• Published 13th Nov 2023
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The Warden: Part 3, Dream of the Warden - FortressLegacy

Princess Luna seeks the forgiveness of the Warden by entering his dream. The stakes are high, but her chances at gaining his forgiveness are slim.

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Chapter 12: Two Become One

The sound of a bell ringing in a nearby tower announced that Luna and the Warden had arrived in the next sequence.

Luna looked around, noticing that they were still within Halterburg. However, it appeared to be daytime, and they were within the grounds of the ancient castle that sat at the center of the city. Despite being surrounded by the stone walls, the ground was lush and green, trees grew tall, well kept shrubs and bushes graced the grounds, along with numerous flowers. An oasis of nature amidst the maze of stone and mortar that was Halterburg.

It was pleasantly warm for once, the sun was out and the sky was blue, save for an occasional white cloud drifting by. Birds chirped and darted about between the trees, and a few squirrels hopped from place to place.

Luna let off a silent, relieved sigh, allowing the sights of nature and the warmth of the sun to soothe her soul. Unlike any of the prior events involving this town, things actually felt welcoming.

But as she continued to take in the scene, Luna saw that it wasn't just their surroundings that created this unusually optimistic setting. A short distance away, a bell within a tower rang out, and an open space within the castle green was decorated with white and blue ribbons. Within this space, a dozen or so well dressed ponies were talking excitedly among themselves, looking around, as if they were waiting for somepony to arrive.

Among them was none other than aunt Parapet, seated on a chair and looking older than she did before. Her face was much more weathered, her body shook slightly, and she appeared more frail than before. Still, she had a smile, and her eyes were bright and expressive as she talked in a slightly shaky voice. Luna smiled slightly, being reminded of the elderly Granny Smith in Ponyville. Despite her age, the old mare still had her wits and heart, same as aunt Parapet, it would seem.

At the center of it all, underneath several elevated ribbons and between two bouquets of white and blue flowers, including edelweiss blooms, stood a rather official looking mare, wearing a sash and medallion that denoted her as an officiant of some kind.

Luna heard hoofsteps beside her, and she turned her head to see that the Warden was walking away, his head swiveling all around, his eyes revealing a sense of awe. Within his heart, Luna felt a strong sense of recollection and anticipation. However, unlike the uneasy, apprehensive anticipation that she had felt from him prior, he felt… Excited.

As he walked off, it also struck Luna that he wasn't going in any one direction with a purpose. For once, he wasn't leading or trying to show her something specific. He was legitimately wandering, taking in this moment carefully, taking the time to recall it fully, not caring if Luna saw what he saw, if only for a few moments.

This was very unusual. His mind had almost constantly been on Luna the whole time she had been in his dream, she felt it. He was also always so focused and careful of mind, not allowing his emotions to dictate his decisions easily. For him to cast aside his analytic, stern demeanor for a moment of pure wonder meant that this was something truly special to him…

Slowly, a warm feeling grew within her, and she understood why he was so enraptured.

This was his wedding.

As if to cement this fact further, the bell stopped tolling, and the small crowd of attendees split into two groups before the center, creating a path between them.

Luna felt both her and the Warden’s hearts skip a beat, and she swiftly cantered to his side.

Despite Luna and the Warden being the only real beings, and the other ponies being projections of the Warden's past, for a few seconds, all looked in unison in the same direction, watching, waiting, excited for the union to come, wondering how the pair would look…

Then, out from within the keep, striding through a gateway, they emerged.

Casemate and Edelweiss.

Needless to say, they were no longer foals.

They were both full grown adults, and they had both developed much since the last sequence.

Casemate stood a full foot taller than Edelweiss, and looked like a fine example of a stallion. Tall, confident, muscular. His face had become less round and more sharpened, and overall, he looked more like his current self. Still, being young, he was less worn than he was now, and he didn't have nearly as many scars. Of course, was still missing a part of his right ear, though. He wore a black suit and tie, his silver mane was cut short and slicked back. Luna could not help but admit that he certainly looked handsome here, an admission that felt strange to make.

As for Edelweiss, she matched Casemate’s handsomeness with her beauty. She was about average height for a mare, built solidly, but still possessing a shape befitting an attractive mare. Now that she was clean, Luna could see that her fur was pure white, and her mane and tail were a vibrant pastel yellow. Compared to how she looked as a filly out on the street, she was radiant. She wore a white, elegant gown, with sleeves for her forelegs and a flowing skirt that came down over her flanks and below her hind knees. A bundle of edelweiss flowers were intertwined in her mane, completing her bridal look.

