• Published 21st Jul 2023
  • 3,255 Views, 274 Comments

A Dubious Welcome - Maonyman

Anon the veterinarian has to help Twilight recover from her injuries and then return home.

  • ...

CH44: Hatred and Love


Twilight Sparkle, who was not quite as unconscious as she seemed, summoned what little willpower she could and yanked her head roughly downward. Her ultra smooth horn easily slipped free of Peter's nervously sweaty palm and she slumped to the ground.

Starlight Glimmer, meanwhile, cast a shield spell centered around the weapon Peter held, containing the explosion to a small sphere around his hand, which began to burn immediately.

Peter would have screamed in pain at that, except that at the same moment writhing tentacles of a deep and unholy blackness whipped out toward him from the aura surrounding Celestia, piercing the energy shield with an electric crackle and tossing men roughly to either side in their haste to reach their target. They coiled about Peter's limbs and neck, lifting him into the air as he made an inarticulate choking noise of pure shock and terror. Then the aura which surrounded Celestia snapped forward and slammed into his chest with such force that it threw him backward down the hall, skidding across the floor.

Anon stared in morbid fascination as the demonic blackness slowly sunk into Peter's skin, leaving nasty purple bruises where it had gripped his throat and wrists which he assumed were mirrored on the man's legs and chest. The man let out a moan, then convulsed violently, his whole body going taut. An unearthly howl emanated from his throat, echoing with a chorus of screams as if hours of suffering had been condensed into a single instant. The horrid sound slowly faded and he curled into the fetal position, trembling and whimpering as his guards looked on in terrified confusion.

Then his trembling eased and he slowly relaxed, lifting his head and looking around as if unsure of where he was. His eyes locked onto Celestia and he recoiled violently, his weakened body scrabbling against the floor in a meager attempt to escape.

Twilight Sparkle, who had watched the whole thing in horror, slowly turned back to her mentor and, fighting the drug still clouding her mind and making it hard to think straight, slowly put the words together.

"What... did you do... to him?

Celestia looked down as if startled to see Twilight there, then her eyes tightened and her muzzle formed a grim line.

"All the suffering he has caused throughout his life was done back to him in equal measure. This short moment likely felt like several years from his perspective. He has only himself to blame for how severe his punishment was."

She looked up at Peter, still trying to wriggle his feeble body away from her.

"This treatment will repeat at regular intervals from this point forward. Any suffering you cause in the meantime will be returned to you, stretched out to last for what feels like ages." Her voice fell to a low murmur, "I suggest you learn to minimize the pain that you cause."

Peter did not respond--he could not. His mouth moved soundlessly as he slowly backed away from her, eyes wide and wild looking. Celestia sneered, then her horn glowed and she tossed him roughly further down the hall.

"Now begone from my sight, else I contrive a more fitting end for you!"

He flailed through the air, thudded onto all fours, and immediately scrambled down the hall and around a corner. Celestia eyed the other guards menacingly.

"I said BEGONE!"

A wave of golden magic burst from her horn, passing harmlessly through Starlight Glimmer and Anon, but roughly shoving all the guards several feet down the hall. They stumbled as one, then turned without hesitation and sprinted down the hall after their fallen leader.

Twilight stared in shock at her beloved mentor, stunned by this dark and vehement side of the delicate princess she loved so dearly. Celestia's gaze slowly fell to Twilight, and her eyes narrowed.

"Do not think to judge me, Twilight Sparkle. I have encountered far worse than scum such as this in eons past. You are not the first alicorn to save Equestria from imminent destruction."


"Starlight Glimmer," she interrupted, "Come forth and reveal yourself. I know you are here."

Seeming somewhat reluctant, Starlight stepped a little closer and her horn twitched as she dissolved the light-bending illusion surrounding her. Celestia's eyes flashed at the sight of Anon on her back.

"What is this, a pet? Get rid of it immediately. I have had quite enough of these... humans."

Twilight flinched at the bitter hatred in her voice. Starlight jerked her horn again and abruptly Anon was standing over her, back to normal height, Starlight standing between his legs. She quickly scooted out from under him and turned around, backing slowly toward Celestia, who stared at him.

"Oh, it's you. I suppose I owe you my thanks. But it is time we return to Equestria. I suggest you leave, too. Now."

Anon winced, looked to Twilight, then shrugged weakly and took a step backward.

"N-No..." Twilight whispered.

