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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)


Comments ( 228 )

Yup, here I am again, following clickbait and instead finding yet another DLS story... Oh, well. Guess I'll have to read this one too.


This is a concept that everyone has thought about in their head before, but few are shameless enough to admit it. :trollestia:

Is this really destined for the box?
Well, let's just say I wouldn't be surprised.

Your burden is heavy. ^.^

Even fewer are shameless enough to write it!
Honestly, I'm surprised it worked as well as it did without being anthro and full of clothing taboos.


Honestly, I'm surprised it worked as well as it did without being anthro and full of clothing taboos.

Oh, if you're making it work with regular ponies (I hadn't looked...), even better. :pinkiehappy:

Another fic from Dirty Little Secret? And anatomically correct WITH time magic, to boot? You spoil us.

DLS, you know better. Noncon gets tagged dark.

It's my job. ^.^

Eh, I view the tags more along the lines of describing the intended tone, rather than as content warnings. And this story isn't intended to be particularly dark. Besides, if you want a warning about what's in it, I graciously provided one in the description. Nobody should be reading this and end up surprised about what's in it.

Content warnings are fine as extra material, but story tags are how people sort things to begin with. I'll say it again: if you're writing noncon, tag it dark. Doing otherwise is ignoring site rules. And, to be frank, it's a bit disrespectful to potential readers.

I feel like this is an old concept yet there are no stories like this.

I'm pretty sure I read a story on FIMFiction like this. Namely with anatomically correct ponies and using time freezing magic to molest confused/frightened immobile ponies with futa spells. But dirty little secret (Ocalhoun) will always make it even better.

8277324 I remember. You're thinking of "Time Enough At Last". A clopfic which had a similar premise (stopping time). But a couple of the clop scenes were plagiarized by the writer, so it was taken down.

Oh my, I never knew it was plagiarized! Thanks for the heads up, though I'm curious who the author was, since all snapshots of it from the Wayback Machine show were taken after its deletion.

Wish you didn't include that last line, but otherwise I agree. DLS, you just have to realize that, regardless of tone, Twilight just raped them. I believe anything that deals with rape, on screen, has to be tagged dark. You could make flimsy arguments for Rainbow and Spitfire, but not Soarin'. I mean, she straight fucks him without his consent! Edit: Nevermind, I somehow forgot about Twilight licking their privates. There actually isn't an argument.

Anyway, still liked and will keep reading, but I also advise adding the dark tag.

I'll look at the site rules and add it if it's required there.

Oh wow. I can promise this one is better than that, at least.

I know, right? I find it odd that there aren't a ton of these out there.

I've reviewed the site's rules, and I can't find anything about the dark tag being required for any sort of story whatsoever.
Please give me a link to where it says that. Otherwise, I don't think it's required, and I'm not going to do it because I don't consider this a dark story.

I don't see it in the rules either, but i did think of an example. Would you consider Smile HD to be dark, considering its bright and cheerful animation and having the Smile song playing? (Hint, for those that don't know: the answer is YES) Tone doesn't have to match the subject matter.

I fully agree this doesn't have a dark tone, but Twilight did just rape three ponies and is planning on raping Celestia. Would you consider this story dark if they were bound(can't move/react), gaged(can't talk), didn't give consent and the other going on how appealing they look? I am going to assume yes, because that should be obvious, and thats more or less what happens here, despite it being flavored differently.

8277469 It's apparently a pornographic reality. Those have very different rules of consent (and often biology and physics).


Fimfiction describes the tags as being related to the themes of the story, and then goes on to list examples of the themes that are attributed to different categories by discussing the contents of the stories. So it's probably pretty safe to say that they refer more to content than to intent. And Twilight molesting and raping multiple ponies (by performing sexual acts on them without their knowledge or consent) seems like a pretty straightforward example of a dark theme. This is how the "dark" tag is described by Fimfiction:

Dark stories contain aspects that deal with grim situations where hope seems to be lost or the ‘good guys’ have lost the battle or are losing it with horrifying consequences. Tyranny, torture, war and death are common themes for these type of stories. While the tag doesn’t mean necessarily that evil ultimately prevails, it does heavily imply that it is for the most part winning. This tag may also apply to stories with particularly unsettling concepts, such as a character’s descent into insanity.


Pretty sure that stopping time so that you can molest and rape someone without their knowledge would fall under that descriptor. In fact, I'm pretty sure that rape in general falls under that descriptor.

Also, regarding the rules about using tags, we have the first thing under "General Rules" in the site's section about rules for stories:

Tag your stories correctly! There are general descriptions of each category in the FAQ. Crossover stories or stories involving Humans must have the corresponding tag.


