• Published 10th Sep 2023
  • 940 Views, 49 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Guardian - Little_Draco

The sequel and final book to the Dragon Lord series. Spike's journey into the world has only just started but challenges arise in many forms such as the past, present and future. Will he succeed his role as Dragon Guardian?

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City of Dragons Pt. 1

The Dragon Lord's Guardian

The City of Dragons Pt. 1

Garble sighed angrily once more and grumbled. "Will you stop staring at me like that?!" He almost half barked.
Amy and Ember had been gaping at him non-stop since the train ride continued. It seemed they were still blown away that Garble had found someone… somepony to act all sweet and cuddly with. Ever since his punishment was lifted, they were thinking that the drake would come back flying home top speed to get away from these namby pamby ponies and such.
However, after receiving word that he had opted to stay to keep an Eye out on Smolder, they left it at that.

No one would believe that it was manly because of a mare…

"Can you blame us Garble?" Spike asked, half chuckling. "I mean… you and a pony. A mare." A pause. "Not that there's anything wrong with that but still… we are just…"
"-Surprised." Ember answered with light confusion, though doubt seriously lingered over it for a long period.
Amy nodded, somewhat in recovery. "Yeah, like… what rocks is she smoking to make her see something in you?"

Garble growled which earned a titter from Smolder. "Yeah, I thought she was high too when her and my brother started hanging out more and more," She then leaned in on him.
“What is High?” Amy asked.
“DON’T ASK!” came shouts from Garble, Smolder and Spike. Both Amy and Ember recoiled but then a smaller muffled chuckle left Smolder. “Let’s just say that while she was sane enough to start hanging out with my brother, she was going further than any of us here thought by the end.”

“Will you stop talking about my-” Garble was about to defend his love life but then, that would admit he had one.
“...Your marefriend?” Smolder asked teasingly to her brother.

Garble sinked further down into his seat in pink hues, which had the rest muse to themselves at this revelation. Spike was still impressed and only gave him a compliment.
“You know, I am actually happy for you, Garble.” This earned a surprise look from everyone, including the red drake himself. “In the months since, you have changed for the better and I… uh, we can’t believe how much. The short time being with ponies has made you a better dragon for it and it shows. I mean, can you imagine how much better it is now for you, then it was before?”

While not wanting to dwell too much in the past, including his mistakes, the red drake could see how much his life had changed since his punishment in Ponyville had changed him.
He saw how much his life had been altered to be such a better dragon, that Smolder and others have taken notice. Outside of just being a good older brother, he helped out around Ponyville, with a bunch of things that he never thought of getting involved with. From helping recovery from the 'Invasion' to assisting those in need. Building repairs and such whenever the town was attacked, to helping Treehugger in her groups and sessions, Garble had become part of the town in its own way without realizing how much of a contribution he had really put forth during and after his punishment had ended.

He felt his sister hug him tighter, knowing that she had also seen a change in her brother, to something better. The environment of Ponyville had made a grand effort to change him and he had slowly enjoyed being part of it.

The red drake sighed and nodded, not really sure how to admit that he was right but he was. “Yeah… better.”

Spike smiled at this, feeling a small victory at this but his attention then turned to the silent member of their group, Ralph. The Yeti was content with remaining silent, though he offered some scrolls to Spike regarding their weapons.
As he pulled them open, was instantly blown away by the scale and details of them, as well as each weapon's history, purpose, damage output and so on.
"Wow, this is seriously detailed Ralph."
The yeti gave a small bob of his head.
"Did you pull this from your ship or archives or something?"
"Drew self." He responded roughly. "Memory Of Archive. Warriors of Past. Of Present."

"Woah!" Spike replied, blown away by how well the yeti had gone into this. Looking up, he smiled at the Yeti. "You are an amazing artist and script writer, you know that?"

Despite the mask, he knew that the yeti took pride in his work and dipped his head at the praise. This prompted Spike to bring up, "You wouldn't happen to be interested in playing a little tabletop game that might be lingering around Ponyville, would you?"

A gleam appeared in the tiny blue eyes of the yeti, as he reached within his own pouch and pulled out a figure and some dice.

Spike was really happy with the yeti now.

Meanwhile with the other dragons, Amy turned to the Garble and Smolder. "Dude, this guy is like finding players all over the gods-damn area. Did you even know about this?"

Both sibling dragons shook their heads.

"Nah, that guy hung out with more Twilight and Discord than me or Garbes. Not to mention, he is quieter than Fluttershy."

