• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 252 )

:facehoof: Ugh, not this again.
See the comments on the prequel.

urgh tracking
stil need to read the prequel

Coming out with sequels before people are done reading the original.
I must be getting better at this ‘getting stuff done’ stuff.

good start,
I do wonder if the princess knew twilight may be knock up and if and when she learn what her reaction going to be

I have been shying away from the prequel, and have similiar feelings towards this one.

On the one hand, Twilight clop by an author i know is proficient at writing.

On the other hand ( hoof?) , these two seem like they have some weird fetisches in them.... :twilightoops:

to read or not to read?

Oh, definitely read. ^.^
If there’s one thing I seem to have a knack for, it’s making ‘weird’ fetishes more accessible.

Well, i sure hope that's true. Gonna be betting away my sanity on your say-so here :rainbowlaugh:

Sanity is overrated.

For once, the screams of the sequel-demanders have been listened to.

Heavens forbid anything be tagged correctly, then it would never get popular because of tag filtering! And yes, see the comments on the prequel were you couldn't hold your own in your own comment section. Maybe you should, oh I don't know, review them and use the feedback you were so generously given?

That is very true :twilightsmile: :twilightsmile: .....:pinkiehappy:

1: I’ll decide for myself what’s dark or not, and I don’t think this fic is dark. As established previously, this is okay.
2: This one doesn’t even have any real non-con, so what’s the problem?

You do realize that just because you didn't write rape doesn't mean that what you wrote doesn't contain subject matter that is generally dark and should be labelled as such?

Do you know what common sense is?

So, what exactly is so dark about this fic?

The description alone shows that the themes from the original/prequel (which was very clearly a rapefic) still have a strong influence over this story, which means that alone is worthy of at least considering a dark tag.

Next, Twilight is more or less being coerced into what happens here, and considering the circumstances of what happened in the last story and why the smut here is occurring, this is just revenge/retaliation against the deeds that Twilight did in the prequel - all of which would qualify as cruel and unusual punishment that makes up the entire story, as opposed to just a scenes or two, where the question of the dark tag could be debated more easily without things like morals or the author's awareness of the concept of common sense being brought up.

Then, in the spoiled part of your description - for those who don't want a 'clean read' - you described a minimum of two upcoming scenes/plot points that are unsettling.

Nowhere in the site rules does it say that spoiled content in the description is a proper replacement for a story that contains content that should be advertised in the most basic of ways. If you were going to add that kind of content in your description, it'd be as some kind of trigger/note/or obvious spoiler as you've done here. That doesn't mean you should stop labeling anything correctly in the first place.

Was any of this really so hard to consider?

Ohhh, can't wait for the next chapter. :pinkiehappy:

Luckily, you won’t have to wait long! ^.^

Um, you might want to go read some actual dark fics, so that you can learn the difference between ‘unsettling’ and dark.
I’m sorry about your search results, but I’m not going to go throwing the dark tag around all willy-nilly.
Please take it to PM if you want to keep arguing about it.

Fuck yeah! I loved it :rainbowlaugh: but with Spitfire's punishment is giving me SECS kinks and knots flashbacks :twilightsheepish: well it what I'm imagining at least

I've read plenty of darkfics. It doesn't take much looking around to figure that out, and it doesn't take much looking around at the prequel's comment section to see that I'm not the first one who brought this up. If you were an inexperienced author, this wouldn't be that hard to learn, but you've clearly been doing this a while. And 'unsettling' is a key element of dark, you know. Or, I would hope so.

and she's way too traditional for filly-fooling anyway.

:facehoof: This just gets annoying. AJ has a southern accent, of COURSE she'll be the stereotypical uptight prude, not to mention, this is Equestria, what about anything is 'traditional'? Sorry, this just annoys me so much.

The rest... holy shit was that awesome, and I loved RD just being "Wow, you did that? That is so freaking kinky!" Plus it seems that RD might be encouraging Twilight to think about letting her freak flag fly. This was an amazing flow up already, and looking forward to the rest, just, this really hit the amazing blend of good character work, and hot, sexy clop that you do so well. Loved Twoi really getting into the role and seeing RD's Sub-Side taking over. Just, all around, grade A sexyness.

Though the pregnancy thing does annoy me as well, for one, Equines, if they aren't in heat, then odds of them getting pregnant are, while not zero, still really really damn low. Like infinitesimal. But even if going for a human like system, it's still a crap shoot as to that, versus the "If you cum in them, they get knocked up" it's made out to be here. Plus.... really? Celestia can do all this, and can't just make sure her magical futa-cock is shooting blanks in the first place? Just, feels a bit contrived and unneeded, buuut see if this ends up going somewhere. About the only bit I didn't LOVE (well plus the AJ being 'traditional' thing.)

