• Published 29th Oct 2023
  • 2,654 Views, 182 Comments

Turn of Luck - David Silver

She was a fresh college grad with a shiny degree in social work and got a basic job where she can work towards helping people through tough times, hoping to become a renowned therapist or counselor. Pity her Halloween costume gets her to Equestria.

  • ...

2 - Glam Up

Maya looked intently in the mirror. The pony in it moved as she did. She tried each leg, and it imitated each perfectly. She tried poking the reflection, but it was safely behind the glass. She turned her attention to herself, feeling her face, ruffling her fur and patting herself down.

"Thank God..." She could feel through her hooves. Whatever she pressed them against, she could feel the texture and warmth and everything one would expect placing fingers on something. "Could be worse..." She had imagined hooves just not feeling much. They didn't in real horses, right?

Real was a bit of a tricky concept... Surely she was real? She could feel her pony self, see it, smell it, touch it... It was hard to argue. She was a pony. A yellow pony with a pink mane and tail. She still had those ribbons holding her mane in a pony tail and her tail in... also a pony tail?

She even still had her dangling clover and a basic dress. She was a pony. "I did not sign up for this..."

"I hope you're ready to sign up for this." Spike staggered into the room, burdened with a sizable box of comics that he spilled all over Maya's new bed. "Because I have a big treat for you!"

Maya blinked down at the pile of comics now scattered across the bed. "Oh, uh, thanks Spike," she said, picking up one of the issues with her hoof to examine it closer. The glossy pages and colorful panels showed what looked like pony superheroes battling villains.

"Yeah, I figured with you being from a human world, you must have some cool comics there too!" Spike said enthusiastically. He held up one titled 'Power Ponies.' "This one's my favorite. Maretropolis gets attacked by monsters like this evil mane-iac stylist."

Maya chuckled, settling in on the bed to flip through the comic. She took a moment to amaze that her hoof seemed to be pretty dextrous despite being firm and immobile. It was like whatever she wanted to do, she could, to things touching her hoof. The pony heroes did remind her a bit of comic books back home. She felt a pang of nostalgia looking at the vibrant pages, a piece of familiarity.

"We've got tons of great series here in Equestria that I can lend you," Spike continued. "Just say the word if you want mecha, magic academies, pony noir..."

"Those sound amazing, Spike," Maya said sincerely. As bizarre as her situation was, she found herself comforted that this world had its own unique culture. She wasn't totally alone. Turning a page, she asked, "So which Power Pony is your favorite?"

Spike's eyes lit up eagerly. Finally, someone who spoke his language! He plopped down on the bed beside Maya and launched into an excited description of each hero, happy to share his passion with a new friend.

Maya nodded along, listening, but also scheming quietly. "Spike."


Maya waved a comic at him. "May I ask how old you are? Are you...A young child? An older child? A..." Was teenager the right term? "Young adult? Adult?"

Spike frowned at the question. "Wow, not many would ask that, uh..." He stroked at his chin. "And I'm not 100% sure... We don't have a lot of dragons to compare to." He spread his wings wide. "I got these a bit ago. I was told they're a sign of... puberty. It means I'm growing!"

Maya clapped supportively at Spike's sign of growth. "Good for you, very nice." She meant her words, feeling warm in joining the little celebration. Spike was a child, reaching a new level of maturity. That was always worth being happy about. "We'll put you around... 15?"

"Uh..." Spike shrugged helplessly. "Sure. Your guess is as good as mine. Twilight hatched me, so... Uh, I could be a lot of things. Dragons don't normally hatch by pony magic, you know?"

"I don't know," admitted Maya flatly, but her smile returned. "That must make you and Twilight very close."

"We're sibs!" He fired both thumbs up at his own chest. "She's my sister, I'm her brother."

"That's so sweet." Maya reached a hoof to rub along Spike's fins. They were softer than they first appeared, bending around the touches and springing back upright. "Thank you. You've been very inviting, especially now that I know more." A child of his develpment? It would have been very easy for him to be guarded, maybe jealous? Of anyone just... walking into his life and taking up space like that. "You're a nice dragon."

Just then, Twilight popped her head into the room. "Oh good, you two are getting along!" she said, smiling as she saw Spike enthusiastically showing Maya his comic collection.

"Yeah, Maya thinks the Power Ponies are really cool!" Spike clapped his hands with a bright smile. "Did you know she comes from a place with human superhero comics too?"

