• Published 7th Mar 2023
  • 834 Views, 27 Comments

The Mummy - Lady Umbra

From the makers of Kung-Fu Equestria 1, 2, & 3. brings you Lady Umbra's newest Movie Adaptation. Join Fluttershy, Zephry Breeze and Discord as they fight the undead and protect the world

  • ...

The Creature

"NOOO!!" Blueblood screamed after hearing the incantation.


Before they could process his sudden outburst, a howling wind began blowing through the city and even startled Bitty from his sleep. In the distance they could hear a strange buzzing sound and from the darkness a swarm of locusts descended onto the camp, scattering the workers in a panicked frenzy with Fluttershy dropping the book as Discord lead her down one of the tunnels to escape the swarm along with Zephyr.

"What have we done...." Blueblood said as he held the book close to his chest, ignoring the insects now crawling all over him.

Inside the Temple, The Equestrians were running down the pathway as they were screaming their heads off.

"Where the hell did they come from?!" Score screamed out following behind his friend.

"I'm not sticking around to find out" Dumbbell screamed out as he hauled ass through the temple.

Unfortunately in their panicked state, no one noticed when Hoops tripped and fell to the ground which caused his glasses to fall off.

"Oh not now!" Hoops said as he started feeling around for his glasses

"Leave me! LEAVE! ME!!" Bitty shouted as he flung the bugs off his blanket.

"Hey! Can you help me find my-!"


Hoops was instantly stunned the moment he heard his glasses being crunched under Bitty's foot as the coward grabbed his torch and left him alone in the now dark corridor.


Without any other choice, Hoops stumbled around in the dark hoping to catch up to the others until he heard a voice echoing in the tunnels.

"Who's there?" He shouted before hearing the noise again and drawing his gun.


Without his glasses, all he could see was a blurred figure of who he thought was one of his friends but as quickly as it appeared it vanished, leaving him trembling in fear until he felt something breathing on his neck and smelled something rotten.


Hoop's eyes widen as he slowly turns around, standing in front of him was the walking corpse of Sombra. Hoops immediately starts to scream as a skeletal hand forces its way into his mouth, the Equestrian continued to scream as the corpse grabbed hold of his tongue.

In another part of the Temple ruins Discord and company came to a fork in the path when the entire temple started to shake violently.

"Do we want to know what caused that tremor?" Zephyr asked as he clung to his sister.

Before someone could answer, all three turned their attention to the growing mound that was rising from the sands. once the mound reached its peak, hundreds of chittering scarab beetles erupt from the sand before scurrying toward the trio.

"SCARABS!!" Fluttershy screamed as she pulled her brother away from the flesh-eaters. "Run!"

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Discord said as all three turn around and haul ass.

In an attempt to slow them down, Discord hurled his torch and the scurrying insects and fired off a few rounds but that only seemed to aggravate them even more as they were chased up a ramp and managed to escape by leaping onto some nearby ledges. As the scarabs began to leave, Fluttershy accidentally pressed a hidden switch and was suddenly flipped to the other side of the wall.

"Fluttershy?" Discord called out when they noticed she was gone.

"Flutters?" Zephyr called out for his sister as he began to panic.



Fluttershy wanders aimlessly around a darkened room, the woman feels her way along the dark walls until she rounds a corner and spots a shaft of moonlight. Standing in the moonlight was a man Fluttershy recognized as one of the Equestrians

Oh thank goodness," Fluttershy said walking toward the equestrian "Mr. Hoops I'm glad I found you, I was starting to get scared"

Just as she reaches him he turns around revealing his eyes were carved out of his skull, Fluttershy screams in horror and backs away.

"My eyes" Hoops gagged out

Fluttershy turned to get help, however, she ran into a very familiar corpse which was now sporting two fresh eyeballs in his sockets.

The pink-haired woman lets out a louder scream as she backs away into a wall, desperation hit her as the mummy slowly walked toward her.

"Pl..please help me" Fluttershy meekly muttered to the fallen and wounded man.

"My tongue...." Hoops groan as he was crawling away from the two. "He took my tongue!"

"Please don't leave me!" Fluttershy begged as the mummy turned his gaze back to the woman enticing a yelp

"Chrysalis?" the mummy said in his native tongue

"DANG IT! It's a trap door!" Discord said as he tried to push the wall open.

"There's gotta be a switch somewhere."

