• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 264 Views, 2 Comments

When a Door Closes a New One Opens - coolpony01

After Twilight Sparkle lost her parents due to being sent back to another reality she feels great sorrow and guilt for what her parents are going through and the fact that she misses them. Though this is not the end of her journet as she will gain fr

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Ch 63

I am having a picnic with my friends enjoying the spring sun. The trees are all in bloom along with the beautiful flowers and the animals are all about. I saw Spike running over as he had a letter in hand he would’ve come but he was hanging out with the girls. I read about an upcoming wedding in Canterlot. She said she would very much like me and my friends to help with the preparations. She would like Fluttershy to provide the music with her birds Fluttershy smiled at that. She said there was nobody more qualified than Pinkie Pie to host the reception. Pinkie Pie did a cartwheel at that joyfully. Applejack would be in charge of catering for the party. I am very excited because the Apple Family has the best treats. And Rainbow Dash it would be very much appreciated according to the princess if she could do a sonic rainboom during the vows when the bride and groom complete their i dos. And Rarity would be responsible for making the dress for the bride. Rarity looked delighted at that it was a Canterlot wedding for Canterlot royalty after all. And I would be having the most important role of all making sure that everything goes as planned.

I was confused about who is getting married. Spike then said he was probably supposed to give me this one instead and I read it. “Princess Celestia cordially invites you to the wedding of Princess Di Amore Cadenza and my brother.” I spoke in shock.

“Your brother’s getting married? Congratulations Twilight.” Applejack said excitedly for me.

“Yeah congratulations.” I said sarcastically. “That I got a letter not from my brother but from a piece of paper how could he not tell me personally.” I said hurt.

“That’s so rad.” Rainbow Dash said on the train.

“I can’t wait to try on the dresses.” Rarity said excited as a school filly.

“A sonic rainboom? At a wedding. Can you say best wedding ever.” Rainbow Dash said excited.

“Best wedding ever!” Pinkie Pie yelled in the tunnel.

“So you all get to help prepare a big fancy wedding. But I’m the one who gets to host the bachelor party.” Spike said bragging.

“I just have one question. What’s a bachelor party.” Everypony began to laugh at that and even I did. Spike is so adorable.

But I was still upset. “Why the long face sugarcube?” Applejack asked concerned to me. I’m appreictaive for that she has always been a friendly one.

“I’m just thinking about Shinning Armor. Ever since I’ve moved to Ponyville we’ve been seeing each other less. And now that he’s starting a new family. We’ll probably never see each other.” I said feeling down in the dumps.

“Come on now. You’re his sister. He’ll always make time for you. And you have to understand that he’s startin a new life. He’s gonna have new priorities but he’ll still find time for you.” Applejack said.

I know she’s right but he still should’ve told me that he was getting married I’m just so hurt.

I then barged up to my brother. “I’ve just something to say to you mister.” I said.

The guards backed off as they knew better than to mess with me when I was like that. “Twiley.” My brother said joyfully as he say me. “I’ve missed you.” He said. I backed away.

“How could you not tell me you were getting married. I’m your sister for pete’s sake.” I said hurt.

“I was going to. But Princess Celestia required a major increase in security a threat has been made against Canterlot and I’ve been doing everything I can to protect the region.”

I was in understanding if my brother needed to defend all of us from attack then perhaps it was a necessary decision.

“Then why are we having the wedding right now at all.” I asked.

He grunted. “The nobles are heavily making us have the wedding now because they want to “appear” strong. By still having a wedding to show that we wouldn’t back off when a threat comes our way.” He said annoying.

“Those fools.” I said.

“I know. They even forced me to not tell you in person because the captain of the guard is necessary.” He said.

“Well I can’t complain. You are finally marrying Cadance after all.” I spoke with a smile.

Shinning smiled at that. “You are correct. It is good to finally tie the knot how about you go say hi to her for old time’s sake.” My brother said.

“I’d love to. You’re right. I think I’ll do that.” I said.

