• Published 7th Mar 2023
  • 834 Views, 27 Comments

The Mummy - Lady Umbra

From the makers of Kung-Fu Equestria 1, 2, & 3. brings you Lady Umbra's newest Movie Adaptation. Join Fluttershy, Zephry Breeze and Discord as they fight the undead and protect the world

  • ...

Attack on the Nile

After being assigned their rooms, the explorers decided to take this time to relax on the boat when Discord came across Zephyr playing poker with another group of explorers.

"Ah Discord, sit down we could use another player."

"Oh no, I gamble with my life never my money." Discord politely turned down the offer when one of the Equestrians offered him a dare.

"Never? What if I was to bet you five hundred bits we get to Hamunaptra before you?"

"You're looking for Hamunaptra?" Discord asked in surprise.

"Damn straight we are."

"And who says we are?" Discord asked when they pointed to Zephyr.

"He does."

"Okay and what makes you think you'll get there before us?"

"Well we got us a man who's actually been there."

"Oh what a coincidence because-" Zephyr was suddenly hit by Discords bag signaling him to shut up before he spilled the beans.

"Gentlemen, we got ourselves a wager, good evening Zeph." He said before squeezing Zephyrs shoulder.


Fluttershy was sitting next to the railing of the ship when all of the sudden a large bag was dropped in front of her and looked up to see Discord giving an almost apologetic look.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He said with a friendly smirk while opening up his bag.

"The only thing that scares me mister Discord are your manners." Fluttershy said in a blunt manner.

"Still mad about that kiss huh?" Discord asked.

"Well if you can call that a kiss." Fluttershy replies when he suddenly flung his bag open to reveal an entire arsenal of firearms and explosives.

"Did I miss something are we...are we going into battle?"

"Lady there's something underneath that sand...something evil." Discord said after remembering what he witnessed all those years ago.

"The local tribes believe that Hamunaptra is cursed."

"Aren't you a little old to believe in ghost stories?" Fluttershy asked with a smile

"All I know is that there's something out there," Discord said to the woman across from him as he began to clean and maintain his guns. "Something...Evil...under that sand"

"Yes, I'm hoping to find a certain artifact, a book, actually," Fluttershy said with excitement in her voice. "My brother thinks there's treasure. What do you think is out there?"

Discord looks into Evelyn's eyes as he holstered one of the pistols. "To put it simply?" Discord said as he picked up the second revolver. "Evil." Discord narrowed his eyes as he set the weapon on the table. "A lot of people refer to Hamunaptra as "The Doorway to Hell."

"I don't believe in fairy tales and hokum, Mister Discord," Fluttershy said only to be cut off by the man across from her

"Just Discord will work," Discord said loading his revolver. "You saved my neck, quite literally, you can call me Discord," the man said as he set the gun down and began moving on to check another weapon. "Besides makes me sound old"

"Well as I was saying I believe that one of the most famous books in history is buried out there," Fluttershy said as the man could see literal stars in the woman's eyes. "The Book Amun-Ra: The Book Of The Living, it's said to hold all the secret incantations of the old kingdom" Discord picked up his shotgun as he pet almost all his effort into watching this woman's excitement grow. "It's what first interested me in Southern Equestria as a child. It's why I came here, sort of a life's pursuit."

"And the fact that they say it's made out of pure gold, makes no nevermind to you, right?" Discord asked shocking the woman across from him

"You know your history?" Fluttershy said with a smile

"I know my treasure," Discord said cocking the shotgun

Fluttershy gets up to go to her room but stops when she remembers the kiss

"Out of curiosity,... why did you kiss me?" Fluttershy asked slightly nervous

Discord just shrugs his shoulders. "I was about to be hanged, seemed like a good idea at the time."

Fluttershy's eyes widen, furious, she stands up and storms off to her room, Discord looks up with a confused look on his face as he watches her leave

"What?... What'd I say?" Discord asked, a bit perplexed

"OUCH!" A voice yelped when Discord saw a shadow sticking out from behind the luggage as he walked up and pulled out a very familiar face.

