• Published 10th Sep 2023
  • 940 Views, 49 Comments

The Dragon Lord's Guardian - Little_Draco

The sequel and final book to the Dragon Lord series. Spike's journey into the world has only just started but challenges arise in many forms such as the past, present and future. Will he succeed his role as Dragon Guardian?

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The Dragon and the Yeti

The Dragon Lord’s Guardian

The Dragon and the Yeti

Spike visited a few more shops, buying other things including souvenirs and even a filter mask for ponies that he felt like Ralph would need. After, he saw that the others had also recently returned, as the twilight had long turned to night time. The city was evenly lit, the populace somewhat shrunk but still held its own crowd, and the atmosphere remained alive.

Shadescale and Blacktip returned first, with his teacher carrying a large saddle’s worth of books while Shadescale seemed content with a print or two on a small satchel. Amy came out happily with half-skipping, half-flapping out of the souvenir shop with bags full of… Wistala knew what… in them, with the bag bulging at the seams. However, the cost seemed to be worth it as he hadn’t seen her so happy in awhile.

Next came Smolder, who also seemed to be beaming as her bags were more assorted and with seemingly luxury brand names for her dresses and whatever else her little heart desired. She was wearing a navy blue vest, beanie and summer skirt while holding her bags. The beanie was between her two short horns while the vest allowed room for wings to go through and her skirt was weighted so it didn’t flap in the wind or when she flew to expose her nether region much.

Spike had to admit… she looked pretty darn cute and dare he say… far more elegant wearing clothes then without them. He did wonder what other sort of clothing she had bought that would make her… stand out.

They all met, but were missing one blue dragoness. “Where’s Ember?” He asked them all, looking around the area for his mate.

Amy shrugged. “She was with me but then one of the shops nearby caught her attention. Don’t know which one though.” They all scanned for ones that would catch her eyes and briefly sought to check each one.

However, one of the more… ‘claws on’ shops opened up with their dragoness walking out. As she did, there was a certain… atmosphere around her, a touch if you will, that seemed to follow her. She looked sluggish but also content, as if a weight had been lifted off of her. Along with that, she was blushing madly and it didn’t help that a large drake followed her out the door.

Said drake was larger than Spike, taller too, with muscles that would make both Garble and himself envious. With dark brown scales, white underbelly and large wings, the drake was intimidating, but he held a calm, collective look with an atmosphere akin to zen-like. There was a line going out the door too, with mostly female dragons in waiting, seemingly for the drake alone. A few were almost eagerly waiting at their next chance to get a go from the male.

Ember, still madly blushing, saw those she knew, stare back at her with curious or questioning eyes. Rubbing her arm, she slowly, if albeit staggered footsteps, made her way to them.

Spike, both curious and somewhat worried, approached her. “Hey, you alright?” As he came closer, she nodded but briefly looked back to the place she just came from.

“Uh… yeah… I-I just…. went-t in to check and… he uh… he offered me-e a mass… mess-age?”

Spike blinked, looked at her, then at the building with the waiting dragonesses. Judging by the subtle light odor of lavender around her, less then tense attitude and her maddening blush by the larger drake, Spike had a half suspicion that she went for a ‘physical experience’ which she was not used to.

“You got a massage?” He asked out loud, prompting everyone to really look at her with questionable curiosity. Of the group, only one of them didn’t know what a ‘massage’ was but that was outside of her knowledge of pony customs.

Ember almost flinched, before she nodded, almost hanging her head, in what looked like defeat. He half wondered why she was so calm but also either shy or embarrassed about what she went through. Moving closer, he laid a gentle arm on her. “You alright?” Upon contact, she winced but nodded.

“Yeah uh… I-I never had a ma-massage?”

“Massage,” He lightly corrected, still listening.

A nod. “Yeah and it was… uh great?” He blinked, expecting more. Her eyes kept averting from him and she grew more red than possible. “A-A male… uh… he did- uh…” She couldn’t even say it, forcing him to briefly look up and now worry consumed him, thinking this male may have done more than she was getting for in a massage.

“Did he-”

“I have never felt that kinda pressure relief before in my life!” She practically blurted out, clamping her mouth shut, causing all those around her to look at her wide eyed or astonished. It was unlike her to reveal so much or something so personal but also, what made the situation more odd, was the fact that she actually looked… relaxed, if not just a bit overstimulated from being worked on so physically.

