• Published 10th Sep 2023
  • 940 Views, 49 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Guardian - Little_Draco

The sequel and final book to the Dragon Lord series. Spike's journey into the world has only just started but challenges arise in many forms such as the past, present and future. Will he succeed his role as Dragon Guardian?

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The Talons on Fate

The Dragon Lord's Guardian

The Talons on Fate

The morning after had a wonderful joy that carried most of those involved with high spirits. As each Elder came to the naming of Eliyinsa’s and Zynthia’s daughter, though none of the Elders knew really why she summoned them.

It wasn’t until Torch, Saphira, Derain and his second mate came in, though this time it was a female one who arrived to greet them. This one had orange scales that carried an aura of fiery shimmer that surrounded her. She was built in the same manner as Zynthia but with less scarring. Her whole body danced with light, giving the illusion of flames reflecting within her form. From her frill tips on her ears and spines on her head, to the sharp crests of her from neck to tail, she was a living form of fire. The tail tip actually looked like the small tips of flames of low embers if she ever swished it fast enough. The dragoness looked very intimidating but was actually a little sucker for young ones, much like Saphira. While she too was expecting young, she was not showing yet and still months away from laying.

“To you young ones not aware, this is my second mate of my three mates, my Successor, Tanwen.”

The dragoness, with a deep base of a voice almost like Zecora if she was a dragon, spoke with a small bow. “Young ones, Elders. Thank you for accepting me here. I am happy to be part of this mother blessing, as I too wait to become a mother.”

“And we bless you with nothing but a warm laying with a grand clutch, Tanwen.” Zynthia responded in kind.

“I thank you,” Now the warm greetings and blessings were done, Torch began the start of the gathering.

“Now then, we are here for a new arrival to a family long in deserving. But, we do wish to know why we are all here? I am aware of the adoption but for what other blessing do you wish to receive?”

Eliyinsa reached in between her front legs and showed the beautiful baby blue form of their sleeping daughter. Gently, she grasped her in her palm and raised her up to show the rest of them.

The young hatchling slowly roused from her slumber and found herself surrounded by many new faces. She saw many eyes, many looking at her and wasn’t sure who they were. ‘Aroo?’ Her adorable voice and eyes pierced the very hearts of them all, even Torch himself.

“Awe!” Saphira almost gushed too sweetly, clutching her chest. “She is so adorable!”

“Indeed.” Torch and Derain commented in unison, both also affected by the absolutely cute dragon whelp before them. The only one that seemed to be unaffected was Tawen and…

‘Oh. Nope,’ Was the immediate after thought as she slumped against her mate in an almost Rarity like fashion as she half fainted. While she didn’t actually faint, her heart certainly was affected by the cuteness. If this affected her health later, it would no doubt be the result of this one's cuteness overload.

Spike, Amy and Ember were also still not used to the newly hatched dragon’s adoration effect she had on others, clutching their chests in fashion but remained… somewhat standing. Amy was shaking alot, while Ember grasped on Spike for support.

Once they all managed to get used to her… abilities of cuteness overload, Torch reidated what he had stated. “So… as I have asked, what blessing do you wish to receive from this adoption?”

Eliyinsa was the first to speak but kept her emotions slightly tight. “I first wish to establish that this little one was adopted because I saw that she is ‘gifted’ with abilities that will manifest later in her life.”

All the Elders seemed impassive at first, yet that did lead to the inevitable question from Derain. “And… you explained this to the sire and dam of the egg?”

“We did,” Zynthia responded solemnly, “Though we regretted as soon as we did, for they opted to give us the egg instead and chose not to raise it.” A pause and both mothers bowed their heads. “It is because of us, that we may have lost this one’s family.”

While it was difficult to say how they all really felt by these troubling circumstances, it was Saphira’s kind and wise heart that oversaw this dilemma. “I see the fear and sadness that came from speaking out loud but I also see opportunity and perhaps a better future.” The others didn’t argue but they now remained intrigued by this statement, turning to the sapphire dragoness. “You will be able to raise the young one as her ‘gifts’ manifest in a time when we are transitioning into a more accepting environment. This is something none of you have ever had before and much like Spike is still learning from a young age and is surrounded by teachers. With the young one here, she will be raised by them and grow alongside her brother to feel loved and cared for without fear of her gifts.”

