• Published 18th Mar 2024
  • 585 Views, 89 Comments

My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 4) - Mister E-Nonymous

Twilight, Sonic, Sunny and friends have returned for new adventures. Eggman may be gone for a while, but a new threat will rise. And there are a lot of things going to happen this season.

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Episode 7: Dulcy

Episode 7: Dulcy

MC and Truemen were putting some books into a bookcase built into the wall in the master Bedroom, which is where MC sleeps. As they were finishing up with the books, MC closed the glass doors just as Twilight was passing by the open door. Twilight noticed and saw MC and Truemen moving an open bookcase to cover the locked bookcase from sight.

"Hey, what was that?" Twilight asked. That question made MC and Truemen jump in shock. They turned around to see Twilight coming in.

"Sparkles!" MC said. "Don't sneak up on us like that!"

"Sorry, MC," Twilight said. "But seriously..." She then used her magic to move the bookcase back to the side, revealing the locked bookcase in the wall. "...what is that?"

"None of your concern, Twilight," Truemen said as he was going to move the bookcase back. But Twilight used her magic to lift Truemen up to stop him from pushing.

"Nice try," Twilight said. "Why are you locking up those books?"

MC sighed and said, "These books are the Oracle of Delphius's private, enchanted library. You know the saying; 'Books that will take you on an adventure from the comfort of your home?'" Twilight nodded. "Well, these ones actually do. They literally suck you into the story."

"Oh, please," Twilight said. "Like any harm would come from opening a book." She then took the key out of MC's hand, but MC took it back quickly.

"Not gonna happen!" MC said. He then used his speed and strength to cover the locked bookcase. "No one is going to open those books. Ever. There are dangerous areas in those books. The Oracle said not to interfere. So we're keeping them locked up." MC then put the key into his chest fluff. He then walked out. Truemen followed. Twilight watched them leave and then looked towards the bookcase.

MC and Truemen walked outside to see the Young 6 in the pool. Silverstream wasn't in her seapony form because of the chlorine in the pool could harm her in her seapony form. Smolder was on the side, her hand to her chin.

"Smolder, are you okay?" MC asked. "What's bringing you down?"

"I've gotten a letter from my cousin," Smolder said. "She says she wants to be a Freedom Fighter, too."

"Seriously?" MC asked. "What's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong is that my cousin, Dulcy, is really clumsy," Smolder responded. "She doesn't land right, she constantly bumps her head, and she messes up my room whenever she comes to visit."

"Wow," Gallus said. "Your cousin sounds like a total klutz."

"Tell me about it," Smolder said. "She wouldn't stop with asking if you guys would allow her to be a Freedom Fighter. I kept sending her letters that there weren't any open spots in the Freedom Fighters. But the last one I sent said that she could be a Freedom Fighter if she could find this place. But I sent her in the wrong direction."

"Well, you're right about one thing," MC said. "We don't have any room for another person here. And it's not like she's gonna find Freedom Fighters Mansion."

"GANGWAY?!" came a female voice. They all looked up and saw a new dragon coming towards them.

The dragon came down and was sliding towards MC, sending him up and him landing in the pool. The dragon then crashed into the patio furniture near the pool.

"Whoa!" Sandbar said. He then got out of the pool and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Don't worry, Ma!" the dragon said. "It's not a school day!" She then passed out.

MC then brought his head out of the pool and looked at the new dragon. He then looked at Smolder with a grumpy look.

Smolder chuckled nervously and said, "MC... meet Dulcy."

Ocellus and Silverstream were helping the new dragon, now known as Dulcy, recover from the crash. MC was still upset that Smolder had told her cousin that she could be a Freedom Fighter if she found their mansion.

"I can't believe you did that!" MC said. "We have no room here for her!"

"In my defense, I never thought she'd be able to find this place," Smolder said. "I specifically told her that Freedom Fighter's base was in a place called... Spagonia."

MC face palmed and said, "That's in Sally's Kingdom. Why on Earth would you send her there?"

