The Warden: Part 3, Dream of the Warden

by FortressLegacy

First published

Princess Luna seeks the forgiveness of the Warden by entering his dream. The stakes are high, but her chances at gaining his forgiveness are slim.

In the months following the events of Part 2, Princess Luna comes face to face with a terrifying reality: Nightmare Moon is feeding off of her own self-loathing and shame, gowing ever more powerful. Now, more than ever, Luna needs forgiveness in order for her to let go of her shame, and prevent Nightmare Moon from making a comeback. To do so, Luna faces the immense challenge of overcoming her fear and asking for the Warden's forgiveness for enabling Nightmare Moon to take his wife and daughter away centuries ago...

But she is not optimistic. She knows the odds of him actually forgiving her are low. But faced with the prospect of Nightmare Moon's return, she must step forward, and face the consequences of her most traumatic mistake...

While a handful of references of suicide/self harm are present, nopony kills themselves in this story.

Prologue: To Encourage A Princess

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It was a beautiful fall day in Sweet Apple Acres.

In the orchard, all was calm and serene, the sounds of nature and the lack of any artificial noise created a soothing atmosphere.

The sun shone in a cloudless sky, and a slight breeze meandered through the vast rows of apple trees, sending red, orange, and yellow leaves falling to the ground.

In the distance, the eastern stretch of the Unicorn Range loomed over Ponyville, the snow capped mountains standing tall on the horizon.

All was peaceful in the orchard.

Apple Bloom felt like it was almost a shame that she was about to shatter the serene atmosphere.

But only almost.

She breathed in deeply, inhaling the cool air as she prepared herself mentally and physically for what she was going to do next. She tilted her head from side to side, bouncing slightly as she seemed to warm herself up.

She knew that she had to be a strange sight. After all, she was fully encased in a suit of shining, metal armor.

The mechanized armor that she was wearing whirred to life upon a single thought, and she could feel a slight vibration coming from the jets mounted within.

With another thought, the wings unfurled from her sides with a hiss. She flexed them for a moment, marveling at how easy it was for her to do so. The armor was certainly a work of incredible engineering, as Casemate had told her.

She closed her eyes, taking a moment to steel her nerves. Her heart felt like it was about to jump right out of her chest.

She was about to take her first flight.

She had often dreamt about flight, the result of wondering what it would be like to be a pegasus, being able to fly though the sky and experience the freedom of not being relegated to the ground, as earth ponies are.

Now, thanks to the armor that Casemate had gifted her, Apple Bloom was about to experience a dream come true.

With another thought, she commanded the engines to power up, and she felt the armor shake as they spooled up. The jets began to howl, and Apple Bloom watched through the visors in her mask as the backblast sent the leaves surrounding her flying off into the air.

Then, with a lurching sensation, she left the ground. Her heart jumped as she began to hover a few feet up.

She was actually flying!

She hovered in the air for a minute, acclimating herself to the sensation. She wobbled around a bit, but the armor's systems kept her stable.

"Ah think Ah'm gettin' the hang of it!" She declared out loud, her confidence growing exponentially.

She decided to try moving around. She shifted her weight forwards, and found herself steadily flying forwards.

Her heart jumped once again, the fact that she was both flying and controlling this mechanized suit creating a great deal of excitement.

She leaned backwards, bringing herself to a smooth halt. Then she tilted to the left, and floated off in that direction. She proceeded to lean to the right, and shortly began to fly in that direction.

She brought herself to a halt, feeling more confident than before.

"Alright then!" She told herself. "Let's try somethin' a little more fancy!"

She drew in a breath, and twirled herself around. The wings flexed in response, and she performed a sort of pirouette, the fallen leaves below her flying up and away, creating a colorful shroud around the thrilled filly.

She came to a controlled stop, but not for long. She threw herself forwards, lifting her hindquarters into the air. The engines briefly howled, the additional thrust sending her into an aerial front flip. Less than a second later, she was hooves down once again.

A surge of pride bubbled up from within her. She was a natural at this sort of thing! Maybe she would earn her cutie mark in using mechanical suits of armor!

Then she looked up at the clear sky above her.

Performing tricks a few feet off the ground was pretty fun, but the armor could do much more, she was sure of it.

In a moment, she decided that she was going to see what the armor could really do, to go as fast and far as it could carry her.

She spooled the jets even higher, their howling growing louder with each passing second.

"Apple Bloom!"

Was that a voice?

She tilted her head in confusion, for she couldn't quite make out whose voice it was. In fact, the only thing that she could tell for sure was that it was a mare's voice.

Was it Applejack?

If it was, her test flight would have to be postponed.

She sighed, and lowered herself to the ground, landing with a gentle thud as the engines slowed down and her wings folded back up neatly onto her sides. Then, the helmet and mask that encapsulated her head split apart with a series of clicks, and retracted to reveal her face and head.

After shaking her head to fully unfurl her mane and bow from the constraints of the armor, she looked around, trying to find who had called out to her. Was it her sister after all?

She looked all around, but could only see apple trees, with no evidence of any ponies.

"Who is it?" She asked in confusion, at a loss for what else to do. "Where are ya?"

"Up here, Apple Bloom." Said the voice, coming from above her.

The filly looked up just in time to witness one of the dozens of leaves that she had sent airborne be consumed in a burst of magic. Then, an alicorn appeared in its place.

It was Princess Luna.

The dark princess flapped her wings gently, bringing herself to a graceful landing a few feet in front of Apple Bloom, nary making a sound as she did so. Once she had landed, she smiled slightly, in the subtle and gentle manner that she possessed.

"Greetings, young Apple Bloom. You certainly seem to be enjoying yourself."

Apple Bloom simply stood silently, looking back at the princess towering above her. In her mind, she had an appropriate greeting already made.

But she couldn't find the words.

Within her, an eerie sense of unease had taken hold, stalling her thoughts.

Apple Bloom's expression shifted slowly, changing from surprise to uncertainty as she took a few steps back.

Luna's smile faded, giving way to a look of concern. "You have nothing to fear from me, Apple Bloom." She explained gently. "It's me."

Apple Bloom remained where she was, her mind racing, trying to make sense of the emotions she was being subjected to.

"...Ah know." The filly said bluntly, unable to think of anything else to say.

Once she was able to process her own words, Apple Bloom realized just how disrespectful it sounded. "What the hay is wrong with ya?!" She wondered silently, berating herself for her careless words. "It's Princess Luna, fer land's sake! Ah ain't got anythin' to fear from her!"

Apple Bloom knew Princess Luna was the benevolent, gentle princess of the night. She knew that she loved her subjects, watching diligently over them every single night. She also remembered when Luna helped her learn how to cope with her uncertainties regarding her cutie mark, whatever it was going to be.

After all the Princess had done for her and her friends, surely there was no reason to be fearful of her…


Yet the eerie doubts remained, undermining the trust that she once thought to be unshakable. The filly was hesitant to admit it, but she knew why.

It was what Casemate had told her, about what Nightmare Moon did to his family.

That was why she was feeling so distrustful of the princess.

Learning that Princess Luna did such a disturbingly evil and cruel act against a tight-knit family as Nightmare Moon shook Apple Bloom to her core.

Of course, she doubted Casemate at first. It was just so… Inconceivable.

If what he said was true, then was Princess Luna really who Apple Bloom perceived her to be?

Before meeting Casemate, Apple Bloom understood that Princess Luna was once Nightmare Moon, and knew that she had once tried to banish Princess Celestia and usurp all power for herself. But after seeing her take the throne beside her older sister and try to atone for her misdeeds, Apple Bloom figured that she must not have done any real lasting damage. After all, Princess Celestia was still alive, and that one incident that night Twilight Sparkle first arrived in Ponyville also didn't have any damaging results.

But if what Casemate said was true, then that belief was false.

It would mean that Princess Luna had actually destroyed a family, and never confessed to it publicly.

That disturbed Apple Bloom. Deeply.

Hence why she was so hesitant to accept Casemate's tale as truth. But once he told her what had happened, when they were climbing up that mountain, she finally accepted it. His earnestness, as well as his emotions, left no doubt in her mind that he was telling the truth.

While she had accepted the truth, she did so mainly for his sake, without thinking of the implications that such a decision would have if she found herself face to face with Princess Luna.

But now, here she was. Looking right into the princess' shimmering, turquoise eyes.

What was she doing here, anyway? Why would she just show up out of the blue in Sweet Apple Acres? For that matter, why did she just pop out of a leaf instead of teleporting? It made no sense!


"Wait…" Apple Bloom said warily, her eyes narrowing a bit as she kept her gaze fixed on Princess Luna. "Is this a dream?"

The princess nodded once, her gaze having softened further, showing some hints of regret and sadness concealed behind it.

So, this was a dream after all…

Apple Bloom sighed, now remembering that less than a week had passed since the conclusion of her journey with Casemate. There was no way that he could have possibly gotten back to his home, repaired his armor, and made his return after only a few days. Besides, why would he give her his daughter's armor, anyway?

This disappointing realization shortly gave way to skepticism as another question arose.

"If that's the case," she murmured, still watching Luna, "then why are ya here? This ain't a nightmare."

To her surprise, the princess shuffled her hooves uncomfortably, now looking a bit nervous as she broke eye contact.

"I wanted to ask you about a few… Things." Luna replied hesitantly, her gaze lowered towards the ground as her ears gradually drooped. "But if I am making you uncomfortable, I shall-"

She paused, and looked back into the filly's eyes. The princess seemed to flinch slightly upon making eye contact, causing Apple Bloom to do a double take.

Could the princess see her unease? Was she hurting Princess Luna by feeling this way?

Before Apple Bloom could respond, Princess Luna took a silent breath, and spoke in a quiet, subdued voice that only further revealed the sadness within. "Never mind. I… I'll just go." She said, turning around slowly and extending her wings, preparing to leave.

A sharp pang of guilt shot through Apple Bloom's heart. To send the princess away when she seemed so saddened just felt… Wrong. In fact, everything about the feelings of distrust and fear that had taken hold of her just didn't sit right, now that she felt compelled to think about it…

Despite Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon having the same body, they were vastly different. Nightmare Moon was evil and wicked. Princess Luna was not.

The princess felt awful about what had happened all those centuries ago. There was simply no doubt about that. Not after how she gave herself up to be killed by Casemate, back when he tried to take his revenge at Canterlot.

Perhaps that was why Applejack and the others remained friends with the princess, even after discovering what she had done as Nightmare Moon.

If Applejack still trusted her enough to maintain their friendship, then why shouldn't Apple Bloom do the same?

By now, the distrust and fear that had previously taken hold of the filly had melted away, having been replaced by remorse and pity.

Princess Luna didn't deserve to be treated with fear, especially since she clearly felt so much guilt and shame for what she had done.

Applejack wouldn't have turned her away, not like this. If her older sister still trusted Princess Luna and treated her as a friend, then Apple Bloom would as well.

"No!" The filly blurted, running closer to the princess.

Luna's ears perked up and she froze for a second, before turning her head to the side, looking sideways questioningly at the filly.

Apple Bloom skidded to a halt a short distance behind the princess, her own ears drooping as her face began to show regret as well.

"Ah mean… It ain't no trouble at all, yer highness." She explained. "Ah just… You jus' caught me by surprise is all. Ya ain't gotta go."

Luna looked at the filly, her eyes shimmering hopefully as she raised her head and let out a sigh. "Thank you, friend." She said quietly, turning around to face Apple Bloom "All I have is a few questions. It shall not take long, I assure you."

Apple Bloom nodded, now curious about what she was going to ask her.

"Well, what is it?"

"It is about the experience you had last week." Luna explained. "I have heard some things, but I wanted to hear it from you, if you do not mind."

Apple Bloom paused, processing the fact that the princess wanted to know about her adventure with Casemate. After a second or two, she nodded in reply.

Seeing this, Luna strode up to the filly and sat down on the ground next to her. Apple Bloom sat down as well, her armor making a clunk as her rear impacted the soil. This caught her a little off guard, as she had completely forgotten that she was wearing it.

As if she were reading Apple Bloom's thoughts, the princess spoke. "Do you wish to take off the armor?" She asked, looking inquisitively at the filly. "I can restore it when we are done."

"Eh? Oh. Eeyup, that would be appreciated." Apple Bloom replied, having reached the conclusion that wearing the suit would be a bit too awkward for the conversation.

Luna's horn glowed gently for a second or two, and in a moment, Apple Bloom's armor disappeared seemingly out of existence, revealing the rest of the yellow and red filly.

Apple Bloom breathed a sigh of relief, briefly flexing her limbs, happy that her body was no longer confined. While the armor was fun to wear and use, the sensation of wearing it did grow strange over time.

After doing that, she looked up at the princess, wordlessly asking her what it is that she wanted to know. Princess Luna seemed to catch on, and after a moment, she spoke, her tone and expression showing genuine concern.

"How are you faring? I heard that you suffered an injury out there. Are you alright?"

Apple Bloom felt another pang of guilt for distrusting the princess earlier. Luna's concern and empathy was further evidence that her fears were misplaced.

"Mah leg's gettin' better." She replied, looking at the leg that she had twisted when she was trying to escape the giant spider. "It's hurtin' less and less, so Ah'd say that Ah'm doin' alright, all things considered."

Luna nodded, the corner of her mouth curling into a slight smile. "Good. Believe me when I say that I was very worried for you once I heard that you had been lost."

Apple Bloom nodded, realizing that what the princess was saying was true. This was the Princess Luna that she knew, revered, and trusted.

This was not Nightmare Moon.

"Thank you." Apple Bloom said, feeling some warmth inside of her. "It's kinda comfortin' to know that Ah had a princess rootin' for me."

"Oh, I was not the only one." Luna admitted. "All four of us were worried sick. But, you are back now, and we can rest easy knowing that you are safe."

Apple Bloom glanced away and smiled for a moment. It both excited and warmed her to think that Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight were all worried for her safety. To have one princess as a friend was incredible enough, never mind four.

After a moment's silence, Luna shifted nervously. While her facial expression didn't show it much, her body language betrayed her unease. Apple Bloom looked back at her, and Luna sighed.

"Now, that leads me to another question." The princess explained, glancing down at Apple Bloom. "Would you…"

Her voice faded for a moment as the princess seemed to hesitate. Whatever she was about to ask, it seemed as if it was troubling her.

"...Would you please tell me about the Warden?"

Apple Bloom blinked once, and tilted her head. "...Well… What exactly?" She asked, sounding a bit confused.

"What was he like?" Luna clarified, her longing to know showing in her gaze. "How did he treat you? What was your impression of him?"

Apple Bloom delved into her memories of the previous week, furrowing her brow as she came up with the answers.

"Well," she began, "He wasn't at all what Ah would've thought he would've been."

The princess nodded, compelling the filly to elaborate further.

"Before Ah met 'im, all Ah knew was what mah sister told me 'bout his attack up in Canterlot." Apple Bloom explained. "From what she told me, he was a dangerous killer who wanted to kill you an' Princess Celestia for some reason."

One of Luna's eyebrows lifted in curiosity.

"Applejack never specified his reason for doing that?"

Apple Bloom shook her head. "That's all she would tell me."

"Hm…" Luna murmured, nodding with understanding as the filly resumed.

"But then Sweetie Belle accidentally teleported me out to the middle of nowhere, Ah got attacked by a giant spider, and Ah got rescued by the Warden. Now, Ah didn't quite figure out who he was till he took me to his home. When Ah did find out, Ah was… Confused."

"How so?"

"Well, despite what Applejack told me, he wasn't mean at all. In fact, he fed me, helped me get cleaned up, gave me a brace to help mah leg, and carried me all the way back to Ponyville!" After pausing to take a breath, she added; "He was amazin'. Not at all what Ah had expected…"

Luna blinked, and an expression of subtle surprise appeared on her face.

"I see…" She said, now looking thoughtful. "It almost sounds as if you admire him."

This remark caught Apple Bloom off guard. It was true, to a point. "Uh… E-eeyup. Ah guess so…" She said awkwardly, not sure how the princess would react.

Luna glanced down at the filly, her piercing eyes shining in a calm manner.

"Do you really look up to him?"

Once again, it seemed as if the princess suspected the truth. Apple Bloom nodded, seeing no other option, hoping that she wasn't hurting the princess by doing so.


"I thought so." Luna replied, her voice still calm. "He must have really been quite noble for you to hold him in such high esteem."

"He's kind, carin', protective, brave, smart, an' wise." Apple Bloom declared, falling silent for a moment before adding; "Ah guess anypony would think mighty highly of 'im."

Luna nodded understandingly.

"I suppose so…"

Both ponies went silent for a minute, listening to the crisp breeze working its way through the apple trees above. Princess Luna took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she did so, allowing her sparkling mane to billow gently in the wind. After a moment, she exhaled shakily, directed her gaze downwards, and shifted around nervously.

Then, she broke the silence, her voice subdued and apprehensive.

"Apple Bloom…" She began, "Did he… Did he explain to you why he attacked me and my sister at Canterlot?"

Apple Bloom felt an icy chill run down her back. She knew that the princess suspected it, so there was no way she was going to be able to spare her the truth.

"...Eeyup. He did."

Luna seemed to flinch upon hearing her answer, showing that she was hoping otherwise. After a few seconds of silence, her gaze fell. "I see…" She murmured quietly. After a few more seconds, she spoke again. "If I may ask, what exactly did he tell you?"

Apple Bloom felt like her insides were twisting with anxiety. To confess to Princess Luna that she knew exactly what she did as Nightmare Moon was not a comforting thing to do. Still, there was no point in trying to keep it a secret from her.

After taking a moment to assemble an answer, she spoke. "He told me about his family's rough past with royalty, with Princess Celestia specifically." She explained, sounding reluctant. "And… He told me about what happened to his wife and child the night that ya became Nightmare Moon."

Fear briefly flashed in Luna's eyes upon hearing the filly's reply, before an expression of acceptance and shame overcame her. She nodded silently, sighing deeply. "Apple Bloom," she murmured, "does this knowledge change your perception of me?"

The filly didn't answer right away, weighing her potential replies. She could deny it, but again, it wouldn't do any good. She definitely saw the princess in a different light now that she knew what had happened. Princess Luna was no longer quite as perfect as she had imagined in the past.

After half a minute, Apple Bloom inhaled and replied, having built the courage to answer truthfully.

"It does."

Luna's ears drooped once more and she hung her head. Even her mane and tail seemed to lose some of their brilliance as her countenance fell.

"I feared as much." She said quietly, looking away in shame.

Apple Bloom's heart fell as she saw the princess' sadness. But then, a determination to try and lift her spirits arose. "But Ah still don't see you as bein' evil or anythin'..." She said gently, trying to reassure Luna. "To me, you're still Princess Luna. Ah just… Ah was a little thrown off when Ah heard about what happened that night."

Luna's head remained hung, but her gaze lifted from the ground and became directed at Apple Bloom.

"But I could see and sense the uncertainty in your heart when we met a few minutes ago." The princess lamented. "You tried to hide it, but you were afraid."

"What?" Apple Bloom blurted, surprised that Luna had been seeing straight through her all this time. "B-but Ah ain't-"

She stopped mid-sentence, reminding herself that lying would get her nowhere. Conceding that she had nowhere to hide, she took a breath, and answered truthfully.

"Alright… Ah was afraid." She confessed, sounding uncomfortable. "After what he told me 'bout you an' Princess Celestia, Ah just… Ah just didn't know what to think of ya."

Luna put a hoof to her chestpiece. She looked as if she were deeply hurt by the answer. Apple Bloom wanted to say something. She didn't know what, but she had to say something to try and make the princess feel better. She opened her mouth to begin her explanation, but the princess held her hoof up, motioning for the filly to remain silent.

"There is no need to explain yourself." Luna said gently, shaking her head. "I deserve it…"

"Wh- Huh?!" Apple Bloom blurted in disbelief. "How could ya say such a thing?"

Luna looked at Apple Bloom, her expression showing a vulnerability which the filly had never seen from an alicorn.

"You know why."

"B-but Ah forgave ya! Princess Celestia forgave ya, mah sister an' all her friends forgave ya; heck, Ah reckon everypony who knows what happened that night has forgiven ya!"

Luna blinked once, and a hint of a smile appeared at the corner of her lips. "I know, Apple Bloom." She said quietly. "And I am grateful for all of you." Her smile then faded, and her countenance fell once again. "But there is one pony who has yet to forgive me…"

It took a moment, but Apple Bloom suddenly realized who she was referring to.

"Casemate…" She said under her breath.

Luna blinked, her eyes widening in surprise as she tilted her head. "He- He told you his real name?" She asked, sounding as surprised as she looked.

Apple Bloom nodded, wondering what the princess was getting at. For that matter, what was her reason for coming into her dream and asking her about him? Luna's remark about forgiveness swirled about in her mind for a few moments, then it struck her.

"You're gonna ask him for forgiveness?" She asked, her own eyes widening.

Luna paused, exhaled slowly, and nodded.

"Yes…" She murmured, her voice almost inaudible. "If I can work up the courage, that is…"

Apple Bloom had to take a moment to process this. What were Luna's odds of success? What would happen if Casemate were to reject her? Why did she come here to her dream to begin with?

"Why'd ya come to ask me 'bout him, though?" She asked, sounding confused, her orange, shining eyes pleading for an answer.

Luna closed her eyes and sighed. "Because I am afraid." She said, looking off into the distance. "I… I just thought that maybe learning more about him from you would maybe give me the courage to take that step."

"Ya don't think he'll forgive ya?" Asked Apple Bloom.

"Do you?" The princess asked pointedly, redirecting Apple Bloom's question back upon herself.

This evoked some deep thoughts within the filly. Now that she thought about it, it didn't seem very likely that Casemate would do so. The degree of resentment that he held against the royal sisters was substantial, and worst of all, understandable.

"Ah… Ah don't know…" She said hesitantly, shaking her head.

Luna's brow lifted slightly in alarm.

"You cannot say for certain?"

Apple Bloom glanced thoughtfully into the distance, having been thrust into her thoughts once more. Despite his obvious anger against the princess, she could not convince herself completely that he would not forgive Luna.

The way Apple Bloom saw Casemate, he was surprisingly kind and thoughtful. In his moments of vulnerability to her, he showed that he was capable of acknowledging his wrongdoings and overcoming his emotions.

Perhaps there was a chance, however small, that he would overcome his bitterness and forgive Luna.

Apple Bloom felt a surge of hopefulness as she came to this realization, and she gave her reply.

"There's a chance."

Luna's ears perked up, despite a somewhat skeptical look on her face.

"You really think so?"

Apple Bloom nodded, deciding to elaborate. "Ah do. His heart ain't made of stone!" She declared, remembering all that he did for her.

The conversation she had with him after the Chimera attack came to mind, his vulnerability and willingness to try and reconcile for his outburst. It was at that time that Apple Bloom realized that he was truly good of heart, and that she had become an unexpected friend to him.

"Like Ah said, he's kind and carin'." She added. "Plus, Princess Twilight said that she thinks that he wants to move on, even if he didn't show it. She said that she could tell, an' her friends agreed."

She fell silent for a few seconds, then finished speaking.

"Ah think so too."

Luna looked confused for a moment, as if she couldn't quite process Apple Bloom's answer.

Then, slowly, a small, gentle smile appeared on Luna's face, as she seemed to visibly relax.

"Thank you, my friend." The princess said, looking grateful. "If you, Twilight, and all her friends seem to think so, then I see no reason to doubt there really is a chance, however slim…"

Within her heart, Apple Bloom felt some warmth upon hearing this answer. Princess Luna seemed to be genuinely relieved, which was a great improvement from her depressed demeanor earlier.

Then Princess Luna stood up, gracefully towering over the small filly, who also stood up to her full height, which was still no higher than the princess' shoulders.

"Is there anything you wish to discuss or for me to do for you?" Luna asked, her eyes glimmering softly in the sunlight as she looked down upon the filly.

Apple Bloom rummaged about in her mind for a moment or two, before shaking her head.


The princess tilted her head. "Are you certain?" She asked, her tone provoking the filly to try and remember anything she may have forgotten.

In a second, Apple Bloom remembered. "Oh, yeah…" She remarked, having recalled. "Could ya please give me the armor back?"

Luna smiled, and a gentle light shone at the tip of her horn. In moments, Apple Bloom found herself encased within the mechanized suit once again.

A surge of excitement rushed through her body as she gave a joyful smile.

"Thank you!"

Luna closed her eyes and bowed her head. "You're welcome, Apple Bloom. Thank you for your help."

Then she extended her wings, and with a few beats, lifted up into the air. Apple Bloom watched as she flew away, and noticed the princess shoot a grateful look back at her. Then Luna's horn glowed, and in a moment, she was gone in a flash of light.

Apple Bloom stood there for a minute, her mane blowing in the chilly breeze, looking up at the sky where the princess once was.

What an odd encounter.

Princess Luna actually came to her, in her own dream, to seek answers. Apple Bloom felt awed, now that it occurred to her.

Not only that, but she couldn't help but feel a bit closer to her as well. Luna's fear and discomfort, as well as her honesty, made her seem more genuine than ever before. For as long as she could remember, Apple Bloom thought of the alicorn princesses as being divine rulers, perfect with no flaws or negative feelings whatsoever.

She sighed and shook her head.

Boy, did she have it all wrong…

It was Twilight who first really broke that perception. To see her struggle and straight up fail, both before and after becoming an alicorn, awoke the suspicion that alicorns were still ponies, after all.

But Apple Bloom had no such familiarity with Princess Luna, one of the royal sisters. Even in the dream in which Luna delivered guidance to her and her friends, Apple Bloom was sure to display proper reverence and even felt a bit of intimidation.

But Luna was not perfect, nor was she immune to feelings of sadness or regret. Sure, Apple Bloom knew this, but it didn't really sink in until now. To have one of the royal sisters come to her in a moment of vulnerability, it evoked a deep change of her perception of the princess.

A feeling of relief and happiness began to grow within her. There was no doubt in her mind that she had actually given the princess some much needed encouragement. To see the princess go from looking guilty and ashamed to being at ease was immensely gratifying.

Apple Bloom smiled and closed her eyes, allowing this realization to sink in.

The princess really needed it. After all, she really felt awful about what Nightmare Moon did…

Upon this thought, Apple Bloom's smile faded, and the warmth within her died away. While she did believe that there was a chance that Casemate would forgive Luna, she couldn't quite say for sure. She opened her eyes, and looked at the armor that she was wearing, being reminded of him as she studied it.

There was no mistaking the anger that he held. That, in combination with how doggedly he held his convictions and beliefs, didn't bode well for Luna's chances at being forgiven. If Casemate decided to not forgive Luna, would that mean that he would be angry for as long as he lived?

Apple Bloom felt her heart drop just thinking of how bad it would feel to live in such a way.

Not only would it hurt Luna, but it would hurt himself as well…

But her own words spoken to the princess mere minutes before came to mind, stirring a defiant hope within.

Casemate wasn't a cruel, unfeeling monster. He was a stallion, a pony, who had been hurt badly but didn't quite know how to move on. From what she had experienced, Apple Bloom knew that he had a heart. Despite all his anger, he had the capability to make the choice to forgive Luna, she knew that much.

Apple Bloom sighed, lifting her gaze skyward.

"Ah know you're angry, Casemate…" She murmured quietly. "But please make the right choice… Not only for Princess Luna, but for yourself, too…"

Chapter 1: Confronting A Nightmare

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Two Months Later…

Luna sighed, gazing down upon Canterlot from her balcony.

A blanket of winter snow and ice covered the city, glistening in the warm light of the streetlamps.

Not a single cloud could be seen, providing a crystal clear sky with an unobstructed view of the intricate constellations above. A full moon hung high in the sky, bathing Equestria below with its gentle, pale glow.

All these came together to form a spectacular scene. The sheer beauty of Luna's sky combined with the elegant sight of the sleeping, glistening mountainside city below created a spectacle the likes of which she knew couldn't be seen anywhere else.

She exhaled slowly, watching her breath condense into an icy cloud and float off into the night.

It was all so… Serene.

If that was the case, then why did she feel so uneasy?

Ever since that evening several months ago, when she found out that the Warden had returned Apple Bloom to Ponyville, she had made a resolution: Seek him out, and ask for his forgiveness for what she did as Nightmare Moon.

Yet, here she was; several months later, still having not asked.

She tried to work up the courage, night after night.

But she never seemed to be able to find enough…

Even after seeking out Apple Bloom, and receiving encouragement from the filly, Luna still found herself stuck. Night after night, week after week, month after month, she told herself that she was going to follow through.

But even after all that, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Luna felt a gust of icy wind rush past, stirring up her sparkling mane and tail, causing her to shiver a bit.

She also felt the familiar, painful sensation of fear pierce her soul, as it did every single night.

It was likely that he would refuse to do so. She couldn't blame him, but what would she do if he said so?

She would probably come to hate herself even more so than she already did.

Yes, Nightmare Moon was responsible for those unspeakable deeds, but was Luna completely without blame?

The princess of the night hung her head, and looked down, gazing at her reflection in the polished stone floor of the icy balcony. Her reflection looked back up at her, her beautiful eyes showing a mixture of curiosity and remorse.

She continued to gaze at her reflection, seeming to probe through the dark fur and metal adornments to investigate the soul that lay underneath.

Nightmare Moon and Luna were not one and the same, despite sharing a body. They never were, and she always knew that in the back of her mind.

Luna was good, benevolent, caring, and empathetic.

Nightmare Moon was evil, wrathful, sinister, and callous.

They shared a body, but they were not the same being.

Luna remembered when she was officially diagnosed with Dissociative Personality Disorder, not long after her return from the moon. She recalled when she learned that Nightmare Moon was the result of an unhealthy coping mechanism built to deal with the circumstances of her early life. It was during her fillyhood that the alicorn genocide by the Equestrian Republic, under the leadership of Citadel Fortress, took place, resulting in the deaths of her parents, leaving her and Celestia as the sole surviving true alicorns.

No wonder Nightmare Moon was so evil... She was a reflection of the sheer amount of anger and bitterness that Luna just didn't know how to cope with at the time.

Luna also remembered how Nightmare Moon began to become the dominant personality, wrestling her consciousness away, bit by bit. Luna fought back hard, keeping Nightmare Moon down enough to deny full control.

But Celestia's past pettiness and ignorance of her younger sister's emotional needs tipped the scales eventually, causing Luna to willingly lower her guard against Nightmare Moon.

Of course, she immediately regretted it. With a shudder, she remembered the horror of being forced to watch as Nightmare Moon took control, wreaking havoc, seeking to destroy her sister, and subjugating all ponies under an eternal night.

While Luna did resent Celestia at that point in the past, she still loved her sister deeply. Luna never wanted to commit such evil acts, but was forced to witness Nightmare Moon do so anyway.

"Awww, thinking of me, are you?"

Luna jumped slightly, looking around to find who was speaking.

She was alone.

But… That voice.

She heard it, clear as day. But her ears didn't hear a thing. Rather, it seemed as if it were speaking directly into her mind. The voice also sounded a lot like her, but at the same time, Luna recognized that it wasn't her own. It was deeper, angrier, and far more sinister.

"Oh, look down, Luna." The voice said irritably. "I shouldn't have to hold your hoof."

The princess closed her eyes, and shuddered.

She knew who it was.

She sighed, and slowly turned her head back down to the floor.

Sure enough, it was who she suspected.

Where Luna's reflection was before, now there was another pony. A mare. Dark, menacing, but also beautiful in a terrifying manner. Her fur was as black as night, her teeth flashing and sharp, her pupils slitted and disturbingly piercing.

Nightmare Moon.

"What do you want?" Luna asked, trying her hardest to not show the fear that was accumulating in her heart.

The reflection gave a toothy grin that practically caused Luna's fur to stand on end.

"What? Can I not be concerned for the wellbeing of my other half?"

Luna snorted.

"We know that you don't make a habit of showing concern or compassion, especially for me."

Nightmare Moon's frightening smile faded.

"Very well, I suppose I shall cut it to the chase, then."

"Please do. The sooner you finish, the sooner I don't have to look at you."

Luna saw Nightmare Moon's expression turn sour for a moment, her eyes flashing hatefully before she spoke.

"It's about the Warden." The reflection explained. "You need to forget about him."

Luna glared at the reflection.

"How? We know I can't forget what we did."

Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes and sighed in an exasperated manner. "We can, Luna. We can leave all that guilt and shame behind. As I have told you every single time you felt down, if you simply give me back-"

"And as I have told you every time you have offered: No." Luna interrupted angrily. "I am not making the mistake of letting you take control again. Your solutions to our problems are sickening!"

Nightmare Moon scowled, her sharp teeth shining menacingly against her black fur.

"Very well." She growled. "But you are merely delaying the inevitable."

Luna shook her head.

"And what, pray tell, is inevitable?"

"Me, of course!" Nightmare Moon sighed, still looking angry. "It reviles me to see just how naïve you can be…"

Luna felt a dagger of apprehension dig into her heart. "I'm not letting you get that powerful again." She said, a slight shudder in her voice showing the fear that had arisen.

"Oh, please…" The reflection moaned. "We would be so much better off if you would stop pretending that I won't."

Luna closed her eyes, and inhaled slowly. Her jaw became set, and she tensed up.

"Why are you here?" She asked in a more impatient tone, anger and desperation becoming more apparent in her voice. "Have you come to torment me, or are you continuing to try to dissuade me from going to the Warden?"

Nightmare Moon stared up at Luna with a mixture of slight surprise and thoughtfulness.

"Well, now that you mention it…" The reflection mused, "I am here to save us some trouble."

"To save us trouble?" Luna scoffed, rolling her eyes. "To what end? Why shouldn't I ask for forgiveness?"

"Because, as I said before, no matter what you do, I will grow powerful enough to take control and seek out what we deserve. Going to the Warden will only delay it. Why not take the easier path?"

"You say that as if I am going to willingly let you have your way." Luna fired back. "Perhaps you are the naïve one."

A flash of incredulousness briefly shone in Nightmare Moon's eyes, and she shook her head. "Luna, we know you blame yourself for what happened all those centuries ago, as you should. Admit it, you feel anger against yourself, don't you?"

Once again, Luna felt the sting of dread pierce her heart. However, she continued to try her hardest to be stoic, not that it mattered.

"We know you do." The reflection continued. "As time goes on, you will only hate yourself more and more. We also know that I feed off of anger and hate. It doesn't matter if it is directed against somepony else or yourself, it feeds me regardless…"

Nightmare Moon paused, and gave a slight, menacing smile.

"Eventually, I shall grow powerful enough to take over again. Except this time, we shall do away with Twilight Sparkle and the others before they can use the power of harmony against us. Then we can get what we have been owed."

Luna looked in disbelief and dread at the reflection smiling up at her. She was right. Luna had been angry towards herself, and she couldn't find a way to stop it. If she didn't find a way to stop hating herself, Nightmare Moon would eventually grow too powerful.

"That is why I seek forgiveness from the one pony who can help me forgive myself." Luna said quietly, her countenance having become subdued.

Nightmare Moon laughed lightly, throwing her head back mockingly.

"Casemate isn't going to forgive us!" She said condescendingly. "That is a foregone conclusion, and you know it!"

Luna drew in a breath. Her other personality had brought up a point which she had been grappling with for months now.

She needed his forgiveness. In order for her to even have a chance at forgiving herself and putting away her shame and guilt, she needed to know that she was forgiven by him.

But he was not likely to forgive her.

After all, she was the one who allowed Nightmare Moon to take over and destroy his family…

"I… I have to try…" Luna said shakily, her stoicism breaking.

"Why?" The reflection asked. "Why do you try so hard to fool yourself?"

"Because I don't know what I shall do if I don't!" Luna snapped back, her words being driven by a burst of emotion. "If there is a sliver of a chance that I can keep you weak and unable to take control of us, then I'm going to take it!"

Nightmare Moon stared maliciously at Luna with narrowed eyes for a few seconds, clearly not pleased with her reply.

"Tsk! Tsk! How very noble." She mocked. "It won't change anything."

Luna shot a fierce glare back, causing the reflection to appear taken by surprise for a split second.

"I don't care." The princess said slowly. "As long as I try my hardest to keep you at bay, I cannot possibly care less about my chances at forgiveness. Keep that in mind."

Nightmare Moon looked as if she were at a loss for words at Luna's defiance. For what felt to be a minute or more, both Luna and her reflection looked at each other in silence.

Then, Nightmare Moon spoke.

"So be it." She grumbled. "You have clearly made up your mind."

She paused, looking sternly up at the princess.

"But make no mistake, you shall not be forgiven."

"We shall see about that." Luna said defiantly, taking a final look at the monster looking up at her.

Then she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them again. To her relief, she saw herself in the floor again, no sign of Nightmare Moon remaining.

Feeling as if she were alone again, she looked up at the night sky as she processed her encounter with her dark personality.

She wished for nothing more than to believe that Nightmare Moon was wrong. She wanted to believe that she could be forgiven, that she could finally be able to forgive herself and not feed Nightmare Moon with her own self-loathing.

After all, Equestria was at stake. If Nightmare Moon took over, she would make sure that the six bearers of the Elements of Harmony would be disposed of before subjugating Equestria to her tyrannical will.

Luna had several potential solutions in mind to defeat Nightmare Moon, and keep her too weak to do anything.

Gaining the Warden's forgiveness was the best solution. If he could forgive her, then there was no doubt in her mind that she could forgive herself.

If he didn't, she had a more desperate contingency plan. But she had no way of knowing if it would be effective in the long term, though.

If that plan were to fail, that left only one alternative to ensure that Nightmare Moon wouldn't take control.

She would end her own life.

Of course, Luna dreaded the thought. That would be a last resort, if Nightmare Moon couldn't be restrained after all.

For Celestia's sake, as well as her friends', she hoped that it would not come to that.

Still, the thought of potentially having to resort to something that would cause such unimaginable grief to her sister and friends caused a few tears to form, glinting in the moonlight as they fell.

She stood there for a minute or two, sniffing and wiping away the tears as she struggled to come to grips with just how dark of a situation that she was in.

It was heartrending.

If she hadn't allowed Nightmare Moon to take full control in a moment of weakness, she and Celestia would have ruled together for the past thousand years, and the Warden would have remained with his family.

Instead, she gave in and allowed all these horrible things to happen…

But now, there was no changing what had happened. The only thing left was to do what she could to atone. If she didn't, Equestria would be put at risk by Nightmare Moon once more.

She has to pull it together, and try.

There was no point in wallowing in self-pity and depression, not while there was anything that she could do about it.

The princess of the night took a few deep breaths, steadying herself and thinking about her interaction with her dark side.

Slowly, a sense of anger began to boil against Nightmare Moon. She was evil and manipulative, Luna knew this. She had suffered so much because of Nightmare Moon, as did other innocent ponies. As her anger began to refine into resolve, Luna realized that she needed to defy Nightmare. She needed to give it a try.

At that moment, Luna realized that instead of the suffocating, controlling fear that had successfully dissuaded her from trying to ask for the Warden's forgiveness that she had felt night after night, she felt something new.

There was resolve, but there was also something else…

It was not just her determination that was urging her to go further than she had dared to go before.

There was also hope.

Deep down within her, a flicker of warmth defied the icy wind seeming to pierce her dense, dark fur.

She remembered Apple Bloom's words of encouragement, of how the Warden wasn't completely consumed by hate, but rather how he had proven that he still had a genuinely good heart.

While Luna knew this to be true, she hadn't quite realized just how significant the hope granted by this fact really was until now.

When she finally came to the full realization of what Nightmare Moon was going to do if she was left unhindered, Luna knew why she needed to step up and try.

But it was the hope left by Apple Bloom's encouragement that allowed Luna to summon the willpower to act upon that need.

Luna looked thoughtfully at her glimmering stars above.

For a few short seconds, a defiant warmth filled her heart, and a faint smile played across her lips as she realized the full impact of the filly's words.

She knew what Apple Bloom was saying, but she didn't quite know just how potent they were until she had to face the bleak predictions of Nightmare Moon.

Even the smallest light burns brightest in the dark, not unlike the stars in the void above.

The princess sighed, closing her eyes. For the first time, she had both the resolve and the hope required to overcome her guilt, shame, and fear to take what she felt was the biggest risk that she had taken in centuries.

She was going to ask for his forgiveness tonight.

She stood up straight and closed her eyes, her beautiful, slender frame blending in with the dark sky as her mane and tail glinted and shimmered in the moonlight.

Then, her horn began to glow, as she prepared to send herself into the dream realm.

Tonight, she was going to do what needed to be done.

Chapter 2: Face To Face

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When Luna opened her eyes, she found herself in the dream realm. The familiarity of this ethereal plane calmed her heart a bit. The void around her was filled with soft stars, stunning galaxies, and colorful nebulas, giving her the sensation of being a part of the night sky. It was a feeling she relished, and never got tired of. Beneath her metal-clad hooves, a glowing pathway of stars ran from one horizon to the other, an everlasting trail that led off into the beautiful void in either direction.

Luna took a moment to breathe, doing her best to keep her fears and doubts at bay.

Then, she gently tapped one hoof onto the shimmering pathway beneath her, sending ripples of light out across her realm. Immediately, infinite rows of doors appeared on either side, rushing past swiftly.

The moment was coming fast. A surge of apprehension arose within her heart, but she remained determined. She had allowed her fears to delay her long enough. She needed to follow through.

Having steadied her nerves, she said his name silently in her mind.


As soon as she did so, the doors stopped moving.

She looked up, and saw that his door was right in front of her.

It was unmistakable. Most ponies’ doors were wooden in construction, simple in design and function.

But not his.

Luna was looking at a reinforced metal door, lacking any sort of doorknob or handle on its exterior. Instead, it featured a single, raised button right in the middle.

Luna momentarily tilted her head, having made these observations. It was unlike anything she had seen from anypony else.

She stood there for a minute or two, silently thinking.

Beyond this door lay her best possible chance at forgiveness, inner peace, and success over Nightmare Moon.

All she had to do was press the button, open it, and go through.

She couldn't do it.

She knew that normally, the door would deposit her directly near the pony whose dream she was entering.

The thought of simultaneously taking the leap of entering the Warden's dream and immediately facing him was too much.

The temptation to just give up arose within her, whispering of relief and comfort that would be hers if she simply turned around and didn't take the risk.

But Luna was determined. Tonight, she was stronger than her fears. If she couldn't enter his dream and face him both at once, then she would do one after the other.

She could handle that. She was sure of it.

She inhaled deeply, closed her eyes, and cast a spell, her horn glowing brightly for a moment as an aura passed from her to the door.

She had altered the properties of the door, ensuring that it would deposit her a greater distance from the dreamer than usual. Now that she could overcome the hurdle of entering the Warden's dream without simultaneously being confronted by him, she felt enough confidence to continue.

She lifted one of her slender forelegs, pressing the button with her hoof. A mechanism within the door clicked, and Luna took a nervous step back. In a moment, the door swung open, and the princess peered into the dream within.

Through the door appeared to be an evergreen forest of some kind. Tall, towering ponderosa pines reached up for the blue sky, and the sun was shining brightly from overhead. Beyond the trees, Luna could make out rugged mountains, recognizing these peaks as the Unicorn Range. On a clear day, these mountains could be seen from Canterlot, despite being roughly a hundred miles distant.

Luna then drew her attention to the immediate vicinity, looking for any sign of Casemate, but not seeing him anywhere. Her spell had worked as intended.

But she could feel him. Whenever she walked the dream realm, she could sense the emotions fueling individual dreams.

Oddly, what she was feeling from this one was not at all what she had expected.

She had anticipated a deep, roiling anger, but instead, she sensed great sadness, and it resonated within her.

Her heart ached. The Warden was suffering. Badly.

She remained still for a minute or two, standing in the dream realm, peering into the Warden's dream.

She took a step forward, making a move towards the doorway.

But she froze after a single step.

It was now or never. Once she took that final step, she wouldn't be able to bring herself to run back to the safety of her realm. She would have gone too far to turn back without an answer. No amount of fear or shame would keep her from her mission.

If she took that step and took that risk, any chance of avoiding the consequences of her reckoning would be gone.

She would either be forgiven, and she would find some semblance of peace, or she would remain unforgiven, and she would forever be doomed to loathe herself and live in shame for the rest of her life.

Luna simply stood there, silent and hesitant. For a moment, she bowed her head and closed her eyes.

Her fear was immense.

But her determination was greater.

She opened her eyes, and a steely glint shone in them as she buried her fears, shoving them aside. She was closer than she had ever dared to come before, and she wasn't about to allow her fears to keep her back now.

This was a rare moment, her having control over her fear and shame. She didn't know when, or even if, she would be able to accomplish that again.

There was no doubt; now was the time. Now or never.

She inhaled sharply, closed her eyes, and forced herself to walk through the doorway.

She opened her eyes to find that she was in the forest. The pines towered over her, bending and creaking quietly as the cold mountain breeze swept through. Patches of sunlight shone through the canopy, and Luna felt the sensation of the sunlight warming her fur.

Oddly, she couldn't shake the feeling that she had been in this forest before.

It was… familiar.

In an ominous way.

She understood why, for she had been here before.

But not as Luna.

The memories of her stint as Nightmare Moon echoed faintly in the back of her mind, causing her guilt and shame to stir.

Realizing this, she shook her head violently for a second, trying to clear her mind. She was closer than she had ever been before to asking the Warden for forgiveness. Now was not the time to allow her guilt to paralyze her.

Speaking of being close, where was he?

Of course, now that she had gotten over the hurdle of entering his dream, she was prepared to seek him out.

Closing her eyes, she quieted her mind and soul, an act that required no small amount of effort on her part. She went into a meditative state, trying to find out where the Warden was.

Having attuned her senses, it took a few seconds for her to determine which direction he was. She opened her eyes, and began to walk towards him, having honed in on the source of the sadness emanating from the dream.

Luna strode gracefully among the tall pines, taking in her surroundings as she tried to pin down her memories of this place.

Her experience as Nightmare Moon felt like a trance or a lucid dream, in hindsight. But she did recall being here before.

She could recall the raw emotions even better, though.

The anger and hatred that she once felt for her sister was painfully clear, even after all this time.

But the sheer fear and helplessness that came with losing control to Nightmare Moon also stuck out. Luna recalled how afraid she was when she realized that there was nothing that she could do to stop Nightmare once she became dominant. Even though Luna resented Celestia then, she abhorred the thought of bringing harm to her. Unfortunately, Nightmare Moon relished the sensation of dealing harm.