"Fascinating," Twilight entered the room, ears perked and alert. "I'd love to learn more about your world, Maya. But first, are you settling in alright? I know this is still a lot to take in."

Maya gave a small smile. "It's...strange, but everyone has been really kind." She gestured to the comics. "Spike was just telling me how you hatched him when he was an egg. That's amazing, and it's clear you two share a special bond."

Twilight laughed. "Oh yes, it was... almost a miracle it happened like that. But it was worth it." She nuzzled Spike affectionately. "I hope you'll feel at home here soon too. Friendship is the most important thing in Equestria."

"Well, you've all already made me feel very welcomed." Maya meant it sincerely. She was still reeling internally, but the ponies' openness and Spike's enthusiasm warmed her heart. This truly was a land centered on harmony.

Twilight nodded gladly. "Have you given any thought to what you'd like to do here? I'm sure we can find a way for you to pursue your passions, even if they're different from back home."

Maya paused. She hadn't expected an opportunity like this. "Well," she began thoughtfully...

"Darling," called a new voice, hoofsteps coming closer in the hallway. "Where are you hiding? Have you forgotten?"

Twilight winced. "I did forget," she miserably sighed. "In here," she called out to the new voice. "This is Rarity, a dear friend of mine."

Rarity walked in with a bright smile. "There you are, and with somepony new." She looked Maya over curiously. "A fine time for introductions, hm?"

Twilight nodded quickly. "Of course!" She waved at Maya. "This is Maya. She's from a human world, not the one I've visited before, near as I can tell... She's out of place, so be gentle with her." She switched hooves to wave at Rarity. "As I mentioned, this is Rarity. She's a close friend of ours."

"Oh dear." Rarity came in closer, ignoring the idea of personal space. "You must be quite upset, poor thing. Did Twilight lend you those clothes?" She glanced away and back. "Very kind of her," she whispered harshly. "But she has no sense of style."

"I heard that." Twilight rolled her eyes. "You two get to know one another. I should..."

Rarity grabbed Twilight by the shoulder. "Our date?"

Twilight sighed. "Maya's appearance has thrown off my calender, I'm afraid... But she could use your help?"

Rarity twirled on Maya with a beaming smile. "That I can do. Are you ready for some fashion?"

Maya blinked slowly. "The way you say that makes me a little nervous..." The pony who she had only seen once, in a movie, was living and standing before her, acting like a living thing. "How do I 'do' a fashion?"

"Fashion is my life's passion, darlng!" Rarity declared. Her horn lit up as ribbons flew around Maya, taking measurements. "I design the most glamorous outfits in Ponyville."

The ribbons tickled as they wrapped around Maya's legs, chest and neck. She couldn't help but giggle and squirm a little.

"Now now, do stand still," Rarity gently chided. "Hmm, you seem a slim figure. Perfect for showing off the lines of a dress."

More ribbons surrounded Maya, floating fabric samples in different colors and patterns. Maya blinked, amazed by the shimmering magic display.

"Perhaps a nice spring green to complement your coat..." Rarity murmured to herself, critically comparing her selections.

As the ribbons swirled around Maya taking measurements, she found herself occasionally distracted by the unfamiliar feeling of having four legs. Lifting one hoof off the ground to reposition herself made Maya suddenly aware of how ponies balance on the remaining three. She wondered how ponies coordinated their gaits and movements so seamlessly compared to humans.

When a ribbon tickled her back leg, Maya involuntarily twitched it. Having two more limbs she was unaccustomed to controlling would clearly take some practice. At least she didn't have to stand fully upright and rigid like real horses. The pony way of resting part of their weight on all fours came more naturally.

Catching herself getting lost in thought, Maya tried to focus again on Rarity's creative process unfolding around her. The beautiful shimmering fabrics and flashes of magic were mesmerizing. Maya felt optimistic that Rarity could help her adjust to having not just arms and legs, but front and back hooves working in concert. But she waited for the dresswork to be done first.

"Let me start with a thank you." Maya stepped foward, moving to the mirror to behold herself in her green dress, tailored for her body specifically. "Wow, that was fast... Do you always make dresses in minutes?"

"No." Rarity tucked her things away, somehow getting needles and thead and fabrics away into herself, vanishing into her form. "That was a favor for a new friend, dear. It takes a bit of effort to work that fast, so don't become accustomed to it."

