• Published 18th Mar 2024
  • 583 Views, 89 Comments

My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 4) - Mister E-Nonymous

Twilight, Sonic, Sunny and friends have returned for new adventures. Eggman may be gone for a while, but a new threat will rise. And there are a lot of things going to happen this season.

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Episode 3: Misty Brightdawn

Episode 3: Misty Brightdawn

In the city of Station Square, there was a mall. In one section of the mall, there was an old shop closed down. The Mane 6, Sunny and her friends, Sonic, MC and Mutt were looking around the place.

"So, you and Pipp just bought this place together?" Sonic asked.

"Of course, darling," Rarity said. "I was hoping to spread my fashion abilities all over the globe. And I thought of opening a boutique here. But here, the people of this world not only need a stunning outfit, but a great hairstyle to go with it. And that's where Pipp comes in."

"Yes, I shall be handling the hair styling here," Pipp said. "Since I am such an amazing hairstylist."

"It's true," MC said. "Here Cosmetology License just arrived in the mail yesterday."

"Now we need someone fashionable to help with the clothing," Rarity said. "Someone who is both fashionable, and stylish. If only I knew someone like that here."

"Hey, why don't you ask MC's ex?" Mutt asked in a joking matter. MC groaned at that comment from Mutt.

"You dated someone before me?" Twilight asked.

"It was one time," MC said. "It didn't work out."

"What happened?" Twilight asked.

"There was no real spark between us," MC said. "Plus we didn't have a lot in common."

"Who was it?" Twilight asked.

Sonic sighed and said, "My sister, Sonia."

"Ooh, of course!" Rarity said. "She's both stylish and knows people of this world. Contact her immediately!" Sonic sighed and held up his left hand and started walking away from the group.

"You're gonna tell me how that date went on the way home, MC," Twilight said.

MC sighed and said, "This is gonna be a long ride." Just then, Tails and Rotor arrived with tools as MC and Twilight were leaving the shop.

Meanwhile, on the floor below, in a hallway that led to a restroom, in a flash of light, Misty arrived there with a backpack. She then looked around and smiled. She then brought out the necklace that was given to her. It was the same necklace from the alternate timeline that Sarah Crayton took to hide.

"Opaline, I'm here," Misty said.

"Good," came Opaline's voice from the necklace. "Now, your mission is to infiltrate the Freedom Fighters Mansion. Get close to them."

"Got it," Misty said. "I'll head there immediately."

"Not so fast, Misty," Opaline said through the necklace. "Before you go, there are three things you need to do."

"And those things are?" Misty asked.

"Step one, trade in those jewels for money in that world," Opaline said. "Step two, get your own wardrobe. You can't go around wearing a homemade, ragged dress." Misty looked down at the dress she was on with a sad look. "Step three, get a cell phone and phone plan. Make sure it's affordable."

"Y-yes, Opaline," Misty said. She then looked out of the hallway, and she started walking around for any clothing stores.

In the mall, Sparky was running around the place with Izzy chasing after him.

"Sparky!" Izzy said. "Hold it right there!" She was chasing Sparky all over the place, through shops, arcades, a bowling alley, and even the food court. "Wait up!" As she chased Sparky through the food court, she accidentally knocked the burger out of a Mobian Dog's hands. But she caught it in her magic and gave it back. "Sorry about that." She then remembered. "Whoop! I almost forgot!" She continued chasing after Sparky.

Sparky was still running in a playful way, giggling as he was running. He turned to face Izzy trying to catch him, but then he bumped into someone without looking.

"Whoa!" Izzy said, slowing down her pace. "Careful next time, Sparkeroni." The individual who Sparky bumped into picked up the baby and handed him to Izzy. "Thanks. I was tasked with watching Sparky here." She then noticed who helped her out and gasped. It was Misty, and she was in a completely new outfit. She was wearing a green, short sleeved shirt, jeans that weren't too tight for her legs, and pink tennis shoes with a gray stripe going down the middle. "Oh, my gosh! A new unicorn friend!"

"I, uh..." Misty said, not too sure what to say.

"Hi! I'm Izzy!" Izzy said, starting to bounce around Misty, still holding Sparky in her arms. "Izzy Moonbow. What's your name?"