Although there was nothing that Luna could do while Nightmare Moon dominated her consciousness, she still felt wholly responsible for what she did.

After all, she was the one who let her become so powerful in the first place.

She continued to follow the aura of sadness, trekking through the mountainous forest, until an unexpected sound caused her to freeze in place.


It sounded like it was coming from a child; joyful, excited, and genuine.

Luna felt confusion take hold for a moment.

A child? Here?

The princess resumed her approach, cautiously working her way towards the happy sound. After a few seconds, she found herself at the edge of a clearing.

The clearing was quite large, and a cottage occupied the center. Green, lush grass, flowers, and shrubs carpeted the ground in the clearing, making the area appear quite welcoming.

Luna remained motionless, that eerie feeling of familiarity having grown upon seeing this place.

Then, she remembered.

The Warden's home.

An excited exclamation from a foal drew her attention to three ponies, all of whom were standing between the cottage and the edge of the clearing.

One of them was a young filly, bluish gray in color with a silver mane and tail. She was laughing and playing in the clearing, clearly having fun.

Another one was a mare, white in color with a yellow mane and tail. She was facing away from Luna, watching the filly as she played.

The third and final pony was sitting next to the mare, also watching the filly. He was blue in color, with a mane and tail nearly identical in color to the filly's.

It was him.

Luna remained completely still and silent, her mind racing.

This was it. All she had to do now was make her presence known, and ask for forgiveness. Two simple actions.


Yet, she couldn't bring herself to move a muscle.

The sight of the loving family had provoked some deep emotions within her.

They all seemed so happy, so serene.

Yet the Warden's sadness remained.

Luna could feel his broken-heart, and she also felt a deep sense of pained longing coming from him.

It didn't take much for her to realize that he was missing his family dearly, and was finding some semblance of comfort in dreaming of them.

How could she even consider disrupting him?

After how Nightmare Moon took away what he loved most, how could Luna ask anything of him?

The princess felt a tear run down her face, leaving a shimmering trail leading down from her saddened eyes as her heart began to feel as if it were about to shatter.

Her hopes for a resolution were fading, being replaced with a jarring realization

Was Nightmare Moon… Right?

Was she only deceiving herself by thinking that he would even consider forgiving her?

The sight of the Warden silently watching over his lost family shook Luna.

She did this to him.

She was not worthy to even speak to him, never mind ask him to forgive her…

She remained there for about a minute, looking at the three ponies as her shame increased.

Then, Luna gave an emotional, trembling sigh.

She couldn't do it.

She closed her eyes, hung her head, and turned around in shame. She would just sneak back out of the dream before he would realize that she was even there, and go home.


Her heart skipped a beat out of surprise. She opened her eyes, and found herself gazing down at a stick on the forest floor which her hoof had snapped in two.

Quickly, she turned her gaze to the ponies, hoping that they hadn't noticed.

To her dread, they did.

The filly and the mare both were looking right back at her, each with a mixture of fear and apprehension.

The Warden, however, merely stood up without turning to face her.

An oppressive silence fell on the ponies for what felt like a minute. Only the wind in the pines could be heard.

Then, the filly and the mare faded away out of existence, only confirming the fact that they were but figments of the Warden's dream, leaving Luma alone with him.

"So," He said, breaking the silence, his deep voice laced with a combination of anger and sadness; "you've finally shown up…"

Luna's blood practically froze. She had been caught. There was no way out of this now… She turned to face the Warden, her fear and emotions evident in her face.

"I- Uh… Y-yes, I h-have." She said, her voice trembling slightly.

She couldn't believe it. Here she was, speaking with the stallion whom she had wronged so terribly over a thousand years ago.

Both she and the Warden stood in silence for a few moments once more.

"You have a lot of nerve, seeking me out like this." He remarked coldly, still facing away. "Then again, maybe not. If you actually had the courage, you would have met me when I was awake, instead of the safety of your own domain.

Luna felt this scathing remark hit home. "Well, I-I thought that meeting you in your dream would be easie-"

"Cut it out." The Warden rumbled, turning around to face her, his piercing green eyes shining angrily. "We both know you didn't come here to waste my precious time with excuses."

Luna went silent, looking downwards in a non-confrontational manner. This was going about how she had expected.

"What is it?" The Warden asked angrily. "Why did you go through the effort of tracking me down?"

Luna swallowed her fears, steeling her nerves as best she could before answering.

"I-I have come to ask you… S-something."

One of the Warden's eyebrows lifted for a moment, showing mild surprise. "Really? You, of all ponies, think you have any right to ask anything of me?"

"N-no!" Luna blurted, afraid of coming across as entitled. "I…" She said shakily, trying to get the words out that her emotions and thoughts were trying to suppress. "I am desperate, though…"

"Desperate?" The Warden questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Really?"

Luna nodded, inhaling slowly as she strove desperately to keep her emotions in check.

The Warden, meanwhile, stood there in silence for a few seconds, tilting his head thoughtfully. "Let me guess…" He said, his voice having quieted down a bit, but still showing anger. "You can't live with yourself any more, and you need my forgiveness to be able to move on?"

Luna felt the nasty sensation of shock penetrating her soul. "W-wh- How did you-?" She stuttered, dumbfounded.

A scowl appeared on the Warden's face. "What? You didn't think that I knew that you would try this eventually?" He asked pointedly. "It has been over two years since I attacked you and your sister. I've had plenty of time to think about how you would approach me and attempt to atone."

The princess' expression of shock faded as she realized that he was correct.

"Of course…" She said quietly, shaking her head.

Both ponies sat in silence, the pines above them swaying in the wind.

"So?" The Warden eventually asked. "Are you going to ask, or are you too cowardly to do so?"

Luna's thoughts halted instantly. Was he actually giving her a chance to ask? Defying her fears, a faint glimmer of hope arose, allowing her to steady her nerves and work up the courage.

This was it. She was going to ask him, here and now, while the opportunity existed.

She took a few deep breaths, steadying her frazzled nerves and anxious heart. "Casemate," She began, her voice shaking slightly, "I am so, so, sorry. Every night, I find myself thinking about what happened that night, and I hate myself so much for letting it happen…"

She paused, inhaling sharply as she felt a lump arise in her throat. The memories of what Nightmare Moon did were flooding back, and she struggled to keep the resulting sadness from drowning her words.

"Now, I-I know that the last thing I deserve from you is your forgiveness. But… But I have reached a point where I need to know…"

Luna looked down as another tear fell down her face. She sniffled once, working up the courage to ask the question that she had been both dreading and wanting to ask for years.

"Can you… Please forgive me, Casemate?"

Once she finished, an awful silence fell. Even the winds ceased to blow, causing the entire forest to go dead silent. Luna watched the Warden glare at her, his anger clearly palpable as she felt a terrible dread gnaw at her from within. What was he going to say? She could hardly bear the weight of what had happened, much less the anticipation.

Then, he spoke.

"What makes you think you have any chance at forgiveness?" He asked coldly. "You know what you did."

That was not the answer that she had hoped for.

Nightmare Moon's words echoed in her mind, reminding Luna of how she will feed off of her loathing if the Warden doesn't forgive her.

If he didn't, Nightmare Moon would be right.

This sent Luna's mind into a panic, trying frantically to find an answer. She remained quiet, her anxiety and alarm increasing with every silent second that passed.

She couldn't let this happen. She couldn't let Nightmare Moon be right! Too much was at stake!

Suddenly, driven by desperation, she blurted out a reply, unaware that she had done so until it was too late.

"Because I am not Nightmare Moon!"

The Warden tilted his head, his brow raising slightly in surprise.

Luna put a hoof to her mouth, her eyes wide with fear and realization, knowing that she had just spoken out of turn. Her mind raced. Like it or not, she had given her reason. She had to explain.

"I-I mean-" She stuttered, "Nightmare Moon was in control! I-I allowed her to gain control, but I didn't think that she would-"

Before she could finish, Luna's explanation died in her throat, killed by a sense of condemnation. Did she seriously just try to excuse herself from enabling Nightmare Moon to take his family away by blaming it all on her other, evil personality?

"Pathetic." Said a familiar voice in her head. "To think that we thought we couldn't sink any lower…"

Luna stood there, looking at the Warden as she struggled internally with the overwhelming emotions toiling inside. Unfortunately, it was a losing battle, and her hopes were growing very thin. She was looking at the very real probability of having to consign herself to remaining unforgiven. Her hope fizzled out, her heart darkened, and her spirit fell lower than it had before...

There was no doubt in her mind that she had failed...


But then, slowly, a peculiar expression spread across the Warden's face. His glare faded in intensity, and an expression of indecisiveness seemed to take hold.

Luna felt her fear and depression slow down, as confusion took hold.

Was he… Hesitating?


The Warden looked downwards, breaking direct eye contact with Luna for the first time. He took a deep, long sigh, and the expression on his face showed that he was deep in thought.

He was hesitating.

Against all odds, a miniscule glimmer of hope reignited within Luna. Did her careless outburst actually help?

In any case, the anger that he was once showing had visibly diminished. Was he more open to the idea of forgiving her than she had first thought, or at least hadn't made the final decision yet?

Both ponies stood in their places for a few minutes, each not saying a single word as their thoughts raged within their minds.

Then, looking back up at Luna, he spoke, his tone calmer than it had ever been thus far.

"I know."

The princess' heart felt like it froze. "W-what?" She asked quietly, her eyes widening as she struggled to believe what she had just heard. "You… You do?"

Both she and the Warden looked at each other for a brief, silent moment.

"I know who you are, and I know who you once were." He explained.

The hopefulness within Luna began to grow in intensity. He had just acknowledged that he understood that she was not Nightmare Moon, but rather, they were totally different! If this was the case, then was forgiveness closer than she had first thought? Was she going to receive what she needed to suppress Nightmare Moon and contain her?

"Then… You do forgive me?" Luna's voice shook slightly as the hope within her began to spring up in a greater volume than she could have anticipated. Her deep, turquoise eyes shimmered in anticipation, her breath bated as she silently prayed that this would be the case.

The Warden didn't answer right away, though. He glanced away, his brow furrowing as he visibly debated what to do.

Luna remained silent, giving him the distance and time needed to reach a decision. She could feel the indecisiveness within him, raging and swirling into the dreamscape surrounding them. Despite her desperation urging her to try and sway his mind, she knew that trying to force a decision out of him would be the worst thing that she could do.

The right thing to do was to wait.

Her heartbeat steadily grew faster, and her breaths did as well. As the seconds passed, her apprehension and uneasiness grew.

Her ability to keep Nightmare Moon at bay likely depended on this answer.

If he didn't forgive her, there was no guarantee that she would be able to withhold her dark self. If Nightmare Moon took control again, Equestria would not be safe. Not only would the Warden's next words likely determine her fate, but it would determine Equestria's as well…

What was he going to say?

Finally, after at least a full minute of increasingly unbearable silence, he sighed. The Warden turned towards Luna, and looked at her straight in the eye.

"Can you access the most important moments in my life?"

It took a few seconds for Luna to process his question.

"W-what?" She asked confusedly, her hopes dimming.

Where in Celestia's name did that question come from?

The Warden groaned slightly in annoyance. "Can you find defining moments from my life and replay them here in my dream?" He asked, this time sounding as if he were taking more care to speak more slowly and clearly.

Luna nodded confusedly. She did, in fact, possess the ability to replay key moments from ponies' lives within their dreams. However, she didn't quite understand why he was asking this now. She had expected either a yes or a no, not that.

"Yes… I can." She answered, her gaze wandering away from him as she went deeper into thought, trying to understand why he asked such a thing. "M-may I ask why?"

The Warden shook his head. "No. I want you to replay such moments from my life, and for you to watch, nothing more. Understand?"

Luna was perplexed. What was he trying to accomplish by making her watch his most defining moments?

This thought sent shivers down her back.

Was she going to have to relive that moment again?

Yet again, fear began to arise within her.

She did not want to relive Nightmare Moon's deeds. The feelings of guilt, shame, and self-loathing would return even stronger than before, not to mention that she would be witnessing the single most traumatic time in her life yet again.

An urge to back out of the dream washed over her, and for a few indecisive seconds, she simply froze, unable to think or act clearly.

But what if this was a test? What if he was testing her, trying to determine whether or not she had the strength to come face to face with her greatest failure? Would that mean that he might forgive her if she followed through? If so, would failure mean that she would not gain the forgiveness that she so desperately craved?

The more she dwelled upon it, the more she became convinced that this was likely the case.

She had to try.

After nearly a full minute of thought, she finally gave a single nod. "I do." She said solemnly.

"Good." The Warden replied. "Start at the beginning."

Luna silently acknowledged his wishes, giving another nod. Despite her silence, she felt a terrible tumult within. Fear gnawed at her, begging her to retreat to the safety of her chambers, and to leave the Warden alone for good.

Yet, if this was her only shot at obtaining his forgiveness and beating Nightmare Moon once and for all, she had to take it.

Luna's horn began to glow as she closed her eyes, reaching into the dream realm. Within seconds, in her mind's eye, she found the first significant event in the Warden's life. She paused for a moment, then her horn shone brighter. The forest around them faded into darkness in a swirl of cloudy shapes.

In seconds, the two ponies were enveloped in the miasma, and Luna gracefully accepted her choice.

For better or for worse, she was going to follow through.

Chapter 3: His Beginning

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After a few seconds, Luna watched as the miasma took form, turning back into the same scene as before.

Every single tree was in its place, the clearing was still there, and the cottage was right where it was before.

Luna blinked once, then took a closer look. While the scene looked nearly identical as before, things did appear a bit different. The flowers and shrubs weren't in the same places as before, and a few of the trees did look somewhat smaller.

She stood there for a minute, silently taking in the scene, wondering what it was that the Warden was trying to show her. Clearly it had to be the earliest defining moment in his life, as it was the first such moment that she had come across.

Her eyes wandered off to the side, and she saw the Warden standing a short distance off. He too, was looking around, his green eyes taking in the scene. His brow fell a bit, but not in an angry fashion. Rather, it looked as if he were trying to identify what exactly this event was.

Luna could not help but feel a little bit of relief. For once, his focus was not on her. She didn't have to bear the weight of his glare or his anger, at least for a few seconds.

Then, a sudden, jarring mechanical howl reverberated through their surroundings, abruptly ending Luna's thoughts. Both she and the Warden looked up to the sky, where the sound was coming from. At first, neither of them saw it, but both knew what it was.

The Warden's armor in flight.

Then, a shining silver shape darted by, its glinting metal exterior visible between the treetops. It shortly disappeared beyond their view, the stark sound of the engines gradually diminishing as time passed.

Luna looked at the Warden, who had a completely different expression than he had before. Any and all evidence of anger and irritation had disappeared, replaced by one of surprise. Through his widened eyes, Luna could tell that he was in momentary disbelief at what he had just seen.

The Warden blinked and broke his gaze, now looking at the cottage. "Inside." He said, his voice a bit suppressed by his amazement. "He's going inside."

He began to trot forwards, his gait expressing a sense of urgency as he moved. Luna instinctively began to follow, her longer legs allowing her to effortlessly and gracefully keep pace with him as another question came to her mind.

Who was flying the armor? Clearly it wasn't the Warden, judging by his surprise. It had to be somepony whom he knew.

Soon, the Warden reached the front door, and paused. Luna strode up, stopping a short distance behind him. He remained where he was, not making any further movement forwards.

Luna sensed his unease. She felt it radiating off of him. Whoever it was, he seemed to be hesitant to see that pony.

He sighed quietly, his eyes beginning to show a determined glint as he pushed his unease away. Then, he lifted the latch on the door, opening it quietly but swiftly, revealing the interior.

It led into a moderately sized living space, with wooden walls, a wooden floor, and a wooden ceiling. Sunlight shone in through a window, and several doors lined the wall, presumably leading into several other rooms. There wasn't much by way of furnishings, which included a fireplace, a table, two chairs, and several dressers.

The Warden walked in, now showing little hesitation. Luna followed, her hooves thudding gently on the floor as she walked, her eyes glancing all around, taking in her surroundings.

It seemed very rustic, the lack of furnishings and quaint atmosphere creating an odd feeling of serenity.

"Well, this is sickeningly cozy."

Luna felt her heart stop.

She whipped her head around, and found the source of the voice. On the wall, there was a mirror that she hadn't noticed before, and looking at Luna through the reflection was a set of malicious eyes.

It was Nightmare Moon.

Luna nearly went into an all-out panic attack. What was she doing here?! Did the Warden hear her?!

She quickly turned her head towards the Warden, and thankfully, he didn't seem to be aware at all, soaking in his surroundings.

Nightmare Moon scoffed.

"Oh, please! We know he can't hear me. I am trapped inside of you, after all."

After a second of complete disbelief, Luna frantically thought of what to do. She knew that she couldn't keep her wits together with Nightmare trying to bother her.

The thought of smashing the mirror came to mind, but her better judgment forbade it. It would get the Warden's attention when Luna needed it the least. She remembered how she talked Nightmare down back at the castle, and wondered if rebuking her would do the trick again. But what if the Warden noticed that she was talking to a seemingly imaginary entity inside of a mirror? He would certainly doubt her mental stability, that was certain.

Then another option came to her. After making doubly sure that the Warden was not looking her way, she closed her eyes, and her horn began to glow. In a moment, she cast an alteration to the passage of time in the Warden's dream, bringing him and it to a standstill.

After opening her eyes, she saw the Warden standing perfectly frozen in time. Luna let out a sigh, relieved with the knowledge that he wouldn't be aware of the exchange between her and Nightmare.

She turned to the mirror once more, her relief giving way to apprehension. "What do you want?" She asked, her tone unsteady.

Nightmare Moon tilted her head. "Oh, nothing." The dark mare said innocently. "I suppose I just wanted to express my surprise at this new development. Surely you had no idea that he was going to do something quite like this, did you?"

Luna exhaled impatiently, but couldn't disagree. Indeed, she hadn't expected him to not immediately shoot her hopes down.


Nightmare Moon frowned. "That's it? Just 'no'? Surely you have given it more thought than that."

Luna's brow lowered, and she did her best to throw up a stoic demeanor, not completely succeeding. “Stop wasting our time. Why are you bothering me again?”

"My, how rude." Nightmare Moon retorted. "At least tell me you know where this is going."

"What do you mean?"

The reflection scoffed. "Oh, come now. You know he's only doing this to crush you at the end."

Luna felt pangs of fear course through her. This prospect had occurred to her, but she had managed to put it to the back of her mind. She remained silent for a moment, and shook her head.

"He would have just told me outright if he wasn't going to forgive me." She pointed out. "By doing this, he's showing that there's a chance."

"Or… He's just building up your hopes just to watch them burn in a spectacular fashion." Nightmare Moon replied, giving a toothy grin. "I should know. It was something that we would have done when I was in control. I can only imagine how delicious the sensation of doing so would be…"

Luna winced. Her darker side had made a valid point. Was the Warden merely building her hopes to make her suffer more? Once again, doubts began to creep into her head. Was Nightmare Moon right?

Slowly, the reflection's gaze sharpened as if it had realized something.

"Ah, so you do know…" She said with a gleeful undertone. "Your silence is telling, Luna. You know that he is toying with you…"

Luna felt the familiar sensation of despair suffocate her hopes as Nightmare Moon's words sank in.

But then, she remembered what the Warden had said to her mere minutes ago.

"Yet he admitted to understanding that we are not one and the same." Luna said, her tone having shifted away from despair and more towards hopefulness. "I know for a fact that the Warden is not one to mince words. He had a purpose behind it."

"So you elect to remain in your ignorant fantasy of redemption, then?" Nightmare Moon asked coldly, any mirth in her expression having given way to annoyance once again.

Luna glared back. "It is no fantasy, and I will not turn back. Not now."

"Fine." The reflection snarled, scowling and baring her sharp teeth. "But don't say I didn't warn you."

Luna blinked, and when she opened her eyes, she found her own reflection looking back at her. Nightmare Moon had left yet again.

But for how long?

This question rattled around in Luna's mind as her horn began to glow. In a moment, she restored the passage of time to what it was before, hoping that the Warden hadn't noticed anything amiss.

As time continued to flow normally, the Warden carried on as he was before, looking at his surroundings with awe.

Luna felt a small amount of relief, her heartbeats growing slower. At least he hadn't noticed her conversation with her darker self.

But this relief was shortly replaced by a sense of doom. Was he really going through all of this just to crush her at the end? That would have seemed inevitable, if not for the fact that he had admitted that he knew that Luna and Nightmare Moon were not the same.

Of course, that guaranteed nothing.

Her dreary thoughts didn't last long, thankfully, for they were interrupted by a distinct thump from beneath the floor. She glanced down, and noticed that there was a trap door.

Somepony was coming.

The Warden noticed as well, also directing his gaze to the door. In his eyes, Luna noticed an expression that she hadn't seen from him before.

It was very short lived, but for a split second, she saw fear.

A shiver ran down the length of Luna's back. For a pony like the Warden to feel fear, it must really frighten him…

He backed away a step or two, shooting a glance at Luna. Instinctively, she felt the urge to try and soothe his unease.

"Do not fear," She explained, "the ponies within your dream cannot see nor hear us."

The Warden shook his head. "It isn't that..." He said in a low tone, looking away from her.

Luna felt a bit confused. Was he afraid of seeing whoever that pony was? It would explain his unease.

Then, the trap door swung open, and a stallion climbed up onto the floor.

He was a large, brown stallion, with a silver mane and tail that almost shimmered in the sunlight as he clambered up. His eyes were a dull blue color, and his cutie mark was of a section of castle wall, complete with stone blocks and parapet.

He was very imposing, larger than the Warden, even. He wasn't the largest pony she had ever seen, but still taller and far bigger than she was.

Her focus then wandered to the Warden, whose expression had changed yet again. His eyes were fixed on the stallion, and showed no small degree of disbelief.

Once he was out of the doorway, the stallion hurriedly shut the trap door and immediately rushed to one of the doors leading into a side room.

Luna felt an urge to follow him, and she did so. The Warden followed closely behind her, having broken out of his stupor.

When the stallion made it to the door, he paused and took a deep breath, as if he were nervous about something too. Luna looked on curiously, wondering what was troubling him. He closed his eyes for a moment and took another breath, speaking to himself quietly as if he were trying to encourage himself to proceed.

Then he opened his eyes, and slowly, quietly, opened the door. He peeked in cautiously, seeming to try and make as little sound as possible.

Despite his size, Luna was still tall enough to peer over his back, and she looked into the room.

It was about half the size of the living space, and it was darker inside, the only window having been covered by drapes. To one side lay a moderately sized bed, and Luna could make out a pony lying in it, covered up by several blankets. The resting pony was facing away, however, and Luna was unable to discern anything more. The Warden stepped up beside her, also peering over the stallion's back to see inside.

"Love?" The stallion whispered, his tone gently asking for some sort of response.

The pony in bed stirred, seeming to have heard him. "Hmm?"

Upon hearing this, Luna heard the Warden exhale in shock. She glanced at him, and saw that his eyes were wide.

She didn't blame him. It didn't take much reasoning to realize that these ponies in the projection were his parents. A perfectly reasonable reaction, although it did feel odd to see the Warden not be angry.

The pony in the bed turned to face the stallion, and Luna saw that it was a mare. She was dark blue in color, with a deep red mane. She opened her eyes, breathing with a small amount of difficulty, seeming to be quite tired. Once she saw the stallion though, her eyes widened, and her tired expression was replaced by one of excitement and adoration.

"Love?" She asked excitedly, her eyes shimmering in the dim light.

The stallion smiled, and opened the door enough to allow him to walk in. He strode in, his heavy hoofsteps thudding quietly as he made his way to the bed.

As he did so, the quiet atmosphere was broken by a brief cry of a newborn foal coming from the bed.

The stallion froze, his smile fading as his eyes widened in realization. However, the mare merely smiled sweetly.

"You missed it."

The stallion's face went from shocked to angry for a split second.

"Ah- I… I see…" He said, now looking away as if he were ashamed. "I- I'm sorr-"

"Oh hush, love." She mare said quietly, still smiling. "You have a duty to uphold, we both know that…"

"I know." He said with a huff. "But if I had acted a little earlier, I would have been here in time for-"

The mare shook her head.

"It's done, love. Those fanatics needed to be stopped, and you rose to the task like you always do. That's why-"

"That's why you love me…" The stallion said, nodding his head with a slight smile. "I know…"

The two fell silent, looking into each other's eyes in a way that Luna knew that only two ponies who were truly in love could do.

The mare shuffled around a bit in the bed, moving a small pile of blankets sitting next to her for her partner to see. She lifted it up, and the stallion went into a stunned silence. Luna understood why, for she had to take a moment to assure herself that she was seeing what she was seeing.

Inside the bundle of blankets was a newborn foal, blue in color with a gray mane.

There was no doubt in Luna's mind; it was the Warden.

She felt a peculiar sensation upon realizing this. He looked adorable as an infant, and her heart warmed slightly.

The Warden looked on as well, looking amazed.

The mother grinned eagerly. "It's a colt."

The father simply stood there for a moment, processing it all. Then, he kneeled down next to the bed, and carefully took the infant into his strong forelegs.

Both parents looked down at their new son, remaining silent for a few minutes. Then, the stallion looked at his wife and spoke.

"So, his name is going to be what we agreed upon, right?"

The mare nodded. "Yes. His name is Casemate."

The stallion smiled, clearly pleased. "Good. He shall carry on his ancestors' legacy."

The mare's happy expression faded, and she began to look worried. "Only if he has to, right?"

The stallion's own smile turned into a frown.

"When he was to." He corrected. "If there's one thing I know, it's that Equestria is never truly safe."

Luna felt some anger radiate off of the Warden as the stallion spoke. What did he hold against him?

The mare sighed.

"I… I know. It's just- I know that you've never really known how to live during times of peace or even know what it is like to be properly loved by both your parents… I want to make sure we both will give him the life that you didn't have."

The stallion sighed, shaking his head. "That is wishful thinking. We have Princess Celestia to thank for that."

"But we can try." The mare said firmly. "We can at least try to allow our son to live in peace instead of constant, unending conflict."

The stallion shook his head once more, exhaling in an exasperated way.

"I- We can't-"

The mare extended a hoof, gently brushing his cheek.

"We can try. You know that."

The stallion's brow lowered for a moment, then he relaxed, admitting defeat.

"We will try." He murmured.

Luna heard the Warden exhale deeply upon hearing this. She looked sideways at him, and saw several emotions on his face. She could feel a sense of heartache, as if he were wondering how things could have turned out differently for him.

Luna dwelled on this for a moment. Did this mean that he didn't actually want to become the Warden?

Just then, the child gave a quiet groan, and both parents smiled. The mother shook her head. "Look at us, arguing when our little Casemate needs tending to."

The father nodded once, and carefully handed the child back to her.

Then, after a moment, the three ponies froze in place and faded away, signaling to Luna that she had reached the end of the first event.

Now it was just her and him.

The Warden sighed deeply, and Luna could sense some deep emotions within him.

"...Are you alright?" She asked, sounding genuinely concerned. She understood that revisiting past moments could have a profound effect on ponies.

The Warden nodded, looking at her.

"I am." He replied, sounding like he was deep in thought. "I just never thought I would see her again…"

Luna could sense a feeling of longing and pain within the Warden, and she immediately understood why, her years of experience with helping ponies in need of counseling telling her that he had lost his mother at some point. A surge of empathy arose within her soul for him. Her nature was compelling her to dive deeper, and try to offer comfort.

She paused for a moment. Was this a good idea? She evaluated her reasoning behind this urge. Was she trying to sway him into forgiving her? To do so would seem superficial, at least to him.

But as she thought, the more she recognized that it wasn't her need for forgiveness behind it, but her heart. She was never one to leave ponies hurting without offering some guidance, or in the very least, comfort.

Forgiveness or not, she wanted to help in any way she could. It was the least she could do, after what Nightmare Moon did…

"Do you have any memory of her?" She asked quietly, finally working up the courage to speak.

The Warden shot a questioning look up at Luna, his brow lowering a bit. "What is it to you?" He asked plainly, seeming to be cautious and suspicious.

This made Luna flinch. He clearly was still distrustful of her. Of course, that was understandable.

"I… I thought that you wanted me to understand your story better…" She murmured, looking at him with drooped ears. "I cannot think of any other reason why you would wish for me to witness your defining moments…"

The Warden’s gaze softened ever so slightly upon hearing her reply, and he looked away with a forced sigh.

"...Yes… You would be correct…" He responded with a quiet tone.

Luna felt some of the tension leave her body as he confirmed it.

But this raised a question: Why?

If he was trying to show her his story, was he trying to give her some context to what his choice would be? Did he already make up his mind to forgive her, or not?

The Warden continued to speak, snapping the princess out of her thoughts.

"I don't remember much of her." He said somberly. "Just photographs and what little my father would tell me of her."

Anger seemed to radiate from the Warden when he mentioned his father, and Luna noticed. Just like earlier, he seemed to harbor anger against him. She decided to not ask about his father quite yet. Besides, she already knew who he was.

He was Bastion, son of Hightower the hero. She recalled meeting him when he was but a teen, over a thousand years prior, before Hightower's banishment by her Celestia.

She recalled that he was somewhat hot tempered, but like his father, possessed a very strong sense of duty and responsibility. He had always held a close bond with his father, striving to be a worthy son to the greatest war hero in recorded history. Bastion was always closer to Hightower than his mother, that much was certain. After his mother divorced from Hightower, Bastion always seemed to stick close to his father.

Perhaps that was why he voluntarily went into exile with him.

Her thoughts began to wander back to his mother, straying from Bastion.

"She really seemed to love you." Luna said with an earnest expression on her face.

The Warden simply nodded in reply, remaining silent as he looked away.

In her heart, Luna could feel his pain. Her curiosity grew, as did the need to try and offer some comfort. She inhaled quietly, and spoke again.

"May I ask what happened to her?"

"She was killed." The Warden replied. "I wasn't even a year old."

Even though she had guessed that his mother had died, Luna felt her heart break a bit.

"Killed?" She asked, her eyes widening as her voice revealed the shock within. "I am so sorry, I did not know…"

The Warden shook his head, and began to explain.

"One night, a group of ponies came to the cottage and took us by surprise. They captured us, seeking to force us to join their cause, whatever it was. My father broke free and managed to rescue me but he couldn't save my mother." He said, looking downwards. "Sometimes I wonder how differently things would have turned out if she had survived, if she were able to keep my father's intentions for me in check…"

Luna recalled the disagreement between his parents, how his father wanted him to become a warrior protecting Equestria and how his mother wanted him to know a life of peace instead.

What if the Warden never took up the mantle of his ancestors?

It was a most provocative question, Luna understood that. Her thoughts swirled in her mind, centering around this revelation.

After a few seconds of silence, the Warden spoke.

"Let's move on to the next one." He said firmly.

Luna shook off her thoughts and nodded.

"Of course."

The princess' horn began to glow, and the environment around them faded into a dark mist once more. As she prepared the next sequence, she pondered the takeaways from this moment.

The Warden did have loving parents, but his childhood was clearly anything but happy, if his answers were true. He no longer had his mother, and Luna had no idea what his father had done. Clearly, he had done something that caused the Warden to harbor resentment.

Luna felt anxious. Whatever it was, she felt as if she were going to find out in the next memory.

Chapter 4: Broken Father, Broken Son

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A few seconds later, Luna and the Warden found themselves in the clearing with the cottage yet again. This time, it appeared to be the dead of winter. A blanket of snow covered the ground, a freezing wind blew through the trees, ice was prevalent, and the skies were dreary and gray.

Overall, the whole atmosphere was somewhat depressing, something that was certainly not lost on Luna.

A gust of wind rushed through the evergreens above her, picking up wisps of snow from the ground and sending them back into the sky, back to where it came from. Luna shivered slightly as she felt the icy chill penetrating through her fur and into her bones.

The Warden felt uneasy once more, Luna could tell. It wasn't just the cold, but it was a sense of apprehension that could be felt too.

Unlike the previous event, he seemed to remember this.

Once the gust subsided, a sound that starkly contrasted with the otherwise peaceful scene caught her ear.

"Wrong! Again!"

The Warden snorted quietly, his ears pinning down in anger.

Luna immediately correlated the voice to his father, Bastion, who sounded like he was giving stern instructions to somepony. It sounded like it was coming from behind the cottage, and Luna proceeded to stride through the snow towards the voice.

The Warden seemed to hesitate for a second, but soon began to follow her. Luna had no doubt that this event was unpleasant for him to relive. She stopped, and glanced back at him as he approached.

"You don't have to watch this if you wish not to." She said, trying to assure him.

The Warden said nothing. He simply passed by, and kept on walking towards the source of the voice, ignoring her.

Luna's heart sank a bit. Whatever this was, he thought it was important enough to subject himself to, as if he hadn’t suffered enough because of her.

She sighed sadly, and followed the Warden despite her hurting heart.

As they got closer, another sound arose over the wind. It sounded like shouting, but coming from a child. Luna could not help but feel an instinctual urge to hurry up and see what was happening, both curious and increasingly concerned.

As she and the Warden rounded the house, she saw what it was. In the clearing between the other side of the cottage and the trees was Casemate, who now appeared to be about eight or nine years of age. His mane and tail were cut short, the same as his adult self. He lacked his older self's scars, though.

But more notably, he lacked his cutie mark. He hadn't earned it yet, it would seem.

He looked like he was practicing some form of fighting, attacking a makeshift dummy with a series of kicks and blows, giving a fighting cry with each attack.

Off to the side, Bastion stood. He looked far more haggard than he was before, but he hadn't lost his intimidating posture. He looked upon his son, his eyes showing no small amount of disapproval despite his son's best efforts.

After a final blow, young Casemate stopped and stepped back. Despite the cold, he was visibly sweating, and he breathed heavily, sending clouds of condensation flying off into the sky.

However, Bastion didn't seem to notice.

"Wrong!" He said sternly. "Again!"

Luna began to grasp what was happening, and she continued to watch carefully.

Young Casemate groaned, taking up a stance in front of the dummy. Luna felt concerned. Why was his father training a colt like this? It seemed abusive. If the colt were closer to adulthood, it wouldn't strike her as such, as long as Casemate was willing. But why put a young colt through such exercises out in the freezing cold?

The colt looked tired, and after a moment of holding a stance before the dummy, he began. He laid a series of deliberate blows on different locations, giving a shout with each kick. First below the chest, then the face, then the knees. Then, young Casemate twirled around, extending one of his hind legs, delivering a final blow to the dummy's head.

Luna was impressed. The degree of agility that the Warden had as a colt was extraordinary.

However, his father spoke up again, his tone louder and angrier than before.

"No! You got it wrong!" He barked. "Don't make me show you again!"

"Yes sir…" The colt replied breathlessly, his voice showing his exhaustion and discomfort.

Luna felt a bit of anger begin to burn deep within her, directed at Bastion.

Young Casemate took up an unsteady stance in the snow. He paused, staring at the dummy with an expression of hopelessness that caused Luna to feel a jabbing at her heart.

The colt then tried again. A blow under the chest, a blow to the head, and a blow to each front knee. Then, baring his teeth and seeming to suddenly grow enraged, the colt twirled around with all his might, giving his all into delivering the final kick this time.

However, he completely missed, spinning around and falling in the snow.

Luna gasped silently. This didn't bode well.

Bastion's eyes lit up in rage. Without saying a word, he stomped swiftly over to his son.

"Get up!" He ordered.

Young Casemate obeyed, getting on his feet. His father, now gritting his teeth, grabbed him and dragged him off to the side.

"What was that?!" He asked angrily.

"I don't know!" The young colt replied. "I tried!"

"Trying is not good enough!" Bastion shouted back. "I already showed you how to do it. If you were paying any attention, you would have gotten it already!"

"But I tried!" Young Casemate said again, clearly at a loss for what to say.

"What did I just say?!" Bastion asked. "Trying. Isn't. Enough!"

Luna felt a mixture of anger and sorrow in her heart. Anger against the callous father, and sorrow for the Warden having undergone this.

Then, Bastion pointed at an object a distance away, in the treeline along the edge of the clearing.

A headstone.

"I tried to save your mother, and I failed!" He said loudly. "She died, because I wasn't good enough! If you allow yourself to be distracted or strive for anything less than perfection, ponies DIE!"

Luna caught her breath. Perhaps there was a reasoning behind his words. She recalled how the Warden told her about how his mother died, and he did say that his father was unable to save her.

Was he taking out his trauma and anger at himself on his son?

Suddenly, Bastion seemed to become a bit more relatable. While his behavior was not justified, Luna understood anger and trauma better than most.

Then, young Casemate began to shout back, drawing her attention back to him.

"But why do I have to be the next Warden?!" He shouted, catching his much larger father by surprise. "I don't want to be a Warden if I have to go through this!"

Bastion paused, creating a very uncomfortable silence. He stepped towards Casemate, who took a few steps back. Then, with a deep, rumbling voice, Bastion spoke.

"You have no choice." He said, barely veiling his rage. "You cannot say no to your lineage. You are a Warden. All of Equestria depends on you, and you cannot walk away, understand?"

Young Casemate looked fearfully up at his father looming above him.

Luna's consternation was reaching a fever pitch. She almost had to remind herself that this was a past event, and nothing that she could do now would change it.

Then, slowly, a flicker of hate began to shine in the colt's eyes. His mouth curled into a scowl, and his body tensed up.

"NO, I DO NOT!" He screamed, closing his eyes.

Luna felt chills run down her spine. That anger… She had seen it from him before, at Canterlot. The very memory of that day, when the Warden nearly killed her and Celestia, caused her fur to stand on end.

Meanwhile, Bastion's eyes widened, then narrowed. He wrapped a foreleg around his son picking him up.

"I will make you understand." He said with a menacing tone.

Casemate began to kick and try to break free, but it was no use. Bastion simply walked into the cottage, carrying the colt effortlessly with him, closing the door.

A full minute of silence passed as Luna and the Warden remained outside, alone once more.

Luna could feel the Warden’s rage radiating off of him. His anger was palpable, and it made her shiver slightly. At least it wasn’t directed at her this time.

The Warden then walked aggressively over to the dummy, staring at it with a furious glare. Luna watched on, wondering what he was doing.

Then, without a word, he delivered a vicious kick under the dummy's chest, a blow to the face, and broke both the dummy's front knees. Then, his teeth bared, the Warden twirled around, and one of his back hooves ripped into the dummy's head. With a tearing sound, the head of the dummy sailed off into the woods.

Luna was stunned, not to mention a bit frightened. That anger didn't bode well for her chances at gaining forgiveness.

But this outburst directed at the dummy seemed to calm the Warden down somewhat. Luna could still feel a deep, burning anger, but his face and body visibly relaxed.

He stood silently for a few seconds, looking off into the icy forest, then turned towards Luna.

"Next event. Now." He said quietly and calmly.

Luna nodded, deep in thought about what she had witnessed.

This shed some light as to why he felt such anger towards his father, at least.

However, a sense of irony was not lost on her. He and his father seemed to share some things in common. Both had suffered a tragic loss, and both became angry and bitter as a result.

However, it seemed to Luna that the Warden had at least handled it a bit better than his father did. She knew for a fact that the Warden didn't abuse his family.

He was too good of a stallion to stoop that low…

Luna's horn began to glow once again, taking them both to the next major event in the Warden's life.

Chapter 5: Dream Of A Dream

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When Luna and the Warden opened their eyes, they found themselves in a dark room.

The room took on the appearance of a dungeon, dark and foreboding. The only source of light was a beam from the sun, pouring in through a small barred window in a thick wooden door.

As her eyes adjusted to the darkened environment, she caught sight of something that caused a bolt of shock to fly through her.

Chained to the wall opposite of the door leading out, was young Casemate. Upon closer inspection, the wall that he was chained to had a symbol engraved upon it. It was the Warden's cutie mark, and it was outlined by iron plates and loops for shackles. It was very oppressing, and Luna felt her heart shatter a bit.

The colt was straining against his chains, going to the end of their length and trying to break free. He grunted as he jerked against them desperately, the chains rattling as they were pulled tight.

But in spite of his efforts, he couldn't do it. After a few seconds of trying, he groaned with a mixture of anger and hopelessness. He sat back down, glancing up at the sunlight coming in, his eyes shimmering in despair.

The Warden looked on, his eyes filling with remembrance.

"Remember this?" He asked after a few seconds, glancing sideways at Luna.

Luna looked at him with an expression that revealed a sense of awe.

She did remember. She remembered every single dream that she had ever visited.

But this one stuck out.

"I… I do." She murmured quietly, before mouthing the following words that were echoing in her mind…

"Fear not…"

Young Casemate continued to sit there, looking completely hopeless.

Then, there was a gentle glow in the room, illuminating the dark chamber with a pale glow. Young Casemate looked at the source of the light, his despair being replaced by confusion and even a bit of fear.

Then, the light faded, revealing a fair, dark alicorn mare.

It was Princess Luna, but younger.

Young Luna looked a bit smaller than her present self, and her mane and tail were a pale blue, instead of the flowing, ethereal, starry appearance that she now possessed.

Young Luna strode up to the colt, her eyes showing no small amount of concern and pity.

Casemate merely looked up at her with an expression of uncertainty and fear. He backed away, his chains rattling.

Young Luna raised a hoof. "Fear not, Casemate. We art not here to bring thee to harm, we assure thee." Her eyes sparkled slightly as her horn began to glow gently, illuminating the oppressing space.

Young Casemate stopped shuffling back. "You're Princess Luna!" He declared, pointing. "You are an enemy of my family!"

Young Luna's eyes showed a bit of emotion as she took another step forward. "Our sister is your enemy, not us…" She explained, her voice soft and gentle. "We do not agree with what Celestia has done, or continues to do."

Young Casemate still looked apprehensive.

"Why are you here?" He asked, still sounding suspicious and demanding an answer. "What is this?"

"This art a dream, young one." Young Luna explained. "It is our sacred duty to give guidance to ponies through their dreams when they hath need of it. Tonight, it seems as if thou art very much in need of assistance."

Casemate looked at the shackles and the chains holding him to the symbol engraved upon the wall. "T-this is a dream?" He asked, turning towards his visitor.

"Thankfully, yes." The young princess replied with a mildly relieved tone. "But it feels real to thee, yes?"

Casemate nodded in reply. "Y-yes…" He said, his gaze lifting back to the princess, looking less fearful.

Young Luna sighed heavily. "We understand, young one. This kind of dream feels so real and hurts the heart, for this kind of dream holds more meaning than any other."

Casemate tilted his head. "What? What do you mean?"

"Sometimes, before a life defining choice, ponies will receive a vivid dream such as this one that shows thy life for what it is, and what choices lie ahead." Young Luna explained. "Such meaning is to be found here, and what thou learnest here shall determine the course thou shalt follow from this night onwards."

Young Casemate paused, looking once again at the shackles, the symbol on the wall, and the door that was out of reach.

"So… You're here to help me understand?" He asked slowly, looking at the princess with a confused expression.

Young Luna nodded, walking up to the colt. "Indeed we are. We could tell that thou art in dire need of guidance…" She sighed, clearly still heavy of heart. "Would thou liketh for us to help thee understand?"

Young Casemate remained silent for a few seconds, pondering his choices. After some silent deliberation, the colt nodded.

Understanding, young Luna began. First, she gestured to his shackles and the wall featuring the Warden's cutie mark.

"Dost thou understand the meaning behind your restraints?" She asked.

Casemate sighed deeply. "I think so. You see that symbol?" He asked, pointing to the mark in the wall. "That is the symbol of my family."

Young Luna nodded, looking uncomfortable for a moment. "Yes, we know."

Young Casemate continued. "My father is convinced that my purpose in life is to become like my ancestors, a warrior who destroys Equestria's enemies." He paused, yanking his chains. "I'm chained to my purpose. If this dream is symbolic of my life, then… I guess I have no choice but to be the next Warden…" He says with a heavy sigh, his voice trailing off. His ears drooped low, as if he felt hopeless once more.

Young Luna's gaze softened even more.

"Thou art correct about the symbolism." She replied softly. "Thou feel trapped into fulfilling this purpose, dost thou not?"

The colt nodded again.

"I don't want to be a Warden like my father." He moaned. "It's like he is trying to force me to become something I am not."

"You wish to escape thine purpose?" Young Luna asked. "Oh, Casemate… Thou cannot simply run away from what thou art meant to do…"

Casemate blinked once, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Are you telling me that I have to become a Warden?" He asked dejectedly.

Young Luna paused, thinking about how to proceed.

"Casemate, it is thine purpose to become a Warden."

"But I don't even have my cutie mark yet!" The colt interjected, pointing at his bare flank. "How do you even know that? How is it any different than what my father wants? I don't want to be what my father wants me to become!"

Young Casemate sighed out of exasperation, looking down at the floor.

Meanwhile, the young princess looked a bit alarmed to hear these words from him. The helplessness in his tone was becoming even more evident.

"Casemate…" She said comfortingly, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "What if we told thee that whilst thou cannot escape thine true purpose, thou art not meant to be forced to face it by thine father?"

Casemate looked up at her again.

"What do you mean by that?"

"We mean that thou art meant to find thine purpose when it finds thee, not when anypony else tries to force it upon thou." The young princess explained. "His understanding of what a Warden should be is deeply flawed and skewed. Thine purpose is to become a true Warden, not just a hateful warrior like what thine father desires."

The colt seemed to look at her with a degree of skepticism.

"But… How?" He asked, imploring for an answer, looking at his chains. "I can't break free. I can't just run away!"

"Casemate, thou art in possession of a most extraordinary amount of strength, both within and without." Young Luna assured him. "Thine purpose is to protect Equestria, but not like this. It takes a very special pony to possess such a calling."

"...But- I can't!" Casemate exclaimed, yanking his chains again, being stopped by them once more. “I’m stuck with my father!”

Young Luna sighed, placing a hoof reassuringly on him once more.

"Perhaps thou art in need of a bit of motivation." She murmured with a smile. She lowered herself to the floor, kneeling in front of the colt. "Get on for a moment."

Young Casemate paused for a moment, trying to process the fact that a princess was asking for him to get on her back. But after a moment, having nothing else to do, he crawled upon the alicorn's back. Young Luna then stood upright, elevating him to a new height.

"Look outside the window." The princess instructed, motioning to the window in the door opposite of the pair.

The colt did as instructed, finally able to finally see out thanks to the additional height granted by the princess.