“An astute observation, Elder Saphira.” Agreed the fiery Tawen. “And while I am not sure what the future holds, I can be assured you will do your best to help her in the long run.”

Both remaining Elders seemed to be silent, debating internally amongst themselves on the situation. Truthfully, they were outnumbered by their mates alone, but it helped knowing they were more optimistic and more open minded to the idea of raising a gifted or enhanced dragonling.

Torch and Dereain seemed to silently agree to themselves that it was for the best and approved this decision.

“As it was freely given to you, we will allow you to raise the dragonling without prejudice towards your or the original parents. And like Saphira and Tawen stated, it would be best to raise her in a home with others like her.”

Having received it by not just the Elders but by their mates as well, both mothers felt relieved from it. Torch then asked, “Is there anything else you wish to discuss?”

“Yes,” Both mothers said unisonly, but both turned to Saphira. “We wish to establish the name, but we want your blessing to use it for her.”

Saphira blinked, cocking her head. “Oh, why is that, my fellow Elders?”

Hearts quickening, both mothers prepared themselves for the question with them lowering their heads in bow. “We wished to name her after your… lost sibling. To honor their name that you once told us would have been named if it had been female.”

“And… we wished to do so, hoping that you will also help raise her with just as much love and care alongside us, as a teacher as well."

The dragons present were left agape, as the idea of doing this all, was never really heard of. Yes, other dragons would raise other younglings or whelps but never do so in the name of another dragon's name. It was only an honor or a privilege to be named by a great dragon of sorts. Saphira had never really discussed much about her lost sibling, only those close to her.

The circumstances however were a blessing begging to be asked for. In the centuries since her sibling had been missing, she wished to know of their whereabouts to put her mind and perhaps the minds of sire and dam to an end. Would this be a small easement to their souls if it went to another? Only she felt like she could be the judge of that.

"Truly?" She asked, her heart beating with such excitement but happiness that had her almost in tears at the thought of being able to hear the name often.

"We do wish for her, that is this little one, to be honored with such a name as it would be a beautiful name as well," Zynthia answered honestly,

Saphira remained quiet as she was emotional about the circumstances and the love that was filling her heart.

Spike leaned into Ember who also seemed agape with everything so far. Whispering in a low tone, he asked, "This is… big, right?"

Ember only nodded but her own heart was happy for her mother and the future with the hatchling before them all, perhaps bonding their family all the more closer to one another. Spike being her sister, would be a sister-by-mate of sorts but she could hear such a beautiful name all the time would be grand.

The sapphire dragoness leaned in with tears in her eyes as she closed in to the baby blue whelp. She looked up at the closing dragoness and saw her eyes stare into her own, feeling the presence of another calming presence approach.

With a warmth like never before seen, she closed her eyes and blessed the newly hatched dragon with her name.


Outside of the dragon lands…

"Ah come on, drake! You said we would find some phoenix eggs out here to smash!!!" Whined a lanky dirty red dragon with short snout and elongated tail.

"Will you keep your snout shut!" Barked another dragon, a chubby light green one with yellow underbelly. "Last thing I need is for us to get caught! The new rules by Dragon Lord Ember and Guardian Spike say that we can't hunt or kill phoenix eggs! He killed the one thing we had going for fun outside of home!"

"And I still think you both are stupid for still coming out here to do it!" A turquoise dragoness with pale yellow underbelly snarked at the two males.

"Then why did you follow us, stupid?!"

"Because it's my job to keep my idiot brother from doing something stupid and killing or being killed, Basher! Nucks is useless without me and the last thing I need to tell my parents is how you both got yourselves killed! Amongst other things for me to come with you after." She softly kept to herself.

"Hey, I'm not a whelp Murra! I can take care of myself." The female scoffed.

"Like how you needed my help when you got your head stuck in between a boulder and a hard place!"
"That was one time!"

"And how you sank to the bottom of a magma pool because you couldn't swim!"

"I was young!"

"That was last month!"

"Will you two shut the fu-" A sudden loud rustling caused them all to go quiet. Suddenly, the forest that they were in seemed to go steadily quiet. What once filled the air with birds, insects and other natural sounds, had the world around them go deadly silent.

