• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 264 Views, 2 Comments

When a Door Closes a New One Opens - coolpony01

After Twilight Sparkle lost her parents due to being sent back to another reality she feels great sorrow and guilt for what her parents are going through and the fact that she misses them. Though this is not the end of her journet as she will gain fr

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Ch 33

There is a bad storm brewing outside. Fortunately Spike is already inside sound asleep. But I then notice Apple Jack and Rarity headed to the front door.

“Whoa nillie. Is inside a tree really the safest place to be during a lightening storm?” Applejack asked.

“It is if you have a magical lightening rod protecting your home like I do. Come on in.” I said happily at the pleasant surprise.

“We are most grateful for your invitation Twilight.” Rarity spoke with her usual polite and refined tone.

“Thank you kindly for your hospitality.” Applejack then went to clean off her hooves to be polite as she is one of such traits.

“I hope you and Applejack don’t have trouble making it back home.” I said concerned.

“It may be a bit of a problem.” Rarity admitted.

“Well you’re welcome to stay then it will be a slumberparty I haven’t had one of those in so long.” I say as I happily clap my hooves.

We then all began to do facials Applejack had fun and I know she normally doesn’t do this. It was fun being able to do this with my friends.

We then had a pillow fight and began to flow pillows at each other “Oh it is on.” Rarity said while smiling.

The two I do notice seemed to be also annoyed sleeping over together but I shrugged it off.

We then decided to play truth or dare.

Applejack dared Rarity to go outside and let her get drenched. It was a bit mean I’ll admit. So I’m not really surprised that Rarity then dared Applejack to play dressed up in a fru fru glittery lacy outfit. Applejack came in a blue fru fru outfit complete with this fancy hat.

The two seemed to have trouble sleeping when it was time. We then heard a loud sound “You see that’s why we had to take down those all loose branches in town not psiffy them up.”

Applejack then went and lassod it but the thing landed in the house. Which I was annoyed. I was happy to see that they apologized for how they acted and helped remove it. We then enjoyed the rest of our sleepover and they apologized for how they acted.

Applejack is such a family mare and Rarity is so generous and polite. And so I wouldn’t want a slumber party with anyone else.