He squinted for a moment, trying to make out what lay out in the brightness.

"I see…" He mumbled, observing the outside. "Another mark? There is another family mark out there, just like the one I'm chained to!"

"Ah, but it is different, is it not?" Young Luna asked in a thought provoking manner.

Young Casemate nodded. "Y-yes. It looks… Shiny? Like it is made out of a precious metal?" He asks, describing what he saw. "It looks much better than the one I'm stuck to…"

The princess nodded, looking at the colt on her back. "Tis certainly much less bleak." She remarked. "But there art more to see."

The colt squinted slightly, then made a quiet exlamation as he made out a few shapes in front of the shining mark.

"You're… You're right! I also see ponies. Several ponies. They look… Friendly?" He paused, looking unsure. "I… I don't know…"

Young Luna nodded. "That is understandable, young Casemate. Thou art not acquainted with anypony other than thine father, after all…" She sighed. "But we can assure thee of this: Those ponies will love thee, for they art thine kin."

"My kin?" The colt asked confusedly. "The only relative I am aware of is my great aunt Parapet, and I only know that she lives in Halterburg…"

He paused, thinking deeply.

"Are you telling me that if I run away there, I will find a family that loves me, and I will be able to face my fate like I was meant to?"

Young Luna nodded with a smile, kneeling back down. "That is precisely what we art trying to say, young one. Thou art most observant."

The colt got off the princess and stood up along with her, looking up at Luna with wonder. The princess merely smiled.

"Well? Wouldst thou rather break free and face thine true purpose with a family who loves thee?"

The colt remained silent for a few seconds, then nodded.

"Yes." He said after taking in a deep breath.

"Then break thine chains." Young Luna instructed.

The colt looked at his chains, and the emblem engraved upon the wall, thinking. He was weighing the risks, contemplating whether or not the brighter prospects that lay beyond his confinement was worth it.

Young Luna watched with bated breath, holding out for this colt with all her heart, hoping and praying that he would have the willpower to overcome his adversity.

Then, Casemate backed up to the wall he was chained to. A fierce glare shone in his big green eyes, and with a cry, he ran! He ran as fast and hard as he could towards the door, trying to not think about the chains holding him back.

Then, as the chains drew taut, they suddenly snapped! With a few harsh sounds, the shackles cracked and popped, flying off of his legs! The colt stumbled forwards, almost tumbling to the floor. However, young Luna extended a wing, catching him before he fell.

With a breathless and joyful tone, the young princess laughed. "Yes! Thou did it, Casemate! Thou art more than capable of escaping thine imprisonment!"

The colt looked down as his freed hooves, and he looked up at her with a genuine smile. Young Luna set him down, and the colt ran to the door, opening it.

As he opened it, sunlight flooded the room, and a fresh breeze flowed in, expelling the foreboding atmosphere. For a few seconds, he held up a foreleg to his eyes, blocking out the light as his sight adjusted. As he got accustomed to the brightness, he gazed out to the outside. There, in the distance, was his family's mark, shining, bright, and inviting. Standing alongside it were several ponies, each looking lovingly and kindly at the colt from afar.

He closed his eyes, breathing in deeply before exhaling.

"I… I know what I need to do now." He told the princess, who had strode up beside him. "If the only way to reach a better future than being forced by my father to meet my purpose is to run away to my distant family, then I can do it!"

Young Luna smiled. "Thou art capable of doing remarkable things, young one."

She paused for a moment, before speaking again, sounding thoughtful. "We cannot see what exactly thine future holds, but thou art destined for a happier life than this." She remarked, gesturing to the dungeon room behind them both.

Young Casemate nodded, his smile fading as his thoughts became deeper, wondering what lay in store for him. A worried expression soon came over his face, and he glanced away.

"But- How can I get away?" He wondered out loud. "My father will catch me…"

Young Luna nodded, closing her eyes.

"A valid concern, but one that is easily addressed." She remarked. "Do not forget, we art the Princess of the night and of dreams. We can cast a spell to keep thine father asleep for up to a full day."

She paused, looking kindly down at the colt. "We imagine that will be sufficient time for thee to get away."

The colt nodded, looking thoughtful. "That could- Hey, that could work!" He declared excitedly. "With him still sleeping, I know what I need to do to get away and reach my aunt in Halterburg!"

He fell silent for a few moments following this, and Luna could see that he was thinking.

"Where in Halterburg does my aunt live?" He asked, tilting his head.

Luna took a moment to gaze upwards, seeming to peer beyond the fabric of the colt's dream. After a few seconds, she looked back down at Casemate.

"Thine aunt livest in Halterburg's high district, on Stirrup Street." She answered, giving Casemate the location of where to find his aunt.

Upon taking note of Luna's answer, the colt began to smile, now brimming with hope and gratitude.

The young princess smiled, seeming to be relieved that she was able to help this colt escape his abusive situation.

Sensing that her intervention was drawing to a close, young Luna outstretched one of her slender forelegs towards the colt, inviting a hug.

Casemate blinked, looking confused as his smile faded.

The princess' eyes began to show concern after a few seconds. She began to realize that he was unfamiliar with the concept of a hug.

It was then that she discovered just how devoid of affection that this colt's upbringing had been.

"...Dost thou not know what we are inviting thee to do, young one?" She asked, her ears drooping.

The colt shook his head.

The princess sighed.

"Then permit us to do one last thing."

She walked up to the colt, and placed a hoof on his shoulder. Then, she gently pulled herself close, into an embrace.

Casemate's eyes widened and he tensed up, clearly unfamiliar with such proximity and perhaps even a bit afraid.

But Luna remained as she was, breathing slowly and allowing her contact with him to gradually lower his defenses.

As the seconds passed, the colt relaxed, feeling the comfort of the presence of a caring soul for what Luna deduced was probably the very first time.

They remained like that for at least ten seconds, and before long, the two released each other, stepping back.

"Thank you." The colt said quietly, his tone showing a much softer side to him than before.

"See?" The young princess asked with a smile. "Not all princesses are bad."

The colt still was smiling gratefully up at the alicorn.

"Yes… You aren't mean or evil like my father said…" He mused. "You're kind."

He paused, looking out the open door yet again. He seemed to be thinking about going and leaving this dark room behind, but he paused, hesitating.

"Thank you, Princess Luna…" He said with a genuine tone. "I hope nothing bad ever happens to you."

Young Luna placed a hoof to her chest as she smiled, her eyes softening.

"Fare thee well, young Casemate." She replied quietly. "And we too, wish for no further misfortune upon thee after this night."

The colt smiled once more, before running out the door, into the freedom awaiting him outside his cell.

As the sequence drew to a close, Luna's and the Warden's surroundings faded away into a misty darkness, leaving the two of them alone once again.

The irony of their parting words stung. Neither she or the Warden’s younger selves had no idea what would happen later on, and were on such good terms…

It hurt Luna to know that she would let things go so tragically wrong between them…

While she stood reflecting on the dream that she had just witnessed, the Warden broke the silence.

"You do remember." He said, his eyes fixing on Luna's.

The princess fought through the emotions that she was experiencing to give an answer.

"Word for word." She answered quietly.

The Warden nodded.

"Then you realize that what you did for me that night made me look up to you?"

It took Luna a moment to process this fact. Yes, it stood to reason that as a colt, the Warden would have greatly appreciated her counsel. He certainly wouldn't be the only foal who looked up to her because of her guidance.

But it still seemed a bit surreal. This was Casemate, the Warden. The stallion who had suffered much because of Nightmare Moon and still harbored resentment against her. At least, so she believed.

To hear him admit to looking up to her, an alicorn princess who had been a rival to his ancestors even before the night that Nightmare Moon surfaced, was nigh unbelievable.

Yet, he admitted to it all the same. He had never told her a lie, even before he had tried to kill her and Celestia, years ago.

Deep within her, that defiant spark of hope began to burn brighter. The Warden knew Luna's true nature, no doubt about it. He knew just how wise, caring, and compassionate that she could be. Rewatching that dream cemented that fact.

Was forgiveness truly as far off as Nightmare Moon would have her believe?

The princess felt her heart sink a bit as her hope dimmed. She had to remind herself that all of this had happened decades before Nightmare Moon. The Warden's view of her would have surely changed since then.

Once again, she saw low odds of forgiveness. But there was still a chance…

After a few seconds of deep, thoughtful silence, Luna nodded.

"I suppose you did, once." She answered, her mane and tail shimmering and billowing in the ethereal darkness surrounding them.

"Good." The Warden said with a sigh. "Then you will understand that it was you who enabled me to experience what came next. Go to the next sequence."

Luna nodded, her horn beginning to glow as she manipulated his dream once more.

In the back of her mind, she questioned what would happen next. She honestly had no way of knowing, since she had never spoke with him ever again after the dream that she had just relived, not until that violent day at Canterlot…

Well, not as Luna, anyway…

Her heart grew heavier, as she reminded herself that no matter what happened next for young Casemate, it would eventually reach a heartbreaking climax.

Chapter 6: Swept

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After a few moments, both ponies found themselves in a completely new environment. They were in an old city street, surrounded by buildings of an archaic style which had long since gone out of favor. The stone, wood, and mortar structures were all several stories high, blocking the sun and lining each side of the narrow street.

The street beneath them was muddy and wet, a putrid scent lingered heavily in the air, and the state of the buildings around them was less than ideal. Clearly, they were in a lower class district of the town, a fact further cemented by the presence of disheveled ponies dressed in ragged garments that barely could be considered to be clothing.

"Halterburg…" The Warden said quietly, causing Luna's ears to twitch as her attention shifted to the stallion standing beside her.

"Indeed." She responded, recalling her occasional visits to the ancient city. It was thousands of years old, having been founded during the age of old Equestria, predating both her and Celestia. It had even managed to survive the reign of Discord, but not without significant degradation, as could be seen.

She took in her surroundings, thankful that Celestia had managed to improve the quality of life for ponies who lived in such cities since then. It had to have been quite a challenge, even for the Princess of the sun…

Luna would have been happy to help, but she had been banished to the moon, leaving her sister to shoulder all the weight of improving the kingdom…

A pang of guilt shot through her heart, knowing that not all of the consequences of her failure to contain Nightmare Moon were immediate. The aftereffects echoed for centuries, and delayed Equestria's development, costing ponies their lives and-

Luna shook her head forcefully, trying to disperse the guilt that was accumulating. She had to remain focused and hopeful. Dwelling on how much better things would have been if she had never succumbed to Nightmare Moon was not going to have any positive effect, least of all now, when she was trying to gain the Warden's forgiveness…

Just then, a thought struck her.

"If I may, Warden…" She asked with a hint of wariness. "What was the journey to here like?"

The Warden glanced up at her for a moment.

"Tiring." He replied bluntly. "It took about five days and over fifty miles."

Luna sighed. That had to have been an arduous thing to undergo, especially for a young colt.

"But you made it?" She asked tentatively.

The Warden nodded, gesturing down the far side of the street.

There, walking down the street, was young Casemate.

He looked tired and haggard, and was looking all around, trying to gain his bearings among the maze of winding streets that Halterburg was infamous for.

In his eyes were an expression of uncertainty and apprehension, clearly shown in his body language as well, his head hanging low and his ears constantly swiveling, trying to get the slightest clue of where he needed to go.

As he walked along, a stallion came along the street, staggering in the opposite direction. The colt stopped, took a moment to steel his nerves, and courageously stepped towards the approaching stallion.

"Excuse me," Young Casemate asked. "Do you know where-"

"Back off!" The stallion slurred drunkenly, glaring at the colt, taking a threatening step towards him. "If you even try to rob me, I'll kill you!"

Casemate's eyes widened with a hint of fear as he lunged back away from the stallion, putting more distance between them. Thankfully, the hostile stallion simply stared as he continued on his way, wobbling as he walked.

Casemate hung his head and sighed in a discouraged manner as the stallion walked off.

Although he didn't say anything, Luna could tell that he was feeling hopeless, not unlike how he was in the last sequence. Her heart ached for the colt, hoping that things would work out.

They had to, since he would eventually gain a family. But how?

Meanwhile, young Casemate continued wandering down the street, and Luna began to trot after him. The Warden followed closely, keeping alongside the princess.

After a minute of watching the Warden's younger self walk along, Luna couldn't hold back the urge to ask a question.

"What happens here?" She asked, turning her head towards the Warden, her turquoise eyes showing no small amount of concern. "Do you recall?"

The Warden nodded, still watching the image of his former self.

"Yes. Do you see that alley?" He asked, pointing out ahead with a hoof. "Watch what happens when I walk past it."

Luna followed his gesture, and saw a particularly dark but large alleyway situated between two dilapidated buildings. It was quite ominous, and the princess felt a small shiver going down her backbone.

What was waiting in there? Was it something bad?

For the colt's sake, she hoped not. The Warden had already been subjected to far more pain as a colt than many ponies did prior to reaching adulthood.

Young Casemate continued on his way, walking slowly towards this darkened section of the street. He looked around with his green eyes, taking in his surroundings. His ears drooped slightly, indicating that he was not oblivious to the dangers posed by this place.

Still, he continued onwards. He was many miles from his home and his father, having fended for himself and survived for however long it took him to get here.

Luna sighed. Even as a colt, the Warden was courageous and brave.

Or was it desperation? She knew just how desperately he wanted to get away from his father and find a loving family.

In either case, Casemate clearly knew that he had to keep on going…

After a short period of time, the colt finally approached the mouth alley. Princess Luna felt her heart beat harder. What was going to happen?

As Casemate walked past the darkened alley, he froze, his ears perking. He heard something.

He looked into the alley, and as Luna strode up, she did as well.

Although it was dark, she could make out a handful of small ponies within, grouped together and conversing.

They were all foals, varying in age. One in particular, an orange colt, stood taller than the rest. He looked larger and stronger than the rest, and was probably a teen.

Two other colts stood around him, talking and laughing. They both looked up to the orange one, being smaller in size and younger by a few years.

Young Casemate's eyes began to show a glimmer of hope. Perhaps they would be less hostile?

After a moment, Casemate turned, and walked into the alley.

Luna felt an instinctual urge to keep him from walking into what could be a dangerous situation, but the knowledge that she was limited to being a witness of this event kept her from acting in vain. Her protective nature pulled on her heart, all the same.

She and the Warden followed the colt into the alley, awaiting what would come next.

Luna felt a sense of dread within her, so it was a bit of a surprise when she glanced over at the Warden and saw a completely neutral expression on his face. There was no anger, no fear, no pain.

This eased Luna's fears a bit. The Warden had to have remembered this. If he was showing no signs of fear or reluctance watching this, then maybe his younger self wasn't walking into a bad situation after all…

The three colts continued to laugh and talk, discussing things and using slang that would not be deemed appropriate in modern Equestria. Then, the big orange one noticed Casemate tentatively approaching.

"What d'ya want, runt?" The oldest colt asked with a derogatory tone.

The other two colts turned around, looking Casemate over. One of them, a green one, laughed quietly, seeming to find amusement in the verbal abuse.

Luna began to seriously reconsider her hopes that this was not as bad as it seemed.

Young Casemate stopped where he was, looking uncertain.

"I am looking for Stirrup Street." He said in a clear yet apprehensive tone. "Do you know where it is?"

The two colts looked a bit surprised. The green one fell silent, glaring.

"What makes ya think you can talk to Sweeper like that, wimp?" He asked, a smirk on his face.

Casemate sighed. "If you tell me where I can find it, I'll go."

The three colts did not immediately reply, looking at Casemate with a mixture of expressions.

Then the third colt, a brown one, began to stride towards Casemate, glaring.

"Why ya little piece of cud… Do you know what 'appens to colts like ya who insult Sweeper?" He asked in a threatening tone, getting closer.

Luna felt her heart rate increase and her eyes widened with worry. Each of those colts were larger and older than Casemate. This was not looking good.

But then, the orange colt spoke up.

"Ah, 'old up, Barley! He ain't from round 'ere…"

The brown colt turned his head towards the eldest colt, looking confused, as did the green one.

The orange colt took a few steps forward, compelling the two others to step aside. Whoever he was, the orange colt seemed to exercise a strong amount of influence over the others. He walked closer to Casemate, seeming to tower over the Warden's younger self. He tilted his head, looking closely at Casemate.

Young Casemate took one step back, then held his ground, staring right back at the larger colt before him. Luna could see that he was intimidated, but was not trying to show it.

For a few seconds, the two colts looked at each other, each seeming to size the other up.

Then, the orange one spoke, sounding stern.

"You're new 'ere, aren't ya?" He asked, glaring at Casemate.

Casemate looked uncertain about what to make of the situation. However he was already committed, and he nodded.

"I am."

The orange one stroked his chin, nodding thoughtfully.

"Hm… Is that right? Ya said ya was lookin' for Stirrup Street?"

Young Casemate nodded again. His body language still showed caution, but he did seem to show some signs of relief.

"Well, ya ain't gonna find it round 'ere." The orange one replied. "Sirrup Street's up in the 'igh district, where the rich folk live."

The oldest colt pointed off in the direction where the high district was supposedly located.

Luna heard young Casemate exhale quietly.

"Alright." He responded, nodding his head. "I'll be going now."

Young Casemate turned around, preparing to leave. However, the orange colt placed a hoof firmly on his shoulder.

"Now 'old on a moment, runt…" He said with a sneer, his tone having shifted lower. "I didn't give ya permission to go yet…"

The green colt began to snicker, and the brown one smirked.

Casemate simply stopped where he was, being held back by the orange colt, who continued to speak.

"You're new, and that means I need to teach ya who's in charge round 'ere."

"Yeah!" The green colt said loudly. "Sweeper's the boss, and ya need ta learn what will 'appen to ya if ya ever cross 'im ag-"

Sweeper shot a fierce glare at the green colt, who immediately shut up.

"I don't need ya to speak for me, Mossy!" He said angrily. He then twirled Casemate around, who could not resist Sweeper's greater strength. Then, he spoke again, this time to Casemate.

"Me name's Sweeper, and I'm your new boss, runt. I don't know what business you 'ave wit' the rich folk, but I know that they're stuck up and ignore us down 'ere…" He said in low, threatening tone. "If ya belong with those rich folk, then ya need to be straightened out. Nopony disrespects me… Least of all a little blue runt like you…"

"Thrash 'im good, Sweeper!" Barley shouted. "Teach 'im why you're the boss!"

Princess Luna watched on in disbelief. This was what she was fearing. Young Casemate was smaller than each of the colts, and was outnumbered three to one. To make things worse, Sweeper, the biggest of the colts, was about to deliver a beatdown to Casemate!

She wished that she could just intervene and get Casemate out of there, but she reminded herself yet again that this was a dream, and there was no meaningful way that she could stop what was about to happen.

Young Casemate's eyes widened as he realized that things were about to go south.

Sweeper picked him up with a grunt, pushing him into one of the walls flanking the alleyway. Casemate exhaled forcefully as he impacted the stone wall, clearly in pain.

"This will be fun!" Sweeper laughed mockingly. "This will be easier than beatin' a filly!"

He walked closer to Casemate, trapping him against the wall. He raised a foreleg, smiling as he prepared to land a blow on the smaller colt.

Luna put a hoof to her mouth. She could not look away, despite her immense dread at what was unfolding before her.

Then, she heard a slight chuckle from beside her.

"That poor fool…" The Warden whispered.

This remark immediately caused Luna to question why the Warden had been so calm watching all this happen. What did he know that she didn't? What was really happening?

She continued to watch, and suddenly, things took a turn.

While he was coiling for a vicious blow on his victim, Sweeper was wide open, confident that Casemate posed no threat.

How wrong he was…

With near perfect timing, Casemate brought one of his forward knees up, catching the larger colt under his chest! Sweeper immediately wheezed as the air was forced from his lungs, and he lashed out with his coiled leg. However, he was already too shaken to land the blow properly, hitting Casemate's back with more of a slap than a proper blow.

Casemate easily shrugged off the sloppy hit, and braced his hind legs on the wall behind him. Pushing off of the wall, he launched himself into Sweeper! Despite Sweeper's size and strength advantage, he was desperately trying to inhale, and was obviously stunned. Sweeper staggered back, and Casemate remained where he was, landing on all his hooves.

Princess Luna was gobsmacked.

Her mouth opened as her brain registered the sudden reversal. Despite his smaller size, young Casemate had broken out!

She shot a side glance at the Warden, who had a smug expression on his face, watching this development unfold.

Even as a colt, the Warden was not a pushover.

This fact struck Luna for the very first time. No wonder the Warden was such an accomplished fighter. He had been fighting since he was a foal!

Her amazement was not over yet, however. She was now hoping that Casemate would make a run for it, having a clear path to the street.

But the colt remained where he stood, staring wrathfully at Sweeper, defiant and furious.

Knowing firsthand how tenacious he could be when angry, Luna felt chills run down her spine.

Just as how the Warden had once fought to kill both her and her sister, he was not going to let Sweeper off easy.

A second or two after being shoved back, Sweeper finally inhaled. His eyes were wide, showing just how awed he was.

Barley and Mossy also looked on, mouths agape.

"Wha- 'Ey!" Mossy yelled in consternation. "Ya can't do that!"

"Get 'im!" Barley shouted, lunging forwards at Casemate along with Mossy.

But Sweeper raised a hoof, compelling the pair to come to a sliding halt.

"No!" He barked, standing back up to his full height. His tuscan red eyes shone hatefully at young Casemate, who was still standing and staring just as hatefully in defiance up at him.

"He is mine." Sweeper growled, lowering into a fighting stance. "I'm gonna make the runt bleed."

Casemate looked around him, beginning to weigh his options a little too late. His opportunity to run had passed, so there was only one option left.

In the blink of an eye, he had adopted a fighting stance of his own. Princess Luna immediately recognized the stance from when he was being trained with his father.

This raised some mixed feelings within her. His father was abusive, sure. But she could not deny that his training was certainly paying off, harsh as Bastion was.

After a few very tense moments, Sweeper lunged forwards with an angry roar, swinging a hoof at Casemate. Casemate ducked, letting Sweeper's hoof whoosh over his head, stirring up his silver gray mane. He then lashed out with one of his own hooves, catching Sweeper in his side.

Sweeper grunted, but didn't flinch much. He bared his teeth, and shoved Casemate with his shoulder. The smaller colt moved back, allowing Sweeper to push him without losing his footing. Sweeper then swung again, shouting explicatives at Casemate as he aimed for his legs. But again, Casemate dodged to the side barely avoiding Sweeper's attack.

Then, things took a turn. Failing to watch where he was stepping, one of Casemate's hind hooves landed on a discarded glass bottle! Losing his balance, he fell hard on his back with a sharp exclamation.

Sensing an opportunity, Sweeper rushed to take full advantage. With impressive speed, he suddenly loomed over Casemate, and pressed his forehooves onto his chest.

Casemate cried out angrily, and tried to break free, but he was pinned by the larger colt.

"Got ya now!" Sweeper growled maliciously, lifting a hoof up and bringing it down onto Casemate's head with an audible smack. The young colt's face grimaced as tears came to his eyes, brought about by the fierce onset of pain.

Luna winced. That sounded painful. "Come on…" She said beneath her breath. She was not fully aware, but she was on the verge of cheering on the Warden's younger self, hoping above all else that he would turn this around.

However, Casemate was helpless. Try as he might, he was too young and small to even hope to match Sweeper's strength.

Again, Sweeper brought a heavy blow to the side of Casemate's head, and again, Casemate had no choice but to take it.

This was getting worse by the second. He had no way to break loose…

Or so Luna thought.

As Sweeper prepared another blow to Casemate's face, Casemate's eyes opened with an expression of pure anger.

"GET OFF!" He roared, summoning the strength and focus to plow both of his hind hooves into Sweeper's stomach.

Sweeper yelped in pain, jumping back and hunching over.

Casemate did not wait. He jumped up to his hooves, and grabbed the glass bottle that he had tripped on a few seconds ago in his mouth.

Luna was amazed. Casemate was back on top!

He swung his head back, coiling up in preparation of a fierce strike. He took aim at Sweeper, who was just now raising his head with an expression of shock.

Casemate swung around, the bottle in his teeth, putting all his weight and momentum behind him.

Sweeper was not fast enough to get out of the way. All he could do was make an utterance of fear as he closed his eyes.

When Casemate's bottle impacted Sweeper's face, the sound of shattering glass filled the air.

Then, there was pure silence.

Sweeper stared at Casemate for a second, not moving a muscle.

Luna had to do a double take. A blow like that had to have caused some damage.

Then, Sweeper made a pained noise as he tried to speak. Instead of words, a few bloody teeth came out of his mouth instead.

He looked down at his former teeth on the ground, then looked up at Casemate with wide eyes, his face beginning to bleed as well from a gash on his snout.

"W-wha?" He said quietly, his voice cracking and trembling. Clearly, he hadn't experienced losing teeth before…

Barley and Mossy were dumbstruck. They simply stared with fear at the young colt who had just given their leader the hardest blow of his life.

Casemate spit the remaining piece of the bottle out of his mouth, scowling.

Luna finally remembered to breathe. Since Casemate had smashed the bottle on Sweeper's face, she had caught her breath. Was it over?

Not yet.

Casemate gave a furious cry, and rushed at Sweeper, his green eyes seeming to blaze with unbridled fury.

"WHO'S THE RUNT?!" Young Casemate roared. "HE'S GONNA MAKE YOU BLEED!"

Sweeper gave a terrified cry as he desperately stumbled back, the cowardice of the bully finally surfacing.


He immediately broke into an all out sprint, running for the street outside the alley.

Casemate stopped once he saw Sweeper running away, and turned to face the other two colts. However, they too were running away, bolting for a tall stone wall. Casemate broke into a sprint, chasing after them both.

"RUN!" Mossy practically shrieked, followed closely by Barley.

They both scrambled up a wobbly stack of crates, the only way for the colts to escape over the wall. Mossy jumped over the top first, trying to get away as fast as he could. Barley, however, still had some wits about him. He paused as he straddled the top of the wall, watching Casemate run closer.

"GET DOWN HERE!" Casemate yelled, baring his teeth.

Barley's eyes flashed in fear, and he kicked the stack of crates. They began to lean, and Casemate saw that they were going over. He jumped over to the side, barely avoiding them.

They clattered and smashed onto the ground, planks and dust flying a short distance.

Now without a way to climb the wall and pursue the others, Casemate simply glared up at Barley, who stared right back in awe. Then, after a few seconds, Barley jumped down the other side, leaving Casemate by himself.

As the seconds passed, Casemate’s gaze fell downwards, and he gave a deep sigh, letting the adrenaline and anger leave his body. He sat down on the ground, and wiped a little blood from his head where Sweeper had hit him.

The fight was over.

Luna visibly relaxed as she felt the pent up anxiety from watching the tense encounter leave her body.

That was nothing short of incredible. A colt successfully took on a bigger and stronger opponent, and scared all three of his foes away!

Any normal colt would have been beaten into submission by Sweeper the bully.

But not the colt that would become the Warden.

Even as a child, the Warden showed immense resilience and ferocity, both traits that made him perhaps the most capable fighter that Luna had ever known. It didn't really come as a massive surprise, though.

He would have both her and Celestia at his mercy at Canterlot, after all…

She looked at the Warden, who also seemed to be calming down. In fact, his eyes showed a slight sparkle, showing that he was feeling slight happiness.

This felt out of character to Luna. She had come to know only his anger and wrath since he had returned.

They both remained where they stood, and Luna thought about what she should say to break the silence.

"It is truly remarkable, what you had accomplished just then." She finally said, still watching the Warden. "You have every right to be proud of that."

The Warden merely looked up at her.

"The best part is yet to come." He explained. "Watch."

What else was there?

Luna pondered this, but shifted her gaze back to the colt in the alley, who was still recovering from the fight.

Things remained more or less the same for about a minute, with Casemate remaining seated.

Then, a quiet cough sounded in the alley.

Casemate shot upright in an instant. He did not make that sound.

He looked all around, his ears swiveling back and forth, trying to make out who had coughed. He adopted a lowered stance, looking uneasy and ready to fight again.

Then, another cough, a bit louder and clearer. This time, Casemate found where it was coming from. He turned to where the stack of crates once were. Although the stack had been toppled, the crate that had been on the bottom was still upright and in place.

The coughing had appeared to come from within that crate…

Young Casemate's eyes narrowed, and his brow lowered suspiciously. He began to cautiously walk forward, going around the fallen crates.

A tarp was partially draped over the crate in question, concealing what was presumably the open side. If there was somepony inside, moving it away would most certainly reveal who or what was inside.

Luna watched on with interest, the possibilities running through her mind. She walked further into the alley, almost beside the image of the colt as he approached.

Casemate drew close, within reach of the tarp. He inhaled deeply, preparing to face whatever would come next. He put a hoof under the tarp, paused, and swiftly flipped it over the top of the crate.

Luna gasped audibly, catching sight of who was inside.

It was a filly.

She was a little smaller than Casemate, probably about his age. Her fur appeared to be gray, but that was possibly due to her being dirty. Her mane and tail were long and messy, but Luna could see that they were a vibrant yellow beneath the dirt.

The princess felt her heart drop.

That- That's the Warden's wife!

Or, his future wife, at least.

There was no mistaking her. Luna remembered, not only from when she first entered the Warden's dream earlier, but from when she had lost control to Nightmare Moon, over a millennium ago.

This was their first meeting?!

The filly's bright blue eyes were wide with uncertainty and fear, and she shrunk back into the crate.

Young Casemate almost immediately lost his combative aura, his ears perking upright as his own eyes widened slightly, confronted with this odd discovery.

Both he and the filly just remained where they were, staring and looking at each other for what was possibly a minute or more.

Then, he spoke.

"Are you with those guys?" He asked, referring to Sweeper and the other colts whom he had scared off.

The filly didn't say anything, simply shaking her head instead.

Casemate continued to look at her, blinking a few times. Then, he stepped back, his expression having grown softer.

The filly seemed to relax a bit, the fear in her face diminishing. As Casemate backed away, she crawled out of the crate, still watching Casemate carefully.

Now that she was out, Luna could see her cutie mark: An edelweiss flower.

The princess also noticed how thin she looked. She didn't appear healthy, that much was certain.

Luna felt her heart begin to melt for her. She was clearly without a home, having to survive on the streets. While she was unsure whether she was living in the crate or hiding in it, it was obvious to Luna that the filly was frightened.

The filly stood a distance away from Casemate, her eyes darting between him and the entrance leading to the street beyond.

Casemate glanced behind him, and a silent realization flashed in his eyes. He looked back at the filly, and stepped to the side, offering a clear path for her to get out.

"Go ahead." The colt said plainly, gesturing out towards the street.

The filly wasted no time, and she swiftly scurried past Casemate, darting to the street.

But then, just before running out of sight, she stopped and looked back at Casemate.

All the fear and uncertainty in her eyes had gone away, being replaced by curiosity and a hint of gratitude.

Casemate looked right back at her, his own eyes showing curiosity and a bit of wonder.

This moment lasted for a few seconds, but for Luna, it felt like minutes. There was something magical about it. Perhaps it was the knowledge that two lovers to be had met for the first time?


The moment was finally broken when the filly managed a slight, grateful smile, before running away out of sight.

Young Casemate continued to look out to where the filly used to be, his mind clearly working to process it all. Then, he blinked a few times, seeming to snap back into reality. His mission to find his aunt now took priority once more, and with a deep breath, he began to walk out of the alley, seeking to find Stirrup Street.

Princess Luna's mind was running with many different thoughts and revelations as the memory finally came to an end.

It was little wonder why this encounter was significant enough to be a milestone moment in the Warden's life. Not only did he manage to win a fight that was tilted against him, but he met his future love, too!

She remained as she was, looking off into the distance as her sparkling mane and tail billowed gently. She turned her head to the Warden, who was also looking out thoughtfully.

His eyes were shimmering, as if he had just seen something wonderful. Luna could sense a deep happiness and calm within him.

This was completely unlike anything that she had felt from him before…

Of course, she knew that it shouldn't come as a surprise. He had just relived the moment when he first met the love of his life after all.

Deep within her, Luna felt a faint warmth defy the overwhelming shame and guilt.

He was actually legitimately happy. It was subtle, and it wasn't much, but the fact remained that he was feeling happiness and love, in spite of what he had undergone.

Who knew how much he missed that feeling?

Even if it was not intentional, Luna felt some hope and happiness arise within her, more so than before. Seeing him like this was relieving.

Then the Warden met her gaze. Immediately, the happiness in his expression disappeared, replaced by a look of hardness and even a bit of sadness, as if Luna’s very presence had reminded him of the fate of his soulmate.

Upon seeing this sudden change, Luna's happiness instantly shattered as well.

Reality set back in. It was Nightmare Moon who would ultimately separate him from her. Of course he would feel resentment against her…

Luna felt her guilt set back in like a dagger to the chest. She averted her gaze, inhaling sharply as she looked back out.

The fact that the undeserving filly would eventually fall victim to Nightmare Moon also caused her heart to ache.

"N-next one?" She asked uncomfortably, hoping that he would give her permission to do so, and in turn, allow her to distract herself from her guilt.

The Warden looked back where he was looking before. Luna could feel his usual anger burning within him now, contrasting with the hint of happiness that he was showing mere seconds ago.

"Yes." He said in a clear and low tone, breathing deeply afterwards.

The princess nodded.

"Very well." She replied quietly, closing her eyes and trying to ignore the pain that was building in her heart once again.

Her horn began to glow, and the two ponies soon were on their way to the next sequence.

Chapter 7: New Home

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A few seconds later, both Luna and the Warden found themselves on another street.

It was still Halterburg, but their surroundings were much more affluent. There were streetlamps, cast iron fences, lush shrubbery, and large homes lining the cobble street on either side.

Clearly, this was the high district.

Luna glanced up towards a nearby street corner, and sure enough, there was a street sign that said 'Stirrup Street'. She also noticed that it appeared to be much later in the day, and that at least a couple of hours must have passed between the previous event and this one.

The princess glanced around for a moment, before looking at the Warden indirectly. He was also looking around, and Luna could feel a sense of nostalgia beginning to arise within him. She didn't have to ask if he remembered this place, for he most certainly did.

Then, young Casemate came walking around the corner that Luna had looked at earlier. Like her, he looked up at the sign, noticing that he was in the right place.

Beyond being on the right street, though, that was about it. The colt looked up and down the thoroufare, seeing the rows of larger, more fashionable houses along it. He had no idea which one was the one in which he would find his aunt.

He stood there on the corner, looking back and forth. He had come so far from his home, having survived a journey many miles through remote wilderness and an encounter with Sweeper. That being said, he understood that he was within sight of the end, at long last.

Casemate seemed to straighten his stance, lifting his head in a determined manner. He was not going to be intimidated by the dozens of homes to pick from.

He picked a direction, and began to walk, examining each house that he passed, trying to see if he could find the correct one.

Princess Luna began to follow, her metal shoes clinking on the stones beneath her hooves as her mane and tail flowed gracefully.

The Warden also began to follow, walking alongside the princess, carefully watching his younger self marvel at the massive and well built homes.

After a few moments, Luna felt herself drift into her thoughts. Once again, her mind seemed to dwell between Casemate and his wife.

It had just occurred to her that if it weren't for her intervention in young Casemate's dream, he wouldn't have escaped to Halterburg. If he hadn't made it to Halterburg, he wouldn't have met his future wife.

This fact resonated within her mind. Was she responsible for giving the Warden what happiness he had?


Her thoughts were immediately brought to a screeching halt.

She already knew who it was.

There were numerous puddles in the street, presumably left over from a fairly recent rain shower. As Luna looked down into the nearest one, she saw Nightmare Moon looking back up, appearing stern.

The princess felt some anger kindle within her. What was Nightmare Moon trying to do in order to derail her now?

Ensuring that the Warden was not looking at her, Luna scowled and looked back out ahead. She was not going to acknowledge her. The princess continued onwards, trying to focus on young Casemate, who was still wandering down the street.


She heard her dark personality call out again. She glanced angrily down at another puddle, and saw the same two eerie eyes looking angrily back at her.

"Stop ignoring me, Luna."

Luna's heart rate increased as her anger began to intensify. She suppressed the urge to say something, not wanting to clue off the Warden. Instead, she looked away once again, and kept walking, leaving the second puddle behind.

"You cannot ignore me forever, Luna." Nightmare Moon's voice said menacingly in Luna's mind. "Just do your little time stopping parlor trick if talking with me in front of him bothers you that much."

Luna sighed, feeling a bit defeated. Her darker part was right. If she didn't acknowledge her, she would just keep calling out.

The anger within her still burned against Nightmare, however. Luna didn't want to give in and give her the pleasure of having another discussion. But she also couldn't see any other recourse. She needed to focus on watching what the Warden wanted her to see, and she wouldn't be able to do so with Nightmare distracting her. The best thing to do would be to appease Nightmare, or at least acknowledge her as much as Luna despised the idea.

Just as she did back in the first sequence, Luna's horn glowed as she halted the passage of time in the Warden's dream.

The Warden stood frozen in place, as did his younger self. Several birds that were flying overhead now hovered, held in place by nothing more than the complete absence of the passage of time.

The princess took a breath, and walked back to the puddle that she had seen Nightmare Moon in last. Sure enough, Luna's reflection on the water's surface was replaced by the visage of Nightmare Moon.

"What is it?" Luna asked impatiently. "Speak."

"Just checking in." Nightmare Moon said with mock innocence, her sharp teeth shining as she spoke. "I'm curious whether or not you are still deluding yourself. Judging by your hopefulness, I would imagine so."

"This is no delusion." Luna retorted strongly and quickly.

It felt good to use such a tone when talking to her darker personality. Why hasn't she talked like this to her more often? This question arose in Luna's mind, but not for long, for she knew why.

Her guilt and shame had often contained her anger, leading her to believe that she was in no position to ever use such anger against anypony, not after her failure and fall.

But if that was the case, why was she talking so strongly now?

Meanwhile, Nightmare Moon clicked her tongue.

"You're joking, right?" She asked. "I know we possess the ability to sense the feelings and emotions of those ponies whose dreams we enter. Surely you have felt his resentment, especially after the last sequence."

Luna did her best to hide it, but Nightmare's words rang true. She did feel resentment from the Warden earlier.

She didn't blame him, though. She did make the mistake of allowing Nightmare Moon to become dominant, which was a mistake that she was actively seeking to avoid now.

Luna didn't respond verbally, but she knew that Nightmare Moon was listening to her thoughts on the matter anyway.

"So with that being said, do you think that by the end of his little game, he will resent us any less?" Nightmare Moon asked pointedly.

"It is not friendship nor tolerance that I am seeking." Luna replied sternly. "It is forgiveness. All I need is to know that he doesn't hold my failings against me."

It was a bit of a stretch saying that, but Luna was beginning to grasp tightly onto what hope she had.

"Ah, but his emotions certainly don't seem to suggest that he is just going to let what we did slide, Luna." Nightmare said with a flick of her hoof. "Like I said, he has already made up his mind. He's just going to watch your hopes crumble into dust."

"You say that as if he is a cruel, unfeeling stallion." Luna retorted coldly.

"He is."

Luna blinked once, her eyes widening a bit.

"Have you not been paying any mind to the things that he has shown us?" The princess asked incredulously. "He is not cruel or evil!"

She looked away from her dark reflection to gaze upon the Warden, and his younger self. The stallion had been through so much, especially as a child. Yet, he wasn't twisted or evil. He wasn't even mean, despite his tendency to lash out when angered. Luna understood all too well how potent anger could be.

She remembered how helpless Casemate seemed in his dream, and how he just wanted to face his destiny on his own terms and with some loving family by his side. She also remembered how he didn't go out of his way to start the fight with Sweeper, although he certainly finished it. There was also the compassion he showed to his future love, not confronting her at all and showing consideration to her fears.

"He has undergone so much…" Luna murmured with a more saddened tone. "Just look at his younger self. After what he has suffered, he is not evil. What he has shown us is his most genuine self."

Nightmare Moon glared angrily for a moment, having to take a moment to calm herself.

"True." She said after a moment's silence. "But this was before we turned him into who he is now…"

Luna’s ears dropped.

Of course, the Warden has changed since he was a child, and Luna already knew that what Nightmare Moon did by separating him from his loved ones is perhaps the single most changing and traumatic moment in his whole life.

But he still saved Apple Bloom and expressed remorse for attacking Celestia and Luna. He wasn’t cruel…


"Granted, we hurt him far more than I hope to ever conceive." Luna said in a softer voice. "But he is still good and noble of heart."

She looked up at the Warden again, continuing after taking a breath.

"He risked so much to bring young Apple Bloom back to where she belonged, and he showed her what lay beneath his anger and bitterness."

Luna recalled her conversation with the filly weeks ago, and how she recounted her experience with the Warden.

"The Warden is courageous, kind, noble, and caring towards those whom he counts as friends. We are the evil ones, Nightmare. Not him. He is a good pony, far better than either of us. He deserved far better than what we did to him…"

Luna sighed, her heart aching after making this admission.

Both she and Nightmare Moon remained silent for a while, each looking at the other. Then, Luna's darker personality spoke, sounding irritated.

"So be it. Keep fantasizing and wasting our time, if you wish." She said with a chilling tone, her piercing gaze sending shivers up Luna's backbone. "You are only making this more difficult for the two of us."

Luna blinked once, and gave a slight start once she saw that Nightmare Moon had gone, replaced by Luna's own visage.

The princess closed her eyes and exhaled shakily, her stance becoming far more relaxed as she allowed the tension that had built up within her during the exchange to dissipate.

She raised her head, and looked to the Warden and his younger self, still frozen in time.

Within her, she knew that the only reason why the Warden was so bitter and resentful was because of her own failure, not out of any cruelty or evil in his heart. He had far too much good in him to think otherwise.

Even so, this fact alone guaranteed nothing. The Warden still had to find it in his heart to forgive her, and let go of the past.

Considering who he lost, that was not going to be easy.

The Princess gave a heaving sigh, her eyes shimmering with regret as she continued to look at him.

In any case, the only thing that she could do was carry on, and see what this experience will bring forth from the Warden. She was determined not to give up. That would be an act of defeat in favor of Nightmare Moon, and Luna was done with willingly giving her any more victories.

The princess positioned herself where she was at the moment when she halted time, and with a flash of her horn, she allowed the passage of time to resume.

The Warden resumed walking, as he was before, unaware of Luna's conversation with her other personality. The princess followed him, also following his gaze, which was still fixed on his younger self.

Young Casemate was walking along the street once more, examining the large homes that he was passing, still seeking out the one belonging to his aunt.

This went on for a few minutes, with the colt still striding along and searching all the while, with his two observers following close behind.

Luna began to wonder if the colt was beginning to feel discouraged. Thus far, there had been no evidence of his aunt anywhere.

That was, until they arrived in front of a multi-story brick home.

Young Casemate stopped for a moment, his gaze fixed on a mailbox that was built into the high brick and wrought iron fence that girded the perimeter of the lawn, next to the front gates.

Luna felt her curiosity arise. What was it?

As she gently strode closer, she saw.

Underneath the mailbox, bolted to the lower brick portion of the fence, was a metal emblem that matched the Warden's cutie mark, the symbol of his family.

The colt looked closer, as if he didn't quite believe what he saw. But it was there, clear as day.

Luna felt a bit of pleasant surprise. This had to be the right place.

Young Casemate stepped back a bit, looking at the wrought iron gate leading through the fence. He breathed in deeply, closing his eyes for a second.

He was almost there.

He opened his eyes, and pushed on the gates.

It didn't budge.

He pulled on them.

They still didn't open.

The colt gave an annoyed grunt, and rattled the gates slightly, confirming that they were locked. He could see a lock with a keyhole where the gate halves met, and immediately he understood that unlocking it was out of the question.

Luna and the Warden watched as the colt stepped back, looking up at the fence more closely than before. The princess could already see what he was thinking, and she found herself hoping that he wouldn't hurt himself.

As if affirming her suspicions, the colt looked over each of his shoulders, checking if anypony could see him. Although he had spotted a few ponies walking around earlier, there were none who were near him now.

Then, confirming that he was unspotted, Casemate began to clamber up over the fence.

Although she knew that foals were often avid and accomplished climbers, the swiftness of young Casemate impressed Luna. Once again, it was clear to her why the Warden was so swift and precise as an adult.

Still, as she watched him climb up towards the top, she couldn't dispel all of her worry for the colt's safety. If he fell, he could hurt himself. Of course, it seemed a little silly to worry about something like that after watching him win a fight that any other colt would have lost, but Luna couldn't help herself.

She silently drew in a breath as Casemate reached the top of the fence, and gingerly crossed over the pointed ends of the iron bars constituting the fence.

Then, without much hesitation, Casemate jumped down the other side of the barrier, from what looked like nearly ten feet!

Luna gave a quiet exclamation as her heart skipped a beat, and she involuntarily took a step forward.

But with a grunt and a well executed roll, the colt landed on the lawn and stood up, unharmed.

Luna's fear for his well being instantly gave way to relief once she saw him unhurt and looking around.

Yet again, it also occurred to her that in spite of his harshness, Bastion had passed on a lot of good skills to Casemate. If he hadn't, the colt would not have gotten nearly this far.

It was an odd mixture of feelings, knowing that without Casemate's suffering, he would not have survived to find a better life.

As these thoughts were going through Luna's mind, Casemate began to walk up the brick pathway leading to the front door.

Wishing to follow, Luna opened her wings, and with a few beats, she gracefully sailed over the fence and landed gently on the other side.

She began to follow after the colt, but then heard a grunt behind her.

She turned around, confused for a split second before realizing that she had forgotten the Warden.

He was beginning to scale the fence, but he was clearly slower and less agile than his younger self. Luna felt a bit bad seeing him like this, although she knew that he could probably do it on his own, given enough time.

She felt an urge to help him, nevertheless. It was the very least she could do for him.

Without a word, she closed her eyes and focused her immense magical ability and her mind solely on the Warden.

With a flash of magical light, the Warden simultaneously disappeared from outside the fence and reappeared inside, having been teleported by Luna.

He blinked a few times, processing what Luna had done. Then, his eyes locked on hers for a second. Luna could see a flash of anger within them, as if he didn't want or need the assistance.

She cringed internally, and she looked away and downwards, her ears drooping. Perhaps she should have asked first before taking hold of him like that.

But then, against her expectations, the Warden's gaze turned less harsh, and he looked away from her and towards the house.

"...Thank you." He mumbled quietly.