"Don't let her hear you say that," Garble warned seriously. "She plays that quiet game and annoys me how she could get her animals to do so many things without making a peep." He gave a grunt as they stared at him, further aggravating him. There was a pause before he slumped and ended it with, "She… makes really good tea."

Ember was still absorbing Garble's new life but slowly switched away to looking back to Spike and Ralph, who began to speak(mostly Spike) about their games. As she was glancing towards them, the window of the back showed the bed carts where the other two dragon occupants were. Blacktip remained happy just having his head up high but Shadescale seemed to be done riding, as she spread her wings and took to the skies.

Blacktip saw her leave but made no motion nor call for her as she flew out of view of the cab. Ember squinted at this but decided to ignore her. It already bugged her that she was here to begin with, it would only further aggravate her for the remainder of the ride.

The hours that it took them to get to Fillydelphia was still fun for them. Smolder and Garble recounted their tales and adventures in the months spent in Ponyville. From Smolder's new friends to their first outings and adventures, to Garble's changes in Ponyville.

While the dragons continued their idling, it only proved to them how much time had passed between them to actually enjoy each other's company once more. It felt like it was a reunion that needed no invitation at all while also feeling so wholesome of the group in general.

They ate, they laughed and even allowed Blacktip to pop his head into the back window to play a game with Spike and Ralph. Garble managed to join the conversation with the girls, as he does have some insider knowledge on things now.

By late afternoon, as Celestia's sun turned downwards, the train conductor announced on the intercom, "We'll be arriving in Fillydelphia in five minutes."

All present were excited as they saw the giant towers of the city coming closer at haste. It seemed like a photo coming to life as the city expanded and drew them in with its architectural design. The marvel of the city paled to bigger cities like the 'Manehattan', but it still had its own charm and life. With the approaching city, all present seemed eager, especially Blacktip who seemed to abandon any docking or waiting, and took flight overhead to arrive early.

As the train pulled up to the station, the dragons and single yeti, along with any passengers that had come with them, exited out. While seeing a group of dragons on the station was nothing new, seeing a yeti did warrant some glances.

Blacktip, landed by them, gave his own introduction to the city. "Welcome to Fillydelphia, my friends!"

All present were in awe and gobsmacked by the city itself, as Canterlot was the biggest city they have seen to date. Despite the effort that went into Canterlot, the city easily dwarfed the small city in size and sculpture, as the city was its own marvel. The towering skyscrapers, the vast articular design and the bustling of ponies had the effect that you could not achieve outside of cities like this.

With the power it left, it only grew when they saw a few dragons, up in the sky and the ground, with the citizens uncaring and unconcerned as they went along with their own business.

The more they stared, the longer it took for them to actually move from their spot. However it was disrupted by Blacktip himself.

"Come on along then! We are wasting time my friends and while I know you wish to enjoy the magnificence of Fillydelphia, we… are 'literally' on a timer here!"

Said dragons immediately snapped out of it and repositioned themselves. Ralph came out of the cart with baggage ready in tow and stood by waiting.

"Come! The faster we get to the university, the better. Perhaps if there is time in the days you have off, you can see the city a bit more!"

With that, the dragon led them straight into the heart of the city as they still tried to see every little thing they could. As they did, Spike couldn't help but glance up and see that not too far up above, was a familiar dragon disappearing and reappearing in view, signifying they were being carefully watched from the skies.

Blacktip had guided them straight through the city, as the city bustled and moved along past them without care. Yeah, ponies stared at the Yeti with them and how big Blacktip was but it was quick glances and they brushed it aside.

It took a half an hour to reach their destination with their speed, though it seemed as they approached, Blacktip was practically skipping there. More and more, the signs of ponies started to lessen with dragons becoming more prominent. While they were not as abstract or as large as those in the lands, they still held onto their draconic routes.

Tails, wings, scales and fire, dragons moved to and fro in the city without care for the newcomers. Spike and company were truly in awe at the amount of dragons moving around, right before they entered a part of the city's main entrance.
"Here we are my friends!" Blacktip exclaimed excitedly. "Dragon Town!" He pointed to the large arch that stood by the area, proclaiming its destination. "Home to busy, hard working dragons that contribute to Equestria and pony society!"

The moment they entered the town, it truly felt like a bustling town made specifically for their kin. Streets were made larger for their sizes but also, everything was made of concrete, stone, and other non-flammable materials. The agriculture that stretched was almost endless that was made by dragon claws.

