• Published 11th Jan 2024
  • 304 Views, 14 Comments

Overwatch: Soldier 111 - Flip_The_Table

Soldier 111, ex-Overwatch, now a Junker, joins Twilight and Spike to reclaim her stolen crown from Talon. As they navigate a world in turmoil, their bond grows stronger, driven by their shared quest for justice and peace.

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I’m a junker not a hero! (Edited)

Junkertown Crabby Hotel Lot
Saturday, 2:00 PM
Living Room

Four days have passed since Twilight and Spike took refuge in my home. Four days of relentless searching for this elusive crown. I would have given up by now if I didn't believe with every fiber of my being that it's real. My instincts drive me forward, urging me not to relent, for I know that failure could mean something far worse for my world...

Luckily, my boss, Rockhoof, granted me the next week off due to an unexpected tornado warning. While scrap looting is off the table for now, it means I have more time to focus on finding this crown.

I've been teaching Twilight the ropes of survival in this town. She may not like it, but it's better than sitting idly by. Meanwhile, I've been training Spike, the talking dog, in combat and protection. Taking him on trips with me has been beneficial; his fearlessness makes him a valuable ally. Although Twilight didn't suggest it, her understanding of the world would likely lead her to accept it easily.

Today was going to be a significant test of our efforts. I sit on the couch, glancing over at the map I provided to Twilight to aid in our search for the crown. Thanks to my detailed explanations, we've made considerable progress, and if all goes well, we might be able to locate the crown in less than two more days. At least, that's what I'm hoping for…

"So I believe we could start somewhere over at the main road here," Twilight suggests, pointing to the rat's hideaway on the map. I ponder her choice silently, wondering why she chose that particular location. With a sigh, I roll up the map and hand it back to her. Spike hops off and waits eagerly by the door, signaling that he's ready to go.

"You know, I'm getting kind of tired of getting dirt on my body," Twilight remarks as we descend the steps outside the hotel. I chuckle softly, empathizing with her sentiment. "Yeah, I agree. You cost me 15 bolts!" I tease, rolling my eyes as we turn down a nearby street, ready to begin our search.

"So, what is this 'rat's hideaway,' Anon?" Twilight inquired as we passed by some intoxicated junkers. Spike, sensing something unpleasant, recoiled and shivered before moving closer to us as we continued on our way.

"The rat's hideaway used to be the epicenter of the town's criminal activities," I explained. "But after two individuals named Jamison Fawkes and Mako Rutledge caused too much havoc in the main part of town, the Queen had had enough. She banished them, effectively putting an end to the chaos."
Twilight gasps as she takes in the sight of the rundown surroundings. The once notorious rat's hideaway now lay in ruins, abandoned by the Queen and inhabited by downtrodden townsfolk seeking solace in drink and shared misery. She averts her gaze, visibly disheartened by the desolate scene, while Spike lets out a whimper of discomfort.

As I approach the bar, Twilight stands by my side, both of us surveying the grim surroundings. "Okay, this is kinda creepy," Spike remarks, his unease evident as he watches a group of Wreckers stumble down the streets, one of them slipping on a discarded toy car.

"Oi, brat! Watch where you're going!" the Wrecker shouts angrily as the boy looks down at the flattened toy car, his eyes welling up with tears. I avert my gaze, not wanting to get involved in the confrontation.

"It will never be the same—Twilight?" I call out, noticing her absence. I quickly turn back and spot her with Spike. Panic grips me as I realize she's approaching the Wrecker, her expression determined.

"Sir, it was an accident. There's no need to—" Twilight begins, attempting to defuse the situation, but the Wrecker cuts her off abruptly.

"Shut up!" he snaps, his attention turning back to the frightened boy who quickly flees the scene. The Wrecker's frustration mounts as he turns back to Twilight, brandishing a knife with a menacing grin.

"Lady, I'm gonna make you wish you didn't do that!" he threatens, advancing towards her. Sensing the danger, Twilight begins to back away, her eyes wide with fear.

But before he can make any further threats, I step in front of him, forcefully bumping him back and adopting a stern expression. He regains his balance, glaring at me with hostility.

"Get. Going," I command firmly, my symbol visible on my glove. The Wrecker hesitates for a moment before begrudgingly turning away and disappearing into the dilapidated surroundings of the rat's hideaway.

"A Scrapper telling me, a Wrecker, to beat it? Ha!" the Wrecker scoffs, attempting to assert his dominance. I ignore his taunt, rolling my eyes as I turn towards Twilight.

"Go to the bar. Wait. I'll be done—" I start to say, but Spike's warning cuts me off.

"Anon, look out!" Spike shouts, alerting me to the imminent danger. Reacting quickly, I pivot just in time to see the Wrecker lunging towards me with his knife. I grab his arm, twisting it sharply and wresting the knife from his grasp. With a swift motion, I trip him, forcing him to kneel before me. Holding the knife close to his head, I maintain control as he pants lightly, subdued.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," the Wrecker stammers, fear evident in his voice as the knife presses against his neck. I gaze down at him, my expression unwavering.