Luna had to do a double take. Did he just thank her? After all that she had done, he thanked her!

Her eyes widened a bit, her ears became erect, and her mouth opened slightly in realization, as newfound excitement and joy swirled within her. This was a good sign!

This moment of euphoria only lasted for a brief moment, however. She checked herself, quieting her heart and her hopes.

All he did was thank her for making it easier for him to observe what was happening before them, instead of letting him struggle. He probably understood that all she was doing was out of a sense of kindness and debt to him, and he decided to have the common courtesy to at least thank her. It still didn't mean that he was sure to forgive her.

Still, the fact that he did thank her resonated with Luna more than she probably thought was necessary. It did mean that he was kind enough to acknowledge her gesture and that he knew that she did so out of her own kindness.

After her encounter with Nightmare Moon a few minutes ago, it was very much relieving to see that she was right to defend him.

"What?" The Warden asked gruffly, snapping her out of her thoughts.

Luna blinked and stuttered, having realized that he had probably seen her expression.

"Uh, I-I just…"

As she tried to summon an explanation, she was interrupted by the sound of knocking. Both she and the Warden turned towards the front door, witnessing young Casemate knocking on it.

Luna and the Warden both turned towards each other momentarily, and he spoke.

"Well… Pay more attention. I want you to see this." The Warden said curtly, beginning to walk towards his younger self.

Luna sighed, nodding. "O-of course. My apologies…"

She followed the Warden along the brick path leading up to the front landing. The landing itself was quite posh and classy, even if it was made out of bricks. The door itself was quite large, and it dwarfed the colt.

The Warden stopped a few feet behind young Casemate, and Luna strode up beside him, her metal shoes clacking on the bricks as she took each step.

They watched as the colt looked expectantly at the door, awaiting a reply of some kind to his knocking. But as the seconds began to pass, there was no response.

Casemate sighed, and rapped his hoof on the door yet again, this time louder and longer than before.

Luna could hear and see a bit of desperation behind his actions. She just knew that he was wondering if all his efforts to get away from his father were going to be for naught if nopony answered the door.

Once again, there was no response or signs of life from within.

"Come on…" Luna heard the colt say, his tone revealing a rising amount of stress.

Once again he knocked, this time practically pounding on the door.

This time, an irritated shout came from within.

"For goodness' sake, I'm coming!" Cried out a stallion's voice.

Luna felt both relief and apprehension. At least Casemate finally got somepony's attention.

Young Casemate stepped back a bit, looking unsure. It definitely wasn't his aunt.

The door opened to reveal an older stallion, dressed very nicely and looking quite perturbed.

He looked around confusedly for a few seconds, not looking down. Evidently, he had been expecting an adult. After a moment, he looked down and finally noticed the haggard blue colt looking up at him with an expression that spoke volumes about his growing unease.

"Wh- Who-? What are you doing?" The stallion said at last, his expression giving way to annoyance. "What do you want, urchin?"

Young Casemate hesitated for a moment, collecting his nerves.

"Uh, I am looking for Parapet Fortress." He replied. "She is my aunt, and-"

"A likely story, scamp." The well dressed stallion interrupted, looking at the gates, which were still closed and locked. His brow lowered further. "If you weren't looking for handouts, you would have waited until she came back." He said with a scowl.

Casemate's eyes widened. "Wait! I'm telling the truth! Hightower was my grandfather, I swear-"

The colt's frantic effort to explain himself was cut short when the stallion lunged forward and caught him in his forelegs.

"That is quite enough out of you!" The stallion said angrily, scooping the colt up and beginning to walk towards the gate. "Get out, and don't come back! This is not some sort of safe haven for street children!"

Young Casemate kicked and thrashed, a look of desperation in his eyes.

"Hey! Stop! Please! I don't have anywhere else to go!" He shouted.

The stallion tightened his hold, having almost lost his grip on the colt. "This is not your home, nor do I take kindly to thieves breaking into the home of my masters." He grunted.

All the while, Luna has been keeping astride the struggling pair. Her heart was beating faster than before. He was so close to getting where he needed to be! Yet now it seemed that his journey was being put in jeopardy!

Young Casemate stopped his struggle for a moment, then let out a shout.


Then, with a swift kick, he delivered a blow to the stallion's gut. The old stallion let out a pained gasp and hunched over, but still maintained his grasp.

"Cufflinks?!" A mare's voice cried out, coming from outside the gate. "What in the sun's light are you doing?!"

Luna, along with the Warden, the old stallion, and young Casemate, looked at the source of the sudden cry.

There, standing on the other side of the gate, was an elderly earth pony mare. She looked thin and tall, had pale rusty fur, a white curly mane and tail, and green eyes like Casemate's. Her cutie mark was of the staggered top edge of a castle wall, with two crossed roses superimposed over it.

In a moment, Luna already knew who this was.

The mare pulled out a key and unlocked the gate, opening it effortlessly.

As the mare began to swiftly walk towards the two struggling ponies, the Cufflinks began to speak, albeit with some difficulty.

"My- Ugh… Sincerest condolences, Madam Parapet." He said, still holding on to young Casemate, who had stopped struggling.

The colt's eyes grew wide as he heard the old mare's name, as did Luna.

The mare was his aunt…

Parapet strode up to within a few feet of Casemate and Cufflinks, an expression of alarm and confusion written clearly by the lines on her face.

"What did he do?" She asked, gesturing at Casemate.

Cufflinks sighed. "This scamp broke in, claiming that he is your nephew." He said, frowning and looking down at the colt. "I was just removing him-"

"Hup! Quiet!" Parapet interrupted sharply, her eyes narrowing as he gestured for the stallion to fall silent, which he immediately did.
She took a few steps closer, her eyes becoming locked upon Casemate's. When she was right before him, she kneeled with a groan, before looking even more deeply at him.

As her eyes darted up and down, examining the colt's appearance, he looked right back at her, both in disbelief and hopefulness.

A few tense seconds passed, and Luna's mind was racing, wondering what Parapet would say. She would have her answer soon enough.

"Young stallion," The elderly mare asked, her tone firm, as if she expected an immediate answer to her upcoming question. "did you tell my butler that I am your aunt?"

Casemate nodded.

"Then who is your father?"

Parapet's face took on a suspicious expression as she asked this, and Luna knew that her question was clever. If Casemate wasn't her nephew, then he wouldn't be able to answer her question.

Fortunately, he was her nephew.

"Bastion Fortress." Casemate replied, giving his answer.

Parapet's face instantly turned from that of mild suspicion to that of shock. Her eyes widened, she gasped, and she sat right down on her haunches.

Cufflinks looked alarmed.

"Madam, are you well?"

Parapet didn't answer, instead uttering: "By the celestial lights…"

She finally blinked once, and her expression began to turn emotional.

"L-let him go, Cufflinks. Now." She stuttered, looking up at the astonished butler.

The butler looked at the colt, then up at Parapet. Then, with a reluctant expression, he released Casemate.

Parapet sighed heavily, putting a hoof to her face for a moment.

"I don't believe it…" She said quietly. "My brother's grandson…"

She put her hoof back down, and she motioned for the colt to come closer.

"Come." She said with what little command she could muster.

Casemate obediently walked up to her, looking at her with hope and awe.

Luna could practically sense the tension leaving the colt's body as he came to realize that he had finally made it to the safety that she had promised him in his dream.

Parapet placed a hoof on one of the colt's shoulders, gazing at him still.

"What is your name?" She asked quietly. "Nopony ever told me about you…"

The colt inhaled shakily. "Casemate."

His aunt smiled, her eyes beginning to shimmer a bit. "It fits with the family theme." She murmured.

The ponies remained where they were for a moment or two, and Parapet's expression gradually began to change to that of concern.

"Why did you come here to find me?" She asked. "Did you come all the way here by yourself?

Casemate looked away, looking uncomfortable. Luna could see that he didn't want to bring up his father.

"Casemate, why did you shout that you were not going back home to your father?" Parapet asked tentatively, her tone making it clear that she wished for an answer.

The colt understood that his aunt knew that something was amiss. There was nothing left to do.

"M-my father…" He said faintly, still looking away. "He was trying to force me to become the next Warden…"

One of his aunt's ears drooped questioningly.

"How so?"

"He makes me train every day!" Casemate replied loudly, his tone revealing the pent up strain within his heart. "He demands perfection and punishes me for making mistakes! I don't want to become the Warden that my father wants me to be!"

Parapet caught her breath, seeming to be amazed. Luna wondered if she would believe him, hoping that she would.

"And- You ran away? You came all the way here to find me?" She asked, her voice trembling.

Casemate nodded, sighing shakily.

"I was hoping that I could live with a family that actually loved me, and-"

His voice trailed off as it was choked off by the rising emotions within him.

Parapet's mouth curled into a determined frown.

"Cufflinks, help me up please."

Her butler immediately walked to her side, and helped her to her hooves, looking somber and apologetic.

Luna watched as the older mare walked up to the colt, and looked down at him with a saddened expression.

Then, she wrapped a foreleg around Casemate, pulling the colt close.

"Then you shall have nothing more to fear, young one." Parapet said. "You shall be here with us."

Casemate looked a bit taken aback by the embrace, as if he had no idea how to react or had no expectations of it happening.

Luna recalled how foreign the concept of a hug seemed to the young colt when she first embraced him in his dream.

But, just like then, the colt breathed deeply, giving in and leaning into the embrace.

Luna felt like her heart was about to burst, and she couldn't help but allow a bit of her own emotion to surface for a few seconds.

He made it. He had gotten away from his father, survived the journey to Halterburg, won a fight, and finally arrived at the home of a family that would raise him like he was one of their own.

The princess glanced away for a moment, wiping away a tear that had formed, before turning back to the three ponies before her and the Warden.

Parapet loosened her embrace, allowing the colt to step back.

"Come along." She instructed Casemate, gesturing to the front door. "Let's get you fed and washed."

As she gently guided the colt up the path to the front door, she spoke to Cufflinks.

"As soon as he returns, inform my husband about this." She ordered. "I'll see to my nephew's immediate care myself tonight."

"It shall be done, Madam Parapet." The butler replied, opening the door for the pair.

The three ponies walked inside, and shut the door, leaving Luna and the Warden.

Luna glanced downwards, her thoughts swirling.

She felt no small amount of relief. The Warden's younger self had finally found the place that he was meant to be.

But this begged the question: What next?

Obviously, the Warden didn't remain in Halterburg forever. There was also the matter of his future wife…

What lay next for him?

Despite the uncertainty, Luna still felt a degree of happiness in her heart now that the immediate problem got resolved.

She looked up at the Warden, wondering when he would instruct her to see what came next.

He too, looked like he was in deep thought, though. He was gazing up at the house, his face bearing a soft expression. Luna could feel no small amount of nostalgia and warmth coming from his soul.

It didn't take a genius to know that he loved his aunt, even when he was much older and she was long gone.

Indeed, Aunt Parapet did seem to be very caring. The moment she discovered that Casemate was her nephew, and that he was in need of a loving home, she didn't hesitate to provide comfort and acceptance, even though she had no idea beforehoof that he even existed.

If there was a role model that the colt needed, it was his aunt, not his father.

"Did you find what you needed here?" Luna asked, putting an end to the silence.

The Warden nodded, still looking towards the house.

"Yes. Aunt Parapet and her husband took me in." He explained. "They saw to it that I was not forced to become a vengeful killer, like my father wanted."

He took in a breath, sighing before resuming.

"They helped me to socialize, they gave me encouragement instead of condemnation, they enrolled me in a good school… They gave me the stability and support I should have had from the beginning…"

Soon, the Warden finally glanced at Luna, his green eyes showing less harshness than she was used to.

"Next one." He said plainly.

Luna nodded, ready to see what came next. She cast her spell, and the scene around them began to fade and swirl around them as it prepared to reorganize into the next sequence.

As she carried this out, Luna felt more at ease than she ever had thus far. Between warding off Nightmare Moon, seeing glimpses of the Warden's kindness, and witnessing a pivotal meeting between Casemate and his aunt, the princess' soul felt hints of peace.

Of course, worry and turmoil were still dominant. She had not forgotten the tragedy that she had placed upon the Warden.

Still, despite the knowledge that there was a chance that he would not forgive her, there was still hope within her. From what she had just witnessed and experienced, there was no guarantee that he would not forgive her, she knew this.

For now, until she found out what he would do, all she could do is continue to fulfill the Warden's wishes, and carry on to his next defining moment…

Chapter 8: The Mountain Flower

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The next environment materialized after a few seconds. Both Luna and the Warden looked around, and saw that they were in a different part of Halterburg. The streets were still clean and made of cobble, and the general aesthetic was still that of the higher class. However, instead of homes, larger buildings lined the street.

It appeared to be later in the day, about late afternoon. A frigid breeze soared down the street, stirring Luna's shimmering mane. She looked around, and saw that the trees were bare, and small piles of snow resided in the shadows cast by the buildings. It was clearly a different season than before, which had felt like summer. A few months had passed since then, at the very least.

The princess' gaze fell upon the building nearest to them.

They were standing before a rather grand structure, several stories high. It sat in the middle of some well kept grounds, with several trees dotting the plot of land. This building stood out from its neighbors, looking grander and more affluent, with large granite blocks comprising the primary building material and fine carved masonry providing a pleasing artistic aesthetic. Leading up to the two large front doors of this institution was a wide, grand stone stairway, and stretching across the tops of the doors was a rather ornate sign that read: Halterburg Institute of Education.

The princess tilted her head slightly.

"This was the school you attended?" She asked.

"Yes." The Warden replied, and silence followed as a few seconds passed.

Luna began to wonder if they should go inside, but before she worked up the will to ask, the two doors opened, and a crowd of colts and fillies walked out. As late as it was, Luna concluded that they had just been let out for the day.

The foals wasted little time in getting away, eager to go home. Despite the chaotic scene, Luna quickly picked out the blue fur and silver mane of Casemate. However, she noticed something odd.

While most of the foals were talking excitedly amongst themselves and socializing, none of them were talking to young Casemate. In fact, they seemed to be keeping at leg's length from him, creating a sphere of isolation around him.

Luna felt a pang of pity for him within her. Among all of this socialization and friendships, he seemed to be alone.

"You… Did have friends here, yes?" She asked, trying to sound hopeful.

The Warden shook his head slightly, dampening her hopes. "Not until the following spring. It took them a while to get over their fear of me."

The princess' turquoise eyes blinked curiously.

"Why did they fear you?" She asked. "You don't act without reason."

The stallion merely scoffed. "The very first day I came to this place, some bully tried to pick on me. By lunch, I taught him the same lesson I did Sweeper. He didn't come back to school until a week later."

Luna winced, remembering how badly he had injured Sweeper earlier.

"O-oh." She said uncomfortably. "I suppose I understand now…"

While they were talking, young Casemate had worked his way out of the throng of fillies and colts, and had begun to walk down the street, appearing totally unfazed by his apparent lack of friends.

The more Luna dwelled on it, the more it made sense. The colt had been isolated from others besides his father for much of his life up to this point. He still had much to learn about friendship, and probably still failed to see its true value. While unfortunate, at least this meant that he wasn't terribly bothered by his loneliness.

As Casemate began to walk away, going towards his Aunt's home, Luna began to trot after him, her shoes making sharp clinking sounds with each hoofstep. Her long, graceful strides enabled her to easily catch up to the visage, and the Warden quickened his pace to stay alongside the princess.

A minute or two passed, and young Casemate kept on walking down the street, with Luna and the Warden keeping close behind.

As they walked, Luna's mind began to dwell more heavily upon the Warden's younger self, and his lack of companions.

"...I understand that you may not have cared very much for friendship at the time." She said hesitantly, glancing sideways and down at the Warden. "But I find it unfortunate that you found yourself alone among your peers."

The Warden didn't look at her.

"It didn't affect me much." He assured her. "I guess my father partially conditioned me to live a lonely life. However…"

He paused as they reached a street corner. The Warden's younger self took a turn, and the pair followed.

"Today, I met a very special pony."

The Warden gestured behind him, towards the corner that they had just came around.

Luna's brow scrunched slightly in curiosity, and she turned her head in the direction that he had indicated.

She saw who he was referring to.

Peeking around the corner was a dirty looking filly, white or gray in color, with a yellow mane and blue eyes.

It was his future wife again!

Luna stopped mid-stride, looking in silent surprise. She turned back towards the Warden, and saw him gesturing for her to follow him.

The princess turned momentarily back towards the filly, and saw her cautiously come around the corner, and walk after the colt tensely.

Luna came to the realization that she was following him, and decided to follow the Warden's lead. The princess trotted quickly back up to the Warden's side.

What was the filly doing? Why was she following him?

These questions echoed in Luna's mind as she trekked along behind young Casemate.

Oddly, the colt didn't turn around or take notice of his follower. He seemed completely oblivious.

At least a full minute passed by, and Luna found herself unable to focus solely on the colt, glancing back at the filly more often than she was at him or the Warden.

The filly was moving from cover to cover, trying her best to remain stealthy while looking at Casemate with her curious blue eyes shimmering brightly.

Unfortunately, her attention wasn’t on where she was stepping. She accidentally kicked a loose stone, sending it clacking down the street a short distance. Her presence announced, the filly looked mortified, and immediately ducked down into a small enclave in an adjacent wall, right as Casemate swirled around to investigate.

The colt instantly adopted a defensive stance, his green eyes darting around in confusion, trying to find out what had made the sound, and if it was a threat. For all he knew, it could have been Sweeper or one of his cronies.

Casemate remained silent and still for about ten seconds, before turning back around. However, his guard hadn't been dropped. His ears were now facing behind him, prepared to listen out for any additional sounds. He glanced behind himself one last time, and continued to walk, consciously making his hoofsteps softer.

As he walked away, Luna turned her attention back to the filly, who was now peering out from her concealment with caution. When she saw that Casemate was walking away, the filly resumed following.

This time, Luna felt compelled to follow the filly, rather than Casemate. She remained where she was, allowing the colt to get farther away, as well as the Warden, who was following his younger self.

The princess pondered why she was making such a decision. Sure, the Warden wished for her to witness these events, but he never said that she had to do so by following his younger self. She glanced over to the Warden, who shot a questioning glance back at her. But he didn't object or verbally question her, turning his head forwards towards the colt as if to say "Suit yourself."

Sensing that he wasn't objecting to her choice, Luna watched the filly as she passed, and then began to walk alongside her.

As she did so, Luna took a more detailed look at the filly. In particular, the princess focused on her cutie mark. Just as before, it was an edelweiss flower.

Inevitably, the princess began to wonder what the mark could mean, with no way to ask the filly directly. She did know that the edelweiss was a mountain flower that was renowned for being resilient, often growing at high altitudes, above the treeline. It was also often said among the mountain ponies that to give this diminutive flower to a special somepony was an act of love and devotion, since it often took much effort and time to climb up a mountain to find one, and bring it back down.

As she was dwelling on this, Luna happened to look up and see Casemate disappear around a corner, and the Warden followed suit. The princess didn't think much of it, and continued to walk along with the little filly, still thinking.

Knowing the symbolism behind the high-growing bloom, what did this mean for the filly's purpose? Was it resilience? Possibly. If the filly was truly out on the street, surviving on her own, then she had to be a resilient soul.

This still didn't lessen Luna's pity for her. No foal should ever have to fend for themselves, especially in a hostile environment.

"Ha!" Said a sinister voice in a mocking tone. "Quite the hypocrite, Luna. You feel bad for her past circumstances, when you know good and well that we did something far, far more cruel to her later…"

Luna's heart almost skipped a beat as her eyes immediately shot up to a passing window, and sure enough, she caught a glimpse of Nightmare Moon's flashing teeth and glinting gaze.

Before she could even think about how to respond, her darker personality disappeared, retreating back into her subconscious.

The princess sighed, a little frustrated that Nightmare Moon was not giving her the opportunity to tell her off again.

Inevitably, doubts and guilt began to seep in.

Luna looked at the filly, and felt her heart twist in painful shame.

She allowed Nightmare to take that precious young mare away from the Warden, condemning her to an unknown fate…

Luna closed her eyes and looked away for a moment, trying to grapple with the guilt cleverly uncovered by Nightmare Moon.

That filly would grow up to be the Warden's wife and bear his child. Somehow, she would overcome her bad situation, and get what Luna assumed to be what she wanted: A loving special somepony and a child.

And Nightmare Moon took them away from the Warden…

Knowing that she had allowed such a grave injustice to be done to the Warden alone was bad enough, but to know that she would eventually wrong that filly as well?

Before she knew it, feelings of hopelessness and self-depreciation began to grow within Luna once more.

What she had enabled Nightmare Moon to do didn't just hurt the Warden, but others as well…

She was so enveloped in her condemning thoughts, Luna failed to notice that she and the filly she was walking alongside had already gone around the corner that both versions of the Warden had gone around, nor did she notice that neither of them were in sight.

The filly did, though. She stopped in her tracks, giving a quiet, confused sound.

This was enough to get Luna out from her darkening train of thought, and a bolt of concern and confusion shot through her body. Did she lose the Warden?

For a split second, her fears almost took hold, nearly convincing her that she had just lost her only chance at forgiveness.

But then she realized that she could still sense him, and that, of course, the Warden's dream was still ongoing.

She relaxed slightly. He was still here somewhere… Was he hiding? For that matter, was the colt hiding too?

As Luna's thoughts processed the numerous questions coursing through her mind, the filly broke into a quick trot. She walked swiftly down the street, in the direction that young Casemate had gone, looking around in alarm, trying to locate the missing colt.

Luna followed, easily keeping pace with the filly as yet another question came to mind.

Why was this filly following Casemate in the first place?

That question would be shortly answered.

Luna and the filly walked quickly along, passing by an alleyway in their search. For some reason or another, neither of them paid any mind to it, walking on by.

Once they had passed though, she heard the voice of young Casemate arise from behind.

"What are you doing?"

The filly started, swirling around to see the colt stepping out of the alley, eyeing her with suspicion.

Luna stopped in her tracks, and turned just in time to see the Warden walk out as well, positioning himself next to his younger self. The princess immediately chided herself silently for being so oblivious to the obvious explanation for his disappearance, which was that they had slipped into the alley and waited for the filly to pass.

As it turned out, Casemate was very much aware that he was being followed.

The filly took a step back, her big blue eyes glimmering a bit with uncertainty as she realized that she had been found out.

"U-uh… I-" She stammered, her voice and tone quite soft.

Casemate took a few steps closer, his green eyes narrowing. His stance relaxed, as if he knew that she posed no immediate threat. He still seemed suspicious, though.

"You… You're the filly I saw three months ago!" He said, his brow rising slightly as he stepped closer. "When I beat that Sweeper guy."

The filly nodded, this time standing her ground as Casemate drew to within a few feet of her.

"Yes. That was me." She said, clearly a bit nervous.

The colt stopped, standing a short distance away from the filly.

"Why are you following me?" He asked firmly, looking her in the eye.

Presented with his glare and firm demeanor, the filly glanced away uneasily.

"I- I just wanted to find out who you were." She answered, her ears lowering as she began to sound a bit desperate. "That's all. I d-don't want to hurt you or anything, I swear!"

His eyes widened to a normal degree, losing much of their suspicious look. He looked at the filly from head to hoof, as she did the same to him, both examining the other.

Finally, after a few seconds of this, the colt's expression lost all of its harshness, replaced by a true, genuine curiosity.

"Why?" He asked again, this time much less sharply.

The filly inhaled, her body language indicating that while nervous, she had realized that he did not pose a threat either.

"I've never seen anypony beat up Sweeper like that…" She admitted, exhaling as she did so. "He's mean and big an-" She looked fearful for a second, her voice choking out for a moment.

Luna's heart ached for her. She recognized the signs of a traumatic experience that the filly must have undergone involving the bully, Sweeper.

But the filly rallied after a few seconds, and resumed.

"He always beats up smaller foals, and he always does whatever he wants to do… But then you beat him up!" She exclaimed.

Luna was a bit surprised with how swiftly the filly had staved off a panic attack. Indeed, she did seem to be resilient, as her cutie mark would suggest.

Then, the filly's mouth curled into a faint, tired smile, and her eyes began to show an expression of admiration as she looked upon Casemate.

"It was amazing… You did something that everypony thought was impossible!" She declared, beginning to sound excited, having lost all indications of unease.

Luna could not help but feel a slight smile play across her lips, as her heart warmed. It made her happy to see this beautiful, endearing filly get excited over Casemate.

The filly then seemed to become a bit self-aware of her excitement, and she shrunk back bashfully.

"M-may I know your name?" She asked, making eye contact with the colt for a moment before looking away again.

Young Casemate stood silently, thinking. Luna could tell that he was processing what the filly had just told him, and what she thought of him.

After some silent deliberation, he sighed.

"Casemate." He replied. "My name is Casemate. Who are you?".

"Edelweiss…" The filly answered, straightening her posture as her bashfulness seemed to fade somewhat.

The colt nodded, understanding as he gazed thoughtfully at Edelweiss. Luna could swear that he looked more at ease than he ever did at all during this sequence. Considering that he almost always looked wary and confrontational around all the foals he was around, this spoke volumes.

An adorably determined look came across the filly's face, as if she had just resolved to say something.

"Well… I-I just want to tell you that I think you are very brave and nice, Casemate." Edelweiss praised, giving a genuine smile and a look of admiration towards the colt.

Casemate looked genuinely taken aback, his eyes widening a bit as he visibly struggled to find an appropriate response. In fact, he almost looked flustered, going so far as to glance to the side.

Of course, he probably hadn't received such praise from a pony outside his family before, which could explain why.

"...Thank you, I suppose." He said hesitantly, finally having summoned the focus required to reply and the courage to look the filly in the eyes.

Edelweiss looked far more at ease than before, as well as visibly happier. But before long, one of her ears drooped as her brow furrowed questioningly.

"Why are you walking home alone?" She asked. "I have never seen anypony walk alone out of the school before you."

"Uh… I don't have any friends." Casemate answered bluntly. "They are all afraid of me."

Although he was trying to hide it, Luna could tell that he was bothered by this fact. Maybe his isolation had left him lonely among his peers after all.

Edelweiss looked even more confused, taking a few steps closer to the colt, contrasting with the fear and uncertainty that she was displaying earlier.

"Why? You aren't scary."

Casemate sighed, shaking his head. "Some bully tried messing with me, and I beat him up. That's why they're afraid."

"But you're not mean!" Edelweiss objected. "You didn't try to beat me up in that alley and you let me go. You're actually kind of nice."

The colt let off another sigh.

"Really? I'm not some scary colt who beats up bigger colts?" He asks, sounding and looking skeptical.

The filly shook her head. "Not to me! I don't know for sure, but the other foals in that school are probably afraid because they haven't seen a fight out in the street." She explained, shrugging. "I guess I'm used to seeing fights, and I think that what you did makes you brave."

Casemate's gaze fell away for a few seconds as he thought about this. As he ruminated silently, Edelweiss continued, pawing the stone street in slight bashfulness.

"Hey, if it is okay with you, I think I would like to be your friend…" She murmured, her voice beginning to trail off a bit. "We both don't have any real friends, and…."

The colt was snatched out of his thoughts, and he gazed up in surprise at her.

"You would?" He asked, tilting his head.

Edelweiss nodded.

Young Casemate looked downwards again, going into thought. He clearly had a choice to make here, and Luna knew that although he didn't know it at the time, it would heavily influence his life to come.

The filly remained silently hopeful, looking at the colt before her.

Finally, after more than a few seconds, Casemate's eyes took on a legitimately happy shimmer as a small smile appeared on his face.

"Alright. You can be my first friend, Edelweiss."

The filly's ears perked up, her tail raised, and she did a little hop, clearly happy and relieved that all her efforts to follow him were not in vain.

Luna felt like her heart was going to blow up from the cuteness.

"Thank you, Casemate!" She said loudly. "I will try to be as good of a friend as I can!"

The colt continued to smile, looking at the filly with an expression of relief and a hint of fondness. But then he gazed up at the sky, and saw that the sun was beginning to set.

"Oh, um… I need to keep on walking home, or else my aunt is going to hunt me down." Casemate explained, walking closer to Edelweiss. "Thank you for not thinking that I’m scary or anything."

"You're welcome!" Edelweiss said cheerily, her messy yellow mane bouncing a bit. "Can I walk with you?"

"...Okay." Casemate said after taking a moment to think, before electing to spend a little more time with his new friend.

The filly gave a joyful grin, and the two foals walked down the street, both talking amongst themselves.

As Princess Luna watched them walk off, she felt her heart swell. She could definitely see the spark between the two that would eventually climax into all-out love.

While Casemate was reserved and quite self aware of his shortcomings, Edelweiss had a bright energy about her, overcoming any barriers that the colt had.

For a filly whom Luna assumed was living by herself on the street, Edelweiss was certainly peppier and more outgoing than she had expected. Not to mention how she got hung up on her description of Sweeper for only a second or two before finishing it. She truly seemed to show the resilience reflected by her cutie mark, in addition to the beauty of the flower after which she was named.

Luna sighed. She could tell that Casemate needed a friend, and the brave little filly became one. Not only that, but with how much she seemed to admire Casemate, he was going to become a light in Edelweiss' dark life.

She heard the Warden sigh wistfully, and she turned her attention towards him.

He was gazing out with a peculiar expression, following the pair of foals visually. His ears were drooping, and his face showed a degree of emotion that Luna had not yet witnessed from him. His eyes shimmered, and she could swear that she saw the precursor to tears beginning to form.

It made sense. He was rewatching the moment when he first befriended his future love, firsthoof.

The same love that Nightmare Moon took away from him…

A dagger of guilt sank deep into Luna's heart as she recalled what was in store for the colt.

She gave a trembling sigh, hanging her head. She didn't want to admit it, but it was tiring to be subjected to this sheer amount of guilt.

With each sequence played out, she had to fight harder to keep the hopelessness at bay. It didn't help that she was being shown what the Warden had undergone even before Nightmare Moon committed that awful act.

Luna almost felt like giving up. She knew that the guilt was only going to grow worse.

"Is there a problem?"

The princess' ears jolted upwards as she faced the Warden, who had just asked the question. Any evidence of tears in his eyes were gone, replaced by a firm sternness, as was typical.

"N-no." Luna said, her tone revealing a bit of emotional strain. Internally, she wondered why she wasn't honest. She just blurted the first and safest answer that came to mind. Still, she wasn't going to be able to take it back now.

"Are you ready to continue?" She asked, after collecting her thoughts.

The Warden nodded once, and Luna mustered the will to continue, casting a spell to bring about the next event.

It had been a grueling rollercoaster of hopeful highs and heartbreaking lows thus far, and she knew that they weren't done.

But she was already this far in, and her best hope of keeping Nightmare Moon at bay lay at the end.

She could not stop now. No matter how much worse her guilt got, she still knew that there was a chance that she could be forgiven.

She was not going to give up yet.

Chapter 9: Deeper Understanding

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The dream completed its reformation, and Luna noticed that the environment was little different than before. They were still in Halterburg, but this time they were on the rooftop of a large building, several stories high.

Luna's mane and tail billowed gracefully in the breeze, and she looked at the scene around her. The rooftop offered an excellent view of the ancient city that they were in, with old structures by the hundreds surrounding them.

Up above, the sun was getting low on the horizon, lighting the west with a warm orange glow that faded away into a deep blue further away. A few clouds hung near the sun, being lit up with a spectrum of pink and purple by the evening light.

A few birds flew from here and there, and the wind blew gently, stirring the leaves on the decorative trees below. Along the streets beneath her, ponies bustled here and there, and the streetlights were beginning to flicker as the first hints of twilight began to show.

The princess was immediately reminded of her balcony in Canterlot, which felt very similar to this. Despite the scenery here being far less grand and regal than Canterlot's, it felt similar enough for Luna to feel a sense of familiarity and ease. It wasn't enough to soothe her shame and anxiety, but it did offer a bit of relief.

Her breathing slowed, and she closed her eyes for a moment, allowing the peaceful nature of this setting to do what it could to ease her troubled soul.

She opened her eyes a few seconds later, and looked to the Warden, who was standing a little to the side. He, too, remained silent, looking contemplative.

However, Luna felt that he wasn't trying to calm down, but was rather processing yet another scene that was familiar to him.

This couldn't be easy for him, to watch his life replayed like this. To see what he underwent, what he gained, what he would eventually lose…

It had to be hard… Unimaginably so.

Luna could hardly bear the notion of rewatching her own life, so she knew that he wasn't enjoying this either.

Which begged the question: Why?

Why did he have her do this?

Was he trying to make a point? Was he showing her what he had undergone in order to show her why he would or would not forgive her?

In the back of her mind, Nightmare Moon's suggestion that he was merely building up her hopes only to crush them echoed within. It seemed unlikely that he was that cruel, since she knew for a fact that he wasn't. Still, the nagging possibility was there.

Then, both she and the Warden heard a door open behind them, and they both turned simultaneously. A small wooden access door leading inside the building that they were on had been opened, and a filly's head poked out of the open passage.

It was Edelweiss, and she looked around, her eyes reflecting the evening light as she checked for any bystanders.

"Okay, this is it… Come on, Casey!" She beckoned, turning her head back as she walked out onto the roof.

Following closely behind her was Casemate, who also was looking all around, but with more wonder than Edelweiss, as if he had never been there before.

Luna couldn't help but feel some happiness arise upon hearing the filly refer to Casemate as 'Casey'. It stood in contrast to how serious he often was.

Yet, the colt didn't correct her, nor did he show any form of annoyance. He tolerated it at the very least, in spite of his no-nonsense demeanor. That tickled Luna a bit.

Still, the princess felt her feelings dampen upon sensing a great deal of sadness and heartache from the Warden. His eyes were fixed on Edelweiss, and his breathing had changed, becoming slightly more forced.

Luna felt her own heart ache. Although he was keeping a stoic demeanor, she understood that he missed her, dearly.

It felt even worse to be reminded that it was her failure that took Edelweiss away.

Luna shook her head, trying to bring herself back into the present. Right now, she was meant to observe what was unfolding before her, not dwell upon the suffering that Nightmare Moon had wrought.

The two foals shut the door, and side by side, they walked to the edge of the roof, and sat down on their haunches, with their hind legs dangling over the edge of the roof.

Luna couldn't help but notice that both foals looked a few inches taller than before, their legs having grown longer. She couldn't say for certain, but it looked as if they had aged at least a year since the previous event.

That would explain the familiarity required for the colt to tolerate being called Casey.

"See? I told you that this spot has a good view!" Edelweiss declared, motioning towards the urban panorama spread out before them.

Casemate nodded. "You weren't kidding." He said, his green eyes darting around as he took in the scene. "How'd you find this spot?"

"Oh, I found it." She said nonchalantly. "It definitely did not involve me breaking in because I was trying to steal valuable stuff that they were storing over here."

Casemate scoffed. "Riiiight… No crimes at all." He smirked, and looked at Edelweiss, showing that he was being lighthearted about that remark.

The white filly's eyes glimmered a bit as she smiled as well, meeting his gaze for a second before looking back out at the city before them.

The pair sat quietly side by side for a minute, and Luna could see more early signs of a special bond forming between the two.

Then, after looking thoughtful for a second or two, Casemate spoke up.

"You know, I still don't really understand why you have to resort to stealing in order to survive." He said, turning his gaze back at Edelweiss.

"Huh? You know I don't have a family, right?" She asked, looking slightly confused. "There really isn't any other way for me to-"

"No, I know that." Casemate responded. "I meant I don't know what happened in order for you to be living out on the street."

Edelweiss blinked, and a flash of discomfort showed in her eyes.

"Oh. Yeah… I guess I haven't told you about all that yet, have I?"

The colt shook his head.


The filly looked out at the rooftops before them, and Luna could perceive that she was thinking.

"Well, to be fair, I don't think you've told me about your reasoning behind coming to Halterburg."

"Also correct." Casemate replied, being thrust into thought as he also looked out at the skyline.

For a few seconds, neither of the foals said anything, a moment of thoughtful silence having come to prevail for a time.

Then, Edelweiss spoke, her tone having become softer.

"How about we tell each other?"

Casemate looked at her, his brows having risen a bit.

"Really?" He asked. "I thought that you might not want to talk about your past."

The filly breathed deeply and quietly. "Well, I… I have to admit, it isn't an easy topic." She sighed. "But I kinda want to hear your background too."

"That's what I was afraid of…" Casemate sighed, his body language showing his unease.

This was not lost on Edelweiss, who adopted a firmer expression in her eyes.

"What if I told you about me first?" She asked. "If I tell you, will you tell me?"

Casemate seemed to hesitate for a moment, but soon gave a nod, sighing through his nose.

"Right." The filly said, seeing his response. "I guess I'll start off, then."

She seemed hesitant as well, and Luna saw that she was building the courage to speak about her past.

Her story cannot be a happy one, not if she had ended up on the street…

"I spent a lot of my life with my mother." She began, looking at her friend with her blue eyes. "We lived in the low district of town, not far from where I first saw you, actually."

Casemate nodded, his ears perked as he asked a question.

"Did you know your father?"

"No." Edelweiss said with a sigh. "My mother said that he died. She never told me who he was."

The colt nodded again, his gaze focused on Edelweiss as he listened intently to her. "It was just you and your mother, then?" He asked, his expression and tone indicating that he found this to be a similarity between them.

Edelweiss nodded, beginning to look saddened.

"Yeah. She worked hard to try and support both me and herself." Looking down at the street below, she shook her head. "I don't know how she did it, but she would go work for hours, or sometimes a few days at a time. But she always came back with enough money and food to keep us alive."

"You don't know what she did for a living?"

"No clue. She would always just call it 'work'. She would come home sometimes looking like she had been in a fight or something, but she always played it off. Looking back, I think she was shielding me from the true nature of her work, whatever it was…" She sighed. "But she always found money and food, so I guess that was all that mattered."

Casemate nodded, as if he were trying to deduce what her mother was doing. But he gave up after a moment, and spoke up.

"What happened next?" He asked, his tone having become softer. "Something must have happened for you to be living alone now."

The filly's ears drooped, and her countenance fell even further.

"... About two years ago, she left in the morning, promising to be back before sundown, like she did most of the time. But…"

Edelweiss took a trembling breath, trying to maintain her composure. Luna felt her heart ache for the filly. The princess had a suspicion where this was going, and it saddened her.

"But she never came back…" Edelweiss said, audibly struggling a little to get the words out, still looking down. "I waited for days, until the landlord kicked me out of our home, leaving me by myself…"

"What?" Casemate asked, his brows raising as his voice showed surprise. "What happened to her?"

Edelweiss shook her head slowly, looking up at Casemate from the sides of her eyes.

"I wish I knew…" She murmured, her voice having become a little raspier. "All I know is that she disappeared, and never came back."

The colt sighed in a quiet expression of disbelief.

"That's why you live without a home now?"

Edelweiss nodded after taking a moment to think.

"Basically, yes. I've found a few spots where I can go for shelter and to hide away, but beyond those, I do not have a permanent place to call home." She answered.

Both foals went quiet for a minute following this heavy exchange. A small gust of wind rushed over the rooftop, sending their manes and tails waving in the air as Luna's thoughts began to dwell more heavily on the filly.

She could feel her heart aching for her, the weight of the fact that this undeserving filly was a homeless orphan pressing Luna's spirits down.

It was tragic, but there was a ray of sunshine in this bleak narrative. Edelweiss would end up overcoming her adversity eventually and become a wife and mother.

There was also the fact that her resilience was, once again, making itself known. The fact that a filly of her circumstance and age to willingly discuss such a subject was both impressive and hope-inspiring.

The silence continued for a while longer, then Casemate broke it.

"Would you like for me to tell you about my past now?" He asked. "You look like you could use a break."

Edelweiss smiled, despite the sadness evident in her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm a little curious to hear what your story is."

Casemate nodded, inhaling slowly as he prepared to tell his friend about his own past.

"You know about the Fortress family and the Wardens, right?" He asked, his tone lowered a bit.

Edelweiss nodded.

"You told me about who they were, yes." She answered. "And you told me about your grandfather Hightower, and how he was wrongfully exiled by Princess Celestia."

"I did." Casemate said. "But did I tell you about my father?"

The filly paused and tilted her head for a second, thinking before shaking her head.


The colt took a deeper breath, his body language showing a degree of reluctance.

"Well, his name is Bastion." He said, finally having built up the will to speak. "He willingly followed my grandfather into exile when he was a colt."

"Wait, didn't you have a grandmother?" She asked.

The colt nodded. "I did, but apparently she divorced my grandfather right before he got exiled. My father was so committed to fulfilling the duty of a Warden, that he decided to follow my grandfather, rather than remain in Equestria with his mother."

“Wow...” The filly murmured, waiting for him to continue.

"Anyway, like I told you before, my grandfather found that robot, and it helped him set up the Gatekeeper as well as a fully mechanized suit of armor. Together with my father, the two of them protected Equestria for over a decade."

Casemate fell silent for a second or two, and the filly spoke, sounding and looking genuinely interested.

"What happened next?"

"I don't know, really." The colt said. "One day, my grandfather just disappeared and never came back. My father didn't like talking about that."

"Why?" Edelweiss asked, sounding concerned.

"He always got angry when I asked him about it…" Casemate sighed. "But my aunt says it is probably because he thought that my grandfather abandoned him."

"What?" The filly asked in confusion. "But I thought you said that Hightower was a devoted Warden… Why would he just go and run away?"

"I don't know, and my aunt says that she knows that he would never have done such a thing without good reason." The colt said with a sigh. "But in any case, she said that it was one reason why my father ended up being the way he was…"

The filly nodded thoughtfully, still looking curious.

"How did he end up?" She asked, sounding a tad apprehensive.

Casemate looked at her with a gaze that showed that he was about to tell her something painful that he was going to entrust her with.

"He was always just so… Angry." He said, his jaw setting a little. "My aunt told me that he was taking out his frustrations on me over my grandfather leaving and my mother dying."

"You lost your mother too?" Edelweiss asked, her eyes widening in disbelief. "W-would you be okay with telling me what happened to your mother?"

Her blue eyes shimmered in the evening light, revealing an earnest desire to listen to her friend share more about himself.

Casemate nodded, blinking once or twice as he made eye contact and replied.

"She was murdered."

Edelweiss blinked once, and her ears immediately dropped.

"What?" She asked, sounding legitimately pained to learn that. She shifted a little closer to the colt, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know…"

"It's fine." Casemate said, shrugging. "I was just a baby when it happened, I don't remember her at all."

"That doesn't make it any less painful though, right?"

"I don't know… Sometimes I wonder if I should feel worse about it, but I don't see the point. I'm here today, alive and loved. I guess there's no need to cry over what could have been…"

Edelweiss looked down for a moment, her brow furrowing in thought as her tail swished a bit.

"S-she wasn't killed by your father, was she?" She asked, looking apprehensive.

"She wasn't. It was some group of anarchists seeking to recruit my father in an effort to depose the princesses. He refused to join, and they killed her in retaliation."

"That's… That's still just horrible, Casemate… I don't know what I would do if I knew that my mother was killed…"

"You would either allow yourself to stagnate with grief, or you would move on." He said, his tone growing a bit more firm. "I wasn't given a choice, but I realize that was for the best."

Edelweiss took her hoof off of Casemate, still looking very much engaged in the exchange.

"That sounds harsh, but I guess I had no choice but to make do as well." She said in a reflective manner. "I had to move on, or else I wouldn't have survived."

The colt scoffed gently.

"At least nopony made that decision for you."


"My father gave me no choice. In fact, I didn't have any kind of free choice, now that I think of it…"

The filly's ears twitched, weighing what she would say next upon hearing her friend say this.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to, and I know that you don't like talking about him, but… How bad did it get?"

Casemate sighed, his ears finally dropping as he began to display hesitance to uncover this topic.


His voice trailed off as he looked out towards the setting sun, and Luna could practically feel the fear, pain, and reluctance swirling within him.

"It was bad…" He said in a more subdued tone. "He was obsessed with making me into the next Warden. He would teach me and train me to exhaustion. Every. Single. Day."

His ears stiffened, gradually adopting a pinned position, revealing a rising anger as his tone became harsher.

"No breaks. If I got hurt or sick he would just keep me going, saying that a Warden does not have the luxury of rest. But worst of all, he would punish me for making mistakes!"

Casemate's body tensed, and his voice began to grow louder as his anger increased.

"All it would take was one misplaced step, a poorly aimed strike, and he would yell at me! He would tell me that mistakes get ponies killed, and that I needed to pay more attention!"

Edelweiss looked hurt on the colt's behalf, seeing just how much his mistreatment had affected him.

He went silent for a second or two, and he set his jaw, his anger hitting a fever pitch. Then, he uttered three words through his gritted teeth.

“I hate him.”

The filly's eyes widened, as if she had been caught by surprise by her friend's strong choice of words.

Casemate finally looked at her, the rage in his eyes still burning brightly. Edelweiss looked downwards in response, shuffling a little bit further away, perhaps intimidated by the look in his face.

However, this was not lost on the colt. Casemate's gaze softened, his ears relaxed, and he became less tense. He looked down and away as well, and took a single, heavy, heaving sigh.

Once again, only the sounds of the busy street below and the breeze stirring up the foals' manes and tails were heard, as the pair silently grappled with their thoughts.


Casemate's hesitant apology broke the silence between them.

"I wasn't mad at you."

Edelweiss exhaled silently in relief.

"I know…" She assured him, reestablishing eye contact. "Is that why you ran away and came here?"

Casemate nodded, exhaling slowly and silently.

"I got to the point where I just didn't want to be my father's successor any more. If being a Warden was all about being a warrior who has to exercise perfection at all costs, I didn't want to be one. Yet, my father seemed bent on molding me into his vision of what a Warden should be. I felt like I was being forced to become a vengeful killer, something that I didn't want to be, and I just knew that something was wrong with his perception of what a Warden was. I felt trapped, helpless, and alone."

Casemate stopped talking for a few moments, his voice and the quickened nature of his rant showing that his emotions were still stirring within him. But when he spoke next, the energy with which he had spoken previously had given way to a tone of reflection.

"But then I had a dream, and Princess Luna came to me…"

A look of surprise crossed Edelweiss' face.

"Princess Luna? She came to you in a dream too?!"

Her sudden interjection caused Casemate to blink once.

"Yes, actually. Why did you say it like that?" The colt asked, lowering one eyebrow.