"Um... M-Misty," Misty said.

"Well, hi, Misty!" Izzy said. "So, what brings you here to Station Square?"

"Uh... well... I just arrived here and..." Misty said. "Actually, I've been looking for a place to stay, and since I have no cell phone plan, and no idea where to search, I'm trying to find myself a phone store to get my own phone."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that," Izzy said. "The place I'm living at has a room for rent. You can come with me and check it out if you want."

"Really?" Misty asked. "You'd help me out?"

"Why of course!" Izzy said. "We can leave right after I give Sparkeroni here back to Hitch."

"Okay..." Misty said. "I'll wait..." She then looked around.

"Oh, you can just wait for me at the edge of the food court," Izzy said. "I'll come back to get you." She then started walking back to the store that Rarity and Pipp bought. Misty then started walking away from that spot, heading for the food court. She then pulled the necklace she had out from her shirt.

"Opaline, I've made contact with one of the futuristic ponies," Misty said.

"Already?" Opaline asked.

"Yeah," Misty said. "She's going to take me to Freedom Fighters Mansion to look at the room that's for rent."

Opaline started laughing excitedly through the necklace and said, "That's wonderful, Misty. Now, once you get there, remember. You have to get as much information from the Freedom Fighters. Their strengths and weaknesses. Anything that we can use to take them down."

"Yes, Opaline," Misty said. "I might as well start with the leader of the Freedom Fighters, Sonic the Hedgehog. I'll get as much out of them that I can."

"Good," Opaline said. "Meanwhile, I'll search for some qualified candidates who might be... useful for taking them down, and for me to take back all the magic in this universe."

Back in Opaline's lair, Opaline was looking up villains of that time.

"Like who?" Misty asked, her voice coming through the enchanted mirror.

"Oh, those who have a bone to pick with the Freedom Fighters, and certain villains they know nothing about," Opaline answered. "Now, get going!"

"Yes, Opaline," Misty said. Then the enchanted mirror stopped glowing. Opaline smirked at all the possible villains to recruit.

Back at Freedom Fighters Mansion, Izzy and Misty were on a scooter, Misty's new luggage strapped right to the back of it, under Misty's bottom. Misty was holding onto Izzy's shoulders tightly.

"Alright, Misty," Izzy said. "We're almost there." Eventually, they made it to the front gate for Freedom Fighters Mansion. She then looked towards the call box. "Hey, Nicole! It's me, Izzy! And I have a possible renter for the extra room!"

"Opening the gate now," Nicole's voice came from the call box. "Welcome home, Izzy." The gate then opened up and Izzy drove the scooter through. She eventually made it to the garage. Eventually, she eventually stopped at the guest house that had the last open room that was for rent.

"Here we are, Misty," Izzy said. "This here is the room for rent."

"This is it?" Misty asked. "Are you sure, Izzy?"

"Sure, I'm sure!" Izzy said. "I'm sure that Nicole has already informed MC about you."

"Oh, she did," MC's voice came. The two unicorns looked over towards the voice and they saw MC and Twilight coming up to the two. "So, this is the new unicorn." MC then got a good look. For some reason, he got a strange look when he was looking at Misty.

"Um... hello," Misty said.

"MC? Are you okay?" Izzy asked.

"You..." MC said, directly to Misty. "You look familiar."

Misty raised her eyebrows in shock and asked, "What? That can't be. You and I haven't met each other."

"Where could you have seen her before?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know," MC said. He then noticed Misty's horn. It was a different color than her coat. "I must've seen you in a vision of the future during our mission in Soleanna."

"The future?" Misty asked. "What does that mean?"

"Oh, yeah!" Izzy said, noticing Misty's horn. "I didn't even notice that your horn is a different color from your coat. You must be from the future. Maybe MC saw you in Bridlewood, because that's where I'm from."

"Um... I..." Misty said, trying to come up with a backstory. "Yes. I'm... definitely from Bridlewood. Yes siree." MC sniffed at Misty's words and gave a bit of a scowl.

"So, are we gonna show Misty the guest room?" Izzy asked.

