• Published 29th Oct 2023
  • 2,650 Views, 182 Comments

Turn of Luck - David Silver

She was a fresh college grad with a shiny degree in social work and got a basic job where she can work towards helping people through tough times, hoping to become a renowned therapist or counselor. Pity her Halloween costume gets her to Equestria.

  • ...

7 - Get a Job

Maya awakened with a groaning yawn. She felt, well, groggy, but no headache. A tall glass of water was resting next to her, so she grabbed that and chugged it down. The grogginess began to fade as she emerged from her room, wondering if ponies were somewhat resistant to hangovers. "I went too far."

Spike was coming down the hallway, towards her. "Pinkie throws some wild parties, huh? Expect one at least once a year when your birthday rolls around."

Maya inclined her head at that. "That's going to be hard. Even I don't know what my birthday is on any calendar any...pony uses around here."

"Crazy." Spike went right past her. "I'm making breakfast, want some?"

Maya thought of that, realizing she was, in fact, quite hungry. "Yes, please." She followed him downstairs where Twilight was already seated at a table. "Good morning," she called to them both with friendly waves. "I have a busy day ahead of me. How about you, Maya?"

Spike went past both of them, vanishing into the kitchen to prepare that breakfast.

Maya hopped up near Twilight, sinking onto the chair. "Me too! I'm going to take the mayor up on her offer, see if I can't get an office." She frowned with a sudden thought. "If that... space has a bedroom..."

Twilight rolled a hoof. "Then you may move out. That is your choice. I welcome you spreading your wings though, just don't feel like I'm shoving you off a cliff. Do it if you feel ready, whenever that is. As roommates go, you've been entirely reasonable."

Maya smiled, touched by Twilight's understanding. "Thank you. It does feel like time for me to stake out my own space here." Her expression turned thoughtful. "And having an office will lend some...professional legitimacy versus the idea of counseling ponies out of your castle."

She chuckled wryly. "Not that credentials from my old world carry much weight in Equestria. It's a whole new start on establishing my reputation." The reality of that sank in, ears dipping. She'd be building totally from scratch.

Noticing Maya's flagging enthusiasm, Twilight gently lifted her chin. "Consider your natural talent blooming all around last night quite the colorful résumé. And I assure you, word of mouth spreads swiftly here. Why, I hadn't met Pinkie Pie for even a day before all of Ponyville greeted me as her boastful boasts promised!"

Remembering the party pony's effusive advocacy brought a renewed smile to Maya's face. "That's very true. I guess I should take a page from her book and just...leap in, making connections."

She met Twilight's kind gaze. "What do you have planned?" As Spike emerged with plates of syrup-drenched pancakes, for a moment the unlikely trio felt just like old friends starting their morning routine together. But the future called for all of them.

Twilight lifted a pancake delicately. "I'm helping mayor Mare with some organizing in the town hall records room."

Maya blinked. "Oh! Then we have the same place in mind. When are you going? I was thinking to head over there right after breakfast."

"Lovely." Twilight chomped her pancake, making a mess, and just taking another big bite. "Mmm, lovely, Spike."

"Your favorite word for this breakfast." Spike got to eating, far less messily. "Hope it goes well, Maya. Oh, you're always welcome to visit, whether you move out or not. You don't stop being a friend just 'cause you moved out."

Twilight quickly nodded. "Of course. Now..." She stuffed the rest of the pancake into her ready mouth. "Mmm, shall we visit a mayor?"

"Please." Maya only finished half her pancake, but she didn't feel too hungry. "Last night was a feast. I'm not starving." She slid to her hooves. "Lead the way." She casually assumed Twilight had a better mental map of the town.

Twilight magically cleared the dirty and abandoned dishes with a flash of violet energy. "Excellent! Let's be off then while the morning's still fresh." After bidding Spike farewell for the day, she and Maya trotted along the sunny Ponyville streets.

As they passed other ponies milling about their business, Twilight couldn't help notice ponies doing occasional double-takes at her companion. Whispers followed in their wake, tones intrigued with dashes of excitement or skepticism.

"Word certainly travels fast..." Maya muttered under her breath as another group of mares across the way conspicuously nodded their direction.

Twilight blushed, giving a helpless smile and shrug. "I did try to warn you. In such a small town, a visiting princess and magical pony claiming unique talents were always going to attract attention."

She patted Maya's shoulder consolingly. "At least it seems more curious than alarmed so far?" A familiar voice suddenly cried out "Twilight!" as Pinkie Pie came bounding over.

"Ooh, is Maya coming to help fix stuff at the Mayor's office? How fun!" she cheered, before gasping melodramatically. "Unless...she's in trouble for growing plants?!" Her eyes went wide with alarm. "That's not fair! Maya should get a medal for perking up Ponyville with pretty petunias!"

Maya laughed lightly at Pinkie's antics. "Silly thing. I'm going to get an office. Mayor Mare offered it last night... before I drank too much." She rubbed behind her head at that fuzzy memory. "Let's avoid repeating that part."

Pinkie bounced alongside Twilight's steps. "She must need help with pony records. She knows I am the best when it comes to that. I do it on my own! How else can a pony keep track of who needs a party when?"

Twilight gave Pinkie a doubting look. "You have curious hobbies, Pinkie." She waved ahead as they entered the town square. The town hall was not far ahead of them. "There it is. We'll get to work on our own things. You see about that office."

Mayor Mare had a warm smile waiting as the trio entered the modest town hall. "Ah Princess Twilight, Maya, a delight!" She gestured to the back room behind the public wicket counters. "Come see your new Haven Counseling office, dear!" They left Twilight and Pinkie behind, referring them to another office worker, and started down the road.