Edelweiss realized that she had interrupted him again, and looked apologetically at him.

"Oh- Sorry. But I saw Princess Luna in a dream once too!" She waved a hoof at the colt, gesturing for him to continue. "Sorry, I interrupted again, please continue, I won't do it any more…"

Before the filly had finished her apology, Luna was already recalling the dream that she was referring to.

The princess felt her heart drop, for she now remembered perfectly well just how dark things got for Edelweiss, and how by visiting her dream, Luna became her last hope.

However, before she could dwell upon it much longer, Casemate resumed telling his story, and Luna forced her attention to focus back on him for the time being.

"Basically, in the dream, I was chained to my family's mark, trapped in a jail cell." He began, looking with earnestness at Edelweiss, who was watching and listening intently. "But then Princess Luna came, and told me that while my destiny was to become a Warden, it was drastically different from what my father had in mind."

The colt paused, looking down at his blank flank thoughtfully. "In which way, I still don't know." He sighed, shaking his head.

"So your father thought that the only way to protect Equestria is to kill all our enemies without mercy?”

"Yeah. His priority was to turn me into a weapon." Casemate responded, sounding a little uncomfortable saying so. "But Princess Luna told me that there was a much better way for me to become a Warden, and in order to do so, I needed to escape and come here to live with my relatives."

"And you did."

"I ran away, and came all the way here. The very first day I was here in Halterburg, I got lost trying to find my aunt's home, and I had that big fight with Sweeper."

"Yes. I was there, and I saw you for the very first time."

"Exactly. Later that afternoon, I found my aunt's home and she took me in. A few weeks later, she enrolled me in school, I caught you stalking me, and you know the rest."

The filly smirked upon hearing his choice of words, looking bemused.

"I was trailing you, not stalking."

Casemate snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, sure."

The pair didn't say anything else for about a minute or so, enjoying the lighthearted feeling left by that bit of banter after having discussed the heavy subject of Casemate's upbringing.

But Luna could already guess that another heavy hearted moment was about to occur.

"So… You saw Princess Luna too?"

The colt's question broke the brief respite, and Edelweiss nodded.

"Yes, I did…" She said wistfully. "I don't know what I would have done without her…"

Casemate's ears twitched slightly when the wind picked up on the rooftop once again as he continued to listen.

"I guess my life hasn't been particularly cheery, either." She continued. "But I know for a fact that my mother loved me, at least. Things were always hard, but she always made enough to ensure that we both survived."

"At least you were loved." Casemate murmured in a matter of fact way. "I didn't have that luxury for much of my life until recently…"

Edelweiss smiled, but Luna perceived an underlying expression of pain hidden away within her face.

"Looking back, I know that I was fortunate for a time, but you would be surprised to learn just how much of a tendency I had to forget that…" Edelweiss gave a sigh, looking towards the setting sun. "I still don't really know why exactly I ended up where I did, where Princess Luna had to step in to save me from myself…"

This remark was met with a questioning glance from Casemate, who also appeared a bit concerned. A bit unusual coming from a colt who was still somewhat emotionally detached from others.


Edelweiss inhaled deeply, closing her eyes. "...Yes. I meant that."

"Well… How, exactly? What were you doing that posed a threat to yourself?"

"It was- I…" Edelweiss' voice trailed off as she struggled to find the words and courage to continue. "It was a few days after I had gotten kicked out into the street." She said in a far quieter manner than before, her ears sinking low.

Casemate looked at her in disbelief. It was not hard for Luna to feel what he was feeling for the filly.

The filly sighed shakily, and resumed.

"I was hungry, alone, and easy pickings for anypony who wanted to steal food or water from me… Sweeper included…"

She paused, the corners of her mouth curling downwards.

"I was confused and scared. But after a while, I guess they changed into something else: Sadness and anger."

She shook her head, shrugging as the first hints of tears began to form in her eyes.

"I- I don't really know why, but I just got so angry that this had happened. For some reason, I just began to hate everything and everypony. I blamed the ponies I saw, this city, and any higher power that dealt this lot to me… I convinced myself that everything was aligned against me, and that I couldn't do anything…"

Her voice cracked, and she wiped her eyes as she paused.

"It- It felt like there was no reason left to just… Live on. I was alone, nopony loved me, I was having to steal in order to survive, and there was no hope left. I wondered what it would be like if I just ended it, and let everything that was tormenting me to win…"

Luna's heart felt like it was breaking, listening to this filly pour her heart out to Casemate.

Edelweiss sniffed, her piercing blue eyes shimmering as the first tear fell.

"It was horrible, and I hated it…"

She sniffed again, looking away from Casemate and shutting her eyes. She tried to breathe more deeply and deliberately, trying to compose herself.

The colt looked uncertain of what to do. He looked around, and his face betrayed the debate raging in his mind.

Already, Luna was silently telling him to comfort her. To be honest, she really wanted Casemate to show the gentleness and love that he was capable of giving, and at the very least be a comfort to his first true friend.

Then, Luna's heart skipped a bit when she saw Casemate scoot a little closer to Edelweiss. He swished his tail, causing it to brush against hers.

They remained side by side for a few seconds, and Casemate didn't do anything else, still indecisive.

Edelweiss looked up at him.

"S-sorry…" She croaked. "I kn- know I said that I was going to explain, but-"

At that moment, Casemate gained an expression of determination, as if he knew what he had to do.

He lifted his foreleg, and despite looking a bit uncertain of what he was doing, he draped it across her shoulders.

A jolt of happiness shot through Luna. He actually was showing sympathy towards another pony for the first time, in addition to initiating physical contact!

For any average foal, it would have been only natural, but for a colt who had grown up not understanding the power and comfort that physical contact possessed, it had to have been a mighty leap.

It wasn't much, but it was significant enough. Edelweiss blinked, and despite her sadness, she began to smile a little. She looked Casemate in the eye, and she began to recover.

"Sorry…" She murmured after sniffing and breathing in deeply. "I just don't like thinking about my darkest time."

"Uh… Look, you don't have to- Well, you know."

Edelweiss' ears lifted a bit, and she shook her head.

"No, I made a deal. Besides…" She said, looking earnest. "Telling you about where I've been isn't going to hurt me any more than it already has. Especially if I'm telling a friend…"

As she finished saying this, she gathered her composure and was ready to resume telling her story. Once again, it struck Luna that the filly's resilience warranted her cutie mark. But even if she didn't possess such a mark, her ability to face her own trauma was remarkable, especially for a filly her age.

"So, yeah…" Edelweiss said, resuming her tale. "I got super upset with the world and I kind of wanted to end myself."

She sighed quietly, losing her smile.

"Then I had that dream. I dreamt that I was on the edge of a cliff. Behind me, there was the world and everypony in it, representing what I had come to feel anger towards for leaving me to fend for myself… In front of me, there was the cliff, and it was so high, I couldn't see the bottom. I- I remember just standing there, seriously thinking if I should just walk off and rid myself of my perceived burdens."

Casemate listened intently, his brow furrowed slightly in thought as he took it in. Still, he kept his foreleg on Edelweiss.

"Then, Princess Luna showed up." She continued. "She looked so sad to see me like that. At first, she didn't say anything, as if she already knew who I was and what I was going through. I remember that she just went right up to me and hugged me tight…"

The filly sniffed again, and her voice began to tremble.

"She didn't even say anything, but I already knew that I had it all wrong. I needed somepony to care, somepony to show me that my anger against the world was misplaced, and that I wasn't alone. I just… I just cried and let her hold me for what felt like hours…"

As the filly explained her experience to Casemate, Luna felt her eyes moisten as she recalled this instance clear as day. More than once, Luna had swayed ponies from suicide in their dreams. Out of all of the dreams that she interceded in, those were the ones that stuck out to her the most.

The look on Casemate's face as he listened also spoke volumes. He was learning about what Princess Luna did, and that she also helped other ponies within their dreams as well. The colt's admiration for her had to have been increasing by the second.

Meanwhile, Edelweiss continued. "After a while, she showed me my mother."

She paused, breathing in.

"My mother… She always told me to forgive. That it was never worth holding on to anger or resentment…"

Edelweiss shook her head, looking out at the setting sun with watery eyes.

"Looking back, she always was graceful and kind. She made it a point to tell me that life isn't worth living in anger. I never truly forgot, but I definitely lost sight of her wisdom. Princess Luna, she knew that I needed a reminder that holding on to the anger that I had was only causing more pain…"

This remark caused Luna's ears to stiffen as her mind processed it. What the filly just said, it felt uncannily relevant as to why the princess was there to begin with.

For the first time in several minutes, she glanced at the Warden.

His gaze was fixed on Edelweiss, and Luna could see that the filly's words were not lost on him either. It was subtle, but his expression showed a look of realization, as if he were rediscovering something important to him. His sadness and yearning had even faded somewhat.

While Luna watched the Warden process it all, Edelweiss kept speaking.

"Once she was done reminding me of what my mother always told me, Princess Luna went and explained what I was going through in a way that I could understand…" She murmured. "I didn't know who to blame for my mother just disappearing, nor who to blame for me having to fend for myself. So I just blamed the world, then my anger and fear began to warp the way I saw things. I convinced myself that everything and everypony was against me, and that there was nothing I could do to change that."

Edelweiss gave a single, heaving sigh.

"I will never forget what she told me following that. She said that I was a special filly, and that to give up would be a tragedy. But not just for me. Princess Luna said that somepony would need me soon, and that for their sake as well as my own, I needed to forgive the world, let go of my anger, be resilient, and carry on."

In contrast to the sadness she was displaying earlier, Edelweiss smiled as she continued to look at Casemate.

"Right then and there, I swore to Princess Luna that I forgave whatever or whoever took my mother, and that I would never end myself, but rather that I would carry on."

She chuckled quietly, and looked down at her cutie mark, the edelweiss flower.

"I woke up immediately following this, and there was my mark." She said, motioning towards it before looking back out at the lowering sun. "I knew beyond a doubt what my purpose was, and Princess Luna helped me get there."

Casemate nodded slowly in understanding, looking thoughtfully at his friend.

"So Princess Luna pretty much enabled you to earn your mark." He stated.

"She did." Edelweiss responded, looking down at Casemate's blank flank. "But you still don't have yours…"

"No…" Casemate said with a sigh. "And it bothers me."

"But… Didn't Princess Luna tell you that you would find your true calling here?" She asked.

Casemate gave a heavy sigh that betrayed the worry within him. "Yes. But I still don't know how to be a better Warden, and I still don't have my mark, even after a full year."

He paused for a moment, and Luna could practically feel the anxiety building within him.

"Finding a way to be a Warden and getting my mark have got to be connected in some way. Princess Luna told me that I would find it here, but I can't seem to find it!" He said with mild frustration, throwing his forelegs up.

"Well, I guess you can eliminate utterly crushing Equestria's foes, at least." Edelweiss said in an optimistic way.

“Well, yeah. But the thing is, Wardens are warriors. That's the way it's always been." He exclaimed in an exasperated manner. "We're meant to fight Equestria's foes! I mean, my grandfather and my father both had cutie marks which denoted them as warriors, and both of them earned theirs at a younger age than me. I just know I am meant to be a Warden, meant to fight. Princess Luna told me!"

He waved his front hooves around again, expressing his frustration.

"That being said, what am I doing wrong? I know what a Warden is. My ancestors got their marks early on, showing that their purpose was to protect Equestria. If I am meant to be a Warden, shouldn't I already have my mark?"

Edelweiss looked on attentively, while the colt slumped his shoulders and calmed down.

"I don't know… I just can't make sense of it. I know that I am not bound to be what my father wishes, but it just makes me annoyed to think that I still haven't found out what I am supposed to be." Casemate murmured, looking at Edelweiss somberly.

The filly blinked a few times, her blue eyes shining in the dimming evening light as she looked at her friend, thinking up a response.

"Well, maybe a Warden is meant to do more than just fight."

Casemate's ears perked.


"Wardens are meant to fight Equestria's foes, right?" Edelweiss asked.


"Well… Why? Why do they fight?"

This thought provoking question caused Casemate to visibly ponder this.

"To protect Equestria?"

Edelweiss nodded, smiling. "Correct! If you don't mind my saying, Casey, but you were talking quite a bit about how Wardens fight. I guess that's true, but I think your father lost sight of what a Warden's true reason for fighting is: to protect."

She fell silent, glancing down, inhaling as she prepared to make her final remark.

"Maybe the Warden you are meant to be is just as much a protector of ponies, if not more than a fighter of enemies…"

Luna felt a wave of emotion shoot through the Warden, who was still alongside her. Indeed, this remark was quite profound for a filly, and very much true, as Luna knew from the beginning.

The Warden's purpose was deeper than being a fighter. It was to fight for those whom he was defending.

The significance of this moment suddenly became clear to Luna, and her shimmering turquoise eyes widened.

This was the moment that Casemate found out what he was meant to be.

As if to cement this fact, Casemate's eyes also widened in realization. He didn't say anything, but it was clear that this made something click within his mind. He glanced back at the filly, and for a quick moment, a genuine smile did seem to appear on his face. The two foals sat there side by side, looking at each other in silence.

During this respite from the conversation, Luna went into thought, thinking about what she had witnessed.

What she saw was far deeper than just an explanation of the pair's past misfortunes. It was an honest outpouring of struggles, heartbreaks, and recoveries.

For Casemate, she knew that it was a big step forward for him to be so vulnerable to a pony who wasn't his relative. For that matter, Luna was still unsure if he had truly admitted everything that he just told Edelweiss to his aunt. His anger, the inner workings of his soul, she didn't see him admit this to his aunt.

In any case, knowing how devoid of love his earlier life seemed, his courage and willingness to show unconditional affection by way of listening, willingly receiving affection, and even initiating an act of comfort by putting one of his forelegs around Edelweiss was remarkable.

It seemed that Luna's lesson from his dream and his time spent with his relatives had definitely had a positive effect on the colt. But it would have been shortsighted for her to simply assume that his relationship with Edelweiss had nothing to do with it.

Clearly, the two had become good friends even before this conversation took place, and now there was no doubt that they were even closer. That, combined with the understanding that the pair would eventually marry each other led Luna to believe that Casemate was so vulnerable towards her because he was being drawn to her.

In regards to Edelweiss, her admissions were also evidence of a great deal of courage. Luna remembered visiting her in the dream which she had just described to Casemate, and the princess knew just how poorly things had gone for her then.

Edelweiss grew up not knowing who her father was, and she had no closure as to what really happened to her mother. In any case, she was left to fend for herself on the streets, vulnerable to bullies like Sweeper and never truly certain if she would survive another day.

Luna sighed as her heart felt heavy.

No wonder the filly got to such a dark place…

But, she did save Edelweiss from herself.

In spite of the heavy nature of her thoughts, Luna felt a slight warmth within her heart. All it took was for her to remind the filly of the lessons she had learned, what her life's purpose was, and why it was so important that she overcome her irrational resentment against the world and carry on.

All it took was for the filly to forgive.


Something about that word struck Luna as being uncanny.

After all, she came to the Warden seeking his forgiveness, and now he was having her replay the most pivotal moments from his life.

Yet again, as it had several times before, a small question rattled around her mind.


Was it to show Luna what he had been through?


Or was it to show himself what he had been through?

Luna's eyes widened in awe, and she audibly caught her breath.

She hadn't considered that.

But now, it seemed to make some sense.

What if the Warden was legitimately trying to reach a decision, and he felt the need to go back and remind himself of what he had learned in the past?

Slowly, the princess turned her head towards the Warden, who was looking out beyond his younger self and Edelweiss, towards the lowering sun, which was beginning to disappear behind the rooftops, bathing the sky in warm, red light.

The wind gusted a little, and his short silver mane and tail rustled a little, while Luna's far larger mane and tail billowed and waved, reflecting the setting sun's light with glistening red sparkles.

He too, seemed to be deep in thought.

For a moment, Luna wanted to ask him what was running through his mind, to see if he truly was doing all this more for himself than for her.

But a sense of caution urged her to not speak up just yet.

This was just as well, for the Warden blinked and turned to the princess, a serious expression on his face.

Luna flinched internally, wondering what he was going to say or do.

"Get ready." He said in a low tone. "Things are about to get ugly."

Luna felt the unpleasant shock of apprehension pierce her soul at this ominous warning.

"Wh- What?" She asked, her voice tainted with worry.

Before the Warden could reply, the door that Casemate and Edelweiss went through to access the roof suddenly burst open, and the foals jumped, twirling around to face it, expressions of surprise and fear in their eyes.

"Well, ain't this an 'eartwarmin' sight!" Said a familiar voice, as a large orange colt emerged from the doorway.

Luna gasped in fear for Casemate and Edelweiss as the orange colt closed the door behind him, smiling ominously at the pair with barely repressed rage.

It was Sweeper, and he was holding a sharp, shining knife in his hoof.

"Too bad Sweeper's gonna gut ya both!"

Chapter 10: A Fight For Purpose

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This didn't bode well.

Casemate and Edelweiss both looked at Sweeper with a mix of expressions. With her eyes widened and breathing sharply, Edelweiss appeared to be the most fearful of the two.

Casemate, on the other hoof, only appeared fearful for a moment, before a look of consternation and anger created a scowl on his face.

“You.” He said, his voice dripping with disdain.

Sweeper grinned maliciously, twirling his blade. “Yeah, me.”

Edelweiss and Casemate backed away from the edge of the roof where they were sitting, standing before the approaching bully.

Luna's eyes darted back and forth between the two parties, her mind racing anxiously. Of course, she knew that Casemate and Edelweiss would survive this, since they would live on. But the Warden's remark about things getting ugly left a sense of dread within her.

The expression of barely repressed wrath on Sweeper's face combined with the knife in his hoof left little doubt in her mind that he intended for nothing less than bodily harm against Casemate and his friend. The fact that he was bigger and stronger than Casemate made this prospect a worryingly probable one.

Sweeper continued to walk forwards, his hateful grin still evident as he drew within ten feet of the two foals.

Edelweiss looked around with a sense of urgency. Behind her and Casemate was the edge of the roof, and a several story drop onto a stone street. The door that they had accessed the roof from was the only safe way down, but Sweeper stood between them and their only escape.

Casemate didn't look around at all, though. His piercing green eyes were locked onto Sweeper’s, glaring fiercely. He lowered his stance, planting his hooves, readying for a fight.

This was what Luna had come to expect from the Warden's younger self. While his courage was immense, to leap straight into a fight with an armed assailant who was stronger than himself was surely more foolish than anything else, despite Casemate’s skill. After all, he had barely won the first fight with Sweeper only because he had found a glass bottle to smash on his face. Casemate had no such advantage here, and the danger of falling posed by the rooftop made this situation even worse.

Worry was written on Luna’s face very clearly, and she inhaled deeply. This wasn't good.

The Warden cleared his throat, almost casually. Luna looked at him, and saw that he didn't seem nearly as shaken as she was. In fact, Luna sensed… Anticipation?

Her heartbeat slowed. If he wasn't worried or in pain, then should she even worry about the outcome?

She knew that she probably shouldn't, but his sense of anticipation gnawed at her. What was he looking forward to?

He was probably waiting for what made this encounter important enough to be a defining moment in his life. She couldn't imagine any other reason.

In any case, there was nothing Luna could do. All she could do was take a deep breath, and consign herself to her role as a spectator to whatever was about to happen.

In the meantime, Casemate’s jaw became set as he seemed to recoil a little. He was about to charge, despite the odds of him being hurt being rather high. Sweeper saw this, and stopped, his smile fading as he also adopted a lowered stance, putting his knife up.

But before Casemate lunged into Sweeper, Edelweiss, who had taken the time to analyze their situation, placed a hoof in front of Casemate, preventing him from jumping into an ugly altercation. The filly's eyes shone earnestly in the dying daylight as she looked at her friend. Casemate seemed to understand what she was doing, and he glanced up at her for a split second. He hesitantly loosened his stance, adopting a more defensive one.

Edelweiss sighed shakily, and she looked at Sweeper. “Why are you here?” She asked, her voice begging for an answer.

“To show ya both that ya can't get away wit’ ‘umiliatin’ me.” He snarled, pointing at Casemate with his knife. “Ya made me look bad in front o’ me boys, an’ for that, I’m gonna cut ya up real good.”

I made you look bad?” Casemate scoffed. “You did that your own self.”

Sweeper's smile disappeared completely, replaced with a hateful grimace as his ears pinned to the back of his head.

Edelweiss’ brow lowered as she shot a pleading look at Casemate. Unlike him, she was hoping for a less violent solution. It struck Luna that between her and Casemate, Edelweiss was the wiser of the two.

Unfortunately, Casemate's escalation had done its work. Sweeper took another step towards the two foals. Edelweiss took a step back, but Casemate didn't budge.

“Oh… For that, I’m gonna make ya bleed real good, runt.” Sweeper growled. “And when I’m done, I’m gonna do the same to your little friend, just to show ya that ya can't mess wit’ Sweeper.”

At this, Casemate blinked, and his expression lost some of its harshness. He shot a glance back at Edelweiss, who looked a bit pale at Sweeper's malicious threat.

Luna could see a surge of realization cross Casemate's face as he discovered that he may have drawn Edelweiss into a grudge in which she had no part of.

“She didn't humiliate you, so leave her out of this.” Casemate said, his voice sober and less wrathful. “You want me, Sweeper? Here I am.”

Sweeper gave a single, spiteful guffaw.

“Hah! Too late, runt! In fact, I’m gonna ‘urt her worse than you by the time I'm done!”

This threat sent chills down Luna's spine. It was very clear to her that Sweeper meant every word.

Edelweiss was visibly trembling now, her gaze fixated on Sweeper's knife as she took a few more steps back, unaware that she was coming quite close to the edge of the roof. She stopped and gave a quiet, fearful sound once she realized that there was nothing but air behind her.

Luna felt several strong emotions swirl within her. She felt anger towards Sweeper for being such a bully, fear for how much of a danger he posed to Casemate and Edelweiss, and strong pity for the frightened filly.

But in contrast to Edelweiss' fear, a look of pure rage contorted Casemate's face. His jaw became set, his eyes glared furiously, and he pawed the rooftop with one of his hooves, lowering his head, pinning his ears, and snorting loudly.

Sweeper smiled, welcoming the challenge given by the smaller colt.

"Come on then, runt. Let's do it." He said with a hint of glee.

The fight was about to explode into action, Luna could feel it. There was no avoiding it now. All she and the Warden could do now was stand back and watch it all unfold, for better or for worse.

It didn't take long. Casemate roared in rage, and charged at Sweeper. Sweeper loomed over Casemate as he galloped to him, prepared to lash out with his blade.

Edelweiss remained frozen in place, beside the edge of the roof. She opened her mouth as if to protest Casemate's aggression, but no words came. She merely stood there, her eyes wide in fear, not only for herself, but for her friend as well.

Casemate landed the first blow, lunging aggressively and slamming a hoof into Sweeper's chest.

Sweeper slashed downwards with his knife at the same moment that Casemate hit him, but was too slow and didn't meet his mark. Having taken Casemate's strike, he grunted as he resisted the urge to empty his lungs, and remained standing.

Casemate, now right in front of his foe, began to lash out furiously with his hooves, landing a couple more blows. Sweeper, realizing that this wasn't working in his favor, took a few steps back, brandishing his knife wildly towards Casemate, forcing him to back away.

"Agh!" The larger colt exclaimed angrily. "I've 'ad enough of ya!"

Casemate backed up a bit, breathing heavily as his eyes remained focused solely on Sweeper, analyzing him. Despite having been struck several times in the chest, he seemed barely out of breath.

This was concerning. It appeared as if Sweeper had gotten even stronger than he was during their first fight!

This respite only lasted a second or two. Sweeper gave a hateful exclamation, and began making moves towards Casemate, being deliberate with his steps and coiling his hoof with the knife back.

Luna prayed internally that Casemate would be smart enough to not try to go on the offensive here. Sweeper was dangerous enough, even without his blade.

To her momentary relief, Casemate recognized this, and began to step back, keeping a more defensive posture.

But Sweeper, being taller and stronger, closed the gap quicker than Casemate could open it, and thrust out with his knife, aiming straight for Casemate's face.

Casemate's reflexes didn't let him down, though. He swiftly stepped to the side, avoiding the knife.

Sweeper wasted no time, though. He gave a furious growl, and caught Casemate's head with the back of his hoof with an audible smack.

Casemate reeled back, appearing to have been left somewhat unsteady by the blow which he had been unable to dodge.

"Grrrrah! I'll kill you, you lump of lard!" Casemate roared, having gained a little separation from Sweeper. His eyes looked as if fire were about to shoot from them, his fury was so evident.

Luna could not help but be reminded of the conversation between him and Edelweiss a few minutes prior, when Casemate was wondering what kind of a Warden he was meant to be. Despite him saying that he didn't want to be angry and fierce like his father, Casemate's rage seemed to be the driving force behind his actions.

This wasn't much of a surprise to her, given how his father was really the only example of a warden that he had. Still, it didn't change the fact that he seemed to be taking more after his father than he realized, allowing his anger and rage to fuel his will to fight.

Mere moments after giving the hateful shout, Casemate threw himself at Sweeper, teeth bared and his eyes wide. He seemed to have very little self control now, hurling his body at him.

For a second or two, Sweeper seemed taken aback by the angry assault, and he backed up a step or two. Yet again, it seemed that his cowardice was beginning to surface. He raised his knife out of panic, but Casemate ignored the fact that the weapon was even there, disregarding his safety completely, closing within striking distance.

This was far from ideal. One well placed stab by Sweeper would end this fight swiftly and permanently, and Casemate was wide open, not caring to put up any sort of defense.

Edelweiss looked on fearfully from a short distance away. Luna saw her take a glance at the door, and she could tell the filly was weighing her options. But she remained where she was, still watching the dangerous fight unfold before her, helpless to stop it, like Luna.

Casemate kept up a barrage of wild, unfocused blows in his uncontrolled anger, keeping Sweeper on the back hoof. But Sweeper was weathering the hail of kicks, the unguided blows having little effect to his larger and stronger frame.

Casemate wouldn't have the advantage for long, but he still kept right up to Sweeper, relentlessly attacking him. Then, Sweeper finally saw an opening. He lunged forwards, shoving Casemate back.

Casemate didn't wait or even take advantage of their separation. He immediately hurled himself back at Sweeper, only realizing too late that he was ready.

Sweeper had a foreleg coiled back, and he threw his hoof forwards, right into Casemate's face.

There was a harsh smack, and Casemate landed on his back with a sharp gasp, closing his eyes and putting a hoof to his face, grimacing in pain.

Luna caught her breath, putting a hoof to her mouth in shock at the violent impact.

Edelweiss, also shaken by this development, gave a frantic cry.

“Sweeper! Stop, please!”

But Sweeper merely shot an infuriated look at her before putting himself on top of Casemate. This time, he pinned the smaller colt down and restrained his hind legs. Clearly, Sweeper had learned from the first sight.

Casemate struggled to free himself, but it was all in vain. Sweeper’s size and weight kept him from making an effective attempt to break out.

“Gotcha, ya little roach!” Sweeper said condescendingly, his mouth curling into a malicious smile as he leaned down towards Casemate’s face. He brought out his knife, putting it right up to Casemate’s throat.

“You’re gonna pay for what ya did.” He said in a tone that caused Luna’s fur to stand a bit.

But even at knifepoint, Casemate didn’t seem to show much fear. “Go to Tartarus, Sweeper!” He shouted, following up by spitting in his face.

Sweeper sputtered in sheer surprise at Casemate’s defiant act, taken completely off guard. But after this short moment of consternation, his face became contorted into an expression of sheer rage.

“I’M GONNA GOUGE YOUR EYE OUT, RUNT!” Sweeper roared, raising his knife above Casemate’s right eye, ready to make good on his word.

At this moment, Casemate finally seemed to look worried, and even a bit fearful. It seemed to Luna that he had just realized just how bad of a situation his anger had gotten him…

Sweeper held his blade up for a moment, his eyes staring maniacally at Casemate.

“STOP!” Edelweiss cried out, and Luna watched in awe as the small filly charged the far larger Sweeper, slamming into him!

However, she was too late to prevent him from bringing the knife down. Sweeper thrust it down as hard as he could, and Luna could hear the gut-twisting sound of flesh being torn by the blade.

But thanks to Edelweiss’ bravery, Sweeper was jolted to the side, and missed Casemate’s eye! Instead, his knife had impaled Casemate’s right ear, becoming lodged in the wooden roof that he was lying on!

Casemate gave a shout as blood began to flow from his pierced ear. He tried to thrash to the side, but he suddenly gave a louder, pained cry as the knife remained lodged, cutting his ear even further instead. He closed his watering eyes tight and grimaced in an involuntary reaction to the pain that he was in, pinned to the roof by the knife through his ear.

Luna’s stomach churned to see this wound. Casemate was very much in pain, and in a very bad spot.

While Luna felt her stomach drop from the momentary horror of seeing this injury occur, something familiar clicked. The princess looked to the Warden. Specifically, his torn and scarred right ear. The pieces fell into place. So that was how he had come to lose part of one of his ears…

Her attention was drawn back into the fight by a furious shout given by Sweeper, who had gotten off of Casemate and was now facing Edelweiss, who was now trying to step back after shoving him.

“Oh, ya rotten-!”

Before Edelweiss could react, Sweeper lunged forwards and enveloped his long forelegs around her violently, hatred flashing in his eyes.

Edelweiss gave a terrified exclamation, her blue eyes wide with terror upon realizing that she was helpless in his grasp. She struggled, but it was to no avail. With a grunt, Sweeper stood on his hind legs, lifting Edelweiss clear off the rooftop.

Casemate, no longer pinned by Sweeper and seeing Edelweiss being picked up, took on a genuinely frantic expression. He put his two front hooves up to the knife, fighting the pain to try and dislodge the knife from the roof to free himself. He gave a few grunts, baring his teeth as he jerked and pulled at it, wincing and making pained sounds with each motion.

But the knife was stuck fast. It was still holding him by his ear, forcing him to lie on his back as he watched Sweeper take Edelweiss a few steps closer to the roof’s edge.

Luna’s heart was beating hard. This was a hard fight to watch, and a suspenseful one at that.

Edelweiss continued to struggle, more so out of desperation than anything else. Although she wasn't able to break free, it did compel Sweeper to stop short of the roof’s edge.

Agh!” He growled through clenched teeth, deciding to stop going through the effort of carrying her. “Get outta me sight!”

Then, with a shout of exertion, he tossed Edelweiss up into the air, towards the edge of the roof!

Luna gasped in terror as Edelweiss impacted the roof less than a foot away from the drop.

The filly landed with a thud, some air being forced out of her lungs with a grunt. To her horror, her momentum caused her to roll the rest of the short distance to the edge, helpless. As she came up to the cusp of the roof’s edge, her eyes opened wider than they had ever been, and she screamed.


Luna couldn’t breathe or even move, her horrified mind only capable of focusing on the filly as she began to tumble over the edge, hind legs first.

Now acting purely on survival instincts, the filly desperately flailed her forelegs as her rear half fell away. By some miracle, she managed to catch a hold, stopping herself from falling several stories onto the stone street below!

A brief burst of relief allowed Luna to take a breath, but her heart still felt frozen out of dread. Edelweiss was now hanging half over the edge, unable to pull herself back up!

Then, as if to make things even bleaker, Sweeper gave a single, bemused laugh and took a step towards her, malice shining in his eyes.

It didn't take much for Luna to realize that he was going to try to finish her off…

But before Sweeper could get close enough to Edelweiss to do this, Luna heard Casemate scream in pain as a sickening, wet tearing sound caused the bully to turn around.

Luna also turned her attention to Casemate, and she felt her heart jump out of what could only be described as joy, relief, and above all, awe.

Casemate was on his hooves, his right ear now mutilated to the point where it was now in several bloody pieces hanging down. His face showed the pain that he was in, and blood was falling down the side of his head, soaking into his blue fur.

In an effort to piece together what had just happened, Luna looked at the knife, and it was still stuck in the roof, where it was before. She realized what had happened in a moment, but she could hardly believe it, and by the looks of it, Sweeper couldn't either, for his own eyes widened as he realized

Casemate, still unable to remove the blade, elected to sacrifice his ear and tore it free of the knife.

Despite the pain he was clearly in, Casemate flew into a rage, and charged Sweeper.

Sweeper, perhaps a bit shaken by Casemate’s voluntary mutilation, threw his hooves in front of him and backed away, his eyes widened by the onset of slight panic.

In moments, Casemate was upon him. Like before, driven by pure rage, he began to rain blow after furious blow upon Sweeper, who tried several times to shove the berzerk colt back, each time to no avail.

The bully, while he was currently weathering the raining blows, looked at his knife, still stuck in the roof a distance off. Understanding that he was a coward at heart, Luna knew that he wanted to get the knife back before facing Casemate further.

Sweeper tried to break away from Casemate, not wishing to confront him without tilting the odds in his own favor with his blade. But try as he might, he was unable to shake Casemate off, forced to do his best to block the wrathful colt’s barrage.

In a way, Luna understood why Casemate was being so tenacious. Not only was he furious at Sweeper, but he may have realized that he couldn’t let the bully regain his blade.

Then, seeing that he wasn’t going to be able to obtain the knife without fighting Casemate further, Sweeper broke his defenses and tried to strike his opponent in the face.

But Casemate swept to the side, and jabbed a hoof into his side, landing a blow behind his ribcage.

This caused Sweeper to yelp in surprise and pain, stumbling slightly.

Luna’s excitement rose. Was Casemate gaining the advantage?

Her hopes were suddenly dashed by a frantic cry.


Casemate’s anger broke long enough for him to look back at the source of the cry, and he saw Edelweiss clinging for her life over the roof’s edge!

Casemate’s eyes widened, and he looked back and forth a few times between Edelweiss and Sweeper.

Because of his expression and movements, Luna could see plain as day that the colt was making an extremely important snap decision.

Sweeper was still recovering, but not for much longer. If Casemate went to go help Edelweiss, Sweeper would regain the advantage and possibly regain his knife! The fight would continue!

But if he pressed the advantage against Sweeper, there was a good chance that Casemate would be able to end the fight, but put his friend at risk of falling to her demise!

He had a choice. He could either continue allowing his anger to prevail and crush his foe, or he could protect his friend…

For what felt much longer than it actually was, things fell silent as the colt made his choice.

His eyes lost their wrath-fuelled glint, and Luna felt her heart leap a little as she began to see the colt’s anger relinquish control over his actions.

He inhaled sharply, closing his eyes as he reached his final choice.

Then, Casemate jumped back away from Sweeper, and twirled to face Edelweiss.

“HANG ON!” He ordered, entering an all out gallop to reach her.

Sweeper, now no longer locked in combat, scrambled onto his hooves and made a mad dash for his knife, in the opposite direction.

Casemate slid to a halt, stopping mere inches from the edge. He looked down in fear and concern at Edelweiss, immediately extending a hoof to hers. “Come on!” He said urgently, taking hold.

In that moment, Luna saw a look of pure gratitude and admiration from Edelweiss as she took his hoof.

“O-oh! Thank you!” She said breathlessly, clearly very thankful but still aware that she wasn’t safe just yet.

With no small amount of exertion on both of their parts, the two foals struggled, Casemate pulling Edelweiss up as hard as he could while she tried her hardest to get up.

But after a few seconds of struggling and grunting, Casemate finally pulled Edelweiss up far enough that she could crawl onto the roof!

Luna let out an audible sigh, brought about by the single biggest wave of relief that she had felt tonight. Casemate had overcome his anger enough to have the clarity to rescue his dear friend!

But this sudden high wasn’t over. Edelweiss shakily stood up on her hooves, trembling as she leaned on Casemate for support. Once she was up, tears began to form in her eyes as she gave a stressed but sweet smile.

“Oh sweet Celestia, thank you!” She cried out, throwing her forelegs around his neck, completely ignoring the blood dripping down the side of his head. She was fully underneath the influence of her sheer gratitude and adrenaline.

Casemate’s eyes took on a surprised look as Edelweiss embraced him tightly, and he tensed up. Understandably, he probably wasn’t expecting to be hugged so tightly in the middle of a fight.

That reminded Luna that the fight wasn’t yet over. A grunt, followed by the sound of splitting wood broke her attention and caused her to look at Sweeper, and to her dread, he had managed to retrieve his knife.

The bully wasted little time. Now that he was armed, he began to charge back towards the two foals! If he collided with them, he could possibly send them both over the edge!

Edelweiss, still recovering from her near-death experience, had her back turned towards Sweeper, and was oblivious to everything but Casemate.

But Casemate saw what was coming, and he had a second or two to react.

Luna could see that he had two possible options. He could either try and dodge Sweeper with Edelweiss, but the foals probably wouldn’t succeed, due to them both being a larger target and being slower because of how Casemate would have to move both himself and Edelweiss.

That wasn’t a good option, which left one other course of action, which would require no small amount of selflessness on his part…

“Get off!” Casemate shouted, shoving Edelweiss as hard as he could off to the side and to the roof.

The filly gave a startled noise as she was pushed forcefully and swiftly out of Sweeper’s path, further from the roof’s edge.

Having ensured that she was out of Sweeper’s path, Casemate tried to dodge to the other side, but he had lost too much time getting Edelweiss out of harm's way.

Sweeper plowed into Casemate, forcing the air out of the blue colt’s lungs with the impact. Catching him in a hold, Sweeper slid to a stop, right at the edge, before slamming Casemate onto the roof, holding his upper half over the drop!

It took Edelweiss a moment to see what was happening, and a look of pure desperation appeared on her face.

Luna felt the same way. She caught her breath, putting a hoof to her mouth in horror as Casemate was pinned halfway over the precipice by Sweeper, who had a smug, angry smile on his face.

Although she was shocked by this sudden and dire turn, there was a sense of awe and even a bit of admiration within her…

In a split-second decision, Casemate had elected to do the one thing that he could to ensure the safety of Edelweiss: He pushed her away, remaining in danger for a crucial moment longer.

He had effectively sacrificed himself for her!

Then it occurred to Luna: gradually, his priorities and his driving emotions have been shifting. Initially, he was being driven by his rage and seemed to be focused solely on Sweeper.

But when Edelweiss was nearly thrown over the edge by Sweeper, something in Casemate changed. He willingly ripped his ear away from the knife, his emotions shifted to one that was less wrathful and more protective of Edelweiss, and she began to become his primary concern.

A thrill jolted through Luna. He was growing! It was as if Edelweiss’ suspicions that a warden was meant to be a protector first and a warrior second was sticking with him. He was no longer adhering to his father’s belief of what a Warden should be.

Meanwhile, Sweeper continued to grin, holding the point of his knife at Casemate’s chest, while he kept his rear knees on his gut, keeping him unable to break loose. “Got ya this time, runt.” He mocked. “How about I stick ya a few times, then allow gravity to do the rest?”

Casemate, while visibly alarmed, kept a defiant demeanor about him, keeping his eyes locked on Sweeper’s, and keeping his mouth drawn shut.

Edelweiss, who had been frozen in terror upon seeing the mortal danger Casemate was in, cried out and rushed at Sweeper!

“LET HIM GO!” She shouted frantically, running as hard as she could into him.

Sweeper was barely budged by Edelweiss, and she began to desperately hit him over and over again, trying to get him to let go of Casemate.

But Sweeper weathered the blows, barely acknowledging the filly as he simply took one forehoof, not the one holding the knife, and shoved her away with an irritated look.

Edelweiss stumbled back, and a burst of anger flashed in Casemate's eyes. Then, in a tone that was subdued but very firm, he spoke to Sweeper.

“Leave her alone.”

Luna’s ears perked a little. This was the calmest that Casemate had sounded since the fight began. But there was still a sort of cool sternness and a hint of a threat in his tone.

It sounded less like the rage filled colt he was earlier, and more like his adult self.

Sweeper simply grinned out of spite, placing his free hoof back on Casemate. “Ya can't tell me what to do, runt.” He growled, pushing him a little further over the edge. Much of Casemate's upper half was suspended over the stone street below, hanging precariously. “I’m gonna-”


Edelweiss’ sudden cry cut off Sweeper's threat, and he turned his head just in time to see that not only had the filly gotten back up, but was charging him yet again! Sweeper, still holding Casemate in place, could only watch in frustration as the filly rammed him a second time.

Luna couldn't help but admire the tenacity and courage of Edelweiss. Although she lacked Casemate's talent for fighting, she certainly matched his courage. Like the tough flower that she bore on her flank, she truly was resilient.

However, all the courage in the world wouldn't enable the filly to take down Sweeper, who was easily twice her size and weight. Despite the flurry of undirected blows, she wasn't having much effect on him.

But a furious growl from Sweeper showed that she was eroding his patience, quick.

“That's it, you’re done!” He yelled, and Luna felt her heart freeze as he took both of his forelegs off of Casemate, and coiled up to stab the filly with his bloodied knife.

But in a blink of an eye, things took a drastic turn, and Luna watched in awe as she watched the next few seconds unfold.

A spark flashed in Casemate’s eyes, as if something finally clicked in his mind as he looked between Edelweiss and Sweeper’s knife.

Then, his flanks began to glow.

In the moment during Sweeper’s preparation to deliver a grievous blow to Edelweiss, Casemate, now partially unpinned, lashed upwards at Sweeper with both his forelegs with lightning quick speed. His legs caught Sweeper’s hoof that was holding the knife, catching it in place and holding it firmly as the bully tried to jab his knife into Edelweiss.

But Casemate kept Sweeper from doing so, allowing Edelweiss to jump back after realizing that she had been reckless.

Sweeper watched as she jumped back out of reach, and looked hatefully at Casemate. Giving an exerted groan, the bully tried to wrest his hoof out of Casemate’s grip!

“Ya little bast-”

His voice trailed off before he could finish the insult. He had just noticed that Casemate’s flanks were glowing brighter now, and he still couldn’t shake Casemate’s grip. Gradually, Sweeper’s anger began to melt away, being replaced by uncertainty and fear as he began to realize that Casemate held control over his armed hoof.

It was at that moment that the glow on Casemate’s flanks faded, and a pentagonal, pointed shape appeared in its place; a profile of a star fort.

Luna’s heart skipped a beat.

This was how the Warden earned his cutie mark!

However, Casemate didn’t seem to notice. In fact, his gaze became fiercer than ever before, and a new type of anger washed over his face.

It wasn’t the wild rage he had before, but a refined and ominous burning, as if he understood that he was going to pull out all the stops, and he knew exactly how he was going to do it.

“Leave. Her. Alone!”

With that cry, Casemate twisted Sweeper’s foreleg with a sharp movement! There was an audible pop which caused Luna to wince, and Sweeper howled.

The bully jumped back, dropping the blade and his foreleg going limp, but Casemate held on, allowing Sweeper to pull him away from the edge of the roof.

A look of sheer terror contorted Sweeper’s face as he recoiled wildly, trying to get away from the vengeful colt.


That was as far as he got before Casemate shifted back a moment, took up a stance, and erupted.

With deceptively quick movements, Casemate delivered a kick to his face, followed by one blow to each of his front legs with pinpoint precision, causing Sweeper to stumble painfully onto his knees.

Luna immediately recognized the technique. It was the very same one that she had seen him practicing a few sequences earlier, with his father!

Right as Sweeper sunk to his knees, Casemate performed the next move, spinning around and bucking his chest. Sweeper wheezed and collapsed as Casemate’s hooves slammed into his chest.

Edelweiss watched with her mouth open, stunned at the reversal.

As Sweeper desperately gasped for breath, Casemate paused, looking at Edelweiss for a moment. His expression visibly relaxed as he looked at her, then hardened as he looked down at Sweeper, who was trying to crawl onto his hooves.

“You should have left her alone.” He said plainly to the bully at his knees.

Sweeper only furrowed his brow, trying to process how things turned against him so strongly in such a short amount of time while his chest heaved and his eyes watered.

Casemate and Sweeper looked at each other for a few seconds more, then Casemate spun around one final time, extending one of his hind legs.


That was the last thing out of Sweeper’s mouth before Casemate perfectly executed the final kick that he struggled with so much before, slamming his hoof onto the side of Sweeper’s head with a sharp smack.

Sweeper had no chance against the precise blow, falling onto the roof and going completely limp, unconscious.

It was over.

A heavy silence fell upon the rooftop, as the adrenaline died down. Casemate stood, breathing heavily as he looked down at Sweeper laying crumpled before him. A gentle gust of wind stirred his mane and tail, and the top of the sun finally fell below the horizon.


Casemate turned to face Edelweiss upon hearing her voice, giving her a questioning glance.


“You- You have your cutie mark…”

Hearing her say this, Casemate took a look back at his flanks, and for the first time, saw his cutie mark.

He didn’t say anything, but his eyes widened and his mouth opened a bit.

He had just discovered what kind of a warden he was meant to be!

He stared at his mark for a few seconds, stunned. Then, slowly, he looked back up at Edelweiss, who was approaching him.

She stopped right in front of him, a foot away, their eyes locking as if they were wordlessly confirming that the events of the past few minutes had actually happened.

Then, a smile slowly crept across Casemate’s snout, and Luna could practically feel his relief and joy. The colt gave a single, breathless laugh, his eyes shimmering happily.

Edelweiss couldn't hold back a smile either, and she lunged forward, catching Casemate in a tight, spontaneous embrace. “By the sun, you finally got your mark!” She exclaimed joyfully.

“Y-yeah… I… I did!” He said in reply, returning the embrace just as enthusiastically, which went to show just how joyful he was as well, given how he usually hesitated before hugging others.

Edelweiss closed her eyes, and lay her head on his shoulder. Casemate closed his own eyes, and he squeezed her a bit as a more somber look lessened his smile.

“Even if I didn't get my mark, I would have been happy to have kept you from dying.” He said, exhaling shakily. “I don't know what I would have done if you- Well…”

“But I’m alive, Casey.” She murmured, exhaling with a hint of emotion as she pulled her head back up. “Don't worry about it… Besides, I can't really thank you enough for-”

Her voice trailed off as both she and Casemate noticed that there was blood now on her white fur.

Casemate looked alarmed. “Wait, are you bleeding? Are you hurt?” He asked with increasing alarm, not aware that the blood was actually his own.

“N-no, but you are!” Edelweiss exclaimed, now sounding worried. “Your ear is-”

Her words died off as the extent of Casemate’s injury became apparent. Her eyes widened, and she placed a hoof gingerly on the destroyed ear, and Casemate winced, pulling back.