Smolder chuckled and said, "Actually..." Smolder then flashbacked to herself spinning a globe around. With her eyes closed, she then put a finger on the globe, choosing a random location, which was Spagonia. She then wrote it down on the parchment she had. The flashback ended and MC groaned. "Sorry, I couldn't handle all the stress of her constantly asking me when she'd become a Freedom Fighter."

"Aye-yai-yai, Smolder," MC said. "We can't have her roaming around here. She could interfere with our training."

"But what about Sparky?" Gallus asked, walking up to MC. "He roams free whenever he wants."

"He's just a baby," MC said. "That's different." Sparky then came running out of Hitch's room, giggling happily. Without realizing, he ran into the pool. Hitch came out of his room.

"Sparky?" Hitch asked. "Where's..." Then Sparky came from the water, not having the knowledge of how to swim. "Sparky!" Just then, Gallus came flying in, grabbing Sparky, and gave him to Hitch.

"Here you go," Gallus said, handing the baby dragon to Hitch.

"Thank you, Gallus," Hitch said. "Sparky really is getting to be a handful."

"I know," Gallus said. "I think... all babies are like that."

"Probably not all of them," Hitch said. His phone then buzzed. He pulled it out and said, "Dang it. I gotta get to work." He then put his phone away and turned Sparky to face him. "Okay, Sparky. I've got to go to work. Be good while I'm gone."

Sparky then rubbed Hitch's face with his. Then Hitch gave Sparky to Gallus and he headed off to work. Hitch then headed out towards the garage. As Hitch was heading there, Misty was hiding behind a column that was holding up a balcony on the second floor, thinking of a way to get Sparky.

"Okay, Misty," Misty said to herself, quietly. "As soon as Sparky's alone, just go and grab him, and then..."

"Misty?" Hitch asked, getting Misty's attention, causing her to scream. "Whoa, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Oh, uh... It's... no big deal, Hitch," Misty said, chuckling nervously. "It's just..."

Hitch noticed Misty's outfit and said, "Wait a minute. Isn't it time for you to go to work?"

Misty then went wide eyed and said, "Oh, no! I'm gonna be late!"

"Get your uniform, and meet me in the garage," Hitch said. "I'll drop you off." Misty nodded and headed straight to her room, passing MC and Smolder.

"Careful, Misty!" MC said. "You don't want to fall into the pool."

"Sorry!" Misty said. "I'm getting my uniform!" She then ran into her room, went to her closet, grabbed her uniform, and ran out, heading for the garage. At the garage door, Hitch was pulling out in a gray Toyota Tacoma 4x4. Misty ran around the front of the truck, and then she got into the truck. She then looked around it. "Nice truck."

"It actually was owned by a friend of the Freedom Fighters," Hitch said. "The sheriff of Green Hills to be precise. Although, it still ran when the entire hood was cut off by a really small Eggman Robot."

"Wow," Misty said. "This thing must've gotten fixed very good. It... looks like it hasn't taken any damage at all."

"You can thank Tails and Lynol for that," Hitch said. "Now, buckle up. We've gotta get going." Then Misty buckled up and then Hitch pulled out from the garage.

Dulcy was then walking up to the pool and seeing her reflection in it.

"So, this is what non-dragons swim in?" Dulcy asked. "Well, then, guess I'm gonna have to get used to it." She was about to dive in, but her tail was grabbed by MC, causing her to be pulled back. "Hey, what's the big...?" She then noticed who grabbed her and gasped. "You're the leader of the Freedom Fighters."

"Co-leaders," MC said. "Sonic and I lead this group together. Sally, too, but she's back in her home country."

"Well, I'm sure that..." Dulcy said.

"Sorry to break the news to you, Dulcy, but I'm afraid we don't have any more room in the mansion," MC said.

"That's okay, I can probably find someplace close to here and..." Dulcy said before her mouth was shut by MC's left hand.

"Plus, there's the fact that you're extremely clumsy, and could cause more harm than good," MC said. "Which isn't all that great whenever we're needed on a mission."

