Most Satisfactory!”

“Professor! This is… beyond words of incredible!” cried Celestia. “You’ve created a whole new extension for Goldwin.”

Goldwin’s eyes shimmered like the sun as he realized what this meant. “Does this mean I can finally leave the palace, or at least feel like it?

I can see new places. Try new things? Meet new friends?”

The Professor’s expression changed, “Well… erm… you see, it’s not quite perfect yet.”

Grand Ruler could see the flaws. “I see what you mean. Goldwin may be able to see and experience new things, but there still is a matter of space to move around and actually do things while here in the palace.”

Goldwin finally realized there were only so many places he could travel to within the palace, like giant walls closing in on him and preventing him from going too far.

How could he walk up and down stairs, or travel great distances, or fly great heights and distances?

Goldwin felt his spirit starting to sink. He switched off the magic accessories, and the clone instantly vanished.

“Now, now, now.” said Brain. “There may yet be ways to improve the design. I’m certain that with several more tests and perfections, we can expand it.”

Grand Ruler thought of something. “Tests”, you say. I think I may know just where you can start, Goldwin.”

The next night, Ponies and other creatures were huddling at the New Crystal Empire outdoor theater for the Ballet show.

Naturally, Lightning and Starla came, but Starla came through the eyes of her droid, having to stay home with the kids.

“I can’t believe this is happening.” said Lightning. “Goldwin is finally making his public debut.”

“It’s all so exciting.” said Starla. “He’s been cooped up in New Canterlot Palace for so long. It’ll be a great chance for loads of people to see him perform.”

“I wish the others could be here to see this too.” said Lightning.

Most of the friends had to stay at home because this sort of event would be too much for their tiny children to attend, and no single one of them wished to come alone without their family.

Rainbow Dash, and the Spanish Twins. The Apple family came too.

The officers were all given VIP seats in the royal box where the Royal Canterlot Family sat.

“Good evening. Glad you could all make it.” said Celestia.

Everyone bowed to their majesties as they were shown to their seats.

Applejack did not join, preferring to stay with her family in the common seats. “This is going to be so exciting.” she exclaimed softly.

“I haven’t been to the ballet in so long.” said Pear Butter.

“Hey, you and I danced before.” said Bright Mac. His wife gave him a playful stare. “I don’t think privately dancing in the moonlight fields is the same thing.” Then she snuggled into his arms, “…But I love it just as much.”

Applebloom was sulking. “I don’t get why I had come. I’m not all that fond of ballet.”

“Oh, coming on sis.” said Applejack “You need to open yourself up; try new things.”

“Eeyup.” Grumbled Big Mac, but then he whispered into Applebloom’s ear, “I’d rather be snacking back home than here.”

Rainbow was growing a bit impatient too. “Come on. Start the show already!”

“Rainbow!” sneered Lightning. “Will you cut them a break. This is more than just a ballet show.”

Pyron and Glaceia were invited as well and sitting next to Applejack.

“This is really lovely.” said Pyron. “I’ve never been to a real show in my entire life.”

The Apples were surprised to hear of this.

“You mean there were no ballet shows on your planets?” asked Applejack.

“There are…” replied Glaceia, “But as royalty and given our positions, we only had royal dancers to entertain us.”

“You never went to any real show?” cried Pear Butter, and she felt on the verge of tears.

“…Sakes, that is just… blue.” said Bright Mac.

Suddenly, the stage lights all went dark, and the Royal Crystal Fanfare sounded as Princess Cadance made her appearance on the stage in the spotlight, wearing a dancer’s outfit rather than her royal garments.

The crowd cheered her on, and she took a bow. “Welcome, one and all to this production of “The Good, the Bad, and the Forgotten.” A newly made ballet I have recently written.”

She then explained certain circumstances. “At such short notice, as I wrote and choreographed this production, I am forced to play the role of Leading Lady myself.

As for my Leading Male, we have an extra special guest making his public debut tonight, and I could not be happier for him, and thankful as well.”

She continued to explain the basic plot of the story, before taking another bow, “And now… On behalf of the Royal House of the New Crystal Empire…

“The Good, The Bad, and The Forgotten.”

