• Published 21st Jul 2023
  • 3,255 Views, 274 Comments

A Dubious Welcome - Maonyman

Anon the veterinarian has to help Twilight recover from her injuries and then return home.

  • ...

CH40: No Worries

Princess Luna woke gently as her alarm spell buzzed at her horn, stretching out her forelegs with a huge yawn. It was a bit surprising not to have been woken by Starlight's voice in her head, but she paid little heed to that. She was much more surprised by what she felt.

"B-Bastion! She is healing!"

He woke with a start from what was clearly a deep slumber.

"W-Who? What, huh?"

Luna turned to him, her wings half extended in her excitement, "Celestia! Her condition has improved dramatically... Starlight and Twilight must have reached her!"

He smiled groggily and mumbled, "Tha... that's great, Miss..." Then he slumped over again, out like a snuffed candle.

She batted at him playfully with a hoof, "Oh do wake up." When he only groaned, she bent down and nuzzled his chest, "Where is my bright-eyed and ever-vigilant captain of the guard?"

His lavender muzzle darkened slightly as he rolled his head to the side and peered at her with one eye.

"You're the one who kept me up so late..."

"Ah, yes." She felt her own muzzle grow warm and turned away with an embarrassed smile, "I suppose I may have gotten... carried away."

Bastion chuckled and said with a yawn, "Not that I'm complaining, of course." He pushed himself upright and she met his gaze, returning his smile and wrapping him up in a wing.

"Oh, but this is wonderful news, is it not? Finally my sister will be safe beside me once again."

He nodded, then tapped his muzzle with a hoof, "Honestly, I'm a bit surprised she isn't here already. Didn't you say the spell to return is very easy?"

She pondered that herself, "Hmm, yes, you are right. Perhaps they have only just found her moments ago, and they are still wrapping up their ordeal."

He looked intrigued at that, "You think they may have found something worth staying for?"

"It is entirely possible," She raised a hoof in a grand gesture, "The dimension gate is dangerous, yes, but beyond it lays fantastical lands beyond thy wildest imagination!" She giggled, "I'm sure Twilight is beside herself with curiosity now that Celestia is safe."

Bastion nodded and grinned.

"I hope she will return home soon."

* * *

Princess Luna walked slowly down the hall, Bastion and Serenity to either side, the latter providing a near ceaseless stream of information, as had become the norm.

"You did well in that inspection. I think the Guild of Ivy likes you--certainly Sir Ivy himself does--which will come in quite handy later, I think. They are not as powerful as the Guild of Lilacs, but no slouch for sure, and having both on your side will do wonders for your council policies. Anyway, I think you'll enjoy the chamber hearing we're headed to next. It's a simple procedure, so nothing to worry about, really. Just don't forget what I told you about the Charming family."

"That they will do anything for a couple of roses?"

Serenity hesitated, "Um, no Princess, that--"

"I am being facetious, Serenity. I remember."

"Ah. Well, good. In that case your role should be obvious once the hearing begins."

Bastion stepped ahead slightly and turned to peer at them.

"Mistress? If I may interrupt?"

Serenity paused, looking only slightly disturbed by the interjection.

"Yes, Bastion?"

He seemed to immediately regret speaking up, "Er, well... forgive me, but I just thought... it is nearly midday now."

"Your point?"

His ears folded back and he quietly asked, "Why has Celestia not returned yet?"

Luna stopped in the middle of the hallway, her brow furrowing.

"That... hmm."

Focusing on the ancient connection, her worries were eased somewhat. Her sister was still healing, and had improved significantly even since last she checked. She shrugged casually.

"It is strange, no doubt, but she is still healing well, so I am not unduly worried. When she returns, we will see what she has been up to." She resumed walking and the other two immediately met her pace, "So long as she is healing, I shall not worry. I have learned these past few days that naught will come of worry except misery."

She smiled fondly before continuing, "Likely there is something in that world which either she or Twilight insist on studying."

Bastion nodded, seeming relieved to be put at ease, "Yes, you're right. They do both love to study, don't they?"

Luna giggled, "That they do. Celestia chose her pupil well."

"That reminds me..." Bastion said, his muzzle pursed in thought, "I realized the other day that you have never taken on a pupil. Is there a reason for that?"

She grimaced, "Yes, and a simple one. No potential pupils are awake at night."

"Oh, right," he said somberly, "I apologize for bringing it up."

"No matter." She raised her head proudly and said, "In time I may find a suitable pupil, but as it is, I am quite content with my role as Guardian of the Night." There was a moment of awkward silence, then she added, "Granted, I am not said guardian at this very moment, but, well, you understand."

"Yes, Mistress."

With that, Luna glanced at Serenity, and that was all the mare needed to resume her endless lecture.

* * *

It was supper before Luna had time to consider the matter seriously again, and there was nothing for it.