"Then train me," Dulcy said. "I can probably find a place in the city."

"Not without paying rent," MC said. "Face it, Dulce, you don't know the lowdown of how things work in this world."

"He's right, Dulce," Smolder said. "I had to get official records and ID just to live here. I even had to study for a test to actually live here. Luckily, Ocellus was there to help with studying."

"Studying American History and Government," Ocellus said. "I wanted to be prepared in case we had to do it."

"Then I'll study!" Dulcy said. "I could use some tutoring myself." MC then groaned and walked away.

"I'm gonna go for a run," MC said. He then started speeding away.

Dulcy looked down at Smolder and said, "Was I too demanding?" Smolder groaned and headed towards the room she slept in.

At the Station Square Mall Movie Theater, Misty was was working hard to keep up with the customers of their orders. She was working as fast as she could.

"One large popcorn, coming right up!" Misty said. She then grabbed a popcorn tub, and filled it with popcorn. When she got a couple scoops in, she looked back and asked, "I'm sorry. Did you want butter with that?" The customer nodded. "Coming right up." She then held the tub under a small pipe and pushed down on a pump that released popcorn butter from it. She then filled up the rest of the tub with popcorn and put butter over it. She then handed it to the customer. "There you go. Enjoy the movie." Then two customers came in with a couple of drinks and candy bars. "Hello. Two drinks and two candy bars." Misty was putting the order on the computer that was in front of her. "Anything else?"

"A large popcorn, extra butter," the man said.

"Coming right up," Misty said as she was filling out the order. "That'll be Sixteen-Forty-Three." She then saw that one of the customers had put his card through the card reader. "Just confirm order and... there. I'll be right back with your popcorn." She then filled up another tub of popcorn as fast as she could. She put in twice the amount of butter as the last customer. She then gave the tub to the couple. "Enjoy the movie." Misty was sweating and panting heavily. Then the manager came up to her.

"Misty," the manager said. "You're over working yourself."

"I know, Mister Bailey," Misty said. "It's just... really hard when you've got so many customers coming in to see a movie."

"Yeah, especially when a new movie is brought into theaters," the manager, known as Mister Bailey, said to Misty. "Perhaps you should take a break."

"Actually, I do need to use the restroom," Misty said.

"You go ahead, I'll take over your spot until you get back," Mister Bailey said. Misty nodded and headed away from there. She eventually went into the restroom and went into one of the stalls. She then sighed.

"Misty!" Opaline's voice came from Misty's shirt, making the unicorn jump. She then pulled the necklace from under her shirt.

"Yes, Opaline?" Misty asked.

"Did you get me one of those dragons?!" Opaline asked from the necklace.

"Umm..." Misty said, trying to come up with an excuse.

"YOU DIDN'T GET ONE OF THEM?!" Opaline yelled.

"I'm sorry, Opaline!" Misty said. "I was about to, but I forgot that it was a work day today! Besides, I'm also spying on them as well, but I can't spy on them if I'm not paying rent for my room!"

"You can't just..." Opaline said, angrily. But then she remembered what Misty said. "Oh, that's right. You need money to pay for rent. Just don't forget your mission, or you'll never get your Cutie Mark."

Misty sighed and said, "Yes, Opaline." She then put the necklace back under her shirt and sighed sadly. She then got up and headed out of the stall. As Misty came out of the bathroom. As soon as she came out, she saw MC standing at the entrance. Misty raised an eyebrow at that. She then walked up to him.

A few minutes later, MC and Misty were standing at a vending machine.

"So, Smolder's cousin is currently doing some studying to become an official citizen here in the US," MC said, grabbing both the sodas that were purchased. He then handed one to Misty. "Although, I think she'll do more harm than good."

"Sounds like it," Misty said. "Especially when she came crashing in."

"You saw that, eh?" MC asked. "Well, at least you're not as clumsy as her."

"Well, there have been moments where I have been clumsy," Misty said. "Mostly around the mansion."

