• Published 11th Jan 2024
  • 304 Views, 14 Comments

Overwatch: Soldier 111 - Flip_The_Table

Soldier 111, ex-Overwatch, now a Junker, joins Twilight and Spike to reclaim her stolen crown from Talon. As they navigate a world in turmoil, their bond grows stronger, driven by their shared quest for justice and peace.

  • ...

Anon is needed

Junkertown Jail cells
Tuesday 12:30 AM
Jail cell 189

In this unfamiliar world, Twilight felt a sense of helplessness wash over her as she looked upon her injured friend, Anon. Tears welled in her eyes, her heart heavy with sorrow and fear. In her world, she possessed the ability to heal with magic, but here, she was stripped of that power, left to rely solely on her limited knowledge and skills.

With trembling hands, Twilight began to tend to Anon's wounds as best as she could. She recalled the basic first aid techniques she had learned back home, applying pressure to stop the bleeding and gently assessing the extent of his injuries. Every movement was a struggle against her own inadequacy, a silent plea for strength and guidance in the face of adversity.

As she worked, a deep sense of responsibility weighed heavily on her shoulders. Anon and Spike were counting on her to keep it together, to be their pillar of strength in this time of crisis. And beyond them, there were countless others back in her home world who depended on her return.

With each passing moment, Twilight fought to suppress the rising tide of despair threatening to overwhelm her. She drew upon the memories of her past triumphs, the bonds of friendship that had carried her through even the darkest of times. For Anon, for Spike, for everyone she held dear, she vowed to persevere, to keep hope alive in the face of uncertainty.

Twilight's frustration boiled over as she looked down at Anon's unconscious form. She gently placed his hands at his sides, willing him to stay strong despite the ordeal they faced. Hours had passed since their capture, and with each moment, her anxiety grew.

"No, he's just passed out," she whispered to herself, her voice tinged with desperation. But even as she spoke the words, doubt gnawed at the edges of her mind. If only she had her magic, she could do something to help him, to ease his suffering.

With a growl of frustration, Twilight clenched her fists, her nails digging into her palms. She refused to succumb to despair, to let her lack of magic render her powerless. Closing her eyes, she focused on her breathing, willing herself to find a solution, however small. Twilight's determination grew stronger, her resolve unyielding in the face of adversity. She may not have her magic, but she refused to let that define her. For Anon, for Spike, for everyone who relied on her, she would find a way to make things right.

Twilight's heart lurched as she watched Anon's condition deteriorate before her eyes. Panic surged through her veins as she pressed down on the bandages, trying desperately to staunch the flow of blood. But her efforts were in vain as crimson stained the fabric, a grim testament to the severity of his injuries.

"Oh no, no no no!" Twilight's voice trembled with fear and desperation as she frantically assessed the situation. Anon's groans of pain pierced the air, his movements feeble and disjointed.

And then, as if the universe itself conspired against them, a new horror unfolded. Anon's body convulsed with a violent twitch, sending shockwaves of terror through Twilight's already fragile composure.

"He's having a stroke!" she gasped, her hands shaking as she struggled to keep her voice steady. Panic threatened to consume her as she frantically searched for a solution, her mind racing with a jumble of thoughts and fears.

With trembling hands, she reached out to Anon, her touch gentle yet urgent. She whispered words of reassurance, a feeble attempt to offer him comfort in his moment of need. But deep down, she knew that time was running out, and she was powerless to stop it. All she could do was pray for a miracle, to cling to the fragile hope that somehow, someway, they would find a way through this darkness together.

Twilight's cries for help echoed through the empty cell, her voice a desperate plea in the silence that surrounded them. But as her pleas fell on deaf ears, despair threatened to consume her, tears streaming down her cheeks as she watched Anon's condition worsen before her eyes.

Twilight's heart skipped a beat as the door swung open, revealing not a rescuer, but the hamster she had encountered earlier, now standing before her, its stature slightly larger than she remembered. A surge of surprise washed over her, mingled with a glimmer of hope.

"Please... save him," Twilight pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion as she implored the unusual creature before her.

The hamster regarded Anon with a thoughtful gaze, its expression unreadable yet strangely determined. With a nod of its head and a reassuring chirp, it stepped forward, its movements deliberate and purposeful.

