• Published 21st Jul 2023
  • 3,257 Views, 274 Comments

A Dubious Welcome - Maonyman

Anon the veterinarian has to help Twilight recover from her injuries and then return home.

  • ...

CH11: Decisions, Decisions

Princess Luna needed some time to think, so she decided to fly herself back to Canterlot instead of teleporting straight there, yet only moments after she left Twilight's castle, she felt the first twinge of pain through the faint connection to her sister. It was a minor injury, no more than a ripple in her great pool of life force, and it was not long before the damage was healed. Still, it worried Luna as she rode a thermal updraft into the clouds. Celestia was a formidable spellcaster and well able to handle herself, so the fact that something had even managed to touch her was concerning.

Then Luna shook her head. Most likely Tia had simply not taken things seriously enough at first and some creature had gotten the jump on her. She would be more vigilant now, surely. Yes, she believed in her sister. Twilight Sparkle was in danger and Celestia would do anything to save her beloved pupil.

Even if that meant abandoning--

Luna fiercely cut off that thought and bucked whatever remained. Envy had led her into the living nightmare in the first place and she would die before she let that happen again! With the full power of the combined throne, it was unlikely Equestria would ever recover if she succumbed to the darkness now. She hadn't felt so much as a hint of that evil since Twilight Sparkle and her friends had saved her, yet she still rigorously avoided even the slightest whisper of a thought that could lead down that regretful path.

In an attempt to distract herself, Luna dropped into a steep dive and flattened out just above the treetops, whipping around protruding branches at considerable speed. She used to spend a lot of time practicing her aerial agility and was pleased to see her performance had not deteriorated too badly. It had been too long since she really put any effort into exercise and her wings were already beginning to feel the strain of her exertions, but she continued flapping to maintain her velocity, pressing on with the intent of exploring her physical limits.

Then abruptly, Celestia's life force suffered a jolt of such severity that Luna cried aloud in fear and alarm. She flared her wings, turned in a sharp angle, and her hooves slammed into the ground in the space between some trees.

The ancient spell was vague at the best of times and since Tia had gone through that portal it had faded to a distant echo of its usual strength, but Luna concentrated on what remained of the link between them. When the injury began to heal almost immediately, Luna let out a little sigh of relief. Celestia had always been skilled with healing magic and indeed, had she not ascended all those centuries ago, she likely would have become a doctor.

Luna waited a few moments for Tia to regain her strength before she decided to move on, but just as Luna spread her wings to take flight again, she froze in horror.

Her connection to Celestia had vanished.

Cold fear gripped her heart as she checked again, but there was nothing there.

Luna gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and poured every ounce of her will into seeking out her sister. She tried to ignore the tears budding in her eyes as her horn began to glow faintly, re-energizing the old spell and pushing the ancient magic to its limit.

Then she felt the faintest tremor across the void, a mere echo of the strength that had been there just moments before, yet even in that weakened state, there was no mistaking it.

Her sister was alive.

Luna nearly collapsed with relief, then she straightened with determination and seized the tremulous connection in her magic, charging her horn to tear a portal of her own.

She would NOT lose her sister!

However, before she could finish casting, she felt the distant spark of life begin to grow stronger and hesitated. Celestia was not only alive, she was healing.

Tartarus, she had been healing before, she could still be in danger! Luna resumed focusing on the spell anyway.

Yet if she was healing, surely that meant she had defeated the monster, right? Her condition was so poor it was unlikely she could escape, so if any creature was still a threat, it would have already... well, she wouldn't be healing.

Luna stood paralyzed with indecision, horn illuminating the trees with the spell all but finished, torn between loyalty to her subjects and love of her sister.

A small voice in the back of her mind asked, "What would Celestia do?"

With a roar of frustration, Luna broke the spell and energy burst from her horn in an aimless explosion of magic, then Luna slumped, her head hung low.

Celestia loved her and she loved Twilight, but she loved Equestria more than both, and she had trusted Luna to rule in her stead. Now was not the time to abandon her little ponies. Luna slowly spread her wings, almost dreading to return now. Then she frowned and shook her head. Celestia was healing, was she not? Healing well, in fact. Perhaps things may yet turn out alright in the end. She must remain hopeful and trust in her sisters capabilities. After all, that must have been a tremendous foe she just vanquished! She must ask Celestia to describe the battle when she returned!

She leapt into the air with a powerful downstroke and hurried on to Canterlot.

Yes, she believed in her sister. She had to.

To do otherwise would only drive her mad.
* * *

When Luna arrived at their castle, she was able to explain things to one of the guard captains so there was at least somepony in a position of authority that knew the situation, but it was late enough that few ponies were awake to hear her news. She had actually worried he would be suspicious of her, but the glow of the sun about her gave credence to her words.

After that, she made her way to her chambers, but although she already felt worn after the stresses of the evening, she had not even been awake half a day yet and knew she would not be able to go to sleep yet. She found herself wondering how she could possibly continue if something really did happen to Celestia, and also how she would ever manage handling both day and night tasks. Then she quailed as she thought of a dozen other problems, realizing just how many things she had to do alone now.

Fortunately, there did not exist a better distraction than the infinite oddities of the dream realm, so Luna threw herself at the sleeping minds of her subjects and worked harder that night than she ever had in recent memory. Through it all, she never released her hold on the link to her sister, watching it gain strength and trying not to imagine it snuffing out entirely.

Hours later, when she finally collapsed into bed, it certainly seemed like her sister's health had improved, but Luna's final thoughts before she slept were still full of concern.

Celestia really should have healed more than that.