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Chapter 9-Blocked

Another day was going by with the rangers out in the woods, unaware that Scarlet Knight, Chomp Tox, and their newest Negacore Beast, Rooster had an idea.

“So, remind me again boss, what are we doing?” Chomp Tox asked as she was holding a balloon

“Simple, Scarlet Knight’s ballon will lift the distrputer, blocking all communications, including ranger teleportation. I listen!”

“Very good, Rooster. It’s ready to release, but wait on my signal,” Scarlet Knight said.

But he didn’t have the chance because Chomp Tox released the balloon, which got into a tree.

“Chomp Tox! He said on his signal!” Rooster scolded.

“Why do I even bother?” Scarlet Knight wondered, internally wishing that Chomp Tox was smarter.

With the Rangers. Twilight, Rainbow, and Sunset were collecting sticks...

“You know, I could carve this firewood into a nice spear,” Rainbow said holding her walking stick.

“Now it’s snagged,” All three heard Scarlet Knight’s voice.

“Don’t blame me, blame the tree,” Chomp Tox said to him.

“You have to be kidding me,” Rainbow groaned.

“Hey, guys,” Twilight talks into her communicator. “We got a problem. Join us. You two have been asking about Scarlet Knight. Well. it’s time to meet him.”

“You fools! It won’t activate until it reaches the proper height.” Scarlet Knight growled to his minions.

“I’ll just toss Chomp Tox up there,” Rooster said.

“You do what?” Chomp Tox asked.

“Yeah, throw her up there,” Twilight said as Scarlet Knight turned around to see her. “If you miss, I want a turn.”

“No one invited you, rangers. Go back to your camp and toast some marshmallows.”

“The only thing that’s getting roasted are you jerks,” Pinkie said.

“Link to Morphin Grid!”

“If you want to play like that. Horsemen!”

The Horsemen appeared and the rangers fought them as Twilight battled Scarlet Knight.

“Who’s next?” Rainbow dared then took down two Horsemen. “Wolf Key! Wolf Fury Strike!”

“Minotaur Fury Strike!” Sunset said.

“Almost free,” Chomp Tox used a stick to free the balloon.

“What the balloon for?” Twilight asked blocking a sword strike from Scarlet Knight.

“You’ll find out, very soon.”

“And... there!” She managed to wiggly it free. “Ha! Who’s useless now?”

“Quiet, we need to go!” Scarlet Knight said, and then three villains teleported away.

“What do you think it does?” Twilight asked as they powered down.

The balloon starts to zap, sending an energy wave toward the rangers and the surrounding area.

“Whatever it does, it just did it,” Sunset implied.

“We need to find out what it is. Let’s see if Spike picked anything up.”

The rangers tried to teleport but nothing happened.

“I can’t teleport.”

“Newsflash... none of us can.”

“Spike, something going on with our teleporters...” Starlight said but only got static. “Spike? Hello? Our comms are down too.”

“Good thing I had my phone,” Pinkie pulls out her phone trying to a signal. “That’s strange I had a strong signal earlier.”

“If we can’t teleport, Scarlet Knight has the city to himself, along with any Negacore he can find,” Starlight said.

“And if one hatches, there’ll be no one to stop,” Twilight added.

“We’re miles away from the city. What can we do?”

“I have an idea,” Starlight thought of something.

With Scarlet Knight...

“Another Negacore for you, your Scarletless,” Chomp Tox gave a Negacore to Scarlet Knight.

“Yes, that’s two already,” Scarlet Knight said. “Negacore hunting is a breeze without any rangers.”

Back with the others...

“I present my Hyper Arrow!” Starlight said showing to them. “This thing can take out that balloon, that is the problem of what’s happening.”

“What do you need us to do?” Sunset asked.

“You grab some logs and branches. We’ll shape’em with my chainsaw.”

“Shape them for what?”

“You take history, right? Think... medieval crossbow.”

“Got it.”

“Sunset, help find me the right attitude for it. And Twilight and Pinkie, find a strong enough bowstring.”

Moments later...

“Alright, we are good to go.” Pinkie as the Hyper Arrow was in place.

“Here we go,” Starlight said. “And fire!”

She releases the string, the Hyper Arrow flies through the air and Scarlet Knight’s balloon.

“Alright!” The Rangers cheered.

“That balloon is history!”