"AH! SURPRISE! My good friend, you're alive! I was so very very worried..."

"Well if it ain't my little buddy Bitty..." Discord smirked before suddenly pulling out his revolver. "I think I'll kill you."

"Think of my children!" Bitty said in an attempt to beg for his life.

"You don't have any children," Discord said pulling the hammer back on his weapon.

"Someday I might," Golden bit said in a weak tone

"Shut up!" Discord said jabbing the barrel into Golden Bit's chest. "So you're the one leading the Equestrians, I shoulda figured." Discord shook his head as he holstered his gun. "So what's the scam this time? You get 'em out in the middle of the desert then leave 'em to rot?"

"Unfortunately no, these Equestrians are smart," Golden Bit complained as he straightened out his clothing. "They pay me only half now, half when I get them back to Cairo, so I must go all the way."

"Yeah sucks to be you," Discord said with a half-amused smile on his face. "I should kill you for that shit you pulled but deep down I'm glad you're alive"

"You never believed in Hamunaptra, Discord," Bitty said to his old friend. "Why are you going back?"

Both 'Friends' turn their gaze toward the sound of the camels and horses, and both find Fluttershy feeding the animals with a pleased smile on her face.

"See her, Bitty?" Discord says as he watches her flee down the deck.

"The girl saved my life, figured it was the least I could do," Discord said scratching the back of his head. "You know, keep her out of trouble."

"You always did have more balls than brains." Golden bit laughed as he put a hand on Discord's shoulder

Discord's eyes narrow at the insult, and he looks back at Bitty before returning the laugh.

"Always got something to say" Discord laughed as he put his hand on Golden Bit's shoulder. "Let's make us even, shall we?"

"Even?" Golden bit raised an eyebrow in confusion as his 'Friend' tightened his grip

"Bye Bye Bitty" Discord grabbed a handful of Golden Bits clothing before chucking him over the side of the barge.

Golden Bit falls screaming into the river, Discord has a smile on his face as takes his gunny sack and starts walking off down the deck.

"Discord! I am going to kill you for this!" Bitty screamed from the river

"Sound familiar!" Discord shouted back

Before Discord could enjoy his much deserved revenge, he noticed a set of wet footprints on the deck and knew they couldn't have been Bitty's and saw they were headed straight for Fluttershy's room.

Fluttershy paced around her room wearing only a nightgown, her mind in a daze as she read from a book detailing the lost city of the dead.

"Rugh!" Fluttershy groaned as she stood in front of her mirror. "The kiss wasn't that good"

Pulling out her hair tie, Fluttershy lets her long pink hair fall down her back. Fluttershy started to brush her long hair when she accidentally dropped the book she was reading, the woman knelt down to pick it up only for a hand to grab her. Fluttershy couldn't even let out a scream as a hand covered her mouth, the man put a hook across her cheek before talking to her

"Where is the map?" the Medjai asked as he started to put pressure on his hook

Fluttershy's terrified eyes glance behind the man, the Medjai follows her gaze and spots the map next to a flickering candle on a nearby table.

"And what about the key?" the man moved his hook down to her neck. "Where is the key?"

Fluttershy's eyes look at the man with confusion, She shakes her head. "Key?..What key?"

"I'll guess I'll find it myself." the man cocks his hook, about to kill her.

Without warning the door is kicked open, Fluttershy smiles seeing Discord with a gun in each hand. "Fluttershy!" Discord said pointing his guns at the man who was now using Fluttershy as a shield. "Friend of yours?"

Discord's eyes flick to the candle as it was nearly put out by the wind, Discord turns to the windows as they burst open revealing another member of the Medjai. Discord immediately started shooting the Medjai, unfortunately, one of his shots hit the oil lantern on the wall which spilled onto the furniture and floor. The room was immediately engulfed in flames as Fluttershy quickly grabs a nearby candle on the table and jams it back over her shoulder, the candle hit the Medjai in his eye which causes him to scream in pain and let her go.