She ducked down behind the curtain as it opened wide, and there stood Goldwin’s clone, standing in a forest scene, with trees, rock formations, a castle in the background, amidst a night sky.

The soft, gentle music began to play, and the clone began to move softly-- waving its arms softly brushing across its face, twirling, and leaping about.

He was so graceful for a newly debuted pony; the audience already watched him with glee and interest.

He was playing the role of a sad, and lonely pony who was looked down upon by villagers-- other dancers that moved around him-- until he was befriended by a beautiful, traveling Princess, played by Cadance herself.

Shining Armor whispered to Flurry, “Look, there’s Mommy.”

Flurry waved to her mother, but of course Cadance could not see her while dancing, especially with Goldwin during their duet dances.

Professor Brain was sitting backstage watching the show, with kind permission from Cadance, while observing the show and making notes.

Next to him was the clone spawning panel that he had brought…

Far away at New Canterlot Palace, the setup was simple.

With Princess Luna’s help, the large ballroom was cleared and set for Goldwin to dance while controlling his clone from a distance.

With the aid of his accessories, he could feel the touch of the other dancers, and even the weight of Cadance with which he made the clone lift her up.

Because of the wide area of the ballroom, Goldwin could easily move about, allowing his clone to gracefully dance across the stage. Whenever he had to scale up set props such as stairways or objects, Luna used her magic to create solid, realistic light formations to match the shapes.

Luna also took notes for Professor Brain detailing the functions and processes.

Goldwin was especially enjoying himself, being able to see so many new faces in the audience, and new sights around him, but he was careful to keep focused on his dancing.

“Satisfactory, Most Satisfactory.” Brain whispered to himself, but it was unknown if he meant his observations or the performance, it was going so beautifully.

The Spanish Twins had tears in their eyes. While Lightning and Starla were both enamored with the dancing too.

Rainbow was trying not to fall asleep. Ballet just wasn’t much for her, but she did her best to show support for Goldwin, but soon she started to show enthusiasm, “My favorite part of the show-- action scenes.” she whispered.

This was a big action dance number, where the people of the village deemed their princess a traitor for fraternizing or at least showing any friendship to the pony they hated and sought to see both her and the outsider suffer.

As the dancers moved around, special effects went into play, including smoke bombs in the background to symbolize magical shots that misfired.

Suddenly, there were two small explosions on either side of the stage, which frightened all the dancers-- as if they were unexpected.

“What’s happening?” wondered Lightning. The others all wondered too, and then, as the smoke cleared, they could see two strange looking dancing ladies-- one of fire, and one of ice.

“Monsters!!” Cadance shouted.

“Monsters?!” cried Goldwin.

“Oh-hoo… My word!” exclaimed Brain.

Grand Ruler then stood and shouted to the audience, “Everyone, clear out of here! Now!”

The audience began to panic as they all scrambled to get away from the theater.

“What’s happening?” asked Princess Luna.

“Monsters!” cried Goldwin. “They’ve just appeared on stage.”

As the audience filed out leaving the theater empty, the two monsters then noticed each other.

“Who are you?” snarled Flare-O-Rina.

“I’m the one taking over, that’s who!” sneered Twinkle Froze. “So, you just flare on out of here.”

The two creatures growled at each other, and they both leapt down to the vacant stage, making explosions of fire and ice, setting the stage and the props ablaze.

“Come, keep going! Keep going!” Applejack hollered as she guided everyone away. Her family was the last to go.

“Applejack!” cried her mother.

“Don’t worry about me, Ma… you and everyone else get to safety.”

The family agreed, and her father said, “You be careful, honey.”

She couldn’t promise that but waited until her family was off the grounds.

Celestia teleported all three children and Glaceia into the Crystal Palace where they would be safe, and watched over them, while Pyron stayed to help the others in the battles about to commence.

Grand Ruler soared up high to cast a large barrier over the entire area to ensure the danger would not spread.

Goldwin’s clone, however, was still trapped on stage. The real Goldwin could not travel too far from where he was in the palace, and he couldn’t deactivate his clone until it returned to its platform!

Suddenly, “There it is!” The pedestal was lying in the back of the stage where Professor Brain sat before, he had escaped. He had forgotten to take the platform with him. “I’ve got to get to it.”