"Wow." Maya tried to imagine a human going that fast. No, impossible... "Wow... Um, so." She cycled her hooves off the ground. "I'm new with these, and everything else." She lashed her tail. "That too. Pony, in general."

"Don't ask me." Spike slid to the ground. "Happy being a dragon. Tried a dog for a while, no thanks." He bat his lashes at Rarity. "Need anything, Rarity?"

Rarity ruffled Spike's head much as Maya had earlier. "I'll be fine, Spikey-Wikey. Go on and play."

Spike rushed off with hearts in his eyes.

Maya inclined her head at that. Would that humans showed their emotions so clearly... "Rarity, how old are you?"

Rarity recoiled. "Darling! That's an imporper question to ask a mare, especially one you're just meeting."

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!" Maya apologized. "I didn't realize asking a pony's age was rude. Where I'm from, it's just a normal way to get to know someone." That wasn't entirely true, but it felt like a safe little lie to take pressure off.

Rarity's expression softened. "No need to apologize, darling. You're still learning our customs." She gently touched Maya with her hoof. "If I may ask, why were you curious about my age?"

"Well, back in my world, I was studying psychology," Maya explained. "So I'm interested in understanding personalities and how age shapes life experiences."

"How fascinating!" Rarity replied. "We ponies certainly gain perspective as we mature as well. I'm considered quite youthful for all I've accomplished." She flipped her mane proudly.

Just then Spike returned, carrying a towering stack of books. "Hey guys, Twilight wanted me to...whoa..." He stumbled, sending the books crashing down around Maya and Rarity.

Rarity sighed, her horn glowing as she neatly re-stacked the books. "Thank you Spikey, but do be more careful."

Spike rubbed his head sheepishly. "Heh, sorry about that!"

"It's okay to slow down a little." She ruffled him anew, but let him scurry on with what he was up to. Her attention slid to Rarity. "I was more curious if you were an adult, or not an adult."

"Well, that's a fair enough question. Far less troubling. Really, dear..." Rarity fanned herself with a hoof. "I am an adult. You'll get nothing more specific than that."

Maya smiled gently, laughing on the inside. Pony females were like many human females, not eager to share their specific age. "A young one, obviously."

"Obviously," sang out Rarity in agreement. "Now, let's talk about getting you comfortable in Ponyville. Are you a creature of culture?"

A creature of culture? "I like fashion enough."

"That's a start." Rarity walked from the room, waving with her tail for Maya to follow. "But how about plays, having one's hooves done, being pampered, and sharing the juiciest of gossip." She was more excited with each thing she went over. "Are you a city pony, or a country pony, to put it simply?"

Maya followed where Rarity led, soon stepping out of the castle Twilight lived in. That let her take in Ponyville in the fading light of late afternoon. It was the same time she had been trick-or-treating before... Everything... "Wow..."

"Hm?" Rarity turned to see what Maya was looking at, then turned back to face Ponyville. "Welcome to Ponyville, our home." She waved out at it. "Quite charming, is it not?"

Maya took an uncertain step forward. "I really am here... I... am here..."

"You certainly a..." Rarity didn't finish her word, seeing that Maya was crying silent tears. "Darling? Are you alright?" The answer to that was quite clear. Maya was falling apart, where she had been fine a moment before. "Dear? Oh my..." Rarity floated out a napkin and gently dabbed at Maya's face, at least trying to clean things. "We can wait..."

Maya's new reality was crashing on her. She had been strong, but she had limits. She had tried to act firm, but she was glass. She was shattering. Just as hard, but broken. She was a pony, in a world of ponies. There was a little pony town, right in front of her. She lived in magic pony world. She was probably never going to get back to Earth. She was never to be a human again. All her plans, lost.

Rarity's heart ached seeing this poor creature so distraught. She knew the pain of having a dream snatched away all too well.

"There there, let it out," she soothed, floating over the handkerchief for Maya to dry her eyes. "I can't imagine how difficult this is for you. But you don't have to face it alone."

Maya dabbed at her eyes, taking a few deep, shaky breaths. "I'm sorry, I just...it finally sunk in that everything is different now. You've all been so kind, but..." She trailed off, tears welling up again.

"Of course, darling. We may be ponies, but we understand heartbreak." Rarity gestured towards town. "Come, walk with me. The fresh air will do you good."

