• Member Since 16th Jan, 2023
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Only by studying the past can we win the present.



This story is a sequel to Come With Me

With the whole school hating her except a select few, Sunset hates herself and is depressed. Cheerilee learns how hard being a parent is and deals with things she never thought parenthood involved.

(Takes place two months after the Fall Formal.)

Chapters (24)
Comments ( 84 )

good first chapter thoe i honestly cant see sunset with out a leather jacket i suspect she is trying to force her self to abandon that aspect of herself

Great start to the new story, even if it wasn't the sequel you planned yet, I still look forward to seeing where things go in this wonderful world you crafted and see what the future holds for Sunset. Thankfully she has someone who cares about her mental well being as well as her physical condition which makes Cheerilee such an awesome mother.

Trixie, how could you do that to poor Sunset? I suppose I can understand Trixie being angry, but come on Trix, you are so much better than that! Great to see Derpy coming to Sunset's side, can't wait to see what Octavia says about it though. And Lyra, after her walking in on Cheerilee and seeming concerned, or at least curious to Sunset's anger problems, I hope to see her be a little more accepting of Sunset than some of the other students obviously are. And sorry, forgot until now, but this story deserves a 👍 as well!

I kinda hated writing my favorite hurting someone ngl. Rainbow Rocks unfortunately cemented her as being angry like with the school

I hate seeing her that way, but as you said, Rainbow Rocks kind of painted her in that way. Don't blame you for writing her like that, heck, in that point of time I can easily see her doing that. I was just being a bit dramatic. 🐱 :pinkiehappy:

It trixie :trixieshiftright:it Has to be dramatic she settled for no less, thou I wonder if the Rainbooms we apper.keep up the great work👍

very good chapter oh a cute idea you could add to this reveal sunset never once mocked derpys appearance and in fact once called some one out for doing it viewing such forms of bullying as just wrong (lets face it sunset for all her self loathing was a rather low tier bully)

honestly i say you should have had it so sunset did NOT insult derpy for her looks as that seems low for her when she i had standards when she was a bully

Personally, normally l wouldn't see Sunset doing that either, but that was before the formal and she was having a bad day, hence the bad mood. Everybody can say mean things in that position, and since it was pre-formal, Sunset was likely in an even worse state of mind with the bad mood so I wouldn't put it past her to say something bad to Derpy. Let's not forget Sunset was a bully then and Derpy unfortunately was an easy target to begin with, add Sunset's ire to the mix and saying something rude is probably the best outcome of that meeting.

Story is going great, I do wonder what the Rainbooms are up to, but I love the fact that Sunset is making her own friends rather than the ones assigned by Twilight.

Pretty nice seeing what is going on with the Rainbooms, and they are acting pretty much how I imagined they acted right after the formal. It's awesome that Sunset is becoming friends with Lyra now as, I believe I already mentioned, it is nice seeing Sunset making her own friends. Really loving the story and eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

A part of me always wondered if this was a way Sunset made money pre-sushi restaurant. Too bad she still feels like she needs to do it now that she has a mom, but hopefully Lyra and Derpy don't judge her too much for it.

Me too. I originally planned on it being in the prequel but decided to cut it and save it for this one after the first ones surprising success

“Are ya alright sugarcube?” Applejack asked me. I flinched and looked up. I really didn’t feel comfortable around her or her friends. It’s like they view me as a chore and not an actual friend. Hell, they rarely invite me places. I get I was a bitch and all but I don’t know. Shouldn’t they kinda put an effort forth to even get to know me?

Are you sure you are putting in the effort? It's kinda hard to befriend someone whose just there.:unsuresweetie:

I half expected Derpy to change her mind about being friends and leave in the middle. That never happened. She stayed the whole time and even a little into the next day. Why, I don’t know. I’m not that good of company.

See? Work on opening up, and then maybe you'll have better luck intermingling with the Rainbooms.:pinkiesad2:

“I didn’t think you would like Metallica but you do,” Lyra pointed at my Metallica poster.

Um Lyra? What are you picking up from her jacket if not "rocker girl?":rainbowderp:

“In Equestria, I’m a unicorn pony. We don’t eat meat so we make our food from hay. I also like flowers. Daisies are my favorite,” I explained. The two looked confused.

No reaction from Lyra? Interesting.:trixieshiftright:

“Don’t call me that. It’s Equestria’s equivalent of whore. I’m a pony.” Derpy and Lyra’s eyes went wide.

I never understood that. Why would a horse mean whore? I don't see the connotation. Maybe Equestria is more rigid about that stuff than earth so they came up with multiple words for it?

Then again if anyone knew the consequences of sexual deviancy it would be the ageless being whose lived several decades and has had ample opportunity to see all kinds of things.:fluttershyouch:

“I’m trying but everyone hates me. I hate me. I don’t deserve friends or forgiveness,” I sighed. “I was a cruel bitch to all of you.” Derpy gave me a disapproving frown.

I like how Sunset keeps missing the obvious solutions and blaming herself for things that aren't her fault. You have a very good handle on your portrayal of anxiety. Even her thoughts are reflecting this mentality (see above). It's just so darn sad! :fluttershysad:

Ummm I'd still take her to the hospital just to be safe. Like there's still the possibility of her getting STDs. And customers could have been violent and handsy.


Thankfully Cheerilee is taking Sunset to get a checkup while running errands in the morning, good call on Cheerilee's part. It's a good thing both stayed calm during this talk and hopefully Derpy and Lyra will understand and not spread it around while still being her friends.