"What was that?" Murra called out, loudly, is own voice not echoed by the area.

"I don't know but… why is it so quiet all of a sudden?" Nucks stood around, looking at the area.

"Both of you shut it! I hear something!" Basher hissed at them. A whooshing sound shot passed them, causing them to flinch and look around frantically at what just flew by them.

As they tried to locate the source of the sound, suddenly the forest seemed to shift and move, as if it was coming alive. Then the shifting of the greens around them happened and the trees and plants became alive!

Vines crawled out and began to reach for them. "What the baka!" Murra cried out as one vine wrapped around leg. She quickly tried to cut it off but it was thicker than her talons. The other two were quickly ensnared too, as their legs and arms were wrapped in vines.

"What's going on! Where do these things come from!?" Basher yelled as he tried to remove the vines. He immediately began to set fire to them, causing them to burn to crisps, but for others to quickly come forth.

"Let's get out of here! Burn them off!" The others did so and began to burn off their vines and leaves. Once free, they quickly took to the air and out of the forest, just as thousands of other vines and the trees themselves moved to attack. They got airborne and the three dragons made a hasty retreat back home.

They disappeared into the horizon with their tails between their legs. From the forest, two different species emerged but both staring at the vacading intruders and then at each other.

One, a deer with many orbs hanging on its antlers like many lights. This was king Styr of the deer.

Another, a large red earth pony wrapped in scale armor and holding an alloy sword of unknown origin along witha pegasus who reloaded her crossbow at the missed shot due to a vine intervention.

The pony glared at the deer and almost snarled at them. "You allowed them to escape! We could have ended them!"

"I told you that I would not aid in killing or in trapping them," The deer stated sternly to the pony.

"They are dragons! They kill, they hunt and they destroy everything!"

"They are young, brash, nothing more." The king countered.

"You defend them?!"

"I defend those young and only try to explore their surroundings. They would have never found phoenix eggs nor would they have found any other inhabitants here. Their Dragon Lord made sure to warn us of a few strays coming out of the chosen path to go causing havoc."


"Enough! I warned you that trying to harm or kill them will not be tolerated here!"

The pony glared at the towering deer, though before he could ready his weapon, the trees shifted with other deer emerging from the forests. Vines and leaves began to slowly crawl towards him but never touch him. Other ponies that were there for the dragons also emerged by being shoved out by the forest.

"Seeing as how you draw your weapon towards me, you are not welcome here any longer! Your type of ponies have no place here in our paradise, for your temporary sanctuary has ended!"

The other ponies started to protest but the forest continued to surround them into a cluster with vines leaning out like snakes ready to strike. The wind itself seemed to be against them, angrily blowing against them, but the deer remained unaffected. The red pony in armor glared angrily towards the deer, snorting in distaste.

"You're all fools if you think that those fire breathing devils won't hunt and kill you all! They have wiped out towns and villages for less!"

The King of the Deer simply stomped his hoof hard on the ground, causing the very forest itself to steady itself, ready for the moment to attack. "Leave! Now!" That was the final warning.

For a moment, they were at a stand off and the ponies looked ready to fight. Even the unicorns and pegasi who had their armaments ready, looked ready to strike with everything they had; however, the red earth pony snorted once more before turning away and began to walk towards the dictated path out of the forest by its guardians. The other ponies followed pursuit, though a few casted weary or angry glances as the forest followed them in their retreat.

As they disappeared, one of the does approached the king. "Sire, was this wise to let them go?"

Styr watched the ponies disappear to the northern passage provided to them, the same way they had come from weeks ago. "For now, it is outside of our control what they do when they leave the forest. We do not take lives, but we cannot allow them to take them while they are here. Should they return, restrain them and imprison them."

"And the dragons?"

"They provide protection now that the Dragon Lord and Dragon Guardian are at peaceful ends with the Equestrians. As our pact with the Elders remains as well for the safety of our kin and their own."