Twilight watched in amazement as the hamster began to work, its paws moving with a surprising level of dexterity as it examined Anon's injuries. Though she couldn't comprehend the creature's actions, she felt a surge of gratitude welling within her.

Twilight's eyes widened as the hamster made a gesture, and with surprising agility, the ball, now revealed to be a towering mech, began to roll toward Anon's side. She watched in astonishment as the mech extended a mechanical appendage, its movements precise and purposeful, to assist Anon.

"He says... that your healing work is lazy," the synthesized voice of the mech echoed through the cell, its words ringing with a mix of criticism and understanding. Twilight felt a pang of embarrassment at the blunt assessment, but she knew there was truth in the mech's words.

A surge of gratitude washed over her as the mech continued to assist Anon. "He also said that you really care about this man." Twilight's heart swelled with emotion at the recognition, a sense of validation warming her soul despite the dire circumstances.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Twilight wiped the tears from her cheeks and watched as the mech skillfully tended to Anon's wound, its mechanical precision a testament to its expertise.

As Anon's twitching subsided and he sighed in relief, Twilight felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. The mech's actions had brought them a moment of respite in the midst of chaos, and for that, she was truly grateful.

"Why do you risk your neck for him?" the ball translated, its synthesized voice carrying the hamster's inquiry. Twilight's brow furrowed in confusion at the unexpected question. "He... is... he has been helping me the last couple of days... wait, why do you care?" she replied, her voice tinged with curiosity.

The hamster sat in front of her, its expression thoughtful as it conveyed the ball's translation. "The hamster says that you are different to this town, and your ways of healing match the style for an animal. Are you some kind of doctor for the lunar colony?" the ball asked, its synthesized voice carrying a hint of intrigue.

Twilight blinked in surprise at the suggestion. "What? No. Why?" she responded, her mind racing with questions. But before she could voice her thoughts, the hamster's demeanor shifted, its smile fading into a frown as it placed a paw on the floor, its expression pained.

"An old friend he knew left him there, and was worried about the dog," the ball relayed, its words sending a chill down Twilight's spine. The mention of Spike filled her with a sudden wave of concern, her thoughts racing to her faithful companion.

Gasping at the thought of Spike being in danger, Twilight dropped to her knees in front of the rodent, her eyes wide with worry. "Please, can you tell me more? Is Spike okay?" she pleaded, her voice trembling with fear and urgency.

"Alive and well," the ball declared, offering a glimmer of relief to Twilight's worried heart. With a sense of gratitude, she watched as the hamster hopped back inside the mech, nodding in reassurance.

Her hope flickered as the ball continued, "Your friend will live, but in an hour you and he will be seen by the queen." The gravity of the situation settled over Twilight like a heavy cloak. The prospect of facing the queen filled her with a mix of apprehension and determination.

But before the mech could roll away, Twilight's voice cut through the air, halting their departure. "Wait!" she called out, her gaze pleading as she met their eyes once more.

The mech and the hamster turned back to her, their attention fully captured by her plea. In that moment, Twilight knew she had to seize the opportunity to ask for their help, to ensure the safety of Anon and Spike, and to uncover the truth behind their unexpected encounter with the queen.

As Twilight held onto the bars, her gaze locked on the departing mech and hamster, she couldn't shake the sense of intrigue and mystery that surrounded them. "Who are you? And why did you help Anon?" she called out, her voice echoing through the empty cell.

The hamster shrugged in response before pressing a button on the mech's console. "He is the captain of the Wreckers, but few know him as Hammond... so don't call him that," the ball relayed before the mech rolled away, leaving Twilight alone once more.

Twilight watched them go, her mind swirling with questions. 'Hammond... what an odd... hamster,' she thought to herself, her curiosity piqued by the enigmatic creature and its mechanical companion.

But her thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of Anon's groan, drawing her attention back to him. Rushing to his side, she found him breathing slowly, a flicker of relief washing over her. "Good," she murmured, wiping a few locks of hair from his face as she looked away, her emotions swirling inside her.

When she looked back at Anon, she was met with a sight that warmed her heart – a small smile forming on his face. Twilight couldn't help but smile in return, her worries momentarily forgotten as she continued to stroke his hair, offering what comfort she could in their uncertain circumstances.

As Twilight poured out her remorse to Anon, a heavy weight settled in her chest. "I'm sorry, Anon... I tried to run... and I— I nearly killed someone..." Her words hung heavy in the air, laden with guilt and regret.

