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Chapter 8-The Doctor is In

It was a normal day in Canterlot City as the Rangers were battling a Negacore Beast named Strike Snake in their Megazord.

“Let’s cut to the chase, shall we?” Strike Snake said as he charged at the Megazord.

“Fang face, coming in hot!” Rainbow said.

“Let’s finish this Negacore Beast. Mega Light Saber! Friendship Fury Megazord... Mega Friendship Slash!”

The Megazord slashed its saber at Strike Snake’s body then he exploded.

“Friendship Fury Victory!” The Rangers Shouted.

“Now. Howler, do it!” Scarlet Knight ordered.

“Got it, boss!” Howler nodded then let out a savage howl at the Megazord causing it to shake.

“Whoa, what happening with the Megazord?” Sunset asked.

“Zord integrity failing! Abandon ship!” Twilight said as they teleported out of the Megazord and back to Friendship Pillar.

“Wow, you’re not kidding about the integrity,” Rainbow pointed at the Megazord.

“Good... Now they can’t use their Megazord!” Scarlet Knight said. “Chomp Tox! Grab Strike Snake’s Negacore while the Rangers are busy.

“You got it, boss man!” Chomp Tox said.

“Want to clue us in, oh what happened,” Rainbow asked.

“I don’t know, but if something can sabotage the Megazord like that then we have a huge problem,” Twilight said as a bird was flying above them. “Maybe Spike can...” Just then, the bird started to claw at her helmet. “Agh! What is with this bird?”

The bird flies over the statutes and then transforms into someone else.


“Okay, who are you?”

“Hello, rangers. Huge honor to meet you. I’m Doctor Whooves,” He said. “Do I mind if I get I selfie with you guys.”


“I’ve got pics with over 40 rangers from all over the galaxy.”

“You know other rangers?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah,” Doctor Whooves said as the Rangers power down.

“What are you doing here?” Twilight asked him.

“I’m following the Nexus Prism.”

“Never heard of it,” Sunset said.

“Right, the Nexus Prism is a mystical object that has a strong connection to the Morphin Grid. It has crossed several galaxies and it landed somewhere near here and I want to know what it’s up to. So I say, we team up to find it.”

“Whoa, we would love to help you but have urgent problems to attend to. So we can’t help you out.”

“My bad. I’ll stay out of your hair.”

“Right,” Twilight said, then turned to the team. “You guys search the woods and try to figure out what happened. I’ll talk to Spike.”

As everyone teleported away none of them knew that Chomp Tox had eavesdropped on them.

“The Nexus Prism, huh? I bet Scarlet Knight will want that!”

At Crown Feed...

“I wish we’d found something in the woods, about how the Megazord just fell apart like that,” Sunset said as she and Pinkie walked near the building. “If Spike can’t figure this out. then Twilight’s stress levels are going break the roof.”

“I feel you there,” Then both of them came across Doctor Whooves.

“What you guys doing here?” He asked them.

“We work here,” Sunset answered him. “What about you?”

“I was planning to use the Earth’s computers to find the Prism.”

Then out of nowhere, Howler teleports into the city, making people scream around them then it points at the doctor.

“You there, come with me quietly, or I’m going to get rough!” Holwer growled.

“How about option C,” Doctor Whooves said as he ran away which Howler chased after him.

“Guys, there’s a Negacore Beast at Crown Feed,” Sunset said to the others when they arrived.

“Keep running! Your scent will lead straight to Prism!” Howler said.

“So Scarlet Knight wants the Prism too?” Twilight questioned.

“Rangers?!” Howler said upon seeing them.

“Time to put this puppy in the pound.” Rainbow cracked her knuckles.

“Link to Morphin Grid!” The rangers shouted. “Friendship Fury Power!”

“I’ll show you furry power!” Howler said then let out his howl and knocked them back.

“That’s howl. It’s the same we heard when the...” Starlight said.

“When your precious Megazord fell apart? Yeah, you're right! I’m a bad doggie. Now where did that doctor go?”

“That dog needs to be put down before he gets to the doctor.”

“Good thing he fell for my hologram.” Doctor Whooves said.

“Doctor, let’s get you out of here,” Pinkie said as they teleported out of there.

At Friendship Pillar...

“Check this out, rangers,” He showed them a microchip. “This is a copy of the legendary Ranger Data that I’ve been keeping up to date. It shows everything you wanna know about other ranger teams. May I?” He asked Spike.

“By all means, go right ahead,” Spike steps away from the console.

“Thanks,” He activates the chip. “Here we go... The Nexus Prism, the source of the Ninja Steel Rangers' powers is the subject of many legends. It has a mind of its own. We don’t know where it came from or who created it but we do know it has a connection to the Morphin Grid. It must not fall into the wrong hands.”

“We can’t let Scarlet Knight anywhere near it,” Rainbow said.

“Agreed. Which is why protecting it is our top priority,” Twilight said.

“Along with a way to stop Howler’s howls,” Sunset added. “I’m getting a headache hearing them.”

Then the console started to beep.

“The map got a lock on it,” Spike said. “That’s weirs, the Prism is at the Waterfront.”

“Out there, where it’s vulnerable,” Doctor Whooves said.

“Then let's go keep it safe.” Then the rangers teleported out of the base.

