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Chapter Six Cloudkicker

“I can’t do this,” Scootaloo whined. I stood on a cloud with her a few miles up in the sky. I forget what attempt this was at getting her to try to step off the cloud and try to fly.

“Yes you can,” I said with a smile. “You are a strong filly. You just gotta figure out how to control your wings.”

“I can’t okay?” Scootaloo grumbled as I sighed quietly. “I’ll never be able to fly. I’m going to be stuck on the ground with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. At least I can hang out with them.”

“Cmon, let’s go home,” I said as I tossed her on my back with a wing. She instinctively wrapped her hooves around my neck as I took off.

The cloud underneath us dissipated from the force as I dove down as Scootaloos screaming made me look back in fear of her falling off. I sighed in relief of her screaming in excitement, not fear.

I landed on the mat of our cloudhouse, shaking off some rain from the rain clouds we had flown too close to.

I trotted inside as Scootaloo jumped off my back with shaky hooves as I chuckled.

“Have fun?” Raindrops asked with a grin as she finished setting the table. I hadn’t known we had been gone for that long.

“Yeah!” Scootaloo giggled as she hugged Raindrops. I felt a slight pang of jealousy that I pushed down. Raindrops was Scootaloos favorite evidently. “Cloudkicker took me flying. It was fun!”

“Is that so?” Raindrops chuckled and mussed her mane. “I bet it was fun. I remember we used to fly together as fillies all the time. She used to give me rides all the time when I was tired after school.”

I blushed slightly as we all sat down at the cloud table. I had forgotten about all that. It was crazy to think I’ve know Raindrops for about twelve years or so.

“Can I go play with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom tomorrow?” Scootaloo asked hopefully and I felt that jealousy rise up again.

“No,” I said sternly as Raindrops raised an eyebrow. “Me and you have plans. Now eat up, you have an early night. It’s going to be a long flight.”

“Where are we going?” Scootaloo asked eagerly as she started eating.

“Oh you’ll see,” I winked as I started eating myself and ignored Raindrops look she was giving me.

I yawned as I settled into our bed as Raindrops finished her shower and entered the room. She had the same irritated look on her face as she laid down next to me and shimmied under the covers.

“What was that about?” Raindrops asked finally. “At dinner. I had plans with Scootaloo tomorrow.”

“I do too,” I grunted as I faced her. “You’re her favorite. Why don’t I get to do things with her?”

“You took her flying tonight!”

“And?” I challenged and gulped nervously at her angry expression.

“Seriously? Where are you even taking her?” Raindrops demanded as she narrowed her eyes.

“To Cloudsdale. But evidently you have a problem with me trying to spend time with the filly you want as our daughter! Emphasis on OURS!” I shouted as Raindrops flinched.

“Oh, that’s rich coming from the mare who didn’t even want her!” Raindrops shot back angrily. The door creaked open as we both froze as Scootaloo peaked inside nervously.

“Moms?” Scootaloo traced a hoof on the door as we looked at her slowly. “You aren’t fighting over me, are you?” We quickly looked at each other instead and sighed.

“We were yeah,” Raindrops admitted as Scootaloo flinched with wide eyes. “But it’s okay. Couples fight, it’s normal and yes will fight over you somedays. We’re sorry you had to hear that.”

“Yeah,” I agreed as Scootaloo jumped up on the bed. “We’re sorry. Rainy and I are having a discussion is all. Mind you, a heated conversation but a conversation.”


“It’s complicated. Don’t worry about it just yet kid,” Raindrops rubbed Scootaloos head with a hoof. “Just go back to sleep.”

Scootaloo nodded as she snuck under Raindrops wing and I looked away with a scoff. I jumped as I felt something pushed up against me. Raindrops gave me an encouraging nod as I tentatively wrapped a wing around the filly as Scootaloo started snoring quietly and I smiled.

“I’m sorry,” I muttered as I stroked Scootaloo with a wing.

“Me too. You can take Scootaloo tomorrow if you want. I can reschedule our plans,” Raindrops said as she touched me with a hoof.

“Nah you can. It’s fine.”

“Okay. How was her flying anyway?”

I sighed as I stared down at the quietly sleeping filly.

“It didn’t happen. She was too afraid to get off the cloud, let alone try to fly. Rainbow said something about her wings not developing properly. I honestly don’t know if she will fly ever.”

Raindrops sighed as a breeze pushed the curtains aside and we all three shivered as I instinctively pulled Scootaloo closer. I was surprised she passed out that fast. Then again, she was half asleep when she came in.

“I think I may know a pony. He’s a bit well unorthodox in his teachings but he’s a good pony. He means well but most don’t like him.”

“Why?” I asked worriedly as I yawned.

“The same reason ponies don’t like Derpy. Ponies care so much about physical attributes but never look at the pony inside.”

I had to give it to her, she was spitting facts as Scootaloo would call it. Derpy was a close friend of the two of us. I can’t remember how many fights I had to break up between Raindrops and outsiders insulting Derpy. Hell, even Golden Harvest fought a few ponies.

I thought only Raindrops had an anger like that. An angry Golden Harvest or Carrot Top as she allowed her very close friends to call her is a very scary sight. Trust me on this.

“Hey you know something?” Raindrops asked as she nudged me with a grin.


“She called us moms. That includes you. She likes you Cloudy, you’ll see. You took her flying today. You know how much she loves being taken for flights.”

“You’re right. She did,” I muttered as we yawned in unison. “Wow.”

“Feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, yeah it does. Now let’s go to sleep finally. I’m exhausted and you have plans tomorrow.”

Raindrops nodded as we curled up with Scootaloo between as I closed my eyes to sleep.

Comments ( 2 )

Nice to see this Updated! And eager to see who he is.

More good

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