The rest, again, damn this is some Grade-A DLS character-clop, and can't wait for the rest.. holy fuck does chapter three sound SO DAMN HOT!

8422866 Wow, oversensitive much? There isn't a damn thing in this that is 'dark' in anyway. The previous one, is questionable, but still well within 'not-dark' bounds overall, if close to those bounds.

Arguments in a clopfic story in the comments be like



Arguments in a clopfic story

This is my curse, apparently. It happens to me pretty often.

8423027 Eh... after that whole debacle over that one bonus Changeling Sex Ed chapter, this is nothing. :derpytongue2:


This just gets annoying. AJ has a southern accent, of COURSE she'll be the stereotypical uptight prude, not to mention, this is Equestria, what about anything is 'traditional'? Sorry, this just annoys me so much.

In this case ... it’s useful.
I just needed a reason why Fast Pone and Apple Pone hadn’t already hooked up. That seemed like the quickest and easiest, the one that would be the most final and the most likely to be accepted...

The rest... holy shit was that awesome, and I loved RD just being "Wow, you did that? That is so freaking kinky!" Plus it seems that RD might be encouraging Twilight to think about letting her freak flag fly. This was an amazing flow up already, and looking forward to the rest, just, this really hit the amazing blend of good character work, and hot, sexy clop that you do so well. Loved Twoi really getting into the role and seeing RD's Sub-Side taking over. Just, all around, grade A sexyness.

^.^ I do what I can. And if there’s any prevailing theme in my fics, something about being sex-positive would probably be it.

Though the pregnancy thing does annoy me as well, for one, Equines, if they aren't in heat, then odds of them getting pregnant are, while not zero, still really really damn low. Like infinitesimal. But even if going for a human like system, it's still a crap shoot as to that, versus the "If you cum in them, they get knocked up" it's made out to be here. Plus.... really? Celestia can do all this, and can't just make sure her magical futa-cock is shooting blanks in the first place? Just, feels a bit contrived and unneeded, buuut see if this ends up going somewhere. About the only bit I didn't LOVE (well plus the AJ being 'traditional' thing.)

Well, I’ve got to satisfy the impregnation fetishists somehow... :rainbowlaugh:
And who’s to say Twilight wasn’t in (the MLP, somewhat anthro-ized version of) heat, anyway? It would explain why her impulses got the better of her.

The rest, again, damn this is some Grade-A DLS character-clop, and can't wait for the rest.. holy fuck does chapter three sound SO DAMN HOT!

Heh, chapter three really ran away from me ... 10k words in one chapter.
Yeah, it’s worth it, though.

I don't clop, but when I come in these stories to see what all the likes are about, I usually find some pretty funny comments. People tend to avoid the parts where the sex actually happens, and just type out their comments as if sex wasn't in the story

I dunno what's so funny about that, I just have a ton of stuff flying through my head at the time, that I'm like "oh shit man. That's pretty funny"
And I burst out laughing.

I'm going to give this story a like anyways, even though this type of stuff isn't my, uh "trigger" if you might say. (I have pornhub for that XD) mostly because on my other acct, people talking completely retarded in my comments is frustrating enough. Also, you seem pretty nice, and I appreciate you responding to my little meme comment.

Have you seen the comments on How to Take Care of Your Mare? Now that was getting pretty crazy.

8423039 Well, kind of hit on one reason as well, The Apple's focus on family means she'd want somepony that she could have foals with, more then 'ewww gay'. As to Twi.... that would work, though still doesn't excuse Celestia not taking precautions on her end., unless it's all part of some larger plan. And this is coming from someone that does have an impreg/breeding fetish.

8423045 missed that one, was before I found your awesome stuff, but just going by the description... ohhhhh I can imagine.

I feel like this sequel was inevitable.

Sequel? Sequel? Oh. Oh, yeah. Hot and with some fun plot woven in. Haven't read the 'spoilered' description, but can't wait for the next chapters!

My Patreon supporters made sure of that.

They’ll be along soon! ^.^


Yup. I know the drill by now. Added to my list.



Learn to tag your story properly, as quite a few people have pointed out. Themes that are dark get, oh gee, I dunno... tagged as dark? Nonconsensual sex and rape are definite merits for a dark tag. 'Unsettling' or not.

^.^ What’s your favorite part?


I did just get a pm from knighty that is at least a ruling.

knighty said:
He doesn't have to tag it as such if he doesn't want to. I'd question why but tagging as dark doesn't really help those trying to avoid such stories. When we have a more comprehensive tagging system, such stories will have to be tagged with their warning tags but right now the self tagging in the description is sort of fine.