Just as he began tapping the wall, Dumbbells crew suddenly came rushing down the ramp in a fright.


"Go..." Discord said to Zephyr as they heard the familiar skittering of the scarab swarm and made a break for it. One of the workers however was not so fortunate as he tripped and tried to crawl away.

"Help me! AAAH!! AHHH!!" The worker screamed before he was suddenly reduced to a steaming skeleton with very few bits of flesh left on his body.

The walking corpse continued to step toward Fluttershy with a hand beckoning her to join his side. "Kadeesh pharos Chrysalis!"
'Come with me my Princess Chrysalis'

Fluttershy shivers in fear as Discord passed the doorway and spotted her, the black-haired man stops and runs right up to her.

"There you are!" Discord said grabbing her arm. "Will you quit playing hide & seek? we need to get out of here"

Discord notices the fearful look in her eyes and turns around.

"WHOA!" Discord screamed as jumps back in fright.

Discord and Fluttershy start backing away down the wall as the Mummy stopped toward the gunman but before he could get close Zephyr and the Equestrians run into the room.

"Flutters!" Zephyr said before spotting the mummy and dropping his torch. "Holy Shit!!"

The Mummy glared at the trio before turning back to Discord and Fluttershy, his skinless mouth stretches to an inhuman size as he lets out a horrific, primordial shriek

"Ahhhhhhhh!!" Discord screamed back as he shot the mummy with his shotgun

The mummy is blown back in two pieces, Discord grabs Fluttershy and runs far away from the downed mummy. the others were not far behind.

"DID YOU SEE THAT!?" Dumbbell screamed as he followed after Discord

"THE FUCK! IT WAS WALKING!!" Score screamed leaving the room last

The group finally made their way out of the underground city only to find Blueblood surrounded by Medjai armed with rifles aimed at them. From this group came their leader; Zecora who seemed to more troubled than enraged as she removed the veil covering her face.

"We told you to leave or die and you refused...now you may have doomed us all for you have unleashed the creature we have feared for more than three thousand years!"

"Relax, I got him." Discord said in an almost uncaring manner.

"No mortal weapon can kill this creature, he's not of this world! You must go now before he kills you all."

Zecora then called for two of her guards to bring Hoops who was still in pain as he was given to his friends.

"You bastards..." Scores said in anger.

"What did you do to him?!?" Dumbbell demanded an answer while reaching for his gun.

"We saved him!" Zecora spat."Saved him before the creature could finish his work."

"You're not going to kill us?" Zephyr asked only to receive an elbow from his sister

"We must now hunt him down, and try and find a way to kill him," Zecora said ordering the other Medjai into the temple.

Zecora and the Medjai start heading down into the temple when Discord grabbed her arm and looked her dead in her eyes.

"I told ya, I already got him!"

Zecora stops and looks back with a deadly serious expression on her face.

"Know this, Equestrian" Zecora warned as she pulled her arm free. "This creature is the Bringer of Death, It shall never Eat, never Sleep, and It will never stop."

Golden Bit walks around the base of the Anubis Statue with his gun shaking in his hand and slowly backs up before, Bitty then turned around and lets out a high-pitched scream as he is face to face with the mummy. Golden Bit retreats to the statue base as he drops his gun and torch in fear.

The Corpse moves forward as Golden Bit reaches into his shirt and pulls out a Cross, He quickly makes the sign of the cross and blesses himself in English:

"May the good Lord protect and watch over me as a shepherd watches over his flock," Bitty said in fear

His prayers went unanswered as he saw that the mummy continues forward, Golden Bit grabs at the chains around his neck which reveal a multitude of religious symbols and idols. Golden Bit quickly grabs at the other symbols and icons before holding them out toward the corpse, one after the other, trying to slow his progress. All while blessing himself in Arabic, Hindi, and Chinese, unfortunately, none worked against the bringer of death, the mummy's skeletal hand reaches for Beni's throat as tears run down Bitty's cheeks. Golden Bit's back it the statue as he fished out one last idol, the six-pointed Star of David was held before the mummy as Bitty said one final desperate chant.

"Do not fail to protect me" Golden Bit muttered in Hebrew causing the mummy to freeze

"The language of the slaves..." Sombra said with shock as he withdrew his hand before speaking to the frightened man in Hebrew. "I may have use for you...And the rewards..." The mummy holds out his left hand flashing a handful of gold and jewels before Golden Bit. "...Shall be great"

Golden Bit's fear is replaced by relief as he stared at the treasure. "My prince."