"You may think you're in charge here, but no... you use that bullshit of a title to take claim over everything... run away and don't fucking look back!" I growl, my voice laced with contempt. With a swift movement, I stab his leg and kick him to the ground.

Twilight backs away, startled by my actions, while Spike whimpers and hides behind her. As the Wrecker struggles to rise, he glares at me with a mixture of anger and pain. "Y-you messed up, Scrapper! My—I mean, the boss will have your head for this!" he threatens before limping away, disappearing around the corner.

I stand there for a moment, the weight of my actions settling heavily upon me. Despite the adrenaline still coursing through my veins, I can't shake the feeling of unease at what I've just done.

As I walk back over to the bar, Twilight looks at me with a frown while Spike settles onto a stool. "That was a close call," Spike remarks, glancing between me and Twilight.

Twilight clears her throat, her expression stern. "Why did you do that? I get he had a knife, but you don't just hurt people!" she protests.

"Look here, 'princess.' I didn't want to bother with the ass. You went ahead and tried to 'talk' to him," I retort, rolling my eyes at her disapproval.

"I tried to make him calm down because he was shouting at a kid!" Twilight insists, her frustration evident.

"Well, I'm sorry, but trying to make the situation less problematic with a Wrecker is impossible!" I retort sharply, glaring at her as she waves her arms in frustration.

"Did you forget that my main purpose is to make everyone a friend?" she counters, her tone pleading. Her words prompt a laugh from me.

"You think you can make a 'friend' in this city? Look here, Twilight. Junkertown is a place where people hate people!" I scoff.

"Well, I don't know. Maybe you could have made a difference," she persists.

"Me? Ha! Very good. Why would I make a difference?" I scoff dismissively.

"Deep inside, I see the heroics in your eye!" she insists, her words catching me off guard. Memories of old arguments resurface, leaving me silent as I contemplate her words.
"Heroic? Me? No, I'm not that guy anymore," I think to myself, shaking my head. I turn back to the bar, where a beer slides over to me. "A hero? Heh, I'm not a hero, I'm a junker," I declare, taking a swig before tossing ten bolts onto the counter. The barkeep chuckles.

"Ah, young love. Takes me back to my days," he muses.



"What?" we all echo, momentarily confused by the unexpected comment.

Twilight blushes and looks away, while Spike shoots a disapproving glance at the barkeeper. I choke on my drink, taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. Letting out a sigh, I rise from my seat and approach Twilight, pulling out the map.

"Look, I've lived in this city for some years now... I was in your shoes when I first showed up, but there was nothing I could do," I explain, my tone tinged with resignation. This time, Twilight meets my gaze.

"I'm at a point where I don't care about these people, because they only care for themselves," I continue, my gaze drifting back to her. She steps closer, her expression softening.

"I don't know what I should say, but... try not to hurt them... please?" she implores.

"Okay... maybe we should, uh, get looking for your crown," I suggest, attempting to change the subject. She nods in agreement. "Let's go," she replies, determination evident in her voice. Spike takes the lead, sniffing the ground as we continue down the street, hopeful that we'll find the crown.

Despite our efforts, our search at Rats Hideaway yielded no results. Disheartened, we stumbled upon a tiny restaurant nearby. Twilight recoiled at the sight of the meat dishes, reminiscing about her world where such fare was unfamiliar. However, after some persuasion, she tentatively sampled the food, and to our surprise, she seemed to enjoy it immensely. Watching her relish the flavors, I found myself reflecting on the simple joys of life that we often take for granted.

Spike, ever the opportunist, managed to swipe a treat, prompting a playful chase between him and Twilight. As they dashed around the restaurant, laughter filled the air, and for a moment, the weight of our mission lifted, replaced by the warmth of camaraderie and shared moments of joy.

"Well, here I thought you only ate fruits!" I joked, lighten the mood.

Twilight smiled faintly. "It's probably due to the portal. It changed me, so it must have altered my cravings and other habits," she explains, running a hand through her hair as Spike frolicked nearby. "But there's one thing I still have," she adds, catching my attention. "I don't know how humans can do it, but I still feel my magic," she says, holding out her hands for me to see.

"Huh... that is strange. No human has ever had magic. We don't even care. Technology is what we desire. We use it for everything! We even rely on technology in hospitals," I say, recalling my own unsettling experiences with medical care in Junkertown.

Twilight laughs before she shares an anecdote about a town she and her friends once encountered, where they had a similar experience but with a different outcome. As she speaks, I find myself intrigued by her tales of adventure and the fantastical world she hails from.

"So where should we look next?" Twilight asked, her curiosity evident in her voice.

"Well... hate to say it, but we should wait a day or two," I replied, turning down a road with Twilight close behind.

"Why?" she asked, a hint of concern in her tone.

"You forgot that I stabbed a wrecker in the leg, Twi," I said matter-of-factly, prompting a slight blush from her. "Oh, right... well, I guess we should plan this out then," she conceded.

"Yeah... we should," I agreed, the gravity of our situation sinking in as we contemplated our next move.

[Junkertown search rate: 15%]
[Anon Y Mosu: 100%]
[Twilight Sparkle: 100%]
[Crown: Negative]
[The mission carries on...]