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Chapter 3-Lost Signal

Outside the base, Twilight was leaning back on the Alicorn Totem while looking at the special pendant given to her by someone special.

“So far from home. I never forget the last words you said to me, Mom,” Twilight said.

“Ohh, nice necklance,” Pinkie said as she founded her. “Where can I get one?”

“My planet, Magia. It’s light years away.”

“So, what’s Magia like, anyway?”

“It’s like home. When I left my planet was in ruins, thank to the Negacore Beasts. A few people survived, but that was a long time ago. I really wish I could know if anyone still out there.”

“If there is, maybe they’re the descendants of the people you knew.

“You think so?”

“Yeah. One thing you should know about me, I’m kind of optimistic.”

“So, has Spike manage to get the Mermaid Blade, Sprite Smasher Zords online?”

“Not yet, but something came in on the galactic comms system. You should come down.”

Both of them teleports into the base to see Spike and Starlight.

“Hey, Spike.”

“Hey, Twilight. We received a message from deep space. I don’t have Magia’s exact coordinates, but it come from the same galactic quadrants.”

“Really? So it could be from my people? Or even some descendants of the people I knew? Play it.”

“All right, here we go.”

Spike plays the message when suddenly the galactic comms shorted out.

“Oh no!”

“It’s overloaded. I’m sorry Twilight. There’s no way to play the message now. The modulator is burnt.”

“Then let’s get another one then.”

“The component came from Magia. Finding another one Earth seems well...”

“Impossible,” Starlight said.

“Wait, I got it, Mistress Zerkaa can help. She’s a psychic that does fortune telling, palm telling, palm readings, even mystical readings.”

“Psychic nothing. Science is the answer. My aunt knows a guy at observatory. They probably picked the signal. Let’s ask them.”

“That can wait, the hotline just came in saying there’s Negacore beast at the museum.”

“Team, we got a job to done,” Twilight said as they teleported to the museum.

Once they arrived they look around for it.

“Where is it?” Twilight asked then Chomp Tox teleported as well along with a Negacore Beast named Eye Scream.

“What do we have here? Rangers, here! Uh oh!”

“Give up, you’re surrounded!”

“Ooo, I’m so scare. You can see the fear in my eyes!”

Eye Scream removed her mask and made Twilight froze in place.

“Uh oh, Twilight got froze.”

“Quick don’t look at them.”

Pinkie and Starlight covered their eyes as Eye Scream knocked Twilight which she unfroze.

“So you figure me out. But if you can’t see, you can’t fight.”

“Yeah? We take that challenge.”

“It’s Morphin’ Time!”

“Friendship Fury Key!


“Link to Morphin Grid!”

“Friendship Fury Power!”

“You’ll regret hurting our friend!”

“Not if I do the same to you.”

Eye Scream opened his hypnotic eyes forcing Pinkie and Starlight to fight literally blind with her.

“What this?” Chomp Tox picks up a Crown Feed Camera then thought of something. “Hey, maybe this camera can be useful. Hey Eye Lady! I’ve got a fab idea. Let’s bail!”

Twilight groaned as Chomp Tox and Eye Scream teleported aways. The other two rushed over to her to check on her.

“Are you okay, Twilight?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. But that beast is dangerous. When I looked at her, I couldn’t move.”

“At least the hotline worked, now we know when she’ll come back to bring more trouble.”

“Look guys, I need some time to myself, I see you later.”

“Sure, go ahead,” Pinkie said to her as Twilight teleported herself to the base then her phone buzzed. “That’s odd. Tech Light needs my help at Crown Feed.”

“How’s that confusing?”

“He’s in Tech Support.”

Much later...

“We’re at full power, and our internet connection is fine, but our broadcast doesn't come up,” Tech Light explained to Starlight and Pinkie.

“That’s weird,” Starlight said as something appears on the screens and vanishes.

“Something’s happening,” Pinkie exclaimed.

”People of Cantelot City look into my eyes and you will be frozen!”Said Eye Screamed brocasting her power through the camera. The rangers and everyone at Crown Feed froze in fear as Eye Scream continued her message.