Either Celestia should have returned by now, or Starlight should have reported in again. She could not conceive of any sane reason why neither had happened yet, and try as she might, she could not help but worry more and more with each passing moment.

Eventually Bastion, ever perceptive to her mental state, picked up on her unease.

"Mistress, are you well?"

She stared up at him from across the ornate table, "It is Celestia. I cannot stop thinking about her."

He grimaced, "Yes, I figured it might be that."

"I simply cannot imagine anything that could have made her willingly stay this long once all were safe.

Bastion did not reply, simply waiting for her to continue. She did so in a quiet undertone, as if scared to say it too loudly.

"I cannot help but think something has happened to one of the other two."

He winced and said, "Starlight or Twilight?" Luna nodded and he lightly tapped the table with a hoof, "You already know that worrying about the unknown does you no good."

"Yes, I know, but--"

"So instead, focus on what you know for sure."

Another interruption. He was becoming bold with those. She did not really mind, though. Not from him, at least. He usually had good reason for doing so.

"Like what, dearest?"

"Well," he began cautiously, "If either of them were fatally injured beyond hope, she would have returned, so they must not be that badly hurt."

Now it was her turn to grimace, "That is hardly comforting."

"But it is not nothing, Mistress. Further, if Twilight were hurt, Starlight could report on it."

Luna slumped in her seat, "So you are saying that Starlight is the one in trouble?"

"That does seem the most likely scenario. Not optimal, I admit, but given the choice between the three..."


She gaped at him and he raised his hooves in defense, "I don't mean I want her to be hurt, not at all! But if I was forced to choose, I certainly would not have chosen Celestia or Princess Twilight."

He lowered his hooves and held her gaze.

"And neither, I think, would you."

"I would not choose any!"

He sighed, "It is a mental exercise. Just imagine you are helpless and have no choice but to pick one to be hurt. Tell me, would you choose your sister? Would you choose her favored pupil?"

She stared at him in horror, unable to answer.

"I thought not," Then he rolled his eyes and added, "Quit glaring at me like that, I am only speaking logically."

She dropped her gaze to her plate, "I am not sure I like this logic."

"Nor do I, Luna."

She looked up again at his use of her name, and he gave her a tender smile, "I am simply trying to help ease your mind. You know from your connection that Celestia is well. We have just concluded through logic that Twilight is most likely well. We can also say with near certainty that Starlight is not beyond hope of help."

Luna's lip trembled, "But it is I who sent her in, Bastion! Do you not see? Any injury she sustains is my own fault, and I--"


He barked it like a command, startling her so much that she was instantly silenced.

"It is not your fault. Starlight agreed as well, hay, was even eager to do it, you said so yourself. She knew the risks when she entered the portal, and you did all you could to prepare her for them. Do not allow yourself to feel this way. It will only bring you harm."

She nodded at his words, but responded coldly.

"Very well, Bastion. But do not think to take such a tone with me again."

He returned her gaze steadily, undeterred.

"I will do and say anything I must to prevent you from thinking such thoughts. I refuse to allow you to suffer the Tantabus again. If you dislike that, dismiss me now."

They glared icily at each other for a long moment.

Finally, Luna wilted under his determined stare, "You... how did you know?"

"About the Tantabus?" He hesitated before saying, "I would rather not say, Mistress. Please."

She frowned at that, but his gaze was such that she was unable to resist.

"Very well, my Bastion. I will not command you to divulge this secret. However, know that I am unhappy to do so."

His gaze softened and he smiled apologetically, "I know, love. Forgive me. Please believe me that it is for the best this way."

Her ear flicked, "You do usually know what is best for me."

They fell silent and Luna picked idly at her plate, having lost her appetite. A few moments later, Bastion finally spoke again.


She looked up and was surprised to find Bastion looking worried himself.



His words died in his throat and he averted his gaze. She began to grow concerned.

"What is it, Bastion?"

He took a deep breath before responding, "I just... I fear I have overstepped my bounds. The very last thing I wish to do is offend you. If I have done so, please tell me."

She pondered that for a moment, then shook her head. "Do not worry. I am, in truth, quite pleased that you are willing to stand your ground for what you believe in, even against me." He looked up at her, eyes shining and she added, "You are yet stronger than I knew, my Bastion, and I am glad to see it."

His muzzle broke into a weak smile, "Then I am glad, too. At this point, I don't know what I would do if I lost you."

Reaching out with a tendril of magic, she gently brushed his cheek.

"Worry not, love, for I am not leaving."

Unbidden, her thoughts turned to his aging. Celestia had spoken of partners during the centuries that Luna was imprisoned. Her memories had always sounded so bittersweet and tinged with loss. Luna played with Bastion's mane and stroked the back of his head.

She knew all too well how limited a time they had together. There was no time for petty grudges over spoken words.

"No... I will not be leaving you."