• Published 11th Jan 2024
  • 312 Views, 14 Comments

Overwatch: Soldier 111 - Flip_The_Table

Soldier 111, ex-Overwatch, now a Junker, joins Twilight and Spike to reclaim her stolen crown from Talon. As they navigate a world in turmoil, their bond grows stronger, driven by their shared quest for justice and peace.

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Magic at the palm of his hands! (Edited)

Junkertown Crabby Hotel Lot
Tuesday, 9:30 AM
Living Room

Anon had stepped out for the time being, mentioning something about "planning" to assist Twilight in her search for her crown. Spike had grown accustomed to lingering around here, but being denied the comfort of the bed left the dog/dragon feeling rather disheartened.

Twilight was fortunate to have the couch to herself, at least. It seemed that living here had taken its toll on the bed and furniture. Spike yawned before licking his nose, then hopped off the couch to wander around the hotel.

"Man, how long is it going to take for him to show up?" Spike groaned, flopping onto the ground. Twilight reached out to rub the top of the dragon's head, causing his tail to wiggle as he panted lightly. Spike groaned again, clearly tired of being just a dog.

"It's okay, Spike. Anon said he's getting a map of Junkertown, I believe?" Twilight reassures him as the tired dog rolls onto his back, still seemingly exhausted. With a skeptical expression, he rolls his eyes. "I have a bad feeling about this guy," Spike grumbles, causing Twilight to look away and cross her arms defensively.

"Yeah... but I can't shake the feeling that he wants to help," she admits, her voice tinged with uncertainty. Spike glances back at her, his eyes reflecting the memory of Anon's bravery when he helped save them from the Wreckers. It's clear that Anon possesses the qualities of a fighter, a strong one at that.

"You really think so?" Spike questions, prompting Twilight to meet his gaze. She then shifts her gaze toward Anon's room, recalling their interaction from earlier that morning.

Twilight recalls the scene vividly: the man adjusting his scarf and donning his gloves, his eyes scanning over her and the dog as he checks his handgun's ammo. She watches intently as he secures the gun in its holster, the audible click resonating in the room.

"So what happens next?" she inquires, looking up at the man expectantly.

"Simple. You stay," he replies curtly, causing Twilight to gasp and stand up abruptly. "What? Why?" she protests, glaring daggers at him. Anon frowns, lifting a hand to silence her. "There's a good reason. Firstly, I have a job that I can't miss. Secondly, you don't know how things work around here," he explains, holding up two fingers for emphasis before striding toward the door. He pauses before opening it, lifting a third finger as he does so.

"Third reason, you don't know about Junkertown!" Anon adds, just as a bucket full of dirt smashes into his body followed by a plate, inciting a heated argument from the neighbors. The commotion crescendos into a loud explosion, shaking the room.

Twilight is about to speak, but she hesitates, resigned to the chaos unfolding around them. She sinks back down onto the couch in silence.

"I'll be back in a while. I'll make sure to bring a map back too, but... don't touch my stuff," Anon instructs firmly before closing the door behind him, leaving the two alone amidst the turmoil of Junkertown.

Spike looks around the room and then back at Twilight, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. He dashes toward the door, prompting Twilight to hurriedly follow and intercept him.

"What are you doing?" she asks, catching him before he can reach the door.

"We're gonna look around!" Spike replies with a toothy grin, his excitement evident.

Twilight furrows her brow at the rebellious dog, attempting to prevent him from opening the door. "We can't just go and snoop around in someone's private room!" she insists, her voice tinged with concern.

"I would!" The man from upstairs chimes in, prompting Spike to wag his tail excitedly once more. Twilight lets out another groan of exasperation as Spike manages to slide the door open and bound onto the bed. She follows his lead, stepping cautiously into the room.

Looking around, she notices the sparseness of the room. Trash litters the floor, and there are some loose clothes strewn about. It's the kind of room that belongs to a young colt who refuses to clean up, with a mother who has given up trying.

However, Twilight's attention is drawn to the closet on the far side of the room. Slowly, she reaches over and opens the door, revealing a collection of rags, similar shirts and pants, and the gray wrapping the man uses for his gloves. Nestled at the bottom of the closet, almost hidden from view, is a box. Curiosity getting the better of her, she picks up the box and opens it, revealing... a photo.

Twilight examines the photo closely, studying Anon and the two other individuals depicted. Anon appears younger, dressed in armor similar to what he wears now, alongside two others clad in different colored armor. The one in the middle wears blue armor plates and an open coat adorned with a strange symbol, with a half blue visor covering his face. The other figure, to the right, sports black and grey armor and coat, without a visor, and is shown carrying what Anon referred to as a "gun" on his shoulders.

