> My Little Pony: The Mobian Era (Season 4) > by Mister E-Nonymous > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Episode 1: Rise of the Fire Alicorn (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Little Pony The Mobian Era (Season 4) Episode 1: Rise of the Fire Alicorn (Part 1) In the land of Equestria, the image closes in slowly on the Castle of Friendship. Inside the Castle, Twilight was asleep in her bed, sleeping peacefully. Just then, the scent of pancakes came into her nose. Twilight started sniffing it, and it woke her up. Twilight then started sitting up and stretching her arms and wings. "Mmm... Something smells good," Twilight said. She then headed for her closet to change. After changing, she headed off into the kitchen area, where she saw Nyx, along with MC, cooking breakfast. "Okay, and once the pancakes have a golden brown shade on each side, that's when they're done," MC said. "Okay, M... I mean, dad," Nyx said. She then sighed. "Okay, it's still gonna take some time for me to adjust on calling you that." "You kidding?" MC asked. "I'm still surprised that you are actually my daughter since I was the one who interrupted that ritual." He then chuckled. He then continued on chopping the potatoes with his claws. "I still can't believe this has happened to me, too." "Well, you better believe it," Twilight said, getting the attention of both Nyx and MC. They turned around to face her. She was in her normal attire. Her blue button up shirt with a sparkle through the middle, her purple skirt with her cutie mark on it, and her normal dark blue boots. "You are Nyx's dad. I'm glad you're here helping her out with this." MC and Nyx had raised eyebrows while looking at her. "What? What is it?" "Today's the day the six best students of your school are graduating, and you're wearing that?" MC asked. Twilight then went wide eyed. "Graduation!" Twilight shouted. She then teleported out of the kitchen. MC and Nyx looked at each other and they started laughing. But watching through a hologram was the mysterious new Alicorn. She and her blue unicorn assistant were looking down at them. "Look at them, Misty," the Alicorn said. "Those pathetic little ponies and those pesky Freedom Fighters are getting ready for a silly little celebration of that pesky school." "How come I've never been to school, Opaline?" Misty, the blue unicorn, asked. "Because, Misty, you don't need the false facts of those history books," Opaline, the Alicorn, said. "Besides, those history books are precisely inaccurate. And also... all the magic in the whole universe shall belong to me. Opaline Arcana!" She had her wings spread wide. She then looked directly at Misty. "And as soon as I get all my magic back, you shall get your Cutie Mark." Misty then looked down at her right hip, and pulled up the skirt of the custom made dress she had on, revealing where her Cutie Mark should be, but wasn't. Misty had a sad look on her face. "Do not threat, Misty," Opaline said. "You'll have your Cutie Mark soon. As soon as I take down Twilight Sparkle and those who believe she is right." It then closed in on Opaline's eyes. "I'm coming for you, Twilight Sparkle." At the School of Friendship's Amphitheater, ponies from across Equestria, along with family members of the Young 6, except for Gallus since he didn't have a family, were coming in to watch the ceremony. Then a ring portal opened up, and coming out of it were the Freedom Fighters (Sonic, Tails, MC, Amy, Cream, Cheese, Mutt, Maria, Sally, Bunnie, Antoine, Rotor and Truemen), Sunny and her friends, Midpoint, Olive and Cozy Glow. "Wow," Hitch said. "These ponies know how to get ready for graduations." "You know it, Trailblazer," MC said. "Now, Sally and I gotta go up to the royal box to sit with Sparkles, Spike, Nyx and Joshua." He then looked towards Sunny. "You two, Starscout. You've gotta get ready." "Me?" Sunny asked. "But I'm not..." "You are Joshua's descendant," MC said. "And you're also an Alicorn." Sunny sighed and said, "Fine." She then closed her eyes and concentrated on her having good times with her friends. She then transformed into an Alicorn, her clothes also changing as well. She was now wearing a sparkly, yellow sequence dress that matched her wings and orange sparkles glowing from different locations. The orange straps of the dress were going up and loosely around her neck, and she had an orange gurgle around her waist. She was also wearing orange high heeled shoes. "Whoa! I don't remember this being part of my Alicorn form!" "Guess even your Alicorn form evolves more and more," MC said. "Let's go." Then MC, Sally and Sunny started walking towards the box where Twilight, Spike, Nyx and Joshua were going to be sitting. The rest of the Mobian Heroes went to the back row, getting comfortable. Midpoint had a thick briefcase. He then opened it up and out came a bunch of drone cameras, and they were going all over the Amphitheater. "What's with the cameras?" Sonic asked. "Starlight asked me to have this graduation broadcasted," Midpoint said. "This graduation is going to be broadcasting all across the Equestrian Continent." "Just in case somepony doesn't get the chance to go," Tails said. "That's very clever, Alex." "Sure is, sugah," Bunnie said. "So, how come the others ain't comin'?" "Silver, Blaze and Marine are staying behind at Freedom Fighters Mansion so they could watch over Sparky and Cloudpuff," Hitch said. "Wait, Sparky was supposed to be at home?" Izzy asked. Sparky then came out of the futuristic unicorn's mane, giggling. "You brought Sparky?" Hitch asked. "I hope he doesn't cause too much trouble," Mutt said. "Oui," Antoine said. "Zat little baby dragon is so, how you say... hyperactive." "We should take our seats," Olive said. "This is a big day, especially for those six students." "Oh, yes," Cream said. "They've done so amazing. Their friendship is powerful." "Chao!" Cheese said. Meanwhile, up in the private box above the Amphitheater, Twilight, Spike, Nyx, Joshua, Cadance, Shining Armor, Guard Armor and Flurry Heart were there, looking out at the audience. Then MC, Sally and Sunny walked in. "Hey, guys," MC said. He then used his powers to forge some proper attire. Most likely, the top half of a tuxedo with a blue tie with gold edge trimming. "Hey, MC!" Shining Armor said. "Nice suit." "Thanks, Shiner," MC said. "Can't believe you guys all showed up for this." "Well, this is the school that Twilight started to help spread the magic of Friendship," Cadance said. She then wondered something. "I have to ask, is it true? You traveled back in time and interrupted the ritual that created Nyx?" "I was surprised that my energy turned into DNA and mixed with Nyx's," MC said. "I'm still trying to get used to the fact that I'm now Nyx's dad." "I thought so," came another voice. They all looked on the other side of the room and saw both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Princess Celestia then said, "I saw you that night when Twilight was captured. And I also recognized your energy signature when you undid what the Storm King's orbs did to us." "That would explain that shocked look you gave me when we first met," MC said. "Even though that was my first interaction with you." "Yes," Princess Celestia said. "And I do thank you for showing us where the ritual was being held." "Okay," Twilight said. "The ceremony is going to start soon." "This should be interesting," Sally said. Then they all started sitting in their assigned seats. Inside the school of Friendship, the students who were graduating were getting ready to walk down the aisle. But the Young Six were nervous about graduating. Most of the students in the school were wearing graduation gowns with lavender sashes. But the Young Six, since the six of them were deemed valedictorians, were wearing silver sashes. "Oh, I'm so nervous," Ocellus said. "What if when we graduate, we never get to see each other again?" "Separated for the rest of our lives?!" Gallus asked. "No way. I'm not going back home... less." "We won't let that happen!" Silverstream said. "We need to find a way for us to be together. We can't let our friendship end." "Yona don't want to leave best friends!" Yona said. "Maybe we'll find a way to stay together," Sandbar said. "Like what?" Smolder asked. "Join the Freedom Fighters?" Then all of them went wide eyed. "You know what, maybe we should." "We would have to talk to Sonic or MC about considering it," Ocellus said. "That's true," Sandbar said. "Those two are the most qualified leaders of the Freedom Fighters. Even though Sonic doesn't act his age sometimes." "Neither does Pinkie," Gallus said. Then the six of them laughed. "Well, let's just talk to them right after the ceremony," Ocellus said. Just then, music started playing. "Oh! We need to get into position!" Then they split up in groups of three, going in different directions. But then they came back running in the opposite direction. "Wrong way." "Obviously!" Smolder said. The graduation ceremony started off. All the students of the school of Friendship were coming up to the front of the sitting area where they'd be sitting. In alphabetical order of course, except for the valedictorians. They would be sitting in the six seats that had silver seat cushions. Graduation music was playing through the speakers. In the private box, Twilight, Spike, Nyx, Joshua, MC, Sally, Cadance, Shining Armor, Guard Armor, Flurry Heart, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Sunny were looking out towards the stage, seeing the graduates walking up to their assigned seating. "Wow," Twilight said. "I didn't realize how many of my first students of the school were graduating today." "I've seen a lot of graduations during my days in my school for gifted Unicorns," Princess Celestia said. "When I saw how much power you had in you during your entrance exam, I knew that one day, you'd graduate as an Alicorn." "So, technically, her coronation as the newest Alicorn of Equestria was her graduation ceremony?" MC asked. "Pretty much," Princess Celestia said. "And her crown was her diploma." "Talk about a valedictorian," Sally said. Princess Cadance nodded in agreement. "So, how long do these graduations last?" Joshua asked. "Usually around an hour," MC said. He then chuckled. "Good luck, Sonic." Then the ponies and Sally started laughing. "Sal, you and Sonic still going on your date tomorrow night?" "Sonic and I still have our relationship since we've started dating," Sally said. "When did that happen?" Cadance asked. "You and Sonic dating?" "A couple months after starting the Freedom Fighters," Sally said. "You're gonna have to tell us how you came together one day," Twilight said. "We'll remember that," MC said. Sally nodded. When all of the graduates reached their seats, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst and Trixie walked up to the podium on the stage. Starlight then started her speech. "Thank you all for attending this schools graduation," Starlight said to those who were watching. "Even to those who couldn't make it. We're gathered here to celebrate the graduation of our students of Princess Twilight's School of Friendship. This school is the start of spreading the Magic of Friendship across Equestria and beyond. Including the world Equestria used to be a part of." "Princess Twilight also thought to keep the peace treaty of all the other creatures of Equestria by having one creature attend this school," Sunburst said. "Even though when one member of the Equestrian Education Association tried shutting it down for inexperienced teachers and having non-pony students. But it was trying to follow the rules of the EEA that the school was shut down. But then he realized it was wrong for wanting this school to be like any other school in Equestria instead of a Friendship School. Especially when one of the students tried to get rid of magic." "That was one time," Cozy Glow said, her arms crossed. "At least we both saw the errors of our ways," said the stallion sitting next to Cozy Glow, who happened to be Chancellor Neighsay. "So no matter what happens, the Magic of Friendship will continue to spread, and the bonds we make will never break," Starlight continued her speech. "Especially the bonds made by our six best students; Sandbar, Gallus, Smolder, Ocellus, Silverstream and Yona. Whom were chosen to be our valedictorians this year. Give a hand for our valedictorians." Then everyone there applauded. The Young Six then stood up and headed for the stage. In the private box, the royals were smiling seeing the best students of the school were going up on stage. "Okay, here we go," MC said. "This is what we've been waiting for," Spike said. The Young Six then went up to the podium. Gallus was the first one to speak. "Back in Griffonstone, I was all alone for a long time," Gallus said from the podium. "Living out the days of my life on the streets was horrible. So when Grandpa Gruff sent me here to attend Princess Twilight's School of Friendship, I just thought that he did it just to get rid of me. But, it actually turned out for the better. I've made five of the best friends here. There's no way I would wanna give that up." He then stepped back as Smolder took the podium. "The Dragon Lands are full of dragons who are really aggressive to the other creatures," Smolder said from the podium. "But coming here, I've learned that not all dragons are as superior as they think they are. They might be competitive and bad tempered sometimes, but all they ever needed was a good group of friends who accept them for who they truly want to be." She then stepped back as Ocellus stepped up. "I was originally raised under the laws of Chrysalis; always trained to infiltrate cities and steal love from the ponies," Ocellus said from the podium. "But ever since she was dethroned, we changelings have been making more and more friends. At first, I thought that it wouldn't last. But coming to the School of Friendship, I've been feeling more comfortable. Especially around my best friends." She then stepped away from the podium so Yona could come up to the podium. "Yona told that yaks best at everything," Yona said. "But Yona learned that not true. Yaks might not be best at everything, but yaks try their best. Since Yona come here to School of Friendship, Yona made lots of friends that had Yona's back. Yona glad Yona come here to School of Friendship, and Yona wish not to be separated from best friends." Yona then stepped away as Silverstream came up to the podium. "We hippogriffs have been hiding underwater as seaponies for so long, we never came up to the surface or else the Storm King would have found us," Silverstream said. "But since his defeat, we didn't have to hide anymore. And since coming here, I've seen so many fascinating things and I've learned so much. And having the bestest friends any creature can have made it even better." She then stepped away so Sandbar can step up to the podium. "I barely had friends growing up," Sandbar said. "I've never thought that anypony in the school would want to be friends with me. But then I met five creatures who had my back as much as I had theirs. My attending this school has made me a better pony, and I've made a lot of new friends. I couldn't have asked for anything better." He then stepped back as Starlight returned to the podium. "Thank you, students," Starlight Glimmer. "You may return to your seats." Then the Young Six got off the stage. Starlight then looked towards the audience as soon as the Young Six returned to their seats. "Now, all of the students stand up. It is time for the students to achieve their diplomas." Then graduation music started playing as all the graduating students of the School of Friendship started standing up. She then started calling out the names of the graduates in alphabetical order. "Wow," Sonic said. "That's a lot of graduates." "I could've been one of them..." Cozy said. "If I wasn't led down the wrong path." "Your birth father's in jail," Midpoint said. "And apparently, I was the one who made it happen." In the private box, the royals in there were watching the graduates going up to gather their diplomas. Twilight felt proud that her six former best students were graduating. "I like that look, Sparkles," MC said, getting Twilight's attention. "You're full of pride." "I am," Twilight said. "Those six students have learned so much from us, and we've learned so much from them. I am so proud." "They've done so many things," Sally said. "They helped fight off Metal Sonic with the Chaotix, they helped restore the moon, they helped you infiltrate Eggman's amusement park base full of Dark Gaia creatures..." "They even encountered ghosts," MC said. The ponies in the room and Sally looked at MC in shock. "Yes. They did. Yona and I were the only ones who weren't possessed." "There have been no scientific discoveries of ghosts," Twilight said. "Actually, there have been," Princess Luna said, surprising Twilight. "Before I was Nightmare Moon, I have encountered poor spirits who have never crossed over. Whether they were trapped in this world, or are refusing to cross over. It happens more than you think." "Tell me about it," MC said. "There was a ghost the size of a car keeping the souls of children trapped with him for eternity. I punched that ghost in the face." Just then, Pinkie Pie then came in. "Hey! It's almost time for the graduation party in the Castle ballroom!" Pinkie said. "C'mon! We gotta get this party moving!" She then hopped away. All of the ponies, Sally and MC looked at Pinkie Pie with widened eyes. Sally then said, "That pony is something I still don't understand." Twilight then giggled. In the Castle of Friendship's ballroom, all the graduates, except the Young 6, were having a great time. And playing the music was Spike. Or rather, DJ Scales and Tail. "Alright, everyone!" Spike called out. "DJ Scales and Tail is in the house! Let's get this party started!" He then placed a record on the turn table and disco music started playing. Everyone there started dancing to the music. Meanwhile, down the hallway, Sonic, Sally and MC were walking down the halls. "So, would you want to live in a castle like this, MC?" Sonic asked. "Yeah, I never thought you'd ever want to move back into a castle since your seventh birthday," Sally said. "Yeah, a lot has changed since then," MC said. "Who knows whether I stay here with Sparkles and Nyx, or stay with the Freedom Fighters." "Speaking of which," came the voice of Sandbar. The three Freedom Fighters turned around seeing the Young 6 standing behind them. "Oh, hey," Sally said. "The valedictorians of the School of Friendship. What brings you here?" "The six of us have been friends ever since we've started hanging out with each other," Smolder said. "And we don't want to give up our friendship," Silverstream said. "Yona and friends are wondering if..." Yona said. "If we would join the Freedom Fighters," Gallus said. "Join the Freedom Fighters?" MC asked. "Are you sure about this?" Sonic asked. "You don't exactly have the right training," Sally said. "Then why not train us?" Ocellus asked. "We'd be up for whatever it takes," Smolder said, crossing her arms. Sonic, MC and Sally turned around to speak with each other privately. Sonic then said, "Is it wise for us to have these six become Freedom Fighters?" "They do need the right training," Sally said. "What do you think, Michael?" "Well, they are devoted to sticking together," MC said. "I can respect that." "So, are we going to train them?" Sonic asked. MC then smirked and said, "They're gonna need their own rooms at Freedom Fighters Mansion." Then they turned around to face the Young 6. "Okay. Since you six are wanting to become Freedom Fighters, we've decided to let you train and live at Freedom Fighters Mansion." The Young 6 gasped in excitement. "As long as you let your families know and if you get their permission," Sonic said. "Are you kidding?" Gallus asked. "Grandpa Gruff would beg you to let me stay with you guys forever." "I don't find that hard to believe," Sonic said. "We've seen Griffonstone, and it did not look safe to be homeless." "Okay, well Gallus is automatically in," MC said. He then used his powers to forge permission slips. "As for the rest of you, you're gonna need your parents's signatures to allow you to train with us to become Freedom Fighters." "Yes, sir!" the Young 6, except Gallus, said in unison. "Okay, now let's get back to the ballroom," Sonic said. "Let's party!" Then they all headed back to the ballroom. Not knowing that Opaline and Misty were watching them. "So, those pesky heroes are going to train those wimpy little creatures to become Freedom Fighters, eh?" Opaline asked. "Now that is something I cannot allow." She then sat up from her throne. "It is time for me to make my triumphant return!" "Opaline?" Misty asked. "Where are we going?" "We are not going anywhere, Misty," Opaline said. "I need you to guard the lair until I come back. I'm going to take down those pesky heroes... once and for all." Then a holographic image of Twilight Sparkle appeared from Opaline's enchanted pool. "Starting with the most annoying of all: Twilight Sparkle." She then started laughing evilly. Back in the Castle of Friendship's ballroom, the Freedom Fighters were talking with each other, along with Sunny and her friends. Sunny was still in her alicorn form. Just then, the music started dying down. Everyone in the room looked towards the turntables seeing Twilight standing in front of them. "Good day, everyone," Twilight said. "Is everyone having a good time?" The ones attending the party cheered. "I'm glad to hear it. Now that the first sets of graduates have completed their learning in the School of Friendship, I think it's time for more of the other non-pony creatures to start attending. Since five of our valedictorians did so well." The crowd started applauding while looking at the Young 6. "I surely hope the other non-pony creatures who want to learn friendship are watching this." "They are, Twilight," Midpoint said, walking up to her. "I'm live streaming this announcement as we speak." "Oh," Twilight said. "Well that's good. Now, since the School of Friendship is gonna be closed for the Summer, that gives every creature in Equestria enough time to start filling out some applications. Even those outside of the Equestrian Continent." "I'm sure we can make that happen," MC said, coming up to Twilight. "Good," Twilight said. "For now, let's all just have a great time." Then the crowd cheered. Twilight and MC then started walking through the crowd, heading towards Nyx, Joshua, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. "I am so proud of you, Twilight," Princess Celestia said. "You've become the pony I knew you would become." "Thank you, Celestia," Twilight said. "Now, it's only a matter of time until the world has their own ways of joining in our friendship movement." "Yeah, it's only a matter of time," MC said. "This sure is a great party, Mom," Joshua said. "Yeah, you went all out," Nyx said. "I'm glad to hear that," Twilight said. "I know it's bad luck to say this..." She then giggled. "Don't tell Izzy. But, what could possibly go wrong." Just then, in the middle of the ballroom floor, a tower of pink flames emerged, surprising everyone in the room, the music going out, and the Freedom Fighters going into battle positions. "This can't be good," Sonic said. Just then, the pink flames started to die down to reveal a magenta alicorn in a crimson red dress, a metal necklace with diamond shaped spikes on it, and blue eye shadow appeared. It was Opaline. She then spoke. "Hello, my subjects," Opaline said. "The true ruler of Equestria... has returned." She then laughed evilly. All the ponies were shocked at Opaline's sudden appearance and declaration. Especially Celestia and Luna. > Episode 2: Rise of the Fire Alicorn (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 2: Rise of the Fire Alicorn (Part 2) 25 years in the future of an alternate timeline, more appropriately, the timeline where Silver, Sunny, Hitch, Pipp, Zipp and Izzy came from, the Windigos were just being taken down by the magic of the Unity Crystals, being held by MC's alternate timeline counterpart. One of the unicorn fillies who were causing a fight walked away from the group of ponies. Once she was out of sighed, she then changed into Opaline, who laugh evilly. "My plan to take down the last Freedom Fighter has gone on perfectly!" Opaline said. She then looked out among the ponies. "Oh, Michael Crayton, you so called King of Equestria, you just lost your faithful followers." Once the Windigos were stopped, MC looked down at the ponies with a proud smile. But it soon faded when everypony in Ponyville kept arguing. "No! Stop!" MC shouted. Opaline laughed evilly and said, "Goodbye, Michael Crayton!" She then fired a beam at the bottom of the Castle of Friendship, causing it to start breaking apart from under MC. MC looked down and saw the Castle cracking. He then shouted, "NO!!" The Castle then started crumbling from under MC, him falling and screaming all the way down. Opaline then started walking away and said, "So much for him trying to stop me." She then started flying away, but magic then started glitching and kept her from flying. "What?!" She then inspected her wings. Then she looked up at her horn, trying to light it up, but to no avail. "No. NO, NO, NOOO!" "What have you done?!" came a voice disguised by a vocoder. Opaline turned around and saw Iron Mask coming out of a time portal. "You shouldn't have done that!" "Who are you?" Opaline asked. "Doesn't matter!" Iron Mask answered. "But for your punishment, I will banish you and your lair to an alternate timeline where all the Freedom Fighters are still alive, and will take you down!" Iron Mask then raised her right hand, blasting a time sphere towards Opaline, her getting caught in it. "NOOOOOOOOO!" Opaline shouted before she disappeared. Iron Mask then turned around to look at the rubble that used to be the Castle of Friendship. Iron Mask then took off her mask, revealing Sarah Crayton. She then said, "Michael. It's okay. You can set things right once again in this timeline. I just know it." She was then starting to walk away when she stepped on something. She looked down to look at it. Sarah Crayton picked it up and inspected it. She then said, "Nope. I better not let anyone find this. I better find a location to hide this so it doesn't cause any trouble." She then started walking away from that spot. Back in the Present of the main timeline, Opaline was standing tall amongst everyone who was attending the graduation party for the School of Friendship. "Opaline!" Luna said. "What are you doing here?!" "We thought we've seen the last of you since you were banished from Skyros for trying to take all the magic for yourself," Celestia said. "Whoa, whoa, whoa," MC said, getting in front of the two Alicorn Sisters. "You know this wicked witch?" "Opaline Arcana," Luna said. "One of the worst Alicorns we've encountered. She was even more wicked than me when I was Nightmare Moon." "Wicked, am I?" Opaline asked. "Was I wicked when I asked to be friends when the three of us were fillies?" "WHAT?!" Twilight asked. MC sniffed and said, "She's lying." Opaline gave a shocked look. "She hasn't asked to be friends with Celestia and Luna." He then looked towards Celestia and Luna. "Let me guess, she was a snobbish brat, wasn't she?" "The exact reason why the ponies who are pure of heart and true to themselves are chosen to be alicorns," Celestia said. "Opaline stole magic from every other Alicorn in Skyros for her own selfish needs. We had no choice but to use Grogar's Bewitching Bell to steal back all of the Alicorn Magic she had stolen. But it was already too late for the other Alicorns in Skyros." "For Opaline had already taken their lives during her power hungry raid," Luna said. "The only Alicorn Magic she had left was the magic that she had. So we cancelled her magic and banished her to the deepest parts of Tartarus where nothing could escape from. And Grogar's Bewitching Bell, we've placed it in a cave on top of Mount Everhoof and made a barrier at the cave entrance so no greedy villain would take the magic for themselves." "Well, that explains why I turned into an alicorn," Cozy Glow said. "That magic is mine by right!" Opaline shouted. "And if I can't have magic, then nopony can!" She then fired a beam straight at Twilight, who was shocked as the blast was coming right towards her. But then Celestia, Luna, Cadance and Shining Armor came in, their horns glowing, and created a barrier to stop Opaline's attack. "What?! Impossible!" "You shall not lay a hand on my best student," Celestia said. "Freedom Fighters!" MC said. "Let's take her down!" Then the Freedom Fighters started charging towards Opaline. Along with Midpoint and Olive. "Oh, fifteen Mobian heroes against poor ol' me," Opaline said in a mocking tone. "Who's gonna win? Oh, I know!" Her horn then started lighting up. "It's me!!" She then sent out a shockwave, sending all of the heroes back. "Okay, that hurt," Sonic said. "She's so powerful!" Sally said. Midpoint then pulled out a trick arrow, brought it to his bow, aimed at Opaline, and released. Opaline caught it with her hand. She then said, "Seriously? Did you honestly think that you'd be able to stop me with..." The arrow then exploded, sending her back to the other side of the room. All the ponies there, were running for the door. Spike jumped out of the way as Opaline crashed into the Turntables. "They always fall for that," Midpoint said. Opaline then recovered with a roar and said, "How dare you make a fool out of me?! OPALINE ARCANA!!" She then charged at the heroes, her horn glowing. Sunny then came up flying in her Alicorn form and fired a beam at Opaline's incoming beam, cancelling each other's out. "So, you're the newest Alicorn in this time." "Even though I'm from a different timeline, I'm still not gonna let you destroy what my father and I believed in," Sunny said. "Alright, Sunny!" Pipp called out. "Get her!" Hitch called out. The other adult Alicorns came flying up and helping Sunny fight off Opaline. Opaline roared at the fact that she was outnumbered in Alicorn firepower. "How dare you make a fool out of me!" Opaline shouted. Just then, she saw MC climbing the walls behind the five Alicorns that she was fighting. MC then jumped from the wall and dove straight towards Opaline. "WHAT?!" "Chaos... Dragon... FIST!!" MC shouted before using his left fist to punch Opaline to the ground, the sound of a dragon roaring coming as the collision happened. "Ooooh!" the other Freedom Fighters, Midpoint and Olive said in unison. "That's gotta hurt," Spike said. Opaline then started getting up from that last blow she took. She then said, "You foolish beasts! None of you are worthy of ruling this world! I shall take you all down, right here and now!" She then fired a blast at the heroes, but MC got in front of them. "Chaos... Circle!" MC said, moving his hands in a circle with a golden aura circle coming out of his hands, his voice echoing when he said "Circle". The Chaos Circle absorbed Opaline's attack and started bouncing around the circle. "What?!" Opaline asked shocked. "NOOO!" "Eat this, you wicked witch!" MC said. He then jumped up, let go of the Chaos Circle, and kicked it right towards Opaline, sending her back towards the wall where the Turntables were. Opaline collided with the wall with a loud grunt. Opaline looked up at the heroes coming towards her, all with angry expressions. Sonic then said, "You know, this would be a good time to surrender." Opaline then growled and shouted, "NEVER!!" She used the Royal Canterlot Voice to send all the heroes back. Opaline then stood up and said, "None of you can ever stop me, Opaline Arcana!" "Do you ever stop talking?!" MC asked, angrily. Opaline then got up and teleported away. The heroes looked around. Sonic then said, "Where'd she go?" "I'll find her," MC said. His eyes then started glowing in a golden aura. He searched all over the planet for Opaline. But then he saw her at the Treehouse of Harmony. "Oh, no!" MC said, his eyes going back to normal. He then pulled out his Super Warp Ring and threw it, opening a portal to the Castle of the Two Sisters. They saw Opaline climbing the steps. "Opaline!" Twilight shouted. "That's as far as you go!" Opaline laughed at that, turned around and said, "Oh, Twilight Sparkle. You don't understand." She then gave a dark smirk. "Magic never belonged to any of you." Her horn then started lighting up, and her magic was surrounding the Treehouse of Harmony. Then, all of a sudden, magic started being drained from the ponies and other magical creatures of Equestria. Even Truemen's magical robot arm was being affected. "No!" Truemen said. "Not my arm!" "Magic... is mine," Opaline said, smirking. Magic from all over the world was being drained from every magical being and artifact and heading towards the Treehouse of Harmony, which then started glowing dark purple. The pony heroes started getting weaker. "She's... draining our magic," Twilight said. "My arm isn't working anymore," Truemen said as his robot arm was just drooping. Sonic looked towards Opaline and shouted, "What have you done?!" "You still don't get it," Opaline said. "Alicorns are so powerful, we should be ruling the whole world with an iron fist. But no, you all decided that peace and harmony were the way to go! Well, that changes now!" She then fired a blast towards Sonic who sped out of the way. "Magic is getting drained!" Sally said. "What do we do?" "We go all out with whatever we got left!" MC said. He then notice Truemen trying to reactivate his robot arm, but to no avail. MC then walked up to him and said, "Stand down, Truemen. We got this." MC then started charging towards Opaline, along with Sonic and Maria. "So the three fasted Freedom Fighters want to take a shot at me?!" Opaline asked. She then cackled. "You can't even touch me!" She then created a barrier around the Treehouse of Harmony, blocking the three from getting near Opaline. "Ow!" Maria said. "She's trying to block us out!" Sonic said. "We can't get through." "If we can't go over, around or through it..." MC said. He then grabbed Sonic and Maria and rushed away from the barrier. He brought the two hedgehogs to the root of the Treehouse of Harmony and started going up. "Then we'll just go under it!" MC let go of Sonic and Maria as they started speeding up the Tree as well. "Chaos Claw!" MC then used his claws to dig through the bottom. Eventually, he dug through and the three of them got inside the barrier. "What?!" Opaline asked. "How?!" "We might not be able to get through, but we could come in from below!" Sonic said. "Alright, Maria. Time to go for a spin!" He then grabbed Maria's right arm while MC grabbed Sonic's legs. He then started spinning around like he was about to do the Hammer Throw in the Olympics. He then threw the two hedgehogs as they were doing spin dash, and they collided with Opaline, sending her back and colliding with the wall above the door. MC then rushed in, grabbed Opaline, and threw her towards the barrier. As soon as her horn collided with the barrier, the barrier dissipated and magic returned to every magical creature and artifact in the world. "No!" Opaline said after noticing all the magic was returning to where it was being taken from. She was then grabbed in Celestia's magic and was lifted into the air. Then Luna used her magic to chain up Opaline's arms, legs and wings. "It's over, Opaline," Celestia said. "You shouldn't have come back!" "Nrr! You shouldn't have betrayed what should have been!" Opaline shouted. She then broke out of the hold and fired a beam towards Celestia and Luna. But the beam was intercepted by blasts from Sunny and Truemen, who's robot arm was active again. "Not today!" Truemen said. "You fools!" Opaline said. "Especially you, Sunny Starscout! You're not worthy of being an alicorn!" She then used more power from her horn to push Sunny and Truemen back. But they were being pushed forward by Hitch, Izzy, Pipp and Zipp. "We got your back, Sunny!" Izzy said. "You got this!" Zipp said. Sunny smiled at that. Then she started getting more powerful in her magic. Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Cadance and MC also came in, firing blasts towards Opaline, helping Sunny and Truemen win the magical blast fight. "NOOOO!!" Opaline said as the blasts collided with her horn. She landed on the ground in pain. "You... are all... beasts!" She then stood up angrily. "I will not surrender to any of you!" She then fired another blast to the group. "Chaos... SHIELD!" MC shouted, the second word echoing as his golden aura shield blocking Opaline's magical blast. He wasn't even moving from his spot. "How are you so heavy?!" Opaline asked. "It's called Self Density Manipulation!" MC said. "I can be as light as a feather or as heavy as a mountain!" "Oh, I should've killed you a lot sooner than that future when I brought that Castle down from under your feet," Opaline said. That comment made MC go wide eyed. He then remembered when his alternate future self falling from the crumbling castle. The flashback ended and he got angry. He then asked, "That was you? You made the ponies argue with each other in that future?" "You're such a fool, Michael Crayton," Opaline said. "You and your father. And his father. And every single male member of your family through the generations." MC then got angry. But then a new voice came in. "Oi, laddie! Ya gonna let 'er get under yer skin like that?!" MC looked over towards the voice and he saw the Six Pillars standing there. He then said, "You knew about this witch as well?" "We were the ones who held her back while Princesses Celestia and Luna were preparing the spell to seal her in the deepest parts of Tartarus," Star Swirl said. "We can seal her up again. This time, in her own lair where she can never ever escape from." "So what you're saying is if we banish her back to her lair..." Twilight said. "Then she can never escape from it ever again," Sonic said. "Freedom Fighters, keep Opaline busy!" MC said. He then looked towards Midpoint. "Lynol, keep her grounded." "Roger that," Midpoint said. He then grabbed another trick arrow from his quiver and attached it to his bow. He then launched it at Opaline. The arrow collided and tied down Opaline's wings, but her arms didn't get tied up. "Raaagh!" Opaline said. "Freedom Fighters Forever!" MC called out. "Freedom Fighters Forever!" the Freedom Fighters all shouted as they ran towards Opaline. The Freedom Fighters were doing their best to fight off Opaline, but she kept fighting back and trying to get out of the restraints holding her wings closed. "Not gonna happen, Opaline," Midpoint said. "Titanium chords. It'll take you a while for you to break out of those." "I'm gonna kill you first!" Opaline said. She then fired a beam from her horn and hit Midpoint, but it pushed him back to hit a tree. But he received neither interior nor exterior pain. "What?!" "It's called unbreakable skin," Midpoint said. "My grandfather thought of that while he was saving me at his cabin-slash-secret lab the last time we went camping. What made me the way I am was based on Project: PHOENIX, AKA, Maria Robotnik the Hedgehog." "If I can't kill you from the outside, then I'll do it from the inside!" Opaline said. She was then kicked in the face by Olive, sending the Alicorn down to the ground. "Not gonna happen," Olive said. Opaline then tried hitting Olive in the face after getting back up, but Olive ducked and countered her with a sweep kick. But then she was grabbed in the back by Bunnie's extending robot arm and pulled back. Mutt then tied her legs down with his Elemental Whip as Bunnie let go of Opaline. Antoine then jumped and kicked Opaline in the stomach, knocking her down to the ground. Then tasers were launched at Opaline by a device used by Tails. Then Opaline's limbs were shackled in tree roots from MC's power. "How dare you?!" Opaline asked. "It's a matter of Matter," MC said. "You're done." Opaline growled and shouted, "NEVER!!" She was then burning through the roots with pink flames. "You can never stop me! I am the Alicorn of Fire! I will burn you all!" Just then, she was hit by some arrows that released ice from the tips, cooling her off. "Cool off!" Midpoint said, readying another ice arrow. He then released it. As Midpoint released the arrow, the Mane 6, Sunny and her friends and the Six Pillars were nearly completed with the spell to send Opaline back to her lair, and keep her trapped there. "Alright," Star Swirl said. "It's done." "Then let's do it!" Twilight said. Then the three groups got together as Twilight started flying into the air. The three groups started glowing in a bright white light. They then released rainbow beams towards Twilight. That caught Opaline's attention. "No!" Opaline said. "Opaline, as High Princess of Equestria, I banish you back to your lair where you can never ever leave again!" Twilight said. She then released the power she had and a Rainbow beam headed straight for Opaline, surrounding her. "No!" Opaline shouted. She then fired a beam towards Twilight, but the Rainbow Beam prevented it from hitting. "No! My power! This isn't over!" She then saw a portal opening up from under her, Opaline widened her eyes in fear. "NOOOOOOO!!" Opaline was sent through the portal, it closing right as she went through. The Freedom Fighters stopped and continued standing in battle position until Opaline was fully banished. "Is it over?" Sonic asked. "Is she gone?" "For now," MC said before he turned to faced the Castle of the Two Sisters and started walking towards it. "Villains like that always come back." Meanwhile, in Opaline's lair, Misty was sitting in Opaline's throne, board out of her mind. Misty groaned and said, "How long is it going to take for her to come back?!" Just then, a white flash came in and Opaline landed in front of the Throne with a thud. "Opaline?!" Just then, a flash came from her and then an invisible barrier surrounded the lair, Twilight's Cutie Mark was on it. Then it faded from sight. Misty was confused by that. "What... happened?" "Those pathetic heroes just banished me back to my own lair," Opaline said. "And what's worse, they trapped me in here! So I can't leave even if I wanted to!" She then noticed where Misty was sitting. "Why are you sitting in my throne?" Misty then went wide eyed and said, "Whoops. Sorry. I was... keeping it warm for you." She was getting off the Throne as she was speaking. "As much as I hate for you sitting in my throne, I do appreciate the thought," Opaline said, sitting down on her throne. "If only I can get rid of those Freedom Fighters, and those hero ponies once and for all." She then looked towards her enchanted mirror. "I just need to figure out a way to do it." Meanwhile, back at Freedom Fighters Mansion, the Freedom Fighters, the Mane 6, Sunny and her friends, Midpoint, Olive, Cozy Glow, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike and the Young 6 went there. "Whew," Sonic said. "What a day." "Tell me about it," MC said. He then looked towards Midpoint, Olive, Cozy Glow, Sally, Bunnie, Antoine and Rotor. "Alright, you guys can stay here for the night." "Thanks, Michael," Sally said. "We'll be heading off to our homes tomorrow after breakfast," Midpoint said. "Are you seriously considering letting the six valedictorians staying here?" "If they're gonna be Freedom Fighters, they might as well start training here at Freedom Fighters Mansion," MC said. He then looked towards the Young 6. "Follow me. I'll show you all where you'll be staying." MC then started walking off in one direction and the Young 6 followed. They were then led to a guest house with three apartments in it. "Okay, you six are gonna have to share bedrooms. I know that's not gonna be a problem." "Yeah, yeah," Gallus said. He then sighed happily. "I'm just surprised their families are okay with this." "I know, right?" MC asked. "Okay, Gallus, you're with Sandbar. Silverstream, you're with Smolder, and Ocellus, you're with Yona." The Young 6 nodded and headed off towards the building as MC started walking away towards the front. Opaline and Misty were watching from the enchanted mirror. Opaline was furious seeing the Freedom Fighters back home, alive. "Those heroes might have won the day, but I will get my revenge!" Opaline said. "And you will, Opaline," Misty said. "I just know it." "I know, Misty," Opaline said. "But the question is... how?" "Well, it's not like you can get information about them from the inside," Misty said. "You are trapped here." "Yes, I am..." Opaline said. She then noticed something through the enchanted mirror. She saw MC putting up a sign that says "Room for Rent". That gave Opaline a wonderful... awful idea. She smirked and said, "I might not be able to leave." She then looked towards Misty. "But... you can." "What?" Misty asked. > Episode 3: Misty Brightdawn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 3: Misty Brightdawn In the city of Station Square, there was a mall. In one section of the mall, there was an old shop closed down. The Mane 6, Sunny and her friends, Sonic, MC and Mutt were looking around the place. "So, you and Pipp just bought this place together?" Sonic asked. "Of course, darling," Rarity said. "I was hoping to spread my fashion abilities all over the globe. And I thought of opening a boutique here. But here, the people of this world not only need a stunning outfit, but a great hairstyle to go with it. And that's where Pipp comes in." "Yes, I shall be handling the hair styling here," Pipp said. "Since I am such an amazing hairstylist." "It's true," MC said. "Here Cosmetology License just arrived in the mail yesterday." "Now we need someone fashionable to help with the clothing," Rarity said. "Someone who is both fashionable, and stylish. If only I knew someone like that here." "Hey, why don't you ask MC's ex?" Mutt asked in a joking matter. MC groaned at that comment from Mutt. "You dated someone before me?" Twilight asked. "It was one time," MC said. "It didn't work out." "What happened?" Twilight asked. "There was no real spark between us," MC said. "Plus we didn't have a lot in common." "Who was it?" Twilight asked. Sonic sighed and said, "My sister, Sonia." "Ooh, of course!" Rarity said. "She's both stylish and knows people of this world. Contact her immediately!" Sonic sighed and held up his left hand and started walking away from the group. "You're gonna tell me how that date went on the way home, MC," Twilight said. MC sighed and said, "This is gonna be a long ride." Just then, Tails and Rotor arrived with tools as MC and Twilight were leaving the shop. Meanwhile, on the floor below, in a hallway that led to a restroom, in a flash of light, Misty arrived there with a backpack. She then looked around and smiled. She then brought out the necklace that was given to her. It was the same necklace from the alternate timeline that Sarah Crayton took to hide. "Opaline, I'm here," Misty said. "Good," came Opaline's voice from the necklace. "Now, your mission is to infiltrate the Freedom Fighters Mansion. Get close to them." "Got it," Misty said. "I'll head there immediately." "Not so fast, Misty," Opaline said through the necklace. "Before you go, there are three things you need to do." "And those things are?" Misty asked. "Step one, trade in those jewels for money in that world," Opaline said. "Step two, get your own wardrobe. You can't go around wearing a homemade, ragged dress." Misty looked down at the dress she was on with a sad look. "Step three, get a cell phone and phone plan. Make sure it's affordable." "Y-yes, Opaline," Misty said. She then looked out of the hallway, and she started walking around for any clothing stores. In the mall, Sparky was running around the place with Izzy chasing after him. "Sparky!" Izzy said. "Hold it right there!" She was chasing Sparky all over the place, through shops, arcades, a bowling alley, and even the food court. "Wait up!" As she chased Sparky through the food court, she accidentally knocked the burger out of a Mobian Dog's hands. But she caught it in her magic and gave it back. "Sorry about that." She then remembered. "Whoop! I almost forgot!" She continued chasing after Sparky. Sparky was still running in a playful way, giggling as he was running. He turned to face Izzy trying to catch him, but then he bumped into someone without looking. "Whoa!" Izzy said, slowing down her pace. "Careful next time, Sparkeroni." The individual who Sparky bumped into picked up the baby and handed him to Izzy. "Thanks. I was tasked with watching Sparky here." She then noticed who helped her out and gasped. It was Misty, and she was in a completely new outfit. She was wearing a green, short sleeved shirt, jeans that weren't too tight for her legs, and pink tennis shoes with a gray stripe going down the middle. "Oh, my gosh! A new unicorn friend!" "I, uh..." Misty said, not too sure what to say. "Hi! I'm Izzy!" Izzy said, starting to bounce around Misty, still holding Sparky in her arms. "Izzy Moonbow. What's your name?" "Um... M-Misty," Misty said. "Well, hi, Misty!" Izzy said. "So, what brings you here to Station Square?" "Uh... well... I just arrived here and..." Misty said. "Actually, I've been looking for a place to stay, and since I have no cell phone plan, and no idea where to search, I'm trying to find myself a phone store to get my own phone." "Oh, you don't have to worry about that," Izzy said. "The place I'm living at has a room for rent. You can come with me and check it out if you want." "Really?" Misty asked. "You'd help me out?" "Why of course!" Izzy said. "We can leave right after I give Sparkeroni here back to Hitch." "Okay..." Misty said. "I'll wait..." She then looked around. "Oh, you can just wait for me at the edge of the food court," Izzy said. "I'll come back to get you." She then started walking back to the store that Rarity and Pipp bought. Misty then started walking away from that spot, heading for the food court. She then pulled the necklace she had out from her shirt. "Opaline, I've made contact with one of the futuristic ponies," Misty said. "Already?" Opaline asked. "Yeah," Misty said. "She's going to take me to Freedom Fighters Mansion to look at the room that's for rent." Opaline started laughing excitedly through the necklace and said, "That's wonderful, Misty. Now, once you get there, remember. You have to get as much information from the Freedom Fighters. Their strengths and weaknesses. Anything that we can use to take them down." "Yes, Opaline," Misty said. "I might as well start with the leader of the Freedom Fighters, Sonic the Hedgehog. I'll get as much out of them that I can." "Good," Opaline said. "Meanwhile, I'll search for some qualified candidates who might be... useful for taking them down, and for me to take back all the magic in this universe." Back in Opaline's lair, Opaline was looking up villains of that time. "Like who?" Misty asked, her voice coming through the enchanted mirror. "Oh, those who have a bone to pick with the Freedom Fighters, and certain villains they know nothing about," Opaline answered. "Now, get going!" "Yes, Opaline," Misty said. Then the enchanted mirror stopped glowing. Opaline smirked at all the possible villains to recruit. Back at Freedom Fighters Mansion, Izzy and Misty were on a scooter, Misty's new luggage strapped right to the back of it, under Misty's bottom. Misty was holding onto Izzy's shoulders tightly. "Alright, Misty," Izzy said. "We're almost there." Eventually, they made it to the front gate for Freedom Fighters Mansion. She then looked towards the call box. "Hey, Nicole! It's me, Izzy! And I have a possible renter for the extra room!" "Opening the gate now," Nicole's voice came from the call box. "Welcome home, Izzy." The gate then opened up and Izzy drove the scooter through. She eventually made it to the garage. Eventually, she eventually stopped at the guest house that had the last open room that was for rent. "Here we are, Misty," Izzy said. "This here is the room for rent." "This is it?" Misty asked. "Are you sure, Izzy?" "Sure, I'm sure!" Izzy said. "I'm sure that Nicole has already informed MC about you." "Oh, she did," MC's voice came. The two unicorns looked over towards the voice and they saw MC and Twilight coming up to the two. "So, this is the new unicorn." MC then got a good look. For some reason, he got a strange look when he was looking at Misty. "Um... hello," Misty said. "MC? Are you okay?" Izzy asked. "You..." MC said, directly to Misty. "You look familiar." Misty raised her eyebrows in shock and asked, "What? That can't be. You and I haven't met each other." "Where could you have seen her before?" Twilight asked. "I don't know," MC said. He then noticed Misty's horn. It was a different color than her coat. "I must've seen you in a vision of the future during our mission in Soleanna." "The future?" Misty asked. "What does that mean?" "Oh, yeah!" Izzy said, noticing Misty's horn. "I didn't even notice that your horn is a different color from your coat. You must be from the future. Maybe MC saw you in Bridlewood, because that's where I'm from." "Um... I..." Misty said, trying to come up with a backstory. "Yes. I'm... definitely from Bridlewood. Yes siree." MC sniffed at Misty's words and gave a bit of a scowl. "So, are we gonna show Misty the guest room?" Izzy asked. MC sighed and said, "Alright. C'mon." He then grabbed the key from under the door mat, put the key into the locking mechanism, and opened the door. Inside there a bed on the left side from the door, and on the other side, there was a desk. On the wall, there was a 40-inch flat screen TV over a table. "So, where do I put my clothes?" Misty asked. "There's a closet in the bathroom," MC said. He then headed for the bathroom. "This way." Misty followed. In the bathroom, there was a tub/shower, a toilet, and a single sink with a mirror. And in the back, there was a closet for hanging clothes, and a dresser inside. "Is this to your liking?" "Actually, yeah," Misty said. "This place looks really cozy. Better than my last place." "Okay, that's good," MC said. "Listen, rent is free for the first month, so you have until then to find yourself a job so you can pay for rent." "How much is rent?" Misty asked. "$650 a month," MC said. "Of course, we're gonna need to get you some official papers, since you're from the future as well. So, we're gonna need your full name and birthday." He then brought up his right arm and a holographic screen came over his right arm. He then started typing Misty's name. "Okay, Misty..." "Uh..." Misty said, looking around the bathroom. She saw the light bulbs over the mirror, seeing how bright they were. "Misty... Misty Bright..." She then looked around for anything else that could help out with her cover name for her last name. "Bright..." She then saw the sun. "...Dawn! Misty Brightdawn!" MC then sniffed at that, raising an eyebrow. He then typed Brightdawn anyway. He then said, "Okay, Misty Brightdawn. Now we're gonna need your official birthday." "It's... uh..." Misty then started thinking. She then remembered something from her past. When Misty was younger, she was in a room in Opaline's lair, jumping up and down excitedly. But then, Opaline came barging in, angrily. "MISTY!" Opaline shouted. "What are you doing?! I am trying to sleep!" Young Misty stopped jumping out of fear. She then said, "But, Opaline. It's my birthday." "Birthday?!" Opaline asked. "You really think birthdays are important? They just remind you that you keep getting older. So go back to sleep!" She then stormed out of the room, heading back to her room, slamming the door shut. Young Misty then started crying. She looked at the calendar in the bedroom she was raised in and she saw that the date was May 14th. The flashback ended. Misty exhaled slowly and said, "May 14th." MC sniffed and gave a smirk. He then said, "Okay. May 14th. I'll get this information to the President immediately and as soon as he can, he'll send us the information to us in the mail." He then left the room. Twilight followed. "Get comfortable, Misty!" Izzy said. "Because we're gonna have a fun time now that you're here! See you for dinner!" She then headed out of the room, closing the door behind her. Luckily, MC left the room key on the table below the TV. Misty exhaled in relief. She then pulled the necklace from underneath her shirt and said, "Opaline, I'm in." "Good work, Misty," Opaline said. "Now, get as much information out of the Freedom Fighters as you can. We're gonna need everything we need to know about them before we can finally strike." What they didn't know was from the doorbell speaker, there was a small camera watching Misty. In another room, more likely Pipp and Zipp's room, which the door was replaced with a door with a business window that said "Zephyr Heights Private Eye, Zipp Storm", MC, Twilight, Zipp and Truemen were all in there, watching Misty talking to her necklace from MC's holographic screen. "I will, Opaline," Misty said from the holographic screen. "I'll get as much information out of them as I can. But I'm also gonna have to find a job here. I don't know how long I'm gonna be staying here, and I only get a month of free stay." "That's a good call," Opaline said. "Focus on getting information on the Freedom Fighters until you start job searching. After that, you continue finding more information on the Freedom Fighters while you're off work!" "Yes Opaline," Misty said. MC then turned off the screen. He then smirked and said, "Shoulda known Misty was a spy for Opaline. I caught Opaline's sent on Misty." "So, are we gonna bust her?" Zipp asked. "I'm ready to take her down." "No," MC said, looking back at Misty through the camera. "Let her think we're gonna let her get what she wants. But I think I know why she's working for Opaline." "Why?" Truemen asked. MC then smirked. He then asked, "What do ponies of Equestria get that no other creature can get on their flanks?" Twilight and Zipp went wide eyed and looked at each other. Zipp was wearing denim short shorts. She raised the right leg, revealing her Cutie Mark. Twilight then raised her skirt, revealing her Cutie Mark. Twilight and Zipp looked at each other and said, "Cutie Marks!" "Misty doesn't have a Cutie Mark?" Zipp asked. "Why hasn't she have a Cutie Mark?" "Maybe she's been with Opaline so long, she hasn't figured out who she really is," Twilight said. She then went wide eyed. "Is that the reason you want Misty to stick around? So we can actually get her to join our side and ditch Opaline?" "She's misguided," MC said. "Kinda like a certain unicorn with a broken horn was when she was working for the Storm King. And that was before bringing Equestria back to Earth." "Tempest Shadow?" Twilight asked. "Oh, good example. Opaline is probably promising Misty a Cutie Mark. But everypony knows that Cutie Marks have their own magic, and cannot be given to a pony who doesn't have one, no matter how much magic that magical creature has. Believe me, I've tried." "Really, she has?" Zipp asked. "Must've been the Crusaders who begged her," MC said. "No, just Apple Bloom," Twilight said. "Okay, let's keep an eye on Misty, then slowly draw her to our side. Show her all the fun things to bring her to our side to give her a subconscious message to join our side." "That's a good plan," Truemen said. "Alright," Twilight said. "Let's convince Misty Brightdawn that she can get a lot more doing good than evil." "Even though Brightdawn isn't her real name," MC said. "She was just making it up on the spot." "That explains the pauses," Twilight said. "She probably also lied about her birthday." "No, that was the truth," MC said. "I can smell lies, remember." "Oh, right," Twilight said. Just then, the phone started ringing. "Okay, we'll leave you two to your business." Then she and Twilight headed out of the room as Truemen answered the phone with his left hand. "Zephyr Heights Private Eye, how can we help you?" Truemen asked as he brought out a notepad. He then lifted up his robot hand and the tip of an ink pen came out of the forefinger. He then started writing down the job. At dinner, the Freedom Fighters, the Young 6, Sunny and her friends, and Misty were making some homemade pizzas with a giant pizza oven outside the house. Smolder and Blaze were keeping the fire burning. "Wow," Misty said. "Talk about hot stuff." "Yeah, you'll get used to it," Sunny said, using her new Earth Pony Magic to grow vegetables for the pizzas. "So, Misty, what would you like on your pizza? Peppers? Zucchini? Sun dried Tomatoes?" "Um... I think I'll just have it plain cheese," Misty said. "Seriously?" MC asked. "No toppings?" "Hey, even a pizza needs a little bit of vegetation to keep your body healthy," Sonic said. "Even I can't have chili dogs everyday." "What's a chili dog?" Misty asked. "Oh, you are definitely from the future," MC said. "Chili is beans mixed with meat, and the dog comes from the hot dog, which is a link of meat like food item. And since you ponies don't eat meat, I don't recommend having it." "Yeah, that's true," Pipp said. "Sonic, is Sonia on her way here to Station Square?" "She's gonna be apartment hunting near the mall," Sonic said. "She'll be here as soon as possible." "We're gonna hire some construction workers to work on the place to yours and Rarity's liking," Tails said. "It'll get done." "That's a relief," Pipp said. Just then, Nicole appeared, surprising Misty. "Gah!" Misty shouted, going under the table. "Relax, Mist," MC said. "It's just Nicole. Our Artificial Intelligence." He then looked towards Nicole. "What is it, Nicole?" "I've got some bad news from the Pentagon," Nicole said. "The Destructix escaped." Then Sonic, Tails, MC and Mutt went wide eyed. "Who are the Destructix?" Maria asked. "They're a gang of dangerous criminals who have it out for us Freedom Fighters," MC said. "Even though one of them was one of us before." "But how did they escape from the Devil's Gulag?" Sonic asked. "That place is the most secured place in the world, now that Prison Island was kaput." "That is a good question," MC said. "Surely hope Scourge learned his lesson from the last time we've fought." "Who's Scourge?" Sunny asked. MC sighed. He then said, "He's an evil version of Sonic who used the Chaos Emeralds, or as they're called in his dimension, Anarchy Beryl, and totally destroyed it. He then tried spreading his destruction to our dimension, but we took him down. It wasn't easy. Especially when he tried taking our Chaos Emeralds, but I took him down. He's had a grudge with me since then, and not just for taking him down." "What did you do to him?" Hitch asked. "Oh, I just gave him a couple of little scratches on his stomach," MC said. "Little?" Sonic asked. "I don't think so. Nicole, show them what Scourge looks like." Nicole nodded and showed an image of Scourge. The Freedom Fighters (except Sonic, Tails, MC and Mutt), the Young 6, Sunny and her friends and Misty were surprised at Scourge's scars. "Oh, I say he's still holding a grudge," Zipp said. "We know his weakness, since he's an evil version of Sonic," MC said. "Sonic and Scourge share the exact same weakness. They can't swim." "Sonic can't swim?" Misty asked. "I sink easily," Sonic said. "So I avoid water that isn't shallow. Like shallow streams, hot tubs, or bath tubs." "Just how did the Destructix escape?" Tails asked. Earlier, on a tall, mountain only island, there was a building known as the Devil's Gulag. It was a prison for the most dangerous Mobians. In one cell, Scourge the Hedgehog was sitting on the bench that was his bed, waiting for his time to escape. Just then, one guard came up to the cell. "Hey, Mean Green," the guard said. "A package has come for you." He then tossed it towards Scourge through the bars. The package landing at Scourge's feet. "It's a book! We've checked with metal detectors. We've felt it through the package. We know what a book feels like." The guard then stepped away from the cell. "A book?" Scourge asked. "Seriously?" He then picked up the package and opened it up. Inside was a book called Art of Escaping. Scourge was confused by that. He then noticed something coming from the folding part of the book, seeing something sticking out. Scourge gave a smirk. He then pulled it out, revealing to be a special blade to cut through certain metals. "Perfect. Time to get this power cancelling collar off of me." A couple seconds later, Scourge burst through the bars. He then smirked as the alarms started blaring. Then a bunch of guards started running towards Scourge. But he was too fast for them and took them all down. He came to one cell where a female fox was there, taking off her orange jumpsuit. "Is it time?" the vixen asked. "It's time, Fiona," Scourge said. "Let's blow this joint after we get our squad." Eventually, they made it out of the place with their squad, and headed for the helipad. They all walked towards the center and looked around. "So, where's our ride?" the Blue Hawk, Predator Hawk, asked. "Patience, Predator," Scourge said. "Our ride will soon be here." Just then a bunch of guards came in with guns pointed at them. "Freeze!" one of the guards said. "Hands on the ground!" "Oh, I don't think so," Fiona said. "Let's take these guys down." "All fire on my command!" one of the guards said. "One... two..." Just then, the Destructix vanished in pink flames, the guards were surprised to see them disappear. "Where'd they go?" Back in Opaline's Lair, the Destructix appeared suddenly. They all looked around. "Oh-ho!" Scourge said. "This castle's nice. I'm taking it." "I don't think so," came the voice of Opaline. The Destructix looked towards her while she was sitting on the throne. "I busted you out, and now, you're gonna have to return the favor." "Like we'd ever listen to you," the lynx, Lightning Lynx, said. "Yeah," the gorilla, Sergeant Simian, said, cracking his knuckles. "You may have gotten us out of there, but it doesn't mean we work for you." "Not unless you can give us something in return," the frog, Flying Frog, said with a creepy smile. "Oh, I believe I know of a way to repay you," Opaline said. "A chance to take down... the Freedom Fighters." The Destructix gave a shocked look towards Opaline. They turned to face each other and started discussing. When they were finished, they nodded towards each other. "So? What do you say?" Scourge turned to face Opaline, a dark smirk on his face. He then said, "We're in." Opaline then started laughing evilly and the Destructix joined in on the evil laughter." > Episode 4: Not My San Andreas Fault > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 4: Not My San Andreas Fault In San Francisco, at the Golden Gate Park Archery Range, Cozy Glow was holding a bow and arrow, and Midpoint was helping her with aiming the arrow at the right angle. "A little more higher," Midpoint said. "To the left." Cozy Glow raised the bow and arrow a little bit, and moved it to the left. "Now, keep your eye on the target." Cozy almost closed her eyes to focus on the target. "And... release." Cozy Glow then released the arrow, hitting the target. It hit the nine ring instead of the bullseye. "Dang," Cozy Glow said. "Not bad for your first try," Midpoint said. "It's all about concentration." He then brought out his bow and picked up one of the rental arrows. "Like this." He then aimed the arrow at the target. He then released and hit the bullseye. "Wow," Cozy Glow said. "You see, you have to keep up your concentration," Midpoint said. "Otherwise..." Then the ground started shaking. Everyone there started losing balance, car alarms were going off. Then Midpoint grabbed Cozy Glow and both of them went down onto the ground. After 10 seconds of shaking, the shaking stopped. Cozy Glow looked around the place, seeing people running away from the park, heading off somewhere. Cozy then asked, "What was that?" "That was an Earthquake," Midpoint said. He then looked around. "It was in your science class." "That's what an Earthquake is?" Cozy Glow asked. "Never thought I'd experience one in person." Midpoint then looked around. He then said, "I've got the feeling this isn't all we're gonna feel today." At Freedom Fighters Mansion, Sunny was making a smoothie for MC, who was sitting on his Extreme Gear in a meditation pose, a blind fold over his eyes. The Young 6, Sunny and her friends and Mutt were looking at MC. Pipp was recording it on her phone. "Okay, MC," Sunny said. "One Super Duper Mystery Smoothie. I bet you can't guess what I mixed in it." Gallus was snickering quietly right as MC was taking a sip. MC was checking out the flavor with his taste buds. "Strawberry, watermelon, lime..." MC said, the last recipe was making Sunny smile widely. "...zest." That made Sunny lose her smile. "Paprika... Parmesan Cheese..." He then smacked his lips, leaning towards Sunny. "And Gallus dipped his toe in it." "What?!" Sunny asked. Then everyone looked towards Gallus, who was darting his eyes from left to right quickly. Gallus chuckled and asked, "Which foot?" "Right foot," MC said. "Which toe?" Gallus asked again. "Pinkie," MC answered. Gallus smiled, then laughed and said, "You are a freak!" MC then took off his blindfold. Misty then came from her room, walking up to the group. She then asked, "What's going on?" "I still can't believe that MC guessed all the ingredients in Sunny's mystery smoothie," Hitch said. "No one, even back in our time, has ever guessed every ingredient down to the tee. Not even Phyllis Cloverleaf." "Check it out, Misty," Pipp said, showing the video of MC's taste testing. "Ew!" Misty said, hearing the part where Gallus dipped his toe in the smoothie. "That's gross!" "I didn't even think that he would even figure out that he'd figure out which toe of which foot was dipped into it," Gallus said. "And he guessed it correctly." "It was impressive, though," Smolder said. "Michael," came Nicole's voice. "What is it, Nicole?" MC asked. "We've got a problem on the West Coast," Nicole said. "It seems that an Earthquake is stirring up." "An Earthquake?" MC asked. "Oh, that can't be good." "What's an Earthquake?" Misty asked. "It's a shaking of the ground that happens around fault lines," Ocellus said. "They can cause tremendous amounts of damage if the building structures aren't sound." "And being in a city with tall buildings near a fault line isn't the best place to be if it's a magnitude of 6 or higher," MC said. "We better check to see if Lynol is okay." "Good idea," Hitch said. "If there's an emergency going on, we should go there and help out." "Let's get going," MC said. "Zipp, you pilot the Spirit of Freedom, I'll take the X-Tornado." He then headed off into the mansion. "Silver! Blaze! Marine! We're gonna need your help for this!" Misty then headed towards the side of the house. Making sure that no one was looking, she brought out the necklace from under her shirt. "Opaline, it seems that MC is taking the Freedom Fighter trainees to a place to check on their friend," Misty said. "Someone named Lynol." "Alex Lynol, also known as Midpoint," Opaline said. "That annoying archer otter with the special tipped arrows. Always so confident." "They said that there was an Earthquake where he was," Misty said. "Is that something we should worry about?" "In your current location, no," Opaline said. She then paused. "Wait a minute. That's it!" Back in Opaline's lair, Opaline was talking to Misty through the enchanted mirror. "Ever since that otter's grandfather died, he left everything to that irritating otter!" Opaline said. "If we take everything away from