With a heavy sigh, she released her grip on Anon's hand and sank down to sit beside his bed, her gaze fixed on the bars of her cell. The looming presence of the junker Queen, coupled with their captivity, cast a shadow of uncertainty over their future. But Twilight refused to surrender to despair. Deep down, she knew that there was still hope, that they could find a way out of this dire situation.

"We have only an hour left... I need to find my crown... no... I first need to focus on getting my magic to work!" Twilight's resolve hardened as she spoke, determination burning bright within her. Closing her eyes, she hummed softly to herself, channeling her inner strength as she delved into her thoughts.

An idea sparked within her mind – a mind reading spell. It was risky, but in their desperate situation, Twilight was willing to try anything. With a deep breath, she focused her energy, reaching out with her mind in search of Anon's thoughts.

As she concentrated, a faint tingling sensation filled her senses, a sign that her magic was responding to her call. With renewed determination, she pressed on, delving deeper into the recesses of Anon's mind, searching for any clue that could aid their escape.

Minutes passed in tense silence as Twilight's concentration deepened, her brow furrowed in concentration. And then, like a whisper in the darkness, she felt a faint presence – Anon's thoughts, swirling with a mix of emotions and memories.

With a firm resolve burning in her heart, Twilight stood up, her determination unwavering despite the challenges ahead. She cast one last glance at Anon, his form resting fitfully in sleep, before her gaze shifted to his bandages. The sight of his injuries served as a grim reminder of the dangers they faced, but Twilight refused to let fear hold her back.

Closing her eyes, she drew upon the inner reserves of her strength, channeling her energy into a focused concentration. With each breath, she felt a subtle shift in the air around her, a tingling sensation that hinted at the latent power waiting to be unleashed.

Focusing her mind, Twilight extended her hand toward Anon's head, her touch gentle yet purposeful. As she made contact, she felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins, a connection forming between her and the sleeping man before her.

With unwavering determination, Twilight delved deep into the recesses of her newfound magic, exploring its uncharted depths with a sense of wonder and curiosity. It was different from the magic she knew, unpredictable and raw, but she embraced it nonetheless, determined to master its mysteries.

As she concentrated, a soft glow enveloped her hand, illuminating the dim confines of the cell with a warm, ethereal light. With each passing moment, Twilight felt her connection to Anon strengthening, a bond forged through shared trials and tribulations.

And then, as if guided by an unseen force, she began to weave a delicate spell, a whispered incantation that echoed through the confines of her mind. With each word, she felt the magic respond, bending to her will with a newfound sense of purpose.

As Twilight concentrated, her mind reaching out in search of Anon's thoughts, she felt a spark of energy crackling in the air around her. Her heart skipped a beat with excitement and anticipation. "Anon... clear your head... let me hear you... please..." she whispered softly, her voice a gentle plea in the midst of chaos.

With her eyes tightly shut, Twilight focused all her energy on maintaining the connection, blocking out the surrounding noise and distractions. She could feel the magic swirling around her, responding to her will with a newfound sense of clarity.

"Oh my gosh! It's working! Okay, okay... focused," she thought to herself, her determination unwavering as she delved deeper into the depths of her magic. With each breath, she felt herself drawing closer to Anon, their minds on the brink of convergence.

And then, in a sudden rush of sensation, Twilight found herself transported to another realm – a world of chaos and conflict, where gunshots echoed in the distance and shouts filled the air. Before her eyes, humans clad in strange armor clashed with hordes of omnics, their battle raging on with ferocious intensity.

Amidst the chaos, a young boy darted forward, his determination shining bright amidst the darkness. Twilight watched in awe as he ran towards a man, his every movement filled with purpose and resolve.

With a gasp, Twilight realized that she was witnessing Anon's memories, his past laid bare before her in vivid detail. She felt a surge of empathy wash over her as she experienced the tumultuous events unfolding before her eyes, a silent witness to the trials and tribulations that had shaped Anon into the person he was today.

As Twilight observed the scene unfolding before her, her heart clenched at the sight of the young boy's determination. "Sir! I wanna fight too!" he declared with unwavering resolve.

A bittersweet smile graced the man's face as he regarded the boy with a mixture of pride and sadness. "Heheh, you got guts, kid... but I need you here. Keep the people safe, okay, soldier?" he replied, his voice filled with warmth and reassurance.