"Yeah, I saw," MC said. "You should've seen Sunny when she transformed into an Alicorn when she went to see the Equestria she heard from her father."

"I bet she was ecstatic," Misty said. "Kinda wish..." Misty trailed off. MC noticed this.

"Kinda wish what?" MC asked.

"Never mind," Misty said. She then looked at her right hip. She then sighed and asked, "Do you know if there are... other ways of getting a Cutie Mark?"

"That's only for ponies only," MC said. "But... I heard from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, that a young pony receives their Cutie Mark when a pony figures out who they wanna be. Mostly by doing what they love to do the most. That's the only way a pony can receive their Cutie Mark. If a horned magic user uses their magic to make a Cutie Mark appear on a pony's flank or hip, it wouldn't last even five seconds."

"Really?" Misty asked. "Not even... a lot of magic?"

"No amount of magic can make it appear," MC said. "Sparkles had tried multiple times on Apple Bloom. And that was before she became an Alicorn."

"Really?" Misty asked. Just then, her phone started beeping and she pulled it out. "Oh, shoot. I have to get back to work." MC then rushed Misty back to work with his super speed. "Whoa! That was... a rush."

"You'll get used to it," MC said. "I should get back home." He then rushed back home. Misty then headed back to work.

Back at Freedom Fighters Mansion, MC rushed in.

"Alright, Dulcy," MC said. "If you can do something that impresses me, I'll let you..." MC had his eyes closed when he was talking. When he opened his eyes, he saw both Smolder and Dulcy glowing and scratching themselves. "Whoa! What is this?!"

Smolder was groaning from how itchy they were. She then said, "Dragon Lord Ember is calling for us! All Dragons must go back to the Dragon Lands."

MC looked over towards Sparky, seeing that he was itching and glowing too. MC then sighed, "For the love of God, you've got to be kidding me." MC then walked over towards Sparky, used his power to make a baby carrier, and then put Sparky into it. "Well, we can't let you ignore the call of the Dragon Lord. Let's head to the Dragon Lands."

MC then pulled out his Super Warp Ring, threw it, and it became a portal to the Dragon Lands. MC, Sparky, Smolder and Dulcy went through the portal. MC closed the ring and brought it into his hand.

MC saw Spike coming in by flying, scratching himself as he was flying.

"Spike!" MC called out. Spike noticed the group and smiled. MC then used his Super Warp Ring and opened a portal somewhere. He reached in and brought out his Extreme Gear. He then closed the portal and then he started using his Extreme Gear and rode it up towards Spike. Smolder and Dulcy were flying right beside them. "You know what's going on?"

"Not a clue!" Spike said. "Let's go!" Then they headed off towards where Ember's throne was. When they got there, they saw the dragons fighting off a group that weren't dragons at all. They saw Fiona Fox fighting Ember.

"Fiona?!" MC asked. "That could only mean..." Just then, MC was struck quickly be a green blur, him and Sparky yelling out and falling towards the ground.

Smolder caught MC's extreme gear and called out, "MC!" MC and Sparky landed in a pool of lava. Then the two of them came out, MC roaring in anger. He then looked around.

"Take that, Your Highness," came a voice. MC looked towards the voice and he saw..."


"Finally... some payback for this!" Scourge said, motioning his right hand to the scratch marks on his torso. "Prepare for your ultimate destruction!"

"Nothing can stop me!" MC said. "Not you, nor any other evil version of Sonic will stop me." Both of them got in battle stances as Sparky looked up at MC.

Spike, Smolder and Dulcy headed towards the throne to get into the fight. But as soon as they were getting in close, they were ambushed by Predator Hawk and Flying Frog.

"I don't think so!" Predator Hawk said, sending down Spike.

"Gah!" Spike called out as he fell.

"I don't think so!" Dulcy said. She then inhaled big, and she flew out a huge gust of wind, blowing Predator Hawk away, screaming.

"Whoa!" Smolder said with Flying Frog on her back. "I had no idea you could do that!"