Missed this earlier:


I know, right? I find it odd that there aren't a ton of these out there.

Seriously. I was starting to think that I was just about the only one out there save for a handful of porn artists who was into this fetish. I'm legitimately surprised that there isn't more of this around, especially given how time-based magic is actually a thing in this series.

Still, it's a grey area, at least. Opinions may differ, but absent any requirement from Fimfic, I'll stick to my own opinion for now.

That would be nice, wouldn't it? But it couldn't be done without either really breaking out of POV or arbitrarily requiring Twilight to take unnecessary risks. Of course ... that might be good material for some kind of a flashback in a third chapter or sequel when Twilight is required to apologize to the three Wonderbolts she molested. In fact, yes, if I do decide to do a third chapter/sequel to this, I think I'll do it from the POV of one of those three Wonderbolts, and I'll be sure to include this scene from their perspective.

Oh, no. Twilight definitely broke some rules of consent here. And she'll be held to account for that in the next chapter.

Muahahaha! I have finally defeated Jontron!
(Seriously, though, I hate Jontron reactions for some reason ... I guess partly because they seem staged, and partly because they're in youtube videos that should have been gifs.)

I live to serve. ^.^

I'm also shocked that there's no Fimfic group for it.
Maybe this one will start a trend... We can only hope.


Still, it's a grey area, at least

Dude, if you don't think Rape is worthy of a Dark tag, what exactly do you think is?

You've got a pretty interesting idea of 'grey area.'

There's a difference in context, man. Rape can be a dark subject, or it can be light hearted. Thus why its referred to as non-con.

Rape can be lighthearted?

Dude what the fuck are you smoking?

You know, when I first responded to SR, I was kinda still in the gray area. Then, as I typed more out and came up with those examples, I've moved pretty solidly over to the "yeah, this is straight rape, which is dark" team. I will echo, if rape isn't dark, how far does a story have to go?

Actually, is the gray area that this is rape, or that rape is dark? Because I don't really see a gray area here, for either case.

Well if its traumatizing for the victim thats dark. If the victim doesn't know, never will know, and doesn't notice any thing different going on then it doesn't really deserve to be in the same group as a dark fic about helpless victim being raped, even past their crying and pleading with their rapist to stop. They just don't belong together. And yes, "light hearted" may have been the wrong term. I guess "not dark" would have been better. Thing is, one scenario isnt as bad as the other.

great story. I really enjoyed reading it


If the victim doesn't know, never will know, and doesn't notice any thing different going on then it doesn't really deserve to be in the same group as a dark fic

So, if I wrote a story about a stallion who roofies a chick in a bar and it's a blur for her the next morning and she doesn't remember much, that's not dark? What about mind control? If I write a story where Twilight uses hypnosis to trick ponies into letting her rut them with her throbbing futa horsecock, there's nothing morally questionable there?

Come on, bro. Do you really wanna defend this?


You heard it here, folks. Rape isn't nearly as horrifying or dark as long as the person being raped doesn't know about it. Someone having no idea that they've been raped - and living in a world where they could be repeatedly raped without their knowledge - is totally less dark than them knowing about it. The only way it's dark is if they're helpless (because being conscious and fighting against it is totally more helpless than being completely and utterly unaware that it's even occurring while suspended in time and incapable of even processing the event) and screaming.

You've been reading Kanishii Panda comics again, haven't you?

I never sead it wasn't questionable. Dont get me wrong, rape is horrible. Not being traumatized by the experience just isn't as bad. Would you rather get raped and remeber every second of it like the back of your hand, or have it happen without your knowledge. No blank memories or fuzzy ideas of a missing night. You just blink. No inkling of an idea it happened. More below, i guess.

Refer to the above aswell. It's all about context. You just can't say that traumatic experiences are equal to non-traumatic experiences. And when in a case where all thats missing is consent, such as, I dunno, maybe a couple of fucking super models that you wanted bang start sucking your dick. You woulda said yes anyways, they just never asked. Thats non-consensual, but is it still as bad as getting raped even though you've said no a bazillion times?

I'm tempted to let Vena1 take this cause hes far better at this than I am.

You're reframing the question more and more each time. My original statement was "rape is not lighthearted" and you're going off on a tangent on when its more or less morally questionable.

Context only goes so far; sometimes an action is just morally wrong regardless of the intensity. Just because I didnt set off a nuke in a NYC intersection doesnt mean its okay for me to shoot someone in the face.