The pair walked along in the meantime, side by side, working their way towards the center. When they reached the attendees, they paused.

Casemate and Edelweiss looked at the ponies who were looking right back at them. The pair looked at each other, and Luna could make out a slight sense of nervousness within both.

This was a big leap. Neither of their lives would be the same from now on. They would be as one, loving and caring for each other until the end.

All that remained was to walk the remaining distance to the officiant, and become husband and wife.

A silence fell for a moment as the pair stood silently, reflecting on everything that has led them to this moment, and wondering what could possibly lie ahead.

Then, as if sensing each other's thoughts, Casemate and Edelweiss looked at each other. When their eyes met, their deep thoughts gave way to mutual reassurance. Both of their expressions softened immediately, and a look of enrapturement showed that at least for a moment, all they were aware of was each other.

Edelweiss smiled warmly, and put up a foreleg towards Casemate. Casemate blinked, smiled slightly, and tenderly put his foreleg around hers. Without a word, they both nodded in unison, as if confirming that they truly wanted nothing more than to take this step.

Luna felt her heart swell. Even for lovers, their bond was strong and special.

Without further delay, the pair began to walk the remaining distance to the officiant. Side by side, forelegs interlocked, they seemed to walk as one.

Before long, they made it to the center stage. Edelweiss gave a final, affectionate squeeze with her foreleg, and the pair separated, stepping apart and standing to either side.

As the officiant began to speak, Luna’s gaze was fixed on the couple standing there, gazing at each other with expressions of genuine love and excitement.

Edelweiss had an excited smile on her face, and her eyes were shining like stars as the realization that this was actually happening seemed to set in.

Casemate, while he was more subtle, still had a visible smile and an eager look in his green eyes.

He was happier here than Luna had ever seen him before. Of course, it was little wonder why, given that this is perhaps the greatest thing to happen to him thus far.

Seeing the two looking at each other like that, clearly eager to spend the rest of their lives with each other, caused Luna to reflect on all that she had seen Casemate undergo to reach this point.

She pondered the loss of his mother, the abuse from his father, his hopelessness as a colt prior to Luna arriving in his dream.

She also recalled how her younger self guided him to Halterburg and the next stage of his development, and how once he arrived, he had his first clash with Sweeper and his first encounter with Edelweiss. Him encountering his aunt also came to mind, and how he finally found a proper home to grow up in.

Luna's gaze shifted more towards Edelweiss, and she reflected on how the two had their first true meeting, and how they ended up befriending each other. She remembered their deep conversation on the rooftop, and the climactic fight that led to Casemate finding his true purpose. Just as important was the moments following, when their love began to make itself known…

They had both undergone so much pain, suffering, and hardship. Yet, they pulled through. Even when it was too much for any one of them to overcome, they managed to persist at each other's side.

Now, they were mere moments from becoming husband and wife.

After so much struggling and growth, they were on the brink of having more fulfillment and happiness than they had ever experienced before.

Luna sighed shakily. Their hardships were not for naught. They deserved this…

Then, the officiant made her closing declaration, catching Luna's full attention.

“I hereby pronounce you as husband and wife!”

Edelweiss didn't hesitate. She instantaneously lunged at Casemate, rearing and wrapping her forelegs around his neck and kissing him deeply. Casemate's eyes widened in surprise at first, and Luna couldn't help but smile and put a hoof to her mouth at his reaction.

But it only took a second for him to wrap his own forelegs around her, and he closed his own eyes, holding Edelweiss close in what could only be described as a magical moment…

The attendees cheered on, a few tossed flower blooms in their direction, and Luna sighed.

If only for a moment, the dark truth of what would eventually occur to them was drowned out by feelings of relief and joy.

These two ponies who understood each other and loved each other dearly, were finally one.

Finally, after what felt like close to ten seconds, Edelweiss finally pulled away from Casemate's lips, inhaling deeply as a light blush turned her cheeks a shade of pink. She smiled and giggled awkwardly, as if she had suddenly realized how aggressively she had kissed her new husband.

Casemate’s chest shook as he laughed silently at Edelweiss, shaking his head slightly. He pulled her close, and hugged her tightly, assuring her that she had done no harm.

Luna sighed happily, her heart at complete ease. It was all so sweet, seeing them together. It was definitely a special bond.

But then she heard the Warden give a subdued grunt. In an instant, Luna was brought down from her momentary high, and she looked at him, wondering what he was feeling about rewatching his wedding to the love of his life.