"It actually came to me some time before Equestria came to Earth," Dulcy said. Just then, Flying Frog jumped onto Dulcy's face. "Hey!"

"You might blow away my ride, but you won't blow me away!" Flying Frog said, covering up Dulcy's vision.

"Hey!" Dulcy said. "Get off me!" She then tried pulling Flying Frog off of her. Smolder then tried kicking Flying Frog off. It worked, but not in the way she hoped. Flying Frog was now hanging onto Smolder's right leg.

"Hey!" Smolder said.

"You won't get rid of me that easily!" Flying Frog said.

"Funny that you decided to come here," Smolder said. "I thought frogs dry up when they get overheated."

"Wait, what?" Flying Frog asked. Just then Smolder started flying down towards the lava. "Yikes!" He was then holding onto Smolder's leg tightly as she was flying over the lava, very closely. "No! No no no no no no!" His skin then started drying up. "Gah! I'm drying up! I'm losing my grip!" He lost his grip, but luckily, he wasn't over lava when he did. "Ow..."

"Never mess around in the Dragon Lands!" Smolder called out. She then started flying back towards the throne. She then got involved with the dragons and the rest of the Destructix. Lightning Lynx was pouncing all over some dragons, Sergeant Simian was pounding Garble's friends into the ground, and Fiona Fox was taking out Ember, trying to reach for the Bloodstone Scepter.

"You will... never... get the scepter!" Ember said.

"Who says we need the whole scepter?" Fiona asked. "We just need the stone!" She then kicked Ember's crotch, making her lose the grip on the scepter.

"Gaaaah!" Ember cried out as she received a crotch shot. Fiona then grabbed the scepter and ripped the Bloodstone from the Bloodstone Scepter.

"Okay, I got it!" Fiona said.

"I don't think so!" Smolder said. She then flew in, and kicked Fiona's face, making Fiona drop the Bloodstone.

"No!" Fiona said. But then, it was grabbed by Lightning Lynx.

"Don't lose it, Fiona," Lightning Lynx said. "You know what the boss would say if we lost it."

"Don't remind me!" Fiona said. She was then punched by Smolder.

"Get out of my homeland!" Smolder said. She then grabbed Fiona and lifted her up. Just then, she was smacked by Sergeant Simian, making her drop Fiona.

"Gaaaah!" Smolder called out.

"Smolder!" came Garble's voice. He came in and grabbed Smolder before she could land in the pool of lava. "You okay, sis?"

"I'm fine, Gar-Gar," Smolder said. She then noticed Fiona, Lightning Lynx and Sergeant Simian running away from the throne, followed by Predator Hawk and Flying Frog. Fiona was carrying the Bloodstone. "They got the stone!"

In another part of the Dragon Lands, MC and Scourge were battling it out with Sparky watching from on top a tall rock column. He then saw a rock not as big as him. He then used his dragon fire and changed the rock into a bucket of popcorn. He then giggled, grabbed the bucket, and ate the popcorn as he was watching the fight.

MC and Scourge then held each others hands, trying to push each other back. Scourge than said, "You're always a pain when you get involved with those who know they can win! You'll never stop us!"

"You villains always lose at the end," MC said.

"That's what you think!" Scourge said before using his knee and ramming it into MC's crotch.

"Gah!" MC cried out in pain, letting go of Scourge. Scourge then pushed MC back before he could start recovering.

"Say goodbye, false king," Scourge said. That comment made MC mad. He then sweep kicked Scourge, sending him down to land on his back. Then MC pounced on him, pinning him down.

"Two things, Scourge," MC said. "One, I'm a prince. And two, I really am of Royal Blood on my father's side." Just then, pink flames started swirling around MC and Scourge. "What the heck?!"

Scourge smirked and said, "See ya." Scourge then kicked MC off of him and then the pink flames built up, and then Scourge and the pink flames disappeared.

MC looked towards where Scourge was and scolded. MC then said, "Opaline."

