• Published 4th Jan 2024
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EqG Tales: DC Super Hero Girls Edition - Brian Sheil

6 girls got their prides shot. 6 young heroes help them get back their groove.

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4. Rainbow Dash and Supergirl

Author's Note:

The prismatic athlete hooks up with the Girl of Steel.

Rainbow sits on a bench in town. Tears were dripping down her face. She's getting over the disappointment given to her by Svengallop. Just then, she sees her old rivals(Hoops, Dumbbell, and Score) coming to her. Needless to say, she is not too happy to see them. "What do you boneheads want?!"

"Hey. Easy, Rainbow Dash." Score said. "We're not against you today."

"Score is right." Hoops added. "We heard what that nasty critic did. We feel your pain."

Rainbow Dash couldn't believe this. These three boys who used to give her a hard time are now comforting her. Then, Dumbbell points up at something. And his two partners see what he sees.

DUMBBELL: Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird!

HOOPS: It's a plane!

SCORE: It's Supergirl!

Dash was shocked to hear that name. "Huh? Supergirl?"

Up in the sky, they saw a girl with short blond hair flying by. She has on a blue shirt with a red 'S' on it, red skirt, boots, and flowing cape. Seeing the group, she floated down to greet them.

"Hi, everybody." Supergirl greeted.

"Supergirl," Hoops said, "we are graced with your presence. You are an amazing hero."

"Aw. You're going to make me blush."

"So, what can we do for you, Supergirl?" Score asked.

"Actually, it's Rainbow Dash I come to see."

Rainbow was shocked to hear that response. "Me?"

Supergirl went over to the startled athlete. "Let's go somewhere a little more relaxing."

The two girls walked off, leaving the three boys speechless. Soon, Rainbow and Supergirl went to a bench in a quiet park.

"I heard talk going around that you and five of your friends were let down recently." Supergirl said.

"That's putting it mildly." Dash replied.

"So, what happened?"

Rainbow Dash told Supergirl her story. "Me and friends were in a play coming next Friday. But, a vicious man named Svengallop yanked us out. He definitely embarrassed us."

"Must've been a terrifying situation for you guys."

"It sure was. Some of us broke down in tears. Others got mad. Like me!"

This got Supergirl concerned. "I hope your temper isn't bad as mine. I sometimes get furious."

Rainbow Dash has an idea of what she means. "Some of your anger comes from when Superman takes some credit for your deeds."

"Oh. You heard of that. Huh?"

"I'm afraid so, Supergirl."

But then, Supergirl got an idea. "You know, there are tryouts for a video game tournament happening at a local game store. Maybe you can try your luck there."

"Good idea." Rainbow replied. "That's one way to vent off some steam. Lead the way,"

The two girls head over to a video game store, where some of Dash's friends of the Wonderbolts are at.

"What are you guys doing here?" Rainbow asked.

"Vapor Trail wants to try her luck for the upcoming video game tournament." Spitfire explained. "We're here to support her."

Sky Stinger noticed her companion. "I never knew you were associated with Supergirl, Dash,"

"She came along to cheer me up, Sky Stinger." Dash explained.

Spitfire admired these two girls together. "Rainbow Dash, Supergirl is a good ally. We admire her strength and sense of justice."

"I figured you folks would say that about Superman." Supergirl said.

"Usually true. But, you deserve as much credit."

This made Supergirl smile. Suddenly, electric sparks spread out everywhere. People in the city started to panic. Dash and company were getting concerned. Hoops and his friends rush by.

"What's the matter, fellas?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"There's this freaky lady shooting electricity from her hands." Score said in a panic. "We're not sticking around!"

The boys run off. Soon, everyone saw the source of this big scare. It was a woman with sky blue hair and a black outfit. She looks like she's made of electricity.

"Oh, man!" Dash said with anger. "It's Live Wire!"

"Live Wire?" Soarin Skies gasped. "Wasn't she a radio DJ before being hit by a lightning storm?"

"This dame give 'shock jock' a literal meaning." Fleetfoot added.

Spitfire got concerned. "This criminal could disrupt the tournament tryouts!"

"Not if I can help it!" Supergirl said.

As she took off, Rainbow Dash ran after her.

"Wait, Dash!" Spitfire interrupted. "Where are you off to?"

"Supergirl cheered me up earlier." Rainbow Dash replied. "Here's my chance to pay her back."

Using her electric powers, Live Wire grabbed some quick cash from the ATM she's near.

"I love causing chaos!" Live Wire said with delight. "And, I don't need to spread rumors today."

Supergirl sees the crook, and used her super cold breath to force her to drop her bag of stolen money. Live Wire was shivering when she sees the Girl of Steel arrive.

"I thought it was you giving me the cold shoulder, Supergirl." Live Wire grunted, trying to get warm.

Just then, a rainbow streak zipped by the electrified fiend. She then saw her bag of money is gone. Soon, she sees Rainbow Dash next to Supergirl. The athletic girl also has Live Wire's bag. Supergirl was surprised to see this development.

"This dough doesn't belong to you, you short circuit!" Dash announced.

"Rainbow Dash!" Live Wire grunted. "I thought that colorful blur looked familiar."

Supergirl was very impressed with Dash's actions. "Hey. Sweet move, Rainbow Dash."

"I figured while you were cooling Live Wire off," Rainbow explained, "I would take back her ill gotten gains."

"Works for me."

Live Wire soon saw the other Wonderbolts coming, and got worried.

"I better split before I get outnumbered." Live Wire thought. "Bye, girls."

In a flash of light, Live Wire zipped away in a zap.

"I hope that's the last we'll see if that shock jock!" Misty Fly said.

"If she ever causes trouble again," Supergirl replied, "leave her to me."

Dash and the Wonderbolts agreed. Later, at her hotel room at the Yoga retreat, Sunset Shimmer talks on the phone before bedtime.

"Thanks for helping Dash, Kara." Sunset happily. "Good night."

After hanging up her phone and plugging it to her charger, Sunset gets comfortable, and goes to sleep.