• Published 13th Nov 2023
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The Warden: Part 3, Dream of the Warden - FortressLegacy

Princess Luna seeks the forgiveness of the Warden by entering his dream. The stakes are high, but her chances at gaining his forgiveness are slim.

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Chapter 5: Dream Of A Dream

When Luna and the Warden opened their eyes, they found themselves in a dark room.

The room took on the appearance of a dungeon, dark and foreboding. The only source of light was a beam from the sun, pouring in through a small barred window in a thick wooden door.

As her eyes adjusted to the darkened environment, she caught sight of something that caused a bolt of shock to fly through her.

Chained to the wall opposite of the door leading out, was young Casemate. Upon closer inspection, the wall that he was chained to had a symbol engraved upon it. It was the Warden's cutie mark, and it was outlined by iron plates and loops for shackles. It was very oppressing, and Luna felt her heart shatter a bit.

The colt was straining against his chains, going to the end of their length and trying to break free. He grunted as he jerked against them desperately, the chains rattling as they were pulled tight.

But in spite of his efforts, he couldn't do it. After a few seconds of trying, he groaned with a mixture of anger and hopelessness. He sat back down, glancing up at the sunlight coming in, his eyes shimmering in despair.

The Warden looked on, his eyes filling with remembrance.

"Remember this?" He asked after a few seconds, glancing sideways at Luna.

Luna looked at him with an expression that revealed a sense of awe.

She did remember. She remembered every single dream that she had ever visited.

But this one stuck out.

"I… I do." She murmured quietly, before mouthing the following words that were echoing in her mind…

"Fear not…"

Young Casemate continued to sit there, looking completely hopeless.

Then, there was a gentle glow in the room, illuminating the dark chamber with a pale glow. Young Casemate looked at the source of the light, his despair being replaced by confusion and even a bit of fear.

Then, the light faded, revealing a fair, dark alicorn mare.

It was Princess Luna, but younger.

Young Luna looked a bit smaller than her present self, and her mane and tail were a pale blue, instead of the flowing, ethereal, starry appearance that she now possessed.

Young Luna strode up to the colt, her eyes showing no small amount of concern and pity.

Casemate merely looked up at her with an expression of uncertainty and fear. He backed away, his chains rattling.

Young Luna raised a hoof. "Fear not, Casemate. We art not here to bring thee to harm, we assure thee." Her eyes sparkled slightly as her horn began to glow gently, illuminating the oppressing space.

Young Casemate stopped shuffling back. "You're Princess Luna!" He declared, pointing. "You are an enemy of my family!"

Young Luna's eyes showed a bit of emotion as she took another step forward. "Our sister is your enemy, not us…" She explained, her voice soft and gentle. "We do not agree with what Celestia has done, or continues to do."

Young Casemate still looked apprehensive.

"Why are you here?" He asked, still sounding suspicious and demanding an answer. "What is this?"

"This art a dream, young one." Young Luna explained. "It is our sacred duty to give guidance to ponies through their dreams when they hath need of it. Tonight, it seems as if thou art very much in need of assistance."

Casemate looked at the shackles and the chains holding him to the symbol engraved upon the wall. "T-this is a dream?" He asked, turning towards his visitor.

"Thankfully, yes." The young princess replied with a mildly relieved tone. "But it feels real to thee, yes?"

Casemate nodded in reply. "Y-yes…" He said, his gaze lifting back to the princess, looking less fearful.

Young Luna sighed heavily. "We understand, young one. This kind of dream feels so real and hurts the heart, for this kind of dream holds more meaning than any other."

Casemate tilted his head. "What? What do you mean?"

"Sometimes, before a life defining choice, ponies will receive a vivid dream such as this one that shows thy life for what it is, and what choices lie ahead." Young Luna explained. "Such meaning is to be found here, and what thou learnest here shall determine the course thou shalt follow from this night onwards."

Young Casemate paused, looking once again at the shackles, the symbol on the wall, and the door that was out of reach.

"So… You're here to help me understand?" He asked slowly, looking at the princess with a confused expression.

Young Luna nodded, walking up to the colt. "Indeed we are. We could tell that thou art in dire need of guidance…" She sighed, clearly still heavy of heart. "Would thou liketh for us to help thee understand?"