"But… these ponies, they are not-"

"No they are not Equestrians and that is why I must speak with the Dragon Lord and Guardian. Those we set free will bring him here acting like messengers. Hopefully as soon as possible, for these ponies are seeking blood." One of his orbs glowed and his brows furrowed. "I am sad to see that harmony will not come for many of the creatures here or elsewhere. These ponies have a long history with dragons, and it will cost many lives if they seek vengeance."

Back at the Dragon Lands…

"So… let me get this straight," Ember asked, her claw under her chin as she stared at the three teenagers before her. The expression on her face was of mild annoyance but also mixed curiosity and bewilderment.

Spike and Amy were by her side too, but both were just listening intently on their outlandish, if plausible story. Though they remained skeptical, as nothing seemed to make sense.

"So you three… just so happen to end up lost in a forest east of here, where you just so happen to be looking for a new area to hide your gem hoards and then, as you just so happen to be walking through, the forest came alive and started to attack you and you three escaped with your lives? Is that right?"

The lie sounded too stupid to be true but the three hasty and almost sheepish grins she got from them, seemed to bleed the lie into a downright degrading smack to the face of stupidity by the three.

The dragon lord blinked almost lazily, head still resting on her claw supported by her rock throne arm rest. She slowly turned to Spike, standing by her side who glanced back and shook his head almost in disbelief at the stupid lie. Amy just gave a snort and crossed her arms, even seeing this was a lie in all the wrong places.

Sighing, the Dragon Lord lazily raised the Bloodstone Scepter and pointed at them, causing all three to freeze in dread. "Tell the truth," Her command almost came out in a dull tone.

All three tried to resist but failed miserably, making them almost struggle to stand before giving in and the trio to scream, "We were searching for phoenix eggs to raid!"

What should have gotten them in so much trouble, merely had Spike and Ember to lift a single brow but Amy growling. "You idiots! We disbanded that and you still go do something we outlawed!"

While Amy… didn't actually take part in the disbanding of 'Hunting Phoenixes and their eggs,' they didn't disagree with her. Ember rubbed her temples as a migraine formed at the thought of nearly losing teenagers to their stupid boredom, but it was Spike who seemed more upset then her.

He crossed his arms and glared at them, causing them to slightly flinch and even whimper a bit. Despite two teens being bigger than himself, he still held the title and the authority that matched the Dragon Lord, so he was without question, as much of a judge as Ember was. Hence why she waved it to him. "You decide what to do with them, I gotta go make another stupid announcement to the teenagers about the rules of 'Phoenix Hunting'... again."

With that, she took off with Amy following though she smacked the males in the head with her tail over flight. Whether it was a female thing or she knew that the dragoness wasn’t fully part of this stunt, remain ambiguous.

Spike stayed glaring at the trio for moments, causing them to sink lower into themselves. He had a hundred ideas but few would actually work on a dragon since his methods were tame. Still, he had to think of something. Images and memories forming of when Garble and his gang back then tried to hurt phoenixes resurfaced. He may have gained ‘Peewee’ from that, but he didn’t like the idea of more chicks growing up without parents or parents losing their eggs.

Sighing angrily, he rubbed his snout in agitation. “Alright, I just gotta ask you this once , why? Why hunt Phoenix eggs? And answer truthfully or I’ll have you three scrubbing the muck off a bunch of sleeping elder dragons for a full straight year!”

This caused unimaginable horror on their young minds, at the thought of having to do something so… disgusting and boring and humiliating. He could tell he made the right call, as that was the only one he could think of that would make a teenager lose their minds.

“We were bored!” Yelled Basher, almost half angrily but then turned it into a whine. “There is only so much lava surfing, king of the hoard and games you can play here without it involving smashing something smaller than you!”

Nucks agreed hastily, earning a small smack from his sister but answered regardless. “Yeah and I know you outlawed it but… it seemed even more fun to do it because of that.”

Ohhh, bad choice of words. Spike stared harshly at them though he gave a questioning glance at Murra. “And you?”

She cowered but sighed angrily at her situation. “I tried to keep my idiot brother out of trouble but I got pulled along because…” Spike raised an eyebrow for the response. She swallowed and gave a glance at the males before softly replying. “-I wanted to find some… flowers.”

