• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 259 Views, 2 Comments

When a Door Closes a New One Opens - coolpony01

After Twilight Sparkle lost her parents due to being sent back to another reality she feels great sorrow and guilt for what her parents are going through and the fact that she misses them. Though this is not the end of her journet as she will gain fr

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Ch 69

Today I am going to met Fluttershy’s father he doesn’t know that we’re together and Fluttershy plans on telling him. I have heard that he can be a bit… conservative in beliefs and so I know it won’t be easy. I made sure to get myself artificial wings and a spell for walking on clouds before we made our way to Cloudsdale.

When we got there I saw a pegasus pony with the same coat and eyes as Twilight and with a butter stick with wings for a cutie mark. I heard his name was Butter Wing. “Why hello there you must be my daughter’s friend.” The mare said.

“Yes sir may we come in.” I said politely with a smile.

“Oh of course.” He said.

We then began to talk.

“So you used to be a Fly Dasher.” I say impressed.

He chuckled “Yes they have more morals than most flight groups so it was hard to be able to join but in the end they were impressed with my speed and my victorious nature.” He said. That… concerned me. He seemed to care very dearly about morals. What if he doesn’t respect the fact that Fluttershy and I are a couple now.

“So Fluttershy you’ve been seeing any colts?” He asked.

I could tell that bothered Fluttershy “Not really. I have my animals to take care of.” Fluttershy said.

“True your animals are your passion and it’s a good one at that.” He said proudly.

“Thanks father.” Fluttershy spoke with a slight smile.

We then had dinner and Fluttershy was ready to spill the beans. “Dad there’s something you need to now about Twilight. I wasn’t fully honest when I said she was my friend.” Fluttershy said.

“Oh is she a nice acquaintance than.” Fluttershy said.

“No she’s my… marefriend.” Fluttershy squeaked out.

He then looked stoic and then sad. “You told me you were done with this.” He said.

“Dad, I like mares. I'm not into stallions. I've already told you this.” Fluttershy said.

“But it’s wrong mares are meant to be with stallions I’ve told you this when you told me about this.” He said.
“No I don’t think it is.” Fluttershy spoke with confidence and her dad seemed to be in a bit of shock as though she hasn’t stood up for herself in front of him anymore.

“Can I talk to you.” He asked to me.

“Oh why yes of course.” I said politely. I knew to be prepared incase he tried anything.

“You know I would do anything for my daughter and to make sure she remains virtuous and that includes thwating her… desires.” He said with fear at that last word.

“We are you going with this?” He asked.

“I want you to break up with her it’s bad enough that she likes mares it's even worse being with one.” He said fearfully.

“Sir I can’t do that I love your daughter and I’ve had for a long time. You can’t just ask me to break up with her just because it doesn’t fit your morals.” I said trying to be reasonable.

“I’m not asking you. I have a lot of leeway in Clousdale I can make it that she could never visit again without being kicked out of all public places.” He said seriously.

“Are you serious that’s blackmail. I’ll report you to the princess.” I said.

“Do you really think the princess would take you seriously after telling her that she your one of them.” He asked.

That didn’t hinge me. “Sir the princess knew I was one of them for a long time and if you know your history you would know that she even had many gay friends and even once hosted a gay wedding.” I say logically.

“Oh you mean those conspiracy theories.” He said.

“The only conspiracy theory is people like you denying those events ever took place the princess has made it very clear how she feels about gay rights. And if you can’t accept the fact that she does indeed support them there are always other people to turn to such as the Equestrian Coalition for Traditional families.’ I said seriously.

“You can’t expect that people will accept your choice.” He snarled seemingly in contrast to his so-called morals.

“First of all it’s not a choice I never chose to be gay. And second of all I’ve already visited several public places in Clousdale that have already accepted me despite me being gay. And so if you don’t mind Fluttershy and I will be leaving so that we may show our love to each other.” Fluttershy promised me sex after this because we both wanted to enjoy ourselves a little especially after this.

“You dare lay with my daughter I’ll have you thrown in the dungeons.” He threatened.

I then saw Fluttershy. “So this is what you do. You threaten my marefriend with losing access to Clousdale’s public assets despite knowing that’s illegal. And you dare try to ruine my relationship with the mare I love.” She said outraged.

“Fluttershy look I’m only looking after your self interests.” He said worried.

“No you are only looking for your moral compass. You just can’t stand the fact that your daughter is laying with another mare so you threatened her just to get her to break up with me.” Fluttershy said accuinsgly.

“If you’re going to continue to defy the morals I taught you. You are no longer welcome here.” He said firmly.

Fluttershy looked at him sadly at that. “I thought this may happen.” Fluttershy said.

We then left. When we got back to her cottage Fluttershy had a look of impression. “That was so awesome I’ve never seen anyone stick up to my dad like that.” She said impressed.

“Well it is me after all.” I said.

“Yeah I never thought I’d be able to stick up to my dad before but after I met you. You with how courageous and brave you are I knew that I could find the courage to stick up to my dad.” She said.

‘Well I’m glad to give you courage. Evertone needs to be able to stick up for themselves.” I said.

“Or other.” Fluttershy chimed in.

“Now come on it’s time to enjoy our evening.” Fluttershy said with a hint of joy.

“Yes let’s do that.” I said smiling.