He began to run towards it, but the two dancing monsters had already leapt down from the stage trees, sending fire and ice waves across, and knocking the clone off its.

“ARGH!” Goldwin cried as he felt himself falling over like his clone.

“Goldwin!” cried Luna as she ran over to try and help him up quickly.

The monsters spotted him.

“Well, well,” hissed Twinkle Froze, “Looks like someone likes to dance more than I do. It’ll be my pleasure to eliminate him.”

“Hey! Hands off, this is my battle.” insisted Flare-O-Rina.

Both dancers charged straight at the helpless clone and they both dove hard at the same time.

Goldwin braced for his fate, when suddenly he was whisked off…

…So swiftly, that Princess Luna was knocked off her feet. “What? Where’d you go?”

There was a strong explosion that blew up many things on the stage, setting it ablaze and leaving ice stones and spikes about.

Goldwin opened his eyes to find he was in the arms of Cadance, as the Silent Ninja.

She set him down gently on the stage-- which made the real Goldwin be set down on the floor of the dance hall.

“Whoa! That was close!” he sighed. “I guess I forgot it can be really dangerous in the outside world.”

He wiped his face in relief, accidentally knocking off his magic mask in the process, and he changed into a statue, which caused the clone to cease functioning immediately-- as it had no vital signs or link ups.

Not that it mattered anyway, for the clone’s panel had been caught in the explosion and it finally shorted out and exploded, causing the clone to vanish completely.

…All of Goldwin’s accessories went blank as well.

Cadance was furious, and stood to confront the two creatures on stage, but as she looked ahead through the flames and ice rocks, she couldn’t believe her eyes…!

“They’ve merged!” she thought.

The two single dancers had somehow merged into one creature. She was now larger. Half her body was flaming with fire, the other half was blue and icy. Her hair was two-toned with both elements, and her outfit now was that of an ice-skirt shrouded in blue fire, with a strong armored blouse.

Even the two monster badges on her forehead had combined into one as well.

Even her voice had changed, and became stronger, but prettier. “It almost feels great to be one again. I… the great Flareice will now dance my greatest performance!”

She stuck out her arms, “FROST-FIRE WIND!” and she began to spin around on her toes, creating a whirlwind of flaming ice.

She sent the wind whirling towards Cadance, which she swiftly dodged by leaping off into the orchestra pit.

The crazy winds smashed the other end of the stage, angering Cadance further.

The evil dancer turned to face her again, but she was suddenly shot at by a big blast of Uniforce sending her crashing into the prop castle.

Cadance looked up, and saw Lightning standing with his friends, Starla’s droid, Pyron, and Saber.

“And just when the show what about to get cool!” said Rainbow.

Up on the Crystal Palace Terrace, Flurry Heart was frightened and crying. “Make it stop! Make it go away!” she wailed.

Celestia held her close, and Castor and Leilani comforted her.

“Don’t worry, Flurry, everything will be okay.” said Castor.

“Yeah, mother and father won’t let anything bad happen.”

Celestia was proud of her children for being so brave. Then she looked up at Glaceia and asked, “That creature down there, do you know of it? How did the two monsters combine?”

“No, but I have heard the stories.” replied Glaceia. “My mother told me she was once cornered by Flareice, until she was saved by The Great Hero who challenged it head on.

The creature seemed strong and merciless, until the hero decided to weaken her by using two monster badges to only capture part of her malicious essence, causing her to split up into two weaker creatures that he defeated.”

Glaceia looked over the edge, “Now that the creature is whole again, her power is immense.”

Celestia felt a little worried, but she had confidence in her friends and family.

Cadance regrouped with her friends as the monster glared them down.

“Give up while you can! We out number you.” Lightning shouted.

Flareice laughed, “Now what’s a ballet without backup dancers!” and she summoned forth a swarm of both Fire and Ice Guards.

“Oh, great! That’s all we needed.” Groaned Dyno.

“Let’s get in there and bust some moves of our own.” suggested Myte.

Lightning agreed, “Let’s go!”

Pyron held his sword up and began to parry the attacks of the guards that came his ways.

Three ice gaurds came at Applejack and threw their spears at her, one by one. She backflipped three times, and disappeared up and over, into the orchestra pit.