Nonconsensual sex and rape are definite merits for a dark tag.

Oh, well then it’s a good thing that neither of those things are in this fic.
Oh wait, I just noticed that someone added it for me. :trixieshiftright:
I won’t change it back myself, because that’s probably a quick way to a ban, but I would like to protest that. Please change it back. This fic isn’t anymore [dark] than it is [comedy].


Oh, I think Rainbow cleaning off Twiack? I love wet and messy. :twilightblush: I actually ship TwiDash sometimes -- more as casual partners than lovers. But I think they're sexy together. Such opposites!

I also like Rainbow's first person perspective! She's a fun head to be inside.

Having read the prequel, I can understand the debate there about the dark tag. Having read this chapter, however lends doubt to needing the tag. Closest I can think of for an argument in favor for is the fact that it's been stated by Twilight that Rainbow, and later Soarin and Spitfire can do anything they want to her whether it's wanted or not. That said how easily she went along with the demand followed by how much she seems to be looking forward to what the others might want can be seen as enough of a counter-argument to the above.
First comment on the site and it's dealing with a tag debate...just what has the world come to lol.
Can't wait for the other chapters, though I think I'm actually looking forward to the second over the third.

I’m about 90% sure that all of the people demanding tags haven’t read it.

Absolutely awesome, and I'm not even in to futa. Can't with for the next chapter!

Seems so. And, honestly, what some people forget is that the difference between what's not and is dark is something called tone. This story has a kind of whimsical, lighthearted tone. If it were truly dark, Celestia would have imprisoned Twilight Sparkle, leading to everyone she ever knew being disgusted with her as she rots away. Instead, we have a 'punishment' that is so light for the crime that it's hard to call it dark at all. It's almost silly, actually.

A good analogy for people who still do not understand need not look further than the difference between comic mischief, like in fantasy games like Zelda, and horrible disembowelment, such as in games like Deadspace. Both have enemies being murdered, yet we can all agree one is more gruesome than the other. It's all about the tone.

The prequel fic deserved the dark tag. This fic I wouldn't be suprised if it ends up as one of the silliest fics I've ever read with a dark tag.

The self-tagging thing is an important part of that message. You didn't have a noncon warning on this story, and if Twilight has no choice but to do the things being asked of her, she cannot consent, which makes anything that happens to her non-consensual by its very definition.

It's probably best to err on the side of caution and leave it tagged that way for safety's sake. If anything I would say add a line to your description that despite dark themes, the tone is light.

^.^ Helping people enjoy things even when they don’t have that fetish. It’s what I do.

“But mah search results!”
Fimfic doesn’t have an adequate tagging system for trying to filter stories that way.

And yet this is the one that ends up getting a dark tag forced on it. :facehoof:


The self-tagging thing is an important part of that message. You didn't have a noncon warning on this story

There’s no non-con in this story, not really. Chapter 3 makes clear that Twilight wants this. And each chapter has warning tags on it.
Seriously, at this rate, half of my stories would need dark tags.

It's probably best to err on the side of caution and leave it tagged that way for safety's sake. 

Well, yes, I don’t want to get banned for undoing a story approver’s change to the tags.

If anything I would say add a line to your description that despite dark themes, the tone is light.

Oh, I’m going to have fun with this!
I blame you entirely for what happened to this story’s description. :rainbowwild:

Oh, the joys of having vague, subject-to-interpretation rating tags... Heck the "dark" tag doesn't even have an entry in the FAQ, no wonder people have different views on what it means, even Fimfic staff apparently.

So, from what I'm seeing people have two interpretations: dark tag should be applied on theme (anything approaching non-consensual, even by the teeniest of premises) or it should be applied on tone (despair, no character enjoyment, doom and gloom). I'm more of the second school of thought, because really, if you write something lighthearted or comedic that contains themes of non-con, I think the dark tag does a disservice to the story.

Cause in the end that's what the dark tag really is, no? Something to tell people "hey, this story is dark", not, "hey, this story has X theme you might find offensive". That's what warnings are for in the description.

Also, it's not in the FAQ, but there IS an entry in "tag information".

Dark stories contain aspects that deal with grim situations where hope seems to be lost or the ‘good guys’ have lost the battle or are losing it with horrifying consequences. Tyranny, torture, war and death are common themes for these type of stories. While the tag doesn’t mean necessarily that evil ultimately prevails, it does heavily imply that it is for the most part winning. This tag may also apply to stories with particularly unsettling concepts, such as a character’s descent into insanity.

Yeaaaaah... by the tag's own definition "Dark" doesn't apply at all here. Seems to apply to the tone of the story, not the content.

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