They walked past shops, markets, food stalls, businesses, and so on, each one seeming more and more something found in normal pony society but made… specifically for dragons. Stone architect carved by claw work, sculptures and designs of dragons on the streets and more importantly, the dragons themselves moving about without so much as a glance at the new arrivals.

One had a restaurant with gems embedded with meats or other foods within it advertised on the window display. The scent within, was blown out by exhaust fans had driven the newcomers almost to a stop and salivating.
Another building had a fashion shop designed for winged, non-winged, quadruped and anthro dragons in mind. Mannequins were on display for different types of dragons with clothing even made to be fireproof!

There were even smaller buildings for dragon lawyers, dentists, scale-rejuvenation clinics, doctors and more. With each pass of something dragon related but adapted by pony customs, it truly made them feel out of place but at the same time, more comfortable then just other places that had them surrounded by ponies only.

Blacktip, having long been used to it, still found himself in awe and even giddy as he moved through the town as dragons passed them by with barely a glance. Despite who was passing them by, no dragon made any effort to look who they were or ask. This had different effects for the dragons.

Spike was happy to not get recognized or bothered by those who either worship him or fear him due to his status.
The opposite could be said about Ember however, as she felt a bit annoyed at knowing that no dragon here cared who she was, even with the Scepter strapped to her back.

Smolder and Garble were indifferent, though happy to be surrounded by dragons again. Amy seemed not to care other than the fact that dragons were just going on with their lives, but in such a pony-way, though the shops kept her almost getting left behind as she paused at each one.

Their Yeti friend however got the most of the glances but he carried on with little care, though it was noted that he was sweating underneath.

As they continued on, Spike finally managed to speak out loud, truly inspired by everything he saw with dragons roaming around in this part of the city.

"I still can't believe this exists here and has been here for a hundred years!"

"And neither can I, yet here it is!" Blacktip responded just as excitedly. "Dragons and ponies living near harmoniously together in a large environment with both contributing to their cause."

As they moved along, there was a set of bars that were right next to a steel factory or iron works, where the heavy odor of molten metal and hydrogen sulfide could be smelled.

"Bars next to a steel mill?" Spike asked.

Blacktip nodded. "Yes and believe it or not, that itself has its own history. Again, I know you are all very eager to see this for all its glory but we need to get that sword looked at."

Said mention of Sword had the Yeti himself grumble out loud. "Sword. Nasty Friend Killer!"

Hearing Ralph call them friends, had them quickly refocus back to the main mission. Spike nodded. "He's right, let's get this over with. As soon as we take care of that, we can come back and look at the city all we want." A pause then he flashed them a grin as he pulled out his 'Royal Visa' card. "Whatever we want!"

A cheer ran through all of them, even the Yeti gave a small growl of merry, before they followed the larger green drake.

For The better part of an half an hour, Blacktip guided them to the center of Dragon Town where a large complex was stationed. Though most noted that it was part of the University of Fillydelphia grounds. It actually shared part of its lot with the rest of the pony city as well, as pony and dragons went in and out of the school with ease.
“Why the actual university, Blacktip?” Spike asked as they approached the complex. Unlike most of the university or other buildings, it was built more moderately and had a deep root in its architecture based around science and engineering.

“It’s here we can have the sword scrutinized and perhaps even find its origins. Something like that should have deeper meaning and even history if it carries any.”
“It kills dragons, Blacktip.” Ember reminded him. “That’s its only history.”

He turned to her, noting her attitude and cocked his head. “What of its bearers before? What dragons can be harmed and what dragons can survive? What about its properties? It's now part of our history and what can we do to make sure it's not repeated once more."

Once more, just like in the train ride, she was left silent, further fueling her inner turmoil about being outs once more. Still, he didn't mean to make her upset, but rather teach her that even killer weapons needed to be learned about as to build defenses and contingencies for them. If they wished to prevent more casualties on either side, it was best to know where to start."
"I know you wish to get rid of it, but we still came over here with a mission. Perhaps we can even learn more about these dragon hunters."

"You know, when you guys briefly brought it up, I thought you were joking," Smolder commented lightly. "I didn't think there were actual ponies that were sane enough to hunt dragons. It kinda hurts to know they exist and how close they were."
They didn't tell her everything but they gave her the gist. A solemn nod left Spike and Blacktip. The elder drake paused before the large building's door. It was big enough for him to easily push through, with smaller doors available for other sized creatures, including ponies.