"Now where are the other sacred jars?" Sombra asked holding the broken jar that once held The heart of his beloved

At the entrance, the two teams were making their escape from the city of the dead. Just as the last member fled, Sombra's hand burst through the sand as he roared in rage.

After days of crossing the desert, both parties made it back to the city of Cairo. Everyone was hastily packing their bags to get out of Southern Equestria, Fluttershy however refused to leave which forced Discord to pack her bags for her.

"And you're not leaving because?" Discord asked going through the woman's closet

"Because we have to do something!" Fluttershy said while putting the clothes back.

"Oh no we don't. We're out the door, we're gone!"

"Oh no we are not."

"Oh YES we are!"

"Oh no we are not, we woke him up and we are going to stop him."

"What is this "We" stuff anyway? I told you not to read from that thing, didn't I tell you not to read from that thing?!" Discord argued.

"Oh me, me, me, I, I, I, I woke him up so I'm going to find a way to stop him."

"Yeah? How? you heard the lady, no mortal weapons can kill this guy!"

"Then we just have to find some IMMORTAL one!" Fluttershy said, making Discord stop in his tracks.

"There goes that "we" again."

"Now listen, we have to do something!"


"OOW!!" Discord screamed as she slammed the suitcase down on his fingers.

"Once this creature has been restored his curse will spread until the entire world is destroyed" Fluttershy chastised as she followed Discord around the room

"Yeah? So? Is that my problem?" Discord asked glaring at the woman

"It's everybody's problem!"

"Look lady, I appreciate you saving my life and all," Discord shouted at the unreasonable woman. "But when I signed on, I agreed to take you out there and bring you back, and I did, now we're even, end of job! end of story! contract terminated!"

"That's what I am to you? A contract?" Fluttershy asked

"Look Fluttershy," Discord said lowering his voice. "You can either tag along with me, or you can stay here And try to save the world....So what's it going to be?"

"I'm staying," Fluttershy said not budging an inch on the matter

"FINE!" Discord said leaving the room before slamming the door behind him

"Fine!" Fluttershy shot back as he headed out the door.


Later at the local pub

One of Discords oldest war buddies was busy chatting it up with one of the hostesses while the surviving members of the expedition gathered at the bar to share a few rounds.

"I'm the last in the royal air force stationed out here you know? All the other laddies died in the sky and were buried in the sand-good chaps, every one of em too-!"

"Oh hey Wind Ryder." Discord said after bumping into his old friend.

Discord made his to the bar counter as his old friend followed behind

"Y'know Discord," WInd said as he lamented his drunken woes. "Ever since the end of the Great War, there hasn't been a single challenge worthy of a man like me."

"Yeah?" Discord said sitting down next to Zephyr. "Well we've all got our problems today, don't we Ryder?"

O'Connell shoves him away. Winston staggers back to Jonathan.

"I just wish I would've chucked it with the other laddies," Wind Ryder said as Zephyr started pouring shots for himself and Discord. " And go down in a flame of glory, instead of sitting around here, rotting from..."

"boredom and booze!" Discord muttered in unison with the old war veteran as Wind takes Zephyr's shot glass

"Cheers lads," Wind Ryder said downing the shot before patting the pair on their backs. "Back to the airfield

After a short moment of awkward silence, Zephyr poured himself another shot as Discord prepared to down his.

"Tell me, has your sister always been-"

"Ohh yes, always." Zephyr answered, already knowing Discords question.

"Well we're all packed up but the damn boat doesn't leave till tomorrow morning." Dumbbell said as he and Scores joined them at the bar.

"Ah tail tucked firmly between your legs I see?"

"Yeah you can talk you don't have some...sacred walking corpse after you!"

"So...how's your friend?" Discord asked Scores in hopes of consoling him.

"He had his eyes and his tongue ripped out...how would you feel?" Scores asked in an offended tone before grabbing a bottle.

While the guys were busy getting drunk, Hoops was having tea with a new acquaintance of his after being introduced by none other than Bitty.

"I'm so, pweased, to meet chou," Hoops did his best to speak without the use of his tongue while offering his hand to his guest, only for Bitty to stop him.

"Prince Sombra doesn't like to be touched. A silly Eastern superstition, I'm afraid," Bitty explained why the cloaked figure didn't shake his hand.