him, he'll lose so much confidence and will never recover! It's brilliant!" "How will we do that?" Misty asked through the mirror. Opaline chuckled and said, "By having the worst kind of Earthquake in San Francisco." Then an image of Midpoint appeared from the enchanted mirror. "Say goodbye to everything you have, Alex Lynol." Then the image of San Francisco came up from the enchanted mirror as Opaline stepped towards it. "I may be an Alicorn of Fire, but doesn't mean I can't have fun with messing with other elements." She then fired magic from her horn into the enchanted mirror with an evil grin. In San Francisco, Midpoint and Cozy Glow were driving through the streets of San Francisco when suddenly, a more stronger Earthquake started happening. "Whoa!" Midpoint said, turning the steering wheel to the side of the road, making the car almost crash into a lamp post. Midpoint put the car in park and shielded Cozy Glow. When the quake stopped, he looked around at all the people on the ground, starting to go in a panic. "That Earthquake felt more intense," Cozy Glow said. "You're right, it did," Midpoint said. He then brought out his phone and checked the geological activity. "Whoa. The magnitude was up to 6-point-3." He then typed on his phone and he had connected it to every single radio station and mobile device in San Francisco. "Attention all citizens of San Francisco. That was a 6-point-3 Magnitude Earthquake. For your safety, evacuate the city as quickly and as calmly as possible." Then everyone started to get prepared for their evacuation plan. "Wow," Cozy Glow said. "Everyone here is getting prepared for this." "Most of the people of San Francisco are prepared for this kind of situation," Midpoint said. "Right now, we need to get back to Shadow Appliances." "Isn't that on the other side of the city?" Cozy Glow asked. "Shadow Appliances was started by my grandfather," Midpoint said. "No way I'm gonna lose his legacy by a series of earthquakes." Midpoint then backed up the car and started turning towards where Shadow Appliances was and drove there carefully. The Spirit of Freedom and the X-Tornado were flying towards San Francisco as quickly as it could. In the X-Tornado, there was MC and Silver in the front cockpit area while Blaze and Mutt were in the back cockpit. In the Spirit of Freedom, Sunny and her friends, the Young 6, Sparky and Misty were there. Zipp was piloting the Spirit of Freedom. "Okay, guys," Zipp said. "ETA on San Francisco, 5 minutes." She then turned her head slightly to the right. "Hey, sis. You gotten any connection with Lynol yet?" "Still trying to get a hold of his company," Pipp said. "But it keeps cutting out. Saying about being disconnected." Then a holographic image of MC came in over Pipp's head. MC then said, "The tremors must've ripped apart the phone lines. No landline must be working in San Francisco." Then a holographic image of Mutt came in next to MC's holographic image. Mutt then said, "Earthquakes are quite destructive. Hopefully, there's not too much damage." "If an Earthquake can cause serious damage, then the best way for everyone there to survive is to head east," Ocellus said, looking at a science book. "Which means we're gonna have to help anyone trying to get out." "Escorting people out of San Francisco safely," Gallus said. "Sounds simple enough." "Not unless the ground starts to shake and starts tearing apart the bridge out of there," Zipp said. "I'll keep that from happening, Zephyrina," MC said from a holographic screen. "My materiokinesis will prevent any more tremors happening. Meanwhile, Silver and Blaze will rush across the city helping with anyone who is trapped beneath rubble or by fire." "Sounds like a plan," Sunny said. "The rest of us will help escort the citizens towards the bridge." Then on Treasure Island, the X-Tornado and the Spirit of Freedom landed near the tunnel to the bridge. MC, Mutt, Silver, Blaze, the Young 6, Sunny and her friends and Misty got out of the airships. They went towards the city of San Francisco. "Okay, everyone," MC said. "You know the drill. Rescue and evacuate the citizens. Mutt, you help out with the Equestrians. Silver, Blaze, let's do this." Silver and Blaze nodded. Silver then started levitating himself up and then he hovered quickly towards the city. MC and Blaze used their super speed towards the city. Then Mutt and the Equestrians started running towards the city on foot. MC then reached the Transamerica Building. He then placed his hands on the ground, them glowing in a golden aura. Meanwhile, Opaline was watching from the enchanted mirror in her throne room. She smiled evilly at what MC was doing. "So, that pesky Prince thinks he can save his friend's city like that?" Opaline asked. "That's where you're wrong, Michael Crayton." She then used her magic to create a more powerful Earthquake. In San Francisco, MC felt the force happening from the Earthquake that Opaline was creating. MC groaned in pain from the event happening. "This isn't right," MC said. "This isn't the tectonic plates pushing each other. Someone's forcing the quake to happen." Silver was hovering high above the city, looking for anyone in danger from above. But then, he heard the sound of a little girl crying out for help. "Huh?" Silver asked. He then saw a building collapsing. On one balcony, there was a little girl reaching out. "Hey! I'm coming!" He then landed on the balcony and looked in the apartment, seeing that the door was blocked by heavy household items. "Okay, you're trapped. Is anyone else in there?" The little girl shook her head. "Okay, I'm gonna get you out of here. Wrap your arms around my neck, and hold on." The little girl nodded and wrapped her arms around Silver's neck. He then levitated both of them off the balcony and slowly descended. Down at the bottom of the building, a woman was crying out for help. "Somebody help! My daughter is trapped in my apartment!" Silver then came down with the little girl. "Excuse me, Ma'am," Silver said. "Is this your child?" The little girl let go of Silver and turned around. "Mommy!" the little girl said. "Suzy!" the woman said. She kneeled and the little girl ran into her arms and hugged the girl tight. "I was so worried!" The woman then looked back at Silver. "Thank you!" "You're welcome," Silver said. "Now, head towards the Bay Bridge. That's where everyone else is heading." The woman nodded, picked up the girl, and headed east to the Bay Bridge. Around Fisherman's Wharf, Blaze was running towards the area, putting out some fires just by snapping her fingers. Blaze then saw an Applebee's on the third floor of a building, and there were some people were trying to climb down a rope made of tablecloths. One boy was struggling to hang on, but he was losing his grip. Blaze jumped towards the boy and caught him, jumped off the side of the building, and she released fire from the bottom of her heeled shoes, decreasing her descent. "Be careful," Blaze said. She then used her super speed and brought down more and more people down from Applebee's. When everyone was out of the restaurant, Blaze looked towards the people. "Okay, everyone. Head towards the Bay Bridge. Keep heading East." The people nodded and headed towards the Bay Bridge. Blaze then brought up her left wrist and said, "MC, more people are heading towards the Bay Bridge." "Good!" MC's voice came from the communicator. "I'm holding back the quakes, but it feels like these quakes are being forced to go off!" "What?" Blaze asked. "How is that possible?" "Unless Manic has found a magical set of drums that cause Earthquakes, it might be someone else's doing," MC said through the communicator. Mutt and the Freedom Fighter trainees were escorting the citizens of San Francisco towards the Bay Bridge. One man, who happened to be Bruce Lynol, Midpoint's father and Cozy Glow's adopted father, was coming up to Mutt. "Mister Lynol?" Mutt asked. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine, young man," Bruce Lynol said. "Hey, you're one of the Freedom Fighters, aren't you?" "That's right," Mutt said. "Where's Alex?" "I was going to ask you the same thing," Bruce said. "He and Cozy Glow haven't come back home to evacuate." He then brought out his cell phone. "I've tried calling them, but the cell phone towers are all down. The last quake took out the towers." "Shoot!" Mutt said. He then brought up his right arm. "MC, this is Mutt! Bruce Lynol is here! Alex and Cozy Glow aren't with him, and he has no way of contacting them!" "Hang on, Mutt!" MC's voice said. At the bottom of the Transamerica Building, MC was still kneeling down, but his right arm was up to his muzzle. "I'll find him." He then put his arm back down to the ground. He then closed his eyes. "Where are you, Lynol?" He then started checking the city for Midpoint and Cozy. He then saw the two in Lynol's car pulling up to Shadow Appliances. It then went back to his face. "What are you doing, Lynol?" At Shadow Appliances, Midpoint and Cozy Glow got out of the car and started walking towards the building. "What are we doing here?" Cozy Glow asked. "I'm getting my grandfather's legacy," Midpoint said. "I'm not gonna..." Just then, another earthquake happened, making both of them losing their balance, and the sound of metal bending came in. Then a lamppost started falling, and it landed on the car, the car bent down the middle horizontally. Midpoint and Cozy Glow looked at the car in surprise. "My car!" Cozy looked towards Midpoint and asked, "What are we gonna do?" Midpoint then ran back towards the car and headed for the back of the car, and opened up the trunk. Inside, there was a spare quiver full of trick arrows, and an Earthquake Preparedness Kit Backpack. He took the backpack and handed it to Cozy Glow. "Put his on," Midpoint said. "Head towards the Bay Bridge. Find Dad." "Not without you!" Cozy Glow said. "You go find Dad," Midpoint said. "I'll find you in the Patriot Arrow. Now go." Cozy Glow gave Alex a sad look. She then nodded and started flying off, taking the Earthquake Preparedness Kit Backpack with her. Midpoint then looked up at the building, pulled out a trick arrow, attached it to his bow, and fired it towards the window that led to his office. The arrow connected to the window, and it sent out sonic waves, breaking the glass. Then he brought out another arrow, connected a coil from his belt, and fired the arrow into the office. He then pushed a button on his belt and he was being pulled up towards the office. He made it in and said, "Don't worry, Grandpa. I won't let your legacy die." The people of San Francisco were still evacuating the city, and Mutt and the Freedom Fighter trainees were helping with escorting people out. Misty was looking around, seeing so many people were getting out safely. She then walked out of eye and earshot, brought out her necklace, and spoke into it. "Opaline, the Freedom Fighters have evacuated so many people," Misty said. "So far, no sign of the otter." "Good," Opaline said. "As long as that otter is gone, we've won." Misty then looked over and saw a little girl, sitting down next to a building, hugging her knees in sadness. Just then, Misty then saw some debris about to fall down on top of the girl. Misty nodded and ran towards the girl. As she was running, another quake was happening. She was jumping towards the girl, dodging falling debris. And she jumped and turned in mid air, her eyes closed, just as a fire hydrant burst, spraying water under Misty as she was jumping and turning. Misty then grabbed the girl and carried her towards the Bay Bridge. "Still got it," Misty said. She didn't notice that Pipp and Mutt were there, recording the gymnastic movement she just did. "Uh... how long were you recording that?" "When you started heading towards the girl," Pipp said. "That was amazing, Misty!" "That... was awesome!" Mutt said. "Oh, um... really?" Misty asked. "C'mon, we've gotta go," Mutt said. "I wish I had cell phone reception to post that on the internet." That made Pipp go wide eyed in shock, gasped, screamed, and started jittering rapidly. She then asked, "What did you just say to me?!" Mutt then started laughing and said, "Note to self, don't let Pipp near anywhere near places that lack cell phone reception." He then headed towards the bridge. MC then looked around to see if anyone else was still out there. He didn't see anyone else. He then looked around with his mind sight to see if anyone else was in the city. "Where are you, Lynol?" MC asked. Just then, his concentration was interrupted when a voice came to his attention. "Your Highness!" MC looked up towards the voice and saw Cozy Glow flying in place at a 60 degree angle from MC's sighting. "Cozy Glow?" MC asked. "Where's Alex?" "He's still at Shadow Appliances!" Cozy Glow said. "He said something about getting his grandfather's legacy." Back in Shadow Appliances, Midpoint was at his desk, grabbing and unplugging his computer. He grabbed the power cords and stuffed them and the computer into a garbage bag. He then stuffed that bag into another garbage bag. He basically used 10 garbage bags to save his computer. He then headed for the door. No. Not the door. The window. He jumped through the window. Thanks to his unbreakable skin, he came out unscathed. He still had the bag with his computer in it. He then went down the stairs and then he headed through the factory, heading for a staircase. He headed down towards the hanger where the Patriot Arrow was parked. Just then, another quake happened. This one was stronger. "Whoa!" Midpoint said. He then kneeled down. He then looked up and saw that the Patriot Arrow was heading towards the edge. "No! No no no no no no!" He then started running towards the Patriot Arrow, but the ship fell off the edge, heading down to the shipping area on the ground, exploding. Midpoint looked over the edge of the building and said, "Not... good." MC escorted Cozy Glow towards the bridge as Silver and Blaze caught up with them. "The citizens of San Francisco have been evacuated," Blaze said. "Everyone's safe," Silver said. "That's good," MC said. "Cozy, go with the others." He then looked around, looking for anyone else as Cozy, Silver and Blaze headed up to the bridge. MC then used his mind sight to get a look at Shadow Appliances. He then saw Midpoint running through the building with his computer in the bag of garbage bags. He then saw the shipping area and saw Midpoint's airship destroyed. "Oh, no." MC then got out of his Mind Sight and pulled up his right arm. In Shadow Appliances, Midpoint was heading towards the front door. Just then, another quake was happening, making him lose his balance. Opaline was watching this from her enchanted mirror with an evil look. "Now, time to finish you off," Opaline said. She then used her magic to start a more powerful quake. "Oof!" Midpoint said. Just then, his communicator beeped. He brought up his left arm. "Midpoint here!" "Lynol, what are you doing?!" MC asked through the communicator. "I'm not letting my grandfather's legacy die!" Midpoint said. "I'm gonna..." Just then, a really strong earthquake started going off. "Whoa!" He then looked back and saw Shadow Appliances starting to tear apart. It then broke apart, falling down in front of Midpoint's eyes. "NOOOOO!!" Opaline was watching from her Throne Room with an evil smile. She then said, "Goodbye, Alex Lynol!" She then used her magic through the enchanted mirror. Then another quake happened. Then the building behind Lynol started to collapse. Instead of falling straight down, it started leaning towards Midpoint. It was going to fall on him. Midpoint then saw the building going to fall on him. Instead, he didn't move at all. He knew he didn't have the speed to get out of the way, so he was going to accept his fate. "I'm sorry, Grandpa," Midpoint said, closing his eyes. Just then, the building landed on top of him. MC rushed towards the Spirit of Freedom and the X-Tornado, where Mutt, Silver, Blaze, Cozy Glow, Bruce Lynol and the Freedom Fighter Trainees were. Just then, he felt something. He looked back towards San Francisco. "NO!!" MC said. "What? What is it?" Mutt asked. MC looked back towards the others and said, "He... He didn't make it." "No!" Cozy Glow said. "Alex!" Bruce said. Zipp and Blaze held Bruce back as he tried running back towards the city. "Bruce... Cozy... I'm so sorry," MC said. He then sighed. "Let's... let's get out of here." He then looked towards the Spirit of Freedom and was surprised on who he saw laying in front of it. Midpoint was there, unconscious. "Alex?" Everyone looked towards the Spirit of Freedom and saw Midpoint laying in front of the Spirit of Freedom, unconscious. The bag that had his computer in it was right next to him. Hitch ran towards Midpoint and checked the otter's pulse. He then said, "He's still alive." "But... how?" Izzy asked. Just then, the sound of footsteps on metal came to their ears. They looked inside the Spirit of Freedom, and coming from the shadows was, ironically... "Shadow?!" MC, Mutt, Silver, Blaze, the Young 6, Sunny and her friends, Cozy Glow and Bruce asked in unison. It then flashbacked to when the building was about to fall on top of Midpoint. Midpoint was standing there about to accept his fate, saying, "I'm sorry, Grandpa." Right before the building was about to make contact with Lynol, a yellow flash was heading right towards him. "Chaos Control!" Shadow's voice came from the flash. Time froze for a moment. During that moment, Shadow grabbed Midpoint and the garbage bag that had the computer in it, and Shadow rushed out of there. It then went back to the present time. Shadow walked towards MC. "You're lucky that I came here," Shadow said. "But... why?" Cozy Glow asked. "Terrence Lynol was a good friend to me and Maria back on the ARK," Shadow said. "I couldn't let his grandson die like that." He then grabbed MC's hand, and put something into it. "Take this and Terrence's true legacy back to your mansion. I'm staying here to help these people recover." He then headed for the other side of the Bay. MC then looked at what Shadow gave him. Bruce Lynol then said, "I better go with him." He then started following Shadow. "I'll let you all know when things settle down." Then the heroes looked down at Alex, who was still unconscious. Opaline was watching them with anger from her enchanted mirror. She then shouted, "NOOO!!" She then growled angrily. "Those irritating heroes have ruined my plans again!" She then growled again. Back at Freedom Fighters Mansion, Midpoint was asleep on the living room couch with Cozy Glow sitting on a side couch, her head bowed and her eyes closed in sadness. Just then, Midpoint groaned. He then slowly opened his eyes and saw the ceiling. He then looked around and saw where he was. He then saw Cozy Glow. "Cozy?" Midpoint asked. Cozy Glow opened her eyes in shock. She then rushed towards Midpoint and hugged him. She then said, "You're okay!" "What... what happened?" Midpoint asked. "Shadow saved your butt," MC said, coming into the room. Midpoint looked towards MC. "You're lucky that Shadow got you out of there in time." Midpoint then sighed and said, "Even though I lost my Grandfather's legacy." "The business was never your Grandfather's legacy," MC said. "You were. It was always you." "What?" Midpoint asked. "You've taken your grandfather's company and made it into an amazing company," MC said. He then sighed. "Sorry about your home, though." He then pulled out some keys and handed them to Midpoint. "You and Cozy can stay the night. But tomorrow, you're gonna move into our beach side villa at Emerald Coast." "Oh, yeah," Midpoint said. "I remember that. That's where you guys had that beach party before our futuristic friends moved in." He then noticed another key. "You're giving me a new car, too?" "I know it's not your grandfather's car, but it'll do, right?" MC asked. Midpoint sighed and said, "Yeah. Thanks." Just then, Blaze came in. "You guys might want to take a look at this," Blaze said. MC, Midpoint and Cozy Glow followed Blaze outside. They looked and saw Sparky running around, giggling happily. "So what?" MC asked. Hitch picked up Sparky and said, "Watch this. Okay, Sparky. Do it." Sparky then shot out fire and hit a plastic cup on an outside table, and it transformed into a cactus. MC then said, "Whoa! Sparky has magic?!" Misty was watching from her room, the door slightly opened. She then closed it. "Opaline," Misty said, bringing out her necklace. "That baby dragon has magic." "What?!" Opaline's voice came from the necklace. Her voice then paused for a moment. "Wait a minute. If I'm going to be a powerful Fire Alicorn, I might as well have more fire to make me more powerful. Especially, magical dragon fire! Misty, I have a new task for you! Get me either that dragon, or the dragon that belongs to Twilight Sparkle! Their fire will soon be mine!" MC, Mutt and Zipp were watching the recording of that through Zipp's computer. "Opaline wants Spike or Sparky for their magical fire?" Mutt asked. "Opaline did say she's an all powerful Fire Alicorn," Zipp said. "I guess with that, she's gonna be even more powerful." "No if we get Misty on our side," MC said. "And how are we gonna do that?" Zipp asked. "We keep giving her a subconscious message," MC said. "Keep making her come to our side." He then looked towards Mutt. "Mutt, you still have that video of Misty doing gymnastics to save that girl, right?" "Yeah, why?" Mutt asked. "We're gonna send that footage... to the Representatives of the Olympics," MC said. "No doubt a representative would want Misty to represent America for the Olympics." > Episode 5: The Nocturnus Clan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 5: The Nocturnus Clan On Angel Island, Knuckles was laying down on top of the Master Emerald, a leaf in his mouth. As he was laying there, the Master Emerald started glowing brighter. Knuckles was then awoken in the past, seeing something that happened. He looked up and saw he was in a field of some kind. "What?" Knuckles asked. "What is this?" "Something you must be warned about," came a voice. Knuckles turned his head towards the voice and standing there was a face Knuckles hadn't seen for a while. Tikal the Echidna. "You?!" Knuckles asked. "Yes, me," Tikal said. "I've come to warn you." "About what?" Knuckles asked. Tikal did nothing but point off somewhere. Knuckles looked towards where Tikal was pointing. There, he saw Tikal's father, Pachacamac, and an army of his echidna warriors facing off against another echidna, and his army of technologically advanced echidnas. "You have a choice, brother," the white echidna said. "Surrender the power or face the wrath of my army and gizoids!" "That's enough out of you, Ix!" Pachacamac said, his spear in hand. "You do not have the will power that my men have!" "You are not worthy of being the leader of the clan!" Ix said. "I was born first! I am the true leader! You were only chosen to be the leader because you were father's favorite child! Well, no more!" Ix then raised his staff and shouted, "Attack!" Then Ix's army started charging towards Pachacamac's army. But then a rift between time and space opened up, causing everyone there to freeze. "What?!" "What's happening?" Knuckles asked. "Their fate," Tikal said as Ix and his clan were being dragged into the rift. "The Master Emerald had summoned a rift above Ix and his clan and banished them into another dimension. But with final word, Ix proclaimed..." "I shall return to take back what is rightfully mine!" Ix called out. "I shall have the great power all for myself! The legendary gem of power will be mine!" Then an explosion of light burst as the rift closed. Knuckles then sat up on top of the Master Emerald, gasping. He then looked around and said, "It was only a dream." He then noticed something. There was a burn mark on the ground just outside the Altar of the Master Emerald. It was in the shape of a symbol. The same symbol that was on the clothing of Ix and his clan. Knuckles then looked up at the sky with an angry expression and said, "Or maybe not." In outer space, a space time rift opened up, and a huge spaceship came out of it. In the bridge of the ship, Ix was sitting in a throne, looking towards the front of it. If you could see his mouth, you could tell that he'd be smirking. At Freedom Fighters Mansion, Misty was trying to grab Sparky, who was running away from her. "Hey, get back here!" Misty said. "I got you now!" Sparky then ran into one room, which happened to be Misty's room. "Aha! Gotcha!" Misty ran into the room, closed the door and locked it tight. "Nowhere to run now, Sparky. Now, where are you?" She then started looking under her bed. "Aha! Wha...?" Sparky wasn't there. She then looked under the desk, but there was no Sparky there. "Where'd he...?" She then checked the bathroom to see if Sparky was in there. With no place to hide, she then checked the only one place left to check, the closet. "Sparky? Are you in here?" But as Misty was checking her closet, Sparky came out from hiding behind Misty's pillows. He then tried running for the door. He jumped and grabbed the door knob and tried turning it, but the door was locked. "Aha!" Misty said, coming out of the bathroom. "Gotcha!" She then grabbed Sparky as he was holding onto the door knob with all his might. "Whoa! You are... strong!" Just then, the doorbell rang. Misty stopped pulling and gasped in shock. "Oh, no!" She then tickled Sparky, making him laugh and lose his grip. Then she threw him into the bathroom and closed the bathroom door. She then opened the main door and outside was MC. "Oh, uh... Hi, MC." "Misty, have you found a job yet?" MC asked. "What?" Misty asked. She then remembered. "Oh, shoot! I forgot to fill out job applications!" "Well, you better start filling them out, because you only have two weeks until you start having to pay for your stay here," MC said. Just then, Sparky burst out of the bathroom, heading out the door. "Sparky?" "Oh, uh... How did he get in here?" Misty asked, nervously. "Listen, Misty, you've gotta start working soon, otherwise, I can't let you stay here," MC said. "Even the six graduates of Twilight's school are starting working. Ocellus is working in the library, Sandbar and Silverstream are working at the indoor pool, Yona is working in a thrift store, and Smolder and Gallus are working at a McDonald's in the mall food court." "Okay, okay," Misty said. She then sighed. "I just don't know how I'm gonna start." Then Midpoint came up to the two saying, "I can help you with that, Misty." Midpoint walked up to Misty. "The mall has plenty of choices for you to start working." "You seemed to recover greatly," MC said. "How?" "When you said that I was my grandfather's true legacy, it inspired me," Midpoint said. "Right now, Cozy Glow wanted me to start a new factory business here in Station Square." He then brought out his phone. "I'm now bidding on this factory building." He showed the bidding was almost complete. Midpoint just got the second highest bid with 10 seconds left. "You're about to lose it," MC said. Midpoint checked the bid and raised it, saying, "Bid going up to 850 grand and... sold!" "$850,000?" Misty asked. "Wow. You must be rich." "He's running one of the most famous appliance companies in the world," MC said. "Of course he's rich." "I'll take Misty to the Mall," Midpoint said. "Twilight and her friends got a call from Knuckles. Something's coming to Angel Island." MC then started walking towards the main part of the house, saying, "Freedom Fighters, those who aren't in training, meet up here at the mansion. We're going to Angel Island." Later, Sonic, Tails, MC, Mutt, Amy, Cream, Cheese, Maria and the Mane 6 got into the Spirit of Freedom and they took off, heading towards Angel Island. The Spirit of Freedom arrived their as quickly as it could, and landed near the altar of the Master Emerald. Knuckles was standing right near the symbol that was burnt into the ground. "What are we looking at, Knuckles?" Sonic asked, looking at the symbol. "Honestly, I don't know what it is," Knuckles said. "All I do know is that it was created by an old rival clan of my ancestors. I know because Tikal showed me a vision of the past, and that symbol was on the pendant of the leader of that rival clan." Twilight inspected the symbol. She then asked, "This was a symbol from 4000 years ago?" "I've never seen anything like this before," Tails said. "I'm sure that there's a logical explanation for this," MC said. "Perhaps Professor Pickle knows something about this." Rarity noticed that Amy had something in her hands. It was a set of cards. She then asked, "What are you doing?" "Checking my old psychic cards to see if they have an answer for this," Amy said. "You still have those?" MC asked. "I thought you tossed them out years ago." "You'll never know what you'll get from them," Amy said. She then picked out three cards and laid them out on the ground right between her and the symbol. "Oh, that's not good." "What do they say?" Cream asked. "Chao?" Cheese asked. "It says... 'Danger will strike from above'," Amy said, reading the three cards. Just then, the sky seemed to get darker from around them. The Mane 6, the Freedom Fighters and Knuckles looked up and saw a spaceship blocking out the sun. "No, no, no!" MC said. "I said no more space missions!" "Technically, we're not in space," Twilight said. Just then Pinkie Pie's tail twitched. "Twitchy tail!" Pinkie said. Just then, a bunch of armored figures started dropping down from the ship, landing between the heroes and the Altar of the Master Emerald. One figure brought out a magenta laser dagger and held it out. "You have no right to have possession of the great gem of power," the masked figure said in a female voice. "We, the warriors of the great clan leader, Imperator Ix, shall be taking it back into his custody." "You've gotta be kidding me," MC said. Back in Station Square, in the mall, Midpoint and Misty were walking away from one store. It was a clothing store. "That was exhausting," Misty said. "I don't think that fashion is for me." "Yeah, you weren't all that great of sorting out clothes or giving people the perfect outfit," Midpoint said. "Rarity would be shocked to see how unorganized you could be in her stores." Misty nodded in agreement. "What else can we try?" Midpoint then saw the bowling alley. "How about the bowling alley?" "Um... I'm not too sure about this," Misty said. "I'm sure they'll let you in," Midpoint said. "C'mon." He then pulled Misty into the bowling alley. Meanwhile, back on Angel Island, the Mane 6, the Freedom Fighters and Knuckles were on guard in front of a bunch of alien wannabes. "Who are you?" Twilight asked. "I am Procuator Shade of the Nocturnus Clan," the figure in front said. "You fools are in the way of taking back what rightfully belongs to us!" "Not likely," Knuckles said. "You're messing with the Freedom Fighters, the Council of Friendship from Equestria, and me, Knuckles, the last of the Echidnas." MC then noticed something coming from the hands of one of the masked warriors. Spikes coming from its knuckles. "Last echidna, huh?" Shade asked. "You are such a fool to believe that." "What's that supposed to mean?" Knuckles asked. "They're echidnas!" MC said. The Mane 6, the rest of the Freedom Fighters and Knuckles looked at MC in shock. "Take off the mask, girl and show these guys who you really are." Shade chuckled and said, "Alright. Just to prove to him that he's not the last echidna." Shade then pulled the mask off, revealing her face. That made the Mane 6, the Freedom Fighters and Knuckles gasp. "She is an echidna!" Fluttershy said. "That... is... unexpected," Rainbow Dash said. The heroes looked towards Rainbow Dash with raised eyebrows. "What? I don't have to say awesome everytime." "You have two choices," Shade said. "Give us the great gem peacefully, or die." "The one day Truemen went back to Delphius to get his magical robot arm tuned up," MC said. Meanwhile, in Delphius, the Oracle of Delphius was giving Truemen's arm a tuneup. But it wasn't attached to Truemen at the time. "Wow," the Oracle of Delphius said. "You really have been working this thing up." "You know it, Orc," Truemen said. Back on Angel Island, the Freedom Fighters, the Mane 6 and Knuckles were still in battle position. "Protect the Master Emerald at all costs!" Twilight said. She then used her magic to teleport the heroes to the top of the altar, all of them surrounding the Master Emerald. "Get it!" Shade said, pointing to the Emerald. Then the armored Echidnas started running up the steps towards the Master Emerald. Mutt then brought out his Elemental Whip and started whipping an electric whip, making the armored Echidnas coming towards him to step back. Sonic used spin dash attack to send some armored echidnas back. Amy brought out her Piko Piko Hammer and swung it, sending three armored echidnas back. The Mane 6 were using their magic and skills to keep the armored echidnas back. Shade then charged towards the Master Emerald, a laser dagger in her right hand. Twilight noticed it and used her magic to protect the Master Emerald by putting up a barrier. Shade shoved her blade through the barrier, but the handle didn't go through. "What?!" Twilight and Shade asked in unison. "Where did they get those weapons?!" Tails asked. Shade groaned in frustration. She then pulled her laser dagger out and then she cut a hole in the barrier, it vanishing as soon as it was fully cut in a perfect circle. She then jumped through the hole and tackled Twilight. Twilight was now pinned by Shade, and Twilight's magic stopped, the barrier disappearing. "You're strong, I'll give you that," Shade said. "But I'm afraid that this is the end of you!" She then tried to stab Twilight, but MC stopped her from making contact. Shade looked back at MC with anger. "I don't think so," MC said. He then kicked the blade out of Shade's hand. As it was heading towards him, MC used his claws to slice it into bits. "Sorry, girl. But you're not getting another step closer to the Master Emerald." Shade chuckled and said, "That's what you think." She held up her right arm, and a pink laser blade came from her bracelet. "Oh, shoot," MC said. Shade then tried attacking him, but MC was too fast for her and jumped over her. Twilight used her magic and picked up Shade and threw her away from the altar. She then used her magic to create a small impulse sending the armored echidnas back. "You are all fools for fighting against my clan!" came the voice of Ix from the ship. "What?" Knuckles asked, looking up at the ship. "If my army can't handle you all, then I'll send in my gizoid!" Ix said through the speakers. Just then, something yellow came down and landed on the symbol that was burned into the ground. The Freedom Fighters gasped. "Emerl?!" Cream asked. "Chao chao?!" Cheese asked. "Oh, that's not good," MC said. "What is that thing?" Twilight asked. "That's a very complicated robot to fight," Sonic said. "It scans our skills and copies them perfectly." "No way something's that good at copying my skills!" Rainbow Dash said. She then charged at the robot fast. The robot was looking at Rainbow Dash, copying Rainbow Dash's skill. After doing that, it dodged Rainbow Dash quickly. "What?!" "Rainbow Dash!" Twilight said. "Look out!" "Behind you!" MC said. Rainbow Dash turned around and saw the robot doing the exact same skill Rainbow Dash was using, and it struck her, sending her flying. "I forgot how irritating these things are," Tails said. The gizoid started running towards the heroes. Just then, MC remembered something. He then said, "Wait a minute! I remember how to take this thing down." "How?" Twilight asked. "It copies our skills one at a time," MC said. "But it can't copy the skills of two people at the same time." "Oh, yeah, that's right," Amy