• Published 29th Oct 2023
  • 2,654 Views, 182 Comments

Turn of Luck - David Silver

She was a fresh college grad with a shiny degree in social work and got a basic job where she can work towards helping people through tough times, hoping to become a renowned therapist or counselor. Pity her Halloween costume gets her to Equestria.

  • ...

5 - Welcome to Ponyville!

Maya turned back to the castle, but there was something in the way. That something was pink and smiling. "Pinkie Pie?"

Pinkie gasped, but did not look unhappy. "You already know me? Did Twilight mention me? She told me about you!" She pronked around Maya much as Aurelio had done. "Your party's tonight! But I need to know a few things."

"Party?" She did not know G4 nearly as well as G5. "What party?"

"Your party, silly." Pinkie wriggled her nose. "You are very silly. But.... You're also kinda special." She grabbed one of Maya's hooves with stronger hoof-grasp than most ponies seemed to show, far closer to G5 standards than G4. "I can feel it."

Maya wrenched her hoof back. "What can you feel?"

"You are an earth pony that feels earthy." Pinkie bounced in place. "Those are rare. Most of them are Pies! Are you a Pie? Maya Pie? Hello, cous'!"

"I don't think we're related," got out Maya between little laughs. "But it's nice to meet you. Now, party? When did I get one of those?"

"Everypony new absolutely needs a super spectacular welcoming party!" Pinkie proclaimed, bouncing around Maya in a circle. "How else will you make lots of friends right away and feel happy and smiley in your new home?"

She suddenly gasped dramatically. "Unless...you don't LIKE parties?! Not liking parties is absolutely positively the most tragic thing ever!" She leaned in, scrutinizing Maya's nervous smile. "You...DO like parties...right?"

"Of course!" Maya tried to match Pinkie's over-the-top enthusiasm. "Who doesn't enjoy parties? I'm, uh, just a little overwhelmed still getting to know Ponyville. But I appreciate you throwing one for me, really."

Maya hoped that would relax the intense pony. Sure enough, Pinkie broke into a wide smile. "Yay! This will be the funnest party for the most special pony!" She leaned in to loudly whisper. "Wanna know a secret? I have like a sixth sense for cool ponies with super awesome talents! And YOU'VE got one bubbling under the surface!"

She winked conspiratorially as she bounced away. "Ooh, I need to make sure we have a chocolate mud fountain..."

Maya could only chuckle and shake her head. Well, she had certainly made an impression on the local party planner. But how exactly HAD Pinkie sensed something odd about her new talents? This strange town continued to surprise her. Wait.

"Did Twilight tell you about me?" Maya glared up at the tower. "I only just told her. That secret didn't last long..."

"I would never break a secret." Pinkie crossed her heart and that somehow ended with poking herself in the eye. "She didn't tell me anything but that your name is Maya and you're nice and you like talking to ponies, which makes you already a friend of mines."

She spread her arms wide. "So bring it in!"

Maya snorted softly, but did take that last step, giving Pinkie a hug and getting it back. Pinkie smelled... Sweet. It was a nice hug...

"You alright?"

Maya started, stirred awake. She only realized then that she had just... hugged Pinkie and basically zoned out into the hug. "How much time did I just lose?"

Pinkie waved a hoof dismissively. "Oh, just a minute or two! But it was a super good hug, huh?"

She nudged Maya playfully. "Guess you were relaxed as relaxed can be! Which is exactly what parties are meant for too - relaxing with fun and friends!"

Maya blushed, embarrassed to have gotten so suddenly comfortable around the effusive pony. But she did have to admit - it was probably the most content she'd felt since arriving here. Something about Pinkie's aura just radiated warmth.

"Well, um, thank you," Maya managed. "I guess hugs aren't something I thought I really needed. But yes, it helped."

Pinkie grinned. "Hugs help everypony! Now come on..." To Maya's astonishment, Pinkie lifted her easily onto her back. "Let me show you around while we get party supplies!"

Before Maya could object, Pinkie took off bouncing down the road, nimbly balancing a shocked Maya. "That building's Sugar Cube Corner - best bakery in Equestria! Oh and there's where I first met Twilight and had to sing a biiiig welcome song to get her to smile..."

Despite the dizzying ride, Maya found herself smiling too. She had never met someone who lived so fully in the moment, embracing joy. She rested her head against Pinkie's, perfectly content to see where this new friend bounced next. Something told her this party might be just what she needed.

The oddest part was that she somehow didn't bounce right off Pinkie. It felt like she was attached somehow, riding Pinkie along without a worry. She put her hooves down on Pinkie's shoulders, making little riding motions with her knees. As it turned out, Pinkie turned when guided, like a trained horse.

Pinkie turned an ear back. "You're good at that."

Maya inclined her head. "You shouldn't... know that." She nudged for Pinkie to stop, and she did. "How?"

Pinkie half-curled to face Maya. "You're talking with your legs. Lots of ponies talk in different ways. If you want to talk with your legs, I'm listening!"

Maya nudged Pinkie forward. "You are a very special pony."

"Aw, thanks." Pinkie stopped to grab a bunch of party favors she tucked right into herself like it was no big deal. "I think you're pretty special too. I hope you show me how! Maybe at the party?"

As Pinkie effortlessly maneuvered left and right responding to Maya's slight leg nudges, Maya pondered just how the pony seemed so instinctively conditioned to be "ridden" already.

Had Pinkie been trained for dressage competitions in some former life? Her gait and balance hadn't even shifted adjusting to a passenger. No, Pinkie simply moved as though somehow intrinsically knowing what every subtle signal from Maya meant, like they shared one mind.

Maya leaned forward experimentally. As easily as bending to a jockey's urging, Pinkie gradually picked up speed until the town was just a blur around them. Maya's astonishment grew.

