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Chapter Two Raindrops

A few days have passed and Scootaloo was settling in nicely. The few days I worked over i got Cherry Berry to watch over Scootaloo. And Cloudkicker was coming home today from Cloudsdale so I could finally talk about us adopting Scootaloo. Hopefully she will be a bit more open than the last time I mentioned wanting to adopt. The last time we argued over it, I chose to sleep on the couch for a few days.

Scootaloo was sitting on the couch reading a comic that Twilights dragon Spike had loaned out to her. I was making dinner in the kitchen when the front door opened. I excitedly flew out to greet my wife. Cloudkicker looked utterly exhausted standing in the doorway and tossed her saddle bags off.

I stepped up and nuzzled her.

"Hey Cloudy, how was Cloudsdale?"

She gave a exaggerated sigh.

"It was so boring. I mean sure, it was cool to learn about others methods there but it just isn't practical nor necessary to have a four hour presentation for ten minutes of information".

I could believe that. I was kinda glad Rainbow didn't promote me to assistant manager. The money woulda been nice but the late nights doing paperwork just isn't for me.

A blur of orange and purple was next to me suddenly.

I smiled down and ruffled her mane.

"Whats up, kid?" I asked.

"Can I go do some crusading with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom? We wanna try to get our cutie marks in baking and Pinkie Pie already agreed if we got permission from the ponies we stay with. So can I?"

My smile grew bigger. Sweet Celestia, this filly was adorable.

"Sure thing. I'll fly you down there after I talk with Cloudy".

Cloudkicker had been staring back amd at both of us before looking at me. I jerked my head to the bedroom. After she walked in and I closed the door, she started talking.

"Who the hay is that?" She demanded.

I waved a hoof nonchalantly.

"That's Scootaloo. She's been staying here for a bit".

"Well clearly", Cloudkicker snorted. "But why? I don't want to have a kid right now".

"She was sleeping in a bucking alley way wrapped up in a news paper and under a shoddy built cardboard house. What was I supposed to, leave her?" I could feel my temper growing.

"Maybe take her to the nearest orphanage or Rainbow Dash?"

My wings started to flare out a bit like they did when pegasi got angry.

"That's an awful idea. She connected to me. Taking her to an orphanage would ruin all the work I did to get her to open up. And she asked me to not tell Rainbow", I snapped.

Cloudkicker started to get angry too based on her facial expression.

"Look, I know you were an orphan and you want to prevent anypony from going there but I'm not really interested in having a foal tearing up the place. Not right now at least. You can just take her somewhere else and somepony else can take care of her. Besides, I kinda thought we could work out some stress in bed". She started to move a hoof to my mane and I slapped it away and she stared in surprise which quickly turned back to anger.

My blood started boiling. I absolutely despise when ponies bring up me being in the system.

"Seriously? I'm not gonna pawn her off on somepony else". The door opened before either of us could say anything. Scootaloo was standing there staring at us afraid.

All my anger disappeared.

"Hey Scootaloo, ready to go?"

She gave a soft nod. I glared at Cloudkicker.

"Pack a bag. We're leaving, Scootaloo".

She and Cloudkicker blinked.

Scootaloo nodded and went to pack.

"Where are you gonna go, Rainy? Its a raining mess out there!"

"Anywhere but here", I scoffed and glared angrily at her. "I can't believe you would even suggest shoving her onto somepony else". I yanked a suitcase out and started packing a rain coat along with some other necessities. Toothbrush, hair brush, toothpaste etc.

Cloudkicker just stood there helplessly watching.

I stormed to the doorway of the house where Scootaloo was waiting.

"Hop on. We're gonna stay away for a few days till Cloudkicker here gets herself together". I fixed a final glare at her while Scootaloo nervously climbed on.

"Just stay. I'll sleep on the couch", Cloudkicker tried to beg.

I quickly cut her off with a wave of my hoof.

"We will pass".

She shuffled nervously.

"When will you be back?" She asked quietly.

"When you act like a grown up and not a jackass". I instantly bit my tongue after cursing in front of the filly on my back. At that, I took off flying out the door. At a glance back, I saw Cloudkicker standing outside in the rain staring after us before kicking a cloud and walking back inside.

I landed outside of a house and pounded on the door. A tired Daisy opened the door.

"Hey Raindrops, whats happening?" She greeted me and gave me a quick nuzzle. She looked confused when she saw the suitcase and Scootaloo on my back.

I sighed. "Me and Cloudkicker got into a fight. Can me and Scootaloo stay for a few nights?"

Daisy nodded.

"Follow me, Lily and Rose were eating last I checked at the table".

I followed my friend in and her sisters were eating like she had guessed.

I waved a hoof half-heartedly.

"Hey Roseluck, hey Lily".

"How's it going?" Lily asked.

"Been better", I admitted. "Me and Cloud got into a fight".

"She and Scootaloo will be staying here for a bit", Daisy spoke up.

"Why do you have Scootaloo exactly?" Roseluck questioned me nervously.

I glanced down at Scootaloo who had slipped off my back. "You can tell them if you want kid, up to you".

She nodded. Once she told the three sisters, Daisy gave her a pretty tight hug.

"You two can stay as long as you want". Lily and Rose nodded.

"Are we still doing my baking lessons with Pinkie?"

"I don't know, are you sure you're up to it? It's been a pretty wild evening".

Scootaloo slumped down onto the floor, nodded and then passed out snoring.

I rolled my eyes while Daisy laughed.

"Well, looks like that plan is canceled", she teased.

"I suppose so", I chuckled.

Lily started taking my suit case upstairs. "We kept that upstairs bed room already made, just in case you might need it".

I nodded my thanks and sighed.

"I just don't get why she wanted me to pawn Scootaloo off to an orphanage or Dash. It's ridiculous, she's opened up to me".

Roseluck nodded.

"I agree. For what it's worth, she's a good filly. Minus you know, almost burning down the flower stand that one time".

I gave a soft laugh.

"I remember that. Lily wanted to kill her".

Rose stepped up and hugged me again. "I'm sure Cloudy and you will sort it out and she'll come around. As wild as she is, if you need somepony to watch Scoots when you're busy, I can make the time".

She gave me a quick nuzzle and smiled at me.

"Thanks Rosie".

We headed upstairs to join Daisy and Lily while I carried Scootaloo.

After I set her down on the bed, Scootaloo eyes flicked open.


Me and the sisters stopped and gazed at her.

"Yeah kid?" I asked her smiling.

"Why does your wife hate me?"

I immediately sat down next to her and stroked her mane. A coughing sound came from the doorway and I glanced up and saw that Roseluck turned angry red and Daisy's eyes matched her upset look.

"She doesn't hate you. She will come around, shes just confused". I hugged her. "I promise". She nodded and fell back asleep.

The sisters left the room and Lily shut the door smiling and all three headed downstairs.

Once they were downstairs, Lily looked at her sisters. "We gotta talk sense into Cloudkicker".

Daisy nodded vehemently and narrowed her eyes. "I agree".

Roseluck just stood quietly and then realized something.

"We can't confront Cloudkicker about this".

"Why the hell not?" Lily demanded spinning on her sister.

"Because if we tell her we know about it,then she will realize that Rainy and Scootaloo are most likely staying with us". Rose explained.

Daisy sat down. "I didn't think about that. So we do nothing?"

Rose grinned and shook her head.

"I have something in mind, just wait".

Lily and Daisy exchanged wary looks. The last time Rose said she had something in mind, it didn't end well.