I saw her and was happy to see her. I then did the little dance we came up with whenever she foalsitted me it was for my protection as I may have needed an alicorn around at times when someone was causing trouble.

“What are you doing?” Cadence asked.

I was in shock. “Don’t you recognize me, it's me Twilight.” I said.
“Uh hu.” She said. She then approached my brother and they seemed happy together so I ignored it.

I then noticed some odd behaviors Princess Cadance was throwing away tarts she always love tarts especially from the apple family. She was also rude to Rarity askying for a darker color when I know it was Cadance’s style. She was also odd around Pinkie Pie she didn’t like the decorations even though I know she loves balloons. She even yelled at one of Fluttershy’s birds for being a bit off key and I know her I know she would never act like this not even on her wedding day.

So I decided to investigate. I was listening to my brother and Cadence arguing that night about what to wear since she didn’t want my brother wearing this shield even though it looked dashing on him. She asked if she was disagreeing with him and he said I guess I am. And she cast a horrible spell upon him. ‘Are you feeling better dear” He nodded seemingly robotically.

I left. “Cadance would never do that.” A tought than came to mind. “That’s not Cadance.” I said.

I went to the lieutant of the guard Captain Brave Heart. “What ever is the matter Twilight.” My old friend asked me my brother and him have been good friends for many years.

“I just say Cadance cast a spell on my brother I think it was a mine control spell because it was just too robotic there’s no way that’s Cadance she would never do that.” I said worried.

He looked at me and we went to alert the other guards and they were all on high alert.

I then saw “Cadance” with a cruel smile on her face. “Look I know you’re not the real Cadancde my foalsitter would never act like that. I am asking that you turn yourself in whoever you are I’m sorry I didn’t see the truth sooner.” I said.

“You will be.” She said angrily. She then cast a spell around me I couldn’t break and I was lowered down somewhere.

My horn glowed a pink ora as I looked around to see that I was in a cavern of some sort. “Hello.” I called out.

[Distant evil laughter]

“Where am I.” I called.

“The caves beneath Canterlot.” I turned to see “Cadances” reflection all over the wall but an eerily glow.

“Once homed to greedy unicorns who wanted to claim the jems that could be found inside. And now your prison.” She said as she revealed a reflection of herself on the cave whale.
“Help Help!” I called out.

[Chuckling] “It’s no use. No one can hear you. And no one will ever think to look for you either. Most ponies have forgotten that these caves even exist. Which is why they are the ideal place to keep the ones who try to interfere with my plans.” She then laughed evily.

“Plans? What plans?” I asked.

“The plans I have for your brother of course.” She said.

“Don’t you dare do anything to my brother you monster!” I said as I readied my horn to attack.

“Only way to stop me is to catch me.”

[Cackling] “Over here.” She said as she appeared in one of the crystals. I then fired my horn in various crystals. Until I found her but she seemed different she looked stressed and her mane was in knots was this the real Cadance.

“Cadance.” I approached.

She saw me. “Twilight it’s me.” She said.

“I’ll need you to prove it’s really you.” I said.

“When you were young you told me that you liked mares and that I’d support you because I learned through my years of being the princess of love that love is a beautiful thing and it matters not about them being in love with the same sex so long as it is a loving and consensual one.” She said.

“Okay how do we get outta here?” I asked.

We made our way to the exit only to see the bridesmares but Cadance took off the spell cast on them. “Cadance is that really you?” One of them asked fearfully.

“Yes it is Minutte it is so good to see that you’re alright.” Cadence said relived.

We then ran down the hallways as we were determined to stop this false wedding. “I know present you.” I heard Celestia say.

“Stop!” I yelled out.

Everyone was in shock they thought I’d left that was that Cadance said after all. “Why is she so possessive of her brother.” The false Cadance said in a huff. That got Celestia surprised since the real Cadance would never act that way around her student. “Why is she trying to ruine my special day.” “Cadance” said with false tears.