Spike gave a slow nod, as if starting to understand the situation more. Her wording was something to be picked on but he understood that she never knew that her body could feel that kind of relief, so the feeling was alien.

“So you feel what, good? Calm? Better?”

“Hmmm yeah,”

“Then I don’t see the problem.”

She shyly leaned in close to him to whisper. “It was another male, Spike. I have never had a male touch me other than you.”

“As long as you felt comfortable and he didn’t take advantage of you, that is fine.”

She looked up at him, looking for any doubt in his eyes. Finding none, she relaxed more, almost slumping into him, resting most of her weight on him, forcing him to keep her up. “I… I need to lie down now. I don’t think I can really walk… or fly… or stand… or anything.”

A small smile grew on him. “He really worked you hard, didn’t he?”

“You know we can hear you two right?” Amy spoke out loud. “And everything she just said sounds like she just got…” A pause as she looked at Blacktip then her environment before nodding as she remembered the word. “Like she just got ‘fucked’ hard, right? Like the male just fucked her like no tomorrow.”

Spike, Blacktip and even Smolder slapped their faces hard in disbelief at the choice words coming from Amethyst. This more or less made Ember blush all the more and wanted to use the Scepter to permanently silence their hoard member. Shadescale looked more confused than ever at what was transpiring, while Garble was the one who looked really uncomfortable between wanting to burst out laughing and holding it all in as he heard that. Smolder elbowed him to stow it but he couldn’t help himself.

“Amethyst, please, just… ugh. I can’t even begin to correct you on that wording.” Blacktip bemoaned with intense scrutiny, which had her earning a hard smack from Smolder. She visibly recoiled hard enough to stumble, that even Garble flinched from that one. Blacktip shook his head then focused on them, choosing to ignore the rest of Amethyst's whine. “Come, I believe that it's late enough for us to turn in for the night.”

Not arguing, they retreated back to the hotel with Spike helping his… overly relaxed mate back. She seemed more embarrassed than actually sore or worn, but it didn’t help with how the situation ended. Her knees shook, her body was sore but in a nice way and her wings felt heavy. Overall, it targeted a spot in her psyche she never knew of.

As they walked back, they noticed that a lot of shadows conjured the skies, as if they were being watched by some shadowy figures, seeking prey. A small squint and part of his vision enhanced by his draconic inheritance showed that it was dragons flying overhead. Not many but quite a few were casually in the skies.

“What’s with the dragons flying overhead?” Spike asked Blacktip, still making sure to focus on the road as he talked..

Looking up, he gave a small smile. “You can ‘Thank me’ and ‘Princess Luna’ for that matter. Since the ‘Firesnail Incident’, a new job known as the ‘Fire watch’ was created. These dragons take on the ‘shifts’ to monitor for any more incidents of fire. They not only check here but also for most of Fillydelphia too, plus it is a sorta of ‘fire brigade’ adjacent to the fire department. We are naturally resistant to fire, so it would make sense that Dragons are the better fire fighters. However, to avoid any more surprise ‘incidents’ again from Firesnails, the short job time is to keep an eye out in case they return.”

That did make a Tartarus amount of sense and Spike truly found himself beyond awed but happy that dragons do carry out roles that would normally be dangerous to ponies or non-flame retardant creatures.

He hoped that the future offered more opportunities for a joint community.

As they arrived back at the hotel, the others went to their own separate rooms. Shadescale had no idea how to use the rooms, so Blacktip offered to assist her. Amy and Smolder went to their room with Ember in their arms. She was still blushing at what she went through but was finally allowing it to take hold of her.

Spike went to the room of Ralph with food and merchandise in tow. Upon reaching his door, he knocked, “Hey Ralph, it's Spike! Got you food!”

There was a shuffle for the door as the yeti made his way over. Upon opening the door, he felt a chilly draft hit him as the cold air from the A.C. seemed to have made an ultimately chilled climate within. A chill ran down his spine and he wrapped his wings around him.

“Oh mare, dude. You got this whole place colder than the Crystal Empire. This area hasn’t been kind to you?”