"How odd..." Twilight murmurs, puzzled by the image before her. She carefully places the photo back into the box and returns it to its original spot in the closet. Meanwhile, Spike discovers a metal coin atop the dresser. It bears the same peculiar symbol as the one in the photo. Twilight picks it up, feeling the smooth texture of the coin as she examines it closely, her curiosity piqued.

"Who was this guy?" Twilight ponders aloud, glancing back at Spike for insight. Spike sniffs the coin before replying, "I don't know. Maybe he was someone before he became a junker."

As they exit the room and return to the couch, Twilight's eyes catch sight of a small rectangular object lying nearby. Anon had referred to it as a remote. She picks it up, turning it over in her hands as she examines it with curiosity.

With newfound dexterity, Twilight adeptly picks up the remote, a testament to her growing mastery of her human form. Anon had struggled to explain the complexities of this world to her, emphasizing the aftermath of a devastating war and the existence of a race called the Omnics, who had played a pivotal role in the conflict but now coexist with humans in an uneasy peace.

Anon had also warned her about the deep-seated animosity toward Omnics in Junkertown, stemming from their perceived role in the destruction of their homeland, turning it into a desolate wasteland. As Twilight navigates the TV remote, she can't help but long for the guidance and wisdom of Princess Celestia. Turning on the TV, she gazes at the screen, pondering the events unfolding in this unfamiliar world.

Twilight's heart swells with hope as she watches the news coverage of the progress toward an Omnic peace treaty. The images of Mondatta and Zenyatta engaging in dialogue with humans, advocating for the liberation of their kind, fill her with admiration. Despite the challenges and prejudices they face, these noble beings persist in their pursuit of peace.

She can't help but smile at the sight of these fighters for peace, their resolve unwavering despite the odds stacked against them. In that moment, Twilight is filled with a renewed determination to find a way to help this world, to contribute to the cause of unity and understanding between humans and Omnics.

Twilight's smile fades as the news takes a somber turn. The announcement of Mondatta's tragic death sends a wave of sorrow through her. She watches with a heavy heart as the reporter details the events leading to his demise.

"We believe it was an assassination attempt. As Mondatta was leaving, an explosion occurred, followed by gunfire that claimed his life," the reporter explains solemnly, the images of the scene flashing across the screen.

Twilight's mind reels with disbelief and grief at the senseless loss of such a powerful advocate for peace. Her determination to make a difference in this world is strengthened, fueled by a desire to honor Mondatta's legacy and work towards a future where harmony between humans and Omnics is achievable.

Spike lets out a whimper, sensing the tension in the air as the news report continues. Twilight watches Zenyatta, the remaining Omnic leader, with a mixture of admiration and sadness. His calm demeanor and message of peace resonate deeply with her.

"He's so peaceful," she murmurs, a faint smile gracing her lips. Spike yawns and settles down next to her, his presence bringing her comfort and warmth. Twilight's smile widens as she leans into him, grateful for his companionship.

She continues to watch the news, eager to learn more about the world and the challenges it faces. With each story, she becomes more determined to find a way to contribute to peace and understanding in this unfamiliar yet intriguing place.

In a clandestine facility, a towering figure stands vigilantly, observing the world's tumultuous events and identifying potential targets. His attention is drawn as two individuals enter the room.

"So you have it?" he inquires, his gaze fixed on them. The woman nods, producing the crown and tossing it over to the man, who catches it effortlessly with his large metal hand.

"And you say it holds magic?" he questions, inspecting the crown closely. The woman confirms, stepping forward to reclaim the crown.

"With this, magic will change everything for Talon," she declares with conviction.

"How will it work?" the man presses for details.

"I simply need time to work on this. Once I establish a connection to the magic, we will be able to rectify this mess," she explains confidently.

"There is one problem," the tall figure remarks, causing the woman to furrow her brow slightly. He directs his gaze toward both of them.

"You mentioned before the mission that the ponies would come after the crown," he continues. The woman sighs, acknowledging the validity of his concern.

"My time with Talon allowed me to locate six portals that lead back to Equestria," she explains, bringing up a screen displaying several red dots scattered across the world. "However, thanks to Reaper, we have the capability to access any portal at will," she adds, nodding toward the black-robed man standing nearby.

"But that still doesn't help if they're here or not," the tall figure insists.

"They are here in this world. What gives us the advantage is that their portal transports them to a random destination," the woman, Shimmer, reassures him.

"So these other portals..." he trails off, contemplating their potential.

"They would be there and far away from us, giving me time to work on this," Shimmer concludes confidently. The man chuckles, acknowledging her resourcefulness.

"You've done well, Shimmer. Just make sure to keep yourself busy," he instructs, and the two nod before exiting the room.

Alone once more, the tall figure gazes at the crown, a sinister grin spreading across his face. "Magic at the palm of my hand," he muses, placing the crown on a pedestal before returning his attention to the globe, plotting his next moves with newfound power at his disposal.