Twilight's breath caught in her throat as she studied the man more closely, her mind racing with recognition. "He's one of the men from the photo!" she thought aloud, her eyes widening with astonishment as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

Before she could dwell on her revelation, the young boy snapped to attention, executing a crisp salute before darting back towards the group of children. As the troops prepared to depart, Twilight watched with a sense of awe and admiration, her heart swelling with pride for the brave souls who stood ready to defend their home.

As the scene unfolded before her, Twilight felt a lump form in her throat, her eyes misting with unshed tears. The tender exchange between the young Anon and his father filled her with a sense of longing and melancholy, a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of life and the enduring legacy of love.

"Dad, dad! Kill some baddies for me, please?" the child's innocent voice echoed through the air, drawing a chuckle from the man as he scooped the boy up in his arms. "Of course, kiddo!" he laughed, his voice filled with warmth and affection.

But as Twilight watched, the scene began to shift and blur, the passage of time unfolding before her eyes like a bittersweet symphony. The child, still young Anon, grew older before her, his features slowly maturing with each passing moment.

And then, as if in the blink of an eye, the young Anon stood before her, his gaze fixed on a weathered tombstone. Twilight observed the scene unfolding before her, a pang of sorrow gripped her heart at the sight of the tombstone bearing the name "Inno M. Mous." The significance of the name was not lost on her, and she felt a surge of empathy for Anon as he stood before his father's final resting place.

"Dad... I'm going to fight... I'm going to be a hero... just like you were once," Anon's voice broke the solemn silence, his words carrying a weight of determination and reverence.

With a heavy heart, Twilight realized the truth behind Anon's resolve. His father, Inno M. Mous, had served as a trooper, a defender of justice and freedom. The scratched-out year on the tombstone and the trooper name, "U.S.A Trooper 111," spoke volumes about his father's sacrifice and service to their country.

As Twilight turned around, her eyes widened in astonishment as she witnessed Anon's transformation, his form slowly maturing to match the image from the photo. Clad in the same gear as the men from the photo, he walked alongside them, a determined expression etched on his face.

But her attention was drawn to the moment when Anon veered off the path with the grey man, leaving the blue man behind. A sense of foreboding washed over her as she watched the group continue their journey, accompanied by a man wearing a cowboy hat and another who appeared to be a cyborg of some kind, along with a woman.

Their steps echoed in the dimly lit room, their movements purposeful as they reached a dark office with a broken window. Twilight's heart raced as she watched them stand before the shattered glass, their silhouettes outlined against the faint light filtering in from outside.

As Twilight approached the window, her heart pounded with trepidation at the scene unfolding before her. The tension in the room was palpable, the air thick with unease as the cowboy, addressed as Reyes, faced the ire of his companion.

"Reyes, what did you do? This is not the plan!" the cowboy snapped, his voice laced with frustration and anger. Twilight's eyes widened in shock as she watched the exchange, her mind racing to make sense of the situation.

But before she could comprehend the gravity of the cowboy's accusation, her gaze was drawn to the figure lying motionless on the ground below – a body surrounded by men in black and red armor. Panic surged through her veins as she realized the danger they were in, the looming threat of imminent conflict sending a shiver down her spine.

As the men in armor looked up and shouted, Twilight's instincts kicked in, urging her to seek cover. She flinched instinctively as Anon leaned out of the window, his presence a stark reminder of the perilous situation they found themselves in.

As tension mounted in the room, Anon's voice sliced through the silence, his words carrying a weight of urgency and concern. "Uh, captain? We got company," he announced, his tone tinged with apprehension.

Twilight's gaze darted to Anon, her heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and confusion. She watched as the others turned their attention to him, their expressions shifting from determination to wary alertness.

The cowboy, his demeanor hardened, strode over to the cyborgs, revolver in hand, while Reyes, the leader, prepared himself with two shotguns. "Looks like we're going with plan B," Reyes declared, his voice firm and resolute.

With a sense of unease settling over her, Twilight hesitated for a moment, grappling with the realization that Anon had been a part of this group. Questions swirled in her mind, doubts and uncertainties clouding her thoughts.

But as the others dashed out of the room, Twilight remained rooted to the spot, her gaze fixed on Anon. She saw him standing still, his breath coming in quick, shallow pants, a furrow of concern marring his brow.