The guards picked up their spears and leapt up to go in after her, only for the twins to jump out at them by surprise.


The guards were blown into shards.

Applejack leapt up shouting, “Yee-Haw!”

“ARIBA!” the Twins hollered with her.

“Two seats up front!” Rainbow hollered as she lifted two seats and threw them at the guards that came for her.

The rest of the fighters stood near the burning stage to confront the monster.

Lightning scanned her with his visor and read that her power levels were very high. “We’ll try taking from different sides.”

The gang agreed, leapt up, and zipped off in different directions.

“You can’t be serious…” sneered Flareice. She could already feel Lightning about to come near her, and she pirouetted majestically causing him to miss his attack, and she kicked him hard.

Then she felt Starla’s droid trying to sneak up on her from the front, and she bent over backwards avoiding the attack, and then breathed a thick layer of ice flames over the droids’ eyes.

“No! I can’t see!” Starla wailed at home, and to make matters worse, her shouting awoke baby Twinkle, and she was crying from her room.

Starla couldn’t just leave the battle, but the sound of her child wailing hurt her just as much. Still, she had to stay and continue to fight-- Starfleet Priority.

“Sorry, sweetie…” she said to herself.

“INSECT SCIMITAR!” Saber drew out his sword, and began to slash at her, but she served and dodged his every attack with her skilled dancing and movement.

She gave her head a large shake, thus flicking her solid ice hair at him, bashing him in the face and sending him crashing into the front row of seats.

“Watch your step!” the monster teased.

Cadance threw her shurikens at the creature, only for her to spin, twist and leap out of the way of them all, and then rushed forth bashing her hard in the gut and sent her slamming onto the ground.

Grand Ruler kept watching from above while maintaining the barrier. “Come on, don’t give up!” he called to the fighters. How he wished she could be down there to aid them, but he had to ensure the destruction would not spread.

“Here comes my big move!” the monster shouted, and she leapt up high into the air, “STAR EXPLOSION!”

“LOOK OUT!!” Lightning shouted.

The others all huddled close to him just in time as the monster came crashing down hard on the ground…

KAPOW!! A large explosion engulfed the area, taking the remains of the stage, and all the seats and things inside the barrier with it.

“NO!!!” shouted Grand Ruler. He struggled to maintain the barrier.

Celestia held the children down as they all and Glaceia covered their eyes from the resulting brightness.

When the lights dimmed down and the smoke cleared, the theater was in a total wreck-- chairs busted up and fallen about, the remains of the stage, props, and wooden planks scattered about and a few flames burning about.

The monster stood tall and took a bow to no one in particular. “And with that, the curtain falls, and victory is mine.”

As the last of the smoke cleared, she looked behind her, and couldn’t believe her eyes-- a large barrier of Uniforce reinforced by extra magic from the others dispelling, revealing the fighters were all safe and sound.

“You won that act, but the show’s not over yet.” teased Lightning.

Their majesties and Glaceia were ever so relieved.

The monster was infuriated. “I suppose I could use an encore, and no fooling around this time.

“You got that right.” said Starla.

The monster jumped forth and the fighters all attacked as well.

“STRIDENT SHOCKWAVE” Saber shouted as he unleashed his electricity.

“FROST-FIRE WIND!” The monster shouted as she sent another burning whirlwind out, which absorbed the electrical currents, strengthening the twister.

KAPOW!! Another big explosion ruptured making it look as if the fighters had been struck, but really, they had all split off at the last second, scattering about the field.

“Get her!” shouted Lightning.

“Huh???” The creature looked up just in time as Lightning soared in and gave her a huge punch to the face.

Starla’s droid crept up and kicked her hard in the back.

Pyron then leapt in. “Take this!” and he slashed her with his sword multiple times making sparks fly.

Finally, the monster grabbed him by the wrists and looked ready to knock him away, but Rainbow Dash soared in and headbutted her hard in the gut of her armored vest, sending her crashing hard along the ground.

“I’ll show you all!” Flareice bellowed, but as she stood and prepared to leap up high, Applejack used her rope, and Saber used his chain-and-sickle to bind lasso her legs together.

“You ain’t going no place but down!” hollered Applejack.