Something extraordinary connected them - she could feel it in her bones. It was as though Pinkie could read her body's unspoken desires and translate them seamlessly into her own intuitive motion. They were physically attuned beyond what should be possible between strangers. Just what WAS this pink pony? There were clearly more mysteries in Ponyville than just her own...

As they finally slowed to a trot, Maya ventured, "Have you...always been so perceptive to ponies' silent guidance?" She had to know if this was somehow related to her empathic talents lying dormant in this world too.

"Yes and no." Pinkie made an unfolding gesture, unfolding the whole set of Maya's party with a sharp snap around them. "Sometimes, but not always." She leaned to the side. "This is your stop," she sang. As soon as Maya slid free, Pinkie grabbed for Maya's hooves. "Now stop teasing me! What's the secret? Tell me!"

Maya considered the almost vibrating pony. So far, telling people hadn't really caused a fuss... "Well... Okay."

"Yes!" Pinkie pumped a hoof. "Thank you. Go on."

"Watch." Maya planted all her hooves firmly and let out a slow breath. She imagined her power rolling out into the grass. "Grow," she whispered gently, and the plants beneath and around her gladly obeyed, gaining inches in moments until they nudged up at her belly, tickling her. That made her stop in a patch of tall wild flowers and grass. "See?"

Pinkie stared wide-eyed at the flourishing flowers and grass now swirling around Maya, jaw dropping in astonishment. Her expression then morphed to pure elation.

"I knew it, I knew it!" she cheered, pronking over to Maya heedless of crushing vegetation underhoof. "Ever since I first saw you, I just had this wiggly little tickly feeling that you had some super special talent hidden away!"

She extended a hoof to gently poke an overgrown daisy as the plants retreated back to normal at Maya's subtle signal. Pinkie met her new friend's gaze with sheer wonder shining in her eyes.

"Most earth pony magic helps tiny bitty things grow slowly over time. But YOU - " She reared up on her hindlegs with an excited flap of her front hooves. "- you made a whole meadow just burst into life instantly! You're like a magical plant fairy!"

Maya flushed, not used to such wholehearted awe of her uncommon gift. She scuffed a hoof self-consciously. "It's still so new to me. But yes, manipulating plants comes...unusually easily."

Pinkie just grinned and pulled Maya into another sudden, crushing hug. "I can't wait to see everypony's faces when you spruce things up at your party tonight! It's gonna be the bestest blast ever!" She twirled off, no doubt planning decor adjustments to highlight her wondrous new friend.

Maya simply watched her go, shaking her head and laughing softly. Her secret admirer was certainly one-of-a-kind.

Not that they had been secretive. Not that... "Pinkie!" She took a few steps, but Pinkie was long gone. Her secret was likely quite done. "Smooth," she sighed to herself. She had not a single other person to blame.

For just one moment, Maya wondered if Pinkie had a talent of her own.

But then a list of things Pinkie had already done tumbled in her mind. "No... That mare had plenty of tricks."

She turned in place, admiring the party area that had been set up in a split second. "Like this..."


Maya twirled to see a filly waving at her. Apple Bloom, she swiftly remembered. "Hello," she eagerly greeted in kind, walking towards the filly on her other legs. "What are you doing here?"

"Was just walkin' past." Apple Bloom waved out over the clearing. "What's all this fer?"

"Well, apparently." Maya chuckled lightly. "It's where my party will be, to welcome me to Ponyville."

"Oh! Good timin'!" Apple Bloom bounced. "Pinkie loves settin' those too late fer the foals to show up, but here ah am! Just ain't gonna go home so ah can be part of yer shindig."

On one hand, or hoof, that was adorable, on the other... "I don't want your parents to be worried for you. You shouldn't just vanish on them, Apple Bloom. I am happy you want to be there though."

Apple Bloom winced. "Oh, um... That ain't a problem." She cleared her throat. "My parents ain't 'round no more."

Would that there was a hole large and close enough to jump into and vanish from the world. Maya sank heavily to her belly. "I am so sorry!"

"Ain't nothin'. That was a while ago... Ah know ya didn't mean a darn thing by it." She nudged for Maya to stand. "This here's a fun time. So let's have some fun! 'Sides, AJ'll be by, no way Pinkie would let that slide, so she'll see me and nopony'll be worried."

Maya managed a small, sympathetic smile, touched by Apple Bloom's maturity and resilience. Still, she felt awful having brought up painful memories.

"Hey, I've got an idea!" Maya offered, hoping to shift focus. "Since you're here early, want me to pretty up the party area some more with my...special talent?"

She winked, igniting her hooves with a soft green shimmer. No need to hide anything while that exuberant Pinkie Pie was spreading word of her unusual gift.

"Oooo!" Apple Bloom's eyes went wide with awe. She had never seen an earth pony's magic manifest so vividly. "That's amazin'! Can ya make flowers 'n vines n' things sprout just like that?"

She clasped her hooves eagerly. "Could ya grow me some new big golden marigolds? Or a purty garland o' morning glories on a trellis?" The country filly was practically drooling imagining botanical wonders.

Maya laughed affectionately at the innocent excitement. "Well I don't see why not! Just sit back and watch..." She focused her power, feeling Apple Bloom's sadness fading behind artful displays of nature's beauty as colorful blossoms burst into being all around them.

Soon the pair frolicked in a meadow of Maya's spontaneous creation, all troubles temporarily forgotten. And an unlikely new friendship took root, as tender and lovely as the first shoots of spring.

"Oh, my." Fluttershy came in for a gentle landing. "Pinkie wasn't lying."

Author's Note:

Pinkie Party, woo! I feel like a vote isn't required, as we need the party to take place and ponies to be met before we do too much else.

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