As Twilight's surroundings shifted, the dimly lit room transformed before her eyes, morphing into the stark confines of an interrogation room. The once familiar space now felt foreign and oppressive, casting a shadow of unease over her senses.

In the center of the room stood Anon, his form tense and apprehensive as he faced the stern figure of the commander, the blue man from their earlier encounter. His expression was stern, his eyes betraying a hint of disappointment as they bore into Anon with unwavering scrutiny.

Twilight felt a knot form in her stomach as she watched the scene unfold, a sense of foreboding creeping over her with each passing moment. She could see the weight of the situation bearing down on Anon, his features drawn with worry as he sought to explain himself to the commander.

"Look, Commander. I had no idea on this... he just... went rogue, sir," Anon's voice echoed in the silence of the room, his words strained with desperation as he tried to convey his innocence.

But the commander's expression remained stoic and unyielding, his gaze piercing as he regarded Anon with a mixture of suspicion and disappointment. The familiarity that once existed between them seemed to fade away, replaced by an air of distrust and hostility.

Twilight's heart ached for Anon as she witnessed the scene unfolding before her, a sense of helplessness washing over her. She longed to reach out to him, to offer him comfort and support in his time of need, but she knew that she could only stand by and bear witness to the unfolding drama.

Twilight's breath caught in her throat as she listened to the exchange between Anon and the commander, her heart heavy with anticipation. The tension in the room was palpable, each word spoken carrying the weight of their shared uncertainty.

"I don't think of you that way, 111... You're a tough kid, but I don't know if this group is good—"

The commander's words hung in the air, his tone grave and contemplative as he voiced his doubts. Twilight watched Anon closely, sensing the turmoil brewing within him as he grappled with his allegiance to the group.

But before the commander could continue, Anon's voice broke through the silence, his words filled with a sense of resignation and introspection. "None of this... sir, Commander Chase has been questioning our work, and what I think she says is right... I... I joined this agency to be a hero... for my father... but now I see it... I'm no hero," he confessed, his voice heavy with regret.

Twilight's heart went out to Anon as she witnessed his moment of vulnerability, the weight of his realization evident in his every word. She could see the conflict raging within him, torn between his ideals and the harsh reality of his circumstances.

With a heavy sigh, Anon rose to his feet, his movements deliberate as he removed his badge from his robe. The gesture spoke volumes, a symbolic renunciation of the ideals he had once held dear.

Twilight's breath caught in her throat as Anon made his decision and turned to leave the room, his words echoing with a sense of finality. She watched him go, her heart heavy with a mix of sadness and admiration for his courage.

But before she could dwell on the moment, the door burst open with a force that sent a jolt of surprise through her. As the scene shifted once again, Twilight found herself yelping in surprise as she witnessed Anon running down the halls of the burning building, his figure illuminated by flickering flames.

Her eyes widened in shock as she watched Anon spring into action, his every movement a testament to his bravery and selflessness. He dashed through the chaos, helping people to safety with a determination that stirred something deep within her soul.

And then, amidst the turmoil and destruction, Anon's gaze fell upon the blue man once again. Twilight's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the reunion unfold, a sense of apprehension gripping her as she waited to see what would happen next.

In that moment, Twilight knew that Anon was no longer defined by the group he had once belonged to, nor by the mistakes of his past. He was a hero in his own right, driven by a sense of duty and compassion that set him apart.

Twilight's heart raced as she listened to the exchange between Anon and the blue man, her eyes glued to the unfolding scene before her.



"What are you doing here?"

"Helping the people, sir!"

Twilight felt a surge of pride well up inside her at Anon's response, his unwavering commitment to helping others shining through even in the face of danger.

"Okay... get them out. I'll handle this," the blue man commanded, his voice firm and authoritative as he directed Anon to focus on the task at hand.

With a determined nod, Anon sprang into action, his every movement a blur of motion as he dashed through the burning building, shouting out names and guiding people to safety. Twilight watched in awe as he risked his own life to help others, his bravery and selflessness shining brightly amidst the chaos.

But just as she thought the worst was over, a massive explosion rocked the building, sending Anon crashing to the ground. Twilight gasped in horror as she watched him struggle to rise, a sense of helplessness washing over her.

Twilight's breath caught in her throat as she watched the scene unfold before her. Anon's valiant efforts to save the trapped individuals were abruptly halted as a piece of the building came crashing down, pinning him beneath its weight.