”People of Cantelot City look into my eyes and you will be frozen!”

“Yay!” Chomp Tox cheered. “It’s working!’

“The video is on loop. No way they’ll unfreeze now.”

Both Negacore Beasts laugh evilly however none of them knew that all but one was person was not frozen.

“What is this video loop?” Spike asked as the video played in the command center. “Twilight, look.”

”People of Cantelot City...”

“Spike! Turn that off before I...”

”look into my eyes and you will be frozen!”

“Turn it off before you what? You didn’t finish.” Spike asked her before waving his claw over him. “Hello? Oh no! Twilight, hold on!”

Spike created a frequency to unfreeze her.

“Thanks,” Twilight said.

“That video is streaming non-stop on Crown Feed. Anyone watching will be frozen.”

“Could be thousands of people,” Twilight said. “Hold on, how come you weren’t affected.”

“Most dragons aren’t affect by mind control. I guess her power didn’t work. Hmm. Looks like the vide is being stream from the roof of Crown Feed.”

“Starlight. Pinkie. We’ve got a problem,” Twilight contacted them but she got no response. “They must been frozen. What do I do?”

“You’re the only one who can help, you have do something.”

“I can’t this monster... no if I can’t look at it. And figure out that message from space.”

“Wait. What is that?”

“My pendant? My mom gave it to me when I became a knight on Magica.”

“No way it looks like the crystal as the modulator. Maybe I can decipher that message.”

“You think so?”

“Perhaps. Your mom maybe have done a huge favor. Man, moms are great sure are great.”

“Yeah, my mom told to never give up.”

“No, she wouldn’t.”

“I didn’t think we could fix the galactic comms system, but you found a way. I just have to find a way to beat Eye Scream too. Just need a different approach.”


“If I can’t use my eyes,” Twilight looked over the collection of Power Keys. “The Sonic Power Key. As long I can hear, maybe I don’t have see to fight.”

On the roof...

“Once we found out that all the Rangers are frozen then We destroy them all.”

“Huh?” Chomp Tox asked as a blindfolded Twilight appears behind her.

“Ha! You look like you’re about to crack open a pinata,” Eye Scream brought his saber.

“I’m about to crack open something. Sonic Power Key! Ready!” Once she activated the key, sonic waves went into his ears, acting as sonar. "Yes!" she said, hearing sonar waves.

"Too easy." said Eye Scream and attacks. "Yah!" Listening to how close she was, Twilight dodges the attack and hits her back with his saber. "Uh-oh. I'm outskies." said Chomp Tox, teleporting away.

"Hi-yah!" shouted Eye Scream as she and Twilight fought. She hears the sonic vibrations of the video and rushes towards it, being quicker than Eye Scream

"No!" shouted Eye Scream as Twilight destroys the broadcast. "My video was just going viral!"

Inside Crown Feed, the video cuts out and everyone became unfrozen. "Whoa." said Starlight. "We're free.

Suddenly, the communicator beeps and Pinkie pulls them to the side. "Spike. What did we miss?"

Back on the roof, Eye Scream knocks Twilight back. "If I cant freeze you, I'll just destroy you." she said. Just as Eye Scream was about to strike Twilight, the others teleported in.

"I'm not done yet, rangers!" shouted Eye Scream, then runs over to the edge of
Crown Feed’s roof. People started scream as she landed on the ground.

"Foolish humans!" said |Eye Scream as they ran away. "Would you like to see something really scary?"

Electricity starts to crackle around her body . "Where did she go?" Twilight asked as she pulls off the blindfold.

"Huh?" said Pinkie but soon enough they hear her laughing as now she was giant.

"No way." said Starlight.

"Oh, yikes. one ugly medusa. Wait, does this mean we need our...?”

“Spike. Are Mermaid and Sprite Zords ready?”

Not yet. I deploy the Alicorn Master Zord while they boot up.


“I know what I have to do. "Link to Morphing Grid! We can't pilot our zords blindfolded, so try to take out those eyes on her chest."

“Got it!”

“Battle mode!” Twilight activated her zord’s battle mode once it came in the city. “Linked! Alicorn Master Zord! Battle Mode! Alicorn Sword!”