As they slowly wandered the streets of Ponyville, Maya found herself comforted by Rarity's presence. The elegantly dressed pony just listened, letting her share fears, hopes and memories when she was ready.

Rarity pointed out landmarks and waved to neighbors, subtly assuring Maya she had a place here. Eventually Maya's tears dried, and she managed a small but genuine smile at a group of fillies playing tag.

"Better?" Rarity asked gently. When Maya nodded, she smiled. "Don't lose heart, my dear. Though the path ahead is long, with friendships such as ours, you'll never walk it alone."

Maya waved the fillies closer. To her amazement, they came, no fear in their eyes. She was a total stranger, but they came rushing up like they were all old friends. "Hello there." Her smile grew by the moment. "I'm Maya."

One of the fillies nodded, her bow dancing. "Ah'm Apple Bloom." She pointed to the others. "That there's Sweetie Belle." She pointed to Rarity. "Her little sister. And that one's Scootaloo."

"Yo." Scootaloo bounced in place. "What's up? Nice to meetcha."

Rarity nodded at them. "You getting into any trouble, Sweets?"

Sweetie giggled. "As usual."

Rarity rolled her eyes at that. "At least you're honest about it." She slid in closer to Maya. "Feeling better?"

"A little, yeah... Yeah..." She took a slow breath. "Yeah. Hello girls. What game are you playing?"

"We're playin' hide and seek!" Apple Bloom explained. "Do ya wanna join our game?"

Before Maya could respond, Sweetie Belle rushed up and pointed to Maya's flank. "Hey, why doesn't she have a cutie mark ?"

Scootaloo gasped. "Whoa, you're right! She's a blank flank." The three fillies circled around Maya excitedly.

"A cutie mark appears when a pony discovers their special talent," Rarity explained kindly to a confused Maya. "These three are specialists when it comes to that. Why, they're called the Cutie-Mark Crusaders for a reason, dear."

Maya looked over her flank, noting the blank yellow coat. "I guess becoming a pony made me a blank flank too." She smiled softly, realizing how little she knew about this world and herself then.

"Awesome, you can be part of the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Scootaloo cheered.

"We help ponies find their cutie marks," Sweetie Belle added. "And maybe find yours too!"

Maya laughed as the infectious enthusiasm of the fillies lifted her spirits higher. "I'd love that. Lead the way!"

Rarity slid a hoof between Maya and the Crusaders. "Darling, don't be too hasty. That sounds like a very productive meeting, and you really should consult with them, but... let's put a pin in that, as a friend of mine would say." She reached to pat each Crusader gently. "Our friend here has just arrived. They weren't a pony before."

All three fillies blinked in confusion. Sweetie inclined her head. "She's one now."

"That she is." Rarity gestured with a toss of her head. "But she wasn't before. So she isn't a lost soul just yet. We should give her a chance to discover herself at her own speed before you all hurry it along."

Apple Bloom curled a hoof to her chin. "Huh, good point. She don't need us jus' yet."

Scootaloo flashed a smile. "That doesn't stop her from playing if she wants to."

Maya felt that smile catching. Such lovely energy the fillies had. Such a wonderful world they must have grown in. Was that the world she was in? Maybe it wasn't... all bad... "I want to join your games, but Rarity's showing me around, so let me do that. Later?"

"Later!" all three cried with perfect harmony, giggling and hurrying back to their games.

"Darling." Rarity resumed their trip through the town. "Pardon for assuming, but were you a teacher, or a foalsitter? You strike me as a pony that gets along quite well with foals. It was lovely to see, that natural connection."

Maya felt her ears go up without her input, that was an odd sensation. "Y-yeah, sorta..." She wobbled a hoof, managing to walk and do that at the same time. "I'm someone--"

"Somepony," corrected Rarity.

"Somepony." Maya coughed into a hoof. "That helps other... ponies... to understand themselves and the world around them. If they're feeling sad, I'm there to help. If they don't understand something, I try to help bridge that. Beat bad habits, figure out why they think a certain way... Do ponies have that?"

"A therapist?"

Maya blinked dumbly. Oh, they did have those... "Yes, like that." She bounced with joy. "I learned how to be one of those! Can I still do that job here then?" Her spirits felt lifted. Perhaps her dreams hadn't been entirely dashed!

Rarity considered Maya's question carefully. "While harmony is our ideal, ponies still face struggles like any creature. Some may cope with anxiety over cutie marks. Others have self-doubt. speciesism and even tribalism and prejudice exist, if less than in darker times."