This story should add Dark tag

Because Rape


Refer to the above aswell. It's all about context. You just can't say that traumatic experiences are equal to non-traumatic experiences. And when in a case where all thats missing is consent, such as, I dunno, maybe a couple of fucking super models that you wanted bang start sucking your dick. You woulda said yes anyways, they just never asked. Thats non-consensual, but is it still as bad as getting raped even though you've said no a bazillion times?

Did you seriously just compare being raped while unawares to getting your dick sucked by supermodels when you do, in fact, want to get your dick sucked by supermodels? The difference in those situations is that in one, a person is fully conscious of the situation and wiling to participate (but simply didn't say the words), while in the other the person is incapable of consenting. It's not just about whether or not you do consent, but whether or not you can consent. That's why it's considered rape to fuck a child - they aren't capable of providing informed consent, even if they can technically provide verbal consent. That's why it's considered rape to fuck someone that's under the influence of substances - they aren't capable of providing informed consent, regardless of whether or not they provide verbal consent. That's why it's considered rape to fuck someone that's unconscious - they aren't capable of providing consent at all, much less informed consent.

For someone who keeps using "context" as an excuse, your entire basis for this nonsensical reasoning relied entirely on disregarding context, because your entire argument here is comparing a situation where someone is incapable of providing consent to one where consent is possible and implied but not explicitly spoken. Your comparison here is the perfect example of specifically relying on ignoring context in order to support your point.

Dude.. Okay, im clearly in a little over my head. Look, to save time, I'll just say this: My argument is that this shouldn't have a darktag because I don't feel that this desrves it. You go on and believe whatever you want, because I really dont feel like putting together an essay on why not all rape is the same. I just ask that you please leave things alone and take what you get as it is (referring to the lack of dark tag on story), because people like me, who see dark tags as meaning more than just non-con, could get confused. It's clearly in the description that there is non-con so you shouldnt be surprised. (I guess im just summing up what DLS said in his last response to you guys.) But yeah. Have a nice day/night i guess. Bravo in your efforts, btw. Im quite impressed.

"Tag your stories correctly" really doesn't sound grey. And more to the point, getting back to the disrespect issue, you care enough to add fetishes in your content warning, why are you gonna lead someone into a bad time by not tagging dark? When doing a site search, omitting dark stories really should avoid stories that contain nonconsensual sex. Your tone is less important than your content, and your content is disturbing to some.

It is obvious why you don't add dark tag , because some people filter dark tag.

And you want more people can see this on feature function.

But rape still need dark tag.

Please don't let your desire to let people read dark story without warning.

Sorry if it was too blunt, but part of the reason we have these rules at all is respect for the reader. And said reader should know before even having to read a description that we're dealing with dark concepts here.

It's a pet peeve of mine, after an author I trusted lead me along to a tragic end on a story he didn't want to tag tragedy because it would have spoiled the ending. :pinkiesick: We have these tags so we know going in what to expect.

This story is very creative and well written. Good job!


because people like me, who see dark tags as meaning more than just non-con, could get confused.

People like you will already be looking in the description for a list of fetishes. You'll be fine. It's the rest of us poor bastards that need a dark tag to let us know to exercise caution.

Wow. You know me too well and I'm pretty sure i haven't spoken to you.

I know very little at all about you, but you did, in fact, check the list, I am betting. I'm not judging your character, or your personal preferences. I'm simply making the assumption based on your own wording that you know enough by now to find that list and see if you personally are gonna have a bad time. Am I wrong?

Well, what I meant is that you knew my habits. Anyways, I would have called you out if you were. I also appreciate the lack of sarcasm or other disrespectful tones in your commenting.

I have no personal interest or opinion on your habits, and certainly never intended to speak badly of them. My point was to address your concern about people such as yourself (which is, again, not meant to judge, but we're assuming these are people who know what to look for going in) that might get confused. I'm simply saying the dark tag is not for you or "people like you" at all, it's for our less experienced readers who want to avoid shades of grey entirely.

Reminds me of that one fic from way back, "Time Enough At Last." Too bad it was removed for plagiarism. I really liked it.

8277896 To be fair, that is something that a notably controversial professor of philosophy has in fact argued as a serious, real life policy proposal: that the actual harm in rape consists exclusively of the psychological trauma associated with it, therefore it's not actually harmful to rape someone if you render them completely unaware of it. He went on to argue that such rapes are a net benefit to society because the victim suffers no loss while the perpetrator benefits, and that they should therefore be legalized.

I am not, mind you, saying I agree with this at all; simply that it's not necessarily an outrageously unheard-of idea.

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