“Ow! Don’t touch it!”

“Ah-! Sorry!” Edelweiss apologized, flinching and putting her hooves over her mouth, clearly regretful that she had unintentionally caused him pain.

Casemate sighed through his teeth, the burning pain beginning to set in as the adrenaline died down. He placed a hoof tenderly up to his ear, and winced again as he felt the pieces of his ear dangling down.

Just then, Sweeper made an audible groan, still unconscious. Both Casemate and Edelweiss looked at him, then at each other.

After a moment’s silence, they both seemed to understand what each other were thinking.

“We need to get out of here before he gets up.” Casemate said with a sense of urgency, looking at the access door leading into the building.

Edelweiss nodded.

“Agreed. Hurry!”

The two foals then rushed off to the door, eager to create distance between themselves and Sweeper. Within seconds, Casemate opened the door, and the pair rushed through, closing it behind them.

Now it was the unconscious Sweeper, Princess Luna, and the Warden left up there.

Luna exhaled deeply, allowing the pent up energy that had accumulated within her during the fight to dissipate. However, even though her body was calming down, her mind was racing, dwelling on the implications of the fight.

She had just witnessed Casemate earn his mark, overcome his rage, and further develop his relationship with Edelweiss.

“Is the sequence over?”

The Warden’s question pulled the princess’ attention away from her internal thoughts. Clearly, he was ready to move along to the next sequence, if this one was over. At first glance, that seemed to be the case, but Luna couldn’t say for sure without checking.

She shot him an uncertain glance before taking a moment to feel out this sequence, closing her eyes and peering deeper into the fabric of the Warden’s dream.

It wasn’t.

Luna opened her eyes, and looked at the Warden, who was gazing back at her with a mixture of curiosity and sternness.

“...No, actually.” She replied gently.

Upon hearing her say this, the Warden gave a single nod, and strode to the edge of the roof, looking down.

Luna followed suit, gracefully walking up to his side, looking down upon the street below as her ethereal mane and tail sparkled and glimmered in the dying light.

After a few moments, the front door of the building opened, and Casemate and Edelweiss walked out quickly into the street.

After watching the two walk a short distance away, the Warden spoke up, speaking to Luna without making eye contact.

“Very well. Let’s follow them.”

Luna glanced sideways at him, seeing the serious expression that he wore so often.

She remained silent for a few seconds, still wishing to discuss the events that she had just witnessed with the Warden.

But the sequence was still ongoing, and she didn’t feel worthy to go against his will.

Following this silent moment, she sighed.

“Alright. Hold on.”

Her horn began to glow, and within a second, she teleported herself and the Warden down onto the street, ready to resume…

Chapter 11: Evolving Friendship

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It didn’t take long for Luna and the Warden to catch up to the pair of foals, despite them being in an all out gallop for a minute.

At one point, after rounding a corner, Casemate turned his head to check behind them. Sure enough, Sweeper was not giving chase.

“Alright…” He said, breathing heavily and putting out a hoof in front of Edelweiss as the pair slowed. “I think we’re good.”

Edelweiss nodded and stopped for a moment, catching her breath.

They were now on a cobble street lit by gas lamps, flanked on either side by brick buildings reaching up a few stories. Various storefronts were closed up for the night at ground level, and several windows higher up were illuminated, showing where ponies were settling down for the night. The stars were beginning to twinkle and shimmer in the late dusk light, and the sky was a deep purple hue, darkening by the minute.

After a minute of recovery, Casemate gently tapped Edelweiss’ back. “Come on.” He beckoned, gesturing down the street.

Edelweiss nodded, and the pair began to walk along, side by side.

Luna saw blood from Casemate’s mutilated ear dripping off of his head and onto the stones below their hooves, leaving a small trail of small, red dots. A gust of wind arose along the concourse, and Casemate audibly winced as the air stimulated his wound, inhaling sharply through his teeth.

Edelweiss noticed, and she looked up at him, her eyes revealing sympathy and regret.

“Casey?” She asked meekly. “How badly does it hurt?”

Casemate turned his head to look at her.

“It’s alright, I’ll live… Probably.” He groaned, resisting the urge to caress the stinging wound.

Edelweiss didn’t seem to take much comfort in that answer.

“I’m so sorry, Casey… It wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t allowed myself to get caught by him…” She said sorrowfully, her ears drooping.

Casemate looked out ahead, as if thinking of what to say.

“Don’t feel guilty. It was my choice, and it helped show me what my purpose is.” He replied, looking back at his flank, viewing his cutie mark, still looking thoughtful. “I get it now... I knew what a Warden shouldn’t be, but I didn’t quite understand what one should be. I mean, my father’s characteristics since the loss of my mother was anger and brutality…”

He glanced back up to Edelweiss, who had her ears turned towards him as he continued.

“But when you mentioned the fact that Wardens were possibly meant to be protectors first and warriors second, it made me think. Then Sweeper showed up, he stabbed my ear, and threw you off the roof…” He sighed, pausing for a moment. “I think my priorities began to shift at that moment. I began to care less about taking Sweeper down, and more about protecting you.”

Edelweiss’ eyes began to shimmer a bit in wonder.

“Yeah… You did begin to be less focused on him and more on keeping me safe…” She murmured. “I guess when he almost stabbed me, it finally clicked?”

“I don’t know what it was, honestly. It was weird, like for a few moments, I was so angry at him but I no longer wanted to take him down. Rather, I just wanted you to be safe…” Casemate explained, shaking his head. “Then I just began to act on my own, fighting Sweeper not for the sake of getting rid of him, but solely for protecting you, no matter what sacrifice I had to make.”

The colt looked at his cutie mark again, as did Edelweiss.

“That’s what a Warden is meant to do. He isn’t meant to kill enemies for the sake of killing them, he is meant to fight for the sake of those who need a protector, and if needed, sacrifice himself!”

Casemate fell silent for a moment, adding.

“I’m meant to be a hero, not just a warrior… You were right.”

Edelweiss’ ears drooped in awe as this realization sank in, and a slight smile began to appear on her face.

“I guess so.” She said quietly, her smile fading as she looked downwards. “But I still feel bad making you lose your ear…”

“But you saved me.” He objected, looking at her with a subtle but happy expression. “You kept him from stabbing my eye out, if not worse. Honestly…” He stopped, chuckling once. “I’d rather lose an ear than an eye… Or you.”

Edelweiss’ eyes widened, averting her gaze in a momentary onset of bashfulness.

“B-but… You had to hurt yourself to save me, and you even allowed yourself to get caught by getting me out of the way first! Am- Am I really worthy of what you did?”

It seemed to Luna that Edelweiss, despite her resilience, did have struggles with self-esteem.

Thankfully, Casemate did not hesitate to answer.

“Yes.” He replied earnestly. “You’re my first true friend, you helped me get my mark, and you saved me. Saving you was more than worth it, Edelweiss.”

The filly looked at him with an expression of wonder, the lamplight flickering in her blue eyes. She stopped in her tracks, and for the first time, Luna saw adoration in her gaze. Casemate stopped as well, looking at her questioningly, as if wondering why she had stopped.

It wasn’t immediately obvious, but there was a slight blush on Edelweiss’ face as a genuine smile played across her lips. She glanced to the side shyly for a moment.

“I-it was?” She asked softly, shuffling one of her hooves. “Well… I guess you deserve this, at the very least.”

She took a few steps closer to Casemate, getting close. He looked at her curiously, but held his ground, letting her get close. His remaining ear tilted slightly to the side, and his green eyes shimmered in the low light.

Edelweiss paused for a moment, as if building some courage. Then, without much warning, she leaned in towards his face, and planted a quick kiss onto his cheek, before stepping back.

Her face was a shade of light pink, and she smiled bashfully as she looked towards the ground.

“There. Thank you, Casey…” She murmured, looking at him.

Casemate didn’t move a muscle immediately following the kiss. He stood there for a moment or two, his eyes wide as he struggled to process the moment, his expression blank. Then, he blinked a few times, inhaled deeply, and a slight smile began to appear as he relaxed, accepting the gesture.

Luna put a hoof to her mouth, smiling upon witnessing this special moment. For a few precious seconds, any memory of her doings as Nightmare Moon faded away, replaced by an unstoppable sense of joy and warmth. She felt like her heart was about to explode from the adorable actions of the grateful filly and the stunning growth of character from Casemate.

Luna could feel a similar set of emotions from the Warden as well. A sense of warmth, joy, fondness, and love radiating from his very soul. She turned to look at him standing next to her, and she saw a slight smile on his face as well.

She felt shocked. This was the first time that she had seen him smile!

Just like anypony else, he was capable of feeling warmth, love, and happiness. Of course, Luna knew this, but it was relieving to see proof that he wasn’t completely consumed by hate and anger towards her.

“Are you going to say anything, Casey?” The filly asked with a quiet giggle, breaking the silence and drawing Luna’s attention back to the dream.

Casemate nodded. “U-uh… Yeah. Yeah, thank you, that was… Nice.” He replied, stumbling over his words a little in a rare display of nervousness. But, he still smiled all the same. “You’re welcome, Edelweiss.”

Edelweiss nodded too, smiling sheepishly. “Should we keep walking?”

Casemate nodded, sighing deeply and happily. “Yep.”

The two foals resumed their walk down the street, moving past the series of flickering lamps, passing from illuminated areas to the darkened stretches in between, followed by Luna and the Warden.

After a minute or two of this, Edelweiss looked at their surroundings with a curious expression, then up at Casemate.

“Uh, Casey? Where are we even going? The place I’m staying at is that way…” She said with uncertainty, pointing in the opposite direction of their travel.

A determined glint shone in Casemate’s eye.

“You’re coming home with me. You aren’t living out there on the street any more after tonight.”

“What?!” Edelweiss asked, halting for a moment. “Why?”

Casemate stopped, turning to face her.

“Because you helped me so much!” He responded. “You helped me find my purpose, and you are my friend. Now that I know about your past, I want to help you find a family who will love you in return!”

“B-b-but… I can’t!” Edelweiss stuttered. “I’m a street pony! Your aunt and uncle are wealthy, and- They won’t take a filly like me in as a daughter!”

“They will.” Casemate responded. “Once they hear your story, they will.”

Edelweiss began to appear slightly ashamed.

“But- I don’t deserve-”

“Hup!” Casemate interrupted, placing a hoof to her mouth, silencing her. “You saved me from Sweeper, you will be safer with my aunt and uncle than out on the street, you helped me find my true purpose, and it is the least I can do for my friend!” He retorted strongly, before sighing and backing up a step.

“You’re special, Edelweiss.” He said quietly, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “You’ve done so much for me, and you didn’t deserve anything bad that has happened to you. You’re my friend, so let me be a good friend in return, okay?”

Edelweiss’ eyes widened as she realized what Casemate was willing to do for her. Her ears lowered, her eyes began to water, and casting aside any restraint, she smiled sweetly and wrapped her forelegs around his neck.

“Thank you…” She murmured quietly, her voice trembling slightly. “Thank you, Casey…”

Casemate smiled in response, and for a minute, the two foals held each other closely while Edelweiss sniffed and tried to steady her emotions.

Luna knew that it must have felt like a massive weight had been removed from her shoulders. To be presented with a safe home, the means by which to not go hungry, thirsty, or cold again, and a new family that would take her as one of their own had to have been overwhelming.

The filly breathed deeply a few times, gathering herself before sighing and letting go. Casemate let go as well, stepping back and gesturing in the direction they were headed.

“Come on, Edel.”

The filly nodded in agreement, and together, the two foals walked off down the street, keeping a little closer than they were before…

Finally, the sequence drew to a close, and the environment around Luna and the Warden faded away.

Both remained silent, processing what they had seen in this longer sequence. Luna in particular, was deep in her mind, reflecting on all of it, from the two foals opening up, to the fight, and the pair growing closer than ever before. There was so much to unpack, it was almost impossible for Luna to figure out where to even start.

This whole sequence was a roller coaster of emotions, for sure. From the heartbreaking reality of Edelweiss’ past, the terror of the fight, the sheer excitement of Sweeper’s defeat and the discovery of Casemate’s cutie mark, she felt as if she had just bore witness to one of the most enrapturing tales she had ever seen.

A sigh from the Warden drew her gaze, finally pulling her out of the introspective daze. He was standing a short distance away, looking out in the direction that his younger self and Edelweiss had gone.

There was still a sense of warmth within him, but it was now tainted. Luna’s heart sank, feeling the emotions of sadness and longing returning to the Warden’s heart.

He missed her.

He remained there like that for a moment, closing his eyes, trying to hide the emotions roiling underneath. But a stoic facade couldn’t hide them from Luna.

The princess of the night sighed quietly, feeling her guilt return after riding the high of seeing Casemate and Edelweiss grow closer. At that moment, she just wanted to see if there was anything she could do to provide comfort.

“Casemate… Do you wish to talk about it before we move on?” She asked with a genuine look.

The Warden opened his eyes, and turned towards her. As he did so, yet again, Luna felt a slow, burning anger reignite within him, mingling with the grief and sorrow. Her ears drooped, and she unconsciously shrunk away a bit, remembering that he hadn’t dropped his anger against her.

But when he spoke, his tone wasn’t angry. He kept a composed manner about him, his tone of voice sounding as if he were teaching her something.

“This was probably the single most impactful day of my life.” He said calmly and simply. “You saw the ways it affected me, yes?”

“Y-yes…” Luna replied quietly. “You really opened yourself up for the first time, and developed a deeper bond with your soulmate, in addition to discovering your true purpose and discovering what it is to be a true Warden…”

The Warden nodded, affirming her observation.

“From that day forth, Edelweiss became the single most important and influential pony in my life.” He said in a matter of fact manner. “On this day alone, she helped me open up and gave me an opportunity to show genuine love and care to a friend who needed me. She correctly advised me on what my true purpose was, and it was because of my discovery that I cared more about protecting others than defeating my enemies at any cost that I got my Cutie mark.”

He paused and looked at the mark on his flank, as did Luna.

“She was the catalyst that enabled me to find it, after you enabled me to run away from my father to search for it. She saved my life, and I saved her. All told, despite the cost…”

He fell silent and ran a hoof along the remnants of his right ear.

“It was worth it… Even if our time together was-”

His voice trailed off, and despite his best efforts to remain stoic, his eyes began to show the turmoil within his soul as a new wave of sadness and anger arose within him.

Luna felt the weight of Nightmare Moon’s misdeeds press painfully on her soul. Edelweiss did so much for him… She enabled him to find his purpose and she would become his true love, as their first kiss earlier indicated.

And Luna would enable Nightmare Moon to destroy that beautiful bond…

“Luna, you know we have done far too much to him and his lovely little special somepony…” Said a malicious voice within her mind. “You are irredeemable…”

Nightmare Moon’s words sank like a dagger into Luna’s soul, and she took a deep, trembling breath as she struggled to keep herself together. She wiped moisture away from her eyes, and for a few seconds, she couldn’t bring herself to even look directly at Casemate.

But as she thought, she realized that Nightmare Moon’s remark was oddly strategic.

Luna’s heart hardened slightly in anger as she realized that her darker self was now resorting to more cowardly tactics to try and dissuade her from her true purpose here: To gain the Warden’s forgiveness.

She shook her head, determination filling her once again. She couldn’t let Nightmare Moon crush her hopes.

Not before finding out what the Warden’s decision would be, anyway…

With an immense mental effort, she shoved her guilt and shame to the back of her mind, and began to think of a way to proceed onwards.

She wasn’t going to get anywhere wallowing in her sorrow.

One question soon arose for the Warden, and after thinking of a way to present it, she spoke.

“Did your relatives take her in?” She asked softly, recalling how Casemate was determined to find Edelweiss a loving family.

The Warden’s anger faded slightly, and a little bit of warmth returned to his soul, to Luna’s relief.

“They did.” He answered, his expression no longer hardened as he looked out ahead. “It took a lot of explaining, but after the panic of seeing my mutilated ear died off, aunt Parapet and her husband did take her in as one of their own.”

This was an answer that Luna needed to hear. Relief and happiness warmed her heart once again, allowing her to no longer feel her sadness, for a time.

“That is most heartwarming to hear.” She murmured softly, her ears and overall mood lifting. “She needed it, and you provided it for her…”

The princess went silent for a second or two, thinking.

“You are aware that you were just as much of a light in her life as she was in yours, yes?” She asked.

Luna felt the Warden’s soul warm up as he heard her words.

“Sometimes I wonder if she did more for me than I did for her…” He said quietly. “But we made each other happy, and I guess that was sufficient.”

He blinked, looking up at Luna again.

“But none of what you just saw would have happened if you hadn’t shown compassion to me and her.”

Luna’s ears twitched as she heard those words. His remark awakened a mixture of thoughts and emotions as she was reminded that this was true.

He wouldn’t have found his true calling, his love, or happiness if she hadn’t visited his dream, guiding him when he needed it most. The same could be said about Edelweiss, too.

More importantly, this admission meant that the Warden understood that she was not evil like Nightmare Moon, but caring and empathetic.

But did that also mean that he thought the same way about her now? After what she had allowed Nightmare Moon to do?

A sense of uncertainty set in. While the Warden admitted to knowing Luna was good and benevolent back then, that didn’t necessarily mean that he did so now.

As if to cement this fact, she felt the Warden’s happiness fade as resentment and sadness resumed their dominance over his feelings. It was safe to presume that he didn’t hold her in such high esteem any more, and she felt her heart grow heavy as this fact arose…

“Next one.” The Warden said, breaking the heavy silence.

Luna didn’t say anything. She nodded once, set her horn aglow, and began to manipulate the dream once more.

As she did so, she could not help but wonder what lay in store for Casemate and Edelweiss. But no matter what it was, despite her uncertainty and worry, she needed to see this through, no matter what the Warden thought of her…

Chapter 12: Two Become One

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The sound of a bell ringing in a nearby tower announced that Luna and the Warden had arrived in the next sequence.

Luna looked around, noticing that they were still within Halterburg. However, it appeared to be daytime, and they were within the grounds of the ancient castle that sat at the center of the city. Despite being surrounded by the stone walls, the ground was lush and green, trees grew tall, well kept shrubs and bushes graced the grounds, along with numerous flowers. An oasis of nature amidst the maze of stone and mortar that was Halterburg.

It was pleasantly warm for once, the sun was out and the sky was blue, save for an occasional white cloud drifting by. Birds chirped and darted about between the trees, and a few squirrels hopped from place to place.

Luna let off a silent, relieved sigh, allowing the sights of nature and the warmth of the sun to soothe her soul. Unlike any of the prior events involving this town, things actually felt welcoming.

But as she continued to take in the scene, Luna saw that it wasn't just their surroundings that created this unusually optimistic setting. A short distance away, a bell within a tower rang out, and an open space within the castle green was decorated with white and blue ribbons. Within this space, a dozen or so well dressed ponies were talking excitedly among themselves, looking around, as if they were waiting for somepony to arrive.

Among them was none other than aunt Parapet, seated on a chair and looking older than she did before. Her face was much more weathered, her body shook slightly, and she appeared more frail than before. Still, she had a smile, and her eyes were bright and expressive as she talked in a slightly shaky voice. Luna smiled slightly, being reminded of the elderly Granny Smith in Ponyville. Despite her age, the old mare still had her wits and heart, same as aunt Parapet, it would seem.

At the center of it all, underneath several elevated ribbons and between two bouquets of white and blue flowers, including edelweiss blooms, stood a rather official looking mare, wearing a sash and medallion that denoted her as an officiant of some kind.

Luna heard hoofsteps beside her, and she turned her head to see that the Warden was walking away, his head swiveling all around, his eyes revealing a sense of awe. Within his heart, Luna felt a strong sense of recollection and anticipation. However, unlike the uneasy, apprehensive anticipation that she had felt from him prior, he felt… Excited.

As he walked off, it also struck Luna that he wasn't going in any one direction with a purpose. For once, he wasn't leading or trying to show her something specific. He was legitimately wandering, taking in this moment carefully, taking the time to recall it fully, not caring if Luna saw what he saw, if only for a few moments.

This was very unusual. His mind had almost constantly been on Luna the whole time she had been in his dream, she felt it. He was also always so focused and careful of mind, not allowing his emotions to dictate his decisions easily. For him to cast aside his analytic, stern demeanor for a moment of pure wonder meant that this was something truly special to him…

Slowly, a warm feeling grew within her, and she understood why he was so enraptured.

This was his wedding.

As if to cement this fact further, the bell stopped tolling, and the small crowd of attendees split into two groups before the center, creating a path between them.

Luna felt both her and the Warden’s hearts skip a beat, and she swiftly cantered to his side.

Despite Luna and the Warden being the only real beings, and the other ponies being projections of the Warden's past, for a few seconds, all looked in unison in the same direction, watching, waiting, excited for the union to come, wondering how the pair would look…

Then, out from within the keep, striding through a gateway, they emerged.

Casemate and Edelweiss.

Needless to say, they were no longer foals.

They were both full grown adults, and they had both developed much since the last sequence.

Casemate stood a full foot taller than Edelweiss, and looked like a fine example of a stallion. Tall, confident, muscular. His face had become less round and more sharpened, and overall, he looked more like his current self. Still, being young, he was less worn than he was now, and he didn't have nearly as many scars. Of course, was still missing a part of his right ear, though. He wore a black suit and tie, his silver mane was cut short and slicked back. Luna could not help but admit that he certainly looked handsome here, an admission that felt strange to make.

As for Edelweiss, she matched Casemate’s handsomeness with her beauty. She was about average height for a mare, built solidly, but still possessing a shape befitting an attractive mare. Now that she was clean, Luna could see that her fur was pure white, and her mane and tail were a vibrant pastel yellow. Compared to how she looked as a filly out on the street, she was radiant. She wore a white, elegant gown, with sleeves for her forelegs and a flowing skirt that came down over her flanks and below her hind knees. A bundle of edelweiss flowers were intertwined in her mane, completing her bridal look.

The pair walked along in the meantime, side by side, working their way towards the center. When they reached the attendees, they paused.

Casemate and Edelweiss looked at the ponies who were looking right back at them. The pair looked at each other, and Luna could make out a slight sense of nervousness within both.

This was a big leap. Neither of their lives would be the same from now on. They would be as one, loving and caring for each other until the end.

All that remained was to walk the remaining distance to the officiant, and become husband and wife.

A silence fell for a moment as the pair stood silently, reflecting on everything that has led them to this moment, and wondering what could possibly lie ahead.

Then, as if sensing each other's thoughts, Casemate and Edelweiss looked at each other. When their eyes met, their deep thoughts gave way to mutual reassurance. Both of their expressions softened immediately, and a look of enrapturement showed that at least for a moment, all they were aware of was each other.

Edelweiss smiled warmly, and put up a foreleg towards Casemate. Casemate blinked, smiled slightly, and tenderly put his foreleg around hers. Without a word, they both nodded in unison, as if confirming that they truly wanted nothing more than to take this step.

Luna felt her heart swell. Even for lovers, their bond was strong and special.

Without further delay, the pair began to walk the remaining distance to the officiant. Side by side, forelegs interlocked, they seemed to walk as one.

Before long, they made it to the center stage. Edelweiss gave a final, affectionate squeeze with her foreleg, and the pair separated, stepping apart and standing to either side.

As the officiant began to speak, Luna’s gaze was fixed on the couple standing there, gazing at each other with expressions of genuine love and excitement.

Edelweiss had an excited smile on her face, and her eyes were shining like stars as the realization that this was actually happening seemed to set in.

Casemate, while he was more subtle, still had a visible smile and an eager look in his green eyes.

He was happier here than Luna had ever seen him before. Of course, it was little wonder why, given that this is perhaps the greatest thing to happen to him thus far.

Seeing the two looking at each other like that, clearly eager to spend the rest of their lives with each other, caused Luna to reflect on all that she had seen Casemate undergo to reach this point.

She pondered the loss of his mother, the abuse from his father, his hopelessness as a colt prior to Luna arriving in his dream.

She also recalled how her younger self guided him to Halterburg and the next stage of his development, and how once he arrived, he had his first clash with Sweeper and his first encounter with Edelweiss. Him encountering his aunt also came to mind, and how he finally found a proper home to grow up in.

Luna's gaze shifted more towards Edelweiss, and she reflected on how the two had their first true meeting, and how they ended up befriending each other. She remembered their deep conversation on the rooftop, and the climactic fight that led to Casemate finding his true purpose. Just as important was the moments following, when their love began to make itself known…

They had both undergone so much pain, suffering, and hardship. Yet, they pulled through. Even when it was too much for any one of them to overcome, they managed to persist at each other's side.

Now, they were mere moments from becoming husband and wife.

After so much struggling and growth, they were on the brink of having more fulfillment and happiness than they had ever experienced before.

Luna sighed shakily. Their hardships were not for naught. They deserved this…

Then, the officiant made her closing declaration, catching Luna's full attention.

“I hereby pronounce you as husband and wife!”

Edelweiss didn't hesitate. She instantaneously lunged at Casemate, rearing and wrapping her forelegs around his neck and kissing him deeply. Casemate's eyes widened in surprise at first, and Luna couldn't help but smile and put a hoof to her mouth at his reaction.

But it only took a second for him to wrap his own forelegs around her, and he closed his own eyes, holding Edelweiss close in what could only be described as a magical moment…

The attendees cheered on, a few tossed flower blooms in their direction, and Luna sighed.

If only for a moment, the dark truth of what would eventually occur to them was drowned out by feelings of relief and joy.

These two ponies who understood each other and loved each other dearly, were finally one.

Finally, after what felt like close to ten seconds, Edelweiss finally pulled away from Casemate's lips, inhaling deeply as a light blush turned her cheeks a shade of pink. She smiled and giggled awkwardly, as if she had suddenly realized how aggressively she had kissed her new husband.

Casemate’s chest shook as he laughed silently at Edelweiss, shaking his head slightly. He pulled her close, and hugged her tightly, assuring her that she had done no harm.

Luna sighed happily, her heart at complete ease. It was all so sweet, seeing them together. It was definitely a special bond.

But then she heard the Warden give a subdued grunt. In an instant, Luna was brought down from her momentary high, and she looked at him, wondering what he was feeling about rewatching his wedding to the love of his life.

But he wasn't looking.

Instead, his head was craned up towards the top of the castle walls, away from the celebration and away from the beautiful sight of his younger self and Edelweiss.

Then, Luna felt an odd mix of emotions arise within the Warden, contrasting with the love and warmth that he had been experiencing minutes prior. This caught her full attention, and her own warm feelings gave way to confusion and even a bit of apprehension. What was he doing? What did he see?

“What is it?” She asked quietly.

The Warden didn't make any verbal response. He kept his gaze fixed on the top of the wall, and gestured for Luna to do the same.

Luna, now feeling unbearably curious, turned her eyes up towards where the Warden was looking, and when she did so, chills played down her back.

Standing atop the wall was a metal figure, clad in armor. His head was exposed, and Luna could see that it was an aging stallion, brown in color with blue eyes and a silver mane.

Luna knew who it was, and she uttered his name in awe.


The Warden nodded once in reply, still not saying a word.

The princess looked back down, and she felt an onslaught of questions assail her mind. What was he doing here? Did he always know Casemate was here? Why didn't he make his presence known before, once Casemate ran away?

What were his intentions?

Bastion’s presence cast an ominous mood upon Luna. Yet… He wasn't doing anything but watching.

The princess looked a little closer, and didn't see a single indication of anger or resentment in the older stallion’s face. Of course, the distance made it difficult to tell for sure, but the more she thought about it, the more she began to sense that Bastion wasn't there with anger in his heart…

Was it too much to presume that he was there simply because he wanted to watch his own son become married?

Luna didn't quite know what to think. The memory of how he abused Casemate dwelled in the back of her mind, and she still felt a bit of anger for his mistreatment.

But after what had to have been at least a full decade between now and the day that Casemate ran away, he surely had plenty of time to reflect on how badly he had treated him.

Was his presence here an indicator of a change in heart?

Luna looked back down, breaking her gaze to look at Casemate and Edelweiss, still holding each other.

Edelweiss’ eyes were closed, and she smiled contentedly in Casemate's embrace. Casemate was still smiling as well, but then he caught sight of his father.

He blinked once, his smile immediately faded, and his eyes widened, as if confirming that what he was seeing was real. But after a momentary pause, he understood that it was really him. His brow fell, and his mouth tightened slightly, indicating anger and defensiveness, and he seemed to grip Edelweiss a little tighter.

Despite this, Casemate didn't say a single word.

Having been spotted, Bastion didn't make any moves to be spotted or intervene. He merely met Casemate's gaze for a few seconds more, before turning around and disappearing over the top of the wall.

Casemate continued to glare upwards for a few moments, and Luna could practically see the myriad of thoughts raging in his mind. He was surprised, angry, but also worried.

This was understandable. This was his happiest day in his life thus far, and now of all times, his father makes himself known…


Edelweiss finally opened her eyes, and her own smile began to fade once she saw the look on Casemate's face.


Casemate blinked, looking down at her, worry written on his face.

It was clear to Luna that he wasn't just worried about himself. He was fearful for Edelweiss' well being too, if not more so than his own…

He never did respond to his new wife's question. Instead, he simply held her closer, glancing to the top of the wall, where Bastion had been standing.

As the sequence finally drew to a close, the happiness and joy that had been in Luna's heart had given way to uncertainty. It would seem as if this moment marked the end of a chapter in Casemate's life, and the beginning of another.

Luna sighed heavily, looking towards the Warden. She inhaled in preparation for a question, but something caused her to pause.

There was something mingled with the Warden’s anger, something invisible to the naked eye, but unable to slip past Luna’s attuned senses.

It was faint, but she could feel a sense of remorse coming from the Warden’s heart.

It was unlike anything that she had sensed from him before, unlike the sadness and anger that were predominant prior. This unexpected emotion caused multiple questions to occur within Luna’s mind.

What brought this feeling about?

But try as she might, Luna understood that she couldn’t find answers here. The only thing that she could conclude for sure was that things would become more clear as they pushed onwards.

“Next one?” Luna asked softly, knowing that the only way to go was further.

The Warden nodded, and he gave a forced sigh, further betraying the mixture of emotions within him.


Luna inhaled silently, and her horn began to glow as she changed the nature of the dreamscape around them once more. As she whisked the Warden and herself on to the next sequence, uncertainty and the need for answers dominated her mind. What lay ahead, she had no way of knowing. All that she could be sure of was that it clearly involved his father, and that Casemate's time in Halterburg would soon draw to a close.

Chapter 13: Sins Of The Father

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When the dreamscape cleared, Luna could see that they were indoors, looking as if they were in a home of some kind, a living room in particular. It was well furnished, and it was decorated in a manner that told of high class origins but also of a practical nature.

The room itself was modestly sized, with a fireplace, dark wooden walls, a wooden floor, several decorative rugs, multiple plush chairs, and a small table or two.

All told, it had the appearance of a sitting room in an urban home, leading Luna to conclude that they were still in Halterburg.

In one of the chairs, Casemate was sitting, quietly reading a novel, his eyes analyzing the pages before him.

Luna glanced around the peaceful scene, wondering what would transpire. If this was an important event, then something would happen…

Sure enough, before long, Edelweiss strode through a doorway, seeming to be looking for something.

Luna and The Warden watched his wife walk about the room, looking up and down for something.

As her hoofsteps fell on the wooden floor, Casemate's gaze hardened a little as his focus began to waver.

But Edelweiss continued, looking up, down, and around.

Finally, Casemate blinked and broke his gaze, looking up at Edelweiss.

“Edel? What are you looking for?” He asked, a bit of irritation in his tone.

Edelweiss turned to face him, looking dead serious.

“For my Warden.” She said plainly, not breaking her serious demeanor.

Casemate tilted his head, his snout scrunching in slight confusion.

But then, a small smile crept across Edelweiss’ face, and she stepped to her husband’s side, kneeling down and kissing him on the cheek quickly.

“Found him.” She declared, and Casemate looked up at her as she drew back. His brow remained lowered in an attempt to look irritated at the interruption, but an uncontrollable smile played across his lips as a quiet scoff left his mouth.

“Dang it, Edel.” He mumbled, shaking his head but still smiling. “Get back here, I can't let that stand.”

Edelweiss simply smiled, and knelt back down, allowing Casemate to plant a kiss on her lips for a moment, before pulling back.

Luna smiled, feeling some happiness welling up within upon seeing the two act as a couple. Despite clearly having the annoyances that come with living together, their love prevailed.

She also felt similar emotions from the Warden, overcoming the sense of anger that he had been feeling earlier.

But there was also a sense of anticipation coming from him as well, and Luna began to feel the same way. She couldn't quite tell how long it had been since the marriage, but it must have been at least a few months.

The image of Bastion gazing down upon the marriage ceremony from the castle walls stuck out in Luna's mind. His very presence there radiated uncertainty that penetrated Luna's heart.

Would she find out what he was doing, spying upon his son from afar? Were his reasons purely out of love for his son, or was there an ulterior motive?

On a similar note, would she find out why he felt remorse when he saw his father?

Her train of thought was interrupted by a peculiar whirring sound coming from the fireplace, which was not currently burning. The princess blinked, her full attention turning to the source of the sound.

What in the world was that?

Casemate's intact ear bolted upright in an instant, and he stood up, dropping the book to the floor as his green eyes adopted a sharp gleam, fixed on the fireplace.

Edelweiss' romantic expression also immediately faded, and her eyes widened in uncertainty as the sound grew more distinct.

“What is that?” She asked, her uncertainty clear to be heard.

Casemate placed a hoof on her chest, gently pushing her behind him as he placed himself between her and the sound.

“I’ve heard it before…” He murmured, his full attention still on the sound. “I can't quite-”

Then, to Luna's surprise, a small metal blur darted out of the fireplace, like some sort of mechanical hummingbird, whirring and darting about.

Edelweiss took a step back, adopting a defensive stance, having never seen such a thing before. But as the thing came to a halt, Casemate lowered his defense, and his gaze narrowed.

As he examined the odd contraption, Luna did the same. It took the appearance of a small metal sphere, with four arms jutting out, each with an upwards facing propeller holding it up in the air. A small camera lens protruded from the spherical body, looking at Casemate.

Sudden realization shot through Luna. She recalled Celestia and Twilight telling her about a small device that came to them bearing a message from the Warden, on that fateful day when he first returned!

Could it be the same thing?

The small mechanical drone gave a few excited chirps, almost like that of a bird. Casemate's mouth opened, and a look of shock came over his face.

“RAD?” He asked, stunned.

The small drone tweeted excitedly, and did a somersault, making it clear that it knew Casemate.

Edelweiss blinked and tilted her head, one of her ears flopping down as she dropped her defensive stance. Luna could see that her curiosity was piqued, likely because she perceived that her husband didn't treat it as a threat. She stepped out from behind Casemate, staring at the drone.

“Y-you know it?” She asked after a momentary hesitation.

Casemate smiled slightly, nodding excitedly. “Yes. Yes I do!”

He strode closer to the drone, holding a hoof out. As if by command, the drone buzzed and landed on his hoof, giving a content chirp.

“RAD’s one of my grandfather's creations.” He explained, holding it out for Edelweiss to see. “He’s harmless, see?”

Edelweiss paused, her ears lowering slightly in uncertainty for a second or two. But her trust in her husband was stronger than her fear, and she stepped closer, putting her face close to the drone, which beeped in salutation.

“He says hi.” Casemate translated.

Upon hearing this, Edelweiss visibly relaxed, smiling as the drone’s cute behavior began to win her over.

“Um… Hi, uh, RAD. I'm Edelweiss.” She said simply, looking the drone over.

After a moment, the drone looked at Casemate, and chirped.

“I’m happy to see you too.” Casemate replied lightheartedly. But then, his expression shifted from happiness to curiosity. “But… Why are you here?”

RAD tweeted in reply, and with a whir, it took to the air, hovering a few feet off the floor.

Casemate’s entire mood shifted in moments, now no longer appearing happy at all. Rather, his expression darkened, and his mouth curled downwards in an angry frown.

“Oh. He did, did he?” Casemate responded, his tone lowered as his body visibly tensed.

Edelweiss looked concerned, and Luna began to feel the same way. What did the little drone say to anger Casemate?

“What is it?” Edelweiss asked, walking up beside him.

Casemate blinked, and glanced at his wife. His eyes softened upon seeing her concern, but he didn’t respond. Whatever it was, he seemed to be focused on trying to reach a decision.

Then, he looked back at the hovering drone, a steely glint in his eyes.

“Very well, I’ll listen. Play it.” He ordered firmly, and the drone chirped in response. It darted over to the nearest wall, and a bright light began to shine from its camera ‘eye’, projecting an image on the wall.

Once the projection cleared, Luna was shocked to see an image of Bastion!

Her mind raced. What was he doing? Why was he revealing himself? Would this explain why he appeared at Casemate’s wedding, a few months prior?

While Luna grappled with the onslaught of questions, she saw Casemate’s anger visibly arise as he set his jaw, the very sight of his father igniting a deep seated rage within him.

Luna understood why he felt such anger, having seen how Bastion had mistreated him as a colt.

Yet… Bastion looked different than before…

Luna paused to analyze his expression and demeanor. He looked drastically different than before, and it wasn’t just age.

He looked less disheveled than he did back at the cottage, all those sequences ago. He still looked tired though, although that may have been due in part to his more advanced age, and the additional lines on his face.

It wasn’t just that, though. His posture was more limp, his expression was softer too, if not downcast.

Come to think of it, he didn’t look angry or disappointed at all, unlike before. Instead, he just looked… Sad.

Luna felt a cautious hope arising within her. She knew the feelings behind such an expression all too well. Genuine remorse and sorrow.

However, the question still remained: What was the purpose of this?

Before long, the projection of Bastion began to move and speak.

“My son…” He began, blinking and looking downwards for a moment. “I have… I have tried coming up with the courage to send this message for days now. If you are hearing this, then it means that I have finally done so…”

Edelweiss’ eyes widened and her ears perked upright, realizing who this was. She looked away for a moment, gazing at her husband and then back at the projection, as if confirming that she was indeed witnessing his father for the first time.

Casemate merely blinked, still looking at the projection with his jaw set and his ear pinned back.

Bastion continued. “First off, I want to congratulate you on all that you have done, son.” He said, looking back up and smiling slightly. “Your marriage especially. I know that you saw me watching.” He admitted, sighing and looking uncomfortable, as if he were about to admit to even more. “You may not know it, but that was the first time I let you notice me. I actually have been watching you for years, watching you grow and develop a beautiful relationship.”

Casemate’s eyes widened at this claim, shock now coming over his face as his father continued.

“I was even watching during the fight in which you earned your cutie mark.” The older stallion said quietly. “I- A part of me wonders if I should have intervened and acted like the father I should have been, but seeing you sacrifice so much for your friend and earn your mark… Well, it made me wonder if my involvement would have simply made things worse…”

Casemate glanced downwards, clearly thinking about this statement as his father continued after a pause.

“But, in any case, I guess I wanted to tell you first that- That I am proud of you, Casemate. You have grown up so much and overcome what I had done to you…” Bastion said, a new level of earnestness and remorse in his eyes. “You became what I could not make you into: a Warden.”

There was a momentary pause, and these words sank in for Luna.

This was a massive revelation, to say the least. Bastion was admitting openly to mistreating Casemate! Not only that, but he also said that he was proud of his achievements!

The skeptical side of Luna questioned whether or not Bastion was telling the truth. But his expression, his demeanor, and his admissions felt genuine.

Uncannily so.

Within Luna, a flicker of hope for Casemate’s relationship with his father began to burn. Were things going to be made right after all this time?

A skeptical huff from Casemate dampened Luna’s hopes, though. Clearly, he wasn’t so easily convinced, which was understandable.

“Now, that brings me to my primary reason why I am making myself known to you now.” Bastion resumed, recapturing Luna’s full attention. “I… Had an experience recently. I cannot go into detail, but it made me realize just how badly I had failed you, my son.”

Bastion sighed, rubbing his eyelids with one of his hooves.

“I’m sorry. For trying to force you to become something you were never meant to be, and for punishing you when you didn’t adhere to my warped perception of what I felt like you should become.”

When he uttered those words, Casemate let out a quiet breath, and Luna felt her heart jump a little.

He had actually apologized!

He was actually trying to set things right after all…

But would Casemate be understanding?

Luna gauged Casemate’s reaction, but he still appeared silently angered. Her heart fell a little more. It didn’t seem as if he was being receptive.

In addition to this, Luna's attention was briefly drawn to the Warden, as she felt his emotions arise within him. Yet again, that unfamiliar mixture of anger and remorse from before was present, sending his heart into tumult. He wasn’t showing many visual indicators, but Luna felt it all the same, and it only caused her craving for answers to arise.

Why did he feel this way?

In the meantime, Bastion continued his message.

“I’ve had a lot of time to think, and I have come to the conclusion that not only have I wronged you, but I am also no longer worthy of the title of Warden.”

Luna saw Casemate’s ear perk up as this admission struck. Was this going in the direction that she thought it was?

Bastion’s blue eyes gained an earnest glint as he seemed to peer through the projection at his son on the other side.

“Son, I do not ask for your forgiveness, since I am unworthy of it. But I do ask that you fulfill your purpose, and take up the mantle of Warden from me.” He said, the weight of his words ever so clear in his tone. “You are more worthy than I could ever dream of being, especially after what I have done. You have come of age, and you also have the chance to be a true Warden, and protect Equestria in the way that we were always meant to.”

Bastion gave a deep breath, his voice subsiding before he continued.

“Please, Casemate. I know I have wronged you, but it is your purpose to be the Warden, and my time is drawing to a close. Don’t leave the ponies of Equestria without a defender…”

Casemate’s expression began to shift. His eyes glanced downwards, and his jaw relaxed somewhat.

He was weighing his options. Luna realized the importance of this moment now. Here, he was faced with the choice of either remaining in Halterburg, or becoming the Warden, taking the mantle from his father and fulfilling his purpose as a selfless defender of all ponies…

A weighty choice indeed.

Luna’s attention also went to Edelweiss for a moment, pondering her reaction to all this. Her eyes were wide and focused, watching Bastion as her ears stood erect, listening to every word.

This had to be a profound experience for her. First, she saw her father in law for the very first time, and second, she was watching her husband come to a crossroads that would impact both of their lives.

Then, Bastion spoke one last time…

“You know where to find me, and I will leave RAD with you. Please, think carefully, and make the right choice. I know you can.”

Upon this, RAD’s light faded, and the image of Bastion on the wall faded away into nothing, the message having come to an end.

A deep silence ensued, and the ponies silently reflected on what they had just witnessed.

Luna dwelled particularly heavily on Bastion. For the most part, his expression was one of a troubled soul and of reflection. It struck Luna that he was perhaps in slight disbelief that he was making such admissions. She couldn’t blame him, though. For much of Casemate’s life, he had tried to mold him into a violent killer, instead of the valiant warrior that he had always been meant to be. He had wronged his own son, and such a realization had to be a painful one.

It couldn’t have been any easier to admit that he had failed as a Warden, too. His whole life, Bastion wanted to be a Warden like his legendary father, Hightower. But instead, he became an angry, bitter individual, who took out his own suffering on Casemate, and in turn, failed his family…

For the first time, Luna realized that she felt pity for Bastion.

Her gaze softened, as parallels between her and him began to arise. They both had committed wrongful acts in the past, and regretted it. They both also felt as if they were unworthy of forgiveness.

But most of all, they both wronged Casemate.

Luna sighed deeply, these parallels striking a little too close to her own heart.

Breaking the silence, Edelweiss spoke softly, placing a hoof on her husband’s shoulder.

“Casey? Are you okay?”

Casemate nodded slowly, taking a deep breath. He continued to look at the wall where the image of his father once was, contemplating. Then, he placed a hoof on Edelweiss’, and smiled slightly in gratitude for her concern.

“Yes. I just… Didn’t expect this.” He answered hesitantly. “Are you all right?”

“I am. Was- was that your father?”

“It was.” Casemate replied, his expression hardening as he glanced towards the wall. “It would seem that he finally realized what he did was wrong.”

Edelweiss began to look more concerned at his change in expression.

“So… What are you going to do?”

“I… I don’t know…” Casemate sighed deeply. “It’s my purpose to be a Warden, I know it. But I don’t want to drag you away from here to live a life of-”

“My home is wherever you are, Casey.” Edelweiss interrupted, looking determined and firm. “Where you go, I want to be.”

Casemate’s ear raised a little, and a look of worry appeared on his face.

“Are you sure? We’ll have to leave Halterburg behind and take up a life of danger and great responsibility.” He said quietly. “I cannot guarantee my safety, or yours. We will be isolated, and I will be a target of Princess Celestia, because of my grandfather’s exile… Are you sure you would be willing to lead such a life?”

Edelweiss paused, her eyes looking thoughtful for a second or two before tenderly placing a hoof on Casemate’s cheek.

“Don’t hold yourself back from your destiny, Casey. Mine is to be wherever you are, and to be there for you. Besides…” She chuckled softly. “I’ve already had a rough life. It’s not something I’m unfamiliar with…”

Casemate glanced into his wife’s eyes, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

“Very well. Then we are in agreement that I should pursue my purpose?” He asked, and Edelweiss nodded.

“We are. I would love nothing more than to see you doing what you were always meant to do.” She responded, smiling in return.

Then, she warmly wrapped her forelegs around him, embracing him warmly, letting him know that her mind was made up. Casemate hugged her back, and for half a minute, the two remained in each other's embrace before stepping back. The couple sighed deeply, allowing the happy feelings to remain for a few seconds more.

But a look of serious thought crossed Edelweiss’ face shortly afterwards, and Luna sensed that she was troubled.

“But… What are you going to do with your father?” She finally asked, ending the silence.

Casemate immediately looked away, his face hardening.

“What about him?” He asks, his tone growing darker.

Edelweiss’ concern visibly grew.

“It seems to me that he regrets what he did to you…”

“And?” Casemate asks, his tone sharpening slightly. “That doesn’t change anything.”

Luna felt a slight chill run down her backside when she heard him speak like this. Clearly he still held a great deal of resentment against Bastion.

“But-” Edelweiss said hesitantly, her voice trailing off as her ears drooped. She glanced around, visibly thinking of what to say. “Casey, I remember everything you told me about him and what he did, and it was despicable. But did you not see how sorry he looked?”