Celestia's ear flicked, then with a casual twitch of her horn, she ripped a hole in the fabric of space and a blue oval appeared on the wall nearby.

"Come, Twilight. We are leaving."

Twilight Sparkle did not move. She stared at Anon and he stared back at her. Celestia frowned down at her.

"My faithful student, I came here with the sole purpose of returning you to Equestria, and that is precisely what I intend to do. Enter the portal, Twilight."



Twilight whirled around, "No!" And she blasted the portal with disruptive magic, causing it to collapse into itself and vanish with a faint pop.

Celestia sighed and immediately summoned another portal with no apparent effort, "Twilight, what is this foolishness? Come home this instant."

Twilight gazed fiercely up into her mentor's eyes, "You're wrong about them!" And once again she blasted the portal away.

Celestia's nostrils flared as she summoned yet another portal and said in a tight voice, "We can discuss this at length, in Equestria. Now enter the portal!"

"Not until you listen to me!"

This time Celestia intercepted Twilight's blast in a brilliant flash of light.

"We can talk all you like back in your castle! Now get in the portal!"

"But I love him!"

Everything fell still.

A long silence hung in the air.

Twilight herself seemed surprised by her own words.

Celestia stared at her incredulously and said, "You... you love this human?"

Twilight tried to hold her defiant pose, but her mind was reeling. Had she really just said that?

But it was true, she realized.

She did love him.

Twilight Sparkle slumped to the ground, sitting heavily on her rump and staring down at her hooves, no longer able to hold Celestia's gaze. Her voice was little more than a whisper.

"I... I do."

She shut her eyes against the tears.

"I can't leave him, Princess. I just... I can't."

There was a long moment of silence. So long that Twilight thought it might go on forever. Then she felt that all too familiar pressure on her chin. She allowed Celestia's magic to slowly lift her gaze back up to meet hers. To her surprise, Celestia's expression was soft, tender, and almost seemed to be filled with wonder. There was no anger in her eyes.

"Then, my faithful student, perhaps I have judged these creatures too soon."

Celestia twitched her horn and the portal dissolved into mist. Twilight could hardly believe it. She was actually going to listen! Princess Celestia was going to listen to what she had to say!

It was at that moment that Overture reinforcements sprinted around the corner of the hallway.

Twilight leapt to her hooves as a dozen rifles raised in unison, but Celestia merely rolled her eyes. With a single pulse of her magic, every weapon dissolved into mist and Twilight could only stare in awe at the speed and precision of the spell. The Overture squad stumbled to a halt, staring down at their hands with confused exclamations.

Then Celestia's horn pulsed and a wall materialized between them, seemingly just as solid as any other. The hallway simply ended with them now. These humans were so powerless against Celestia that Twilight almost wanted to laugh.

"Now then," Celestia said calmly, as if nothing had happened, "Let us talk about your human lover, hmm?"

Twilight blushed furiously and caught Anon's startled glance as well.

"O-Oh, he's not my lover!"

"No?" She turned to Anon with a smirk, "Then you do not love her back?"

"What? No! Er, I mean, yes! I... I love her too."

Celestia peered at them with a gleam in her eye, "Then what is the problem?"

Twilight shuffled her hooves awkwardly and Anon let out a little cough.

"Um... we, uh..."

"We never said it."

"T-To each other."

"Not... not yet."

Celestia giggled, "Oh my! Well, we certainly do have a lot to discuss then, do we not?"

She lowered her head to Twilight's level and smiled gently at her.

"But how about we discuss it in Equestria?"

Twilight inhaled sharply, "Y-You mean...?"

Celestia nodded, "He may join us."

Twilight turned to Anon with a huge grin, then faltered as she looked back to Celestia.

"But... you still hate them, don't you? I... I wanted to introduce you to good humans. London, maybe."

"There will be time enough for that, Twilight. There is more to the dimensional rift than you know."

Twilight furrowed her brow at that, but Celestia didn't give her time to ask any questions, casually ripping another portal into the void right where the others had been.

"Now then, Twilight. Please step through the portal. You have my word that Anon will be right behind you, but I came here to see you home safely, so I must insist on you stepping through first."

She looked up into Celestia's kindly face and nodded. She felt like jumping for joy and collapsing into sobs all at once, but she somehow managed to control herself and get to her hooves. Anon was beaming beside her and Starlight was wearing her biggest smirk, but she didn't care.

Twilight Sparkle took two small steps forward, hesitated briefly, then took a deep breath and jumped through the portal to Equestria.