• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 272 Views, 2 Comments

EqG Tales: DC Super Hero Girls Edition - Brian Sheil

6 girls got their prides shot. 6 young heroes help them get back their groove.

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6. Rarity and Zatanna

Author's Note:

Rarity has always been known as a drama queen. But, some of her drama will vanish when a young magician makes a social call.

In her little abode near her store, Rarity sits down on her desk. She’s still feeling the sting of what Svengallop did to her and her friends.

“Still feeling down, sis?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Indeed I am.” Rarity replied with tears in her eyes. “Our shining moment was taken away by that nasty critic!”

Suddenly, a knock was heard from the door. As Sweetie Belle answered, Rarity still feels disappointed. Why would anybody like Svengallop do this to us? We’re don’t mean any harm.

Sweetie Belle returns, followed by a raven haired girl wearing a top hat and a magician type outfit. Rarity was surprised to see this visitor.

“Oh, my goodness.” Rarity gasped. “Zatanna the Magician.”

The young maiden known as Zatanna tipped her top hat. “The one and only.”

Sweetie Belle was very impressed with this visitor and her outfit. "Wow! You look amazing."

"Thank you, Sweetie Belle." Zatanna replied.

"So, what brings you here to Canterlot City? Here to put on a magic show?"

"Actually, I've shown up to cheer up your fashionista sister."

Hearing that, Rarity perked up and came in to the conversation. "I take it you heard what happened at our school."

"I sure did." Zatanna replied. "It was not right for a vicious critic to pull you and your friends out of a play. And, for no reason too."

"True, Zatanna. At least our teachers and the principal usually have reasons to discipline us."

Looking around, the young magician is impressed with Rarity's workspace.

"You must be one busy bee coming up with fascinating outfits for many folks around here." Zatanna praised.

"Thank you, darling." Rarity replied. "My friends are always impressed with my creations. Even Rainbow Dash."

"Oh. The athletic girl with the spectrum hair. Right?"

"Right you are."

"Speaking of fashion, check this out."

Rarity and Sweetie Belle watched as Zatanna calls out something unusual. ”TIFTUO EGNAHC!"

Instantly, Zatana's magician outfit changes into a long sleeve black dress with black boots and a flowing black cape.

"How did you do that?" Sweetie Belle wondered.

"I think I know." Rarity said. "Zatanna works her special magic by speaking backwards."

"I see you've been doing research on me." Zatanna said. "And, I thought Twilight Sparkle is the smart one."

Everybody had a good laugh. Then, Rarity's phone rang. She answered the call. As Sweetie Belle and Zatanna were enjoying each other's company, Rarity came in with a concerned look on her face.

"That was my friend: Hoity Toity." Rarity explained.

"Hoity Toity?" Zatanna gasped. "One of Canterlot City's well known socialites?"

"Indeed. He said that his humble abode is struck down by an intruder."

This scared Sweetie Belle a lot. "Who would want to hurt Hoity Toity, sis?"

"By the description he gave me," Rarity figured, "it sounds like his home is invaded by Star Sapphire."

"Star Sapphire?" Zatanna gasped. "That's not good. With her violet power ring, she can cause a lot of trouble."

Stepping outside, Zatanna prepared for action. She then asked Rarity for a favor. "You know this neighborhood. Point me in the direction of your friend's home. We'll face Star Sapphire together."

"Deal!" Rarity replied.

The two girls took off. Sweetie Belle stayed behind. "Good luck, guys."

Riding on one of her diamond projectiles, Rarity leads Zatanna across town until they stopped in front of the house of Socialite Hoity Toity.

"Now, this is what I call deluxe accomodations." Zatanna praised.

"Thank you, Zatanna." Rarity replied. "Now, let's go find this vicious maiden!"

Inside the house, a safe was ripped open as a black haired woman fills a bag with jewels. This maiden is Star Sapphire. She looks at her loot pleasingly. As she was leaving the room, Hoity Toity confronted her. "Give back my jewels, you evil vixen!"

"Shup up, Fancy Pants!" Star replied.

Using her power ring, Star Sapphire produced a hand to push Hoity Toity away. When the hand disappeared, Hoity Toity realized something.

"You must be Star Sapphire!" Hoity Toity said . "I know that violet energy anywhere."

"I'm impressed you figured it out." Star Sapphire replied. "Not bad for a socialite."

Suddenly, another female voice was heard. "CITCRA DNIW!"

A super cold wind blew on Star Sapphire. As she was recovering, Zatanna arrived as was greeted by Hoity Toity. "Zatanna the Magician. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"

"Thank you, sir." Zatanna replied. "I'll handle this ring wearing criminal."

Seeing Zatanna, Star Sapphire grabbed a nearby blanket, and threw it over her.

"That'll teach you not to give me the cold shoulder." Star protested.

Star Sapphire runs off with her bag of jewels as Hoity Toity removes the blanket, helping to free Zatanna. As the violet maiden heads outside, she ran into a blue diamond shaped barrier. As the barrier vanishes, Star calls out angrily. "Okay, Rarity! Come out here!"

Rarity steps out from behind a tree. "How did you figure out it was me, darling?"

"That blue diamond is one of your trademarks. I'm surprised you joined this battle."

"Hoity Toity is one of my dear friends, Star Sapphire! I take your invasion of his home personal."

Zatanna flies in to stand by Rarity's side.

"Good maneuver, Rarity." Zatanna praised.

Star Sapphire powered up her ring. "Even you two together can't stop me!"

She fired a violet blast. But, Rarity projected one of her diamond to block the shot.

"It's my turn now." Zatanna announced. "TSRUBNUS!"

The young magician bursted into light. Star Sapphire was blinded for a moment. When the light vanished, she noticed that her bag was gone.

"My bag of jewels!" Star gasped. "Where is it?!"

"I have it!" Hoity Toity replied.

Star Sapphire looked behind her, and saw Hoity Toity holding the bag.

"I have my jewels back." Hoity Toity said. "And, it's time for you to vacate my premises, Star Sapphire! Or, I'll call the police."

Seeing she was outnumbered three and one, Star Sapphire decided to use her power to fly away. She then made a departing remark to the fashionista. "Let's meet again, Rarity. Believe it or not, you fascinate me."

Star Sapphire soon left the property. Rarity and Zatanna watch with satisfaction. Hoity Toity soom praised them.

"Thank you so much, Rarity." Hoity Toity said. "You and Zatanna make a good team."

Rarity was happy to be praised by one of her friends. In her room at the Yoga retreat, Sunset Shimmer receives a call.

"So, Rarity is no longer moaning in dismay. Huh, Zee?" Sunset said.

"That's right, Sunset." Zee Zatara replied over the phone. "She's even spending time at Hoity Toity's place."

"Thanks for helping her, Zee. Bye now."

Sunset hangs up happily, knowing her friend is feeling much better. Outside Hoity Toity's house, Zee Zatara watches with delight as she walks off. I can't wait to see what Rarity would come up with in the future.