• Published 1st Mar 2023
  • 11,449 Views, 648 Comments

Thunder Struck - Synthetic Soul

It was just supposed to be a prank. He wasn't supposed to get hurt...

  • ...

Chapter 7.

“Hey listen Anon, me an Twilight gotta step into the hall real quick. We’ll be right back!” Said Applejack as she used her hoof to direct Twilight into the hallway.

“Oh…kay…” you replied weakly as you watch the two mares leave your room. Pinkie Pie and Rarity both glanced their way as the doctor cantered up to address you.

“Well Mr. Anonymous, I know this is a lot to take in. Do you have any questions you would like to ask me?” You had a lot of questions. How did you get hit by lighting on a day you remember having clear skies? Was there really no way for you to recover from this? They had magic in Equestria! Unicorns could teleport, but they couldn’t fix nerve damage? What sense did that make? Would you even be able to pay the medical bills? How were you supposed to earn a living if you were bed bound? Was someone going to have to take care of you from now on? Had you lost all semblance of your independence?

“W-wha…t…happens…n-now?” You croaked. The doctor looked to the side mournfully before looking you in the eye.

“Well, we need to keep you in the hospital for another week to make sure you’re stable. After that, well it’s customary to have you released into the care of a next of kin. But seeing as you don’t have any…well, my recommendation would to have you cared for at the Ponyville Retirement Home. It’s the only facility in town that can provide you with 24/7 care.”

You felt like screaming in absolute terror! But with the injuries now wearing you down all you managed was a wide eyed gasp. You had visited family in nursing homes back on Earth. You’d seen the way those old people lived in those places, if you could call it living. You’d be stuck in a room only slightly less depressing than the one you found yourself in now. It was only slightly better than being trapped in a mental hospital. You’d be a prisoner, with absolutely no means of escape. It’s not like you’d be able to run away, would it? And you wouldn’t be there for the waning twilight years of your life. You were still relatively young. You could be there for decades upon decades! Anxiety and looming dream began building in your body.

“Oh no, absolutely not!” Interjected Rarity. The building dread drained as quickly as it built, replaced by hope. You looked at her in surprise, as did the doctor. “Anon I know I speak for all of us girls when I say that we will NOT allow you to just waste away in some nursing home surrounded by nothing but…old ponies,” she shivered. “With their fading complexions and wrinkly skin! Each time you see them you’re reminded of the inevitable decline of your own youth! The years you’ll never get back! The-the gray MANES! Grey manes everywhere with not a single drop of color!” Rarity reared back, holding her front hooves to her face with wide eyes. You wanted to chuckle at her dramatics as a wave of relief flowed over you.

‘Same old Rarity,’ you thought. But you were grateful. You weren’t sure exactly what her solution was, but you were glad you had your friends to help you through what was now going to be the most arduous time in your life.

“Yeah! Nonny you don’t have to worry about a thing!” Chirped Pinky with some renewed pep. “We can take care of you! It’ll be fun!” A smile came to your face. As much as you could manage anyway.

“Miss Belle, Miss Pie, Anonymous is going to be completely immobile. He’ll need somepony to help him eat, help him bathe, use the bathroom-“ explained the doctor but his words faded away as you became acutely focused on your own thoughts.

‘Dear God,’ you think to yourself. ‘I won’t even be able to use the bathroom on my own? Would they take me to the bathroom and place me on the toilet when I need to go? No that wouldn’t be practical…I’d need a catheter, maybe even a diaper!’

The loss of your independence in such an extreme fashion made you start to feel claustrophobic. And it just wouldn’t be uncomfortable, it would be HUMILIATING! Just the thought of needing someone to help you with your bathroom needs or to strip you down and bathe you! Was this really what was awaiting you? For the rest of your life? Maybe you’ll get used to it. Maybe it won’t take too long… but still, right now you are filled with anxiety and the sense of claustrophobia rises. You’re just lying in a bed right now, but just the thought of these inevitable situations makes you almost feel like they’re already happening. You didn’t want to live like that!

The beeping of the heart monitor that connected to your wrist started to increase it’s frequency, drawing all attention in the room to you. Just then, the door to your room opened, and Twilight burst through, alarmed.

“What’s going on, I heard an increased ECG BPM indicating cardiovascular distress!” Pinkie came up to you and put a hoof on you to comfort you, while the doctor ran up to the monitor to inspect it.

“What’s wrong? Anonymous, are you alright?” All eyes were on you. You took in as deep of a breath as you could, trying to calm yourself.

“S-sorry,” you wheezed out. “Just got…a li-little…w-worried….” Everyone calmed down, and looked at you sympathetically.

“I understand. Well, I can’t truly understand what you’re going through, but know that all these sudden changes can make you feel like the world is ending,” said the doctor.

‘Not THE world…just…mine,’ you think to yourself.

“W-what did I miss?” Asked Twilight as she approached your bed.

“We were just explaining to Anon that we’ll be here to support him in every way we can!” Announced Rarity boldly.

“Yeah, we’re not gonna let you just sit around, bored out of your mind for the rest of your life! We’re going to be there for you and make you’re life is just as amazing as it ever was!” Proclaimed Pinkie Pie. It was wishfully optimistic, but you couldn’t be more grateful for the sentiment. Maybe things wouldn’t be all that bad after all?

“R-really?” You questioned.

“That’s right,” said Twilight as she stepped up to your bed. “Anon, I know things are going to be hard, but we’re going to do everything we can to support you!” You smiled as tears dripped from your eyes. But you were still concerned over a few things.

“But…what about….work? My job…where…will I live? How will I…I…I pay-“

“You don’t have to worry about a thing Anon!” Proclaimed Twilight. “Listen Anon, we have a week to figure things out! And I promise that we will have everything ready by the time you’re released from the hospital!”

“P-pinkie…promise?” You asked, lifting the corner of your mouth in a half smile.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” Promised Twilight as she went through the motions. Pinkie gave her a serious look, which quickly morphed into a happy one. You smiled as well.

“T-thanks you guys…I…I don’t…know what…I’d do…without you!” You’d never had friends as dedicated and caring as the ones you’d made in Equestria. Things might be looking down now, but as long as you have your friends by your side, there would always be something to hold on to!

Princess Celestia looked down at the letter resting on her desk. She had read it and re-read it six times over, but she was still as baffled as she had been upon her first reading. She was in absolute disbelief. Taking in a deep breath through her nostrils she levitated a blank piece of parchment onto her desk, dipped her quill and began to write.

Dear Twilight,

I’m on my way. When I arrive, I want to hear everything.

-Sincerely Princess Celestia

Author's Note:

Does Equestria have health insurance? Who invented health insurance? Are they burning in Hell right now? Will Rainbow Dash get her comeuppance? And will Anon get his groove back? Find out all this and more on the next chapter of: this fuggin thing!

Gimme some money:

If I get $250,000,000 in donations I will bring this thing to Broadway! And all the characters will be played by puppets, designed by the resurrected corpse of JIM HENSON!