As he asked, he handed his Yeti friend the back of food and merchandise, which included a few comics, travel souvenirs, and the filter.

“Bad Air out there.” He mused lightly. “Safe here, Not struggling.”

“Well, I hope this makes up for it. I even got you a filter that may help out and some food.”

The yeti was ecstatic about receiving such gifts, let alone from Spike. Their short time had formanted a quick friendship that he had never known of. Most yeti don’t do friendship with other species, let alone dragons.

Spike gave him a still warm Fish Sandwich, along with crispy crickets in the bag. “Sorry,” Spike apologized, earning a glance from the yeti. “Wasn’t sure what you would eat but I figured nothing wrong with a fish sandwich and maybe some crickets?”

His giant furred friend glowed with adoration at the choice, as he quickly opened up the bag. The strong whiff of a deep fried fish with mouth watering toppings along with fried crickets that came with seasoning, was almost too good to be true.

Excitedly, he tore through the sandwich and lifted his face mask as he practically chewed the sandwich with raw hunger. Spike was a bit thrown off briefly but smiled as the yeti ate his meal with much gusto. The crispy crickets were no match either, as he dumped the bag in his mouth. The delightful grunts that left him had Spike know that he did well with food selection.

“Glad to know that you liked what I got you Ralph,” Spike responded sincerely. While it didn’t bother him in the slightest, the fact he couldn’t really bring him out to enjoy the scenery was the only real problem. “I’m sorry you’re just stuck in here for the time being.”

The yeti, satisfied with his meal, lowered his mask down and gave him a look of indifference followed by content mirth. “You here for you.” His gruff but tame voice came through the mask. He even briefly marveled at the filter, a cylinder attachment customized for his mask, scrutinizing it for a time before setting it aside on his bed to be messed with later. “You need help with Kin. Family. Nothing stronger than Family. Then Kin Survival.”

Nodding, Spike sighed. “Yeah, I guess I am here to help my kin. The survival of one’s species or kin is the core of every species in Equestria and perhaps beyond that.” A pause then he turned curiously towards the yeti. You know, I… and perhaps most of us don’t know much about you guys. I mean, we don’t know much about the Yeti in general.”

The bobbing of the furred giant told him that was understandable. “Yeti Never leave Storm Mountains. Island is Home. Rare to leave. Rarer to come back Without Help.”

Spike blinked. “Help? You mean like… aid from allies?”

The yeti shook his head. “Ships. Storm Ships. Travel easier. Ships carry everything. To Survive, We need Cold. Storm Ships carry All.”

That made sense, earning a nod. “Yeah, your kind aren’t really made for warmer climates. It must be literal Tartarus for you to be out here.”

A soft nod from Ralph, but he pounded his chest with a clawed fist. “Yeti Strong! Must endure! We are Warriors! To survive outside, is to survive all! Longest Warriors survive Years from home!”

“Longest warriors?” He pondered outloud. “Like living outside of home? Outside of your area?” A strong nod. “Are you one?”

Another nod. “My name is ‘Ru-lff’ in mother tongue. Language is Yetinese as called by Ponies. Language home called ‘Yuti’. Pony name ‘Ra-lph’. ‘Ru-llff’ in Yuti. It means ‘Roar Heart.’ Heart in Strong Place in Pony Language.”

“Huh,” Spike responded with delighted insight. He didn’t really know or perhaps, no one really knew what Ralph’s name meant. Then again, the Yeti haven’t been known that long since the Storm King’s defeat or the few that remained in Equestria. “So should I… or everyone to start calling you by the right name? I don’t want to be taking a part of you or your namesake for granted.”

The yeti brimmed brightly with the insightful chivalry of the drake, as he had been known throughout the many stories and tales from ponies in Ponyville. His heart was just as big and as thoughtful as he himself.

The thoughtful drake was given a negative for that. “No. You are friend. Grand friend. You treat ‘Ra-lph’ like friend when just met. Call ‘Ra-lph’ as Ralph. You care for Ralph. Much Appreciation.”

“Well sure Ralph. You are a friend. Smolder says that you have been good friends to most of Ponyville and even other creatures. I would be honored to have you as a ‘grand friend.’ Though I would like to know more about you and your culture. I’m not sure what you could tell me but maybe what you feel comfortable with.”