The Mayor led Maya down the street to a cozy free-standing building with a small apartment upstairs and professional office space below. "Here we are, your new Haven Counseling office and home, dear!" she proclaimed with pride. The building was cozy looking and a soft pastel shade, like many around it.

Maya stepped inside the welcoming downstairs parlor, sunlight streaming through lace curtains. The heavily varnished oak finishes and sage green walls with pastoral decor invited clients to unload their troubles on the cushy furniture. As Maya peered behind a door, she found a humble kitchenette and bathroom rounding out the counseling office amenities.

"The apartment for you is just upstairs, fully furnished," the Mayor explained. "And your first month's stipend to settle in." Her tone turned apologetic. "I know it's quite modest..."

"It's perfect!" Maya quickly assured, gratitude welling up all over again. This space felt just right to launch her new life helping ponies. With a warm office and cozy home of her own, she could fully plant roots in this community.

She couldn't help giggling as she wandered around the new space. "In, um, where I came from, getting a space like this would be a huge step. And I'd need so much money... Here, you're just..." She stopped, wiping a tear away. "Sorry... This is like a dream..."

Mayor Mare gently strokes along Maya's back. "We're thrilled to have you here. I think you'll be a fine addition to Ponyville, and help grow the community. That's worth giving you a building that's fallen out of use, hm? I'll take a pleasant neighbor over an empty house any day of the week."

Maya leaned into the Mayor's reassuring touch, emotions settling. "Well, either way, I can't thank you enough for this opportunity." She gazed around the cozy space that was somehow wholly hers. "It's still incredible to me that every pony gets provided for. Back home it was..."

She trailed off, discussions of capitalist systems perhaps too heavy. But the Mayor gave a sage nod. "I sensed as much from the surprise in your eyes. Equestria has flaws, but our rulers have ensured no pony sleeps uncared for on the streets." Her eyes took on a faraway sadness. "If only leaders beyond our borders felt as strongly..."

The moment passed as she met Maya's eyes again with a chuckle. "Ah, but you've enough to adjust to already! Go, settle in upstairs. Once you've unpacked, do pop 'round my office for bureaucracy's sake." Her tone softened. "And know my door's always open if you need, dear."

Maya's gratitude swelled anew. With a final squeeze, the Mayor saw herself out while Maya explored her new apartment. It was compact but cozy, with cute antique furnishings and charming accents like a porcelain frog statuette on the bedside table. Almost like this space had been awaiting her whimsical touch all along.

With giddy optimism, Maya began personalizing the cute bungalow with her own infusions of plants. This dwelling felt like the first place in ages she had total dominion over. As greenery spilled from baskets under her guiding hoof, Maya felt her destiny coming into full bloom.

"Excuse me."

Maya perked in surprise at the call, scurrying down the stairs. "Yes?" She hadn't hung an 'open' sign or anything just yet!

There was a mare. She was smiling nervously. "Hello... I'm told you're a pony you can... just talk to... May I... talk to you?"

Maya blinked. A customer? A client! Somepony in need! She rushed over to the chair and waved at the couch. "I would be delighted! We should start with names." She pointed at herself. "I'm Maya, and I am a pony you can talk to, and we'll try to sort things out, hm?"

"Oh, good." The mare stepped up onto the couch and sank on it. "I'm Roseluck." Her mane reminded of those rose. Her pelt was a light yellowish tone. She had green eyes and a guarded smile. "And... change scares me."

Maya nodded at that. "First, a point to you for admitting that. Many have a hard time doing even that." That Roseluck looked pleased at the praise only made Maya smile. "Second, that is a very common fear. You don't like it, and who does, but fewer like it when things shift out of their comfort zone."

Roseluck giggled gently, wriggling her hooves but looking pleased. "Thank you, but it's a little more than that... When something surprising happens, I just... freak out... Like... I'll lock up. I'll pass out..." She rubbed at her neck from the side. "It's... I feel awful, afterwards, but I can't even help myself!"

Maya's expression softened with empathy. "Oh Roseluck, that anxiety response sounds so distressing. But the first step is self-awareness, which you demonstrate in abundance by coming here." She inclined forward, holding the nervous mare's gaze gently. "The first thing I want you to know is that you have done nothing wrong. Our minds and bodies can react intensely to perceived threats without our conscious control."

She had no notepad. She decided to try cheating. Pressing a hoof to the ground, she caused a plant to erupt with a notepad, of various thicknesses of wood, to emerge. She plucked the notepad fruit.

Equipped to continue, she cleared her throat. "Fainting or paralysis in response to stressful surprises means your nervous system overrides logic. It misidentifies those events as danger based on past trauma or wiring. But with care and training, such reactions can improve."

Setting her notes aside, Maya refocused fully on Roseluck. "The goal ahead is not to berate yourself for how you respond now. Be proud for prioritizing healing." She extended a comforting hoof. "With time and tools, you can thrive. But first, simply breathe. And know you never stand alone."

Roseluck grasped Maya's hoof as if a lifeline, eyes shimmering with fragile hope. She had expected dismissal, not immediate empathy. Each shaky exhale eased tension from her frame. This compassionate stranger saw her, truly saw the pony behind the condition. And still, she offered a hoof up, not down. It was everything.

"One thing..." Roseluck glanced at the door and nodded.

Two other ponies came in. "These are my sisters in my craft. We are the flower mares."

Author's Note:

When it rains, it pours.

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