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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 97 )
Comment posted by iguanaonastick deleted Sep 19th, 2023

Are you familar with the concept of the White Room?

“that for the first time in thousands of years, I will be the cause of new foals being birthed into Equestria!”

Poof this will be technically celestia fault

that bad huh? he did emphasize the 'Dark' tag in the description. if there's crying and pleading it definitely ain't for me

Well, you're not wrong...
But there's plenty of blame to go around.

lol, I'm sure there will be crying in these comments at some point!

There's a nonzero chance that the stallion is Celestia. Or at least the thing you meant, where she set this whole thing up on purpose.

Comment posted by Perpetually Confused deleted Sep 19th, 2023

the white room is the most potent form of passive torture, lock a MF in a room where they can't sleep, get comfy, or interact with anything to stimulate the mind, they are broken in weeks, maybe days


Its a lovely little form of psych enhanced interrogation. You see, when applying torture in this method, that is to garner intel, on must think beyond simple sadism. Now you could simply start snapping limbs or rip the knowledge out with magic, but there are work around for that or the subjects tolerance and willpower could simply overwhelm.

So there are two method available for the sake of time. The first would be the Golden Thread, a Saddle Arabian method where one threads a spool of wire into the pain centers of the spinal and gives them jolts. The problem with that is both matters of sadism and control as well as physical well being of the subject, barring feeling like his entire body is getting fucked by the barb wired wrapped willy of the concept of Agony itself. Mind break, aneurism, his heart exploding like a meat hand grenade, and you more then likely still end up with bupkis.

Thus the White Room. Stick that fucker in a white room. No colors, sound, utter and complete sensory deprivation with the occassional gruel suppliment to give them the false inkling of salvation now and again. Place a few cleaning and time dilation spells on the room, wait five minutes, boom. Babydick von Forceafuck is singing Tia's location like a fucking bird just to see something blue, and all without harming a single hair on his rapist hide.

Then you can kill him

I think my explanation was more concise,
but cheers for making me even more averse to reading the story

Eh... its not my cup of tea myself. I merely marvel at the concept is all and having a bit of fun contemplating other more... direct means by which Luna could learn what she wanted:pinkiecrazy:

More of the phrasing of the wish she wish to be that cause a new foals. If it wasn't for the wish morale would be repairing his cottage

Oh, that's what you were talking about? I thought you were referring to some kind of sex thing I hadn't heard of.
Yeah ... I've heard of that. Seems like ponies with magic could come up with something faster than that if they were willing to be cruel about it.

To be clear, there is no torture -- white room or otherwise -- in this story.
There is rape with crying and pleading, though, so I don't blame you at all if you choose not to read this one.

Well, I wouldn't go that far...

Huh... Is it already that obvious? I'd meant for it to be a bit more subtle than that.

Or as one character used as a threat in Doctor Who:

Nothing. Forever.

I think this is an interesting story, Dicey Morel is certainly a petty disgusting pony who feels he had been cheated in life and saw his chance for cosmic justice for himself, with grabbing the crown by the balls, and took it for his perceived injustice. I do find it interesting despite having the power he still humiliate himself in his attempt to mount Luna. I am looking forward to see the rest of the story, and see how it turns out.

After all this time following you on Fimfiction and Inkbunny, why have i not subbed to you xD
I might just go fix that <3 (Edit) You've got that sub

(Edit) Also yeah there are bots that just auto thumb down comments and stories. Just like this xD

Are celestia and luna's personalities switched? Luna's normally the rash one while celestia is more conserved due to the 1000+ years ruling bit.

The plot feels forced (yeah I get that it's not really the main part of the story but still), magic (in equestria anyway) unlike a genie tends to work on intent more than interpretation but we've got full on evil genie interpretation and a weird one at that.

"that for the first time in thousands of years, I will be the cause of new foals being birthed into Equestria!”

What does it do?
Make her fertile like she wanted?, transform her into a male and drive her to impregnate several mares?, trigger a mass orgy?, make her instantly pregnant and birth several foals?

Nope! it transforms her into an inanimate orb and goes and hides out in a psychopaths house to give him leverage to impregnate whoever he likes fulfilling her desire to be the cause of new foals when realistically this shouldn't even be a possible outcome as she's a friggin demigoddess.

Ponies would be getting pregnant because of her all the time making this an invalid way to fulfill this request as it wouldn't be the first time in thousands of years since it's an ongoing thing.

Thank you! ^.^
Though I doubt it's actual bots doing the downvoting. A lot of people will downvote any clop they see, and others will downvote any non-con they see. I knew going into it that this one would be a bit of a downvote magnet, so I'm not too concerned about it.

I tried to make it a bit nuanced -- a bit more depth to it. ^.^ Looks like it's working.

Pay no attention to the plot device behind the curtain!
(But yeah ... I do have to admit, the part in the beginning is kind of made with the conclusion first and then trying to get to that conclusion, rather than just setting things up and seeing what the characters do with it. Thankfully, though, that's only a small part of the story, just what kicks the story off.)