There was a security camera on top of the door and an intercom by the door. As they approached, the green drake pushed the button to call. The call was made and they waited.
"Why would you need to gain permission to go to a school?" Smolder asked curiously.
Blacktip gave a small smile. "It prevents unwanted or prying eyes from entering, possibly even disturbing any classes or experiments going on."

The ringing continued and a voice called to them. "Please state your name and purpose."
"Scholar Blacktip of Draconic History division. My entourage are envoys of the Dragons Lands, including a representative of her race, Dragon Lord Ember and Spike Sparkle, family of Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle. The party behind them is included."

A pause. Then the door unlocked. "Please enter. Follow the main hall in." The green drake nodded as he opened the doors to allow them in.

The party followed suit right after him, the Yeti relieved for a moment to feel cool fresh, artificial air on his fur. It was a long hallway, with various doors and panels subjected to each area of their own. With the passing of each one, they noticed a blend of ponies, dragons and even other species in certain classes. Changedlings, griffins and a mule or two within were glanced at.

The white walls were blended with posters and pictures of the school's history were in full display, as well as technical achievements. Many other displays of inventions, scientific breakthroughs and more were showcased here. Pictures of ponies, dragons and other creatures bringing vast new changes to the modern world.

Finally, they reached a portion of the building where the doors, larger than Blacktip himself doors, were before them. "Here is where we will get our answers and hopefully an end to our strife with these hunters."

A silent nod was given to him by all present. The doors were pushed open and a large auditorium class was shown to them. While no class was in session, there was a single individual present and it was a white scaled dragon.

Unlike Blacktip, he was on his hindlegs and a little bit shorter. He had more of an anthropomorphic stature then quadruped dragons as he was writing and reading with his front claws, much like Spike has done. He had a robe on along with… ink on his scales? Tattoos?
"Ivory!" Blacktip excitedly called out to the dragon. The white dragon gave pause and turned to Blacktip. His gray eyes met his and then saw the others.
"Blacktip?" His voice came out almost monotone, kinda like Pinkie's sister, Maud but with emotions a bit more readable. His ridged brow lifted but then a small sign of sparkle showed in his eyes.
The green drake practically skipped to him and hugged the white dragon, blowing him kindles across his face with adoration. All who were watching were a bit thrown off by his affectionate nature towards the other male. Ivory, as the dragon was called, hugged him back but was not as overly affectionate, yet he did give a solid nuzzle back at the end and a hug.

Once done, Blacktip kept his grin as he turned to the others. "Sorry, but it has been awhile since we got together. My friends, this is Ivory, Professor of Research and Development of Science here on campus. He has been teaching the college for half a century, including yours truly! He also has several degrees in Engineering, Geology, smaller forms of Science and so on.” He then turned back to his… ‘Friend? Mate? Partner?’... and turned to introducing them.
“We have here, Guardian Spike Sparkle Sol, adopted son of Princess Celestia, Princess Twilight and Elders Eliyinsa and Zynthia. Mate to the current Dragon Lord, Ember Blaze. Those two are their hoard members Amethyst and Smolder. The male is Garble, Smolder’s brother and the Yeti is Ralph!”
Ralph gave a small wave and grunt, “Hello.” While the others greeted him as well. Amy silently grumbled about the lack of grand intro to her name, seeing as she was basically laying with them. That should count for something right?
The white dragon dipped his head. “Hello, friends. As Blacktip stated, my name is Ivory. I am glad to see new faces, including the Dragon Lord and Dragon Guardian.” He then approached in a calm manner. “Blacktip notified me ahead of time that you came here to find some very important information that may help the dragons from some… hunters, I believe.”

Spike nodded. “Yeah, though I am not sure how much you already know what has been happening at the Dragon Lands.”
He shook his head, motioning towards Blacktip. “What he tells me is all I know. We have been great friends for decades now and I trust what he has said to me to be accurate of current affairs. We here in Dragon Town do not receive any news of what transpires outside of Equestrian influences.

“The dragon hunters,” Blacktip quickly entered the conversation. “Just appeared closer to home but they have been active for centuries now.”

The white dragon cocked his head. “And… do they have weapons that can hurt dragons?”
“A sword,” Spike responded. “One of many, possibly even more. They use our own bodies as armor and weapons, but I think they have been using the sword to cut us down and then use what remains.” It felt sickening to say it out loud and more so, he felt like detailing it was just a distaste bitter after it left his tongue.