The yeti thought for a moment before agreeing. “Spike earned story for tonight. Tell story of ‘Yuti’.” He brought up his pad and drew small illustrations, though some he had already started or had stored in his back pad. He gave a quick drawing of a mountain with a storm hanging overhead.

‘Many storms Ago… Time of Strive. Time of Isolation. Time before ‘No Stories’. Great White ruled over Mountains. The first Yuti, “Ab’omi-na’ble. Meaning ‘First Ice-Rock Walker.’ First Yuti.” He showed a drawing of a Yeti going from crawling to walking on two’s.

Spike tried not to smile at the fact of the name; as he realized where the name origin came from, but remained silent, allowing Ralph to continue his historic tale.

Ab’omi-na’ble’ or ‘Ab’o’, took first steps. Started gathering more ‘Yuti’ to stand. Lead the first tribe in mountains, then more generations followed. When first big storm hit, we created first stories and then, became Storm Creatures. Storms made us strong and mighty. We became Warriors of Storms.”

The yeti briefly paused as if wondering how much could be said. Some words translated well, others not so much as ponies still had no comprehension to a lot of words in Yuti. Yes, they had multiple languages on their own but this was more on the ears of those who ‘growl’, ‘bark’ or other harsh vocals. Perhaps he could find a day to write everything and make it legible for ‘Equestrian’. He refocused back on the story.

“Story is First of Stories. But after first ‘Yuti’ and first Tribe, Yuti ventured out of Home Mountains. Not many make back.” He then showed some older art from his pad, showing figures of Yuti leaving but never coming back. Only one. “First to come back, told us of lands beyond. Creatures of Fire, creatures of Air, Earth. Creatures of forests, underearth and water-” He paused to show some of those drawings before showing the last to clarify. Dragons, Rocs, Deer, Sea Serpents, and so on. He then showed pictures of ponies and then unicorns with magic surrounding them. “Creatures of ‘Nelle’. ‘Magic’ in Pony tongue.” Spike nodded in quick understanding. “Creatures ‘Nelle-Immora”, or ‘Magical Gods or Immortals.’ To many to ever remember but are strongest known.” He showed pictures of ancient alicorns, Cyclops, Dragons, Draconequui, and what looked like a big Ram of sorts. Though a quick note Spike kept in the back of his mind was that Celestia, or Luna were not drawn as he knew them, rather… these alicorns were shown as larger, with bigger wings, longer mane or tails. Not to mention they had armor and were more than just the two. Discord was the obvious Draconequus but… there were two of them, which he would have to ask him later.

The dragons, while obvious, had four wings instead of two. One was even depicted with five heads; perhaps a Hydra may be mistaken for a dragon? But it also had wings?

The Ram remained an enigma to him however as he had no idea what or who that represented.

Ralph continued on with more illustrational drawings of Yuti building structures. “After many left, many returned, new metals, new ‘Nelle’ learned, Yuti learned to build. Learned to fight stronger, bigger creatures. Warriors given names for those ‘Brave’, ‘Strong,’ or ‘Fearless.’ Greatest warrior led entire tribes off home to search better fight. Better honor.” Ralph then showed him pictures of the Sun and the Moon moving overhead, indicating a passage of time. “Many suns and moons later, Yuti was given a new leader. Given new purpose, to move on, to fight wars.”

A quick drawing was scribbled down with the Yuti giving much details. “We grew stronger, we learned to find lands, to explore and expand.” He then flipped the pad over and showed Spike.

Spike felt a small chill run down his spine, which was further made worse by the freezing air in the room. In the picture, it showed the figure, easily identifiable as ‘The Storm King’, leading the Yuti off their lands in floating ships with storm clouds surrounding them.

“Strum Lun, became ‘Storm King’. Lead age of ‘Fighting’ and ‘War.’ For many moons… Yuti fought and won.” A drop in his tone, emphasizing on how bad that sounded to Spike and perhaps to anyone else who heard it. A bob of his head. “Yuti only know History of ‘War’ and ‘Conquest.”

His final drawing showed an army led by the ‘Storm King’ through various lands. Two pages, back to front, showed the lands of the felines, ‘Abyssians’, ‘Outlands’ and no doubt, a depiction of the mountain of ‘Aris’, home to the Hippogriffs. All being conquered, destroyed and overtaken. One page showed a unicorn with a broken horn joining and leading a charge. No doubt, this was Tempest Shadow. Her name was written as “Vrum Drred.”