Casemate took a breath, shaking his head. “So what? He just appears a decade after putting me into a situation that required Princess Luna’s intervention, and now he’s sorry?” He asks, scoffing. “He put me through hell.”

“But he was willing to make a genuine apology, and he even kept his distance, letting you grow as you needed, even though he could have snatched you back up at any time.” Edelweiss objected. “Surely this means that he understood that what he did was wrong, even without the apology, which he did make!”

Casemate snorted, flaring his nostrils angrily.

“Really? As if being sorry changes the end result…” He grumbled.

“It does!” Edelweiss protested. “Casey, you are angry at him, and I don’t blame you. But living with unresolved anger is just- Miserable!”

Her countenance fell, and her voice softened.

“I told you about what I underwent after my mother disappeared. I told you about how all that anger and hate I held against the world nearly killed me. Trust me, I know how bad it feels to hold onto anger and bitterness.” She sighed. “This isn’t just for him, Casey. It’s also for you… If you don’t forgive him, not only will he have to bear the unresolved burden of his past actions, but you will suffer and be angry until you die!”

Her speech caught Luna’s full attention. Yet again, the subject of forgiveness had arisen, and the parallels were uncanny.

Casemate was struggling to bring himself to forgive somepony who had wronged him dreadfully in the past.

Bastion was in a similar position to her, that much was certain.

In the meantime, Casemate responded. “But he didn’t ask for my forgiveness, did he? In fact, he said he didn’t want it.”

Edelweiss’ eyes widened, and a look of sadness appeared in them.

“I know he didn’t ask for it, but he did not say that he didn’t want it, either.” She countered. “Casey, this is a chance for you to put that anger to rest! I- I don’t want you to suffer like I did!”

At this, Casemate’s expression became less cold. It seemed his wife’s pleas had broken through his anger, or at least dampened it.

“Please, Casey…” Edelweiss murmured, her own ears drooping. “You don’t have to, but please just think about it, okay? I’m just- Worried that you would rather hold on to resentment than try to resolve it…”

Casemate sighed deeply, looking downwards yet again, visibly swayed by his wife’s words.

“Fine.” He said plainly. “I’ll think about it.”

Once he had said this, the scene faded away, and the sequence drew to a quiet close.

That was when she felt another murmur of remorse coming from the Warden.

Her attention shifted to him once again, as she picked up these unusual emotions.

“There it is again.” She thought silently. “Why does he feel that way?”

His guilt hadn’t arisen at all until he had seen his father in the previous sequence, and now he still seemed to feel that way.

It didn’t take much logic for Luna to conclude that there was a real possibility that it involved his father.

Was he regretting being angry towards him?

This was probable. Luna did notice that Bastion’s behavior and demeanor had shifted dramatically since the second sequence. He looked and sounded far less confrontational now, as well as apologetic.

Luna’s mind dwelled on Bastion for a few moments, as she wondered what she thought. He seemed to be genuinely sorry, at least.

The princess sighed. It seemed like Bastion and her shared much in common. They both were ashamed of how they once were, and were seeking to set things right if possible.

In the very least, Luna’s first conclusion was that she probably would have been less vindictive than Casemate was. Perhaps the Warden felt the same way now?

Or did his remorse have more to do with Edelweiss’ desire for him to forgive his father?

This possibility struck Luna like a blow to the face, and she felt her stomach twist anxiously. Did the Warden feel remorse because he didn’t forgive Bastion?


The Warden’s firm call suddenly snapped Luna out of her thoughts. The dark alicorn blinked several times, shook her head, and composed herself before turning to face him.

“Y-yes?” She asked nervously, hoping that she hadn’t spaced out.

The Warden glared at her for a moment, his eyes glinting in the darkness. Luna noted that the remorse faded away back into the same deep seated anger that he always seemed to hold against her.

“Are we going to the next sequence, or do you need more time?” He asked plainly, not breaking eye contact.

Luna struggled for a few seconds to put together a proper answer and gather her thoughts.

“I-I am. Apologies, I just…” Her voice trailed off, and she shook her head. “Never mind. We shall proceed.”

She put her questions away for the time being, shoving the worrying possibility that the Warden felt guilty because he didn’t forgive his father to the back of her mind. It was time to focus on the dream, not on the events of the past…

Chapter 14: Cold Reunion

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The swirling dreamscape soon reformed into a familiar setting.

Once again, Luna and the Warden were standing in the forest clearing, with the cottage standing in the middle. The skies were blue, the sun was shining, and it appeared to be summer.

Luna took a deep breath, feeling some relief to be outside of the confines of Halterburg at last. The sound of the rustling pines, the crisp mountain air, and the sounds of birds in the background all created a much more serene environment than the rows of winding streets and oppressing brick buildings.

Still, the natural surroundings did little to calm her tumultuous heart, and she was still plagued by the questions caused by the previous sequence.

Would Casemate forgive his father?

She remained still, her mane and tail billowing in the breeze as she looked at the cottage with worry written on her face.

If this sequence was taking place here at the Warden’s home, then there was a good chance that this was the moment when Casemate would take the mantle of Warden from his father.

As if to confirm her suspicions, the sound of rustling pine needles caught her attention. Both she and the Warden turned to face the sound, and saw Casemate and Edelweiss walking out of the forest and into the clearing.

Both ponies had saddlebags on, with various supplies to sustain them through the long journey from Halterburg. They also appeared a bit dirty and tired, Edelweiss more so than Casemate.

When they breached the treeline, Casemate stopped, and Edelweiss strode up next to him, stopping close to his side. Both looked at the cottage, wordlessly realizing that they had reached their destination.

Edelweiss’s blue eyes wandered around the scene, taking it all in with a sense of wonder and even a bit of excitement.

But Casemate’s eyes were locked on the cottage, and his face seemed to harden slightly as he inhaled deeply and slowly.

Luna saw that the memories of this place were haunting him.

But being in tune with her husband, Edelweiss placed a hoof tenderly on his shoulder, taking notice. “Are you okay, Casey?” She asked, looking concerned.

Casemate finally blinked, and looked at Edelweiss with a softened expression.

“It’s been over ten years, Edel.” He murmured. “I’ll be honest, there was a time I had hoped that I would never have to return.”

He sighed, and looked at the cottage.

“But there’s no way around it. My purpose is here.”

Edelweiss nodded understandingly, looking at the cottage too.

“Do you think he’s here?” She asked quietly, after a moment of hesitation.

Casemate nodded tensely.


The couple fell silent for a minute or more, looking at the cottage ahead.

This was the point of no return. Casemate would have to meet his father once more. Luna could see evidence of unease, fear, and anger in his movements and expression. He was not looking forward to it.

Edelweiss remained close to him though, wrapping a foreleg around one of his. She knew that he needed encouragement to carry through.

It also seemed that she was telling the truth when she said that she was happy to be wherever Casemate was. If she didn’t support this action, she wouldn’t have come along or offered support like she was now.

Luna’s heart warmed a bit to see Edelweiss supporting her husband like this. She truly was the best possible match for him.

Edelweiss lightly tugged on his foreleg, and their eyes met once again. After a second, she spoke.

“Before we go up there, I have one question to ask.”

“What?” Casemate asked, his ear raising curiously.

“Have you decided whether or not you will forgive him?”

Casemate’s ear dropped back down in an indication of discomfort.

“I’ve… I’ve given it thought.” He answered hesitantly, glancing away but neglecting to elaborate further.

Edelweiss pushed a bit harder.

“Casey, have you decided?” She asked, a bit slower and more clearly than before, expecting an answer.

Casemate inhaled deeply, still looking away. It seemed as if he hadn’t reached the conclusion that his wife wanted, and he didn’t want to admit it.

“No.” He answered swiftly. “I still haven’t decided what to do.”

Edelweiss began to look worried.

“I see.” She said softly, sighing. She fell silent again, her brow scrunching in concern and thought. “Casey… I can’t force you to make a decision, but the time to make a choice is here, now. We have no way of knowing if you will ever see him again. You will have to choose whether or not to forgive him, and live with that choice until the day you pass on.”

Casemate’s body slumped a bit as he listened to his wife’s words as she continued.

“Please understand that this is not just about him or just for his sake. This is also for you. You hold a lot of anger in your heart against him, and it shows. This could be your only chance to cast it away. Please, just think about that. Okay?”

Edelweiss gave a hopeful look and a smile to Casemate. Although she was trying to hide it, Luna could see the worry and sadness within her. She wanted nothing more than for Casemate to be happy, to be free of the burden of anger and bitterness that he had come to hold. Edelweiss knew just how dark of a place that such anger could bring him, and she absolutely did not want Casemate to suffer that way…

Luna felt her heart stir as she felt a sense of similarity to Edelweiss. The Princess knew all too well the consequences of holding on to hate and anger. Despite the genesis of Nightmare Moon being a very extreme outcome, Luna still felt as if she could sympathize with both her and Casemate.

Holding on to anger only leads to suffering.

After a period of silence, Casemate looked back at the cottage.

“Let’s go.” He said, sounding more resolute.

Edelweiss nodded in response, and together, the couple began to stride towards the cottage. Step after step, they crossed the clearing, Edelweiss looking cautiously hopeful and Casemate never breaking his gaze towards the cottage.

Luna and the Warden cantered along behind them as they approached the front door. While they did so, Luna glanced at the Warden, trying to gauge what he was feeling at the moment.

As was the case with any instance involving Edelweiss, Luna felt a great deal of longing, love, and grief coming from him. But same as before, a sense of guilt was creeping back into his heart, and this time, it showed. The Warden’s ear was drooping, and instead of the stoicism or anger, a look of silent sadness was written on his face.

Luna’s heart sank a bit to feel him like this. While he seemed to view most of the previous events willingly, this was one which he did not seem to want to rewatch.

She felt some apprehension build within her as they reached the front door of the cottage. Whatever was making him feel in such a way, she was about to see for herself.

Casemate and Edelweiss stopped at the front step, looking at the wooden door before them.

Casemate’s ear lowered, telegraphing his unease as the pair stood in silence. A gentle gust stirred their fur, manes, and tails, rustling the tree branches high above.

The silence was deafening.

Then, having worked up his courage, Casemate raised his hoof, and knocked on the door.

He sighed deeply, knowing that if his father was home, there was no way to avoid meeting him now.

For about thirty seconds, nothing happened. Casemate shuffled slightly, appearing stoic but still showing signs of increasing unease. Edelweiss looked up at him, and she gently swished her tail into his, letting him know that she was still there with him.

Then, the sound of the door’s latch caused Casemate’s body to become rigid and his ear bolted upright. Edelweiss tensed slightly as well, her focus now on the door.

With a gentle creak, the door opened inwards, and standing inside was a large, brown earth pony stallion, with a silver mane, sky blue eyes, and a tired appearance.


Simultaneously, everypony’s eyes widened a bit as realizations hit them all at once.

Edelweiss had finally laid eyes on her father in law.

Casemate had finally reunited with his father, after a full decade.

Bastion was meeting his son for the first time in just as long, and was seeing his daughter in law for the first time.

Nopony spoke for at least ten seconds. They all just stood, looking and thinking. All of the years, all of the pain caused… It was all coming to a head now.

Bastion inhaled deeply.

“...Casemate.” He rumbled in a subdued manner, his expression showing a mixture of surprise and regret.

“Father.” Casemate responded plainly, showing less emotion.

The two fell silent, not breaking their gaze. Neither father nor son interrupted each other’s thoughts as they allowed the realization that they were face to face yet again to set in.

Then, Bastion blinked first, and his eyes shifted towards Edelweiss, who seemed to be in awe of the fact that he was even bigger than Casemate. His expression softened further, and he gazed at her with a sense of wonder.

“So, you are my new daughter.” He said quietly in his deep tone.

Edelweiss nodded, and a small smile appeared on her face.

“You are my new father, I presume?” She asks, trying to lift the heavy mood.

Seeing her smile, the corner of Bastion’s mouth curled upwards in a subtle manner. Despite the small smile, his eyes showed a sense of emotion.

“I am.” He said, nodding once.

Edelweiss laughed silently, and she extended a foreleg towards him, as if inviting a hug.

Bastion’s smile faded, as if he were unsure of what to do. He hesitantly raised a foreleg, as if to shake her hoof instead.

But Edelweiss, perhaps understanding the similarities between Casemate and his father, stepped through the door and placed her foreleg around his shoulders, or as far around his shoulders as she could anyway, and squeezed him lightly.

“Oh come on,” she said with a smile; “You didn’t think your daughter in law would settle for a hoofshake, did you?”

Bastion, despite looking unsure for a moment, placed his foreleg around her shoulders and squeezed lightly, giving in.

“No. No, that makes sense.” He said, his slight smile returning. “I am happy to meet my son’s love.”

They released each other after a second, and Edelweiss stepped back, still smiling. It struck Luna that she definitely didn’t perceive Bastion as Casemate did, which was understandable. Unlike her husband, Edelweiss hadn’t seen Bastion at his worst, instead having seen and heard him be remorseful for his misdeeds. Plus, Edelweiss was not one to hold onto resentment, which only made her warm reception of Bastion all the more believable.

Still, even after seeing Edelweiss greet his father, Casemate didn’t appear moved at all. In fact, he seemed to scowl subtly.

Bastion saw this change in expression, and a look of silent remorse took hold once again. He stepped back deeper into the cottage, and gestured towards the interior.

“Come in.” He said calmly. “We have much to discuss.”

Edelweiss nodded and walked in, looking back at Casemate with a pleading gaze. Casemate hesitated, still looking stone-faced. But he followed his wife shortly afterwards.

Luna and the Warden followed as well, and found themselves in the same central room that was in the first sequence.

Once they were all inside, Bastion shut the door as Edelweiss and Casemate looked all around. Edelweiss seemed to look around the interior with a sense of curiosity, having never been there before. But Casemate’s expression showed a sense of familiarity, not looking in order to take in his surroundings, but rather to compare it to how it once was.

When compared to the first sequence, it looked very similar, Luna noted. Even the mirror that Nightmare Moon used to speak with Luna was still there, to the princess’ discomfort. Although Nightmare Moon wasn’t showing herself, Luna knew that she lurked within her, watching, thinking.

In the meantime, Bastion approached Edelweiss and Casemate.

“Take your bags off.” He says, gesturing towards the floor. “I can start preparing a meal for you both. Your journey was a tiring one.”

Casemate’s eyes narrowed, as if he were about to object. But Edelweiss chimed up, cutting Casemate off from speaking his mind.

“Yes, please. That would be greatly appreciated, thank you.” She says with a smile, before glancing at Casemate. “Right?

As she asked this pointed question at Casemate, he came to the realization that she was actively trying to create a concourse between him and his father.

He still seemed prickly, but Casemate nodded once, cautiously giving in.

“Very well.”

“Good. Just give me thirty minutes.” Bastion responded.

He gave a final look at the pair and sighed once, before walking away into the kitchen.

Edelweiss sighed wearily, taking her saddlebags off and letting them slump to the floor.

“Well, this is thoughtful of him, isn’t it?” She asked, turning to face Casemate, who was removing his own gear.

He didn’t share her positive demeanor, instead grunting unintelligibly as he faced away.

Edelweiss tilted her head, looking at him curiously. Then Luna heard her sigh, and she closed her eyes for a moment.

“Casey, he seems nice enough. He has opened his home to us and referred to me as a daughter.” She pointed out, taking a few steps towards Casemate.

“Being his child isn’t a nice thing.” Casemate grumbled, looking out a window at the clearing. “If his treatment of me was any indication, you should be scared to be his daughter.”

Edelweiss’ ears drooped and she stepped away, taken aback. “But he doesn't seem like the angry stallion that he once was, Casey.” She objected, her voice raising a bit in protest. “I don’t doubt that he mistreated you, but I’m just saying that he doesn’t strike me as being that way now.”

Casemate sighed deeply, and he turned to face his wife.

“Just because he’s sorry doesn’t change what happened.” He said solemnly, his expression remaining unchanged.

“I…” Edelweiss’ voice trailed off momentarily as she shook her head slightly. “I know. But at least acknowledge that he has changed and apologized, okay?” She asked, her tone softening. “I think he really regrets what he did.”

Casemate silently gazed at Edelweiss, clearly struggling to make a choice.

It was clear to Luna that his anger was compelling him to continue treating his father coldly, but Edelweiss’ words were keeping him from wholeheartedly doing so.

He sighed, his stance and expression softening.

“I’ll give it a try, Edel.” He mumbled.

Edelweiss smiled upon hearing this, and she embraced him warmly for a moment.

“Thank you.” She said softly, squeezing him lightly. “I know you can forgive him. Just try.”

When she said that, Luna felt a massive wave of regret from the Warden, larger than before. He groaned silently, he looked downwards, and his ear fell in a saddened manner, instead of an angry one. This caused Luna’s ears to twitch in his direction, and she glanced at him.

Meanwhile, the sequence drew to a close, the dreamscape fading into a mist. Seeing this, Luna turned her attention away from the Warden and to the dream.

Casemate was still angry and resentful of his father, that was unmistakable. Yet, his anger was being tempered by Edelweiss. It seemed that he was willing to listen to her and consider her feelings on the matter, a concession that Luna knew wasn’t one that he gave easily.

While he didn’t say anything about forgiving him, he did say that he would at least treat him less coldly. Surely that counted for something.

Yet, the Warden’s sense of remorse remained.

Gradually, her ponderings about the possible reasons why he felt that way made their return. Especially the theory that his remorse was because of him not forgiving his father.

Although Luna didn’t know for sure quite yet, she knew the implications of that theory were worrying.

If Casemate did forgive Bastion, then that would provide a great deal of assurance to her that the Warden did have the capability to forgive.

But if he did not forgive his father, then the likelihood that he would forgive her would be lessened.

A combination of worry, fear, and concern all pulled at Luna’s soul. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that Bastion’s odds of forgiveness would likely reflect her own, and she was seeing the odds becoming slim.

She closed her eyes, doing her best to calm her tumultuous heart. She needed to focus in order to move on to the next sequence.

But before she cast the spell that would initiate the next sequence, she paused. On an impulse, she glanced at the Warden, feeling a need to measure his feelings once more before proceeding.

The Warden’s face was turned downwards a bit, his head slumped lower than usual, and his ear drooped. Luna felt surprised. This was by far the most saddened that he had appeared thus far. His remorse was also noticeable, seeming to amplify her awareness of his downcast appearance.

He was hurting, and Luna’s caring nature tugged at her heart.

She had been worrying about herself this whole time, not really thinking much of how he was feeling. Of course, gaining his forgiveness was her priority here, but she also had an obligation to look out for his well being, as princess of the night.

Besides, after what Nightmare Moon did, Luna owed him that much, at the very least.

Shame crossed her heart as she came to realize this. She wanted to try and correct this, and at least show some concern for him. Quickly, her concern for him outgrew her fears, and she spoke.

“Are you well, Warden?” She asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

The Warden sighed deeply, and turned his face towards her.

“Yes. Why?” He asked curtly, burying the emotions that had surfaced with a harder expression.

“You feel remorse.” Luna answered worriedly, her eyes shimmering with concern. “I can sense it.”

The Warden blinked as he processed her words, and a hint of unpleasant surprise crossed his face.

“You can?” He asked, his tone intensifying an octave.

Luna nodded, feeling worried that he might react poorly to this realization.

But contrary to her fears, the Warden glanced downwards.

“Very well. If that is true, then there is no use in denying it.” He replied in a relinquished manner, looking back out into the void. “You wish to know why, don’t you?”

The princess nodded.

Casemate inhaled gradually, letting off a breath before speaking again.

“You’ll find out why soon enough. Go to the next sequence.”

Luna felt a rare, small sense of relief. Although she could feel that he was still angry at her, he reacted quite well to the realization that she could read him openly. In addition, she had shown that she did actually care for his well being, as she did for all ponies.

Still, she would have to wait before finding out what exactly would transpire between him and his father, and the uncertainty was beginning to gnaw at her.

Luna sighed deeply, closing her eyes and shoving her fears back down. Her horn began to glow, and she cast her influence upon the dreamscape around her, bringing the next sequence…

Chapter 15: The Warden

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When the dreamscape ceased to swirl, Luna saw that they were now in a cavernous chamber, surrounded by equipment and technology that were far ahead of their time. The space was quite vast, surrounded completely by stone, save for a portion of the ceiling which was accessible via a stairway, leading to what Luna presumed to be a trapdoor leading out.

Numerous computers, machining equipment, and other devices unidentifiable to Luna occupied the space, but none of these were nearly as prominent as the massive device at the center of it all. It appeared to be a massive column of metal, wires, and control panels, reaching from the floor to the ceiling of the chamber.

Near this colossal machine stood Bastion, Casemate, and Edelweiss. The latter was looking up at it in awe while Bastion explained it to her.

“That’s the Gatekeeper.” He said, still holding his deep tone. “It houses the capacium reactor that powers everything in here and harnesses cosmic energy to manipulate the barrier between our world and countless others.”

Edelweiss turned her gaze back down to look at her father in law with a stunned look. “Other… Worlds?” She asked, unable to summon other words at the moment.

Bastion nodded. “Yes, unbelievable as it is.”

“W-what are those other worlds like?”

“Oh, I’ve never been to any other worlds.” Bastion admitted. “In fact, I use the Gatekeeper to block connections from forming with other worlds. There’s no telling what dangers lurk on the other side.”

Edelweiss nodded, her expression showing that while she didn’t quite fully understand, she was still listening.

“What’s a reactor?”

“Well, the short answer is that it is a machine that extracts the cosmic energy from capacium.” Bastion summarizes. “It heats the capacium until it reaches a molten state, and captures the immense energy that is released as a result.”

Edelweiss nodded again, trying to grasp it all. Given how she was an orphan who was once living on the streets of Halterburg, her amazement was understandable.

Bastion paused, then continued.

“Of course, handling that sort of energy is no easy feat. It takes precision, complexity, and a lot of shielding to protect ourselves from the raw power being contained.”

Edelweiss’ eyes shot to the Gatekeeper, then back at Bastion. A look of concern crossed her face, and she backed away slightly from the device.

“…Is it dangerous?” She asked tentatively.

“Only if the energy breaches the containment.” Bastion assured. “It would take a phenomenal amount of force to cause enough damage to allow a leak to occur.”

“...What would happen if it did leak, though?”

“I don’t know for sure, since it hasn’t happened.” Bastion admitted. “But ARTIS has theorized that the energy would likely tear open portals to other worlds in an explosive manner, but only for a second or two.” Bastion explained, his tone turning grim. “There’s also the effects of such energy on the equine body, but what exactly they are is unknown, thankfully.”

“But… We’re safe here at the moment?”

Bastion nodded. “Yes, yes. As long as you don’t mess with the controls, you are perfectly safe.”

Edelweiss relaxed slightly, looking at Casemate then back at his father. She looked as if she wanted to ask more questions, but she seemed hesitant.

“You have more questions?” Bastion asked, having caught on.

“More than I should ask…” Edelweiss said with an apologetic smile. “I don’t want to be a bother and keep you down here all day.”

Bastion scoffed quietly, before speaking in his powerful voice.

“Well, if you are afraid of inconveniencing me, you can always ask ARTIS. He can go on for days.” He remarked, glancing upwards. “Isn’t that right, ARTIS?”

A pleasant, artificial male voice replied from seemingly every corner of the cavern. “Boredom and irritation are beyond my grasp, master Bastion. I can take Miss Edelweiss’ questions indefinitely.”

Edelweiss let out a single laugh that had bubbled up upon hearing the AI’s response.

“Then would you mind taking her questions for me for a little while?” Bastion asked.

“I can do that.” ARTIS replied. “Come along, Miss Edelweiss. I shall explain everything you wish to know to the best of my ability.”

Edelweiss seemed to be relieved to be able to ask questions freely, and she began to wander off, conversing with the AI as she gazed upon the rows of equipment and machines, leaving Bastion and Casemate standing together.

Any subtle indications of happiness that Bastion had as a result of interacting with Edelweiss faded away as he stood there, and Luna began to sense that Bastion had passed her off to ARTIS for a reason.

Both stallions watched Edelweiss eagerly examine the various machines and ask quickfire questions to the AI, and both adopted serious looks. The atmosphere between them had grown heavy, and a bit tense.

Finally, Bastion glanced sideways at Casemate.

“She is a good mare, son. Willing to learn and to follow you wherever you go.” He murmured. “She’s similar to your mother, in those regards.”

Casemate looked at his father from the side of his eye, stone faced and tense. “Yes.” He replied bluntly, looking back towards his wife, barely acknowledging his father.

An uncomfortable silence fell over the pair, and Bastion’s face took on a remorseful expression.

Luna felt her heartstrings pull a little. She had felt angry towards Bastion earlier, but now she just felt sorrow for his plight. He was sorry for what he did, but his own son didn’t seem to want to have anything to do with him…

The older stallion sighed, and he looked uncomfortable.

“Casemate, I… Uh… I know you’re angry at me, for how I drove you into the ground.” He said hesitantly. “But just let me say that I am proud of you, even though I am not the reason for your successes.”

“That’s a first coming from you.” Casemate replied bitterly.

“I know, and I deserve your spite.” Bastion replied somberly. “That still doesn’t change the fact that you’ve become a better stallion than me, or that you are my son. I’m still going to be proud of what you have accomplished, no matter how you think.”

Casemate didn’t respond right away. His brow furrowed slightly in thought as he processed his father’s words.

“That fight on the rooftop…” Bastion continued, shaking his head. “I cannot describe the realizations that I felt when you put yourself on the line for her, showing complete selflessness, courage, and skill.”

Bastion looked at his son more earnestly, his partially missing ear in particular.

“You were willing to rip your ear off and potentially lose the fight in order to save her. That alone was reason enough for me to realize that you were perhaps better off away from me.”

This was met with a sideways glance from Casemate.

“What an understatement.”

Bastion's eyes met his son’s, and Luna saw that Casemate's remark had hurt him. His mouth was in a frown, and his expression was one of regret.

“I- Well, it's true, son.” Bastion said in a subdued manner. “I was trying so hard to mold you into what I considered a perfect warden, not really caring about your own well being in the process. Worst of all, you did nothing wrong. I got angry because of how your mother died, and took it out on you because I somehow thought that if I could turn you into what I thought I should have been, then maybe I could be at peace. It was a twisted way of thought.”

His chest momentarily swelled as he sighed heavily, and he shook his head. He put a hoof to his face, and rubbed his eyelids.

“There was no excuse for how I treated you, son. None.”

Casemate didn't say anything in reply upon hearing this, to Luna's relief. At least he didn't make a derogatory remark as before. In fact, he looked towards Edelweiss again, and while his face was still hardened, he was thinking.

Bastion followed his son’s gaze, and the pair stood silently, reflecting on the past.

“In any case,” the older stallion said; “in your time away, you have defied my perception of what a good warden should be, and I have discovered why I need to step down as warden.”

Casemate blinked and looked at him. Finally, his expression lost some of its harshness.

“What brought that about?” He asked. “That realization?”

“I touched on it in the message I sent to you in Halterburg.” Bastion explained. “It was a combination of things: It was partially because of me seeing you find your purpose, and an experience that I had recently.”

An odd look fell across Bastion's face as he said this, an expression of pain and remembrance.

“It drove the point home that I was a bad father, that I had become ruthless and violent, and that I was getting too old for this…” He shook his head. “I took lives in anger, son. I’ve killed ponies. Even though the circumstances were… Extraordinary and necessary, it brought my oath as a Warden of the Fortress bloodline into question.”

This evoked a questioning glance from Casemate, and Luna’s attention became more drawn to Bastion as well.

“You killed innocents?” Casemate asked in subdued disbelief, almost mirroring Luna’s own thoughts.

Bastion shook his head. “It’s complicated. They did nothing wrong besides follow the orders of their leader. Still, I could have spared them and still have succeeded in protecting the one whom I was guarding.”

Casemate nodded slowly, his look of consternation dying down.

“That’s why you decided that you were unworthy to continue being a Warden?” He asked his father.

“On top of treating you wrongly and getting too old for this sort of thing, yes.” Answered Bastion, sighing sadly. “I’ve run the family oath through the mud, and you have proven yourself worthy of taking up the title, as I have said.”

Both stallions fell silent for a little while, occasionally looking between each other and Edelweiss working her way around the chamber, still peppering the AI with questions.

Then, breaking the silence, Casemate turned and asked a question.

“Father, what are you planning on doing once you pass the title of Warden onto me?”

Bastion quietly pondered his son’s question, before answering.

“I will go away, live a solitary life away from everypony.” He answered. “I guess I’ll try to find some sort of peace with the time I have left.”

“You’re… Going to leave me and Edelweiss here?” Casemate asked, his tone rising slightly in surprise.

The older stallion merely nodded.

“I know you don’t want to be around me, and I have something I need to do.” He responded, looking thoughtful. “Between you, your lovely wife, and ARTIS, you all should be able to run things just fine.”

Casemate nodded slowly, realizing that his father was entirely willing to forfeit the title of Warden.

Indeed, it struck Luna as being quite mature, noble, and wise. Bastion truly must have had a change of heart.

“So,” The older stallion rumbled; “I think I have said everything that I need to say. Are you ready to take the oath, and become the Warden?”

Luna felt a jolt of surprise, and Casemate appeared as if he did as well.

“Wh- Now?”

“Yes, now.”

Casemate fell silent for what felt like ten seconds or more, glancing away from his father as his mind visibly raced.

This was it, Luna knew it. Casemate was about to begin fulfilling his calling, his purpose. Despite his apparent surprise, Luna already knew what he was going to say. Every moment of success, failure, pain, and triumph that he had experienced was about to culminate to this moment.

Casemate was about to become the Warden.

As Casemate took a few moments to dwell upon this fact, Edelweiss strode up next to him, electing to witness this pivotal moment in her husband’s life.

Casemate glanced at his wife standing beside him, and his surprise melted away into a determined look.

“Yes. I am.” He replied, nodding confidently with power in his tone.

Bastion drew in some air with a deep breath, and Luna saw a sense of genuine pride in his eyes as he looked at his son and heard his answer. Gesturing to an elevated platform at one corner of the space, he spoke.

“Then let us not delay.” He declared, leading Casemate and Edelweiss towards the platform.

As they drew closer, Edelweiss looked excitedly at Casemate, smiling widely. It is plainly evident that she was thrilled to witness what was to come.

Even Casemate’s hardness faded somewhat, and he even cracked a smile when he saw her excitement. He had to be feeling a degree of excitement, relief, and nervousness all at the same time, dampening his anger.

When they reached the platform, Bastion directed Casemate to step up onto it, and he did so. He stopped at the center of the platform, and he turned to face his father and Edelweiss.

“Casemate Fortress,” Bastion began, his voice booming loudly and clearly within the space, his voice finally matching his imposing build. “Are you prepared to take the oath, and receive your armor, as each of your ancestors have done before, beginning with the first Warden; Fortress?”

“I am.” Casemate replied, without hesitation.

Bastion nodded, pressing a button on a console. When he did so, mechanical sounds filled the cavern as multiple robotic arms with various attachments arose from each corner of the platform. Casemate briefly looked at the mechanized limbs surrounding him, but otherwise did not flinch. Edelweiss blinked in awe, a flash of concern briefly showing in her expression before giving way to further excitement as Bastion continued.

“Casemate Fortress, do you swear to uphold justice for the wronged, protect the forgotten, and defend the ponies of Equestria from all threats within and without?”

“I do.”

When Casemate answered, the arms extended towards him, draping what appeared to be a shining, segmented metal gown over him. Then, a fifth arm came out of the floor from underneath him, drawing the metal bodysuit more tightly around his limbs and body, leaving only his hooves, tail, and head exposed.

Edelweiss marveled at the sight of her husband in this form fitting metal underlayer, and Luna felt herself enraptured as well, albeit more because of the flexible behavior of the thin metal suit than his appearance.

Casemate looked down at himself for a moment, and Luna could see that he was in awe. He flexed around briefly, watching the metal segments shift with his movements with little resistance.

Then Bastion continued, and Casemate’s full attention was drawn back to his father.

“Do you swear to uphold the values of your predecessors, to uphold honor and the value of ponish lives?”

“I do.”

Upon this, the arms began to affix thicker armor plates to attachment points on the underlayer. The sounds of metal meeting metal and the sight of sparks occasionally flying from where the armor was being assembled made for an eye-catching sight as Casemate’s armor began to take the shape that Luna knew.

Deep down, her awe was waning as the sight of his armor began to awaken memories of his attack on Canterlot. For a second or two, Luna’s mind replayed moments of that traumatic day, specifically when he shot Celestia…

Luna shook her head sharply in an attempt to clear her mind. She had to focus on the dream, not her memories.

Soon, the last of the plates were affixed, and the arms withdrew to reveal Casemate in shining, bulky armor, with only his head exposed now.

“Do you swear to pass on what you have learned to a successor, and to continue the Fortress bloodline?”

This time, Casemate faltered. He blinked once or twice, before looking questioningly at Edelweiss. It appeared to Luna as if he and Edelweiss hadn’t considered children yet, and he wasn’t willing to answer for his wife immediately.

Yet again, another indicator of the close relationship they held. He was willing to stop then and there, if Edelweiss did not wish to bear a successor.

But then, after taking a moment to realize what her husband was silently asking, she smiled approvingly and nodded enthusiastically.

This caused Luna’s heart to warm back up with happiness for a moment. Edelweiss was not only unwilling to hold him back from becoming a Warden, but she seemed very willing to do whatever it took for him to fulfill his purpose.

Exhaling with relief, Casemate smiled gratefully at his wife before turning back towards his father with a serious look.

“I do.”

Then, the arms lowered a metal pack of some kind onto his back, affixing it with a click and a hiss. Two triangular metal wings lay folded on each side of the pack, stored at his sides not unlike how a pegasus or alicorn would fold theirs.

A whirring sound then slowly grew within the pack, and several components on his suit began to light up, as they received power for the first time.

“Lastly…” Bastion declared, the expression of pride in his eyes growing more evident as he gazed upon his son; “Do you swear to protect through sacrifice, and if the need arises, lay down your life to save another?”

Casemate drew in a deep breath, and shifted his weight in anticipation of giving his reply.

“I do.”

All but one of the arms retracted at this, and the last arm pulled out the final piece of the armor: The helmet.

Bastion stepped up onto the platform, and instead of placing the helmet on Casemate, the arm took it to Bastion, who gently took it in his foreleg.

“Then I deem you ready to take up the role you were always destined to take, Casemate.” Bastion declared, holding the helmet above his son, before lowering it onto his head.

As it came down upon Casemate’s head, the helmet clicked when it connected with the rest of the armor. The mask then clamped down over Casemate’s face, and the helmet’s visors began to glow in their green hue.

“I declare you the Warden, Casemate Fortress.” Bastion said, stepping back. “May you be a better Warden then I ever was.”

Edelweiss’ eyes shone as she beheld Casemate in his armor. He was fully encased in layers of shimmering, shiny metal, standing tall and giving off a commanding and regal aura. Truly a magnificent sight.

But all Luna felt was more flashbacks. It was becoming increasingly difficult to focus on the sequence, as her association of the armor with the near-death of her sister blurred her focus.

For a moment, she recalled that day, how the Warden managed to best Celestia in battle and left her bleeding out on the ground. She remembered holding Celestia as her older sister fell into unconsciousness, and thinking for sure that she would never awake again.

It was the darkest moment that she had ever had, thinking that her sister was gone…

“Ah, thinking about that day, are we?” The malicious voice of Nightmare Moon asked in the recesses of Luna’s mind. “If you hadn’t given in and allowed me to take us over, the Warden wouldn’t have had any reason to hate us, and Celestia wouldn’t have nearly died at his hooves. That was all on you, Luna.”

Luna’s heart fell, and she closed her eyes. Once again, Nightmare’s words had hit her exactly where she wanted them to. Ultimately, all this was her fault, Luna knew this. She was to blame for her own trauma, and she couldn’t deny that-

“Princess, are you aware that the sequence is over?”

The Warden’s firm voice shook Luna from her guilt-driven thoughts, and she snapped her head up, looking all around. Indeed, the dreamscape around them had faded, indicating that the event had indeed run its course.

“Oh. Y-yes, you are correct.” Luna stuttered, collecting her thoughts. Internally, she felt thankful that the Warden had managed to draw her out of the self-deprecating thoughts instigated by Nightmare Moon. “My apologies, Warden. I was-” Luna’s voice trailed off, as she fought to keep the dark thoughts from returning.

The Warden nodded and sighed slowly, indicating that he understood what she had meant.

“Did you miss much of the sequence?” He asked with less of a harsh tone.

Luna’s ears drooped anxiously. She hoped that she hadn’t allowed Nightmare to distract her long enough to miss something important.

“I saw everything up to how your father swore you in as a Warden.” She replied truthfully.

“Then you didn’t miss much.”

Luna nodded, feeling relieved. At least Nightmare hadn’t succeeded in sabotaging her efforts to gain forgiveness yet.

However, as the Warden’s life played out before her eyes, Luna realized that her darker personality’s words were gradually having a greater effect. This was the first time that Nightmare had succeeded in making her completely space out. If she had done so in the middle of a sequence, and the Warden noticed, would he have taken it as calmly as he did here?

The princess shook her head slightly. She had to get a grip on herself if she was to have even a sliver of a chance at forgiveness. Nightmare Moon knew that if he forgave her, Luna would be able to maintain dominance over herself. That was why Nightmare was fighting to keep Luna unfocused and doubtful, and her efforts were certainly only going to grow more frequent.

Luna sighed, rallying her resolve once more. She had to persist.

As she gathered her thoughts, she took a moment to reflect on what she had witnessed. She recalled how Bastion opened up to Casemate, confessing that he knew what he did was very wrong, and admitting that Casemate was a better fit as a Warden than he was.

It felt nice to see Bastion openly admit that he was wrong and finally give his son the praise he deserved, after punishing him for his imperfection. It meant that Bastion was growing, and despite his flaws, he seemed to be showing his best self. He even voiced approval of Edelweiss, which was also a nice thing to hear.

On that subject, Edelweiss’ character was becoming increasingly clear, as her love for Casemate and acceptance of Bastion was plain to see. In fact, her kindness and willingness to treat Bastion as family seemed to lift his spirits. Even Casemate seemed to soften somewhat because of her.

But not entirely. Although he was willing to listen to what his father had to say and speak to him not so coldly, he still didn’t seem comfortable around Bastion.

The fact that the Warden’s remorse remained only increased the uncertainty around whether or not his younger self would actually forgive him. Of course, Luna still couldn’t say for sure if that was the reason behind his regrets, but as she watched the interaction between Casemate and his father unfold, she did feel like the odds of closure between them were slipping away.

Still, despite the looming uncertainty, there was the fact that finally, after many years, Casemate finally made it. He had become the Warden, as he was always destined to be, after years of struggling and turmoil.

Luna had felt a sense of triumph and joy upon seeing all of Casemate’s tribulations climax to this peak, but such feelings had been tainted by the memories of what he had done in that armor.

She shook her head, clearing her thoughts in an effort to prevent herself from entering a guilt-fuelled spiral again.

She had to focus.

“Ready for the next one?”

The Warden nodded.

“Do it.”

There was a hint of hesitance in his voice, and his internal remorse was now mingling with anticipation.

The unpleasant feeling spread to Luna, and she understood that the next sequence would likely answer her questions about his regrets.

As she cast her magic and the dreamscape began to shift, her mind raced. She knew that they were beginning to reach towards a pivotal period in the Warden’s life, and the likelihood of him forgiving her would finally become more clear.

Either Casemate would forgive his father, and Luna would have the assurance that he had the capability to forgive after all, or he wouldn’t, and she would have to hope for a miracle…

Chapter 16: The Choice

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The miasma of the dream reformed, and once again, Luna and the Warden found themselves in the living room of the cottage.

To one side, Edelweiss was assisting Bastion in putting on a set of loaded saddlebags. Standing nearby was Casemate, watching on.

“Are you absolutely certain you cannot remain?” The mare asked, looking a bit downcast as she fastened a strap.

The older stallion nodded. “I am afraid so, daughter.” He said, looking understandingly down at her. “I have done what I needed to do. I have passed on the role of Warden, and I need to go take care of other matters.”

“But it’s only been two days.” Edelweiss protested.

Bastion inhaled and exhaled slowly, blinking once. He gave Edelweiss a look of understanding, before looking up at Casemate.

Casemate’s gaze was affixed on Bastion, and there was a harsh glint in his emerald green eyes.

Bastion remained silent for a few seconds more, before looking back down at Edelweiss.

“I do not wish to intrude upon either of you, nor do I wish to wrong my son any more than I already have. It is for the best.” He said in a resigned tone.

Bastion stepped away from Edelweiss, turning to face the couple.

“And as I said before, I have some things that I need to do elsewhere, before it is too late. My time as Warden is over, but I have a new mission, and I will not be dissuaded.”

Casemate nodded approvingly, still possessing the somewhat stern look. He still felt angry towards his father, that was undebatable.

Edelweiss looked helpless, her body language indicating that although she wanted for him to stay, she was beginning to accept the fact that he was leaving, even if she didn’t want him to.

She nodded, albeit reluctantly. She walked up to Bastion, and embraced him for a moment, closing her eyes. Bastion put a foreleg around her, gently hugging her back before returning to his previous stance.

Edelweiss let him go and stepped back, smiling slightly.

“Then go do what you need to do.” She murmured.

Bastion nodded, looking at Edelweiss with a spark in his eyes. Luna could see that he had grown fond of his daughter in law.

Then he looked up at Casemate, and an uncomfortable silence fell between them all. Casemate’s expression told of a conflict deep within him, despite the hardness still lingering on his face. Bastion, meanwhile, looked somber and resigned.

It seemed like he had accepted the possibility that he was going to remain unforgiven.

“I guess this is it for me and you, son.” He rumbled quietly.

Casemate nodded.

“Yes. It is.”

The blunt remark hung in the air, only adding to the increasing discomfort.

Was he not going to forgive Bastion?

Although Luna wanted for this to not be the case, it appeared it was going to be that way…

But Edelweiss wasn’t going to accept that just yet. She spoke up, looking at her husband with a pleading expression.

“Casey?” She asked softly. “Please.”

Luna watched as her words were heard by Casemate. At first, his brow lowered, and his jaw became set, indicating that he did not want to consider forgiveness.

It was not dissimilar to how he had treated Luna when she first entered his dream earlier.

But then, he bowed his head, closed his eyes, and exhaled through his teeth.

“Father?” He asked, his tone sounding forced and tense. “I have something to say before you go.”

He reopened his eyes and looked at his father, his face relaxing somewhat. Luna felt a jolt of hope. Once again, Edelweiss’ words had not fallen upon unwilling ears. He sounded reluctant, yes. But he was making a statement.

Was he going to do it?

Bastion’s ears stiffened, and his sole focus became directed at Casemate.

“Yes, son?” He asked, sounding and looking a bit apprehensive. He did not know what to expect, but he understood that it could be a verbal lashing that was very well deserved.

Casemate glanced at Edelweiss, who was looking at him hopefully, before turning back to his father.

“What you did to me was inexcusable.” He began, speaking in a gruff tone. “We both know just how bad it got. You almost broke me, father.”

Bastion’s ears drooped, and his mouth curled downwards.

“I know, and for what it’s worth, I am sorry.” He replied quietly. “But I also don’t expect your forgiveness. I don’t deserve it.”

“You’re right.” Casemate replied sharply. “I know you’re sorry, but it doesn’t change what you did. All that time spent working me to the breaking point, and then pushing me further in the name of protecting Equestria… It… It almost turned me into something just as bad as you.”

This harsh remark caused Edelweiss to stiffen, and Bastion to look away in shame.

Luna felt the harsh reality of Casemate’s bitterness sink in like a dagger. Any hopes of him letting go were surely gone now, along with the assurance that the Warden already had the capability to forgive her.

Casemate shook his head.

“I know that Edelweiss has seen your better self and accepts you. But that is only because you’ve never subjected her to the hell you put me through.” He declared, sounding more incensed with each word. “For her sake, I tried to accept your apology. I know you’ve changed, I know you’ve gotten better, just by how you treat her. I also know that it is because of your training that I survived my time in Halterburg, but it is also because I ran away from you that I found my true calling! Princess Luna herself had to step in to save me, and she has done more to help me than you ever did!”

The room fell deathly silent.

Bastion gave a deep, heaving sigh as he looked up at his son’s angered glare.

“Casemate…” He murmured.

Casemate shook his head.

“Stop apologizing. I will not accept it, not after what you did.”

Edelweiss edged away from Casemate upon hearing this. There was a big mix of emotions running through her, not least of which were disbelief, sadness, and disappointment.

“Casey?” She whispered, stunned.

Casemate’s ear pivoted towards her, and he kept silent for a few seconds more, before speaking to his father again.

“We have both done what needed to be done.” He said in a less loud voice. “You have abdicated the role of Warden to me, and I have accepted my purpose. Our business here is done, and I do not wish to be in your presence any longer than I need to. You may leave.”

Bastion nodded in acceptance, looking downcast while he turned towards the door.

Seeing him do so, Edelweiss looked between Bastion and Casemate. Her eyes were widened, and her ears were lowering.

“Casemate!” She exclaimed sharply, scolding him.

This was met by a fierce glare from Casemate to Edelweiss, which shocked Luna. For the first time, Casemate was acting in full, willing defiance of Edelweiss’ advice. He was so embroiled in his bitterness, that he was now finally showing just how unwilling he was to let go.

For a split second, Edelweiss flinched, having never seen this uglier side of Casemate’s rage before. Her ears drooped rather than pinned, and the muscles in her face tensed in a brief moment of fear.

At this very moment, Luna felt the Warden’s remorse hit a fever pitch. The princess diverted her gaze from the drama unfolding to the stallion beside her, and what she saw from him was unprecedented.

His eyes were closed, his ear was lower than she had ever seen it before, and he was looking at the floor.

The stoicism that he typically held had been broken.

This moment hurt him…

He regretted his past actions here…

Bastion’s deep voice sounded, breaking the tense scene and catching everypony’s attention.

“It’s all right, Edelweiss.” He said, looking earnestly at the couple. “You cannot expect him to just forgive me for traumatizing him. Especially immediately after reuniting after over a decade apart.”

Casemate blinked, his expression lightening up as he heard his father’s words. Edelweiss still looked hurt, but she couldn’t deny that there was some wisdom to Bastion’s intercession.

Bastion continued.