Young Casemate remained silent for a few seconds, pondering his choices. After some silent deliberation, the colt nodded.

Understanding, young Luna began. First, she gestured to his shackles and the wall featuring the Warden's cutie mark.

"Dost thou understand the meaning behind your restraints?" She asked.

Casemate sighed deeply. "I think so. You see that symbol?" He asked, pointing to the mark in the wall. "That is the symbol of my family."

Young Luna nodded, looking uncomfortable for a moment. "Yes, we know."

Young Casemate continued. "My father is convinced that my purpose in life is to become like my ancestors, a warrior who destroys Equestria's enemies." He paused, yanking his chains. "I'm chained to my purpose. If this dream is symbolic of my life, then… I guess I have no choice but to be the next Warden…" He says with a heavy sigh, his voice trailing off. His ears drooped low, as if he felt hopeless once more.

Young Luna's gaze softened even more.

"Thou art correct about the symbolism." She replied softly. "Thou feel trapped into fulfilling this purpose, dost thou not?"

The colt nodded again.

"I don't want to be a Warden like my father." He moaned. "It's like he is trying to force me to become something I am not."

"You wish to escape thine purpose?" Young Luna asked. "Oh, Casemate… Thou cannot simply run away from what thou art meant to do…"

Casemate blinked once, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Are you telling me that I have to become a Warden?" He asked dejectedly.

Young Luna paused, thinking about how to proceed.

"Casemate, it is thine purpose to become a Warden."

"But I don't even have my cutie mark yet!" The colt interjected, pointing at his bare flank. "How do you even know that? How is it any different than what my father wants? I don't want to be what my father wants me to become!"

Young Casemate sighed out of exasperation, looking down at the floor.

Meanwhile, the young princess looked a bit alarmed to hear these words from him. The helplessness in his tone was becoming even more evident.

"Casemate…" She said comfortingly, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "What if we told thee that whilst thou cannot escape thine true purpose, thou art not meant to be forced to face it by thine father?"

Casemate looked up at her again.

"What do you mean by that?"

"We mean that thou art meant to find thine purpose when it finds thee, not when anypony else tries to force it upon thou." The young princess explained. "His understanding of what a Warden should be is deeply flawed and skewed. Thine purpose is to become a true Warden, not just a hateful warrior like what thine father desires."

The colt seemed to look at her with a degree of skepticism.

"But… How?" He asked, imploring for an answer, looking at his chains. "I can't break free. I can't just run away!"

"Casemate, thou art in possession of a most extraordinary amount of strength, both within and without." Young Luna assured him. "Thine purpose is to protect Equestria, but not like this. It takes a very special pony to possess such a calling."

"...But- I can't!" Casemate exclaimed, yanking his chains again, being stopped by them once more. “I’m stuck with my father!”

Young Luna sighed, placing a hoof reassuringly on him once more.

"Perhaps thou art in need of a bit of motivation." She murmured with a smile. She lowered herself to the floor, kneeling in front of the colt. "Get on for a moment."

Young Casemate paused for a moment, trying to process the fact that a princess was asking for him to get on her back. But after a moment, having nothing else to do, he crawled upon the alicorn's back. Young Luna then stood upright, elevating him to a new height.

"Look outside the window." The princess instructed, motioning to the window in the door opposite of the pair.

The colt did as instructed, finally able to finally see out thanks to the additional height granted by the princess.

He squinted for a moment, trying to make out what lay out in the brightness.

"I see…" He mumbled, observing the outside. "Another mark? There is another family mark out there, just like the one I'm chained to!"

"Ah, but it is different, is it not?" Young Luna asked in a thought provoking manner.

Young Casemate nodded. "Y-yes. It looks… Shiny? Like it is made out of a precious metal?" He asks, describing what he saw. "It looks much better than the one I'm stuck to…"

The princess nodded, looking at the colt on her back. "Tis certainly much less bleak." She remarked. "But there art more to see."

The colt squinted slightly, then made a quiet exlamation as he made out a few shapes in front of the shining mark.