Soon as the transformation was complete, Alicorn was ready. "No time for a giant blindfold." said Twilight. The Zord covered his eyes as he ran towards Eye Scream, doing her best to punch her.

Spike! We really wanna help Twilight out!

“Then you gonna love this! Deploying Sprite Smasher and Mermaid Blade Zord!” Spike said as the zords came out of the rocks and arrived in the city ready to fight.

“Aww they’re so cute!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Check out the blade,” Starlight said.

“Time to smash this monster! Attack her!”

Sprite Smasher smashed its large fists at Eye Scream then Mermaid Blade slash it’s fin-like blade at the monster both Zords fall back as Eye Scream gave chase.

"I'm open to plan."

"We gotta think tactically." said Starlight "Huh. We just need to cover up her eyes."

"But how?"

"I know. Zords, use the road! Your Mermaid blade can cut up the concrete."

Mermaid Zord starts to cut up the street, making a big square. "Ooh! The Sprite Fists can smash it! Hover Power Key! Hover Hold!”

The pile went to Eye Scream’s eyes.

“Fix it quick!” Starlight made the pile stick in place.

“No! My eyes!” Eye Scream shouted.

"Good work, team!" said Twilight. "She cant freeze us now. Lets finish her together.
Throw your keys towards the Zords."

"Zords, combine!" they shouted, throwing their keys at their Zords. Each Zord broke apart and attached itself to the Megazord. Pinkie and Starlight appeared in the cockpit of the Zord.

“Whoa, we’re in a Megazord. I can’t belive it.”

“I need to take a selfie with this.”

“Um, guys?" asked Twilight. "Giant monster to fight?"

"Right. Right, right. Sorry."

"Friendship Fury Megazord!"

"Follow my lead."

"Got it!"


The Friendship Fury Megazord starts to knock Eyescream back, causing her to groan in pain.

"Lets end this." said Twilight, placing his saber in the holster. "Mega Light Saber!"

Through the Morphing grid, the Mega Light Saber appears and falls into Twilight hands.

"Friend Fury Megazord Mega Slash!"

"Hal" said the others, following his lead.

"No!" screamed Eye Scream as the Mega Slash hits her, destroying her on site.

"Friendship Fury Victory!" shouted the Rangers. Falling from the sky, the Negacore landed on the ground, causing Scarlet Knight to appear. "Ha! Another powered up Negacore for my precious collection." he said. Scarlet Knight starts to walk over when the rangers appeared.


"Not today, Scarlet Knight." said Twilight, picking it up "This is coming with us."

"You wont be so lucky next time!" Scarlet Knight shouted after the rangers teleported away.

Back at Friendship Pillar, the rangers were securing the Negacore . "That blindfold was a stroke of genius, Twilight." said Twilight. "Very impressive."

"To be honest, there was a moment where I thought about giving up." he said, holding up his pendent. "But then someone reminded me that giving up just isn't an option. I had to find a way."

"And find a way you did, Twilight." said Spike. "Now, lets see if the new modulator works. I've got a good feeling. Its online."

"Does that mean you can play the message now?" asked Pinkie

"Only one way to find out." said Twilight, turning on the galactic comms system.

"Oh!" Spike said as the message comes out in an alien language. "Hmm. I can speak millions of languages, but I don't know that one. Or French. French is tough."

"You said it,” said Starlight. "I tried learning French once, couldn't get the pronunciations correct half the time."

"Is it from your people?" Pinkie asked.

"I'm not sure." said Twilight. "I don't know it either."

“Language can change over millions of years." said Spike. "It could be from Magica."

"You're right. It could be." Twilight said. "I'm not gonna give up."

"Now that this is fixed, I can do more than just listen to messages." said Twilight. "I can send my own."

"Really? You can?" asked Starlight

"How exciting!" said Spike as Twilight starts recording his message.

"Greetings. This is Twilight, leader of the Friendship Fury Power Rangers, speaking to you from a planet known as Earth." She said in his message. "300 hundred years ago, I left Magica. I'd give anything to know if anyone is still there. Please, send me a signal. I'll be waiting."