She gave a sad smile. "I confess, in my youth I contributed to the bullying of a dear friend for being different, allowing my ambition to blind me. It is a shame I carry to this day. So I understand the need for those like yourself who guide others towards compassion."

Maya listened thoughtfully, reminded not to view this pony world through too rosy a lens. Where there were thinking beings, there would be misunderstandings and pain, if unintentionally.

"I appreciate you being open about that," Maya said. "It's important I don't make assumptions. Each world has its challenges, but I want to believe kindness and empathy can prevail."

Rarity nodded. "As do I. My friends and I strive to foster those values in Equestria. Your profession is so vital to that cause." She rested a hoof on Maya's shoulder. "I have faith you can make as much a difference here as in your world." She patted Maya gently. "But put those thoughts aside. This evening, we're going to soak in some culture."

Maya followed curiously behind. "What kind of culture?" Well, pony culture, clearly. But Maya had no clue what that could mean.

"Music." She led Maya to a grassy field where ponies sat, facing a stage. "Your timing is fantastic. They're doing a show tonight, and I insist you enjoy it." With a pop of her magic, a blanket appeared and sank to the grass, making a clean place to sit herself. "Oh, hello Octavia!"

The pony she had greeted nodded just slightly. The earth pony mare's attention was largely on her cello. She tuned and prepared it and herself along with the other orchestra members. They began playing, producing sweet and gentle notes the lifted into the evening air.

Maya began clapping her new hooves gently to the beat. "I love classic..." It wasn't an earth song. She had no idea what song it was, but the melodies were delightful, and just sitting still and letting it wash over her felt nice enough. "You are a real treat, Rarity."

"I do try, dear." Rarity smiled knowingly. "Would you care for a treat while we enjoy this?" She inclined her head at some street faire being offered.

"I'd love a treat, thank you," Maya said, touched by Rarity's hospitality. As the fashionista trotted off, Maya let the music wash over her. She was accustomed to blaring pop songs and car horns, not gentle strings played in the open air. It was peaceful.

Rarity returned levitating two ice cream cones and passed one to Maya. "Vanilla chamomile - a delightful melody for the palate."

Maya took an experimental lick, ears perking up at the sweet floral flavor. "Mmm, that's really good!" The cold sweetness lifted her spirits even higher.

As the performance went on, Rarity pointed out ponies in the crowd she recognized. Maya got to know more of the vibrant personalities around town. She waved to a boisterous pegasus named Rainbow Dash flying overhead. They didn't get to meet, but at least she saw them.

By the time the musicians took their bows, Maya felt far more at ease. For the first time since arriving, thoughts of home didn't weigh on her as heavily. She had a full belly, a clear sky above, and a new friend at her side. It was enough for now.

"Did you enjoy yourself, dear?" Rarity asked as they strolled back.

Maya smiled warmly. "I really did. Thank you, Rarity. I needed this."

Rarity gave her a gentle hug. "It was my pleasure. I know the path ahead is long, but you needn't walk it alone. You have ponies in your corner now."

The hug reminded Maya just how... different things were. She was an alien, being hugged by another alien. Still, the emotions were all positive. It was an alien embrace of kinship and kindness. It was one part lovely and another part terrifying.

"Dear?" Rarity noticed the tenseness in her new friend. "Are you alright? Don't push yourself on my account." She stood up. "Is it time to retire?" She pointed up to the tall tower of Twilight's.

Maya's new home. "Y-yeah... Good idea." She took a shuddering breath. "But thank you, again. This has been wonderful. I'm the problem here, not you."

"Perish the thought." Rarity tapped at Maya's chest. "You've been through quite a bit. Having feelings about it doesn't make you a bad pony. You go back up there, get some rest, and look forward to what tomorrow will bring." She kissed either of Maya's cheeks. "I had a lovely time. The original plan was to haul Twilight out her for it, but that mare, I swear..."

Maya shook herself out, getting her legs working after lounging through that show. A brief glimmer got her attention. Why did her hooves glow like that? It was a fleeting moment, there and gone again. She hadn't seen any other pony with glowing hooves.

What was up with hers?

Author's Note:

My patrons got to vote on how the story went. Actually, everyone did, but the patron votes counted the hardest. This was the result.

I decided to puuuush to 4k. Who's gonna stop me?

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