"Pwease, forgive me," Hoops begged while reaching for his drink, only to knock it over.

"Oh, whoops." Bitty went over to Hoops side and helped him before continuing. "Prince Sombra thanks you for your hospitality," Hoops felt a small amount of pride for that. "and for your eyes." His smile soon faded after hearing that. "and your tongue." He was very much afraid now.

"No. No, no, no, no," Hoops begged while holding onto Bitty.

"I'm afraid, more is needed." Hoops held onto Bitty for dear life before Bitty shrugged him off. "The prince must finish the job and consummate the curse, which you and your friends brought on yourselves."

When Bitty was done, Sombra removed his mask, showing the decayed flesh underneath while a few remaining scarabs crawled away from him. Even though he was blind, he could see his end coming and let out a shriek of terror.

Three shot glasses clink together as Discord, Zephyr, and Dumbbell drink to Hoop's recovery, all three men down shots before they instantly spit out the liquid. Half the bar follows as they spit out their drinks as well.

"Sweet Celestia! That tasted just like,... like..." Dumbbell said as he realized the taste was

"Blood!" Discord dropped his shot glass before pointing to the fountain

What was once crystal clear water had turned dark crimson, and all three shared a look of nervousness.

"And the rivers and waters of Southern Equestria flow ran red and were as blood," Zephyr said as a look passes over Discord's face and the realization hit him

"He's here!" Discord said running out of the bar to find Zephyr's sister

Discord races around the building before he spots Fluttershy walking across the garden

"Oh Fluttershy!!!!" Discord called out skidding to a stop in front of her

"Mr. Discord, you're still here?" Fluttershy said as she noticed the expression on his face

"We got problems," Discord said as a roar of thunder and lighting rang out

however, instead of water, the dark clouds rained down a barrage of fire slammed into the courtyard. Discord Grabbed Fluttershy and pulled away from the garden, As soldiers, servants, and camels ran in every direction in an attempt to avoid the maelstrom. The Pair backed up until they made it to a pair of stairs, unfortunately, Golden Bit was racing down those stairs.

"Shit!" Bitty cursed as he spotted Discord

"Bitty! Hey" Discord seized the sketchy man and pinned him to the wall

"Bitty you little stinkweed, where did you slink off to?" Discord asked

However before he could speak all three froze when they heard a loud Familiar roar coming from upstairs, Golden Bit took their distraction to flee as both Discord and Fluttershy race up the stairs.

Discord and Fluttershy race into the Hoop's room before they skid to a stop as they spot Hoops, or what's left of him. Lying dead in his chair was Hoops, his body was drained of all organs and liquids leaving nothing but a shriveled husk which a terrorized expression plastered on his face.

Discord and Fluttershy look past the dead Equestrian and immediately took notice of the walking corpse, Discord draws his gun and points it at Sombra as the body of the corpse began changing

Sombra began regenerating that which he lost. A thick skin forms over powerful new musculature as his tendons ripple, his bones bulge and reform as he turns around and spots the pair, Sombra lets out a roar as the last of his regeneration covered his face.

Discord looks at Sombra with fear in his eyes. "We are in serious trouble."

Sombra stomps towards the pair as Discord drew his second pistol and started putting holes in his rotting body, Unfortunately, Sombra kept coming despite Discord's Bullets ripping through his body. Sombra didn't seem to mind as his wounds healed almost instantly, Zephyr, Score, and Dumbbell ran into the room after hearing the gunfire. All three froze at the sight of the New Sombra, Discord continued to shoot the corpse as it started to irritate the mummy. Sombra grabbed hold of Discord, and with no effort, threw him across the room and into Zephyr and the others which knocked them down.

Sombra turns to Fluttershy and starts stepping toward her, Fluttershy let out a fearful squeak as she backed away into a wall completely terrorized

"You saved me from the undead, I thank you," Sombra said in ancient Equestrian and he leaned closer to the frightened woman. "For this, I shall make you immortal"

Sombra leans in to kiss the woman. But an inch from the woman's lips, Sombra pulled away when he heard the sounds of the piano. Sombra saw a large white cat which wore a jeweled collar and a purple bow jump onto the piano before hissing at the corpse, Sombra gasps in fear before, the balcony doors burst open as Sombra lets out a fear-filled shriek. The Mummy explodes into sand and flees the room all the while screaming in fear

Everyone stared at the balcony doors as Discord was the first to say something. "We are very Serious Trouble"