• Published 7th Mar 2023
  • 820 Views, 27 Comments

The Mummy - Lady Umbra

From the makers of Kung-Fu Equestria 1, 2, & 3. brings you Lady Umbra's newest Movie Adaptation. Join Fluttershy, Zephry Breeze and Discord as they fight the undead and protect the world

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When Zephyr told the truth of how he actually acquired the box his sister was nothing short of livid and demanded to know who and where the original owner was. The siblings arrived at the local prison where they were greeted personally by the warden.

"Come come! Step over the threshold. Welcome to Cairo Prison, my humble home!"

"You told me you found it on a dig down in Thebes!" Fluttershy quietly shouted at her brother

"Okay, I may have been mistaken." Zephyr Breeze said trying to calm his still furious younger sister

"You still lied to me!" Fluttershy said glaring at her brother

Yeah well, I lie to everybody Flutter Butter," Zephyr said with an uneasy grin. "What makes you so special?"

"I'm your sister."

"And that just makes you more gullible," Zephyr smirked as they followed the warden

"I picked his pocket, actually," Zephyr said nervously as he tried to pull his sister towards the exit. "So I don't believe that we should..."

"Just stop it Zephyr," Fluttershy said with anger. "We are going to find this man and that's the end of it"

"Now what exactly is this man imprisoned for?" Fluttershy asked the warden as he leaned on the bars.

"Well of this I'm not certain but when he arrived here, I asked him that myself." Rover said while waiting for the guards to arrive with the mentioned prisoner.

"Well what did he say?"

"He said: He was just looking for a good time!"

The interior cell door bursts open with the prisoner in chains, four guards dragged the man before they shove him into the cell bars. From the looks of it, he's been here awhile; his face is was half hidden by long unruly hair, a scraggly beard, and many new bruises. Fluttershy looks at him, disgusted by his appearance.

"This...This is the man you sto.." Fluttershy said only to be hushed by her brother

"Yes so why don't we go see if someone else has a box like that one," Zephyr said sheepishly in hopes his sister would listen to him

Discord gripped the bars as the guards forced him to his knees, the imprisoned man gives Fluttershy the once over and then looks at her brother.

"Who are you?" Discord asked with a smug grin. "And who's the broad?"

"Broad?!" Fluttershy muttered clearly insulted

"I'm just your everyday missionary chap spreading the good word and all that and this my sister," Zephyr said approaching the cell before dragging his sister closer

"H-Hello" Fluttershy greeted nervously

"Yeah? Well,... I'm sure she's not a total loss." Discord said with no remorse for his words

A stunned and furious Fluttershy starts to glare at the man. "I beg your pardon?" unfortunately a commotion in the prison drowned her out causing Rover to scream across the prison.

"I'll be back in a moment." Warden Rover said as he heads out the door.

"I tremble with anticipation of your massive return" Discord shouted with complete sarcasm

One of the Guards' clubs Discord across the head, and the man's face bounces off the metal bars. He however showed no pain, but just turned his head back and gave the Guard a nasty look. With the warden gone, Zephyr whispered to his sister to ask the man about the box

"We uh,... found..." Fluttershy glared at her brother before turning back to the chained man. "your puzzle box, and we've come to ask you about it."

"No," Discord said without hesitation

"No?" Fluttershy repeated

"No..." Discord said eyeing the siblings. "You came to ask me about Hamunaptra.

Fluttershy and her brother quickly looked around, hoping the guards didn't hear him. They step closer and lower their voices.

"How do you know the box pertains to Hamunaptra?" Fluttershy asked in a hushed tone

"Because that's where I found it," Discord said to the pink-haired woman. "I was there."

Fluttershy was utterly dumbstruck, however, her Brother just looked at the man with suspicion.

"And how do we know that's not a load of pig swallow?

Discord narrows his eyes as he gets a closer look at Zephyr. "Hey,... don't I know you?"

"Nope," Zephyr said quickly avoiding Discord's eyes."I just have one of those faces

Realization hit Discord as his fist flies through the bars and hits Zephyr square in the jaw, the blonde hits the floor as the chained man knocked him out cold. A Guard clubs Discord a second time and like last time, his head bounces off the bars.

Discord once again showed no pain, but gave the Guard another nasty look. Fluttershy looks down at her brother before looking back at the imprisoned man.

"You were actually at Hamunaptra?" Fluttershy asked as she stepped over her brother

"I just decked your brother," Discord said with a smile

"Knowing Zephyr he probably deserved it" Fluttershy said walking closer to Discord. "So were you there?"

"Yeah, I was there."

"Do you swear?"

"Every damn day." Discord said with sarcasm.