“Truly then?” Earning a nod from most of them. “You have such a sword?” Again, his monotone mood was difficult to pick up, but his expressions did look more curious than cautious or fearful.

Ralph pulled one of the bags that held the sword and handed it over to Spike. The drake then carefully laid the long bag on the floor, its shape not too obvious. Inside, it was wrapped in cloth and blunted with thick wools on sides with the pointed tip sheathed in granite. The un-shine makes all those uneasy and even step back at the unsightly thing.

Picking it up from its hilt, he carefully laid the flat of the blade on his palm which was outstretched. He grasped the handle and presented to Ivory.

The white dragon lifted a brow and approached, seeing the ominous blade and its deadly glory. Black with ash coatings, a unique hilt in gold with a jewel at its end, pulsing with a glow. Paw reaching out, Spike pulled back. “Careful, this can easily cut through scales like-.” Was the only warning given.
Ivory reached out, grabbed it, yet before the other dragons or Spike could actually stop him, suddenly his arm was coated with… what looked like Platinum and grasped the edged, deadly blade! Unharmed and unfazed by its nearly endless sharpness, the coated claws held the blade with ease and without injury.
Those around gaped like fishes out of water as the drake examined the sword with his coated arm. "Interesting." As if holding a deadly blade with an arm of platinum was nothing to him.

"You're gifted?!" Spike almost bellowed out, eyes wide and half excitement reaching him. The others, in a state of their own shock, were in awe to respond.

Ivory gave a soft nod, slowly wielding the weapon with his platinum coated arm while his other non-coated arm grabbed the handle safely. "Yes, I am. Though I am aware that most females are usually the ones that are enhanced, my grandsire before me is one. I have the ability to transform my entire body like this or parts of it.”

“And this is something that has come to you naturally?” Spike asked, still amazed by the circumstances.

"Amongst other things." He replied evenly, again, not seeing his abilities as something grand or fancy. His monotone voice left it ambiguous if he had ever truly grasped how truly special he was. Kinda like Maud Pie.

Spike turned his focus from him to Blacktip who was unaffected by the drake's enhancement. "You also knew that he was 'gifted' too?"

Blacktip merely sat by Ivory, leaning close to him. "It was his secret to tell, not mine. Just like you have your own."

"What about my-" A pause as Ivory looked at him with slight intrigue. There was a glint in his eyes as he studied the younger drake before him.

"Ah, you are enhanced as well then?" He asked Spike, scrutinizing him as if he were to reveal his own now.

A slow nod left Spike though he glanced back at Blacktip. The drake in turn gave a small nod. "Again, we all bare or hold our secrets, only for us to reveal them on our own." He then looked towards the sword. “While his gifts are a marvel of their own, we still have pressing matters and little time my friends. Ivory is one of the few dragons here and ponies who can help us with the sword and for now, we focus on that first.”

The white dragon then promptly placed the sword on his table before turning to the rest of them, his coated arm returning to normal. “Indeed, now… tell me again. How did you encounter these ‘Dragon Hunters’ and why is it that now, after centuries of being active, do you believe they have come to show themselves now? I have no doubt, they have been hunting us, but to be this close to your homes, says otherwise?”

That itself was a question and an answer they did not have. Then again, they needed to find a solution and a way to deal with this. Blacktip already mentioned how dragons and pony relationships were strained by a small incident here already. What would happen when it turned into something far more… unfavorable?

Author's Note:

Oh Plot twists and turns! Where is it starting at? Dragon City!! This is part 1 of 3... I think... of Little Dragon Town arch where are dragons will spend the majority of their time here for. While their little mcguffin gets figured out, who knows what else there might be a need for.
Sorry tis was meant to come out last weeked but forgot due to reasons. These recent two chapters are more fillers, not really needed but help expand the story a bit more.

Also, I re-read my comics and forgot how much... smaller blacktip was, not super big but... neither pony sized either. I think I almost nailed him right at 20 feet tall, but comics have him close to 15. Shadescale is 15, so Ill just leave it at that. References here --- > Blacktip's Apperance

I re-read the Friends Forever issue featuring Luna and Spike about Dragon Town. There will be changes but I will be adding my own things to it. Some I hope you like and other things that I am(as far as I am aware of) No other dragon story has tackled. Expect the arc of Dragon City to have its chapters released by Christmas time! Thanks for reading