MC sighed and said, "Alright. C'mon." He then grabbed the key from under the door mat, put the key into the locking mechanism, and opened the door. Inside there a bed on the left side from the door, and on the other side, there was a desk. On the wall, there was a 40-inch flat screen TV over a table.

"So, where do I put my clothes?" Misty asked.

"There's a closet in the bathroom," MC said. He then headed for the bathroom. "This way." Misty followed. In the bathroom, there was a tub/shower, a toilet, and a single sink with a mirror. And in the back, there was a closet for hanging clothes, and a dresser inside. "Is this to your liking?"

"Actually, yeah," Misty said. "This place looks really cozy. Better than my last place."

"Okay, that's good," MC said. "Listen, rent is free for the first month, so you have until then to find yourself a job so you can pay for rent."

"How much is rent?" Misty asked.

"$650 a month," MC said. "Of course, we're gonna need to get you some official papers, since you're from the future as well. So, we're gonna need your full name and birthday." He then brought up his right arm and a holographic screen came over his right arm. He then started typing Misty's name. "Okay, Misty..."

"Uh..." Misty said, looking around the bathroom. She saw the light bulbs over the mirror, seeing how bright they were. "Misty... Misty Bright..." She then looked around for anything else that could help out with her cover name for her last name. "Bright..." She then saw the sun. "...Dawn! Misty Brightdawn!"

MC then sniffed at that, raising an eyebrow. He then typed Brightdawn anyway. He then said, "Okay, Misty Brightdawn. Now we're gonna need your official birthday."

"It's... uh..." Misty then started thinking. She then remembered something from her past.

When Misty was younger, she was in a room in Opaline's lair, jumping up and down excitedly. But then, Opaline came barging in, angrily.

"MISTY!" Opaline shouted. "What are you doing?! I am trying to sleep!"

Young Misty stopped jumping out of fear. She then said, "But, Opaline. It's my birthday."

"Birthday?!" Opaline asked. "You really think birthdays are important? They just remind you that you keep getting older. So go back to sleep!" She then stormed out of the room, heading back to her room, slamming the door shut. Young Misty then started crying. She looked at the calendar in the bedroom she was raised in and she saw that the date was May 14th.

The flashback ended. Misty exhaled slowly and said, "May 14th."

MC sniffed and gave a smirk. He then said, "Okay. May 14th. I'll get this information to the President immediately and as soon as he can, he'll send us the information to us in the mail." He then left the room. Twilight followed.

"Get comfortable, Misty!" Izzy said. "Because we're gonna have a fun time now that you're here! See you for dinner!" She then headed out of the room, closing the door behind her. Luckily, MC left the room key on the table below the TV.

Misty exhaled in relief. She then pulled the necklace from underneath her shirt and said, "Opaline, I'm in."

"Good work, Misty," Opaline said. "Now, get as much information out of the Freedom Fighters as you can. We're gonna need everything we need to know about them before we can finally strike."

What they didn't know was from the doorbell speaker, there was a small camera watching Misty.

In another room, more likely Pipp and Zipp's room, which the door was replaced with a door with a business window that said "Zephyr Heights Private Eye, Zipp Storm", MC, Twilight, Zipp and Truemen were all in there, watching Misty talking to her necklace from MC's holographic screen.

"I will, Opaline," Misty said from the holographic screen. "I'll get as much information out of them as I can. But I'm also gonna have to find a job here. I don't know how long I'm gonna be staying here, and I only get a month of free stay."

"That's a good call," Opaline said. "Focus on getting information on the Freedom Fighters until you start job searching. After that, you continue finding more information on the Freedom Fighters while you're off work!"

"Yes Opaline," Misty said.

MC then turned off the screen. He then smirked and said, "Shoulda known Misty was a spy for Opaline. I caught Opaline's sent on Misty."

"So, are we gonna bust her?" Zipp asked. "I'm ready to take her down."

"No," MC said, looking back at Misty through the camera. "Let her think we're gonna let her get what she wants. But I think I know why she's working for Opaline."

"Why?" Truemen asked.