"You're… You're right! I also see ponies. Several ponies. They look… Friendly?" He paused, looking unsure. "I… I don't know…"

Young Luna nodded. "That is understandable, young Casemate. Thou art not acquainted with anypony other than thine father, after all…" She sighed. "But we can assure thee of this: Those ponies will love thee, for they art thine kin."

"My kin?" The colt asked confusedly. "The only relative I am aware of is my great aunt Parapet, and I only know that she lives in Halterburg…"

He paused, thinking deeply.

"Are you telling me that if I run away there, I will find a family that loves me, and I will be able to face my fate like I was meant to?"

Young Luna nodded with a smile, kneeling back down. "That is precisely what we art trying to say, young one. Thou art most observant."

The colt got off the princess and stood up along with her, looking up at Luna with wonder. The princess merely smiled.

"Well? Wouldst thou rather break free and face thine true purpose with a family who loves thee?"

The colt remained silent for a few seconds, then nodded.

"Yes." He said after taking in a deep breath.

"Then break thine chains." Young Luna instructed.

The colt looked at his chains, and the emblem engraved upon the wall, thinking. He was weighing the risks, contemplating whether or not the brighter prospects that lay beyond his confinement was worth it.

Young Luna watched with bated breath, holding out for this colt with all her heart, hoping and praying that he would have the willpower to overcome his adversity.

Then, Casemate backed up to the wall he was chained to. A fierce glare shone in his big green eyes, and with a cry, he ran! He ran as fast and hard as he could towards the door, trying to not think about the chains holding him back.

Then, as the chains drew taut, they suddenly snapped! With a few harsh sounds, the shackles cracked and popped, flying off of his legs! The colt stumbled forwards, almost tumbling to the floor. However, young Luna extended a wing, catching him before he fell.

With a breathless and joyful tone, the young princess laughed. "Yes! Thou did it, Casemate! Thou art more than capable of escaping thine imprisonment!"

The colt looked down as his freed hooves, and he looked up at her with a genuine smile. Young Luna set him down, and the colt ran to the door, opening it.

As he opened it, sunlight flooded the room, and a fresh breeze flowed in, expelling the foreboding atmosphere. For a few seconds, he held up a foreleg to his eyes, blocking out the light as his sight adjusted. As he got accustomed to the brightness, he gazed out to the outside. There, in the distance, was his family's mark, shining, bright, and inviting. Standing alongside it were several ponies, each looking lovingly and kindly at the colt from afar.

He closed his eyes, breathing in deeply before exhaling.

"I… I know what I need to do now." He told the princess, who had strode up beside him. "If the only way to reach a better future than being forced by my father to meet my purpose is to run away to my distant family, then I can do it!"

Young Luna smiled. "Thou art capable of doing remarkable things, young one."

She paused for a moment, before speaking again, sounding thoughtful. "We cannot see what exactly thine future holds, but thou art destined for a happier life than this." She remarked, gesturing to the dungeon room behind them both.

Young Casemate nodded, his smile fading as his thoughts became deeper, wondering what lay in store for him. A worried expression soon came over his face, and he glanced away.

"But- How can I get away?" He wondered out loud. "My father will catch me…"

Young Luna nodded, closing her eyes.

"A valid concern, but one that is easily addressed." She remarked. "Do not forget, we art the Princess of the night and of dreams. We can cast a spell to keep thine father asleep for up to a full day."

She paused, looking kindly down at the colt. "We imagine that will be sufficient time for thee to get away."

The colt nodded, looking thoughtful. "That could- Hey, that could work!" He declared excitedly. "With him still sleeping, I know what I need to do to get away and reach my aunt in Halterburg!"

He fell silent for a few moments following this, and Luna could see that he was thinking.

"Where in Halterburg does my aunt live?" He asked, tilting his head.

Luna took a moment to gaze upwards, seeming to peer beyond the fabric of the colt's dream. After a few seconds, she looked back down at Casemate.

"Thine aunt livest in Halterburg's high district, on Stirrup Street." She answered, giving Casemate the location of where to find his aunt.

Upon taking note of Luna's answer, the colt began to smile, now brimming with hope and gratitude.

The young princess smiled, seeming to be relieved that she was able to help this colt escape his abusive situation.

Sensing that her intervention was drawing to a close, young Luna outstretched one of her slender forelegs towards the colt, inviting a hug.