said. "So, you fought one of these things before?" Rainbow Dash asked, coming back to the group. "We found it at the bottom of the lake in Green Hills," MC said. As the robot came in, MC used his power to create a barrier around them and the Master Emerald. "Tails and Rotor fixed it up. It seemed to be a copycat robot. But when it had a Chaos Emerald given to him, it supercharged it and started attacking everything around it. It seemed that its original programming was to destroy everything around it." "So how did you stop it," Maria asked. "It couldn't fight two people at the same time," Sonic said. "It was Cream and Cheese that stopped it. Of course, it did take a heavy toll on them." "How did that happen?" Fluttershy asked. "Before going haywire, Cream and Cheese formed a strong bond with Emerl," Amy said. "Them having being the ones who destroyed it was so heartbreaking for them." "Oh," Fluttershy said. "Cream, Cheese, I know this is gonna be heartbreaking..." MC said before being cut off. "I know," Cream said, tears coming from the corners of her eyes. "But for the safety of my friends, I must do it." She then started flying off, Cheese following close. "Good luck, Cream," Twilight said. Back in the Mall in Station Square, Midpoint and Misty were coming out of the bowling alley. Misty sighed and said, "I don't think that being a part of maintenance is the right fit for me." "Yeah, especially your horn banging into the machine and your hair getting caught," Midpoint said. "Ever thought of getting a different hairstyle?" "Like what? Pom Pom Pigtails?" Misty asked. "No way. I'd never go for that." She then thought about something. "Or, maybe I have but outgrew it. I don't know. It's been a long time since I was a filly." "Yeah, that's true," Midpoint said. Eventually, they came up to the movie theater, and the concession stand was backed up. The manager of the movie theater was working concessions all by himself. "Whoa! That guy needs some help!" Midpoint and Misty ran into the theater. "You need some help, sir?" "I tried getting some help, but everyone who works the concessions is out sick today," the manager said. "I could really use some help." Midpoint and Misty looked at each other and nodded. Then they came in and got onto a cash register. The manager logged them in for those registers under his name and they started taking orders. Back on Angel Island, Cream and Cheese were flying towards the robot. Cream then threw Cheese straight at the robot and Cheese had her right front limb charging hard for contact. The robot was scanning Cheese's skill movement, but was cut off when Cream got in front of Cheese, cutting off the robot's skill scanning feature, and Cream kicked the robot back. "What?!" Shade asked. "Impossible!" "That robot can copy peoples skills, but it can't copy two skills at once," MC said. "Insolent fools!" came Ix's voice from a speaker on the ship. "I'll just have to do this myself!" Just then, something white and purple came down very quickly and landed on the symbol with a loud thud. It was Ix from the past. "Impossible!" Knuckles said. "There's no way he'd still be alive for all this time!" "I hear machine noises coming from under his cloak!" MC said. "He's a cyborg!" "Oooh! What a way to go!" Pinkie said. "We shouldn't be complimenting him, Pinkie," Tails said. "Prepare to be taken down!" Ix said. He then charged at the heroes. MC charged back. He and Ix grasped hands and tried pushing each other back, but they were at equal strength. "Impressive strength, Young man. You must be popular with the children." "Get out of my universe!" MC said. He then kicked Ix's crotch, but to no avail. "What?!" "Your strength is impeccable, but not enough to stop me!" Ix said. "How about him?" MC ask, tilting his head. Ix looked where MC tilted his head to see Knuckles coming right towards him. Knuckles then punched Ix in the face, sending the ancient echidna back. "Gaaaah!" Ix said. He then growled. "You... you're a descendant of a member of Pachacamac's clan. It should have been mine!" "I saw that vision of the past, shown by the spirit of Tikal, who happened to be Pachacamac's daughter," Knuckles said. "You're going to be taken down like you were back then!" "Like you ever would!" Shade said, standing next to Ix. "You're all going to get what's coming to you!" "I've been told that for a long time," MC said. "Mostly death. But it could never come to me." "You all believe that taking power and conquering worlds is your sworn duty?" Twilight asked. "No wonder your father chose Pachacamac over you," Knuckles said. "You're a monster." "My father was a fool!" Ix shouted. "I won't let my plans of taking over worlds be stopped!" He then looked at the Gizoid. "Destroy them all!" The robot nodded and charged at the heroes. Cream and Cheese then started flying towards the robot. The robot was about to strike both of them, but then it stopped in mid air. The robot looked back and saw an arm made of earth came from the ground, grabbing the robot's left leg. "One way to fight a skill copying person, use a move that that copycat can't copy," MC said. MC then used his power and made the earth arm throw the robot towards him. MC then bared his claws and cut off the robot's head, deactivating it. "Impossible!" Shade said. "That robot was designed to perfectly counter every attack!" "Shade, destroy them!" Ix said. Shade then charged towards the heroes. But then Applejack got in front of her and held Shade back, without being cut by the laser blades coming from Shade's bracelets. "Ah don't think so, sugarcube!" Applejack said. "I don't give heck what you think!" Shade said, trying to kick Applejack off of her, but Applejack was too sturdy. Shade noticed and asked, "What do you do for a living?!" "Ah'm an Apple Farmer," Applejack said. "Ya should see how we get the apples from the trees." "Hyaaaah!" came Amy's voice. Shade noticed Amy coming towards her and Applejack. "Oh, this is gonna hurt," Shade said. Amy then hit Shade towards the other armored echidnas, and they all went down. "Nice hit," Applejack said, high fiving Amy. "Thanks," Amy said. Ix then shouted and said, "You're all useless!" Ix then charged at the heroes. "They're only useless as the leader who commands them," MC said. "You're selfish." "Those who are selfish get what they deserve," Knuckles said. He then pounded his fists. "A one way ticket to isolation!" Ix then groaned and said, "I'll be back to claim what's mine!" Then Ix and his army vanished by teleportation technology, and the spaceship started flying away. Then in a flash of light, the ship vanished. "Talk about a hasty retreat," Sonic said. "Something's not right," Twilight said. "If they were banished from this world a long time ago, how did they return?" Then the heroes started thinking of any possibilities of how Ix and his clan returned. Somewhere in space, Ix's spaceship was just hovering in orbit around Jupiter. Ix was standing alone in his quarters in the dark, disappointed that he didn't get what he wanted. Just then, a screen came in, and on the screen, Opaline was giving a sly smirk. "So, you tried to get the Master Emerald and failed due to those Freedom Fighters," Opaline said. "You knew my troops would fail," Ix said. "I told you not to underestimate them," Opaline said. "So, about my proposition?" Ix groaned and said, "To get what I want, I could not be more in. My army will fight by your side when the time is right." "Excellent," Opaline said. Back in Freedom Fighters Mansion, the Freedom Fighters and the Mane 6 returned. All of them were exhausted. "That was a tiring fight," Twilight said. "You said it, Sparkles," MC said. "I better see if Misty has found a job." He then headed towards Misty's room at the guesthouse. He knocked on the door. "One minute!" came Misty's voice. MC then waited right outside the door, waiting for Misty to come out. She eventually did. She was wearing a vest that came with the position of working in a movie theater. "H-hey, MC." "Where did you get that?" MC asked. "I... I got hired at the movie theater at the mall," Misty said. "The manager gave me $100 for working there today. Technically, it was 50, but Alex gave me his payment since I needed the money." "Okay, so you've got a job at the movie theater," MC said. He then sniffed Misty. "Concessions?" "Yeah," Misty said. "How can you tell?" "You have the scent of butter on you," MC said. "Not a bad start. So, how much are you getting paid?" "$14 an hour, six hours a day, five days a week," Misty said. "I'm gonna be paid bi-weekly though." "Good," MC said. "That'll get your rent payment, and extra money for clothes or personal things. You might as well save up for getting a driver's license. Which days are you working?" "Mondays through Thursdays and Saturdays," Misty said. "Okay," MC said. "I expect your first paycheck as soon as possible." He then walked away. Misty then sighed in relief. She then headed for her bed after closing the door. "Oh, boy," Misty said. "This is gonna be so much more harder." She then pulled out her necklace, looking at it with a nervous face. > Episode 6: Starlight Ridge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 6: Starlight Ridge On the Friendship Express, Sunny and her friends, Misty, Spike, Nyx, Joshua, Sparky, Cream, Cheese, Mutt, Blaze, Marine and Olive were all on a train to the Crystal Empire. Olive was there because she wanted to spend some quality time with her little sister. "Blimey! Look at all that snow!" Marine said. "I haven't seen this much ice since Blizzard Peaks." "You said it, Marine," Blaze said. "At least I'm able to keep us all warm through this train ride, and after we get there." "Oh, I don't think you'll have to worry about that, Blaze," Joshua said. Blaze looked towards Joshua and asked, "What do you mean?" "The Crystal Empire has an enchanted relic that keeps the snow out," Nyx said. "It's in the center of the empire." "How long is the radius of this relic's magical power?" Sunny asked. "10 miles, at least," Nyx said. "So, how long until we get there?" Zipp asked. "I'd like to know a lot about this place." "Me, too," Sunny said. "My dad heard legends about the Crystal Empire." "Attention, passengers," came the conductor's voice from the speakers. "We are about to reach the snow blocking barrier, meaning we'll be at the Crystal Empire Train Station in 5 minutes. Prepare to disembark." "Ooh hoo hoo!" Pipp said. "I'm so gonna get so many pics of this place!" She then brought Misty in and held out her phone for a selfie. "Smile!" Misty gave out a nervous smile while Pipp took a selfie with a big grin. Pipp took the picture and looked at it. "Oh, Misty. You looked like Zipp when Mom and I dragged her into that photo booth back in the future." Zipp groaned and said, "I wasn't ready!" "Sometimes, not everyone is ready for everything," Olive said. "You just have to expect the unexpected." Just then, the train passed through the barrier, all the snow disappearing from sight. Olive looked out of the window and saw that there was no more snow. "Like that for example." "Whoa!" Izzy said. "Talk about a sudden weather change!" "You know it," Joshua said. Sunny and her friends, Misty, Spike, Nyx, Joshua, Sparky, Cream, Cheese, Mutt, Blaze, Marine and Olive were walking through the streets of the Crystal Empire. Spike was looking around for any of his fans. But, none came. Spike sighed and said, "So much for Spike the Brave and Glorious." Just then, the Crystal Ponies barged through, picked up Spike, and tossed him up in the air and catching him. "Spike, Spike, Spike, Spike!" the Crystal Ponies chanted. "Um... what's happening?" Sunny asked. "Spike has been made a legend here in the Crystal Empire," Mutt said. "Although, MC's Mom, at least a clone of her, kinda made Spike look like he didn't do much." "Which he didn't really do," Joshua said. "And when the Black Aliens, Shadow's blood relatives, attacked; Spike, MC and the clone of his mom took out their strongest fighter," Mutt said. He then looked around and saw the statue of Spike redone into a statue of Spike, MC , Shadow and the Iron Mask facing off against Black Doom. "Huh. Guess they added both Shadow and MC's Mom in the statue on facing Black Doom." "Well, Spike and MC's Mom didn't really face Black Doom," Olive said. "But they did help MC take on Eclipse." Sparky then jumped out of Hitch's arms. "Hey!" Hitch said. "Sparky! Come back!" Sparky then ran towards the castle, giggling all the way there. Sunny and her friends, Misty, Cream, Cheese, Mutt, Blaze, Marine and Olive ran towards the castle, trying to follow Sparky. "Hey, wait for me!" Spike said, but he kept getting tossed up in the air. "Hey, put me down! I gotta catch up with my friends!" He still was being tossed up in the air, even after he finished that last sentence. Sparky was still running, being chased by the others. Sparky saw the Crystal Heart and, in amazement, said, "Oooooh." He then ran towards it. Olive noticed where Sparky was running towards and gasped. She then said, "Don't let him touch the Crystal Heart!" Blaze then used her super speed and grabbed Sparky just as the baby dragon jumped up and almost grabbed the Crystal Heart. "Uh uh uh," Blaze said. All Sparky did was growl in sadness, bowing his head. "Maybe I should... watch over him," Misty said. "Nah, he just needs his dragon pony dad to watch him," Hitch said, taking Sparky in his hands. "Isn't that right, Sparky?" He then tickled Sparky, who giggled at the action. "Looks like someone got a little excited," came a voice. They all looked towards the voice and they saw Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Guard Armor and Flurry Heart. "Hello, all of you." "Hey, Aunt Cadance!" Nyx said. "Hey, Uncle Shining!" She then saw Guard. He was only wearing a necklace with a shield, gloves and shoes. "Guard! You're finally out of your training pants." "Yeah," Guard said. "Still trying to remember to actually use the toilet." "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it, Guard," Joshua said, petting Guard's head. "So, this is the Crystal Empire," Blaze said. "This place is actually beautiful." "Blimey! I've never seen a place so shiny!" Marine said, covering her eyes. "It hurts my eyes." "That's why I bring these when coming here," Mutt said, pointing at the sunglasses he was wearing. "I bring mine, too," Zipp said, wearing her sunglasses. They had tape through the middle. "You still haven't replaced those sunglasses, Zipp?" Pipp asked. "I still haven't found a new pair I like," Zipp said. "I checked everywhere that sell sunglasses around Station Square. Even on online shopping sights." "Including Amazon and Ebay?" Olive asked. "Especially Amazon and Ebay," Zipp responded. "Dang, you're outta luck, girl," Olive said. "I guess you're just gonna have to live with what you got," Shining Armor said. "So, you're all here to see the Crystal Empire." "Yeah, this place is so cool," Mutt said. "Although the reflecting light is... kinda..." He then noticed somepony. Everyone looked where Mutt was looking and coming there was Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie Pie?" "Oh, hiya, everyone!" Pinkie said. "What are you all doing here?" "Just exploring the Crystal Empire," Sunny said. "I can't believe that this place is so... amazing! So much history that needed to be discovered. To see how much of Equestria my Dad was right about." "And what brings you here?" Zipp asked. "Oh, I was heading back home from Yakyakistan, and then, I felt a doozy coming in!" Pinkie Pie said. "Wha...?" Zipp asked, tilting her head. "Pinkie Pie is one pony nopony can understand," Nyx said. "Oh! Here comes another!" Pinkie Pie said before shuddering. "Should... we be concerned about that?" Hitch asked. "I'm sure that it's nothing," Olive said. She then reached something from her pocket and pulled it out. "But just in case..." She pulled out her Cyber Patch and put it on. She then looked around, seeing different parts where she was around if anything was out of place. "I'm not seeing much of anything." As she was looking around, her cyber patch detected something coming from Misty, but Olive then realized it and looked back towards Misty, who was not in the same place. "Wait, what?" Olive then looked for Misty, but when she looked towards the Crystal Heart, her cyber patch detected something coming from it. "Huh, that's odd. Something's coming from the Crystal Heart. "Oh, that's normal here," Princess Cadance said. "You know the Crystal Heart keeps out the Frozen North's Snowstorm." "I know, but that's not what I'm talking about," Olive said. "Something's... growing inside the Crystal Heart." Just then, the Crystal Heart started glowing bright. Then a portal opened up. "Huh?" Misty asked, coming from behind Shining Armor. "What is that?" "Ooooooh!" Pinkie said, shuddering. "Here it comes! The doozy!" Just then, the portal started sucking in certain individuals. It sucked in Pinkie, Sunny and her friends, Sparky, Misty, Nyx, Joshua, Cream, Cheese, Mutt, Blaze, Marine and Olive, and it closed up. Shining, Cadance, Guard and Flurry Heart were surprised to see them all being sucked up in the portal coming from the Crystal Heart. Just then, Spike came in. "Finally," Spike said. "Just got away from my adoring fans." He then looked around. "Where'd everyone go?" Somewhere in a different location, Pinkie, Sunny and her friends, Sparky, Misty, Nyx, Joshua, Cream, Cheese, Mutt, Blaze, Marine and Olive came out of the portal, landing on some snow. Their appearances were different. Their clothes were given Crystal patterns, their hairstyles were sparkly, they were all wearing Crystal pearl necklaces, and their arms and legs were sparkly. Izzy had a special headpiece that had a hole that her horn was poking through, and Misty had some decorative wrapping around her horn. Mutt looked around at the area and asked, "Where are we?" The group looked around and saw they were in some kind of forest with lots of snow. Pipp then pulled out her phone and said, "I'll check to see where we're..." She then noticed her arm. "Oh... my... glitter! Look! I'm all sparkly!" The group looked towards Pipp and saw her look. Then they all looked at each other, seeing they went through a similar change as well. "We all are!" Marine said. "Blimey!" "Why are we like this all of a sudden?" Zipp asked. "Hey, guys!" Blaze said, calling from somewhere. "Over here! I see a town over there!" The group walked towards Blaze and saw she was right at a slope, pointing down at a nearby town. They all gasped. "This place isn't on any map in Equestria," Nyx said. "What is this place?" Hitch asked. "Why don't we ask those ponies?" Izzy asked, pointing towards the ponies walking through town. But those ponies weren't like any normal ponies. They were like unicorns, but their horns were made of crystal. "Huh, that's weird," Misty said. "I haven't seen any unicorns like that," Cream said. "Chao," Cheese said. "Something's not right," Pinkie said, growing suspicious. It then zoomed in on the ponies of the mysterious town. It showed the ponies having forced smiles on their faces, walking around in a trance. The group went closer to the town, looking in at the ponies there. The ponies were using forced smiles and were using magic to grab something from above. The group looked up and saw stars coming down. "What is this place?" Zipp asked. "It looks... kinda fun," Joshua said. "Not to me, Joshie," Pinkie said. "Look at those ponies. They have bad smiles." "What the heck is a bad smile?" Sunny asked. "Those smiles are forced," Pinkie said. "It's not just their smiles, Pinkie," Olive said, looking at the ponies with her cyber patch. "Look at their eyes. They look... hypnotized." Blaze's ears were twitching. She then said, "Hey, you guys. What's that sound?" "Huh?" Mutt asked. He then put a hand to his ear. He was hearing what Blaze was hearing. "I hear something, too. Kinda sounds like... purring?" "No! Stop!" came a voice. The group looked over and saw a pony stepping back from something. "Don't...!" Just then, purple sonic waves came from where the pony was looking and went through the pony's head. Just then, the pony's eyes just flashed in a purple light. Just then, a creature came from the side, revealing a purple snow leopard with wings that had pink, blue and green feathers, thick, dark blue hair that had pink, blue and green highlights, and she was wearing a dark blue parka with white fluff trimming. She also had snow boots with a small heel, and a hole for her clawed toes to come out. "Smile," the snow leopard said. Just then, the pony did as she was told. "Bring me more stars, Violet Frost, and then it'll be all over for you Auroricorns." "Yes, Allura," the pony, now known as Violet Frost, said. She then walked off. The snow leopard, Allura, was giving a dark smirk. She then turned in the direction of the heroes, but they hid from sight of her. The heroes were hiding from Allura behind trees or snowbanks. Allura then flew away. Blaze then said, "That snow leopard is mind controlling those ponies." "Did you hear what she called those ponies?" Sunny asked. "Auroricorns." "That's impossible," Nyx said. "Auroricorns are heard of by the Crystal Ponies, but only as myths." "Guess they're real," Joshua said. "We need to free these ponies from Allura's mind control," Olive said. "We need to get them away from Allura's control." Time then froze. "Rookies," Blaze said as she was moving through speed time. She then ran over towards the one Auroricorn, Violet Frost, and brought her back to the group, and then went for another Auroricorn, one that was blue with purple hexagon glasses, and brought him to the group. Then everyone started moving in normal speed. "I got two of them. Bring them uphill." Then they started pushing the two Auroricorns uphill to get away from the town. When they were away from the town, Allura's mind control was no longer in effect. The two Auroricorns shook their heads. "Uh, what?" the stallion asked. "We're... free?" Violet Frost asked. "Not exactly," Blaze said. Violet Frost and the Auroricorn Stallion saw the group and gasped. "Who... who are you?" Violet Frost asked. "We're the Freedom Fighters," Blaze said. "And it looks like now you're gonna need all the help you can get." Violet Frost looked towards the town with a sad look. She then said, "Yes. We do." She then took a step towards the town and looked down at it. "This is Starlight Ridge. It's where we Auroricorns lived in for hundreds of years. It was once a part of the great Empire." "The Crystal Empire?" Nyx asked. "Yes," Violet Frost said. "We were all dreaming that one day, we'd be able to reunite our lands together again, but for so many years, that hasn't come to be. We've been praying for the Nova Charm every Starshine Time to send us back, but it never came to be. And to make matters worse... she showed up." "That snow leopard, Allura?" Zipp asked. "Yes," Violet Frost said. "She arrived here one day and took the Nova Charm, and kept it for herself," the Auroricorn stallion said. "And she put it around a small cage of ice, guarded by her little minion, Twitch." Olive looked back towards town with her cyber patch. She saw the Nova Charm, and a little hare walking around it on top of a gazebo. "That is one mean little hare," Olive said. "Okay, time to get to work." She then headed behind a tree. 3 seconds later, she came out from behind the tree in her red jumpsuit, boots and gloves. "Are you ever going to tell us how you do that?" Mutt asked. "Do what?" Olive asked. Pinkie Pie giggled and snorted at that comment. "Alright, Glasses," Blaze said. "What else can Allura do?" "My name is Comet, actually," the Auroricorn stallion said. "Anyway, Allura said one day that she was banished here for not only taking over the minds of certain creatures, but also by freezing the land with her frosty touch. Since this world is already covered in ice..." "Her ice powers have no effect," Sunny said. "And for someone who has ice powers, we'd need someone with fire powers to handle her," Zipp said. Then everyone looked at Blaze. "Wow, so sudden," Blaze said. "I could handle her, but we're gonna need something to cancel out Allura's mind control." Olive looked down at the ground. But then her cyber patch noticed something coming from the snow. "What? What is this?" Olive asked. She then picked up some snow. "My cyber patch is detecting something. Something about this snow is... unusual." "Oh, that's natural here," Violet Frost said. "The snow here is special. It has healing particles in it." "Although, it is..." Comet said before slipping. "Whoa!" Hitch and Pinkie Pie helped Comet up. "...Very hard to keep balance on. Well, mostly for me." "Whoa! Oof!" Izzy said. "Yup! Very slippery!" "Okay, so we're gonna have to face... a mind controlling Snow Leopard..." Sunny said. "A hoard of mind controlled Auroricorns..." Pipp said. "And a hare guarding this town's special charm," Olive said. "But how are we gonna get past them all without being caught by Allura's mind control powers?" Izzy looked down at the snow and gave a smirk. She then said, "I got this." Later, the group were all heading through town, trying to sneak their way past the hypnotized Auroricorns. They were heading towards the center of town where Allura was making sure that the Auroricorns were doing as she told them to do. They were hiding in case some Auroricorns would spot them and alert Allura of their presence. "We're getting closer," Olive said. "Cream, you get the Charm. But don't let that little hare catch you." Cream nodded. She then started flying up towards the top of the gazebo where the Nova Charm was being guarded by Twitch. At least, that was where it was supposed to be. "Huh?" Cream asked. She then faced the group. "It's gone." "What?" Sunny and her friends, Pinkie, Olive and Blaze asked in unison. "Well..." came Allura's voice. "...I knew it would be a matter of time when some new faces would lead me to a portal out of this place." The group looked around for Allura, but she wasn't in sight. "Did you honestly think I would let somepony try and take my Nova Charm just like that?" Just then, Allura came down and struck Cream's back when Cream wasn't looking. "Gah!" Cream said when being hit. Olive gasped, then ran out to catch her sister, calling out, "Cream!" "Chao!" Cheese called out. Olive then grabbed Cream, not knowing that the special earplugs made out of snow fell out of Cream's ears. "I got you, Cream," Olive said. "No," Allura said. "I've got..." She then started purring. "...her..." Sonic waves came out of her mouth, heading right towards Cream and Olive. They passed through them. But Olive wasn't effected. "You can't stop me," Olive said. "Tier 6 out of 5 spy. We're always prepared." "Impressive," Allura said. "But can a spy fight someone she loves." She then looked towards Cream. "Take out your sister." Just then Cream kicked Olive's chin, sending her back. "Gah!" Olive cried out in pain. She then rubbed her chin and looked at Cream, gasping at what she saw. Cream was standing with a forced smile on her face. "Cream, no!" "It's too late now, rabbit," Allura said. "She's now mine. And soon, you'll all be, too." Just then the group were surrounded by Auroricorns, all with forced smiles on their faces. "Oh, that's not good," Violet Frost said. Just then most of them were grabbed by the hypnotized ponies. "Hey! Let go!" Marine said. Some of the heroes got our of the hold of the hypnotized ponies, them being Sunny, Olive, Blaze and Violet Frost. Those who were captured had their earplugs taken out. "So nice when good friends come together," Allura said. "So... puuurfect." Allura let out some sonic waves, making those captured be hypnotized. "No!" Olive and Blaze said in unison. "As soon as I get you three, you will all take me to the portal out of this place," Allura said. She and those who were hypnotized surrounded Sunny, Blaze, Olive and Violet, and they were getting closer to them. Sunny, Blaze, Olive and Violet Frost were surrounded by the hypnotized individuals and Allura. Twitch was rubbing his paws, giggling about how he and his master were winning. Blaze sighed and said, "Forgive me." She then spun around and created a fire twister, surrounding them, keeping those who were hypnotized back. "What?!" Allura shouted. "She has fire powers?!" "Run..." Blaze said. Then Sunny, Olive and Violet Frost ran through the crowd, making sure they weren't caught. They got out of the crowd because they were too distracted by the flames Blaze was producing. When the flames died down, they saw that the four individuals who weren't hypnotized by Allura were gone. "Impossible!" Allura said. Inside one building, which was a restaurant, Sunny and Violet were blocking the door with tables and chairs. Olive was scolding Blaze for almost hurting Cream and Cheese. "That was really dangerous, Blaze," Olive said. "You've could've hurt someone. None of them were doing it willingly." "I know," Blaze said. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt Cream either. She was my first friend." "I know, Cream told me about you after you left," Olive said. "She even sent a photo." She then brought out the photo of Cream and Blaze. Blaze was totally surprised that she was pulled in for a selfie with Cream. "What was that about, anyway?" Blaze groaned and said, "I wasn't ready." "Focus!" Sunny said. "We need to stop Allura, get that Nova Charm, get our friends back, and save everypony here!" "We know!" Blaze and Olive said in unison. "Those earplugs your friend made out of the snow were great," Violet Frost said. "But it was still not enough. Plus, they melted when Blaze made that fire twister." "The burns will go away," Blaze said. "Everything heals." "Heals..." Olive said. "Wait a minute. Violet, didn't you say that the snow here has healing particles?" "Yeah, why?" Violet asked. Olive went towards a window and opened it up. She then went out. "I hope this works." She then grabbed a bunch of snow and made it into a snowball. Just then, Comet came around the corner, seeing Olive. He then ran towards her. Blaze then threw the snowball at Comet. He then got out of the trance. "Huh? What?" Comet asked. "That's it!" Olive said. "The snow can break the trance!" "So that's why this place is so special," Blaze said, peeking her head out the window. Then the two of them smirked. Allura was still in command of the ponies and Mobians around her. She then said, "Keep searching! I won't be stuck here forever!" "Hey, everypony!" came Sunny's voice. They all looked towards Sunny, seeing that she, Blaze, Olive, Violet and Comet there, snowballs in their hands. "Snowball fight!" Then they started throwing snowballs, making those who were hit by the snow to get out of the trance. "What?!" Allura asked. "The snow here is special," Olive said. "Healing particles, which means they can break through your hypnosis." "Impossible!" Allura said. "Are you all planning to throw snow at each other forever?!" "We don't have to," Blaze said. She then used her super speed, and jumped towards Allura. Allura then tried getting Blaze with her mind control, but Olive had her back. She launched a taser from her glove, hitting Allura. Allura was stunned, which gave Blaze enough time to grab the ice cage that had the Nova Charm. "Got it." "Keep throwing snow, everypony!" Sunny said. Everypony did as they were told by Sunny. They grabbed snowballs and started throwing it at each other, all having a fun time. "No!" Allura said, noticing everyone having fun. Just then, the sky started lighting up with lights similar to the Northern Lights. "Impossible!" "Here it is," Blaze said, handing the ice cage to Olive. "Melt it," Olive said. Blaze did and melted the ice cage. She then pulled the Nova Charm out of the ice cage. "What's so special about the Nova Charm anyway?" Blaze asked. "Let's see," Olive said. She then used her Cyber Patch to scan the Nova Charm. She then gasped. "No way. This thing is sending out the same frequency as the portal that brought us here. Which means..." "Allura had the way out of here and didn't know it!" Blaze and Olive said in unison. "What?!" Allura asked. "The Special Star I've been looking for was in my hands the whole time?! Gah! I'm so stupid not to realize it!" "Time to get out of here!" Blaze said. She then opened up the bottle containing the Nova Charm and held it tight. Just then, the Nova Charm started letting out a bright light, making the entire town of Starlight Ridge be covered. Back in the Crystal Empire, there was an Earthquake happening. Shining, Cadance, Guard and Flurry were all holding onto each other as it was happening. "What's going on?!" Shining asked. "I don't know!" Cadance said. Just then, Starlight Ridge appeared in the northern part of the Crystal Empire, the special snow now all over the Crystal Empire. Those who were in Starlight Ridge saw the Crystal Empire and gasped. They all were excited. "Finally!" Allura said. "I'm finally out of that prison of a pocket dimension! Now to spread my mind control to the corners of this world!" "I don't think so!" came Shining Armor's voice. The heroes and the Auroricorns looked towards the voice and saw Shining Armor coming in. He then fired a blast towards Allura, her being trapped in a magenta barrier. "You won't be able to break through that." "I won't have to," Allura said. "You're gonna relinquish this spell for me." "And why would I do that?" Shining Armor asked. "Oh, nopony can resist my power of..." Allura said. She then released sonic waves while saying, "...persuasion." Shining Armor was shocked to see the waves coming in. But Sunny came in, holding a trash can lid, and it pushed back the sonic waves back towards Allura. Allura gasped and was pushed back in mid air. Allura was then caught by her own trance, forcing a smile. Twitch then got worried. He then started bouncing and stomping on Allura's head. That caught Allura's attention. "What?" She then noticed what happened. "Hey! How'd that happen?! How'd you turn my own trick back on me?!" "Nopony messes with my friends and family!" Sunny said. "In this or any other world!" She then became an Alicorn. "Get out of here!" She then fired a beam towards Allura. Allura was shocked to see what Sunny was about to do to her. She was then blasted by Sunny's beam, being pushed far away from the Crystal Empire. "NOOOOOOOO!!" Allura shouted as she and Twitch were being sent away from the Crystal Empire. Sunny then fell to the ground, her Alicorn form disappearing. Shining then helped Sunny up. "Are you okay, Sunny?" Pipp asked. "Yeah," Sunny said. "I'm fine." "Good," Cadance's voice came in. The group looked towards her and saw Cadance, Guard, Flurry and a bunch of Crystal Guards coming towards them. "At least it's all over." Then the Crystal Guards gasped. "Auroricorns?!" one Crystal Guard asked. "Here?" "Impossible," another Crystal Guard said. Olive then chuckled and said, "We felt the same way about Unicorns, Pegasi, Alicorns, Griffons, Dragons, Hippogriffs, and so many different species in Equestria before you all came back to this world." Somewhere in a dark room, Allura was waking up. Twitch was passed out on the ground. Allura then looked around. "What is this place?" Allura asked. Just then, pink flamed torches lit up, getting Allura's attention. She looked around. "About time you woke up," came Opaline's voice. Allura looked towards the voice and saw Opaline standing there. "I was expecting you." "You? Expecting me?" Allura asked. "I don't think so. You've got a new..." She purred and sent out sonic waves when she said, "...problem." Opaline stopped the sonic waves with a special magical barrier. Opaline laughed and said, "You think I haven't heard of you and your special trick, Allura?" She then shook her head. "I've been looking for you for a long time." She then looked at Allura. "I've got a