Now that would have sounded like a straight up lie, hadn’t it not been for the snorting, stifled laughter of the two males. Spike however believed her, as he had known that since the intervention of pony ideals and hobbies have been introduced into the lands, a few have gotten into the habit of joining or looking into their views. While most are not fully embellished into the fray of it all, it helped knowing that some were slowly enjoying it.

He just had to figure out what flowers had to do with it though…

With a grunt, Spike steadied himself in a rigid pose and stared down at them “Seeing as you were doing this out of sheer boredom and because you thought that it was such a grand idea to do it, you’ll reap what you sow,” He saw them whimper and shake. “-Which is why you two will be helping the ponies in finishing the train station in the northern borders here!”

The two that were pointed at, the males, all but shrank almost cried out in disgust and anger at the thought but were instantly silenced with Spike’s palms lit aflame with leerful glare. “Or… you can scrub the grime off the hundreds of elders here… many who I know will appreciate it more than you can imagine.”

While the threats were tame in comparison to other ideals, he felt like since they were unsuccessful, and left alive with their tails between their legs, he could tone down the punishment.

“Now, go meet the other dragons in the northern border where the train line is being worked on. If I hear you two not arriving or deciding to skip out on labor, well I will have you having to hug every dragon here, apologizing for no reason and then take a part of your hoard.” A low growl left him while his palms held the flames, growing brighter. “AM. I. CLEAR?” His voice almost boomed around them.

Pathetically, both teen drakes hastily nodded. “Yes Guardian Spike!!”

“Good. Now head there now!” Both took off in a quick hurry though the brother looked back to his sister and wondered what her fate was. Once both were gone, Spike then looked to Murra. “And you,” Causing the dragoness to flinch. “You are going to describe why you like flowers so much and what compelled you to go seeking them with your brother.”

The dragoness looked up at him, in surprise and saw a kinder look on him, with his palm cold and the tempered face looking a bit more interested. “What?” She asked.

He gave a small cock of his head. “Tell me, what makes you interested in flowers that would have you travel to the eastern forests?”

She blinked and wondered if this was a trick question but then Spike was known well through the lands as being an honest and kind hearted drake. A testament by his punishment for his brother and idiot friend being left with a light sentence.

And so she began a small tale of seeing a book brought by ponies and the pictures she saw of pretty colors. A serenade of her amazement came as she went on and on at the pictures of beautiful colors and shapes, having never traveled out of the Dragon Lands. A small glimpse of what laid in her heart.

Spike was impressed and let her go, but warned her that if her brother or his idiot friend ever tried to do it again, to stop them or… smack them hard as a reminder. Same went with everyone else. A hasty nod left her and she was ready to leave but he stopped her. “Wait before you go Murra, I just want to ask one final thing.”

She stopped, turned to him to see confusion in his face, as if deep in thought. “When you three got lost… in the forest. You said the forest came to life and attacked you, right?” A soft, almost frightened nod left her. He frowned a little. “Did it actually attack or just scare you off?”

The dragoness paused, retracing her memory before responding. “They… that is the forest went quiet, then like something flew past up which is when the vines wrapped around us. We struggled but when we got free by burning them, though it didn’t come after us. We left before anything else could happen.”

"And that is all?" She nodded.

That sounded way too specific and coincidental. With a faux but still manageable smile he gave her a nod. “You can leave now, Murra.”

The dragoness gave a light bow, “Thank you, Guardian Spike. I am truly humbled by your kindness.”

He smiled but nodded. “Take care Murra.”

Another nod and the dragoness turned and left leaving Spike to contemplate his information from her.He decided to meet with his mothers and ask for the council on what he felt like they should do.

“You wish to go see King Styr?” His mother Eliyinsa asked. Between him, Ember, Amy, Eliyinsa and Zynthia all circled where in between them was Seraphina, who was giggling about at the treasure she was surrounded with.

A blanket of wool made of Yak fur, a pearl rattler from Seaquestria, and a toy pony that changed its colors with changedling magic that she played with as she sucked on an emerald like pacifier.

“Yes, and while I know that the deer did this to protect themselves, I feel like there is another reason to go.”

“And why is that, son?” Zynthia asked, her head lowered and watching her daughter enjoy being the literal center of attention.

“Because you once told me they captured you before and made you understand a lesson. I think they did the same here but rather here, these dragons were just scared off. Doesn’t that seem like something off about them?”