MC then smirked. He then asked, "What do ponies of Equestria get that no other creature can get on their flanks?" Twilight and Zipp went wide eyed and looked at each other. Zipp was wearing denim short shorts. She raised the right leg, revealing her Cutie Mark. Twilight then raised her skirt, revealing her Cutie Mark.

Twilight and Zipp looked at each other and said, "Cutie Marks!"

"Misty doesn't have a Cutie Mark?" Zipp asked. "Why hasn't she have a Cutie Mark?"

"Maybe she's been with Opaline so long, she hasn't figured out who she really is," Twilight said. She then went wide eyed. "Is that the reason you want Misty to stick around? So we can actually get her to join our side and ditch Opaline?"

"She's misguided," MC said. "Kinda like a certain unicorn with a broken horn was when she was working for the Storm King. And that was before bringing Equestria back to Earth."

"Tempest Shadow?" Twilight asked. "Oh, good example. Opaline is probably promising Misty a Cutie Mark. But everypony knows that Cutie Marks have their own magic, and cannot be given to a pony who doesn't have one, no matter how much magic that magical creature has. Believe me, I've tried."

"Really, she has?" Zipp asked.

"Must've been the Crusaders who begged her," MC said.

"No, just Apple Bloom," Twilight said. "Okay, let's keep an eye on Misty, then slowly draw her to our side. Show her all the fun things to bring her to our side to give her a subconscious message to join our side."

"That's a good plan," Truemen said.

"Alright," Twilight said. "Let's convince Misty Brightdawn that she can get a lot more doing good than evil."

"Even though Brightdawn isn't her real name," MC said. "She was just making it up on the spot."

"That explains the pauses," Twilight said. "She probably also lied about her birthday."

"No, that was the truth," MC said. "I can smell lies, remember."

"Oh, right," Twilight said. Just then, the phone started ringing. "Okay, we'll leave you two to your business." Then she and Twilight headed out of the room as Truemen answered the phone with his left hand.

"Zephyr Heights Private Eye, how can we help you?" Truemen asked as he brought out a notepad. He then lifted up his robot hand and the tip of an ink pen came out of the forefinger. He then started writing down the job.

At dinner, the Freedom Fighters, the Young 6, Sunny and her friends, and Misty were making some homemade pizzas with a giant pizza oven outside the house. Smolder and Blaze were keeping the fire burning.

"Wow," Misty said. "Talk about hot stuff."

"Yeah, you'll get used to it," Sunny said, using her new Earth Pony Magic to grow vegetables for the pizzas. "So, Misty, what would you like on your pizza? Peppers? Zucchini? Sun dried Tomatoes?"

"Um... I think I'll just have it plain cheese," Misty said.

"Seriously?" MC asked. "No toppings?"

"Hey, even a pizza needs a little bit of vegetation to keep your body healthy," Sonic said. "Even I can't have chili dogs everyday."

"What's a chili dog?" Misty asked.

"Oh, you are definitely from the future," MC said. "Chili is beans mixed with meat, and the dog comes from the hot dog, which is a link of meat like food item. And since you ponies don't eat meat, I don't recommend having it."

"Yeah, that's true," Pipp said. "Sonic, is Sonia on her way here to Station Square?"

"She's gonna be apartment hunting near the mall," Sonic said. "She'll be here as soon as possible."

"We're gonna hire some construction workers to work on the place to yours and Rarity's liking," Tails said. "It'll get done."

"That's a relief," Pipp said. Just then, Nicole appeared, surprising Misty.

"Gah!" Misty shouted, going under the table.

"Relax, Mist," MC said. "It's just Nicole. Our Artificial Intelligence." He then looked towards Nicole. "What is it, Nicole?"

"I've got some bad news from the Pentagon," Nicole said. "The Destructix escaped." Then Sonic, Tails, MC and Mutt went wide eyed.

"Who are the Destructix?" Maria asked.

"They're a gang of dangerous criminals who have it out for us Freedom Fighters," MC said. "Even though one of them was one of us before."

"But how did they escape from the Devil's Gulag?" Sonic asked. "That place is the most secured place in the world, now that Prison Island was kaput."

"That is a good question," MC said. "Surely hope Scourge learned his lesson from the last time we've fought."