proposal for you." "Whatever it is, I'm not interested," Allura said. She then walked over towards Twitch and picked him up. "Not unless you have a way to stop that one Alicorn and her friends." "Oh, that is exactly what I'm proposing," Opaline said, getting Allura's attention. "Those Freedom Fighters must be stopped. And I know with your trick, it'll be a whole lot easier. Interested?" Allura was thinking about it. She then gave a dark smirk. "Sounds like fun," Allura said. > Episode 7: Dulcy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 7: Dulcy MC and Truemen were putting some books into a bookcase built into the wall in the master Bedroom, which is where MC sleeps. As they were finishing up with the books, MC closed the glass doors just as Twilight was passing by the open door. Twilight noticed and saw MC and Truemen moving an open bookcase to cover the locked bookcase from sight. "Hey, what was that?" Twilight asked. That question made MC and Truemen jump in shock. They turned around to see Twilight coming in. "Sparkles!" MC said. "Don't sneak up on us like that!" "Sorry, MC," Twilight said. "But seriously..." She then used her magic to move the bookcase back to the side, revealing the locked bookcase in the wall. "...what is that?" "None of your concern, Twilight," Truemen said as he was going to move the bookcase back. But Twilight used her magic to lift Truemen up to stop him from pushing. "Nice try," Twilight said. "Why are you locking up those books?" MC sighed and said, "These books are the Oracle of Delphius's private, enchanted library. You know the saying; 'Books that will take you on an adventure from the comfort of your home?'" Twilight nodded. "Well, these ones actually do. They literally suck you into the story." "Oh, please," Twilight said. "Like any harm would come from opening a book." She then took the key out of MC's hand, but MC took it back quickly. "Not gonna happen!" MC said. He then used his speed and strength to cover the locked bookcase. "No one is going to open those books. Ever. There are dangerous areas in those books. The Oracle said not to interfere. So we're keeping them locked up." MC then put the key into his chest fluff. He then walked out. Truemen followed. Twilight watched them leave and then looked towards the bookcase. MC and Truemen walked outside to see the Young 6 in the pool. Silverstream wasn't in her seapony form because of the chlorine in the pool could harm her in her seapony form. Smolder was on the side, her hand to her chin. "Smolder, are you okay?" MC asked. "What's bringing you down?" "I've gotten a letter from my cousin," Smolder said. "She says she wants to be a Freedom Fighter, too." "Seriously?" MC asked. "What's wrong with that?" "What's wrong is that my cousin, Dulcy, is really clumsy," Smolder responded. "She doesn't land right, she constantly bumps her head, and she messes up my room whenever she comes to visit." "Wow," Gallus said. "Your cousin sounds like a total klutz." "Tell me about it," Smolder said. "She wouldn't stop with asking if you guys would allow her to be a Freedom Fighter. I kept sending her letters that there weren't any open spots in the Freedom Fighters. But the last one I sent said that she could be a Freedom Fighter if she could find this place. But I sent her in the wrong direction." "Well, you're right about one thing," MC said. "We don't have any room for another person here. And it's not like she's gonna find Freedom Fighters Mansion." "GANGWAY?!" came a female voice. They all looked up and saw a new dragon coming towards them. The dragon came down and was sliding towards MC, sending him up and him landing in the pool. The dragon then crashed into the patio furniture near the pool. "Whoa!" Sandbar said. He then got out of the pool and asked, "Are you okay?" "Don't worry, Ma!" the dragon said. "It's not a school day!" She then passed out. MC then brought his head out of the pool and looked at the new dragon. He then looked at Smolder with a grumpy look. Smolder chuckled nervously and said, "MC... meet Dulcy." Ocellus and Silverstream were helping the new dragon, now known as Dulcy, recover from the crash. MC was still upset that Smolder had told her cousin that she could be a Freedom Fighter if she found their mansion. "I can't believe you did that!" MC said. "We have no room here for her!" "In my defense, I never thought she'd be able to find this place," Smolder said. "I specifically told her that Freedom Fighter's base was in a place called... Spagonia." MC face palmed and said, "That's in Sally's Kingdom. Why on Earth would you send her there?" Smolder chuckled and said, "Actually..." Smolder then flashbacked to herself spinning a globe around. With her eyes closed, she then put a finger on the globe, choosing a random location, which was Spagonia. She then wrote it down on the parchment she had. The flashback ended and MC groaned. "Sorry, I couldn't handle all the stress of her constantly asking me when she'd become a Freedom Fighter." "Aye-yai-yai, Smolder," MC said. "We can't have her roaming around here. She could interfere with our training." "But what about Sparky?" Gallus asked, walking up to MC. "He roams free whenever he wants." "He's just a baby," MC said. "That's different." Sparky then came running out of Hitch's room, giggling happily. Without realizing, he ran into the pool. Hitch came out of his room. "Sparky?" Hitch asked. "Where's..." Then Sparky came from the water, not having the knowledge of how to swim. "Sparky!" Just then, Gallus came flying in, grabbing Sparky, and gave him to Hitch. "Here you go," Gallus said, handing the baby dragon to Hitch. "Thank you, Gallus," Hitch said. "Sparky really is getting to be a handful." "I know," Gallus said. "I think... all babies are like that." "Probably not all of them," Hitch said. His phone then buzzed. He pulled it out and said, "Dang it. I gotta get to work." He then put his phone away and turned Sparky to face him. "Okay, Sparky. I've got to go to work. Be good while I'm gone." Sparky then rubbed Hitch's face with his. Then Hitch gave Sparky to Gallus and he headed off to work. Hitch then headed out towards the garage. As Hitch was heading there, Misty was hiding behind a column that was holding up a balcony on the second floor, thinking of a way to get Sparky. "Okay, Misty," Misty said to herself, quietly. "As soon as Sparky's alone, just go and grab him, and then..." "Misty?" Hitch asked, getting Misty's attention, causing her to scream. "Whoa, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." "Oh, uh... It's... no big deal, Hitch," Misty said, chuckling nervously. "It's just..." Hitch noticed Misty's outfit and said, "Wait a minute. Isn't it time for you to go to work?" Misty then went wide eyed and said, "Oh, no! I'm gonna be late!" "Get your uniform, and meet me in the garage," Hitch said. "I'll drop you off." Misty nodded and headed straight to her room, passing MC and Smolder. "Careful, Misty!" MC said. "You don't want to fall into the pool." "Sorry!" Misty said. "I'm getting my uniform!" She then ran into her room, went to her closet, grabbed her uniform, and ran out, heading for the garage. At the garage door, Hitch was pulling out in a gray Toyota Tacoma 4x4. Misty ran around the front of the truck, and then she got into the truck. She then looked around it. "Nice truck." "It actually was owned by a friend of the Freedom Fighters," Hitch said. "The sheriff of Green Hills to be precise. Although, it still ran when the entire hood was cut off by a really small Eggman Robot." "Wow," Misty said. "This thing must've gotten fixed very good. It... looks like it hasn't taken any damage at all." "You can thank Tails and Lynol for that," Hitch said. "Now, buckle up. We've gotta get going." Then Misty buckled up and then Hitch pulled out from the garage. Dulcy was then walking up to the pool and seeing her reflection in it. "So, this is what non-dragons swim in?" Dulcy asked. "Well, then, guess I'm gonna have to get used to it." She was about to dive in, but her tail was grabbed by MC, causing her to be pulled back. "Hey, what's the big...?" She then noticed who grabbed her and gasped. "You're the leader of the Freedom Fighters." "Co-leaders," MC said. "Sonic and I lead this group together. Sally, too, but she's back in her home country." "Well, I'm sure that..." Dulcy said. "Sorry to break the news to you, Dulcy, but I'm afraid we don't have any more room in the mansion," MC said. "That's okay, I can probably find someplace close to here and..." Dulcy said before her mouth was shut by MC's left hand. "Plus, there's the fact that you're extremely clumsy, and could cause more harm than good," MC said. "Which isn't all that great whenever we're needed on a mission." "Then train me," Dulcy said. "I can probably find a place in the city." "Not without paying rent," MC said. "Face it, Dulce, you don't know the lowdown of how things work in this world." "He's right, Dulce," Smolder said. "I had to get official records and ID just to live here. I even had to study for a test to actually live here. Luckily, Ocellus was there to help with studying." "Studying American History and Government," Ocellus said. "I wanted to be prepared in case we had to do it." "Then I'll study!" Dulcy said. "I could use some tutoring myself." MC then groaned and walked away. "I'm gonna go for a run," MC said. He then started speeding away. Dulcy looked down at Smolder and said, "Was I too demanding?" Smolder groaned and headed towards the room she slept in. At the Station Square Mall Movie Theater, Misty was was working hard to keep up with the customers of their orders. She was working as fast as she could. "One large popcorn, coming right up!" Misty said. She then grabbed a popcorn tub, and filled it with popcorn. When she got a couple scoops in, she looked back and asked, "I'm sorry. Did you want butter with that?" The customer nodded. "Coming right up." She then held the tub under a small pipe and pushed down on a pump that released popcorn butter from it. She then filled up the rest of the tub with popcorn and put butter over it. She then handed it to the customer. "There you go. Enjoy the movie." Then two customers came in with a couple of drinks and candy bars. "Hello. Two drinks and two candy bars." Misty was putting the order on the computer that was in front of her. "Anything else?" "A large popcorn, extra butter," the man said. "Coming right up," Misty said as she was filling out the order. "That'll be Sixteen-Forty-Three." She then saw that one of the customers had put his card through the card reader. "Just confirm order and... there. I'll be right back with your popcorn." She then filled up another tub of popcorn as fast as she could. She put in twice the amount of butter as the last customer. She then gave the tub to the couple. "Enjoy the movie." Misty was sweating and panting heavily. Then the manager came up to her. "Misty," the manager said. "You're over working yourself." "I know, Mister Bailey," Misty said. "It's just... really hard when you've got so many customers coming in to see a movie." "Yeah, especially when a new movie is brought into theaters," the manager, known as Mister Bailey, said to Misty. "Perhaps you should take a break." "Actually, I do need to use the restroom," Misty said. "You go ahead, I'll take over your spot until you get back," Mister Bailey said. Misty nodded and headed away from there. She eventually went into the restroom and went into one of the stalls. She then sighed. "Misty!" Opaline's voice came from Misty's shirt, making the unicorn jump. She then pulled the necklace from under her shirt. "Yes, Opaline?" Misty asked. "Did you get me one of those dragons?!" Opaline asked from the necklace. "Umm..." Misty said, trying to come up with an excuse. "YOU DIDN'T GET ONE OF THEM?!" Opaline yelled. "I'm sorry, Opaline!" Misty said. "I was about to, but I forgot that it was a work day today! Besides, I'm also spying on them as well, but I can't spy on them if I'm not paying rent for my room!" "You can't just..." Opaline said, angrily. But then she remembered what Misty said. "Oh, that's right. You need money to pay for rent. Just don't forget your mission, or you'll never get your Cutie Mark." Misty sighed and said, "Yes, Opaline." She then put the necklace back under her shirt and sighed sadly. She then got up and headed out of the stall. As Misty came out of the bathroom. As soon as she came out, she saw MC standing at the entrance. Misty raised an eyebrow at that. She then walked up to him. A few minutes later, MC and Misty were standing at a vending machine. "So, Smolder's cousin is currently doing some studying to become an official citizen here in the US," MC said, grabbing both the sodas that were purchased. He then handed one to Misty. "Although, I think she'll do more harm than good." "Sounds like it," Misty said. "Especially when she came crashing in." "You saw that, eh?" MC asked. "Well, at least you're not as clumsy as her." "Well, there have been moments where I have been clumsy," Misty said. "Mostly around the mansion." "Yeah, I saw," MC said. "You should've seen Sunny when she transformed into an Alicorn when she went to see the Equestria she heard from her father." "I bet she was ecstatic," Misty said. "Kinda wish..." Misty trailed off. MC noticed this. "Kinda wish what?" MC asked. "Never mind," Misty said. She then looked at her right hip. She then sighed and asked, "Do you know if there are... other ways of getting a Cutie Mark?" "That's only for ponies only," MC said. "But... I heard from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, that a young pony receives their Cutie Mark when a pony figures out who they wanna be. Mostly by doing what they love to do the most. That's the only way a pony can receive their Cutie Mark. If a horned magic user uses their magic to make a Cutie Mark appear on a pony's flank or hip, it wouldn't last even five seconds." "Really?" Misty asked. "Not even... a lot of magic?" "No amount of magic can make it appear," MC said. "Sparkles had tried multiple times on Apple Bloom. And that was before she became an Alicorn." "Really?" Misty asked. Just then, her phone started beeping and she pulled it out. "Oh, shoot. I have to get back to work." MC then rushed Misty back to work with his super speed. "Whoa! That was... a rush." "You'll get used to it," MC said. "I should get back home." He then rushed back home. Misty then headed back to work. Back at Freedom Fighters Mansion, MC rushed in. "Alright, Dulcy," MC said. "If you can do something that impresses me, I'll let you..." MC had his eyes closed when he was talking. When he opened his eyes, he saw both Smolder and Dulcy glowing and scratching themselves. "Whoa! What is this?!" Smolder was groaning from how itchy they were. She then said, "Dragon Lord Ember is calling for us! All Dragons must go back to the Dragon Lands." MC looked over towards Sparky, seeing that he was itching and glowing too. MC then sighed, "For the love of God, you've got to be kidding me." MC then walked over towards Sparky, used his power to make a baby carrier, and then put Sparky into it. "Well, we can't let you ignore the call of the Dragon Lord. Let's head to the Dragon Lands." MC then pulled out his Super Warp Ring, threw it, and it became a portal to the Dragon Lands. MC, Sparky, Smolder and Dulcy went through the portal. MC closed the ring and brought it into his hand. MC saw Spike coming in by flying, scratching himself as he was flying. "Spike!" MC called out. Spike noticed the group and smiled. MC then used his Super Warp Ring and opened a portal somewhere. He reached in and brought out his Extreme Gear. He then closed the portal and then he started using his Extreme Gear and rode it up towards Spike. Smolder and Dulcy were flying right beside them. "You know what's going on?" "Not a clue!" Spike said. "Let's go!" Then they headed off towards where Ember's throne was. When they got there, they saw the dragons fighting off a group that weren't dragons at all. They saw Fiona Fox fighting Ember. "Fiona?!" MC asked. "That could only mean..." Just then, MC was struck quickly be a green blur, him and Sparky yelling out and falling towards the ground. Smolder caught MC's extreme gear and called out, "MC!" MC and Sparky landed in a pool of lava. Then the two of them came out, MC roaring in anger. He then looked around. "Take that, Your Highness," came a voice. MC looked towards the voice and he saw..." "Scourge!" "Finally... some payback for this!" Scourge said, motioning his right hand to the scratch marks on his torso. "Prepare for your ultimate destruction!" "Nothing can stop me!" MC said. "Not you, nor any other evil version of Sonic will stop me." Both of them got in battle stances as Sparky looked up at MC. Spike, Smolder and Dulcy headed towards the throne to get into the fight. But as soon as they were getting in close, they were ambushed by Predator Hawk and Flying Frog. "I don't think so!" Predator Hawk said, sending down Spike. "Gah!" Spike called out as he fell. "I don't think so!" Dulcy said. She then inhaled big, and she flew out a huge gust of wind, blowing Predator Hawk away, screaming. "Whoa!" Smolder said with Flying Frog on her back. "I had no idea you could do that!" "It actually came to me some time before Equestria came to Earth," Dulcy said. Just then, Flying Frog jumped onto Dulcy's face. "Hey!" "You might blow away my ride, but you won't blow me away!" Flying Frog said, covering up Dulcy's vision. "Hey!" Dulcy said. "Get off me!" She then tried pulling Flying Frog off of her. Smolder then tried kicking Flying Frog off. It worked, but not in the way she hoped. Flying Frog was now hanging onto Smolder's right leg. "Hey!" Smolder said. "You won't get rid of me that easily!" Flying Frog said. "Funny that you decided to come here," Smolder said. "I thought frogs dry up when they get overheated." "Wait, what?" Flying Frog asked. Just then Smolder started flying down towards the lava. "Yikes!" He was then holding onto Smolder's leg tightly as she was flying over the lava, very closely. "No! No no no no no no!" His skin then started drying up. "Gah! I'm drying up! I'm losing my grip!" He lost his grip, but luckily, he wasn't over lava when he did. "Ow..." "Never mess around in the Dragon Lands!" Smolder called out. She then started flying back towards the throne. She then got involved with the dragons and the rest of the Destructix. Lightning Lynx was pouncing all over some dragons, Sergeant Simian was pounding Garble's friends into the ground, and Fiona Fox was taking out Ember, trying to reach for the Bloodstone Scepter. "You will... never... get the scepter!" Ember said. "Who says we need the whole scepter?" Fiona asked. "We just need the stone!" She then kicked Ember's crotch, making her lose the grip on the scepter. "Gaaaah!" Ember cried out as she received a crotch shot. Fiona then grabbed the scepter and ripped the Bloodstone from the Bloodstone Scepter. "Okay, I got it!" Fiona said. "I don't think so!" Smolder said. She then flew in, and kicked Fiona's face, making Fiona drop the Bloodstone. "No!" Fiona said. But then, it was grabbed by Lightning Lynx. "Don't lose it, Fiona," Lightning Lynx said. "You know what the boss would say if we lost it." "Don't remind me!" Fiona said. She was then punched by Smolder. "Get out of my homeland!" Smolder said. She then grabbed Fiona and lifted her up. Just then, she was smacked by Sergeant Simian, making her drop Fiona. "Gaaaah!" Smolder called out. "Smolder!" came Garble's voice. He came in and grabbed Smolder before she could land in the pool of lava. "You okay, sis?" "I'm fine, Gar-Gar," Smolder said. She then noticed Fiona, Lightning Lynx and Sergeant Simian running away from the throne, followed by Predator Hawk and Flying Frog. Fiona was carrying the Bloodstone. "They got the stone!" In another part of the Dragon Lands, MC and Scourge were battling it out with Sparky watching from on top a tall rock column. He then saw a rock not as big as him. He then used his dragon fire and changed the rock into a bucket of popcorn. He then giggled, grabbed the bucket, and ate the popcorn as he was watching the fight. MC and Scourge then held each others hands, trying to push each other back. Scourge than said, "You're always a pain when you get involved with those who know they can win! You'll never stop us!" "You villains always lose at the end," MC said. "That's what you think!" Scourge said before using his knee and ramming it into MC's crotch. "Gah!" MC cried out in pain, letting go of Scourge. Scourge then pushed MC back before he could start recovering. "Say goodbye, false king," Scourge said. That comment made MC mad. He then sweep kicked Scourge, sending him down to land on his back. Then MC pounced on him, pinning him down. "Two things, Scourge," MC said. "One, I'm a prince. And two, I really am of Royal Blood on my father's side." Just then, pink flames started swirling around MC and Scourge. "What the heck?!" Scourge smirked and said, "See ya." Scourge then kicked MC off of him and then the pink flames built up, and then Scourge and the pink flames disappeared. MC looked towards where Scourge was and scolded. MC then said, "Opaline." Smolder, Garble, Dulcy and Ember were chasing the rest of the Destructix out of the Dragon Lands, and through the forest. Just then, they stopped when Spike cut off the Destructix. "You're not going anywhere with that!" Spike said. "That's what you think," Fiona Fox said, smirking. "We've got what we needed. See ya." Just then the five villains were surrounded in pink flames, then the flames built up. The flames vanished, along with the Bloodstone and the Destructix. "No!" Ember said. "They got the Bloodstone!" "We'll get it back, Ember," Smolder said. She then looked around. "Where are MC and Sparky?" Just then, MC rushed towards them, carrying Sparky in the baby carrier. "Never mind." "The others got away in pink flames?" MC asked. "Yep," Garble said. "Opaline," MC said. "No doubt she was the one who busted them out." "Opaline?" Smolder asked. "You mean that Alicorn that attacked us after we graduated from Twilight's School of Friendship?" "The same," MC said. "She's gathering other villains, and now she has the Bloodstone. Why would she need the stone instead of the whole scepter?" "Who knows?" Dulcy asked. "I bet we'll get it back." "Yeah, especially with your hurricane breath," Smolder said. "Hurricane breath?" MC asked. "Yeah, Dulcy blew away that blue hawk guy far away," Garble said. MC put a hand to his chin to think. He then said, "Alright, Dulce. Since you actually put up a fight to the Destructix, and have some interesting magic, I think we should have you part of the Freedom Fighters. But you'll still need training. I better find you a place to stay." He then walked away, raising his right arm to his mouth. "Nicole, get me in touch with Amy." Meanwhile, in Opaline's Castle, Opaline was holding the Bloodstone in her hands after Fiona handed it to her. "Finally!" Opaline said. "A key to getting more magic from all of Equestria." Allura, who was also in the room, walked closer to Opaline, inspecting the Bloodstone. She then asked, "How exactly is this thing going to help you get all the magic of Equestria?" "It's crucial for getting it," Opaline answered. "So, as soon as my spy, Misty, gets one of those two dragons, I will use their fire on the Bloodstone, or how it's really called, the Dragon Stone, it'll increase my magic, and I will use it to steal the magic of all the creatures of Equestria." "You have a spy in the Freedom Fighters?" Imperator Ix asked, walking into the room. "Yes," Opaline said. Just then, a holographic image of Misty came in. "Misty here will capture one of those dragons, and when she has one and contacts me, I'll bring her back here, and then, I'll be the ultimate Fire Alicorn!" Outside of the room, Shade was standing right by the door, not seen by Opaline, the Destructix, Imperator Ix and Allura, overhearing the conversation. "And when she gives you one of the dragons, will you give her what she wants?" Fiona asked. "Oh, she wants to have her Cutie Mark finally given to her," Opaline said. "But sadly, that will never come to be. Once I get one of those dragons, Misty will be no use to me." Shade gasped at that, but then she covered her mouth. "What was that?!" Scourge asked. "It's probably just the building settling," Flying Frog said. "So a building settling sounds like someone inhaling loudly?" Allura asked. "I lived in a weird building before I became a part of the Destructix," Flying Frog said. "Poor Misty," Shade said, quietly. "Okay, don't tell me you heard that," Allura said. "It's the building settling," Flying Frog said. "So the building suddenly feels bad for Misty," Allura asked. Shade was slowly walking away from the door, quietly. Back at Freedom Fighters Mansion, MC was walking down the hallway to the Master Bedroom, exhausted from what he went through. When he opened the door, he was shocked when he saw something. On the other side of the room, Twilight and Sonic were standing in front of the bookcase with the enchanted books, which was wide opened. Twilight was now wearing an outfit from Saudi Arabia, and Sonic had on a metal gauntlet. "You... you two opened enchanted books?!" MC asked. "Sorry, Michael," Twilight said. "I shoulda listened." MC then put his left thumb and forefinger to his closed eyes as he groaned. > Episode 8: Meet the Hedgehogs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 8: Meet the Hedgehogs At Freedom Fighters Mansion, in the patio, Twilight was inspecting Dulcy's mouth, trying to inspect this new magic within the new dragon. The Freedom Fighters, except Sonic and MC, were there. Including the Mane 6, Sunny and her friends, and the Young 6. "I never seen anything like this!" Twilight said. "Magic from dragon fire? I thought Spike was the only dragon with magic dragon fire." "Not just him," Smolder said. "Sparky's also got magic fire. Transformation fire." "Smolder's right," Hitch said. "Could it be that... all dragons now have magical properties from their fire since coming here from the other side of the Galaxy through Chaos Control?" "No, that's not it," Spike said. "Dulcy said her hurricane breath came to her before Equestria was brought back to Earth. So something must've happened before Chaos Control." "It was probably when you all went against Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy," came the voice of Midpoint. The group looked towards the voice, seeing Midpoint and Cozy walking in. "Alex?" Sunny asked. "What are you doing here?" "Oh, nothing much," Midpoint said. "Just wanting to tell you that..." He then pulled something out. It was a letter. "We're going to the Olympics!" "The Olympics?!" Twilight asked. "That's amazing! What is that?!" "The Olympics are a series of games in an athletic festival," Tails said. "Originated in Ancient Greece, supposedly founded by the Greek God, Hercules," Truemen said. "Oh, man. I've always wanted to see it in person." "See it?" Midpoint asked. "You're gonna be competing in it." "Me? Compete?" Truemen asked. "That's right, man," Midpoint said. "You'll be competing in different sports. You're gonna be in Canoe Racing, the Javelin Throw, and rock climbing." "Rock climbing?" Truemen asked. He then looked at his robot arm. "Wouldn't my robot arm give everyone else a disadvantage?" "You wouldn't be the only one with Super Strength," Midpoint said. Just then, the sound of a car horn came in. They all looked towards the horn and saw a blue Ford F-150 pulling up. A crate was in the bed, a long with Sonic holding onto it. Just then, a female hedgehog came out of the passenger seat. "Thanks for the ride, Michael," the hedgehog woman said. "No problem, Bernie," MC said. "Now, let's get your husband outta the back." He then got out of the truck and headed for the bed. He then unstrapped the box and brought out the crate. He then ripped open the side, revealing a roboticized hedgehog, making everyone gasping. "Next time, I get a bigger box," the robot hedgehog said. The Equestrians started charging towards the robot hedgehog. "Look out!" Twilight said. "It's a new Metal Sonic!" Just then, all of them were grabbed at the ankles by the matter around them. They all looked. Twilight then looked at MC and said, "MC! What are you doing?!" "Relax, everyone," MC said. "That ain't no Metal Sonic." "Everyone, meet my mom, Bernadette, and my dad, Jules," Sonic said. "This robot... is your dad?" Twilight asked. "Yeah," Jules said. "I was Roboticized long before Equestria came here." Twilight looked towards MC and asked, "MC, haven't you tried...?" "It wasn't that simple," MC said. "When Eggman captured him, he was too injured to be saved physically. Crushed spine, internal bleeding, he only had hours to live." "Oh, that can't be good," Sunny said. "So if he gets... Deroboticized... he could die in hours?" "There has to be a way to save him," Zipp said. She then put on her Z-Goggles to inspect Jules. But everything she checked out, it was nothing but what robots were made of. "Right. It won't work on robots." "Okay, so any normal procedure of saving Sonic's dad is incredibly slim?" Twilight asked. "Very incredibly," MC said. "We don't even know if there's a possible way for us to save him." "I can check, but it might take me a while," Midpoint said. "It ain't right for someone who's been Robotocized to stay a robot forever. Surely Sir Charles didn't know the consequences of how it went if it fell in the wrong hands." "Sir Charles?" Twilight asked. "Sonic's deceased uncle Chuck," MC said. He then sighed. "He was the one who came up with the original Roboticizor." "What?!" the Mane 6, the Young 6, Sunny and her friends all asked in unison. "Why would Sonic's uncle Chuck make something like that?" Twilight asked. "Joshua almost got turned into a robot by that thing!" "It wasn't supposed to make the robots into mindless slaves for Eggman," Sonic said. "My uncle Chuck made it originally to make sure that those who were dying to live longer to stay with their loved ones." "Eggman knew about this project," Tails said. "So he sabotaged the presentation. He reprogrammed the Roboticizor to make those who were turned into robots to follow only him. He made them attack the humans during the presentation." "After that attack, the humans thought that we Mobians were trying to take over the world, eliminating all humans," MC said. "And that's when we all had to go into hiding." "I've been injured severely before I became... this," Jules motioned an arm towards himself. "I was lucky to get my mind back thanks to Tails and Rotor." "Of course I had to hold him down," MC said. "Of course, when we had to send him and Bernie away into hiding when we formed the Freedom Fighters." "Does anyone have any medical records of Jules before he got Roboticized?" Twilight asked. "We checked everywhere," MC said. "Eggman deleted everything about Jules right after he Roboticized him. Eggman knew what he was doing." "We even looked in all of his bases after he deserted them," Sonic said. "Including the Egg Carrier during the time he released Chaos from the Master Emerald." "Even I checked all the backups when I was checking the EggNet the last time I hacked in," Midpoint said. "Anyway, I should hit the local archery range. Gotta get ready for the archery competition." "Of course," MC said. "Tails and I've got someplace to be as well. Let's go." "Roger that," Tails said. Then the two foxes headed towards the hanger. "Where are they going?" Sunny asked. "Who knows," Twilight said. She then looked at Jules and Bernadette. "You might not have the answers to get your full strength back through your world's greatest healers, but maybe there's something from Equestria that can heal you back to your normal self." "That sounds really risky," Bernadette said. "But it might be worth it," Twilight said. She then sat up. "I'm going to find a healing spell that will get you back to full health, Jules." "Is that even possible?" Sunny asked as Twilight was walking away. "If I have to search through all of Equestria to do it, then I'll do it," Twilight said, standing tall. In the Castle of Friendship, Twilight was looking through all the books on healing magic she could get. She checked all the books, searching for anything that could help. "Okay, let's see," Twilight said, opening one book. "'Mage Meadowbrook's medical potions of diseases'. Nope, that's not it." Twilight then tossed the book aside and grabbed another book. "'Somnambula's meditation process of self-healing'. No, that's not gonna work." She then tossed that book aside and went to grab another one. "'Discord's Guide to Chaotic Nature'?! How'd this get in here?!" She then threw the book into a trash can. Just then, the book gave off a flash of light, turning into Discord, who was wearing the trash can like it was a helmet. "Why, I never..." Discord said. "Nopony can take a joke anymore." He then snapped his eagle talon fingers and vanished, the trash can on the ground, spinning around. Twilight groaned and face planted on the table. She then said, "Even here, there's no way of healing Jules." "Twilight?" came Nyx's voice. Twilight looked towards the door and she saw Nyx and Joshua standing there. "What are you doing?" Twilight sighed and said, "Searching for a spell that can heal Sonic's father from his internal injuries." "Sonic's dad?" Joshua asked. "Is he okay?" "For now," Twilight said. "He's injured very severely. But the only thing that's keeping him alive is him being a robot." "He's a robot?" Nyx asked. "Isn't that...?" "He's still under his own control," Twilight said. "But we're searching for a way to heal him completely. But right now, there's nothing." "I guess there are some things that can't be healed," Joshua said. "Guess Sonic is just gonna have to live with what he's got. Sometimes... I wish that..." Joshua then bowed his head. Twilight walked over towards Joshua. "I know you miss them," Twilight said. "But they wanted what was best for you. You know that." "I know," Joshua said. He then sighed. "I kinda wish I had more time with them." "Yeah," Twilight said. "You were younger back then." She then thought of something. She then widened her eyes. "That's it! That's it!" "What's it?" Nyx asked. "An age spell," Twilight said. "Or, to be exact, a de-age spell." She then walked over towards the book shelf, started flying up, and looked for the complicated spells. "Okay, here are the books. Let's see. 'Elemental Spells', 'Relic Restoration', 'Gravitational Manipulation'... Ah! Here we go! 