Ralph then concluded his story. “Strum Lun’ lead of promises, of War, of conquest. We gave him ‘Storm King’ Title as first true conqueror.” A slow pause as he lowered his pad down and looked towards Spike. “Now… he's gone.”

“And with him gone?” Spike hesitated to ask him, as if to remind him that he had lost and was a stoned prisoner.

Ralph gave thought as he was in a small mental debate with himself. His beady eyes remained focused on the floor for the moment, until he slowly raised his eyes to meet Spike.

“Now he is… ‘Cado Lun.’ In Yuti, ‘Fallen King’ for now.”

There was silence for the moment, as Spike absorbed that, but his mind wouldn’t allow him to settle on just that negative end. While he couldn’t blame the Yeti for what their history was, he didn’t like what it had started out as. It was simple mindedness… no, he couldn’t even say that either as that would be too ignorant. They understood ‘nelle’ and ‘craftsmanship’ in order to leave their homes, so they were not one-sided creatures, as they were raised with little else other than ‘conquest’ and ‘war’. But outside of that, where would that leave them in an age of ‘Harmony’ and ‘Peace?’ What were soldiers and fighters without the fight?

Looking at him, he opted to break the silence for something more lighthearted and hopefully something different. “So… what would I have a name in your language or be something in your tongue?”

The yeti thought for a moment before nodding as he was reminded of his namesake in Yuti. “Spike is ‘Scrik Dragg’a-llff. You're named like Great Dragon in Stars, Draco.” Spike blinked, almost thrown off as another species knew of his ‘gods’ so to speak, acknowledging the deity or so in kind. While not odd, outside of dragons, he never heard of other species mention ‘Draco’ as a deity. Was that part of their history too? He didn’t get to ask, “You are ‘ Spike Dragon Heart’, in Yuti.” The yeti briefly tittered to himself as if saying it was a joke.

“Only name we can give. You have ‘Heart’ as big as ‘Big Dragons’. You protect your family. You protect friends. You helped and protected ‘not-friends’ then turned to friends.” The yeti nodded once more before he lightly pounded his clawed fist over where his heart was then pointed at Spike. “You are Ralph’s friend and friend amongst Yeti. Highest Praise. Highest Honor is to be ‘-llff’ with title. Few are with names of ‘Heart’, ‘Brave’, ‘Strong’ or ‘Fearless’. Outside Yuti.” He recalled it lightly.

Spike felt humbled, damned right honored to be named as such, in another culture. His actions warranted the Yeti to give him such titles and more. Not because of his achievements but mostly because of his ability to think of others before himself. His ability to see beyond the veil or the mask to find the heart of others led him to be recognized by other cultures. As it was, he just met the Yeti but he felt happy to know so much about a different culture and how they viewed him.

“Wow Ralph, I don’t know what to say.” Spike responded sincerely, somewhat bashful about it too.

The Yeti once more bobbed his head. “You are Dragon Friend, friend to ‘Ralph’, friend to ‘Yuti’.” He repeated. “Ever meet more Yuti, say- “Lu’ Mr Scrik Dragg’a-llff! Law Ru-llff.” A pause to translate. “I am Spike Dragonheart! Friend to Ralph.”

Spike muttered those words in memory to keep it in mind, saying them outloud until he essentially burned it in his mind. Nodding, he gave a smile to the yeti. “I got it, thanks Ralph. I’m kinda glad to know you just a bit more.”

The yeti bobbed his head like wise. “Appreciate. Spike, good Friend.” Both reached up and bumped their fists, showing the first bond the two shared after their small introduction on the train.

Once greeted, Spike wished him a ‘Good Night’, returning to his room. Once the dragon left, the Yeti was giddy and immediately turned back to his pad. He began to write down the highlights as well as a small illustration of him and Spike. “First Friends with Dragon!” He wrote it down with much glee.

Author's Note:

A little plot and side story to what I feel like should have been included to the series. The yeti have no stories, folders or even a group to them. I am hoping this will start something. I did want to go further, but that may wait later. This is more or less a filler for now. Hope you enjoy!