Smolder, Garble, Dulcy and Ember were chasing the rest of the Destructix out of the Dragon Lands, and through the forest. Just then, they stopped when Spike cut off the Destructix.

"You're not going anywhere with that!" Spike said.

"That's what you think," Fiona Fox said, smirking. "We've got what we needed. See ya." Just then the five villains were surrounded in pink flames, then the flames built up. The flames vanished, along with the Bloodstone and the Destructix.

"No!" Ember said. "They got the Bloodstone!"

"We'll get it back, Ember," Smolder said. She then looked around. "Where are MC and Sparky?" Just then, MC rushed towards them, carrying Sparky in the baby carrier. "Never mind."

"The others got away in pink flames?" MC asked.

"Yep," Garble said.

"Opaline," MC said. "No doubt she was the one who busted them out."

"Opaline?" Smolder asked. "You mean that Alicorn that attacked us after we graduated from Twilight's School of Friendship?"

"The same," MC said. "She's gathering other villains, and now she has the Bloodstone. Why would she need the stone instead of the whole scepter?"

"Who knows?" Dulcy asked. "I bet we'll get it back."

"Yeah, especially with your hurricane breath," Smolder said.

"Hurricane breath?" MC asked.

"Yeah, Dulcy blew away that blue hawk guy far away," Garble said.

MC put a hand to his chin to think. He then said, "Alright, Dulce. Since you actually put up a fight to the Destructix, and have some interesting magic, I think we should have you part of the Freedom Fighters. But you'll still need training. I better find you a place to stay." He then walked away, raising his right arm to his mouth. "Nicole, get me in touch with Amy."

Meanwhile, in Opaline's Castle, Opaline was holding the Bloodstone in her hands after Fiona handed it to her.

"Finally!" Opaline said. "A key to getting more magic from all of Equestria."

Allura, who was also in the room, walked closer to Opaline, inspecting the Bloodstone. She then asked, "How exactly is this thing going to help you get all the magic of Equestria?"

"It's crucial for getting it," Opaline answered. "So, as soon as my spy, Misty, gets one of those two dragons, I will use their fire on the Bloodstone, or how it's really called, the Dragon Stone, it'll increase my magic, and I will use it to steal the magic of all the creatures of Equestria."

"You have a spy in the Freedom Fighters?" Imperator Ix asked, walking into the room.

"Yes," Opaline said. Just then, a holographic image of Misty came in. "Misty here will capture one of those dragons, and when she has one and contacts me, I'll bring her back here, and then, I'll be the ultimate Fire Alicorn!" Outside of the room, Shade was standing right by the door, not seen by Opaline, the Destructix, Imperator Ix and Allura, overhearing the conversation.

"And when she gives you one of the dragons, will you give her what she wants?" Fiona asked.

"Oh, she wants to have her Cutie Mark finally given to her," Opaline said. "But sadly, that will never come to be. Once I get one of those dragons, Misty will be no use to me."

Shade gasped at that, but then she covered her mouth.

"What was that?!" Scourge asked.

"It's probably just the building settling," Flying Frog said.

"So a building settling sounds like someone inhaling loudly?" Allura asked.

"I lived in a weird building before I became a part of the Destructix," Flying Frog said.

"Poor Misty," Shade said, quietly.

"Okay, don't tell me you heard that," Allura said.

"It's the building settling," Flying Frog said.

"So the building suddenly feels bad for Misty," Allura asked. Shade was slowly walking away from the door, quietly.

Back at Freedom Fighters Mansion, MC was walking down the hallway to the Master Bedroom, exhausted from what he went through. When he opened the door, he was shocked when he saw something. On the other side of the room, Twilight and Sonic were standing in front of the bookcase with the enchanted books, which was wide opened. Twilight was now wearing an outfit from Saudi Arabia, and Sonic had on a metal gauntlet.

"You... you two opened enchanted books?!" MC asked.

"Sorry, Michael," Twilight said. "I shoulda listened." MC then put his left thumb and forefinger to his closed eyes as he groaned.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
Meet the Hedgehogs