'Chronological Spells'!" She then opened the book and started searching through the pages. "Are you sure this is gonna work?" Nyx asked. "One miscalculation, and you could make Jules a little kid." "Or a baby," Joshua added. "That's why..." Twilight said as she was bringing up a pot with a flower that was almost in bloom. "I'm gonna test it on this plant." She then looked at the spell to see how the spell was going to work. Meanwhile, back in Station Square, at an indoor archery range, Midpoint was preparing to fire at the target he was facing. He then fired the arrow, and hit the bullseye, in between two arrows he fired at the target. "Okay, that's 40 meters," Midpoint said. "Let's go for 80 this time." He then went over to a control console and turned the dial to the 80 meter mark. Just then, the target started descending into the floor, and a new target came up. "80 meters, huh?" came a voice. Midpoint looked towards the voice and saw Olive standing there. "Hey, Olive," Midpoint said. "What brings you here?" "I heard you'll be going up in the Mobian side of the Olympics," Olive said. "You've been checking up on me?" Midpoint asked. "You'd think I'd miss out on you becoming an Olympic competitor?" Olive asked. "Heck, if you were still human, you'd probably be the youngest to actually compete with the other humans in the Olympics with your perfect aim." "If it weren't for the incident on our camping trip, that might have been a possibility," Midpoint said. "You're right," Olive said. She then held out an archer's bow in her right hand. "You'll be competing in archery for not only the individual rounds, but the team rounds, too. I might as well give it a shot." "You do archery?" Midpoint asked. "Not really," Olive said. She then grabbed an arrow from the quiver, attached it to her bow, and got ready to aim in the left handed position. "But there's a first time for everything." She then released the arrow, but the arrow hit the target in the six point ring. She then smiled sheepishly, looking towards Midpoint. "I might... need some practice and training, though." Midpoint chuckled and said, "Your form was right, but it's not just about aiming right towards the target, but how far the target is. If it's at a certain distance, you might have to aim higher, and let gravity do the work." "Really?" Olive asked. "That's right," Midpoint said. "And also, there's also gonna be some wind resistance trying to move the arrow away from the target." Midpoint then grabbed an arrow from the quiver, and aimed it towards the target. Of course, he was in the right handed position. He then angled his bow a bit upwards, and fired the arrow towards the target. It then hit the bullseye perfectly. "Easy for you to say, you're a natural shot," Olive said. "I'm a natural because I'm also smart," Midpoint said. "Let me help you." Olive then prepared another arrow. Midpoint then moved Olive's position up. "The goal to hitting the bullseye from a far distance is calculation and geometry." He then pointed towards the target. "Aim the arrow at the 4 point circle." Olive looked towards the target. Ad the end of the arrow, she saw that the tip of the arrow was pointing straight at the four point circle. Olive then released the arrow, but she accidentally released the arrow when she stepped back and aiming the arrow a little upward, and it hit the nine point circle. "Darn," Olive said. "It's also about concentration," Midpoint said. "Don't keep your eyes off the target." "Didn't you win an archery tournament blindfolded?" Olive asked. "It was on a dare from one of my schoolmates in MIT," Midpoint said. "If you attended college in Massachusetts, and you lived in California, why didn't you go to college at Cal Tech?" Olive asked. "My dad was living in Boston at the time," Midpoint said. "But then... when my dad and I were visiting Grandpa after I graduated, Mimic came in, and framed my dad." Just then, Midpoint got a text from his phone. He then pulled it out and checked the message. Olive then asked, "What is it? Anything wrong?" "It seems that Twilight is planning on healing Sonic's dad," Midpoint said. "But that's impossible," Olive said. "Nothing can heal Jules from his internal injuries." "She's planning on using an age spell," Midpoint said. "In reverse to undo the damage that was inflected in Jules's body. I think Twilight is wanting me to see if it is possible to save Jules. Care to join me?" "Of course," Olive said. "Let's get going." Then the two of them headed out of there. At Tails's workshop in Mystic Ruins, MC and Tails were wearing welding masks as Tails was welding a bumper that MC was holding up to something. Just then, MC's communicator started beeping. He then held up his right arm and looked at the text, seeing it was from Twilight, even though her nickname, Sparkles, was on the top of the message. "Huh," MC said, removing his welding mask. "Never thought of that before." "Thought of what?" Tails asked, removing his mask. "An age spell," MC said. "To reverse his aging to a point he was fully healed." "Could that actually work?" Tails asked. "Only one way to find out," MC said. Then Tails and MC put away the welding supplies and headed out of there. Back at Freedom Fighters Mansion, Twilight was reading over the spell to de-age Jules after MC would Deroboticize him. "Okay, with the final preparations of the spell, it should be... ready to go," Twilight said. She then looked towards MC. "You ready to do this, MC?" "It's been a while since I Deroboticized someone with my power," MC said, stretching out his arms and hands, his fingers locked together while cracking his knuckles. "Are you sure you're up for this, Dad?" Sonic asked. "If it means I'll be able to actually feel anything again, I'm willing to risk it," Jules said, patting Sonic's cheek. Just then, Tails, MC, Midpoint and Olive came in. "You sure you wanna go through with this, Jules?" MC asked. "As ready as I'll ever be," Jules said. "Okay," MC said, his hands started glowing. "This might start hurting." He then aimed his arms right towards Jules and golden beams came from his hands, the beams heading towards Jules. MC fired golden beams from his hands, the beams heading towards Jules. Then Jules started to cringe as the pain was starting to come to him. His robotic form then started becoming organic. As soon as he was fully organic, MC stopped. "Alright, Sparkles, now!" MC said. Twilight nodded. She then fired a beam of magic from her horn, the magic surrounding Jules. Jules was struggling through the pain, but it was starting to sooth. Jules was no longer a robot. He is now a fully fleshed Mobian Hedgehog. Similar to Sonic, except he had brown hair over his forehead, a red vest, brown gloves and brown boots. "J-Jules?" Bernie asked. Jules looked down at himself. He then patted himself, checking to see if anything hurt. He then checked his hands. He then looked at Twilight. "Am I...?" Jules asked. "Yes, Jules," Twilight said. "You're back to full health and condition." "I... I don't believe it," Jules said. He then looked towards Bernie. "Bernie?" "Jules!" Bernie then ran over towards Jules and the two hugged. "Dad?" Sonic asked. Jules looked towards Sonic. He then smiled. "Sonic, by boy," Jules said. "Come give your old man a hug." Then Sonic rushed over and gave Jules a hug. "Oh, dad," Sonic said. Peeking her head in from outside, Misty saw Sonic hugging his dad. Misty was wearing her Movie Theater Uniform. She saw how much emotion that Sonic was giving off when he was with his dad. "Aw..." Misty said. "That's so sweet." Misty then walked back towards her room. As she got in she sat on her bed. She then pulled out her paycheck she gotten from work. "Well, at least you're worth something to me." She then looked over at something on her bedside table. It was a homemade doll made of a tennis ball, a small crystal, a tea cup, and other objects. "I really wish I knew my dad, Madame Taffytail." Just then, she heard a voice. "Misty!" "Huh? Wha...?" Misty asked, looking around. "Who... who's there?" "Misty come back!" Just then, she had a vision. She saw herself as a filly, somewhere in a forest. She was running around a giant tree, trying to catch butterflies, laughing all the way. But as she came close to catching one, she tripped on something. "Whoa!" filly Misty cried out. "Ow." She then looked around for what she tripped on. "What happened?" She then saw what she tripped on. It was the necklace that Misty of the Present was wearing. She picked it up. "Huh? What is this?" "Misty! Where are you?!" came that voice that Misty was hearing. "D-Daddy?" filly Misty asked. Just then, the eye of the necklace opened up, started floating around Misty, going at incredible speed. Filly Misty gasped at that. "Wha... What's happening?" Just then, the necklace opened a portal above her, sucking her in. Filly Misty then screamed, shutting her eyes tight as the voice of Misty's father came in. "Misty! Misty, no!" Filly Misty could no longer hear the voice of her father. When she opened her eyes, she was that she was in some kind of Throne Room. She then looked around. "H-hello?" filly Misty asked. "Glad to see somepony has returned what rightfully belongs to me," came the voice of Opaline. Filly Misty jumped and turned around, seeing Opaline behind her. She was holding the necklace in her hand. Filly Misty then screamed as the vision was ending. Misty then sat up, gasping at what she just experienced. She then took deep breaths in and out. "What was that?" Misty asked. "Was that... Opaline's doing?" She then shook her head. "No. That was something else." From the top of the building, MC's mother, Sarah Crayton, the Iron Mask, was looking towards Misty's room, not being seen by anyone. She then removed her mask. "So, that's how you ended up with Opaline," Sarah Crayton said. "You were pulled from your timeline to this one. Well, Misty, you aren't the only one from that time to be in this time." She then saw Hitch and Sparky. "Sparky!" Hitch called out. "Come back here you silly dragon." Sarah smiled at that. She then opened up a time rift and walked through it without getting anyone's attention. Meanwhile, in the alternate future Equestria, in Zephyr Heights, Future MC and some royal guards were walking down the hall, along with a royal advisor. "Is everything arranged for the Manesquarade Ball?" Future MC asked. "Yes, my king," the royal advisor said. "The Ball has been prepared." "That's good," Future MC said. "How's the new Sheriff of Maretime Bay doing since he took over?" "Sheriff Shadow is doing his job just as well as Sheriff Hitch was," the royal advisor answered. "Especially since you royally pardoned him and released him from his prison and he took down Sprout Cloverleaf." "I kinda had to," Future MC said. "I couldn't just abandon this place to take down Sprout. There was too much paperwork to be done. Especially with the disappearance of the Sheriff, the Princesses, Sunny and Izzy." "Don't forget Cloudpuff," said one of the guards. "Oh, I sent Cloudpuff to where Zipp and Pipp are in the other timeline," Future MC said. "Might as well have him be with someone he knows." He then sighed. "How's the progress on Project: Meadowbrook?" He led the group into one room that had a capsule at the end, and somepony was in the capsule with a breathing mask over her face. That somepony was Queen Haven. "Progress on Project: Meadowbrook are going really well," the Royal Advisor said. One of the scientists walked up to Future MC. "Indeed, my king," the scientist said. "Pretty soon, Queen Haven will be out of there." "How soon?" Future MC asked. "About a month," the scientist replied. "A month, huh?" Future MC asked. "Well, if it means getting her back to full health from what Mephiles did to her, then she'll be fine." He then walked up to the capsule and put his left hand on it. "If only it were that easy to tell her that her two daughters are trapped in the past on a different timeline." He then walked away, the royal advisor, the scientist and the guards following him. In the capsule, a tear was coming out of Queen Haven's right eye. Back in the present timeline, Sonic and his parents were heading into the garage. Sonic was getting the keys to a car. He then headed for a Ford F-150, which was MC's. Sonic then drove the truck to the garage door where Jules and Bernie were waiting. MC then saw Sonic's parents getting into his truck. "Hey!" MC called out. He then ran towards the truck. "Sonic! That's my truck!" "Sorry, MC," Sonic said. "We gotta go pick up Sonia and Manic. For a good ol' family reunion." He then drove down the driveway fast as Jules and Bernie closed their doors. "SONIC!!" MC called out, angrily. > Episode 9: The Junior Olympics > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 9: The Junior Olympics At Freedom Fighters Mansion, Mutt's alarm clock was going off. He woke up, got out of bed, and headed out of there. He went into the weight room, and was jumping rope. Then he was doing some sit ups. Then he was lifting some 10 pound weights. Just then, Hitch came into the weight room, seeing Mutt there. "Mutt?" Hitch asked. "What are you doing here in the weight room so early?" "Today's the day where the Junior Olympics are gonna be starting in Station Square State Park," Mutt said. "I'm getting ready to compete in the competitions." "Oh, yeah, I heard that," Hitch said. "I'm actually supposed to be one of the sports officials for the games there. In fact, I should get over there." "Then c'mon, you two!" came Izzy's voice, surprising the two boys. "We've gotta get to the park for the Junior Olympics!" Mutt and Hitch looked at each other, and nodded. Mutt then put away the weights and he and Hitch left the room to head to the garage. Ocellus then came out of her room. Mutt stopped and saw her. "Ocellus?" Mutt asked. "I thought you were working at the library today?" "Actually, the library's closed today," Ocellus replied. "I don't know why." "It's actually because everyone wants to see the Junior Olympics," Hitch said. "You could come if you'd like." "Actually, I have been reading about the Olympics," Ocellus said. "They sound a lot like the Equestria Games." "Let me guess, they're a bunch of games that competitors compete in different events?" Mutt asked. "Yeah, pretty much," Ocellus said. "So, why are you heading out there?" "I'm competing there," Mutt said. "I actually wanna win it so I can carry the American Torch with my mom." "Aw, that's nice," Ocellus said. "I'm in. Let's go." Then the four of them headed for the garage. At Station Square State Park, a bunch of young Mobians were getting ready to compete for the Junior Olympics that were about to start. A lot of young Mobians were in line to sign up, some were stretching, some were staying hydrated because it was summer, and some were resting up before the events start. Mutt was doing some push ups as he was getting ready for the games. Ocellus was the only one that was with him since Hitch and Izzy went to officiate the games. "Wow," Ocellus said. "You're getting yourself worked up. Don't you think you should slow down before the games start?" "You know what, maybe you're right," Mutt said. He then grabbed a water bottle and drank out of it. "It might be best for me to take it easy before the games start." "Oh, really?" came a voice. "And I thought you'd be a warrior." Mutt and Ocellus looked towards the voice and they saw a certain echidna coming up to them. "Knuckles?" Mutt asked. "What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be guarding the Master Emerald." "I was originally, but maybe I should start getting off the island more," Knuckles said. "But, with what happened on Angel Island, it was best for the Master Emerald to be put under one of the most secure places on Earth." "And where would that be?" Ocellus asked. "I'll never reveal the location of the Master Emerald to anyone," Knuckles said. "So, these... Junior Olympics... are a big deal for you?" "Yeah," Mutt said. "I actually wanted to do this for a while. The Muttski family always competed in the Olympics for generations. Although, my dad only competed only one time." "Really?" Knuckles asked. "What happened? Was he slayed in battle by a worthy foe?" "No," Mutt said. "He did die, but it wasn't because he was slain in battle. Mom says he was training for some track and field event. And then all of a sudden... he was..." Mutt then put his right fist to his mouth, biting his thumb knuckle. "Apparently, a robbery was happening around that area and the armed robber... shot my dad." "Oh, that must've been tough on your mom," Ocellus said. "It was," Mutt said. "Especially after I was born." "So you wanna win this for the honor of your family," Knuckles said. "I can respect that. Your mother and father would be proud." "Yeah," Mutt said. "That's why... I'm gonna win." "Win, you say?" came a voice. The three of them looked towards the voice and saw Cozy Glow. Instead of her normal outfit (a white tank top, a light blue skirt, and red and pink tennis shoes), she had on a white t-shirt, a pair of light blue track shorts with two magenta vertical lines on each side, and light blue running shoes with pink soles. "We shall see about that." "Cozy Glow?" Mutt asked. "You're competing for the Junior Olympics?" "Yeah, I'd thought if you were gonna compete, it'd be for Equestria," Ocellus said. "Not since I started attending school here in the US," Cozy Glow said. "That's right," came Midpoint's voice. They all looked towards the voice and they saw Midpoint walking towards them. "It took me a year to get Cozy Glow registered to attend any American sports." "Did you play in any sports back in San Francisco?" Mutt asked. "I did, actually," Cozy Glow said. "Soccer and Volleyball." "Volleyball?" Mutt asked. "Let me guess, you're the middle blocker?" "Nope," Cozy Glow said. "Outside hitter. Plus, I'm not allowed to use these." She then unfolded her wings. "Flying's illegal in the sport. Coach told me before I started playing." "That's good," came Amy's voice. They all looked towards her and they saw Amy, Cream and Cheese. Cream was also wearing a different outfit. "Amy and Cream?" Mutt asked. "Cream, you're competing, too?" "Yes," Cream said. "It sounds like a lot of fun, so I wanna do this, too." "Okay," came Midpoint's voice. The group saw him coming up with Olive, Smolder and Blaze behind him. "You two are registered to compete." He then saw Mutt. "You forgot to register in, Mutt, so I did it for you." "Oh, guess I was too much in a rush just to get ready," Mutt said. "Smolder?" Ocellus asked. "Why are you here?" "Oh, uh... j-just wanting... to... help out," Smolder said, trying to come up with an excuse. "Really?" Blaze asked. "I thought it was because you wanted to..." Smolder put a finger to Blaze's mouth, shushing her. "Ah-da-da-da-da!" Smolder said. "We do not talk about that." "Oh... kay," Blaze said. "So, what are the events of these Junior Olympics?" Midpoint then pulled out an event pamphlet. He then said, "Let me see. Looks like it has up to 10 events. We have archery, long jump, triple jump, shot put, fencing, table tennis, cycling, trampoline, skateboarding... and the final event is a foot race around the entire park." "I do not know what some of those events are," Knuckles said. "Well, no doubt that Cozy's gonna win the archery competition," Mutt said. "She has the best archer as an adopted brother. And the long jump, and triple jump." "Unless Cream wins one of those two events," Ocellus said. "Cozy's not the only one who can fly, remember." "I was surprised at that when I was watching her," Smolder said. "Okay, we've got time for the first event," Midpoint said. "Which is... skateboarding." "Oh, boy," Cozy said. "Let's see what these events hold," Knuckles said. "C'mon, Hound. You should get ready." Mutt sighed and said, "My nickname is Mutt." They all headed towards the first event. They eventually made it to the skateboarding ring. Just outside the fence of the ring, there was an announcer's table, where Scarlet Garcia was sitting and the camera was on her. "Good morning, everyone. I'm Scarlet Garcia, and I'm here hosting the Junior Olympics for the Mobians competing here. In fact, we have the youngest members of the Freedom Fighters joining today's events. Ben Muttski, Cream the Rabbit, and reformed Equestrian villain, Cozy Glow. First up, we have the skateboarding competition." All of the Young Mobian competitors had number tags on them. Mutt had the number 7, Cream had the number 15, and Cozy had the number 42. "Each contestant will be going in the order of what number they'll be assigned. We'll see who'll be a step closer to winning the chance to run with the torch in Paris. Contestant one, take your mark." Time had passed, and Mutt was on his skateboard, racking up some points. "Look at Ben Muttski go," Scarlet Garcia said through the speakers. "He's coming in to finish it off." Mutt then headed for the exiting ramp and did a double backflip and landed on his feet. "And what an ending. Let's see what the judges have to say." Then everyone looked towards the four judges. One of them being famous skateboarding legend, Tony Hawk. Then the judges held up their judging cards. Judge 1 gave out a 10, Judge 2 gave out a 9, Judge 3 gave out a 9, and Tony Hawk gave out a 10. "A total of 38 points! Ben Muttski is the one to beat!" Mutt walked over towards Knuckles and Ocellus with his skateboard. "That was a pretty good run," Mutt said. "I've had a lot of practice on my Extreme Gear; the Guard Dog." "It was an amazing ride, but the competition isn't over yet," Knuckles said. "You must have the highest amount of wins before you can call it a glorious victory." "Next contestant!" came Hitch's voice. Eventually, the other young Mobian contestants took their turn. When Cream was finishing up, she had gotten a perfect 40, making Mutt and Cozy go jaw dropped. "Oh, there is no beating that," Cozy said. "Definitely not," Mutt said. We then skipped ahead to the end where the scoreboard was, and Cream's line had a win card in her position in the skateboarding mark. "That was unexpected," Ocellus said. "You're telling me," Smolder said. "I can't believe that Cream actually won that event. Let's see what's next." The next event was shot put competition. Mutt was getting ready to throw it. Knuckles was giving him some advice. "If you throw with just your waste, it won't be able to get it far," Knuckles said. "Try using your entire body for more momentum which will lead to a farther throwing distance." "Really?" Mutt asked. "Are you sure that will work?" "Let me check," Ocellus said, bringing out a pencil and notepad. She then started doing an equation. Her eyes went wide eyed. "Whoa. You could reach at least 30 meters." "Next up, Ben Muttski!" came Izzy's voice. Mutt then headed for the throwing circle. He was given the shot put as he was standing in the center of the circle. Mutt then turned his body towards the right, but then he turned his body 390 degrees to the left, his right leg extended but still inside the line, and the released the shot put into the air, and headed across the lines that count every 10 meters. The shot put that Mutt threw went passed the 40 meter line, landing a little over one meter passed it. Izzy came up and inspected the distance. "Forty-One-point-one-three meters!" Mutt walked over towards Knuckles and reached up for a high five. Knuckles smirked and high-fived Mutt. Eventually, the event ended and Mutt took victory in shot put, earning him a point. The next event was archery. Every competitor was competing at once with their individual targets. All of them released. Cozy Glow's arrow was the only one that hit the bullseye. She won the event. The next event was the long jump. All the contestants were taking turns on the jump. Mutt came in third place, Cream came in second, and Cozy came in first. "Oh, c'mon!" Smolder said. "Pegasi are the lightest ponies, so of course she got the long jump!" "Physics don't lie," Ocellus said. Next up was the trampoline. All the contestants jumped on the trampoline, but it was Cream that came up on top. Then it came up to the fencing competition. Mutt was geared up as Knuckles was giving him some advice. "If you're going to strike your opponent, you must make sure you're not hit," Knuckles said. "Read your opponent's movement, block his or her attack, and then strike." "I can do that," Mutt said. He then put his safety helmet on. He won the first round, and then eventually, he made it to the finals against Cozy Glow. He took victory. Mutt then got another point. Mutt, Cream and Cozy each had two points. The next event was the triple jump. That time, Cream won the event. She beat Cozy Glow by an inch. Then it went over to the cycling event. Cozy Glow took victory. And to finish it off, it was table tennis. Mutt was already advanced to the finals while Cream and Cozy were competing in the semi-finals. Both Cream and Cozy were wearing each other out. Mutt, Knuckles, Midpoint, Olive, Amy, Smolder and Ocellus were off to the side waiting for the game to end. "I do not understand," Knuckles said. "How long does this game go?" "Until one of them gets 5 points," Mutt replied. "And so far, they each have four points. So the next point wins." Cream and Cozy were wanting to finish this. And without realizing it, both of them started flying. But then a whistle blew, breaking their concentration. "Both competitors forfeit!" Izzy called out. "Muttski wins!" "What?!" Mutt, Cream, Cozy Glow and Knuckles asked. "Flying is strictly prohibited in table tennis!" Izzy said. "Seriously?" Cozy Glow asked. "It's true," Hitch said, walking up to the two competitors. "You must not be off the ground for more than 5 seconds at a time. You two were in the air for more than five, so you're both disqualified. Thus, Ben Muttski is the winner." Then the crowd applauded. Mutt had his arms crossed and he smirked. Knuckles was giving a deadpanned expression and said, "That victory was just pure luck. There was no glory in that." "Hey, but it gives me a chance to stay in," Mutt said. "Now, I'm tied with them with three wins in the events." Knuckles looked at the scoreboard and saw that Mutt, Cream and Cozy Glow each had three wins each. "I see," Knuckles said. "Then, you must prepare for the last event. The foot race around the park. You must win if you are going to carry the torch." "And you're also gonna need running shoes for it," Hitch said. "You can't use your Jet Shoes." Mutt then looked down at his shoes. "Good point," Mutt said. "I'm gonna need to run to the shoe store." "No need, Hound," Knuckles said. "While you were eating your meal, I went to the shoe store. Of course, the great archer, Lynol, had given me the money to pay for these." Knuckles then held out a pair of Nike running shoes. "Oh, sick shoes!" Mutt said, taking the shoes. He then took off his Jet Shoes and put on the running shoes. "Hold onto my Jet Shoes, will you?" "Of course, Hound," Knuckles said, taking Mutt's Jet Shoes. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen," came Scarlet Garcia's voice from the speakers. "The final competition is about to start. Will Ben Muttski, Cream the Rabbit and Cozy Glow please report to the starting line. Everyone else, better luck next time." Then every one else who competed stepped out to the sidelines. Mutt, Cream and Cozy all got into position at the starting line. Hitch and Izzy were standing at each side of the start/finish line. "Okay, racers!" Hitch called out. "The goal is to run around the park three times and back here! No flight or super speed is allowed in the race!" Izzy was holding the starting flag. She then held it up. "Okay, you three. Get into position." Then Mutt, Cream and Cozy Glow all got down on all fours into the starting position. "On your marks! Get set!" Mutt, Cream and Cozy Glow raised their rear ends up. Then Izzy waved the starting flag. "GO!!" Then the three racers started running. They went through the park gate and ran down the sidewalk. As the crowd was waiting for the three finalist to finish the race, Knuckles, Amy, Blaze, Midpoint, Olive, Smolder, Ocellus and Cheese were having a picnic. Knuckles was eating only the grapes that were packed. "Hey, save some grapes for the rest of us, Knuckles," Amy said. "Sorry," Knuckles said. "There's not much to eat on Angel Island." "That's true," Midpoint said. "Knuckles does nothing but train, eat grapes, and guard the Master Emerald." "I am more than just a guardian, but a warrior," Knuckles said. "It might be lonely sometimes, but it's actually nice coming down from the island once in a while." "Who did you have guarding the Master Emerald while you were off it during the time in Soleanna and at Sonic's birthday?" Olive asked. "During Soleanna, I had the Chaotix guarding it," Knuckles said. "And during Sonic's Birthday, I've had Omega guarding it." "That explains where he was during that time," Olive said. "Ba ha-ha ha-ha!" came a new voice. "Uh oh," Midpoint said. "I know that laugh." The group turned to face the laugh and they saw a certain robot they haven't seen in a while. "Hi!" Bokkun said. "Bokkun!" Midpoint said. "What are you doing here?!" "Oh, relax!" Bokkun said. "I didn't come here to cause any trouble! What's the point of having to cause trouble if the Doctor is still missing?!" The group looked at each other. Then they shrugged their shoulders. "You have a point," Olive said. "So where have you been all this time?" Amy asked. "Yeah, we haven't seen much of you last season," Ocellus said. "Oh, that?" Bokkun asked. "Well, it's just that..." Just then, his jet pack stopped working. "Waaaaaaah! Oof!" Bokkun just crashed into the ground. "Ow..." "What just happened?" Blaze asked. Bokkun sat up and held his stomach. "Oh, man," Bokkun said. "Not again." "What's going on?" Olive asked. "Okay, I confess!" Bokkun said. "After the whole black alien invasion happened, Doctor Eggman said that he had no use for me. He tried to disassemble me, but I broke out and left. So, I've been trying to find a place to call home, but every time I try to find a place, I've always been kicked out!" Just then, his stomach growled. "And now, I'm just scavenging for any kind of food I can find." "I thought you were a robot," Olive said. "Why do you need food?" "Bokkun has been specifically made with taste buds and a stomach which converts whatever he eats into fuel," Midpoint said. "I know. I hacked into the EggNet on a dare." "That was you?" Bokkun asked. "Who else would have a complex mind to hack into Eggman's network?" Midpoint asked. "How many PhD's does Eggman have? 12. How many PhD's do I have? 14." "That would make you the smartest person in the world," Ocellus said. "At least I'm also smart enough to know that genius minds don't mean superiority," Midpoint said. "The racers have just finished their second lap, and they're all neck and neck!" came Scarlet Garcia's voice from the speakers. "Oh, sounds like the three of them are just about to finish," Olive said. "Let's go see the winner." "Hold up," Bokkun said. He then held up a bunch of boxes. "I have something for each of you." He then gave them all to Midpoint, Amy, Olive, Blaze, Knuckles, Smolder and Ocellus. "I hope you all like it." Knuckles smirked and said, "Perhaps the little bot has changed his ways." "Maybe not," Midpoint said. "Maybe we should take..." Just then, the presents exploded, and those holding them were covered in soot. Bokkun laughed and started flying away from the group, calling out, "I hope to see you all again soon!" He then laughed again. Midpoint grumbled. He then brought out his bow and a trick arrow. He aimed his arrow towards Bokkun and released the arrow. The arrow made contact with the booster of Bokkun's flight pack and out came purple goop, putting out the flames. "Huh?" Bokkun asked when his acceleration started decreasing. "Uh oh. Whaaaaaaaa!" Then Bokkun crashed into the pond. A few seconds later, Bokkun swam up to the top, spitting out the water. "Hey! No fair!" He then started crying. "You guys can't take a joke!" He then started swimming towards the edge of the pond. "It's no joke if someone gets hurt," Midpoint said. "You speak wise words, archer," Knuckles said. "But that was a little harsh, don't you think?" "Yeah, it was," Midpoint said. "But, I'm sure that he'll get over it." During the race, Mutt, Cream and Cozy Glow were running as fast as they could. Mutt was starting to lose momentum, making Cream and Cozy pass him. Knuckles jumped on top of the wall, seeing Mutt falling behind. "C'mon, Hound!" Knuckles shouted. "You're better than that! Make your mother proud!" Mutt heard that. He then cringed his eyebrows and started speeding up. He was eventually getting closer to the two girls in front of him. Cream and Cozy were surprised that Mutt was catching up with them. They tried running faster than each other. They eventually made it to the entrance, heading for the finish line. "And the winner is...!" Hitch called out. Just then, the three racers ran through the finish line, but Mutt was the first one to make contact with the ribbon. "Ben Muttski!" "Alright!" Mutt shouted. Cream and Cozy Glow sighed. The others walked up to the three young ones. "It was still a good effort," Midpoint said. "You gave it your all, and that's okay." "He's right," Olive said. "It's not about winning or losing, but playing the game." "So, Mutt, who are you going to get you to carry the torch?" Amy asked. "My mom," Mutt answered. "I might as well do it with someone I love." "That's nice," Amy said. "Well, we should go home and contact her about this." "Well, hope you all enjoy your time," Knuckles said. "I've got to get back to training." Then he started walking away. Then the other heroes started leaving the park. But then, Scarlet Garcia came up to them. "Congratulations, Ben Muttski," Scarlet said, holding a trophy. "Here's your trophy. You'll be able to hold the torch when you get to Paris." She then remembered something. "Oh, and one more thing." She then held out something. "A Chaos Emerald!" Mutt said. "That's two," Midpoint said. "Just five more left." "Hopefully, we'll find the others before any more trouble comes," Amy said. Then the heroes started walking out of the park, heading to their homes. > Episode 10: Sergeant Mufasa's Military School > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 10: Sergeant Mufasa's Military School Gallus opened up the mailbox, grabbing the mail. He then walked back towards the mansion. "Nicole," Gallus said. "Tell everyone the mail's here." "Of course, Gallus," Nicole's voice came from the intercom just outside the gate. Gallus then walked into the house and started sorting the mail. As soon as Gallus finished sorting the mail, Truemen walked up to where the mail was sorted. He reached into his box and grabbed what was his. "Ad, ad, ad... Huh?" Truemen said, looking at something he grabbed. "My old military school?" "You went to a military school?" Gallus asked. "It was before the alien invasion," Truemen said, opening the letter. He then checked what was in it and read it. He then went wide eyed. "What? Insubordination? Quitting?" He then growled. "Kultz! That idiot!" "Who's Kultz?" Gallus asked. "Darius Kultz, he's a bully at the military school I attended before the alien invasion," Truemen said. "He was always mean to me. He always made me clean up his shoes, do the laundry, and even wash all the weapons, saying it was the Sergeant's orders. But Kultz told him that I volunteered." "Whoa," Gallus said. "Now that's just messed up." "I agree," came Zipp's voice. "If Kultz was making your life miserable at your old military school, then the sergeant should hear about it." "I've tried it, but Kultz denied everything," Truemen said. "And besides..." Truemen then took off his jacket, showing off his magic robot arm. "My old military school doesn't allow anyone to use powers of any kind. How am I going to explain to them about my robot arm?" "Just tell 'em what happened," Gallus said. "If you tell 'em what happened, they might be able to listen." "You think I haven't?" Truemen asked. "Kultz has gotten the Sergeant wrapped around his weaselly little finger. That weasel is such a weasel." "Then perhaps we should pay your old school a visit," came MC's voice. The group looked towards the voice and saw MC standing there. "MC?" Truemen asked. "What do you mean?" "If Darius Kultz is as bad as you say he is, he needs to be taught a lesson," MC said. "Let's get going." MC, Zipp, Gallus and Truemen were in MC's Ford F-150, all of them heading to Truemen's old military school. MC was driving and Truemen was in the passenger seat. Gallus was behind MC and Zipp was behind Truemen. Zipp was talking to Pipp through video phone. "I hope you finish up soon, Zipp," Pipp said through the phone. "Don't forget, I need your help with the opening for the shop opening next week." "I know, Pipp," Zipp said. "It's just we gotta do something for Truemen at his old military school." "That would explain the shirt he has," Pipp said. "Just be home in time." "Fine," Zipp said. "I'll try to be