“Because it’s not your special day it’s mine.” Cadence said determined to stop this.

“Wait, how can there be two of them?” Applejack said confusedly.

“Celesia thank goodness I found out there both imposters and so I had them locked away I was going to tell you but you know the stress of weddings.” Cadence said. Celestia seemed suspicious though since the other Cadance was clearly stressed and with a tangled mane as if she really was being held against her will.

“Celestia you told me that you had a crush on a colt named Galient Sword when you were a filly.” I replied knowing that only I would know that.

“And you helped cover it up when my friends and I had an eighteenth birthday party with heavy alcoholic drinking.” Cadence said.

“Alright “Cadence” there is only one answer that the real Cadence would know. I told you this when you were a filly. What is woven in the light?” Celestia asked.

“Cadence” grew angry and transformed into a changeling. We suspected her to be a changeling and were not all that surprised to find it was the queen of the changelings.

“You dare to ruine my plans.” Chrysalis asked.

“And just what are those plans Chrysalsis?” Celestia asked angry at the deceitful queen.

“Oh you know feed off your subjects take over the land that sort of thing. As queen of the changelings it is up to me to find food for my subjects. Equesteria has more love then any place I’ve ever encountered.” She then proceeded to laugh evilly. “My minions are already chipping away at your so-called highly advanced shield.” She stated. Everyone grew scared at that.

Celestia then went to the attack but she failed meaning that the love in Cadance’s heart was strong enough to repeal even Celestia. This wasn’t good.

I teleported my friends and I away and we went to grab the elements of harmony. But it was to no avail the changelings managed to defeag my friends and I in battle because many of them new to specifically target us. But against the guards not so much since I warned them they knew it was likely changelings and so they were prepared enough to defend the lands.

I then saw that she had Spike in her grasp and was feeding on her. I was pissed and ready to make her pay.

I did something though that no one expected I’d be able to do I freed the real Cadance and got her to my brother. Her magic was able to break loose the spell casted upon him. Cadence said that she could help him repel the changelings because their love would give them strength. I then saw something I diddn’t expect their love truly did give them strength and they repealed the changelings from the lands. We would have to do something about them soon but there was first a wedding to plan.

Cadence seemed all too happy to be planning the wedding for real. She enjoyed Applejack’s cooking, loved Rarity’s dress, danced the chicken dance to Pinkie Pie’s music. And enjoyed the singing of the birds. Everything that Chrysalis didn't do.

My son was of course the ring bear as he was the nephew of the groom. And his friends were even the flower girls. Everything turned out perfectly except for one thing.

“Cadance can I talk with you for a second?” I asked.

“Oh of course Twilight.” Cadence said.

We went in private. “Well you see I wasn’t just hurt that Shinning Armor didn’t tell me about the wedding I was a bit jealous.” I said regretfully admitting.

“Jealous you.” She said with laughter.

“Well yes see I have a crush on one of my friends. I’ve had it for a while ever since I started helping out this particular mare with her chores. She’s kind to everyone and I just couldn’t help but fall in love with her.” I said.

I then turned to see Fluttershy who looked in shock she then blushed. “Uhm Twilight there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you. I too like you.” She said.

“Wh..What.” I spoke in shock.

She blushed some more. “Well yes you’re so passionate and caring towards everyone especially towards your son as well as your care towards my animals and your love for nature was really… appealing to me.” She said with a sweet tone.

“Well I believe you two have some talking to do.” Cadence said.

I went over by Fluttershy. “Twi would you mind if I were to kiss you?” She asked.

I blushed happily “You’d do that for me.” I said in gratitude and excitement.

“Well of course Twilight.” She then went and leaned in and kissed me and it was well extraordinary.

I spend the rest of my night mostloy with Fluttershy and my friends we pleasantly enjoyed our conversation about each other and our interests and knew that we just well clicked in this. I told Spike and he was excited for me I am glad my son gets along with Fluttershy well. I smiled this night is the best one.