Discord grabs Fluttershy and yanks her out of the flaming room, they make it halfway down the hall before Fluttershy realized something.

"The map!" Fluttershy screamed as she tried to return to her room, however, Discord stops her and pushes her down the hall. "We need the map!"

"Relax! I'm the map!" Discord said tapping his temple. "It's all up here."

"Oh that's comforting," Fluttershy said with a little sarcasm in her worried voice

Back in Fluttershy's room, the Medjai held his wax-covered eye as he struggled to the door. Once at the door, his eyes widen as he spots the box the Zephyr had gave his sister lying just in front of the fire. Smiling the Medjai bends over to pick it up.

"Flutters!" Zephyr barrels in accidentally bumping into the Medjai

The momentum that Zephyr had threw the Medjai right into the fire, the Medjai screams in agony as the flames start to lick his skin and clothes.

Flinching back at the agony, Zephyr hastily goes to pick up his box. A flaming hook hits the box before the Medjai swiftly took the box away

Zephyr Breeze immediately turned away in fear and bolted out of his sister's room with speeds that would put a Sunbeam Automobile to shame.

Once outside, Discord grabbed his bag and handed it to Fluttershy. "Hold that a moment," Discord said as he peered out of the first corner and saw a number of Medjai shooting at the passengers of the ship.

One Medjai spotted him and started to shoot at him, Discord moved away from the corner as he rapidly started to reload his revolvers. As he was reloading, Bullets started to pierce the walls, with each shot getting closer to Discord's head. Fluttershy grabbed his shirt and jerked him to the side to avoid a fatal shot.

"Thank you again," Discord said pulling the hammer back on both guns. "Behind me please"

Discord rounded the corner and started to shoot the Medjai,

The two manage to make their way to the ship's railing as the flames began to spread.

"Can you swim?" Discord shouted over the screams of the passengers.

"Well of course I can swim if the occasion calls for it!" Fluttershy said before being swept off her feet.

"Trust me, it calls for it!"

Discord then dropped her into the river and was prepared to go after her until another of the medjai ambushed him and began beating him back, a fist fight ensued with discord coming out on top just as Rover ran up to him in a panic.

"Discord! DISCORD! What are we going to do?!? WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!?"

"Wait here, I'll go get help!"


It wasn't until after Discord had jumped ship that the warden realized he had been duped.

"Arrrrgh! YALLAAAAAAH!!!"

Zephyr stopped at the bow of the ship in hopes of catching his breath, to his left the blonde saw three Equestrians having the time of their lives as they shot down any Medjai that crossed their paths.

Zephyr just shakes his head. "Equestrians"

Unfortunately for Zephyr the hook-handed Medjai followed after him, Zephyr's back hit the railing as the flaming Medjai raised his hook. The bleach-blonde Equestrian spots the Medjai before turning and opening fire, using his free hand to rapidly slam down on the hammer the Medjai is sent over the railing and into the Nile.

Jonathan turns to the Americans and smiles. "I say bloody good show Dumbbell!" Zephyr said as the equestrian reloaded his revolver. "And did I panic?" Zephyr asked holding up the ancient box. "I think not."

Zephyr soon let out a scream as the fire spread around him, without hesitation Zephyr as well as the Equestrians jumped ship and swam to the nearest shore

Discord, Fluttershy, Zephyr, and the Warden crawl out of the
water and onto dry land, Fluttershy's nightgown clings tight to her body as she
wrings it out.

"This...This is just great" Fluttershy complained. "No tools, No Equipment, No clothes, We've lost everything"

"Not Everything," Zephyr said flashing the box which only got a glare from his sister

"Hey, Discord!" Golden Bit shouted across the Nile. "It looks to me like I
got all the horses!"

"Hey Bitty!!" Discord shouted with a wide smile "Looks to me like your on
the wrong side of the river!"

Bitty looked around before letting out a curse realizing his 'Friend' was right