“You got that right,” agreed Saber. “That’s what happens when you blow out a good deal of your energy.”

“What makes you think I have?!” bellowed the monster, and her two-toned hair magically rose up strong. “Take this all of you… FLAREICE BERG!”

POW!! She fired a strong wave of flaming and icy winds forcing the two fighters to duck down.

“Fire two!” shouted Flareice, and she prepared to unleash another wave…! When suddenly… “G’AAH!!”

Cadance had zipped past her, slashing the monster badge on her head in half with her kunai.

“NO!!!” Flareice wailed as the badge glowed brightly, enveloping her body in a bright light, and when the light had faded, she had split apart into Flare-O-Rina and Twinkle-Froze. The two of them still looked weakened and beaten up from the battle.

“Just you wait!” bellowed Flare-O-Rina.

“We’ll get you all yet.”

The Twins and Saber disagreed.

“Why don’t we bring the curtain down on this show.” suggested Saber.

The twins agreed, and they along with Saber powered up their finishers.

“SUPER SHOCK SLASH!” Saber slashed his electrified blade at Flare-O-Rina.

“BOOM-BOOM FLARE!” The twins unleashed their fiery wrath on Twinkle-Froze.

The two monsters exploded, and the guards were imprisoned as the two badges broke.

“YES!!” Grand Ruler, and he dispelled the barrier.

The children cheered with glee while Celestia and Glaceia sighed with relief.

“Alright! We did it!” cheered Lightning. Then he noticed Starla’s droid was standing perfectly still. It didn’t move or make a sound.

“Starla? Are you in there?”

His wife did not respond…

The second the battle had ended, she dropped her controls and dashed upstairs to tend to the baby, only to finally realize that Twinkle had stopped crying.

Upon entering the Nursery what she saw melted her heart.

Shining Light had been awoken and disturbed by Twinkle’s cries, and when their mother didn’t and couldn’t come up straight away, Shining Light had fluttered up and into the crib and was gently rocking his little sister in his arms and singing soft little Las to her to her.

Little Twinkle had calmed down and was slowly drifting off to sleep with a big smile on her face.

Shining Light even gave her a big kiss on her little head.

Starla couldn’t help but shed a tear.

When everyone headed back to New Canterlot Palace, Starla told everyone what she had seen.

“Now that, is just the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard of.” Applejack said with a sniffle.

“You raise your son well, Lightning.” said Grand Ruler.

Lightning smiled, feeling such warmth in his heart, but then his smile turned to sadness. “I’m just sorry about what happened tonight.”

“Don’t worry about the theater,” said Shining Armor. “We’ve already got plans to rebuild it, and all the families and folks that came to see the show are getting a half refund on their tickets.”

Lightning shook his head, “It’s Goldwin. I feel just terrible for him.”

Everyone felt the same way.

Professor Brain had recovered the clone panel from the wreckage, or rather what was left of it. It was damaged beyond repair.

“Poor guy,” said Dyno.

“Now he’ll never be able to go outside again.” added Myte.

“I wouldn’t say that.” said Celestia. “On the contrary, he did have his first night of freedom by helping with the ballet didn’t he.”

Cadance already noted that, “And the panel is broken, but it can be built again, only better than ever.”

“Ah, I see…” said Rainbow. “So, there’s still hope for Goldwin to roam free yet.”

Grand Ruler nodded. “We will learn from this and build upon it. We’ll find someway to give him the life he deserves.”

Starla turned to the droid to see Goldwin standing on his pedestal at the end of the throne room, and looking out the window at the night sky.

He had a soft smile on his face, having had his first taste of real freedom, and knowing there was hope for him yet.

“Someday…” he thought “Someday, it’ll really happen, and I look forward to it.”

As the scene panned out, he softly sang the verse of his song again…

What’s it like out there,
Beyond the palace walls,
It’s a great big world
I hear it as it calls.

I hear it… as it calls.


In our next episode: It’s time for the promotion exams to commence, which arouses many groups of protestors to form one of the biggest and most dangerous disturbances, all lead by Brick Wallen, and Blitzy Heart gets caught in the middle of it all while helping others out.

Will the protestors have their way? Will Blitzy Heart be able to escape her fate?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starflet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Promotional Protest: Part 1”)