"No I meant that-"

"Yeah I know what you meant. Seti's place City of The Dead." The prisoner said with another sarcastic wave of his hands.

Fluttershy looks over her shoulder before spotting the warden approaching. "Could you tell me how to get there?" Fluttershy asked as she leaned closer to the man using her hat to hide her face from the warden. "As in The exact location?

"You want to know?" Discord asked in ernest

Fluttershy leans in even closer. "Yes,"

"You really want to know?" Discord asked in a lower hushed voice

The youngest sibling leaned her face right up to the bars, her face a mix of nervousness and excitement. "Please tell me"

Discord grabbed Fluttershy's chin and pulled her into a kiss. "Then get me the hell outta here!"

Fluttershy was left stunned as the Guards start to beat him with their clubs, however, he refused to let go of the bars. "Do it, lady!" Discord finally lets go of the bars as the guards drag him out of the room.

"Where are they taking him?" Fluttershy asked as the warden stood next to her

"To be hanged." Warden Rover said with a rather smug toothy grin showing off his rather large K9 teeth. "Apparently, he had a very good time."

Hundreds of filthy prisoners stare down onto the gallows as the hangman's noose is draped over Discord's head and cinched tight around his neck, Fluttershy followed the warden onto a balcony above the gallows.

"I will give you one hundred bits to spare his life," Fluttershy begged with urgency in her voice

"My dear, I would pay one hundred pounds just to see him hang." Warden Rover smiled as he watched the preperation

"Two hundred bit."

"Proceed!" Rover ordered

"Three hundred Bits!"

Unknown to the pair, Discord can hear every word, soon the finally wraps the noose around his neck before looking him in the eyes

"Any last requests, pig?" the hangman asked with a black-toothed smile

Yeah, I do" Discord said glaring at the hangman "Loosen the knot and let me go!"

The hangman looks at Rover and asks if he should let him go.

Rover was upset by the question. "Idiot! Of course, you don't let him go!"

The hangman slaps Discord on the back of his head.

"Four, four hundred bits!" Fluttershy begged.

"And what else? I'm a very lonely man."


This was seen by all the prisoners, and each and every one of them started laughing. this in turn angered the warden to the point where the warden began to slobber in anger

"DROP HIM!" Warden Rover shouted

"NO!" Fluttershy screamed as the hangman pulled the lever dropping Discord

Much to the warden's displeasure, Discord was still alive the rope cut his fall short.

"Aha! this is better, his neck did not break" the warden laughed before turning to the pink-haired woman. "I'm so sorry my dear, but now we must watch him Strangle to death"

Discord's face was starting to turn red as the prisoners chanted that they cut him down

The Guards look around with nervous expressions as Discord struggles at the end of the rope, Fluttershy looks ahead horrified, she quickly turns to the warden and says something that will save the man's life

"He knows the location of Hamunaptra," Fluttershy said in a desperate panic

"...You lie!" Rover spat in accusation.

"I would NEVER!" Fluttershy said in outrage.

"Are you telling me this filthy...godless son of a pig knows where to find the city of the dead?!"



"Yes!" Fluttershy said as she saw Discord turning blue."And if you cut him down, we will give you ten percent.

"Fifty percent."

"Twenty." Fluttershy offered


"Thirty" Fluttershy offered as she notice Discords eyes started to roll into her head


"Deal!" Fluttershy shouted causing the warden to look confused before realizing his mistake

"Ahh! Cut him Down!" Warden Rover ordered as his guard swiftly drew his sword and severed the rope holding Discord

Discord crashes to the ground, and the half-dead man Rolls over and began coughing as he tried to breathe. All of the prisoners burst into cheers, Discord looked up at Fluttershy.

"Thank [cough]you [cough]lady" Discord shouted in between coughs

After signing the usual paperwork and paying his bail, Fluttershy was finally able to acquire their guide for the journey to Hamunaptra.

"I admit this Discord guy is a bit rough around the edges but he doesn't seem like a bad guy, not a bad guy at all." Zephyr said while they waited outside the prison.

A scream rang out, and both siblings turned only to find Discord being thrown to the ground by two guards. Discord quickly jumped to his feet and glared at the guards.

"Yeah Fuck you Too!" Discord said looking around before turning back on the guards. "What about my stuff?"

The Guards glared as they dropped a large pack at the red-eyed man, discord picks up his stuffed before coming face to face with the siblings

"Thanks, lady" Discord said walking past Fluttershy. "Give me a week and I'll show you where you want to go"

"Where are you going?" Zephyr rubs his jaw

"I...am going to find a bar," Discord said not even bothering to look back. "I nearly died today, so I think I deserve a victory drink

~Days Later~

Candlelight flickers across the Curator's face, as he looked at the people in front of him

"As much as I hate to agree with you," Curator Neighsay said looking at the dark-clad figures before him. "You're right, She must die."