But he wasn't looking.

Instead, his head was craned up towards the top of the castle walls, away from the celebration and away from the beautiful sight of his younger self and Edelweiss.

Then, Luna felt an odd mix of emotions arise within the Warden, contrasting with the love and warmth that he had been experiencing minutes prior. This caught her full attention, and her own warm feelings gave way to confusion and even a bit of apprehension. What was he doing? What did he see?

“What is it?” She asked quietly.

The Warden didn't make any verbal response. He kept his gaze fixed on the top of the wall, and gestured for Luna to do the same.

Luna, now feeling unbearably curious, turned her eyes up towards where the Warden was looking, and when she did so, chills played down her back.

Standing atop the wall was a metal figure, clad in armor. His head was exposed, and Luna could see that it was an aging stallion, brown in color with blue eyes and a silver mane.

Luna knew who it was, and she uttered his name in awe.


The Warden nodded once in reply, still not saying a word.

The princess looked back down, and she felt an onslaught of questions assail her mind. What was he doing here? Did he always know Casemate was here? Why didn't he make his presence known before, once Casemate ran away?

What were his intentions?

Bastion’s presence cast an ominous mood upon Luna. Yet… He wasn't doing anything but watching.

The princess looked a little closer, and didn't see a single indication of anger or resentment in the older stallion’s face. Of course, the distance made it difficult to tell for sure, but the more she thought about it, the more she began to sense that Bastion wasn't there with anger in his heart…

Was it too much to presume that he was there simply because he wanted to watch his own son become married?

Luna didn't quite know what to think. The memory of how he abused Casemate dwelled in the back of her mind, and she still felt a bit of anger for his mistreatment.

But after what had to have been at least a full decade between now and the day that Casemate ran away, he surely had plenty of time to reflect on how badly he had treated him.

Was his presence here an indicator of a change in heart?

Luna looked back down, breaking her gaze to look at Casemate and Edelweiss, still holding each other.

Edelweiss’ eyes were closed, and she smiled contentedly in Casemate's embrace. Casemate was still smiling as well, but then he caught sight of his father.

He blinked once, his smile immediately faded, and his eyes widened, as if confirming that what he was seeing was real. But after a momentary pause, he understood that it was really him. His brow fell, and his mouth tightened slightly, indicating anger and defensiveness, and he seemed to grip Edelweiss a little tighter.

Despite this, Casemate didn't say a single word.

Having been spotted, Bastion didn't make any moves to be spotted or intervene. He merely met Casemate's gaze for a few seconds more, before turning around and disappearing over the top of the wall.

Casemate continued to glare upwards for a few moments, and Luna could practically see the myriad of thoughts raging in his mind. He was surprised, angry, but also worried.

This was understandable. This was his happiest day in his life thus far, and now of all times, his father makes himself known…


Edelweiss finally opened her eyes, and her own smile began to fade once she saw the look on Casemate's face.


Casemate blinked, looking down at her, worry written on his face.

It was clear to Luna that he wasn't just worried about himself. He was fearful for Edelweiss' well being too, if not more so than his own…

He never did respond to his new wife's question. Instead, he simply held her closer, glancing to the top of the wall, where Bastion had been standing.

As the sequence finally drew to a close, the happiness and joy that had been in Luna's heart had given way to uncertainty. It would seem as if this moment marked the end of a chapter in Casemate's life, and the beginning of another.

Luna sighed heavily, looking towards the Warden. She inhaled in preparation for a question, but something caused her to pause.

There was something mingled with the Warden’s anger, something invisible to the naked eye, but unable to slip past Luna’s attuned senses.

It was faint, but she could feel a sense of remorse coming from the Warden’s heart.

It was unlike anything that she had sensed from him before, unlike the sadness and anger that were predominant prior. This unexpected emotion caused multiple questions to occur within Luna’s mind.

What brought this feeling about?

But try as she might, Luna understood that she couldn’t find answers here. The only thing that she could conclude for sure was that things would become more clear as they pushed onwards.

“Next one?” Luna asked softly, knowing that the only way to go was further.

The Warden nodded, and he gave a forced sigh, further betraying the mixture of emotions within him.


Luna inhaled silently, and her horn began to glow as she changed the nature of the dreamscape around them once more. As she whisked the Warden and herself on to the next sequence, uncertainty and the need for answers dominated her mind. What lay ahead, she had no way of knowing. All that she could be sure of was that it clearly involved his father, and that Casemate's time in Halterburg would soon draw to a close.