“I know that right now, you cannot bring yourself to forgive me, son. But with time, you may find that you will gain some clarity, as I did.”

Then, he put his hoof into one of the saddlebags on his back, and took out a small device for the couple to see.

“This is a tracking beacon. If you ever feel the need to contact me, you can track me down.” He explained, before returning it.

There was a momentary pause, as Luna felt the mood feel a little less hopeless. At least Bastion was keeping the door open, so to speak.

The three ponies looked at each other, the raw emotions beginning to die down into a somber realization that Bastion was about to leave.

Finally, the older stallion sighed, adjusted his bags, and addressed the couple.

“I must be off. But until then, Edelweiss, stay by his side.” He said, motioning to Casemate. “You are perfect for him. You are compassionate, empathetic, kind, brave… He needs you more than he knows, and he is incomplete without you. Guide him.”

Edelweiss nodded, wiping her eyes.

“Thank you… I will.”

Bastion nodded, and in defiance of the heavy atmosphere, he smiled warmly at her. Then, he looked at Casemate.

“Son, take care of her. Perform your duties, but be a good husband first. Please, do not let your anger turn you into what I used to be.” He implored. “You are strong, courageous, and you have a genuinely good heart. You can do it, and I am so proud of who you have become, Casemate.”

Casemate glanced off to the side upon hearing this, and a genuinely conflicted look came across his face, as if he were questioning his outburst earlier.

“As for the both of you…” Bastion said, causing both Casemate and Edelweiss to look at him. His ears fell, and he took on a saddened look. “Hold on to each other. Enjoy every moment, because you don’t know when it will end. Promise me that.”

Edelweiss and Casemate looked at each other, and nodded in response.

“We will.” Both ponies said in unison.

Bastion nodded, looking relieved.

“Then I have nothing more to say, except goodbye. May you both live happily.”

With that, he turned to the door and opened it. The cool mountain breeze blew into the room, stirring the manes and tails of the ponies within. Bastion closed his eyes, drew in a deep breath, and took a look back at Casemate and Edelweiss.

He didn’t say anything, but instead gave a small nod and a smile.

Edelweiss smiled back, and Casemate nodded once. No further words were necessary. They all understood that, for better or for worse, this was goodbye.

Bastion looked back for a few seconds more, before he finally faced forwards, and with some heavy hoofsteps, he walked out the door.

Casemate and Edelweiss both walked to the doorway, watching as Bastion made a turn towards the treeline.

But before he went out of sight, he turned towards a gravestone, the one from the sequence where he was training Casemate. He strode up to it, looking downwards before kneeling and placing a hoof atop the marker.

Luna felt her heart ache as she recalled that the gravestone marked the resting place of Bastion’s wife, Casemate’s mother. He was giving a farewell, for what was possibly the final time…

Edelweiss drew in a slightly shaky breath as she realized what Bastion was doing. Even Casemate’s expression softened, and his frown lost its intensity.

The Warden sighed deeply, his feelings of regret and sadness amplifying as he watched his father kneeling at his mother’s grave.

Although he was facing away, Luna could make out emotion in Bastion’s movements. Yet, he seemed peaceful and calm, as if he had already come to terms with his departure from his beloved.

The older stallion stood up after a minute, wiping his eyes and nose before turning to give a final look back at Casemate and Edelweiss. He nodded one final time, his blue eyes glinting in the sunlight.

Then, he turned around, and walked off into the ponderosa trees, soon disappearing from sight.

Everypony present was silent, looking out into the forest where Bastion had gone. The wind blew through the trees, causing the branches to sway as birds chirped and the rapping of distant woodpeckers dominating the scene.

Then, Edelweiss looked up at Casemate. She was visibly experiencing a number of different emotions, not least of which appeared to be sadness and disappointment.

Casemate looked out for a few seconds more, before turning his head downwards to look at his wife. He wasn’t angry any more, but rather confused.

He gave a questioning look at Edelweiss, and she shook her head slightly, her mouth tightening a little.

“Why didn’t you do it?” She asked, the disappointment in her voice very clear. “You could have forgiven him.”

Casemate blinked, and tried to answer, not nearly as defensive as he was before.

“I just-”

Edelweiss raised a hoof and shook her head again.

“Don’t. Don’t try to explain right now.”

She turned away and walked deeper into the cottage, walking into the bedroom and closing the door behind her.

Casemate watched in silence while she did so, closing the front door. Once she was gone, Casemate stared at the floor for a full minute, dwelling on what had happened.

Edelweiss was greatly disappointed in him, and understandably so. Despite her trying so hard to get him to understand why forgiving his father was so important, he doubled down on Bastion instead, his anger dictating his decision.

There was no telling if he would ever have another chance to forgive his father personally, and he elected not to.

As the sequence drew to a close, Casemate sighed, placing a hoof on his face and dragging it down, closing his eyes. It seemed that he had much to think about…

The environment surrounding Luna and the Warden faded into darkness, and both dwelled on what they had seen.

Luna’s heart weighed heavily within her chest. This was far from a happy occurrence. After hoping that there would be some closure between Casemate and Bastion for the past few sequences, it was crushing to know that there wouldn’t be any after all.

Inside, Luna felt as if while one could conclude that Bastion did do far too much damage to deserve forgiveness, it still didn’t feel right to not even accept his apology. She didn’t know what exactly happened to Bastion for him to change so much over a decade, but it had clearly done much to him. He was regretful, gentle, soft spoken, and even affectionate. He wanted to move on.

On top of that, Edelweiss had tried so hard to convince Casemate to let go of his resentment. She loved him dearly, and it stood to reason that she didn’t want him to run the risk of being subjected to his debilitating anger, as she once was. Plus, she really seemed to take pity on Bastion, and she wanted to do everything she could to help him lighten his own burden.

Yet, Casemate made his decision to not forgive him. He had allowed his anger and resentment to dictate his way of thinking, even if it benefited nopony, not even himself.

The most painful part of this was the fact that Luna understood all too well how it felt to be unforgiving. It was wrong, but when driven by anger and hate, holding on to bitterness often felt like the obvious choice.

What did this mean for her, here and now? Would he follow the same logic as before, and refuse to forgive her?

“Well… It doesn’t seem as if he was a very forgiving individual back then…” Nightmare Moon pointed out, sending shivers down Luna’s backside. “Tell us, Luna; If his own beloved wife couldn’t convince him to forgive his father, what chance is there of him forgiving us?”

Luna had to turn away from the Warden for a moment as her doubts seeped back in. She took a deliberate, deep, shaking breath, her ears drooping as her heart froze for a moment.

Yet again, Nightmare Moon made a point that seemed completely valid, and not at all what Luna needed to hear.

Was Nightmare right? Was she merely delaying the inevitable by trying to gain his forgiveness?

The familiar sting of worry and fear sank into Luna’s being. If Casemate hasn’t changed his heart since then, who was to say that history wouldn’t repeat itself? Could she already draw the conclusion that she would have to cope with being unforgiven?

A deep sigh from the Warden disrupted her thoughts. She blinked once or twice, and looked in his direction, her eyes shining curiously.

She still felt a great deal of remorse coming from him, along with no small amount of sadness. These emotions were strong enough to force his current anger towards Luna to a secondary spot, making their significance stand out.

The Warden was looking downwards, his ear twitching slowly while it remained drooped.

Gradually, her fearful thoughts slowed. He was regretting not forgiving his father, Luna was sure of it.

If that was the case, then was he truly bound to withhold the forgiveness that she needed to conquer Nightmare Moon?

An irresistible question began to arise within her, and before long, it escaped her lips.

“You feel sorrow for not forgiving your father, don’t you?” She asked softly.

The Warden looked up at her from the side, his eye narrowing for a moment, before he relented and resumed his sorrowful look.

“I do.”

Luna listened to his simple answer, and she felt another question arise.

“If you could go back and get another chance, would you forgive him now?”

“...Probably.” The Warden sighed, his ears twitching as he thought. “My decision to not forgive him remained a sore spot in me and Edel’s marriage.”

“It didn’t cause your relationship to fail, did it?” Luna asked worriedly.

“No, thankfully. We made it through together, but our relationship changed from that day onward. She still loved me, though.”

A wistful sigh escaped the Warden’s mouth as a fresh wave of longing and sadness washed over him.

Luna nodded slightly, looking away once more as she processed his answers. There were still questions, though.

“I have but two final questions regarding your father, Casemate.”

“What are they?” He asked, rubbing his eyelids.

“Has your perception of your father changed since then? Would you forgive him even if Edelweiss hadn’t pushed for it?”

The Warden remained silent for a few seconds, and Luna began to worry that he was getting impatient with her questions. But he broke the silence, and answered.

“I have had more than enough time to think about my past life, thanks to you.” He answered, his tone lowering as he shot an angered look at Luna, who cringed. But the anger was short lived, and he shook his head. “Yes, I see him differently now. Having grown older and having suffered a massive loss myself, as well as having given into my hatred for a time, I realize how easy it was for him to treat me like he did.”

His ear became pinned, and he snorted as anger mingled with his sadness and remorse.

“It doesn’t excuse what he did, and if I am being honest…”

His voice trailed off, and he paused, before finishing.

“If I had another opportunity to forgive him, and if Edelweiss’ words weren’t there, I doubt I would be able to forgive him.”

Anxiety shot through Luna as the implications of this answer hit home. If he felt that he was incapable of forgiving Bastion without his wife’s memory, then what were the odds that he would find it in his heart to forgive her?

Once again, fear and shame began to pile up. Forgiveness was looking less and less likely as the sequences progressed.

But just as before, there was hope. The fact remained that he still felt remorse for being unforgiving, even though it was mainly brought about by Edelweiss.

If he felt as if forgiving his father would have resulted in a happier life for his loved ones, then there was some hope that he may make the decision to do so.

It was a small hope, but hope nonetheless.

Luna doggedly kept hoping for this miracle, knowing that it was the only thing besides the desperation of keeping Nightmare Moon at bay that was driving her onwards. She had to keep going, and not let the apparent setback of Casemate’s past unforgiveness hold her back.

“Next one?” Luna asked, and the Warden nodded.

With that, the princess’ horn glowed, and she manipulated the dreamscape once more, determined to keep on going.

Chapter 17: The Daughter

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When the next sequence began, Luna found herself standing in the cottage bedroom, with the Warden standing close by.

Edelweiss was laying on the bed with the covers over her, looking exhausted, but also happy. Casemate was sitting on the side of the bed, looking at his wife with an expression that told volumes of how much he adored her. He had his hoof placed next to Edelweiss, who was holding it tightly with her own, smiling and looking back at him.

The two didn’t say anything, content to be there with each other.

Luna felt a sense of warmth arise within her heart, granting her some much needed relief from the heavy emotions evoked by the prior sequence. As the Warden had said, his decision to not forgive his father hadn’t driven the couple apart.

Still, the princess couldn’t quite figure out what exactly was happening here. Surely there was something more than just a husband and wife enjoying each other’s company, but the lack of dialogue was making it difficult to surmise what.

However, as the seconds passed, Luna started to become aware of the presence of another.

The sheet covering Edelweiss began to stir, and both ponies looked down at the source of the movement. She pushed the cover away slightly, and what Luna saw made her heart jump.

It was a newborn foal.

The infant was laying down on Edelweiss’ chest, sleeping and stirring slightly. She was blueish gray in color, with a silver mane resembling Casemate’s.

The filly made a soft, raspy sound once the blanket was removed, and stirred in her sleep, latching on a little tighter to her mother’s body.

Edelweiss’ eyes sparkled in pure and complete adoration in reaction to her foal’s movements, and it was clear that she was completely smitten by the filly that she had just brought into the world. She managed to pry her eyes away for a few seconds to look at Casemate, and she gave him an emotional smile, squeezing his hoof.

Luna felt her heart melt within her chest, partly because of the child, and partly due to Edelweiss’ reaction to it all.

Although she had never borne a child herself, Luna understood just how impactful becoming a mother was to many mares, and Edelweiss was definitely no exception. If anything, Edelweiss was probably feeling the impact a little more than the average mother.

After all, she was alone for years, fending for herself on the streets of Halterburg, with no mother, father, or place to call home…

Now she had a home, a husband, and a child.

If that wasn’t a complete reversal of circumstances, Luna didn’t know what was.

Meanwhile, Casemate looked down at the child with a slight smile and an immense warmth in his expression. Edelweiss loosened her grasp on him, allowing Casemate to gently bring his hoof to the sleeping filly’s face. He lightly brushed the infant’s cheek, and she made another soft noise in response.

Casemate held his hoof there for a few seconds, and Luna could see the wonder in his eyes as he seemed to fully realize the fact that he was now a father. He slowly drew his hoof back, his mouth still showing a gentle smile.

Then, a surge of emotion welled up from within the Warden, catching Luna's attention. His ear was lowered, his eyes shimmered, and he gave a deep, slow sigh as he looked at his infant daughter. His stoicism and anger had given way to wonder, adoration, and even a hint of excitement, mirroring the same emotions that his past self was likely feeling.

Luna felt the warmth within her grow, seeing him reacting in such a way. He was reliving such a precious moment in his life, so much so that he had even lost his anger and sadness, if only for a short while…

From the very beginning, up to now, he loved his daughter very deeply, as any good father would.

A deep sigh from both Casemate and Edelweiss pulled her attention back to the sequence playing out before them. Casemate finally spoke, speaking in a quieter tone than she had ever heard from him before.

“Barbette?” He asked, looking at his wife, who smiled and nodded.

“Yes, like we discussed. Her name will be Barbette.” Edelweiss affirmed, wrapping a foreleg around the newborn filly.

Casemate smiled, looking at the foal again while Luna pondered the name.

It fit in with the general theme of the Warden's bloodline, being a name relating to fortifications. Yet, it was still a good name for a filly, and for some reason or another, Luna felt as if it befit her immensely.

Then, gradually, Casemate's brow furrowed in thought, and his smile faded into a frown.

Curious and concerned, Edelweiss’ own smile faded away, and she spoke.

“What is it?”

Casemate sighed, hesitating. “It’s- It's the oath I took. It's been weighing on my mind heavily. More so in the past few months…”

“How so, Casey?”

“...It's that one part, the one in which I swore to bring up a successor to become the next Warden… It's been bothering me.”

Edelweiss settled a little further into the pillows, breathing deeply as her ears perked up, silently indicating that she was listening.

“You know that my father never really gave me the chance to choose whether or not I was going to become the next Warden.” Casemate continued. “And… And you know how much that affected me.”

“I do.” Edelweiss murmured.

“Well…” Casemate said, looking uncomfortable. “I know I took that oath, and being a good Warden is my calling, but…”

“But you don't want to force our daughter to become the next Warden.” Edelweiss interjected, her smile making a return.

Casemate’s ear stiffened for a moment, showing a little surprise that she had completed his thoughts.

“Yeah…” He sighed, relaxing. “I’ve been thinking an awful lot about it.”

“As you should.” Edelweiss assured. “This isn't a matter to be taken lightly, and you know it. You don't want to affect her the way your father affected you, and to be honest, I would have been very concerned if you didn't feel this way.”

Casemate nodded, glancing back at Barbette.

“I will give her the choice that my father never gave me. She will choose whether or not she wants to become a warden, even if it means that it will breach my oath. Her happiness and well-being mean more to me than the ways of my ancestors.”

He exhaled softly, stroking Barbette’s cheek tenderly again.

“I mean it from the bottom of my heart. She will not undergo what I have suffered.”

Edelweiss smiled again, inhaling shakily. She wiped her eyes, as if to clear away some moisture.



“I just… I love you, Casey. There is no other pony alive who I would rather have by my side, and raise a child with.” Edelweiss murmured, looking at Casemate with an expression of pure contentment and affection.

Casemate didn’t say anything for a few seconds, only looking between Edelweiss and Barbette. Then he gave an earnest look at his wife, smiled, and leaned in.

“There isn’t a thing that I wouldn’t do to keep you and her happy and safe.” He whispered, Luna’s ears barely making out his words. “I love you too.”

Having said that, Casemate closed the remaining distance between him and Edelweiss, and the two entered a tender, passionate kiss.

They remained as they were for more than a few seconds, maintaining the kiss until an inquisitive noise from the foal interrupted them.

Casemate pulled away, and Edelweiss allowed herself to sink into the pillows once more. Both looked down at Barbette, who had woken up and was looking right back at her mother with a pair of emerald green eyes.

Edelweiss’ smile grew, and she gently pulled Barbette closer to her upper chest. Then she shifted over in the bed, and Casemate slowly lay down beside her, draping a foreleg over the filly, who was now looking at him with curiosity and wonder.

As the sequence drew to a close, the new family of three all lay in the bed together, drawn together by mutual love and understanding…

Luna sighed. There were numerous emotions within her that had been evoked by this event.

Not least of these emotions was the rare sensation of intense happiness, causing her heart to flutter a little within her. The joy that came from seeing the true love between Casemate and Edelweiss was overpowering, and for a moment, Luna actually smiled.

To know how far both of them have come since their difficult and traumatic circumstances only added to the overall impact of this sequence.

There was no doubt in her mind: they were happy together. But now, with the arrival of their new daughter, their happiness had grown exponentially.

Luna also felt a great deal of wonder that had arisen at the sight of the filly. She had always found the concept of birth and the bringing of new life into the world to be a wonderful thing. It was often just so… Hopeful and joyous.

With each newborn child was a fresh chance, the beginning of a life that was completely limitless and filled with potential.

But in this instance, the birth of Barbette felt more significant in the context of the Warden’s past. Not only did he now have a child of his own, but he had the chance to give his new daughter a good childhood, one which he never had.

He loved her immensely. Even in Barbette’s first moments, it could not be denied that he was infatuated with her.

To make matters even better, he definitely didn’t seem as if he was going to squander such a chance.

Within her mind, Luna knew that Casemate was going to be a good father. He had the love, drive, and discipline to fulfill such a role. With the support, resilience, and love of Edelweiss, Barbette was poised to have what neither of her parents had: a proper foalhood.

“Are we moving on or what?”

Luna quickly came off of her momentary high, glancing at the Warden, who was awaiting an answer. She cleared her throat, realizing that she had spaced out again, albeit not as badly as previously.

“Y-yes. My sincerest apologies, Warden.” She replied, casting a spell. “We shall move along.”

The Warden nodded in approval, and within him, Luna could feel an increasing sadness.

In moments, her own spirit fell dramatically.

Just as he felt for his lost wife, he felt great longing and grief for his daughter, whom Nightmare Moon had taken.

Luna then shook her head, closing her eyes. It was becoming harder and harder to keep herself from becoming mired in her guilt and shame.

“Tsk tsk, Luna… How could you forget what we did to that innocent child?” A pervasive voice asked within the princess’ mind.

A tear emerged from Luna's eye as she struggled with the tragic reminder of how Nightmare Moon brought about the precious filly’s fate.

Even though Luna knew that she herself wasn't the one who did that unspeakable act, it still didn't make it any easier to face the truth.

Still, Nightmare Moon was to blame, and Luna knew that she couldn't just hand her another victory.

After taking a deep sigh, Luna's horn began to glow, and she ushered in the next sequence, trying her best to pray that she would have the strength to continue onwards.

It was all she could do, short of giving up.

Chapter 18: Loving Father, Loving Daughter

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The swirling miasma soon organized, and Luna looked around. Once again, she and the Warden were standing in the clearing outside of the cottage, with the tall mountain pines towering above.

The ever present breeze rushed through the treetops, the grass was lush and green, and the sun shone down between groups of fluffy white clouds.

All told, there was not much present that she hadn’t already seen. However, a hammering sound from atop the cottage did announce the presence of a pony. Luna looked upwards at the source of the sound, as did the Warden.

There, kneeling on the rooftop with a hammer and a bag of nails, was Edelweiss, wearing some coveralls and a straw hat. She was busy inspecting the shingles on the roof, and hammering down any that appeared to be loose.

Luna cracked a faint smile to see Edelweiss doing work that stallions would have been expected to do. Back then, mares were often expected to be more of a domestic housekeeper, and stallions were expected to do much of the physical labor. Luna had always felt that such expectations were antiquated, and to see Edelweiss acting in full defiance of such norms centuries ahead of the present did please her a bit.

It definitely spoke volumes of Edelweiss’ character and the relationship she shared with Casemate, too. He didn’t try to regulate her into a subordinate role or keep her from doing what she was willing to do. Sure, part of this was probably out of necessity, given that they were on the Equestrian frontier and in a voluntary exile, but as the sequences passed, Luna saw more and more evidence that Casemate treated his wife as an equal. It was a healthy dynamic, Luna couldn’t deny that.

Still, that did raise a question, and Luna looked around.

Where was Casemate?

Her question was answered almost instantly when the front door burst open, and out flashed a filly wearing a foal-sized suit of mechanical armor! Her helmet was retracted, and Luna instantly recognized her as Barbette, now looking to be at least ten years old.

The filly wore her mane in a single, long braid, and she had an excited, determined glint in her eyes, not unlike what Luna had seen from the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

In fact, something about Barbette struck the princess as being familiar to one of those three fillies, Apple Bloom in particular…

In a moment, Luna’s eyes widened a little in realization.

The armor.

Immediately, she recalled the night a few months prior, when she entered Apple Bloom’s dream in hopes of gleaning information about the Warden, and being met with the sight of the filly flying around in a mechanized armor suit.

It was the exact same suit that Barbette was wearing here!

Surprise and disbelief immediately washed over Luna. How in Equestria could that be so?!

Was she mistaken? No. The armor was the exact same, down to the arrow shaped cutie mark painted on the flanks. Besides, Luna’s memory of dreams was supernatural. She didn’t forget.

What a peculiar parallel… This led to many questions in her mind, and the implications of this were numerous and significant.

Meanwhile, the filly came to a halt in front of a dummy that had been set up near the treeline. The princess noted that it looked very similar to the one that Casemate had been trained on as a colt in the second sequence. Then, Casemate, who was wearing his own armor without the helmet, strode out of the cottage and shut the door.

“Come on, dad! I want to show you that I’ve been working on it!” The filly exclaimed loudly, shooting an impatient look at her father, who was casually walking towards her. “Why are you being so slow?”

“Patience, Barb.” Casemate replied simply, taking a moment to make eye contact with Edelweiss before turning back to the filly. “Nothing good comes from rushing.”

Barbette pawed at the ground, waiting as Casemate strode closer, not changing his pace in the slightest.

Luna noticed that he had visibly aged a bit more than when she had seen him last. His face did have a few faint lines on it, and from what she could tell, he did appear a little bulkier like his current self, although the latter was probably an effect of the armor.

After a few seconds, Casemate finally walked up to Barbette, and the pair looked each other in the eyes.

“Okay. I know you’re excited, but what are we supposed to do before training?” He asked.

“...Stretch and warm up…” Barbette sighed, her excitement being dampened. She seemed to really want to show her father something that she had learned.

But she didn’t argue, and together, both father and daughter spent about ten minutes preparing for training.

During this time, Luna found herself glancing at the Warden, gauging his emotions as he watched.

He was watching intently, doing a better job of hiding his emotions this time around. However, Luna could still sense a whole spectrum of emotions running and mixing within him.

There was that low, familiar anger, but there was also the same love, longing, and sadness as before as well.

Inevitably, the same feelings of regret and shame that had been assaulting her soul prior began to creep in, and Luna struggled to regain control of her thoughts.

Fortunately, before long, Casemate and Barbette finished their warm-up, and Luna gladly averted her focus from her thoughts to the events unfolding before her.

“Alright.” Casemate said, looking at his daughter. “Now let’s do ten practice strikes with each leg, then-”

Barbette let out an exasperated groan.

“Can’t I just do the knockout technique first?”

“Hm…” Casemate paused, mulling his options. “If you really want to, sure.”

Barbette’s excitement immediately returned to her face as a smile crept across her snout.

“Thank you!” She declared, rushing up to the dummy. “Watch! I’m pretty sure I can do it right this time!”

Casemate nodded, watching closely. Edelweiss stopped what she was doing, and with a small smile, she also began to watch from her vantage point.

“Then go ahead.” Casemate instructed.

Luna watched Barbette position herself before the dummy, and with a shout, the filly began.

She gave a swift blow to the dummy’s snout, followed by two precise strikes to the knees, then she bucked the chest..

The princess’ brow raised as she recognized the technique, the very same that young Casemate struggled with as a colt.

In the back of her mind, the memory of the unpleasant sequence between him and his father arose, causing mild discomfort. Now, instead of being the trainee, Casemate was the trainer, with his daughter under him.

Uncomfortable thoughts began to run through Luna’s mind. Although Casemate seemed to be more gentle than his father, the dread left over from that early sequence did leave her apprehensive, especially as Barbette coiled up in preparation of the difficult final blow.

Barbette gave a final cry and spun around with her hind leg outstretched, aiming for the dummy head…

And missed.

Barbette awkwardly brought her hooves back to the ground and wobbled for a moment upon stopping her momentum.

The memory of Bastion’s reaction to Casemate’s failure to execute that same final kick instantly flooded Luna’s awareness. She felt her heart twist anxiously as Barbette looked up at her father with a troubled and slightly ashamed look, not happy with her own failure.

“What will Casemate’s reaction be?” Luna thought to herself, hoping that he would not be as angry as his father was.

There was a short silence, which felt like minutes for Luna, as Casemate and Barbette looked at each other.

Then, he spoke.

“Try again.” He said calmly.

Some of Luna’s anxiety died away. He sounded calm, at least…

Barbette looked up at her mother, who nodded encouragingly from the rooftop. Then the filly looked at her father, and answered with a sigh.

“All right.”

Once again, Barbette adopted a fighting stance before the dummy, and began. Shouting with each blow, she struck the face, knees, and chest with little difficulty. But when it came time for her to deliver the final strike to the head, she ended up striking the dummy’s shoulder instead…

Barbette gave a groan as she fell over from the awkward impact, landing on her flanks and putting a hoof to her shin. Casemate quickly strode up to her, and she looked up at him with an apologetic look.

“Are you okay?” He asked, and Barbette nodded. Luna watched closely, wanting to see how he would react.

Casemate leaned down, put one of his armored limbs around her, and hoisted his daughter to her hooves.

“You’re getting close.” He remarked, releasing her. “You just need to take your time.”

“With what?” Barbette asked dejectedly. “I thought I had it down…”

Casemate looked down at her for a moment, his expression softening.

“You’re prioritizing force over technique.” He explained, not raising his voice in the slightest. “Keep your hock bent slightly, and pivot at the hip. You’re extending your leg too far and swinging too fast in order to hit harder than you need to.”

Barbette nodded, and her ears drooped in a display of shame, as if her father had explained this to her before.

Luna exhaled slowly. He was definitely taking this a lot better than his father had. But he wasn’t done yet, and what he did next only cemented how different he was from Bastion.

“Watch.” He instructed, walking to the dummy. He adopted a stance, and coiled up for the critical kick. Then, moving slowly, he gradually brought his hind leg out as he rotated, pointing out how he was controlling his aim. Barbette watched on with unwavering focus, Nodding as her father took the time to explain and teach her.

Once he was done, he coiled up again, and delivered a full-speed kick, striking the dummy’s head and nearly causing it to fly off.

“Like that.” Casemate explained, stepping aside. “Did you get it?”

Barbette nodded.

“I think so.”

Luna felt more at ease now, seeing Casemate teaching his daughter in a far more constructive manner than his father did. He wasn’t angry or disappointed, and he wasn’t just letting her fail and punishing her for it.

“Good.” Casemate affirmed. “Now do it slowly like I did.”

The filly nodded, and flexed a bit within her metal armor before walking up to the dummy. Her father then knelt down beside her with a low thud, looking her in the eye and giving a nod.

Then Barbette coiled herself up, and began to gradually swing around, extending her hind leg and wobbling a little as she fought to keep her balance.

But again, her hind leg was straight instead of bent.

“Bend your hock, like this…” Casemate explained, taking his daughter’s leg and bending it slightly. “And pivot at your hip…”

Barbette nodded as she wobbled a little more, regaining her balance as her father carefully corrected her mistakes.

“Now bring it the rest of the way…”

He slowly brought Barbette’s leg up towards the dummy’s face.

“And aim beyond it, so that you can hit it hard, but keep your leg bent so that it’s easier to strike on target…”

Then, he brought her leg to the dummy’s head, tapping it lightly.

“Like that.”

Barbette nodded silently, and Casemate let her go, allowing her to stand normally.

“Now try it again, slowly.”

The filly coiled up, and Luna watched as she tried it again. Barbette began to pivot around, extending her hind leg. It was straight at first, but she seemed to recall her father’s instruction and bent it slightly about midway through the motion.

“Good.” Casemate affirmed, and the filly’s ears perked up at the praise.

Her look of discouragement began to melt away as well, and a determined glint began to shine in her green eyes. She followed through with the rest of the kick, finishing with a tap on the dummy’s head.

“Good job, Barb.” Casemate praised, a smile crossing his face. “Now do that, but at full speed. Remember, it’s not about force, it’s about technique.”

Luna felt her heart beginning to swell inside her chest. How Casemate was teaching her was superior in leaps and bounds when compared to his father. He was taking his time, never raising his voice, being patient and giving praise, none of which she had seen from Bastion.

Barbette settled back into her starting position, now looking far more confident than before, encouraged by her father’s words. She coiled up, blew out a slow breath, and sprung.

In a single, fluid motion, she spun around, leg extended but slightly bent, and struck the dummy’s head with an audible smack.

Luna caught her breath as she saw Barbette successfully execute the difficult kick, and watched as she brought all her hooves to the ground.

“That’s it, sweetie!” Edelweiss called out excitedly from the rooftop.

Barbette twirled around to face her parents, wearing an excited smile.

Casemate couldn’t keep a proud smile hidden, and he praised her yet again.

“Good work, Barb. You can do it after all!”

Barbette shot a grateful look at him in response, her ears up and her eyes shimmering as he continued.

“Now, try going through the whole thing. Just remember, think about what you are doing, and bend that leg.”


Barbette took a moment to bend her limbs and prance lightly in place, preparing to try the knockout technique again from start to finish.

Casemate and Edelweiss both watched with complete investment from their respective spots, completely silent and anticipative.

Luna could hardly break her attention either, watching with bated breath. Barbette was so close to accomplishing what Casemate had struggled with long ago, driven by his encouragement and teaching.

She could do it.

Then, Barbette began. She smashed her hoof into the dummy’s snout, then followed up with a fierce kick to each foreleg’s knee. She spun around, coiled her hind legs, and bucked the dummy, sinking her rear hooves into its chest.

Then, the filly coiled herself up, and everypony watched as she approached the critical point.

Barbette spun again, leg out. She gave a final cry as she came around, aiming for the dummy’s head…

And hit her mark.

“YES!” Casemate and Edelweiss shouted in unison, each looking at their daughter with pride and excitement.

Barbette came to a controlled stop, and looked at her parents, beaming.

“I did it!”

“You did!” Casemate exclaimed, walking up to her and wrapping an armored foreleg around her with a clank. “I’m proud of you, Barb. Good job!”

Barbette maintained her smile, despite being physically rattled around a little by Casemate’s enthusiastic embrace.

Luna felt a small smile play across her lips as some happiness defied her ever present shame and guilt, welling up for a few precious moments.

Her ears picked up a small, very quiet expression of happiness next to her, and she looked at the Warden. His remaining ear was raised, he was looking towards his daughter with a happy glint, and his usual frown was replaced by a subtle, loving smile.

Once again, this was a rare moment of peace for him. Luna now understood the significance of this particular moment, as it was perhaps one of his proudest moments as a father. He guided his daughter towards accomplishing a difficult act without resorting to his own father’s pitfalls.

It was also little wonder why he was so proud of Barbette. She seemed energetic and eager to please, and she really did put her passion into her training. She was a capable filly, that was undeniable.

After a few more seconds, Casemate released Barbette, and kissed her on the head. She sighed and rolled her eyes, but didn’t push back, still smiling.

When he pulled back, Luna noticed that Casemate’s expression had changed yet again. He wasn’t as excited, and his smile lessened as he appeared to be in thought. He closed his eyes a moment, took a deep breath, and spoke.

“Good work.” He said again, more calmly this time. “You’re doing much better with that than I was when I was your age.”

He opened his eyes, and Barbette gave a slight tilt of her head.

“Really?” She asked, looking skeptical. “...I thought you were trained when you were a foal too.”

“I was.” Casemate admitted, giving a single nod. “But things were far different for me then than they are for you now.”

Barbette didn’t answer right away, instead looking downwards as her brow furrowed, her big expressive eyes showing that she was deep in thought.



“I’ve been wondering… You haven’t told me about how you were trained by grandfather Bastion.”

She hesitated for a second, before looking up at her father with an earnest curiosity.

“How was it different?”

This question seemed to catch Casemate a little off guard. His eyes lost their soft light, his ear stiffened, and for a moment, he looked genuinely uncomfortable.

Edelweiss heard this as well, and shot a questioning look towards her husband, as if requesting to know whether or not he felt that was time to tell Barbette of his troubled past.

Casemate turned his head, his armor clicking silently as he met his wife’s gaze.

Luna began to wonder how exactly he was going to handle this. So far, he had shown great maturity and growth since when he was a colt, but she knew that Bastion was a sore point.

His reaction would likely speak volumes about how he had moved on since Bastion left, if at all.

Casemate looked off to the side, considering his options. Then, he nodded at Edelweiss, a resigned look on his face.

“I’ll tell you. Let’s sit down.” He told Barbette, quietly turning towards her and sitting on his flanks.

The filly did as she was told, and sat down across from her father, looking small compared to him. Yet, she showed no sign of intimidation or apprehension as she patiently waited for him to speak.

“Well, Barb…” He began tentatively. “You know how I’ve been telling you that it's okay to make mistakes, as long as you are willing to learn from them?”

Barbette nodded again, and Luna thought about how much more forgiving of mistakes Casemate was towards Barbette than Bastion was.

“Your grandfather didn't think so. He didn't tolerate any mistakes.”

Barbette tilted her head, and her snout scrunched a little as she thought.

“But… You said before that everypony makes mistakes. Didn't he know that?”

“He didn't act like it.” Casemate admitted. “If I made a mistake, he would punish me for it.”

Barbette's ears fell, and when she spoke next, her tone was subdued and mingled with disbelief.

“He would?”

“He would yell, force me to train for hours every day, and even hit me on occasion.”

“Wh-? I-I don't get it… Why did he do that?”

A small gust blew through the trees for a moment while he drew in a breath. His ear began to droop, and he answered.

“Do you remember when I told you that your grandmother died when I was just a baby?”

Barbette nodded, and Casemate continued.

“Well… Her death caused your grandfather to become very angry and upset. He felt as if he had failed her, even though he didn't. He soon began to think that the best way to make up for his supposed mistake would be for him to train me to become what he thought a Warden should be, with no room for imperfection.”

After giving this answer, Casemate fell silent, allowing Barbette time to process this information. This had to be weighing heavily on the filly’s mind…

“That's what you meant by saying that your training was different than mine?” She finally asked, breaking the silence.

Casemate nodded solemnly.

“That is the reason why I am patient with you. Me and your mother love you an awful lot, Barbette. Too much to treat you like your grandfather treated me.”

He fell silent once again, sighing as he continued to look at his daughter. Gradually, his expression began to shift, and a loving look softened his saddened face.

“That’s also why I made a point of asking you if you want to be a Warden like me. I don’t want you to feel forced to do something you don’t want to do.”

“But I want to be a Warden like you!” Barbette declared with a tone that showed more than a little concern that Casemate didn’t believe her when she said so.

However, a gentle squeeze by him seemed to put her fears to ease.

“We know, Barb. We know how much it means to you, and we won’t stop helping you learn in the best way possible, either.”

Barbette closed her eyes and sighed deeply, leaning into her father. No further words were spoken, but her body language showed that she had much on her mind.

“Now I think I understand why mom said that you never forgave him.”

This evoked a glance from Casemate which swiftly turned uncomfortable.

“She said that?”

He looked back up at Edelweiss, who had since resumed her work atop the roof. Again, he didn’t seem angry or upset, just uncomfortable.

“I’m not going to lie, I still feel anger towards him.” He admitted after a moment of silence. “If Princess Luna hadn’t come to me in my time of need, I would have ended up just like him.”

He let go of Barbette, and she sat upright, looking up at him and appearing confused.

“By being angry?”

Casemate nodded once.

“But… If you didn’t want to be angry like him, why did you decide to be angry at him? What’s the difference?”


Casemate’s ear dropped as his voice faded. Luna could tell very clearly that the filly’s question hit a mark that he would have preferred to not think about

But unlike before, when he would have responded negatively to such questioning, he inhaled deeply and remained relaxed.

“I don’t know if there is any difference between him and me in that regard, Barb.” He sighed, his voice giving off a sense of admission and even a bit of guilt. “I was so angry at how badly he treated me… I couldn’t bring myself to fully forgive him when I had the chance.”

This confession caught Luna’s attention. Casemate was aware that his anger wasn’t that far off from his father’s. It was a big step forward for him, she knew that.

Barbette had a lot to think about as well, and the filly’s face scrunched slightly as she pondered all that she had been told.

Casemate remained silent, allowing his daughter to think. He looked as if he were worried, concerned that perhaps this new truth had changed how his own daughter perceived or felt about him.

Luna couldn’t help but be reminded of a similar experience when she visited Apple Bloom in the past, and how awful she felt when she realized that the filly did view her in a different light than before.

“Dad,” Barbette spoke, another question having arisen; “if you had the chance now, would you have forgiven him?”

This evoked an ear twitch and a solemn look from Casemate down towards his daughter.

“I don’t know.” He answered truthfully. “But there have been many times when I feel like I should have done so.”

He looked away wistfully, his green eyes wandering towards the pine trees surrounding them. Barbette did the same, breaking eye contact and looking thoughtfully out into the distance.

Then Casemate spoke again, his voice solemn.

“But I cannot change the past. The hard truth is that I made a choice, and now I have to live with the fact that I cannot be the perfect role model that I want to be for you.”

A few more seconds of silence passed, and Barbette looked up at her father, and he looked back down at her. His emerald green eyes glinted with a sense of remorse that Luna could practically feel.

“Barb? I… I want to make something clear to you…”

The filly nodded, blinking once and looking curiously at him as he continued.

“I like to think that I am a good example for you to follow, and I know you think highly of me. But I have made mistakes that I really don't want you to make.” He sighed. “Just… Please promise to learn from my mistakes too, in addition to your own. Don't take the same path I did, okay?”

Luna drew a breath in awe. He had acknowledged his mistake of not forgiving his remorseful father and was encouraging his own daughter to not repeat his mistake!

Barbette's ears relaxed, and she looked down, clearly processing it all.

“I promise, dad.”

She leaned into her father once more, their metal armor clacking as they made contact. She put her foreleg around his back as best she could, and Casemate seemed to relax. His ear perked up from a drooping position, and a small smile appeared on his face as he placed a foreleg around her as well.

“Thank you.”

Within her, Luna felt her heart swell. This was a magical moment between a flawed father and his young daughter, in which both seemed to grow closer.

She also saw why this moment was so significant now. Casemate had matured so much, he had come to grips with the gravity of his choice to not forgive his father, and elected to pass on this hard lesson to his daughter. If this wasn't proof of how far he had progressed since he was a colt, then Luna couldn't imagine what could be.

However, this wasn't the sole reason why Luna felt so warm inside.

Casemate had straight up admitted that he now understood that unforgiveness was not healthy or beneficial…

The princess glanced sideways at the Warden standing close by, feeling a rare resurgence of hope within her.

What were the odds that he still understood that?

Up till now, Luna had no way of knowing that he even knew the benefits of being forgiving.

But now, she felt a hopefulness that she hadn't dared to acknowledge before…

He knew. There was no way he didn't.

As her gaze wandered back to the father and daughter before them, her mind briefly shifted towards the filly.

Barbette definitely seemed to take after her mother more so than her father. Yet, the pair were clearly close, which was quite encouraging to see.

The filly did seem to have the best of both of her parents; a compassionate and loving nature from her mother; along with a drive and passion for protecting Equestria as a Warden, like her father. She was also eager to prove herself, tough, and full of spirit.

After a fashion, Barbette reminded Luna of Apple Bloom, something that caused the princess to give a silent, small laugh.


Something clicked within Luna’s mind, and the small, almost imperceivable smile faded.

Was that why the Warden got along so well with Apple Bloom? She reminded him of his own daughter?

Luna glanced at the Warden once more, and it made sense.

No wonder he took to her. His fatherly instincts hadn't faded one bit since-

“Since you let me take that little filly away…” Nightmare Moon’s voice interjected within Luna's mind. “Don't allow your hopes make you forget what we did, Luna.”

The princess' heart sank like a stone, having blissfully forgotten until just now. The feelings of happiness and hopefulness evoked by seeing Casemate train and teach his daughter in a loving way were replaced by guilt and dread.

All the progress that Casemate had made for his daughter and wife would still end up being all for naught, because of her failure.

Then, a sharp beeping from Casemate's armor, momentarily halting Luna's despair by catching her attention. It seemed to have the same effect for everypony else, for Casemate bolted upright, as did Barbette. Edelweiss stopped what she was doing, and looked at her husband, concerned.

“ARTIS?” Casemate asked, speaking into his armor.

“Master Casemate, I am afraid the perimeter sensors twelve and thirteen have been triggered.”

“By what?”

“By who appears to be Princess Celestia and a few of her guards.”

Casemate, Edelweiss, and Barbette all stiffened, their ears simultaneously erecting. They seemed to believe that this was dire news, and Luna knew why.

Celestia wasn't nearly as wise or benevolent back then as she was now, and Luna understood this better than most, regrettably. If her elder sister had an enemy that was great enough, Celestia would have had few qualms about destroying him.

And it wasn't a secret that Celestia despised the descendants of Hightower at that time.

“Celestia? Really?” Casemate asked, as if in denial.

“Correct. There is no mistaking her magic signature. Thankfully, she appears to be stopped adjacent to sensor thirteen.” ARTIS replied, speaking through Casemate's armor.

Edelweiss slid down the roof, impacting the ground after an eight foot drop with a roll, moving with urgency. “Casey?” She asked, sounding and looking worried as she began trotting towards him and Barbette.

A familiar glint shone in Casemate's eye as his face hardened. Luna could tell that he already knew what he was going to do.

“Take Barbette into the lab and stay there until I return. I'm going to face her.”

“L-love, I… I don't think that's-”

“The princess is far too close for comfort. If she is looking for me and she knows that we live around here, then she might find you both.” He replied, looking down at Barbette, who was looking up at him with a worried expression. “I have to ensure that she doesn't.”

Edelweiss strode up to her husband, sighing shakily. Luna could see that she knew that he had no choice, but still didn't feel any comfort.

“I know.” The mare admitted, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them again. “Just… Don't kill her if you can avoid it, okay?”

Edelweiss’ concern was very much warranted. Luna recollected how he had come extremely close to ending her older sister’s life at Canterlot.

But Casemate merely nodded, speaking in a calmer tone of voice.

“I won’t. But I will make it very clear to her that I will not have her seeking me out. Now go hide.”

He gave Barbette a final squeeze and leaned towards his wife, giving her a quick kiss on her cheek.

Barbette then walked to her mother’s side, taking hold of her hoof while Casemate shot them an encouraging glance. Then, with a click, his mask slid over his face, his wings extended, and the jets within his armor spooled up.

When the jets had reached a fever pitch, he launched into the air, the wash blowing the leaves and grass away from where he took off. Small, concentrated green flames shot from several of the slots cut into his mechanized wings, indicating where the thrust was being directed.

After he had gone beyond the towering treetops, Casemate changed directions with a precise and graceful rotation before blasting away, his engines howling.

Edelweiss and Barbette both remained where they were for a moment, watching as Casemate quickly disappeared from sight. As the howl of his armor died away, the filly looked worriedly up at her mother, still keeping their hooves together.

“Is dad going to be alright?”

Edelweiss took a deep sigh, looking worried.

“He should…” The mare answered, her voice turning into a faint murmur. “I hope.”

She looked down at her daughter, and tugged lightly.

“Come on, let’s go inside.”

Barbette didn’t object, and together, the pair swiftly trotted towards the cottage, going through the door and closing it behind them. This sequence was over.

It was now just Luna and the Warden, standing quietly and ruminating on what had happened.

Once again, there was a bit to unpack, and the princess found herself in thought.

All in all, this sequence could be summarized as showing just how far Casemate had come since he was a foal. He didn’t just have a loving wife and a beloved child, but he had also proven that he didn’t want Barbette to be as unforgiving as he was.

Again, this was proof that Casemate knew the value of forgiveness… Right?

Luna glanced at the Warden, feeling a massive surge of uncertainty.

He was standing there next to her, a respectful distance away. His face was sullen, and she could feel conflicting emotions toiling within his heart.

He didn't seem to know what to feel.

Unease gripped Luna's heart. Just because he knew that forgiveness was beneficial back then didn't mean he felt the same way now.

Guilt and fear of the consequences of her failure pierced Luna's soul. Although the chances of him forgiving her were not entirely out of reach, the odds of him doing otherwise was very much real, especially after what Nightmare Moon did that night…

As this thought occurred to her, a sudden, jarring realization caused her heart to skip a beat.

The night in question was not far off now. The sequence that she had just witnessed occured minutes prior to the Warden's first run-in with Celestia, only a few months before Luna's fall to Nightmare.

The single most pivotal moment in her quest to obtain forgiveness was drawing nearer, and she dreaded it.

Luna's eyes widened, her ears fell, and she drew in a silent, yet sharp breath.

The painful climax of the Warden's tragedy was close at hoof, and Luna had no way of knowing for sure if he would be forgiving or not.

This uncertainty was unbearable, but she did not dare ask him yet.

“Are we ready to move on?” The Warden asked, breaking the silence and drawing Luna's worried gaze.

“Y-” Luna's voice trailed off for a moment as she desperately gathered her scattered emotions and fears in an effort to at least appear focused and calm, although she was doubtful that she was succeeding. “Y-yes. Let us proceed.”

She raised her head, focused her mind as best she could, and mustered all her willpower to move on.

There was too much at stake to simply balk now. She had come too far to turn back, nor could she allow Nightmare Moon another victory, at least not without giving it an honest try.

She shoved her fears aside, albeit barely, but it was enough to allow herself to cast her magic upon the dream. The scene faded into a cloudy mist, and Luna tried to not allow her fear of what was coming next to control her.

But try as she might, she was terrified.