Standing in the shadows across from his desk are three members of the Medjai, One
of the Medjai had a rusty metal hook for a hand.

"Why concern us with this woman." the hook medjai shrugged. "She will be like all the others. She will die in the desert."

"No! She has seen too much, She knows too much." The Curator leans across his desk, fear in his eyes. "Not only does she have a map, but she has the key."

This got a major reaction from the Medjai

"The key!?" the Medjai shouted in alarm. "She has the lost key!?"

"Yes," Neighsay said with a serious and worried tone in his voice. "Not once in the last three thousand years has anyone ever been so close." The Curator said to the Medjai. "We must stop her, or it will be the end of us all."

"Then we will kill her," the Medjai said in a cold tone as he dragged his finger across the blade of his hook. "We will kill her and all those with her."

"Honestly I don't care," Neighsay said with a wave of his hand. "Just burn the map and retrieve the key."

"It will be done." the Medjai began to leave before the hook-handed one turned back to the Curator. "But what of the American expedition? They leave tomorrow as well."

"Forget the bumbling Americans," Neighsay shouted. "They will be like all the others. Without the map to guide them, how can they possibly find Hamunaptra?"

Teams of explorers swarm around the docks as many of them board the large steamboat, Fluttershy and her brother walked along the boardwalk besieged by hawkers selling everything from toy tombs to King Tut action figures.

"Do you really think he'll show up?" Fluttershy asked as she lowered her bag beside her

"Undoubtedly, Flutter Butter," Zephyr said doing the same. "I know the breed, he
maybe a cowboy, but his word is his word."

"Well Personally, I think he's filthy, rude, and a complete scoundrel," Fluttershy said with complete honesty. "I don't like him one bit."

"Anyone, I know?" Discord asked coming behind the siblings

They both turn and find a different man than the one they saved walking up, he was shaved, showered, spit and polished, with a new haircut and clothes. He looks more dashing and more handsome than ever, Fluttershy was at a loss for words at the change.

"Oh... um,... hello." Fluttershy stammered out. "You..um...look different"

"Well being in prison tends to make you look like a filthy criminal" Discord grinned. "We never introduced ourselves, I'm Discord Chaos"

"I'm Fluttershy" Fluttershy said recomposing herself. "I believe you've already had the pleasure of meeting my brother Zephyr Breeze"

Discord eyed the pink-haired woman's older brother. "I have"

afraid of what the man would do, Zephyr grabbed Discord's arm and shakes his hand. "Smashing day for the start of an adventure, eh, Chaos?"

Once Zephyr let go, Discord quickly checks his pockets. "Yeah, sure, smashing." He finds his wallet and relaxes.

"You shouldn't worry" Zephyr nervously laughed. "I'd never steal from a partner" his laugh became more nervous the more time Discord stared at him.

"That reminds me," Discord said quickly raising his fist which caused Zephyr to cover his face in fear. "I'm sorry about the whole punching you thing," the man said causing Fluttershy's brother to relax. "No hard feelings?"

"As far as I'm concerned I probably deserved it," Zephyr said to the man with a pathetic grin. "happens more often than you think"

Fluttershy clears her throat in hopes of getting Discord's attention.

Mister Chaos, can you look me in the eye, and guarantee me this is
not some sort of flimflam?" Fluttershy said before giving a glare to the man. "Because if it is, I'm warning you.."

Discord lets out a laugh before he steps up close to Fluttershy, invading her space Discord looked Fluttershy straight in the eye.

"You're warning me?" Discord let out another laugh. "Miss let me put it this way. My whole damn garrison believed in it so much, that without orders, we marched halfway across Libya and into Southern Equestria to find that city." the black-haired man then leaned closer to her. "And when we got there all we found was Sand and Blood"

"I'll get your bags," Discord said taking both Zephyr's and Fluttershy's bags before heading up the gangplank and onto the Steamboat.

Fluttershy couldn't help but track the man with her gaze, Zephyr just shrugs as he and Fluttershy move to board the boat.

"Yes, yes, you're right, filthy, rude, a complete scoundrel," Zephyr said as he gave a grin to his younger sister. "Nothing to like there at all."

Fluttershy gives him a look as her brother just grins,

"A bright good morning to all." a familiar voice called out surprising the siblings

"Oh no," Fluttershy gasped out as Warden Rover walked passed them. "What are you doing here?"

"I have come to protect my investment," Rover said walking up the blank leading to the boat. "Thank you very much."

The two siblings watch the large man go up the plank, Fluttershy and Zephyr share a look.

"This is going to be a long trip"