“Now, to stop the howls,” Doctor Whooevs went into thinking mode. “Spike, do have a lab of some sort.”

“Of course, why?”

“Because I have an idea.”

With the Rangers...

“What’s up with the prism?” Sunset asked seeing it.

“Is it looking for something?” Starlight asked.

“It’s alive right, maybe I can read its mind,” Twilight suggested.

“It’s the only idea we got so got for it,” Rainbow encouraged her.

Twilight reveals her wings, showing the Prism she means no harm. It stops spinning allowing her to read its mind.

The Nexus Prism shows her the Harmony Masters seeing them making them mystical objects. The Dino Chargers for the Dino Charge Rangers.

“I see. Using the Grid, they created magic artifacts for teams of Rangers.”

Then it shows them created the Prism.

“They made the Prism.”

“Anything else.”

“The Masters sent the Prism out into the universe to fight evil. And it came to Earth... where it gave the Ninja Steel Rangers their powers. As soon as their mission was done, it vanished. All along, the Harmony Mashe have been observing other Rangers Teams. Including us,” Twilight said.

“Mind blown!”

“I had no idea.”

“Anything else?”

“The Prism was sent on a new mission to Earth. It’s still searching.”

“What’s it looking for?”

“Don’t know. But it hasn’t found it yet.”

“Hello, rangers,” Vulcan said as he and Howler teleported in. “Your scent leads us straight to the Prism!”

“Great, the castle and the furball,” Rainbow groaned.

“We’ll destroy you and take the Prism!” Howler exclaimed. “Shall we destroy them?”

“Yes, we shall!”

The team morphed and a battle ensued. Twilight and Starlight went to Vulcan but got knocked back.

“We could use a little help here,” Starlight said.

“On it!” Rainbow went over and attacked at the chest.

“See that cliff? It would be a shame if it came down,” Howler said as he prepared to howl then Doctor Whooves teleports to the rangers.

“Hey there!”

“You!” Howler exclaimed then Whooeves pulled a ray gun and blasted him.

“Ouch!” Howler said in falsetto tone, “My voice what did you do to me!?”

“My Zero Howl Blaster! It quiets even the harshest of barks.”

“Nice one. doc, he’s really in the dog house.”

“Do something you horrible hound!” Vulcan said to him.

“I’ve still got some new tricks,” Howler said.

“Things are about to get ruff!” He said as grew giant.

“That looks like fun, so I’ll join him!” Vulcan said as he grew giant size as well.

“Time for some Megzord action.”

“That’s my cue to bolt, See next time, Rangers.” He said as he open a wormhole and left with the wormhole closing.

“Rangers, come meet your doom!” Vulcan said.

“You want a rematch.”

“Bring your Zords!”

“You heard him,” Twilight said. “Is the new formation good to go?”

Ready to action.

“Then send in the calvary! Alicron Master Zord!”

“Mermaid Blade Zord!”

“Spirte Hammer Zord!”

“Wolf Claw Zord!”

“Minotaur Spike Zord!”

As the Zords gathered, Vulcan started to laugh.

“A bunch of second rate tin-cans won’t scare me!”

“Oh yeah? Team, let’s show him something new!” Twilight said. “Zords combine!”

All five Zords from the Megazord.

“Friendship Fury Megazord, Warrior Formation!”

“It won’t be enough.”

Vulcan heads to the Megazord and swings his sword but the Megazord catches it.

“Hey, let go!”

“Well, you ask. Alicorn Blast!”

The Alicorn Shield fired a powerful laser and sent him back.

“Nice! Now stay on him!”

“Right! Double Slash!” Both Starlight and Rainbow said as the Megazord fired blue and green sword beams at Vulcan which knocked him back.

“My Turn! Spite Shocker!”

The sentry guns let an electric blast making shout in pain.

“Minotaur Drill!”

Drill were activated, grinding at Vulcan, knocking him into the side.

“Yikes! That won’t do,’ Chomp Tox said while watching from the ground. “Earn your keep, fleabag!”

“Behind you!” Howler came from behind out, before they swung back an arm. “Ow! I’ve a huge mistake!”


“Down, doggie!”

“This dog’s days are done!” Howler said as he exploded.

“I got ya!” Chomp Tox said as she grabbed his Negacore. “What a waste of talent. He was going to sing at my birthday party. “

“Now it’s all on me! Ready or not, Rangers! Here's the bang!”

“Alicorn Shield!”

“Vulcan Blast!”

He fired the blast but the shield sent back to him getting knocked to the ground.

“I’ve had with this guy! Mega Light Saber!”

“Friendship Fury Megazord! Friendship Mega Slash!”

The Megazord did a five-way slash at Vulcan and in the end, he blew up.

“We did it!”

“Friendship Fury Victory!”

Much later at Area 45...

“If I remember, there were three of you. Explain.” Scarlet Knight told Chomp Tox.

“Well, both Vulcan and Howler went boom. But I got Howler’s power up Negacore.”

“At least that’s something,” Scarlet Knight grabs it and places it in his machine. “See, this what we have for Vulcan’s stupidity. We need to work faster, be smarter, beat it!”

He went to his area and closed the door inside he looked at someone who was inside of it.

“Please forgive me. There’s been another setback. I know you’re impatient. We both are. But I promise it won’t be long. Whatever it takes. we’ll be together again soon...my love.”