Casemate blinked, looking confused as his smile faded.

The princess' eyes began to show concern after a few seconds. She began to realize that he was unfamiliar with the concept of a hug.

It was then that she discovered just how devoid of affection that this colt's upbringing had been.

"...Dost thou not know what we are inviting thee to do, young one?" She asked, her ears drooping.

The colt shook his head.

The princess sighed.

"Then permit us to do one last thing."

She walked up to the colt, and placed a hoof on his shoulder. Then, she gently pulled herself close, into an embrace.

Casemate's eyes widened and he tensed up, clearly unfamiliar with such proximity and perhaps even a bit afraid.

But Luna remained as she was, breathing slowly and allowing her contact with him to gradually lower his defenses.

As the seconds passed, the colt relaxed, feeling the comfort of the presence of a caring soul for what Luna deduced was probably the very first time.

They remained like that for at least ten seconds, and before long, the two released each other, stepping back.

"Thank you." The colt said quietly, his tone showing a much softer side to him than before.

"See?" The young princess asked with a smile. "Not all princesses are bad."

The colt still was smiling gratefully up at the alicorn.

"Yes… You aren't mean or evil like my father said…" He mused. "You're kind."

He paused, looking out the open door yet again. He seemed to be thinking about going and leaving this dark room behind, but he paused, hesitating.

"Thank you, Princess Luna…" He said with a genuine tone. "I hope nothing bad ever happens to you."

Young Luna placed a hoof to her chest as she smiled, her eyes softening.

"Fare thee well, young Casemate." She replied quietly. "And we too, wish for no further misfortune upon thee after this night."

The colt smiled once more, before running out the door, into the freedom awaiting him outside his cell.

As the sequence drew to a close, Luna's and the Warden's surroundings faded away into a misty darkness, leaving the two of them alone once again.

The irony of their parting words stung. Neither she or the Warden’s younger selves had no idea what would happen later on, and were on such good terms…

It hurt Luna to know that she would let things go so tragically wrong between them…

While she stood reflecting on the dream that she had just witnessed, the Warden broke the silence.

"You do remember." He said, his eyes fixing on Luna's.

The princess fought through the emotions that she was experiencing to give an answer.

"Word for word." She answered quietly.

The Warden nodded.

"Then you realize that what you did for me that night made me look up to you?"

It took Luna a moment to process this fact. Yes, it stood to reason that as a colt, the Warden would have greatly appreciated her counsel. He certainly wouldn't be the only foal who looked up to her because of her guidance.

But it still seemed a bit surreal. This was Casemate, the Warden. The stallion who had suffered much because of Nightmare Moon and still harbored resentment against her. At least, so she believed.

To hear him admit to looking up to her, an alicorn princess who had been a rival to his ancestors even before the night that Nightmare Moon surfaced, was nigh unbelievable.

Yet, he admitted to it all the same. He had never told her a lie, even before he had tried to kill her and Celestia, years ago.

Deep within her, that defiant spark of hope began to burn brighter. The Warden knew Luna's true nature, no doubt about it. He knew just how wise, caring, and compassionate that she could be. Rewatching that dream cemented that fact.

Was forgiveness truly as far off as Nightmare Moon would have her believe?

The princess felt her heart sink a bit as her hope dimmed. She had to remind herself that all of this had happened decades before Nightmare Moon. The Warden's view of her would have surely changed since then.

Once again, she saw low odds of forgiveness. But there was still a chance…

After a few seconds of deep, thoughtful silence, Luna nodded.

"I suppose you did, once." She answered, her mane and tail shimmering and billowing in the ethereal darkness surrounding them.

"Good." The Warden said with a sigh. "Then you will understand that it was you who enabled me to experience what came next. Go to the next sequence."

Luna nodded, her horn beginning to glow as she manipulated his dream once more.

In the back of her mind, she questioned what would happen next. She honestly had no way of knowing, since she had never spoke with him ever again after the dream that she had just relived, not until that violent day at Canterlot…

Well, not as Luna, anyway…

Her heart grew heavier, as she reminded herself that no matter what happened next for young Casemate, it would eventually reach a heartbreaking climax.