• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago

dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 68 )

So this story is about a typical Tuesday afternoon for Princess Cadance? I look forward to reading it.

Congrats on 100 fics!

Hm... Maybe I should have added the 'slice of life' tag...

Shining Armor: What the f***, Cadence!!!!!!????? 😫 🤬

this may not qualify for the princess of infidelity contest due to it not being anthro tag

indeed, two things in this story hinder it from being able to count,

1) Its not anthro as you stated.

2) It contains futa which in itself is strictly mentioned in the description as a no-no for this one.

There is still time to make some fixes till the contest concludes, tho. If these things are fixed it could very much qualify.

Oh shit... lol, I completely forgot about those two rules!
Yeah, I'll just withdraw this one from the contest. I wouldn't want to make such major changes after publishing.

*what the suck

37? That's rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up!

You need at least 69 for your base starting number.

I mean ... you can't start at 69 ... you gotta start at number 1 and work your way there.

Well, this was a fine bit of smut! quite enjoyable, even, if just a bit too much.

Oh, did I say "much"? Much is never enough! :moustache:

I wonder... did you really take delight in poking fun at yourself at the beginning? A bit of self-parody! I like that! Haha!

:pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :facehoof:

It seems to me that the writers who came up with this character in the original series did not even think about how exactly the authors of fan fiction would use this mare.

Poor Cadence. How many trials does she still have to endure because of her title "Princess of Love"?

It's not her fault that she's such a beautiful, sexy mare! But such a treasure can't belong to just one male, right?

I never understood why being anthro was a condition to "Princess of Infidelity". I saw someone ask that question and instead of getting the question answered their comment was deleted. Thats a dumb rule.

I just assume that the judge/creator of the contest prefers anthro fics

Not to sound rude but if that's true then this just seems like a thinly veiled attempt to get commissions of smut you specifically like for around $100 in total. This story should totally count in a contest about Cadance performing Infidelity.

I'd prefer if more of them came as couples, especially Night Light and Twilight Velvet.

Not a big enough problem to be more than one sour note, though.

Sounds like a slow day for her

There is a much older story of Pinkie doing exactly this, but I don't know if it's up still, and there was no futa. It was pretty grounded and messy.

im not reading but SLOW DOWN CADANCE! most people can only take one or two at a time!


I wonder... did you really take delight in poking fun at yourself at the beginning? A bit of self-parody! I like that! Haha!

Nah, that was just Cadance. ^.^
And it was either that or flirting with me, and who wants to get into the whole can of worms that would come along with a writer's character flirting with the writer?


It seems to me that the writers who came up with this character in the original series did not even think about how exactly the authors of fan fiction would use this mare.

Or maybe they knew... :ajsmug:

So, so filthy dirty raunchy... and yet somehow... such a happy, wholesome, feel-good ending! That was great!

Eh, their contest, their rules. If they put up the prize money, then they get to decide what is and isn't in the contest. No harm in that. Anybody who doesn't like it can just ... not participate in the contest. Or run their own contest with rules more to their own liking.

And is it kind of a cheatery way to get a bunch of cheap 'commissions'? Well, uh ... just don't look too close at my recent furry bait contest!

Heh, yeah, that would be fun. ^.^ Let's just assume some of the ones I skipped over were couples. Mister and Missus Cake, perhaps, sharing a princess's mouth together like a happy married couple.

Well, yeah. If she tried to suck all 100 at the same time, they wouldn't fit!

You gotta know how to relax and take it easy sometimes, yeah?

Huh... Also exactly 100?

The Princess of Love only has one speed, and that speed is SUCC.

I'm really glad I came up with that ending! ^.^ Really does make the whole story worthwhile.


You’re right, I guess I was just mad about how that question someone posted (that I had as well) was removed instead of answered. It felt kind of elitist I guess. I’m also glad you didn’t change your story to conform.

Hey, yeah i think i remember that, AJ and RD were supposed to be her security but they got bored and went to lunch and when they came back things had gotten out of hand, if I'm remembering the right story.

Not gonna lie 97 made me giggle, and then the next three were even funnier, but when you dropped theBigus Dickus i completely lost it. Congratulations you have achieved comedic greatness and for that I thank you.

10 out of 10 will read again, you get a thumbs up and a favorite!

Yeah, true. Removing a comment instead of answering it is kind of a dick move.

Aha! So I have achieved comedy! ^.^ I was worried about that. Trying to mix comedy and clop is tough. Hard to balance the sexy and the funny without one overwhelming the other to the point of not being enjoyable.

Lady gotta get her protein somewhere.

She's gonna have to go on a diet after this.

Hehe I bet Sunset popped over from the human world to get blown by Cadance

Loved that Orthros bit, so glad our two headed boy is showing up more often like this.

Goddamn I hated that story. Started off silly and kind of sexy, then halfway through became just gross, unpleasant, and rapey.

This was fun, tho.

Congrats on 100 stories, DLS! I'll catch up soon!

100 various weiners are gonna end up inside Love Horse's mouth. Sequentially, not simultaneously. How would you even arrange it simultaneously? You could only fit at most 3 or 4 stallions side-by-side, maybe another two or three above and below each other, and then you'd run out of room!

So, uh, does the double dragon dick count as one dick sucked or two? And is quibbling about this how Shining Armor gets his turn?

The fact that people see a character that's supposed to physically represent the concept of romantic love and immediately imagine said character betraying her beloved husband is truly pathetic. I feel so genuinely bad for all of you. I am so sorry that you're all this hurt.

It's porn, calm down.
For every story that shows her this way, there are a hundred others with her being portrayed as she was in the show, loving to a fault and a perfect representation of romance. If you don't like it, don't read it, and go look for all the thousands of other stories that display her the way you'd like.

U sure? Feels like she is lose enough for that haha

Sure why not? ^.^

Hm... I kind of regret that now, though. I'd been trying to qualify for the bestiality prize in that contest ... but it's not even in the contest now because I forgot about a couple of the rules, lol.

Heh, you are pretty close. And probably publishing more often than me these days. Probably will catch up soon. (What are you doing for your 100th?)
Though... I do already have another story in the tube, ready to launch as soon as this one drops out of the feature box.

Well, there's content tags for a reason. If you don't like it, I've got plenty of other stories. ^.^
(Really, though, it's not so bad. Very minor part of this story.)

Well, life might be able to find a way ... but I sure can't!

And Shining Armor doesn't get a turn, lol, because he's been a bad boy!


and immediately imagine

I first saw Cadance 11 years ago; I imagined this story less than a month ago.
Not very immediate.

Not usually, no. But he did a bad thing. Or, more accurately, he let his sister do a bad thing to him.

At this point, I’m probably gonna win by virtue of being the only entry in that category.

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