“Spike? Can you hear me?’”

Oh rangers! Thank scales! The network’s been down all day.

“You blame Scarlet Knight for that.”

Figues. The hotline is flooded. Scarlet Knight is hunting Negacore in the city .

“We’re on our way.”

Sending to his location now.


“This is a good haul. Let’s do the sewers, next,” Scarlet Knight said then suddenly the rangers teleported right in front of them. “What!?”

“Feathers! We’ve got company!” Rooster exclaimed.

“Hey Rooster, why did the chicken cross the road?”

“To get to the other side... duh!”

“Was that supposed to be funny?”

“No. The chicken joke has used so many to point it’s not funny.”

“You want to know what else is not funny. Horsemen!”

"Friendship Fury Key... activate! Link to Morphin' Grid!"

"Alicorn Fury! Red Ranger!"

"Mermaid Fury! Blue Ranger!"

"Sprite Fury! Pink Ranger!"

“Wolf Fury! Green Ranger!”

“Minotaur Fury! Black Ranger!”

“Friendship Fury Power!”

“It’s been fun, but it’s my cue to bail!” Chomp Tox said getting out here.

Rainbow knocked some Horsemen down with her Magi-Saber.

“Hyper Boost Key!” Twilight activated it. “Hyper Slash!”


“Sprint Slash!”

Scarlet Knight uses his saber to block Sunset’s saber. “Time for a growth spurt!”

“Cock-a doodle-whoo!” Rooster said as he grew giant.

“That’s a big bird,” Twilight said. “Hey guys, we’ll deal with Rooster.”

“Leave Scarlet Knight to us!” Rainbow said joining Sunset.

“Spike, send the Zords!”

On their way.

“Zords combine!” Twilight said as they formed their Megazord.

“Friendship Fury Megazord!”

“Ready to show him who rules this roost?”

“He’s about to be all out of cluck!”

Rooster roars and then heads to the Megazord but the Megazord kicks Rosster back. He then Rosster regains his balance then jumps into the air.

“Beak Blast!” He fired lasers at the Megazord, and most of them made contact.

“This Megazord won’t survive those blasts.”

“I got something for it. Shift to Fortress Mode!’

The Megazord rearranged itself, mobilizing to go on wheels.

“Beak Blast!” Rosster did another round of blast of laser blasts at the rangers, only to land back on the ground.

“If you know what’s good for you, hand that bag over!” Rainbow shouted.

“How about make me?” The knight dared them.

“You sure? Flare Key, ready!”

“Muscle Key, ready!”

“Time to see the light! Flare Flash!”

Sunset creates a bright light that blinds Scarlet Knight then Rainbow comes in and punches him hard which sends him back.

“You’ve beaten me,” He panted as he pushed up from the ground.

“Quick grab the bag!”

“Kidding!” Scarlet Knight fooled them and then teleported away.

“Fishsticks he got away,” Rainbow groaned.

“Spike, send our Zords.”

Wolf Claw slashes Rooster from behind as Minotaur Spike close behind.

“Are we in time for dinner? We heard it's fried chicken.”

“Sure. Just need to heat it.”

The Megazord reconfigure into its Warrior Formation.

“Friendship Fury Megazord, Warrior Formation!”

“Let’s pound this birdbrain!”

The Megazord prepared itself just as Rooster was in the air.

“Any ideas?”

“Mega Light Saber!” Twilight called for it.

“Friendship Fury Megazord. Friendship Mega Slash!”

Rooster screams as the slash hits his body then he explodes.

“Looks like we clip his wings.”

“Friendship Fury Victroy!”

“Where’d you go?” Chomp Tox asked, looking for the defeated Negacore when it plopped onto the ground. “There you are.”

Just as she picked it up, the rangers appeared and got to it first.

“Not so fast,” said Starlight.

“Aww, no fair,” She whined and teleported away.

At Area 45, Scarlet Knight was adding the Negacore to his machine.


“The rangers got Rooster’s Negacore first,” Chomp Tox whined as she arrvied at Scarlet Knight’s base. “I am usless.”

“Quit blabing. There’s goes an old saying... you win some, you lose some.”

“Will those Negacore finish powering your machine.”

“We won’t have enought until we stop rangers from getting in our way. But I think I know how to do that. And they won’t see it coming.”

“i like the sound of that.”

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