Stomping one hoof down scornfully, Princess Luna scoffed. “We will not be held hostage to the demands of a treacherous, lecherous stallion!” She marched down toward him, her eyes glowing white. “FOOL! Did you think you could hold an entire nation hostage? Did you think us so weak? Nay! You will sooner find yourself caged in Tartarus! Chained in the lowest dungeons! Your petty secrets shall be flayed from your mind with arcane spells you have not the wit to comprehend! We should feed you to the beasts of Tartarus merely for having the temerity to speak such insults to crown and to country!”

It is the first thing that anyone would do or at least some deception in the world of dreams since she is Luna she could easily do it

No! Screw it. He wasn't going to back down after coming this far! He'd call their bluff and hope against hope that they really were bluffing. He shook his head. “You won't. You wouldn't do that even to the worst villains Equestria has ever faced!”

Of course she could! She herself stated that living for more than a thousand years makes you do unpleasant things, torture may not seem so strange to her

Although I like that these stories have these errors and loopholes in the plot, they reflect that this type of reading is only for fun and That's why they don't have to make much sense since they're basically a joke.

Hmm given the kind of stories I write (Gender bender) one of my first thoughts of course is if Dicey can command Twilight to turn her brother into her sister. I can certainly see Dicey wanting to humiliate Shining like that, but I have a feeling this isn't that kind of story.

That aside, this is certainly an interesting premise for a clopfic. Not the biggest fan of 'dark fics' so that bit has me wary, but I'll be keeping an eye on this for the meantime.

Oh, I get the nuance you are trying to convey, and I could go on a long diatribe of all of it, but the long and short of is that is that he get the chance to vent his personal and sexual frustrations with himself and the rest of the world by using his leverage to hold the crown hostage to satiate is petty base urges on to the nation, instead of just doing the good thing for everyone. I find the way you describe his processes very well done in depicting his as a frustrated petty loser who gets the chance to perform his heart's desires not caring what everyone think of him, I really enjoy how you go about it.

But ... but ... why are the quotes from the story in Spanish? :rainbowhuh:

Heh, yeah. Not that kind of story. Though that could be a fun direction to take things.
(Or, if Dicey was bisexual, he could just do that without the gender transformation.)
But yeah... Anyway, Chapter 2 is out now, and it's pretty much as dark as this story gets. So if you can handle Chapter 2, you should be good.

I forgot to turn off the translator, I didn't know that could happen, I thought I had the original language.

Honestly, I'm just amazed and entertained by the idea that people are out there reading my stories in other languages, and I didn't even know it!

I wonder if anything gets lost in translation...

In my experience this happens in some cases, but they are such small things that anyone with some intuition and common sense can continue reading without further complications.

Boy he is a disgusting pony, the worst is that he doesn't have any of the self-awareness or experience with other ponies to know or understand how how creepy he is being. Awesome chapter I love how you depicted how Shy felt about every casual words coming on as totally creepy to everyone around him. Looking forward to see what happens next.

This story is pretty dark. Because the sun isn't there. Ha.

This guy is so dead in 3 days.

Speaking of which, it'd sure be a shame if the royal chronometers ran a little fast.


Yes, yes. A terrible shame, that.

He COULD do that without the gender transformation, but then it wouldn't be as fun for ME. XD

Seems like a well-written story, with an unexpectedly (and unsettlingly) hot scene with the mushroom guy and Luna. Let's see if I have to bail during the next chapter...

You might ... Chapter 2 is probably the darkest.

Interesting, i'm very curious to see how this all will resolve. This reminds me a little bit of "The Heat Treatment" story of yours. I wonder now what fate will befall Dicey after all this ends haha

Sad we not able to read how he gonna impregnate Celestia and Cadance

Really digging this story so far! I envy your diverse vocabulary and natural flow, let’s me know I’ve got a lot of room to improve on my own writing

Excited to see more!

Well, Celestia is completely ruled out, since she's just a little ball right now.
And Cadance ... Hm... I wonder if Crystal Empire citizens (much less royalty) are even bound by Luna's proclamation? It might actually be that Dicey has no power over anypony in the Crystal Empire, unless he can convince them independently to go along with the same deal.

Thanks! ^.^ It's nice to know the attention I put into the prose is appreciated!

Starlight mind controls him into telling them where the thing is.

Twilight and Shining Star get abortions.

The end.

Which is to say… something in that magic sure is doing a lot of heavy lifting in making ponies not search for ways around this.

yeah, I read 'sex-ed: changeling style' and was put off (not enough to drop it though), but that has 'romance' and 'slice of life' in the blue tags instead of 'dark' so ipso facto.... yeah nah

I hope you enjoy that one!
(But do yourself a favor and when you see the warning on Epilogue 1 that says you can skip it -- skip it.)


Starlight mind controls him into telling them where the thing is.

But she promised not to do that anymore!

in making ponies not search for ways around this.

Spoilers! :heart:

Nice chapter keep it up.

I meant to say that I had read it already, about a year ago.
And I almost didn't read that chapter, but then a part of my mind decided that I was missing something possibly important. Mistakes were made, lol.
Can't say I regret reading it, but it was rough.

At this rate, they're going to castrate him with a bear trap as soon as his three days are up.

So where’s Discord in all of this? Pretty sure he’d have been torturing the guy before he’d even be able to rape Fluttershy.


keep it up

Well, yes ... that is the entire point of a clopfic, isn't it?

Oh... Sorry about that. :facehoof:

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