Panic surged through Twilight as she watched Anon struggle to free himself, his face contorted in pain as he grappled with the debris that held him captive. With each passing moment, her anxiety grew, a sense of helplessness gnawing at her insides.

But just as despair threatened to consume her, Reyes appeared at Anon's side, his presence a beacon of hope in the midst of chaos. With a strength born of determination, Reyes lent his assistance, helping Anon to his feet and guiding him to safety outside the burning building.

Relief washed over Twilight as she watched them emerge from the inferno, her heart swelling with gratitude for Reyes's timely intervention. She knew that without his help, Anon's fate could have been far more dire.

Twilight's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the scene unfold, her senses overwhelmed by the chaos and destruction surrounding them. Anon's struggle for survival, Reyes's selfless bravery – it was all too much to bear.

"You need to leave! You're badly hurt," Reyes urged, his voice strained with concern as he dragged Anon outside to safety. Anon gasped and coughed, his body wracked with pain from his injuries as he stumbled out of the burning building.

Twilight's eyes widened in horror as she watched Reyes's determination to help others, even at the risk of his own life. She felt a surge of admiration for him, a profound respect for his unwavering commitment to his duty.

Reyes's actions spoke volumes about the kind of person he was – brave, selfless, and willing to sacrifice everything for the greater good. And as he handed his black beanie to Anon before rushing back into the inferno, Twilight couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for the fate that awaited him.

As Anon shouted in desperation and Twilight's own voice joined his in a chorus of fear and anguish, a sense of helplessness washed over her. She knew that there was nothing she could do but watch as the inevitable unfolded before her eyes.

And then, in a blinding flash of light and heat, the missile struck the building, unleashing a devastating explosion that tore through the complex with merciless force. Twilight gasped in horror as the explosion engulfed everything in its path, leaving nothing but destruction and devastation in its wake.

"CAPTAIN!" Anon's desperate cry echoed in her ears, a haunting reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of heroism. As the smoke cleared and reality came crashing back around her, Twilight found herself back in the confines of her cell, her heart heavy with grief for those who had been lost in the explosion.

Twilight's breath caught in her throat as the doors to the cellar swung open, revealing a group of wreckers standing menacingly in the doorway. She watched in horror as they wordlessly picked up Anon by the legs, dragging him out of the cell with little regard for his injuries. Twilight herself was roughly tugged out of the cell, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

Anon groaned in pain, still unconscious from the ordeal, as Twilight was pulled along beside him. Despite the agony coursing through his body, he remained asleep, unaware of the danger they were in.

Twilight said nothing as they were dragged away, her thoughts consumed by the grim reality of their situation. She knew that they were in grave danger, but she also knew that she had to stay strong, for Anon's sake and for Spike's.

As they were led down the darkened corridors, Twilight's eyes fell upon a thrown room where a woman sat, holding Spike in her lap. A malicious grin spread across the woman's face as she looked down at them, her eyes gleaming with malevolence.

Twilight's heart sank as she guessed the woman seated on the throne is the Junker Queen herself. Her reputation preceded her, a ruthless and cunning leader feared by all who dared to oppose her.

As the Queen grinned down at them, her eyes alight with a sinister gleam, Twilight's grip tightened with determination. She knew that they were in the presence of a formidable adversary, one who held the power to dictate their fate with a mere flick of her wrist.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here? Trouble makers?" the Queen's voice dripped with contempt as she addressed them, her tone laced with malice.

Twilight's jaw clenched as she met the Queen's gaze, her defiance unyielding despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them. She refused to cower in the face of tyranny, determined to stand her ground and fight for their freedom.

With a silent vow to protect Anon and Spike at all costs, Twilight squared her shoulders and prepared for the battle ahead. She knew that their journey would be fraught with danger and uncertainty, but she also knew that they had each other – and together, they were stronger than any foe they might face.

As the Queen's laughter echoed through the chamber, Twilight steeled herself for the challenges that lay ahead, her resolve unwavering in the face of adversity. For in that moment, she knew that their fate rested in their hands, and she was determined to write their own destiny, no matter the cost.

[Junkertown search rate: Target not located]
[Anon Y Mosu: 34%]
[Spike: 100%]
[Twilight: 100%]
[Crown: negative]
[The mission carries on...]