there on time. Bye." She then hung up and groaned. "Relax, Zephyrina," MC said. "We won't be there long. It'll just be for a couple days." "Don't call me that, MC," Zipp said. "Wait, so your full name is Zephyrina Storm?" Gallus asked. Zipp groaned and said, "It's only my Mom who gets to call me that." She then sighed. "Or at least, she was." "Oh, right," Gallus said. "Your mom got killed by a sinister shadow that looks like Shadow. Kinda wish I've been there." "Mephiles woulda killed you on the spot," MC said. "Or get burned alive by Iblis." "Oh, turn right here," Truemen said, pointing his robot hand to the right. "Roger that," MC said, turning the wheel. Then they came up to the main entrance. MC turned the truck towards the gate where a toll arm was preventing them from entering. The box controlling the toll arm was on the driver's side. MC rolled down the window. "Who dares enter Sergeant Mufasa's Military School?" the man in the box asked, standing at attention. MC pulled out his wallet and showed his ID to the man, saying, "Prince Michael Crayton of the Freedom Fighters. I'm here with former student here, Truemen the Bear." Truemen looked towards the man, giving a nervous grin. The man looked at Truemen with a stern look. He then looked down at MC's ID and smirked. He then said, "Your father is angry at you for leaving his school, Truemen. Report to your father's office, Truemen. Sergeant Mufasa wanted to speak with you for a long time since abandoning the school he worked anxiously to run." The man handed MC back his wallet. MC, Gallus and Zipp looked towards Truemen with shocked expressions. "Your dad... is the Sergeant and Headmaster of this Military School?" MC asked. "Yeah, I have a lot of explaining to do," Truemen said. Then MC started driving up to the school and went into the guest parking lot. When the truck was parked, they started walking up to the school. When they reached the doors, the doors opened, revealing a red weasel standing at the door at attention. "Hello, Bear," the weasel said. "Kultz," Truemen said. "You weasel." MC looked towards Truemen and asked, "That's Kultz?" "Yes," Truemen said. "You shouldn't have come back, Bear," Kultz said. "Your father is really ticked after abandoning this place." "That's not what happened," Truemen said. "You're lying." Kultz chuckled and said, "Who says I'm lying? You are not welcome back here." "Says you," MC said, charging his left fist with golden energy. "None of you are allowed in this facility," Kultz said. "We were just told that Truemen's dad was expecting him!" Zipp said. "Yeah, and it's obvious you're lying!" Gallus said, crossing his arms. "What's going on here?!" came a voice. Then an adult bear came to the doorway. He was wearing a military hat and uniform as he came to the door, seeing the guests. He then saw Truemen as he was covering his right arm. "Truemen?" "Hey, dad," Truemen said. "I told you before, Truemen!" Sergeant Mufasa snapped. "In the presence of others, it's Sergeant Mufasa or Sir! You hear that, soldier!" Truemen stood at attention. "Yes, Sir!" Truemen said. "Good!" Sergeant Mufasa shouted. "Now! All of you report to my office at once!" "Yes, Sir!" Truemen, Zipp and Gallus said, standing at attention. MC was the only one not standing at attention. Sergeant Mufasa turned towards MC and shouted, "Stand at attention!" "You can't give me orders like that, dude," MC said. "I'm Prince Michael Crayton." "You don't get to defy...!" Sergeant Mufasa shouted until he realized what MC said. "Wait... did you say Prince Michael Crayton?" "Sir, it's obvious this fox is lying," Kultz said. "There's no way he's a..." "At ease, Kultz!" Sergeant Mufasa shouted. He then looked at MC. "I can actually see the resemblance between you and your father." "You knew my dad?" MC asked. "I've met him when I was just starting my first off shore assignment," Sergeant Mufasa said. "You sure look a lot like him." "Of course," MC said. "Let's talk." Sergeant Mufasa nodded. Then they all headed into the building. Kultz growled at that before following the group inside. In Sergeant Mufasa's office, Sergeant Mufasa was sitting at his desk with MC, Truemen, Gallus and Zipp standing in front of the desk. "So, you left my military school to join the Freedom Fighters during the alien invasion?" Sergeant Mufasa asked. "No, that is not what happened," Truemen said. "I didn't leave. Kultz locked me out after he pushed me towards those aliens. He said I never belonged here." "Don't you dare lie to me, Truemen!" Sergeant Mufasa snapped. "Sergeant, I can assure to you that your son is not lying," MC said. "I can tell when someone..." He was then interrupted. "Don't interrupt me when I'm talking to my troops!" Sergeant Mufasa snapped. He then sighed. "Truemen, report back to your quarters this instant. Tomorrow, report back to your training." "But..." Truemen said, but was interrupted. "End of discussion!" Sergeant Mufasa snapped. "Captain Kultz! Take Truemen back to his quarters!" Then Kultz came into the room. "With pleasure," Kultz said, grabbing Truemen's left arm. "Captain?!" Truemen asked as he was being dragged out of the office. The door closed. MC growled. "What the heck's wrong with you?!" MC asked. "Your son was telling the truth! I can literally smell lies!" "I've seen your work on the news, your Highness," Sergeant Mufasa said, walking up to MC. "But you know what? You rely too much on your powers." "My powers are only in case of emergencies," MC said. "I don't use them all the time." He then sighed. "Besides, Truemen's now one of us. A Freedom Fighter." "He must continue with military training!" Sergeant Mufasa shouted. "This school must train its students to be soldiers before they're sent out into the field! Not only in survival and fighting skills, but also through honor! As well as my old commander did while he and I served in the US Military, Commander Thaddeus Reynolds!" He pointed at a framed picture of his old commander, who was a human. "Thaddeus Reynolds?" MC asked. "That's Lynol's grandfather, on his mother's side." "Oh, that's right, Alex said he was born human," Gallus said. "And he did say that he learned from his maternal grandpa that there is no honor if there is no honesty." "Guess Alex did learn a lot from his grandfather," Sergeant Mufasa said. "But I'm afraid that you three must be leaving. My son has to get back to military training." "What?" Zipp asked. "You can't..." "He's a Freedom Fighter, like us," Gallus said. "Even though she and I are in training." "Sorry, you three," Sergeant Mufasa said. "But Truemen must continue in his military training before leaving to do what is right. And I'm afraid that he has no time for being a Freedom Fighter." Just then, the door opened, and in came some soldiers, pulling the three Freedom Fighters out. "Hey, let go!" Gallus said. "What are you doing?!" Zipp asked. "I appreciate you looking after my son, but I'm afraid that it's time for you to go," Sergeant Mufasa said. "Men, make sure that these three are escorted off the premises." "Yes, sir!" the two soldiers said. MC growled at that. Truemen was back in his old quarters. He looked around at what was there and sighed. He was about to reach into the chest that had his stuff when there was banging coming from the closet. Truemen was antsy about it. So he slowly walked towards the closet. When he reached it, he opened it and falling out of it was a male raccoon. His hands were tied up and his mouth was gagged. Truemen recognized him and pulled him towards the bed. "Holtzman!" Truemen said as he was pulling the raccoon towards the bed. He then ungagged the raccoon known as Holtzman. "Who did this to you?" "You came back, Truemen," Holtzman said. "I was almost afraid that one of those aliens ate you." "Well, in a way..." Truemen said. He then showed off his robot arm. "...they did." "Oh, my god!" Holtzman said. "You have a robot arm! That there should be enough proof to get your father to listen to you!" "You know that won't be enough!" Truemen said. "Kultz has every grown up wrapped around his weaselly little finger!" "You're right," Holtzman said, thinking about it. "Kultz is a real jerk. He's been on me ever since I've recorded him pushing you out of the school when those aliens were attacking." Truemen froze up from what Holtzman said. He then turned around and asked, "What did you say?" Holtzman looked around to see if anyone was watching them. When he could confirm that the two were alone, Holtzman faced Truemen again. "I brought my video camera with me when I was brought here," Holtzman replied. "I've been recording everything that Kultz has done behind the backs of every grown up that work here. But when he caught me recording him, he took my camera from me and smashed it, but not before I pulled out my Micro SD card." "So you still have proof of him doing all the bad things he's done?" Truemen asked. "Yes, but I've hidden it," Holtzman said. "I've hidden it outside of the school, but with Kultz watching my every move after I leave our room, I can't even get out to get the proof." Truemen then looked towards the window in the room. He then said, "I know some guys who can." He then brought up his robot hand, and made its thumb and pinkie fingers extend. The two fingers got longer, revealing a microphone in the pinkie and a speaker in the thumb. Then some holographic buttons appeared, and he used the rest of the robot fingers to dial a number. Meanwhile, across the street from the Military School, at a gas station, MC was putting gasoline into the gas tank of the truck while Zipp was on the phone. "Okay, Truemen," Zipp said. "We'll go find the Micro SD Card. You just try to find your own way out." "It won't be that easy, Zipp," Truemen's voice came from the phone, which was on speaker phone. "Kultz has this place like its his prison, and he's the warden." "Then we'll take him down," MC said. "When we find that Micro SD Card, we'll show the information to Sergeant Mufasa and expose that weasel for everything he's done." "So, where do we find that card thing?" Gallus asked. "Holtzman says it's hidden in the old greenhouse just North of the overnight war zone," Truemen said. "What's a war zone?" Gallus asked. "It's when a military school divides their students into teams of two," MC said. "It's practice for military training in real life by rifle training with paintball ammo." "Like when we went to that paintball court after your mom took Classic Sonic and Classic Tails back to their timeline," Zipp said. "Oh, man," Gallus said. "Sonia, Rarity and Pipp were upset after being hit the first time." "We warned them to wear helmets," Zipp said. "Well, we should get going," MC said. "If we're gonna find that Micro SD Card, we should head out as soon as possible. We'll meet you back there, Truemen. Just stay put." "Roger that, MC," Truemen said. Zipp then hung up her phone. Then she got into the passenger side seat while MC put the hose back onto the pump. He then closed the gas cap, and went to the front of the truck and slid across it. Gallus then got in the seat behind MC. Back in the Military School, Truemen was in a military school uniform, walking down the halls of the school. Just then, his head was grabbed by someone. He turned around to see Kultz with a dark smirk on his face. "Your hair is too long, Truemen," Kultz said. He then pulled out a razor. "Time for a haircut." "No," Truemen said, sweep kicking Kultz, making him fall over. Truemen then started running away from Kultz. "Hey, get back here!" Kultz said, jumping back onto his feet. "You listen to your captain!" "You're not the captain of me!" Truemen said as he was running. "Actually, I am!" Kultz said. "You're just the sergeant's son who doesn't even deserve special credit. And you never will once my elite team find and destroy that evidence that your so called friends are gonna get." "What?!" Truemen asked, stopping. "That's right, fool," Kultz said. "Your friends are gonna lead my team to the proof that can be easily destroyed." "Why you..." Truemen was about to punch Kultz, but he was tackled by two other students. "Hey! Let me go!" "Lock him up in the basement," Kultz said. "This one's always been a pain." "No! Let me go!" Truemen shouted as he was being dragged. Truemen was eventually thrown down the basement, his arms and waist bound in a rope. He was struggling to get out of the rope when he looked up. He saw Holtzman tied up in the basement as well. "Holtzman?" Truemen asked. "Truemen!" Holtzman said. "They got you too, huh?!" "How did this happen?" Truemen asked. "I thought that we were in the clear, but I guess we weren't," Holtzman said. "We need to get out of here." "No doubt about that," Truemen said. He then tried spreading his arms to snap the rope around him, but it wasn't enough. "Man, this rope is tough." "Does that robot arm of yours have claws?" Holtzman asked. Truemen then went wide eyed. He then wormed his way closer to Holtzman. Holtzman then got closer. When the two were close to each other, Truemen had his robot hand extended. A claw came from the forefinger and it started cutting the rope around Holtzman. It then cut the rope and Holtzman got free. Holtzman then started untying Truemen. "You okay?" "I'll be fine," Truemen said. Truemen was then freed from the rope. "We gotta get out of here." "No doubt that Kultz had his goonies barricade the door," Holtzman said. "Who said anything about using the door?" Truemen asked, smirking. Meanwhile, just North of the Military School's War Zone, MC, Gallus and Zipp arrived at an old greenhouse. Gallus tried opening the door, but it was stuck. "Great," Gallus said. "It won't open. MC, think you can use your powers to get the door open?" "I would, but that would prove Truemen's old man right," MC said. "I would be relying too much on my powers. The real power... is up here." MC then pointed at his head with his left hand. "But if the door is stuck, that means Holtzman found another way in," Zipp said. "Hm." Zipp then put on her Z-Goggles and then a drone came from her bag. The drone then started searching around the greenhouse until it came up on something. "Wait a minute. I see something." Zipp then walked towards where the drone was looking. MC and Gallus followed. They saw that what Zipp was seeing was a board on the outside of the greenhouse wall, being stood up and secured by vines. Zipp took off her Z-Goggles. "If this was supposed to be sealed from the inside, then the board here should have been on the inside of the glass instead of the outside." "Detective Zipp does it again," MC said. He then picked up the board and put it aside. Then the three of them started crawling through the hole that the board was covering. When they got inside, Gallus and Zipp were already hot and fanning themselves. "Wow, it's hot in here," Gallus said. "Greenhouses are usually hot this time of year," MC said. "The glass catches the heat." "Okay," Zipp said. "Time to find that Micro SD Card." Zipp then put her Z-Goggles back on, scanning for anything. She looked around to see if the Micro SD Card was there. Gallus sighed and said, "This is gonna take too long." He then picked up a hand rake. "We might over heat in this place." "Relax, Gallus," Zipp said before she turned to face him. "It's just gonna be..." Zipp then paused. Through Zipp's Z-Goggles, Zipp caught something in the handle of the hand rake that Gallus was holding. "Hold up. Gallus, I see it. It's in the handle of that hand rake." "What?" Gallus asked. He then looked at the hand rake. He then pulled off the tip of the rake, and then he shook the hand rake with the open part down so the Micro SD Card would fall into his hand. "Not bad," MC said. He then took the Micro SD Card and put it into a slot on his glove. "Now we got proof. Let's get out of here." Just then, something burst through the window. What came in was a... "GRENADE!" MC then kicked the grenade back out through the hole it came from and it exploded. Just then, the sound of gun fire came in. "Hit the dirt!" MC, Gallus and Zipp dropped down to the ground as more gunfire was made. MC, Gallus and Zipp were still on the ground, keeping below the gunfire. "What do we do?!" Gallus asked. "Just keep low!" MC said. "Slowly head towards the hole!" Then they all crawled to the hole. But then Gallus saw a rope. He smirked and grabbed it. Outside, the three soldiers that Kultz sent were still firing their rifles. But then, they ran out of bullets. "Dang," one of the men said. Just then, MC came rushing towards the men at normal speed. MC then grabbed one of the rifles of the men, and pulled it out of his hands. Gallus and Zipp came in for an aerial attack and pushed the other two men onto the first one. Gallus and Zipp grabbed their rifles and threw them aside. Then Gallus and Zipp used the rope and tied the three up. "What does Kultz want with the proof?" MC asked, angrily. "The Sergeant is too weak to even be in charge of the school!" the first soldier said. "The only way to get what we want is to take it! That's what real military men do!" "That's what terrorists do," Gallus said. "We would know. We went up against a psychopathic scientist with a long mustache for years." MC and Zipp nodded in agreement. "Let's get back to the school," MC said. Then MC picked up the three tied up men. "Zipp, call the police and tell them to meet us at the Military School." "Roger that," Zipp said. They all started walking away from that area. Back at the school, Sergeant Mufasa was doing a patrol through the halls. When he was turning a corner, he saw a couple of men guarding the basement door. "Soldiers!" Sergeant Mufasa said. "What are you doing standing guard at the basement door?!" "Sir, there are weapons in here that intruders have been trying to steal," one of the guards said. "We're on order to make sure no unauthorized people are allowed in there." "Very good men," Sergeant Mufasa said. "Remain on..." Just then, the door was slammed open, sending both of the men to the wall on the other side. "...duty?" Sergeant Mufasa looked in the door and he saw Truemen and Holtzman, both with angry looks. "Truemen? Holtzman?" "We were locked in there," Truemen said. "By Kultz!" "Kultz?!" Sergeant Mufasa said. "Impossible, he's the most honorable soldier in the school!" Just then, the window on the other side of the wall was broken in and in came MC, landing on all fours. Gallus and Zipp flew in through the hole in the window. "Your Highness?" "Kultz is a liar," MC said. He then held up his right hand. "And here's the proof." MC aimed his hand towards the wall and in came a holographic screen, showing the day Truemen lost his arm. In the video, Kultz was pulling Truemen towards the door the week the Black Arms invaded. "Hey! What are you doing, Kultz! Stop that!" Truemen said in the video. "You can't tell me what to do! You shouldn't be worthy of telling anyone what to do!" Kultz said in the video. "Just because your daddy runs the school doesn't mean you're Captain! That's supposed to be my job! And he just gives it to you on a silver platter?! No way! So long, sucker!" Kultz then opened the door and threw Truemen out of the door, slamming it and locking it. Coming onto the screen was Sergeant Mufasa. "What's going on?!" Sergeant Mufasa asked. "Sarge, it's your son! He's gone AWOL!" Kultz replied. "What?! When he's about to be named captain?!" Sergeant Mufasa asked in the video. "And during an invasion! He better have a good explanation when he gets back." The video then ended. Just then, Kultz ran down the hall, yelling, "Sarge! We have...!" Kultz then stopped when he saw MC, Truemen, Gallus, Zipp, Holtzman and Sergeant Mufasa giving him angry looks. "Kultz!" Sergeant Mufasa shouted. "You threw my son out of the school when those aliens invaded?!" "What?! No!" Kultz said. "I would never." Just then, the video replayed the part where he was throwing out Truemen, and it was on repeat. "So long, sucker! So long, sucker! So long, sucker! So long, sucker! So long, sucker!" "Looks like it's your word against yours," Zipp said. "It's called a hustle," MC said. Kultz growled in anger. Then Sergeant Mufasa shouted, "Captain Kultz, for your deception, corruption and the attempted murder of my son, you are dishonorably discharged, and are going to jail!" "No!" Kultz said, pulling out a pistol. "I worked too hard to get where I am! I am not losing my position to no good goodie two shoes!" He aimed his pistol at Sergeant Mufasa, but Truemen came in and put his robot hand over the barrel of the gun when Kultz pulled the trigger. Kultz was surprised that Truemen blocked the gun without being wounded. "What?! How...?!" Truemen then pulled up the right sleeve of his uniform, revealing his robot arm. "My real arm got eaten by one of those aliens because of what you've done!" Truemen said. He then used his robot arm to squeeze the pistol, crushing it, and making Kultz drop his gun. "You're done! And I'm gonna take you down!" "Truemen," MC said. "You don't have to do this." "Yes I do," Truemen said. He then started fighting Kultz, martial arts style. Kultz tried kicking Truemen, but he blocked the kick with his left hand. Then Truemen spun clockwise and kicked Kultz on the side of the head, sending him to the ground. Kultz then got back up and tried doing a flying helicopter kick on Truemen, but Truemen dodged it. Truemen then did a spin kick, sending Kultz onto the ground. Then Truemen jumped onto Kultz with his robot arm's elbow landing on Kultz's gut, making him cry out in pain. Then some guards came in. "Guards, take this weasel to jail," Sergeant Mufasa said. "He purposely threw my son out of the school during the alien invasion." "Yes, sir!" the guards said. They picked up Kultz as he was trying to resist the guards through the pain he went through. "This isn't over, Truemen!" Kultz said as he was being pulled away. "I will get you back for this!" Sergeant Mufasa looked back towards Truemen and said, "Truemen, I am so sorry for not believing you. You are more than ready to be a captain here." "I'd be honored, sir," Truemen said. Then he looked over at MC, Zipp and Gallus. "But I'm afraid I'm gonna have to turn down the position." "What?" Sergeant Mufasa asked. "Why?" "I'm already a Freedom Fighter, along with these guys," Truemen said. "They rely on me as much as I rely on them." MC walked up to the two bears and said, "He's right, Sarge. Truemen has become a valuable member of the Freedom Fighters. He's a hero along with the rest of us." Sergeant Mufasa then looked at Truemen and asked, "Are you sure?" "I'm sure, sir," Truemen said. Sergeant Mufasa sighed and said, "Well, it's your decision. I can't stop you. Go ahead. Get your stuff and get on out of here. Be careful out there." "Yes, sir," Truemen said. He, MC, Gallus and Zipp started walking away. "Oh, and one more thing," Sergeant Mufasa said, making the four Freedom Fighters stop and turn around. "It's dad to you, whether in private or in public." Truemen smiled at that. He then ran over and hugged Sergeant Mufasa. Then the four Freedom Fighters continued their way down the hall. "Send us a bill for the window, Sarge!" MC called out. Sergeant Mufasa chuckled at that. > Episode 11: Rarity & Pipp's Mane Fashion Style > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 11: Rarity & Pipp's Mane Fasion Style At the Station Square Mall, in the store that was purchased by the Freedom Fighters, Rarity was panicking about all the possibilities of what could go wrong on opening day. "Oh, goodness!" Rarity said. She was breathing in and out. "It could be a total disaster! I don't know what I'd do if this new store tanks on the first day!" Then Pipp walked up to Rarity's left side, wrapping her right arm around the unicorn's shoulders, saying, "Relax, Rarity. We've got this. None of your other stores in Equestria have tanked, have they?" Then Sonia came up to Rarity's right side, wrapping her left arm around the unicorn's shoulders, saying, "You're a very popular unicorn from Equestria, not only on the brink of being one of the greatest fashionista's in the world, but you're also a hero for taking down Doctor Eggman and other threats to the world multiple times." Rarity then thought about it. She then smiled and said, "You're right. I am Rarity. I can do this!" Then the three of them headed for the front entrance, which from the outside, there was a huge curtain blocking the inside entrance. They walked through the curtains where the Freedom Fighters, the rest of the Mane 6, the Young 6, Dulcy, Manic, Midpoint, Olive, Cozy Glow, Sunny, Hitch, Zipp, Izzy, Misty, Spike, Sparky and a bunch of news reporters and cameramen were outside waiting for the store to open. Rarity then stepped up to a podium and said into the microphone, "Ladies and gentlemen, Mobians, Humans and Equestrians, may I welcome you... to Rarity & Pipp's Mane Fashion Style!" Just then, on each side of the curtain, Pipp and Sonia pulled on the rope, revealing the entrance to the store. In the store, Rarity was showing the people her new shop. The camera men followed her. "Welcome, everyone," Rarity said. "Welcome to the opening of Rarity & Pipp's Mane Fashion Style! Where all your fashion needs, along with hair styles, can fit your personality." Rarity then showed them a special mirror. "Here, we have this special mirror that shows you the type of outfit that would fit your personality and the occasion. Whether the customer is male..." Rarity then used her magic to bring Gallus towards the mirror. "Whoa! Hey!" Gallus said. When Gallus stood in front of the mirror, there was a scanning line that scanned Gallus's body in the reflection. Then, the reflection of Gallus showed Gallus wearing a white shirt, a faux leather jacket, blue jeans and his shoes. "Hey, I look good!" He then stepped away from the mirror. "Or female," Rarity said, bringing Smolder towards the mirror. Smolder had her arms crossed with a smirk. The mirror scanned her reflection. But instead of showing an outfit meant for a tough girl, it showed Smolder in her cute dress attire in the mirror, making Smolder go shocked. "Huh? Smolder, you like...?" "Um, this isn't me!" Smolder said, running away from the mirror. Then Sonic, Tails, MC, Mutt and Gallus snickered, remembering what they saw on Smolder at the end of Season 1, Episode 5. "Well, I guess we still have some bugs to fix," Rarity said. "Thanks to the two tech geniuses here, Miles "Tails" Prower and Alex "Midpoint" Lynol, we'll get this mirror up and running again." She then cleared her throat. "Oh, and if you need to get your hair done..." Rarity then showed the people to a part of the store, where it was a hair salon. Pipp then said, "Just pop by my hair salon, which is cleverly called..." She then started singing, increasing the two words. "Mane Melody!" Inside the hair salon, Fluttershy, Midpoint, Maria, Hitch and Izzy were in a hair salon chair, ready for their hair to be done. There was one chair that was meant for Zipp, but it was empty. Pipp then started talking normally. "Come in and get a whole new look and..." Pipp then saw the empty chair. "Zipp? Where are you?" Zipp was on the other side of the crowd, hiding from her sister, saying, "Sorry, sis. But there is no way you're messing up my hair. I like it the way it is." Then it went over to the clothing racks where various clothes were on display. Rarity and Sonia were in front of the racks. Rarity then said, "Of course, we also have clothes for casual day wear. But if you'd like, we can make custom made outfits that depend on the occasion. Whether it's..." Rarity then showed the dressing room areas, where Rainbow Dash was coming out, wearing a track suit. "Sports attire." Then it showed Amy wearing a beautiful dress for a special occasion. Sonia then said, "Fancy party or gala attire." Then it showed Truemen wearing a tuxedo. Rarity then said, "Even wedding attire." Truemen then said, "That is if I choose to get married." "So, come on down for your choice of fashion or hairstyle!" Rarity said. "We'll be sure to satisfy you in every way!" Then the news reporters walked towards the exit as the rest of the Mane 6, Freedom Fighters, Sunny, Hitch, Zipp, Izzy, Misty and the Young 6 walked up to Rarity, Pipp and Sonia. "Not bad, you three," Twilight said. "I think this store will be a big hit for everyone here." "I can't believe that you've gotten this place up and running so quickly!" Sunny said. "Well, we all have our genius friends to help out with the tech here," Pipp said. "Of course, we'll have to get that mirror fixed before we all leave for Paris," Rarity said. "What's in Paris?" Misty asked. "The Olympics," Sonic said. "Where competitors from all countries around the world will be competing in various events." "And it'll be even more special because this will be the first Olympics that Equestria will be attending," Twilight said. "Oh, well, I guess I'll... cheer you guys on," Misty said. She then brought out her phone. "Whoops. Gotta get to work. Bye!" She then zoomed away from the group, heading towards the movie theater. "Uh, she does know she's gonna be competing in the Olympics, right?" Zipp asked. "Not yet," MC said. "We're planning on surprising her. Speaking of which, Rares, did you get her measurements?" "Oh, I did," Rarity said. "She's in for a surprise, isn't she." "Speaking of surprises, we should get one last one in before the big day," Tails said. "MC, let's get going." "Right," MC said. "Let's go." "Go where?" Zipp asked, getting curious. MC smirked and said, "You know, Zipp, I think you should come with us to see. Izzy, you too." Izzy walked up to the three and asked, "Really? What is it?" MC pulled out his Super Warp Ring and said, "Follow us." He then threw the ring, and it expanded into a portal. Then MC, Tails, Zipp and Izzy went through the portal, the portal closing after they all went through. "Ah, man," Pipp said. "I was hoping to give Zipp a new style." "We both know that's not gonna happen anytime soon," Rainbow Dash said, passing Pipp. Pipp then nodded in agreement. At the movie theater, Misty was giving everyone their orders from the concession stand. Just as she finished handing the customer their popcorn, her necklace started vibrating. "Oh, geez," Misty said. "I gotta go use the restroom. Someone cover me!" Misty then walked towards the restroom. She got into a stall and pulled out her necklace. "Opaline?" "It's about time, Misty!" Opaline's voice came from the necklace after it started glowing. "Did you get at least one of the two young dragons or not?!" "I'm... still trying to get them," Misty said. "But, it's becoming harder to get them without anyone noticing. Especially their home security system, Nicole. I think she's been spying on me." "Well get the dragons when they're alone, or kiss your chance of getting a Cutie Mark goodbye!" Opaline threatened, Misty leaning back in surprise. The necklace then stopped glowing. Misty then started shedding some tears. She then looked down at her right hip, and cringed in sadness. She then bowed her head, crying. At Tails's workshop in the Mystic Ruins, MC, Tails, Zipp and Izzy arrived there and went into the hanger. "So, what's in here that you wanted to surprise us with?" Zipp asked. Tails then flipped a light switch and showed something to the two futuristic ponies. MC had his arms crossed with a smirk on his face. Zipp and Izzy were looking at a new flying machine. "Whoa!" Zipp said. "What is that?!" "Is that the Marestream?!" Izzy asked. "Marestream?" Zipp asked. "That's right, Izzy," Tails said. "We've been working on this thing for months now." "Zipp has been taking the Spirit of Freedom so much for her cases out of town, we'd thought we should make her a ship of her own," MC said. "But this one... is more of an RV." "A flying RV?" Zipp asked. "So, you've taken in my designs, huh?" Izzy asked. "Everything that was created in the world is accomplished by a little creativity," MC said, using Izzy's voice. "I still find it creepy that you manage to make your voice sound like anyone or anything," Zipp said. "Yeah, but we've gotten used to it," Tails said. "Anyway, Izzy got a lot of the essential things for the designs, but she left out a couple things." "And those are?" Izzy asked. "One, a bathroom," Tails said. "Oh, right," Izzy said. "A mobile home has to have someplace to do their business. And the other thing?" "This," MC said, pushing a button. Then the top layer of the Marestream expanded, making more room. "Whoa!" Zipp and Izzy said in unison. "Extra storage!" Zipp said. "Actually, up there are a couple of bedrooms," MC said. "The front side has two beds, and the back side has three. Hitch and Sparky can have the sofa for when you guys officially use this to go to the Olympics." "We're taking this to Paris with us?!" Zipp asked. "That is awesome!" MC then held up the keys to the Marestream, saying, "Care to take it for a fly?" "Oh, yes, I do!" Zipp said, taking the keys. Then the four of them headed into the Marestream. They walked into the door on the right side. Izzy looked around. "Hey, I was pretty sure that the door was supposed to be on the left side, not the right!" Izzy said. "Yeah, we saw it, but standard RVs in America usually have the main entrances on the right side," MC said. MC then motioned an arm towards a staircase that was behind the rounded sofa. "Up those stairs is one sleeping area. The one for the three beds." Zipp and Izzy then went up the stairs to see the three beds on the floor. "Not bad," Zipp said. "I'm guessing that me and Pipp will be getting the other room?" "Actually, the other room is for Sunny and Izzy," Tails said. "Hope you don't mind sharing this room with Misty." "Okay, that makes sense," Zipp said. She then saw the three sets of closets. "I see you have space for our clothes. Are they over the bathroom?" "There's enough space for it to stick in with the restroom without bumping your heads, or horns on it. Along with LED lights over the entire bathroom," MC said. "Nice," Izzy said. "Can we see the cockpit?" "Of course," Tails said. "Follow us." Then the four of them went downstairs, and into the cockpit of the Marestream. There were two seats in front with a touchscreen stereo system in between the two seats, two seats behind the front seats, and a couch with seat belts on the right side, enough for three people. "Whoa!" Zipp said. "This is nice! Let's take this thing back to Station Square!" Zipp then got into the front left seat while MC got on the right. Izzy sat behind Zipp and Tails sat behind MC. MC then pushed a button and the upstairs area started retracting in and locking in. Then Zipp started up the Marestream. It then started moving out of the hanger. Then the folded wings unfolded. Then the Marestream started going down the runway. Then it started taking off and it headed off towards Station Square. At a Smoothie Shop in the mall, Twilight, Rarity, Sunny, Pipp and Sonia were there, celebrating the opening of the shop. Sunny made the smoothies for all of them. "That was the biggest opening I have ever done ever," Rarity said. "In my life!" "Hey, we did it together, Rarity," Pipp said. "That's true," Sonia said. "And I must say, with all of our work, we might make it so big, we'd be an unstoppable team to the fashion world." "Well, I hope you all will be successful," Sunny said. "Me, too," Twilight said. "This is pretty big for you all to work together in the fashion world." Just then, Misty came into the shop, sighing loudly. She came up to the table and sat down. "What's wrong, Misty?" Twilight asked. Misty didn't respond just yet. She was still thinking of what Opaline said to her. "Well get the dragons when they're alone, or kiss your chance of getting a Cutie Mark goodbye!" Misty then looked at the others and asked, "Have you ever been raised and taught by someone who thinks they know what's best for you, but really