I typically like to keep my plans for stories and characters actions close to my chest but they won't spread it around and they're very understanding

Woww serveral updates in 24h, thank you so much

No problem. Glad you like it

No worries about keeping spoilers quiet, it's a good plan. Loved the new chapter and it was nice to see Lyra and Derpy at least wanting to be there to support Sunset, even if they had to go with their parents after. Cheerilee had a point though, it made shopping for them much easier. Hopefully if she runs into any of the people who paid Sunset for...things, she kicks them below the belt if you know what I mean.

This is a great story so far! Keep it up!

Sunset! How could you? Blueberries??? You know strawberries are the best, not those smurfberries! All kidding aside, loved the chapter and I'm excited to see the meeting between Sunset and her new extended family.

Blueberries are lifeee

They can be good in waffles, but what beats both is chocolate chips. Mmmm...chocolate chip muffins...chocolate chip waffles...chocolate chip pankcakes...chocolate chip cookies...drat! Now I'm hungry lol.

If you don't mind I would like to give a suggestion, maybe label which chapters are from Cheerilee POV and which ones are from sunsets, like maybe in the chapter title,again just a suggestion you could just ignore me

Interesting meeting of the family, loved how Sunset was shy and all the teasing go on. Hopefully Sunset will relax more and enjoy playing with her younger cousin.

I really like Berry, I love her attitude and her beliefs. And she is awesome for turning something so traumatic into something good. It takes a lot of strength to do something like that. Another great chapter and I'm really enjoying Sunset's time with her extended family.

Yeah. Berry Punch is meant to be the feisty one of the family, much like Sunset is. Cheerilee is the very optimistic one

Loveing this story been awhile since ive found one that i cant wait to read the next chapter.

I really have to wonder who it was that Sunset kissed. It's a shame she doesn't remember who it was. Ruby is too too cute and loved the mottos in the author notes. The quick chapters have been great, really loving logging on and finding a new chapter up.

I totally agree, I look forward to every new chapter. This was a really sweet update and the more I read the more I wonder how much this is going to impact everything from canon or if it will largely be ignored in favor of original content. Either way, I can't wait for the next chapter.

“I thought it was called Manehatten?” .

Completely honest I also thought it was Manhattan, don't even blame MLP because when I first heard that the city was called Manhattan in MLP I thought they just named it after the real life City

It won't have a too big effect on movie canon. Show canon might be a different story.

Kind of sad to see Sunset's time with her extended family come to an end, but happy knowing that they have plans to get together again soon. I can't wait to see what Lyra is going to do and what you have planned for the change of pace.

Yeah fr. Saying goodbye to family sucks

Octavia seems to be the biggest hold out so far, but that is truly to be expected the way Sunset was before. It is nice to see her do what she did for Lyra though as that was really sweet. Awesome that there is already another chapter up, so on to it next!

I agree! Can't wait for more chapters!

Hopefully Octavia will open up a bit more to Sunset soon, but really excited to see how things go at the sleepover with the addition of Bon Bon coming along. I really love this story and it's prequel, so thank you so very much for writing them!

Ohhh! Bringing another one into the fold. Next would be DJ Pone 3 and then the last one to win over and get to sleep over will be Tavi!

No problem. I'm really enjoying writing them. Might as well announce it here. There is a sequel to this in the works already

Why do I have a feeling Lyra would have a dirty comeback for Bon Bon's last job? Another sweet chapter and awesome news about the sequel already in the works.

I really like that Sunset seems to be making friends naturally, and not just stuck with the 5 girls who were, let's be real here, forced to be her friends at first

Yeah I really wanted her to be reached to by some people. I love Lyra Derpy Bon Bon Vinyl and Octavia. Figured they were the best and let's be real, derpy would be the first to reach out to Sunset realistically

I agree that Derpy would be one of the likeliest candidates to reach out to Sunset in friendship, or at least in giving her a chance. I love the mischievous side of Sunset and Lyra here, but I get the feeling they were lucky Bon Bon woke up when she did or both Derpy and her would be really mad. Kind of sounds like the beginnings of a prank war which could be awesome. I do have to say I love the idea of Lyra being obsessed with unicorns and will be pretty cool to see her reaction if Sunset does score a picture of her as a filly.

I was a little worried about this happening, I have to wonder if Cheerilee is going to fall under their spell and do something that hurts Sunset. Hopefully if it happens it won't be too hard to patch things up and here's hoping that Lyra and the others don't create much of a chasm between them and Sunset with what is going on. I'm sure Sunset will understand, but sometimes emotions don't follow logic so anything can happen and that is making me look forward to more even more!

Oh wow, another chapter! It looks like what I was worried about came to pass, that being Cheerilee falling under the spell. Thankfully she isn't acting mean to Sunset though so beyond a little embarrassment, it doesn't look like there will be too much damage to their relationship. Too bad the girls are going against each other, but I'm really happy Derpy gets to play her saw since she was looking forward to it so much.

Yeah I've been going fucking crazy with these chapters I've been doing one or three a day since I've released this. It was always my plan to have Cheerilee fall under their spell

Sunset is cutting....yep Cheerilee ain't gonna be happy to find that out...

Kind of not surprised about Sunset's cutting with all of the drama she has to deal with. Sure things are going great with her friends and mom, but the Rainbooms and now the Sirens and Twilight is plenty enough to crush her spirits.

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