• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 273 Views, 2 Comments

EqG Tales: DC Super Hero Girls Edition - Brian Sheil

6 girls got their prides shot. 6 young heroes help them get back their groove.

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3. Fluttershy and Green Lantern

Author's Note:

Fluttershy is next to be cheered up. That's a job for the emerald guardian.

Fluttershy tries to relax on a hammock in her backyard. But, she keeps going back to that moment when Svengallop stopped her and her friends to appear in a play.

"My friends and I were so embarrassed that day." Fluttershy said to herself with tears in her eyes. "What'll we do now?"

As Fluttershy lays down feeling sad, her little bunny friend, Angel, sees her and tries to make her feel better.

"Hi, Angel." Fluttershy greeted. "What can I do for you?"

Angel pointed to behind her house. She sees her favorite forest to explore. It seems like a good idea. But, Fluttershy feels run down. "I'm sorry, Angel. Even a walk in the forest won't cheer me up."

Just as Fluttershy was about to cry again, a female latin voice is heard. "You're not giving up what you love! Are you?"

Fluttershy then saw something floating down in a field of green energy. It was a girl with light brown hair wearing a green and black outfit with a lantern shaped object on the chest area. She has that same symbol on her right eye.

"I don't believe it." Fluttershy gasped as she recognized the visitor. "Green Lantern!"

"At your service." The visitor replied.

This got Fluttershy confused. "At MY service?"

"That's right, Let's head for those woods behind your house. You'll feel more comfortable there."

Reluctant, Fluttershy went with Green Lantern into the woods.

"I heard that you and five other girls were brought down at your school recently." Green Lantern said. "Am I right?"

"I'm afraid that's true." Fluttershy said sadly.

"So, what happened?"

"My friends and I were given parts for a play that is presented on Friday. But, we were yanked away by a mean critic named Svengallop."

"Even I heard of Svengallop. That fellow can be mean to anybody. That's why as a performance critic, he's not so loved."

Falling down to her knees, Fluttershy started to cry softly. Green Lantern hopes to calm her down.

"Calm yourself, Fluttershy." GL comforted. "No need to cry."

Fluttershy looked at her new companion with tears in her eyes. "Are you sure?"

"I'm positive." Green Lantern used her ring to make an image of flowers appear. "There's a greenhouse in the neighborhood." The image disappeared. "Maybe some fresh flowers might cheer you up."

This got Fluttershy intrigued. "You maybe right. We recently had to remove some flowers that died. Fresh flowers might be a welcome sight."

"Now, that's the Fluttershy I heard of. Let's go."

As the two girls left the forest, Fluttershy's parents spotted them.

"Fluttershy, honey." Mrs. Shy said. "I wondered where you went. Feeling a little better?"

"I am starting to cheer up, mom." Fluttershy replied. "Thanks to my new friend here."

Mr. Shy was surprised to see who Fluttershy's companion is. "WOW! I never thought that Green Lantern would grace us with her presence."

"I came by to help Fluttershy." Green Lantern said. "We were just on our way to a greenhouse to get some fresh flowers."

"I was wondering when we're going to have some new flowers for our garden. Have a good day, you two."

"Thanks, dad." Fluttershy replied.

The two girls arrived at the greenhouse Green Lantern talked about.

"I've been here before." Fluttershy realized. "I sometimes talk to Citrus Glade, the owner of this place."

"Now, we're getting somewhere." Green Lantern replied. "Let's see what flowers we can find for your garden."

Just as they were ready to enter the greenhouse, three girls ran their way in a panic.

"Rosebud, Lily, and Daisy!" Fluttershy gasped. "What's wrong?"

"This weird woman barged into the community garden we're visiting!" Rosebud answered.

"She is getting vines to stop people from picking any of the vegetables." Daisy added.

"The horror! The horror!" Lily shouted.

The three girls zipped away, screaming in a panic. Fluttershy got concerned.

"Who would want to wreck a community garden with vines?" Fluttershy wondered.

This gives Green Lantern an idea. "I think I know who those girls were talking about. Fluttershy, follow me!"

Wondering what the fuss is about, the two girls headed for the garden. When they arrived they saw people being terrorized by a lime green skinned woman with red hair and wearing a green outfit. She directed some vines to keep people away.

"It's Poison Ivy!" Fluttershy realized. "What's she doing here from Gotham City?"

"Causing trouble, no doubt." Green Lantern said, energizing her ring. "Time to clip her petals!"

As Green Lantern takes off, Fluttershy rushes off to join her. Meanwhile, Poison Ivy scares the people away from the community garden.

"Eating stuff from the ground is barbaric!" Poison Ivy screamed as she fires spikes from her vines. "These vegetables are plants. They deserve respect!"

The vines fire spikes at people. Just then, a glowing green shield appears to block the spikes. Enraged, Poison Ivy turns to see Green Lantern facing her.

"Up to your old fanatical crusades." G.L. figured. "Aren't you?"

"So, you followed me. Huh, Green Lantern?" Poison Ivy replied harshly. "And, I see you have that nature girl, Fluttershy, with you."

Green Lantern realized that Fluttershy is by her side. Fluttershy was surprised that Poison Ivy recognized her. "You know about me?"

"I learn about who's who in Canterlot City." Ivy replied. "Including you."

"Your beef is usually with Batman! Why cause trouble here?"

"They say community gardens help the hungry with fresh fruits and vegetables. I say, that's murder to all plants!"

Just as Poison Ivy is sprouting more vines, Fluttershy uses her geode to summon a flock of pigeons to fly into battle.

"I forgot. You have magic over animals." Green Lantern realized.

"That's right." Fluttershy replied. "And, they have a nasty surprise for Poison Ivy."

As Poison Ivy rises on her vines, she felt globs on white gunk splotch on her. She soon saw the pigeons fly away.

"Pigeon droppings!" Poison Ivy screeched. "Gross!"

The vicious green woman saw Green Lantern and Fluttershy standing side by side. She soon got the idea. "Time to leave for now. Hopefully, this goop will wash off."

Poison Ivy runs off. Happy with their victory, Fluttershy and Green Lantern high fived each other. Later, the community garden is back to order. Carrying flowers from the greenhouse, Fluttershy heads for home. Sandalwood caught up to her to praise her.

"I saw what happened, Flutters." Sandalwood said. "You and Green Lantern made a great team."

"Thanks, Sandalwood." Fluttershy replied. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some flowers to take home."

"Right. Later, Fluttershy."

Watching from a distance, Jessica Cruz watched Fluttershy walk back to home, and made a call. At the Yoga retreat, Sunset Shimmer is on her phone.

"So, Fluttershy got over her disappointment." Sunset said.

"She sure has." Jessica replied over the phone. "Now, she's ready to improve her garden."

"Thanks, Jessica. Keep in touch."

As Sunset hangs up, her yoga teacher, Lotus Blossom, comes in. "Time for dinner, Sunset. I have roasted vegetables and pumpkin squash ready for you."

"Thanks, miss Blossom." Sunset replied. "Let's eat."

Sunset follows miss Blossom to dinner, happily knowing that Fluttershy is okay.