it was something really bad?" The others gave off various ways of saying no. "Oh." "Misty? Have you been abused?" Twilight asked. Misty sighed and said, "You've guys have been so nice to me. I wish I could have what you all have." "Oh, Misty," Sunny said. "You're a good pony. And we do a lot of fun things together." Pipp then brought out her phone and said, "Yeah. Like when we all went out for doughnuts after that day at Twinkle Park." She then showed the picture of her, Sunny, Zipp, Izzy, Hitch and Izzy after a day at Twinkle Park. All of them were smiling in Pipp's group selfie. Especially Misty. Misty smiled at the picture. Sunny then said, "Looks like that cheered you up, Misty. So, you want a smoothie?" Misty then thought about it. She then smiled and said, "A Merry Berry, please." "One Merry Berry, coming right up," Sunny said, heading for the counter. "Well, we should get back to work," Rarity said. "Sonia, Pipp, let us be off." Rarity, Sonia and Pipp sat up and left the smoothie shop to get to work. Misty smiled at them as she waited for her order. Coming from the East Side of Station Square, the X-Marestream was coming in. Zipp and MC were in the pilot seats while Izzy and Tails were behind them. Just then, the communications radio started buzzing. "Unidentified Airship, you are flying through US Airspace. Identify yourself." MC pushed a button and said, "This is Prince Michael Crayton, one of the leaders of the Freedom Fighters. Coming in with authorization code: 230691." "Authorization Code approved. You are free to travel." Zipp piloted the X-Marestream towards Freedom Fighters Mansion. Tails then held up his wrist communicator and said, "Nicole, open up the landing strip." At Freedom Fighters Mansion, the path to the garage widened into a landing strip. The X-Marestream came in for a landing. Zipp pushed the landing gear button as she was descending the ship. The X-Marestream landed and kept going. The wings then folded up and then it started slowing down, and it came into the hanger where the X-Tornado, the Spirit of Freedom and the Freedom Fighters Spaceship were all docked. Then Zipp backed the X-Marestream into an empty spot and put it in park. "And, that's it," Zipp said. "Wow. This thing is amazing!" "Okay, time to show the others," MC said. Then the four of them headed out of the X-Marestream. Back in the new boutique, all the customers were finishing up their payments. When the last customer paid, she left the store. Then Sonia went towards the the doors that lead outside and locked the doors. When the doors were locked up, Rarity, Pipp and Sonia went to the inside exit and then Pipp flew up and closed the cage door on the second floor. Rarity used her magic to close the cage door on the first floor. "Well, I believe that was an excellent first day of the Boutique," Rarity said as Pipp flew down to the two. "Like, totally!" Pipp said. She then brought out her phone for a selfie. "Hashtag: Successful!" Pipp, Rarity and Sonia smiled when looking at Pipp's phone. She then took a picture. Pipp then looked at the picture and smiled. "Ooh, this is gonna be amazing! And post!" "Well, let us get back home," Rarity said. "I'm sure that the two of you will run it so well when I'm back in Equestria." "You can count on us, Rarity," Sonia said. "Hopefully you got things ready for the Olympics." "Oh, Sonic and Rainbow Dash had already gotten the outfits for everyone loaded in MC's truck," Pipp said. "They're currently back home." "Oh, that's good," Sonia said. "Well, I wish you all the best of luck." "Oh, no doubt about that, Sonia," Rarity said. "Of course, us ladies don't ever think of competing in such events that could ruin the way we look." "Tell me about it," Sonia said. She then flipped her hair with a hand. "Do you know how long it takes to get hair like this to look this good?" "I'm sure with the right bounce, you could make it look more exquisite," Pipp said. She then got an idea. "Perhaps I should also make my own hair care supplies. Ooh, even better! Various beauty products! Shampoos, Conditioners, Face Masks, Nail Polish!" Pipp giggled in excitement. "This could be so... amazing!" "We'll think about it some other time," Sonia said. "Now, let's get on back to our homes." Then the three of them headed out of there. Back at Freedom Fighters Mansion, Misty was about to get back into her room when Sonic called for her. "Yo, Misty!" Sonic said. Misty turned her head to see Sonic coming towards her. "Come check this out." Sonic then grabbed Misty's hand and he sped the both of them towards the hangar. When they got there, Misty was dizzy. "Whoa!" Misty said as they stopped. "How do you super speeders not get dizzy?" "Who says we don't?" Sonic asked. Misty then recovered and looked in the hangar, saying, "Whoa!" "Ladies and Gentlemen, behold the X-Marestream!" MC said. "That is awesome!" Gallus said. "Yeah, it is," Zipp said. "Now, it's gonna be a transport and camper for some of us when we go to the Olympics in Paris." "This is amazing!" Sunny said. "Who's all gonna be going there in that?" "You, me, Pipp, Hitch, Izzy, Sparky..." Zipp then looked over at Misty. "And Misty." "Wha... Me?!" Misty asked in surprise. "That's right, Misty," MC said. "In fact, you're all registered to actually compete in gymnastics for America." "What?!" Misty asked. "But... but...!" "Hey, don't worry about it, Misty!" Sunny said, coming up to Misty's right side. "You're our friend! And friends have each others backs! No matter what!" Then Hitch, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp and Sparky joined in for a group hug. Misty was a little concerned about what she was going through. She looked around in worry, hearing Opaline's voice. "Well get the dragons when they're alone, or kiss your chance of getting a Cutie Mark goodbye!" But then, Misty remembered what Sunny just said. "You're our friend! And friends have each others backs! No matter what! No matter what! No matter what!" Misty then smiled in true happiness and accepted the group hug. In the middle of the night, Misty went into the kitchen to get some milk. When she got there, she saw both MC and Zipp there. "What are you guys doing up in the middle of the night?" Misty asked. "Eh, couldn't sleep," MC said. "Which is kinda rare since I'm a heavy sleeper. Both figuratively and literally." Zipp laughed at that. Zipp then said, "So what, do you put something heavy in under your bed to keep it up?" "Cement blocks," MC said. "I take some whenever I got out. Except when I'm camping." Zipp nodded in understanding. "So, why are you up, Misty?" Zipp asked, looking towards the unicorn. "I... I just have a lot of things on my mind," Misty said. "And it's kinda eating me up inside." "Hey, don't worry about it," Zipp said. "So, you're shy, not very good with most people, hiding the fact that you don't have a Cutie Mark..." Zipp then went wide eyed. "Oops." "YOU KNEW?!" Misty asked. "Misty," MC said. "It's okay. You don't have to hide it from us." "But... look at me!" Misty said. "I'm all grown up, and I still don't have a Cutie Mark. I don't even know what I'm good at!" "Well, you won't know until you be you," MC said. "According to the ponies of Equestria, your Cutie Mark will appear after you let your true self shine through. Whether you're a sculptor, a dancer, or even an athlete. Just be you." Misty then thought about it. She then asked, "Is there any other way of getting a Cutie Mark?" MC and Zipp chuckled and said, "No." "No amount of magic will make a Cutie Mark appear," MC said. "Well, it would make a Mark appear, but it would only be temporary." Zipp nodded in agreement. "I've asked Twilight about it," Zipp said. "She tried it multiple times on Apple Bloom before she even met Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. It didn't even last five seconds of staying on her flank. And that was before Equestria was brought back to Earth." "So... there's no other way?" Misty asked. She then turned around, making sure that MC and Zipp didn't see the necklace she pulled out from under her nightgown. Misty then whispered, "She lied to me..." "Misty?" Zipp asked. "Are you okay?" "Yeah," Misty replied putting the necklace back under her nightgown. "I'm just... tired. Goodnight." She then headed out. MC and Zipp looked at each other with smirks. "She's coming around," MC said. Zipp nodded. "I hope you're right about her, MC," Zipp said. > Episode 12: The Opaline-lympic Games (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 12: The Opaline-lympic Games (Part 1) At Freedom Fighters Mansion, in Misty's room, Misty had the door blocked to keep something from getting out. Misty looked around the room to see if she could find what was hiding from her. "No way you're gonna get out, Sparky," Misty said. "Come out here, now!" Then the sound of Sparky growling came in. Coming out from under Misty's bed, Sparky was giving Misty the stinkeye. He then tried making a run for the door, but Misty grabbed him. "Ah ha! Gotcha!" Sparky tried struggling out of Misty's grip. "Sorry, Sparky. But this isn't personal." She then opened the door and headed for the hanger, where the rest of the Freedom Fighters, current members, part-time members and those in training, were loading the ships with their stuff. Hitch then saw Misty coming in with Sparky. "Sparky! There you are!" Hitch said. Misty then handed Sparky to Hitch, who hugged the baby dragon. "Don't scare me like that!" MC and Bunnie finished loading the luggage into the Spirit of Freedom's passenger container. "And that's the last of it," MC said. "Time to get going." "Sure is gonna be a lot of pressure in Paris since everyone in the world is gonna be watchin'," Bunnie said. "Y'all are lucky you and the Equestrian Royal Family are gonna be in the box watchin' the whole thing." She then looked at her robot arm and sighed. "Although, if I'm gonna compete for America in the martial arts division, Ah might as well be all o' me. Ya mind?" Bunnie reached out her arm towards MC. "Of course," MC said. He then grabbed Bunnie's robot arm and used his molecular manipulation powers and made Bunnie's arm organic. "Oh mah starz," Bunnie said, closing her deroboticized hand. "Oh, it feels so good to feel it again." "Hold still, Bunnie," MC said, lowering towards Bunnie's legs. "I gotta get your legs, too." MC then used his powers to make Bunnie's legs organic. Then Bunnie lost her balance. "Whoa! Oof!" Bunnie said, landing on her butt. "Guess Ah shoulda seen that comin'." "Letting me be helping you, my lovely wife," Antoine said, walking up to the two. Antoine then helped Bunnie up. "Okay, everyone," Sonic said. "Let's get to Paris. Tails, Amy, Cream, Cheese and Maria, we'll be in the X-Tornado. MC, Bunnie, Antoine, Rotor, Mutt, you guys are in the Spirit of Freedom. Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Pipp, Zipp, Misty and Sparky, you guys are in the X-Marestream. The rest, you'll be riding in the Spaceship." Everyone nodded and then headed for their destined air transport. Misty took a moment and looked towards the hangar door. She then sighed and headed for the X-Marestream. The ships then started taking off, heading East towards Paris. Over the France Airspace, the four ships were coming up towards Paris. The Freedom Fighters were coming all coming towards where the Olympics were gonna be held. "Okay, everyone," MC said through the communications. "We're coming up on where the Olympics are being held. Prepare for landing." In the Freedom Fighters Spaceship, Silverstream was in the pilot's seat, holding onto the pilot's wheel. Silverstream was smiling widely. She then said, "I can't believe I'm actually piloting this thing!" "You're not piloting it, Silverstream," Tails's voice came from the communication. "Nicole is. She's been piloting it the entire time." "And I apologize for letting you believe you were, Silverstream," Nicole's voice came in. "Aw, man," Silverstream said. Gallus laughed. "You know, I was wondering, if it was your first time flying this thing and you were doing so well, I knew it had to be on autopilot," Gallus said. Truemen then walked into the cockpit. "We better get ready," Truemen said. "So, are the others coming?" "The others are already there," MC said through communications. "Okay, everyone. We're coming in at the air port. Be sure to have your passports out and ready." Then the four ships started coming down. When they were there, a bunch of French Air Marshals were checking the passports of all who were coming in. Misty was nervous. She was searching through her bags, looking for her passport. "Where is it?" Misty asked. "Where is it?" "Looking for this?" Zipp asked, holding up a passport. Misty noticed and saw Zipp was holding the passport that belonged to the unicorn. "Oh, thanks, Zipp," Misty said. She took her passport from Zipp when the Air Marshall was coming up to her and Zipp. He then checked her passport. Just then MC was getting his passport handed back when some Olympic Officials came up to him. One of them said, "Prince Michael Crayton, we are here to escort you to the hotel where the Equestrian Royal Family is staying. Where you'll be staying with." "But I'm not a part of the Royal Family," MC said. "But you are the biological father of the daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle," the official said. "Follow me." The official then started walking away. MC rolled his eyes and followed him. Meanwhile, at Opaline's lair, Opaline, Scourge, Allura and Ix were watching the Freedom Fighters from Opaline's magic mirror. Opaline was disgusted by this. "Look at them, celebrating their world peace with some silly competitions," Opaline said. "How pathetic." "Actually, these games are quite interesting," Scourge said. "And fun to ruin!" "Well, it certainly sounds like the perfect place for the heroes to be taken down," Allura purred. "Especially at the closing of the events." "Ah, I see," Opaline said. "If we strike at closing ceremonies, the world will know that their world's heroes is no match for all of us." She then glared when she saw MC talking with Twilight in her magic mirror. "You heroes are done for." Meanwhile, at the hotel where Twilight's family was staying at, Twilight and MC were walking through the halls of the top floor. When they reached one room, Twilight got out her key card and put it next to the card reader, unlocking the door. Then the two of them entered. Inside was Twilight's family. "Hey, there he is!" Velvet said. She then walked up to the two. "I still find it hard to believe that you were the one who saved Twilight that night she was ponynapped." "Technically, I didn't really save her," MC said. "I just showed Celestia where to find her using my Chaos Flare. But, it had a little too much power in it and it..." "Basically, that's how he's Nyx's father," Twilight said. "His flare landed on the ritual and his energy became DNA and blended in with Nyx's." "Really?" Velvet said. "Well, I hope one day you'll be a great part of this family. That is if you decide to propose to Twilight." "I'm 17," MC said. "In my culture, I have to be king until I can propose to someone." "He's right," Twilight said. "I've read his family history and kingdom traditions. Sure, I might be a couple years older than him, but for some reason, since Equestria came back to Earth, I actually felt younger." "Perhaps Chaos Control did more than just transform all of you," MC said. "Maybe it also made everyone a little younger." "That could be it," Twilight said. Then Nyx and Joshua came up to MC. "So, you'll be joining us in the viewing box?" Nyx asked. "That's right," MC said. "Since royals aren't allowed to participate in the events. Well, except for Pipp, Zipp and Blaze. Pipp and Zipp are from an alternate future, and Blaze's dimension got destroyed." "I didn't know Pipp was competing," Joshua said. "She's not," MC said. "Pipp is helping out with getting the competitors ready for their competitions." "So she's helping Rarity?" Twilight asked. "That's right," MC said. "I'm sure that they'll help out with the others." He then sighed. "And hopefully we've gotten through into Misty's heart." Meanwhile, just outside of the X-Marestream, Misty was sitting in a swivel chair in front of a vanity mirror, nervous about what's going to happen to her at that moment. "Um, I'm not so sure about this, Pipp," Misty said. "I really... don't like the attention." "Oh, relax, Misty," Pipp said. "You'll look stunning. Let's see your true inner beauty shine out!" Pipp then spun Misty around, Misty shouting during the spin. "WHOA-OA-OA-OA-OA-OA-OA!" Misty yelled out while she was spinning. Pipp then sprayed something into Misty. Then Pipp stopped Misty from spinning, but Misty's eyes were still spinning. When she recovered, she saw that her mane was now red with orange at the tip. "So, what do you think?" Pipp asked. Misty looked at her mane, seeing the color change. She then said, "Um, I don't really think it's me." "Mm... you're right," Pipp said. "Well, time for round two!" She then spun Misty again, making the unicorn yell out again. Pipp then sprayed a different color into Misty's mane. When Misty stopped, her mane was now bright green with and aqua green tip. Misty then saw her reflection. "No," Misty said. "I... I think I should go back to my natural mane color." "No, no," Pipp said. "Just one more try." She then spun Misty around. And as the unicorn yelled around, Pipp sprayed another set of colors into Misty's mane. When Misty stopped, her mane was now purple with pink tips. "Oh, yes! Now that is you!" Misty looked at her reflection. She was astonished by the way she looked. "Is that me?" Misty asked. "Wow. I look..." "Amaaaaaaazing!" Pipp sang. "Now, tomorrow's the opening ceremonies, so we should be prepared. Now, let's go eat." At a restaurant, MC and the Royal Equestrian Family were sitting at a table, checking out their menus. Joshua was having trouble reading the menu. "I can't read this," Joshua said. "Why is it in French?" "Guess Josh needs to start studying this language," Shining Armor said. "Of course, it would help if he had learned the basics," Cadance said. MC then held up his wrist communicator, and scanned the pages of the menu. MC then said, "Nicole, translate the menu and send the information to the Equestrian Royal Family." "Of course, MC," Nicole said on MC's communicator. Then the phones of the royal family buzzed. They checked the messages from Nicole and read the translated menu. "Oh, that's better," Joshua said. "I'm gonna go with the bouillabaisse," MC said. "What's that?" Twilight asked. "It's a fish soup," MC said. "Very big in France. Skip the escargot. Why people would want to eat snails are a mystery." "Ew!" the Equestrian Royal Family said in unison. "Even I'm not gonna try that," came a voice. The royals looked towards the voice and they were surprised at who was standing behind them. "Princess Elise of Soleanna?!" Twilight asked. "Have we met before?" Elise asked. "Oh, we..." Twilight said before MC covered her mouth. "We've... attended the Festival of the Sun last year," MC said. "As fellow dignitaries, we thought we would check out your country's customs." "Well, I'm glad to have gotten to meet you two," Princess Elise said. "I'll see you at the opening ceremonies tomorrow." She then walked away. Twilight looked towards MC angrily and asked, "Why did you stop me? I was about to ask her about the adventures we had during that time." "She doesn't remember it," MC said. "It never happened in this reality since she was the one who blew out Solaris." "Oh, that's right," Twilight said. "Now I remember." She then grinned sheepishly. "Guess we're all still trying to adjust to the new reality." "Yeah, it'll take us a while to adjust," MC said. "Hey, what's this... escargot?" Shining Armor asked. "It's... snails," MC answered, making the Royal Equestrian Family give out disgusted reactions. "Oh, you think that's disgusting, you should hear what one of the delicacies in Scotland is. Haggis." "Yeah, I've read what that is," Twilight said. "And it's more disgusting to think about it when you know what's in it." "What is haggis?" Velvet asked. "Haggis is chopped animal organs stuffed into a sheep's bladder and boiled in hot water for a couple of hours," Nicole described, making the royal Equestrian Family give out disgusted expressions. "That's disgusting!" Nyx said. "Who would want to eat that?!" "Someone with the stomach for it," MC said. "I heard not even certain Scottish People wouldn't want to eat it." The next day, the opening ceremonies for the Olympics were starting. All the Mobian and Equestrian Competitors were all grouped up for the countries they were representing. Even Knuckles, Midpoint, Jet the Hawk and the Chaotix were representing America. In the royal sitting areas, the world leaders that were able to attend were all sitting and watching their friends and those who were competing for their countries. Each of the countries had someone to carry an Olympic Torch for their country. For America, it was Mutt. For Equestria, it was Nyx. After all the countries representatives took a lap around the track, each Torch Holder went up to the larger torch so they could put their torches into it, setting the Olympic Torch ablaze. "The Olympics have begun!" the announcer said. "Now, let's get the first event started!" It then went over to the Archery Range where Midpoint was using his signature archer's bow, but with a quiver full of Olympics approved arrows. Coming up next to him was a hedgehog wearing a brown hood. "Tis a pleasure that I, Sir Rob O' the Hedge, would be competing in these games throughout the realm," the hedgehog said. "Oh, you must be Rob O' the Hedge," Midpoint said. "You're Amy's cousin from England." "Though art correct, my fine otter," Rob said, looking at Midpoint. "Art though any good?" "I never miss," Midpoint said. "Though art confident," Rob said. "Are ye prepared to accept defeat?" "You're gonna beat me? In archery?" Midpoint asked. He then laughed. "Oh, this is gonna be hilarious." "Archers! Take Your Position!" Then all of the Archers got into their spots they were told to stand in and got into shooting position. "And... release!" Then all the archers released their arrows, hitting their respected targets. A lot of archers hit the rings representing 5-8 points. Fewer hit the nine ring, including Equestria's representative archer, Pizzelle. "Archers who gotten below 8 points, you may exit the field." Then those who scored lower than 8 points left. It then did a montage of different events happening. Events other than archery. Such as swimming, table tennis, diving, volleyball, trampoline, canoe Racing, even surfing. "Woohoo!" Zipp said as she was surfing. "Radical!" It then showed Knuckles boxing against a dog from Ireland. Then it showed Midpoint, Vector, Rotor and Truemen were all in a pool playing Water Polo against Soleanna's representative team. Then it went to where the athletics field. The fastest racers were all lining up for the advanced track relay. Equestria's Representatives were the Wonderbolts: Spitfire being the first to run, Soarin being the second, Fleetfoot being the third, and Rainbow Dash being anchor. America's Representatives are Blaze the Cat being the starter, Maria being second, Shadow being third, and Sonic being anchor. In the Royal Box, Twilight, MC and Sally were about to watch the race. "The fastest racers in America and the most skilled flight team in a foot race," Sally said. "This is gonna be interesting." "The Wonderbolts are synchronized flyers," Twilight said. "And with Rainbow Dash as the anchor, there's no way that they could lose." "I wouldn't be too sure about that," MC said. "Sonic beat Rainbow Dash before. Plus, there's also Shadow, Maria and Blaze. Shadow's just as fast as Sonic on his feet. Maria has the same powers as Shadow, so she'll be a little faster than him since girls have smaller forms than boys. And let's not forget Blaze's quick sprint." "You make a good point," Twilight said. "We'll see who wins." Then at the starting line, all the starting racers were getting ready to run, holding batons in their hands. The man with the starter's pistol aimed it up to the sky and pulled the trigger. Then all the racers started running. "So where are they going?" Sally asked. "The first trade-off of the baton is at Notre Dame," MC said. "Then the second racer runs towards the Eiffel Tower to pass it to the third racer, who runs towards Arc de Triomphe. Then the final racers race towards here." "That's a long run," Twilight said. "Not for those with super speed," MC said. "It's true," Sally said. "Super speeders can go a long distance in a short amount if time." At Notre Dame, the second racers were waiting for their first racers with the baton. Maria and Soarin were waiting for Blaze and Spitfire to come. Then they saw them coming in and started running. Blaze then passed the baton to Maria and Spitfire passed the baton to Soarin. Then the two started running towards the next checkpoint. At the Eiffel Tower, the third set of racers were waiting for the second set to come. Shadow was wearing normal running shoes instead of his Air Shoes. Then Shadow and Fleetfoot started running as Maria and Soarin were coming towards them. Then Maria and Soarin passed the batons to Shadow and Fleetfoot. Then they started accelerating towards the final checkpoint. Then it went to Arc de Triomphe. Sonic and Rainbow Dash were stretching when waiting for their partners. "Quick stretch, and we'll be ready to go," Sonic said. "Oh, yeah," Rainbow Dash said. "It's good to stretch. But, it won't stop me from beating you this time." "Not likely," Sonic said. "Have you've forgotten who's the fastest thing alive?" "We'll see about that," Rainbow Dash said. Just then, the sound of whooshing came in. They turned to see the third set coming towards them. The anchor runners started running as the third set was coming up towards them. "Time to juice!" Sonic said as he was passed the baton from Shadow. Sonic then ran back towards the stadium where the race started. Sonic was in the lead with Rainbow Dash close behind. They reached the stadium and took a lap around the track and went towards the finish line. Sonic and Rainbow Dash finished the race. "It's a Photo Finish!" the announcer called out. "Watch the screen for the results in super slow-mo." The viewers watched the ending of the race. In super slow-motion, they saw both Sonic and Rainbow Dash finishing the race. But Sonic was inches in front of Rainbow Dash. "The winner is Sonic the Hedgehog for America!" "Oh, yeah!" Sonic called out. "Still the fastest thing alive!" "Dang!" Rainbow Dash said. Back in the Royal Box, Twilight, MC and Sally were smiling with the progress of their friends. MC smile was a proud smirk. "In a race, it's not always about speed, but the right order," MC said. He then started walking away. "Where are you going?" Twilight asked. "To where the gymnastics division is going to be held," MC replied. "Misty needs some support." In another part of the city of Paris, where the Martial Arts was being held, Bunnie was already advanced to the finals. She was waiting for her opponent who would be the winner of the Semi-Finals. "Ah can't wait ta see who'll be mah opponent," Bunnie said. "And the winner of the 2nd Round of the Semi-Final Karate Tournament is... Tempest Shadow!" the announcer called out. "Oh, Mah Starz!" Bunnie said, seeing the winner on the competitor's mat. Tempest Shadow was standing over her opponent. "Let's see what you've got, bunny-bot," Tempest said, looking at Bunnie. "Not part bot at the time, Fizzlepop Berrytwist!" Bunnie said, using Tempest's real name. Tempest got a little angry at that. "Still sounds like the name of a soda pop." She then started walking towards the mat as Tempest's last opponent was leaving. "Doesn't matter," Tempest said. "Show me what you've got." In the building where the gymnastics were being held, Misty was pacing back and forth, nervous about competing in a high level competition with billions of people watching her. "I can't do this! I'm so nervous!" Misty said. "What am I gonna do?!" Just then, she felt her necklace vibrating. She then held it up. "Opaline?" "Misty?! Did you get those dragons?!" Opaline's voice came from the necklace. "Uh, not yet," Misty said, nervously. "I've been... pretty occupied." "WHAT?!" Opaline's voice came from the necklace. "You are getting more and more useless every second you're there! Get me those dragons by tonight or no Cutie Mark!" "Misty?" came Spike's voice, making Misty gasp. "Okay, I gotta go, bye!" Misty said, trying to hide the necklace. "Oh, uh... hey, Spike. What's up?" She then saw that Spike, Sparky, MC and Hitch were all there. "You nervous?" MC asked. "Oh, uh... yeah," Misty said. "I just... wasn't expecting so many people watching." "Oh, the people in the building won't be the only ones watching," MC said. "Billions of people are watching from their homes on their televisions." "Really?" Misty asked, even more nervous. "I... I don't know if I can do this!" "Misty, it's okay," Hitch said. "You got this." "I'm not so sure, Hitch!" Misty said. "I don't even belong here! I'm not special! I don't know if I can do this! I don't even have a Cutie Mark! What if I mess up?! Billions of people would laugh at me!" MC then thought of something. He then smiled. "Misty, you did so good when it was just us watching. What if it was just us watching?" Misty thought about it. She then said, "I... guess it wouldn't be so bad." "Then when you go out there, imagine if it was just us watching when doing your routine," MC said. Misty then looked at the end of the hall. She then exhaled and started walking. "Oh, and one more thing." "Huh?" Misty asked. "Hand me your necklace," MC said. "You can't wear it during the performance." Misty then sighed and nodded. She then handed MC the necklace and walked out of there. When she got out there, she saw thousands of people watching her. She then gulped nervously. In the finals of the archery range, there were only two competitors left. Midpoint and Rob o' the Hedge. Their final shot was going to be tricky. They had to hit the target with obstacles in the path of the arrow. Walls that rise and lower, pendulums, and big circles with 1/16 of an opening. "Gadzooks!" Rob said. "Now this is an interesting challenge." "I've handled trickier shots than this," Midpoint said. "England's representative, take your position!" came the announcer's voice. Rob nodded as Midpoint stepped away. Rob then took aim towards the target and waited for the right time to fire. As soon as he got the right time, he took fire, but his arrow got caught by the rolling wheel's side and hit the nine ring on the left side of the target. "Nine points for Rob o' the Hedge." "Meh, can't get better than that," Rob said, walking away. "America's representative, take your position!" the announcer said. Then Midpoint took his position and prepared to fire. He then looked in front of him, seeing the gaps in between the obstacles. He then smirked. He then loosened his position. "Huh? What's he doing?!" Midpoint then pulled his headband down to cover his eyes. "Is he serious?! Is Alex Lynol planning on doing this shot blindfolded?!" "Gadzooks!" Rob said. "Though art crazy, Lynol!" Midpoint only smirked as he was back in position. He then released the arrow and the arrow went towards the target through the gaps. With that, Midpoint hit a perfect bullseye. "I don't believe it! Alex Lynol just hit that near impossible shot blindfolded!" the announcer said. "Eat your heart out, Hawkeye!" Midpoint said. "The winner of the archery competition is Alex Lynol!" the announcer called out, making the people cheer. Then Rob walked up to Midpoint. "Though art the best archer mine eyes have seen!" Rob said. "Rob!" came Amy's voice. The two archers looked towards the voice and saw Amy coming up to the two. "You did so well. Not bad, cousin." "I appreciate it, dear cousin," Rob said. "Shall I join ye in watching though friends in the other events of the games around this realm?" "We really need to get you talking in modern time," Amy said, Midpoint nodding in agreement. Then they started walking away from there. In the building where the gymnastic were being held, Misty was walking towards where she was going to do her gymnastic routine. Misty looked around at all the people looking at her. "Oh, boy," Misty said. At Opaline's Castle, Opaline, Imperator Ix, Scourge and Allura were watching Misty's entry into the gymnastics division. Opaline was very mad at that. "That little traitor!" Opaline said. "Misty is gonna regret betraying me!" "I don't think she's betraying you," Allura said. "Look." Allura pointed at an area in the mirror, seeing Spike, Sparky, MC and Hitch at the tunnel. "She's really close to those dragons. They must really trust her if she's that close." "Oh, I didn't expect that," Opaline said. She then gave a dark smirk. "Prepare for an ambush during the ending ceremonies. And bring the Dragon Stone with you. I want the power of those dragons." Back in the gymnastics building in the Olympics, Misty looked at all the people nervously. She then exhaled. She was imagining that only her friends from Equestria and the Freedom Fighters were in there, cheering for her. She then smirked. "Take your mark," an announcer said. Misty then got into position. As soon as the buzzer went off, Misty started doing the routine she was training to do. She then started flipping forward and jumped into the air, flipping sideways. She then landed and then went off to do an aerial split, and then she did a cartwheel, and did another aerial sideways flip, landed, and she did a backflip, and she finished the routine by raising her hands. She was then startled when the sound of applause from the people in the building were applauding for her. Misty looked at all the people astonished. She then started smiling. Then it went to the closing ceremony where are the contestants were standing in line for the countries they were representing. Misty was looking down at the medal she was wearing. It was a silver medal, but she wore it with pride. "I may not have won the gymnastics event, but at least I gave it my all," Misty said. "That's the Spirit, Misty," Hitch said, wearing a bronze medal," Hitch said. "You did much better than I did when I was competing for the long jump." "Who'd you lose to?" Misty asked. "Well, the second place winner was from Japan, and the first place winner was Pinkie Pie," Hitch said. "I can't believe she jumped over the entire sand pit and into the crowd! How does she do that?! She's an Earth Pony, not a pegasus!" Misty just shrugged her shoulders to reply. Just then, the ground started shaking. Everyone was losing their balance. "Whoa!" Sonic called out. "What's happening?!" "Earthquake!" Bunnie called out, wearing her silver medal. Then everyone fell to the ground. Midpoint looked up and was astonished by what he saw. He then said, "No! Look!" Midpoint pointed up in the sky. There, everyone saw a ship coming from a portal. "Oh, no," Misty said. She then started running away. When she did, she accidentally collided with Spike and Sparky. "Oof!" She then saw the two dragons. "Oh, my gosh! I'm so sorry, you two." She then helped up the two dragons. Just then, a bunch of fields surrounded the crowd, and all the other contestants, making sure that no one would get out. "Oh, no." She then tried leading the two dragons out of there, but her path was blocked by Allura and the Destructix. Scourge then brought up his communicator and said, "Opaline, your spy has the dragons." "Wait, what?" Spike asked, looking up at Misty. Misty was ashamed about being caught. In Opaline's throne room, Opaline was looking into the mirror with an evil grin, pleased that she was closer to becoming all powerful.