Both of his mothers seemed to find truth to this and concluded together with it. His mother spoke first, “You wish to ask why or do you assume there is another reason?”

Seraphina babbled about, tossing the toy horse around and rolling around in her blanket. The effect of her innocence had ensnared everyone to her beautiful world. Spike being the closests, leaned down and tickled his new ‘sister’, causing her to squeal in delight at the assault. For a brief moment, he could think of nothing else but making her happy and keeping it so yet the situation didn’t remedy it for long.

“I think it's a gut instinct and a word of precaution.” He finished. He pulled away, allowing his sister to mellow out from her brief tickling. Spike then looked up at his mothers. “But in the worst case scenario, we just get told not to allow it to happen again.”

“Agreed,” Both of his mothers responded. Zynthia stood up to full height. “I'll join you to see if there is anything else to learn from this small conundrum.”

Amy whooped in cheer. “Aww yeah! We are going to the ‘Peaceful Gardens!’ I can’t wait to see it for the second time!”

Seraphina babbled and giggled as she saw Amy’s little dance. Eliyinsa remained behind and guarded her daughter as she bid them farewell. “Take care my love, you too, my children. Safe travels.”

“Well return by tonight, mother.” Spike assured her.

Once out of the cave, each dragon opened their wings and with heavy flaps took to the skies, heading east to the forests.

The dragons arrived in the forest, though it was Spike who landed ahead with his mother. Turning to his hoard, he quickly reminded them, “Remember, if you hunt, quick and clean. Also, don’t be too loud. We are here for a reason.” A small pause as all eyes went to Amy.

She snorted at being called out. “Hey, I can be quiet!”

Neither dragon accepted that but Ember rolled her eyes and led Amy away. “Go do what you need to do.” As they walked away, Amy blurted out,

“Hey! I wanted to see where you two had gone and lit up the night skies on your mating flight!”

Ember blushed as she led her away while Spike just reddened, earning a titter from his mother. “Oh, I am sure she would enjoy that story and where it took place.”

Spike sighed but ignored his momma’s teasing manner and headed forward, followed by her. As they entered the forest, there was an odd and almost tense nature around them, as if the forest was anxious. It was not an easy feeling or concept to explain but both dragons did notice how quieter it got and how even the trees refused to sway with the wind.

“You feel that, momma?” He asked the giant scarlett dragoness.

“I do, but its not… us.” As she finished that, a single shape emerged from the forest. At first it looked like fireflies moving in unison from the forest, but then the camouflage magic slowly eased off and the giant of a deer slowly emerged. Both Spike and Zynthia saw Styr and bowed their heads.

“King Styr of the Forest,” Both greeted with bowing respect.

The giant stag stopped in front of them and gave a bow in return. “Elder Zynthia. Guardian Spike. I welcome you both to our home once more.” They raised their heads. “I am glad you are here. The message was sent.”

Both dragons paused, as if wondering what message but then Spike realized his gut instinct was correct. “You purposely let the dragons go instead of capturing them?”

“I did,” He responded evenly.


The Stag allowed a few of the orbs on his massive tree like horns to glow briefly. “I am to first apologize if they received any harm done to them. It was not our intention.”

Spike waved it off. “No, you are fine. Nothing was hurt about them but their egos and their punishments are being handled with.”

A nod from the stag but then his features took a light grim tone. “My second apology for bringing you away from your homes but I had to warn you of a possible threat you may be encountering in your future.”

Mother and son looked at each other, unsure of what it could be before looking back at the stag. “What threat?” Zynthia asked casually.

With a heavy but stoned response, he told them. “Dragon Hunters.”

Author's Note:

Dun Dun Duuuuuuun! Ladies and Gentlemen, we are introduced to Dragon Hunters! Now, while I have always wanted to introduce them, they won't be esstential to the story as much because I don't want to shove to many problems in one story as for it to get condiluded and such. The next chapter will fully introduce them somewhat and we will learn some really f:rainbowdetermined2:cked up stuff from them!
Stay tuned!

Tawen inspired art here Tawen
Inspiration for some dragon hunters can be found here for later chhapters...Here

Heavyweight285 for the editing!