"Who's Scourge?" Sunny asked.

MC sighed. He then said, "He's an evil version of Sonic who used the Chaos Emeralds, or as they're called in his dimension, Anarchy Beryl, and totally destroyed it. He then tried spreading his destruction to our dimension, but we took him down. It wasn't easy. Especially when he tried taking our Chaos Emeralds, but I took him down. He's had a grudge with me since then, and not just for taking him down."

"What did you do to him?" Hitch asked.

"Oh, I just gave him a couple of little scratches on his stomach," MC said.

"Little?" Sonic asked. "I don't think so. Nicole, show them what Scourge looks like." Nicole nodded and showed an image of Scourge.

The Freedom Fighters (except Sonic, Tails, MC and Mutt), the Young 6, Sunny and her friends and Misty were surprised at Scourge's scars.

"Oh, I say he's still holding a grudge," Zipp said.

"We know his weakness, since he's an evil version of Sonic," MC said. "Sonic and Scourge share the exact same weakness. They can't swim."

"Sonic can't swim?" Misty asked.

"I sink easily," Sonic said. "So I avoid water that isn't shallow. Like shallow streams, hot tubs, or bath tubs."

"Just how did the Destructix escape?" Tails asked.

Earlier, on a tall, mountain only island, there was a building known as the Devil's Gulag. It was a prison for the most dangerous Mobians. In one cell, Scourge the Hedgehog was sitting on the bench that was his bed, waiting for his time to escape. Just then, one guard came up to the cell.

"Hey, Mean Green," the guard said. "A package has come for you." He then tossed it towards Scourge through the bars. The package landing at Scourge's feet. "It's a book! We've checked with metal detectors. We've felt it through the package. We know what a book feels like." The guard then stepped away from the cell.

"A book?" Scourge asked. "Seriously?" He then picked up the package and opened it up. Inside was a book called Art of Escaping. Scourge was confused by that. He then noticed something coming from the folding part of the book, seeing something sticking out. Scourge gave a smirk. He then pulled it out, revealing to be a special blade to cut through certain metals. "Perfect. Time to get this power cancelling collar off of me."

A couple seconds later, Scourge burst through the bars. He then smirked as the alarms started blaring. Then a bunch of guards started running towards Scourge. But he was too fast for them and took them all down. He came to one cell where a female fox was there, taking off her orange jumpsuit.

"Is it time?" the vixen asked.

"It's time, Fiona," Scourge said. "Let's blow this joint after we get our squad."

Eventually, they made it out of the place with their squad, and headed for the helipad. They all walked towards the center and looked around.

"So, where's our ride?" the Blue Hawk, Predator Hawk, asked.

"Patience, Predator," Scourge said. "Our ride will soon be here." Just then a bunch of guards came in with guns pointed at them.

"Freeze!" one of the guards said. "Hands on the ground!"

"Oh, I don't think so," Fiona said. "Let's take these guys down."

"All fire on my command!" one of the guards said. "One... two..." Just then, the Destructix vanished in pink flames, the guards were surprised to see them disappear. "Where'd they go?"

Back in Opaline's Lair, the Destructix appeared suddenly. They all looked around.

"Oh-ho!" Scourge said. "This castle's nice. I'm taking it."

"I don't think so," came the voice of Opaline. The Destructix looked towards her while she was sitting on the throne. "I busted you out, and now, you're gonna have to return the favor."

"Like we'd ever listen to you," the lynx, Lightning Lynx, said.

"Yeah," the gorilla, Sergeant Simian, said, cracking his knuckles. "You may have gotten us out of there, but it doesn't mean we work for you."

"Not unless you can give us something in return," the frog, Flying Frog, said with a creepy smile.

"Oh, I believe I know of a way to repay you," Opaline said. "A chance to take down... the Freedom Fighters." The Destructix gave a shocked look towards Opaline. They turned to face each other and started discussing. When they were finished, they nodded towards each other. "So? What do you say?"

Scourge turned to face Opaline, a dark smirk on his face. He then said, "We're in." Opaline then started laughing evilly and the Destructix joined in on the evil laughter."

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
Not My San Andreas Fault