• Published 1st Mar 2023
  • 11,450 Views, 648 Comments

Thunder Struck - Synthetic Soul

It was just supposed to be a prank. He wasn't supposed to get hurt...

  • ...

Chapter 5.

“W-where’s…is…Rain-rainbow…Da-ash?” The eyes of Twilight, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie went wide, each with looks of concern and apprehension. Twilight glanced between her friends before answering Anon’s question.

“She’s…not here.”

“Why…not?” Wheezed the bed bound human. Twilight was at a loss for words as she wracked her mind trying to find the right thing to say.

“We, uh, just thought it was best that she not be here right now, Anon,” answered Applejack, picking up the slack.

“I don’t…understand.”

“Well, it’s just that with what happened, we uh, thought it would be best if she wasn’t here,” explained Twilight.

“But…I need…to…thank her,” Anon struggled to get out. All the mares went rigid.

“Ah’m sorry…ya wanna THANK her?” Questioned Applejack incredulously.

“She f-found me…I…would’ve…died if…she didn’t find…me….” Twilight didn’t know what to say. No pony in the room did. They just stared at each other unsure of what to say next.

“So…where is s-she?”

Rainbow Dash sat on the couch of her cloud home staring blankly at the floor, absentmindedly petting her tortoise Tank as he tried to comfort his distressed owner. Though he tried to distract the pegasus from whatever was bothering her, she continued to be trapped in her own thoughts.

“What have I done?” she muttered under her breath as her mind traveled back to the events of a week ago.

After Twilight berated Rainbows ignorance and carelessness, the unicorn teleported both herself and the injured human away to the hospital, leaving Rainbow alone to process everything that had happened.

“I…I’m sorry….” She had said with nopony to hear but herself. She still didn’t understand what had happened. Lightning was supposed to be harmless, but from what Twilight had said, apparently she had indeed explained to Rainbow something to the effect of Anon not having the same magical insulation as a pony, rendering him more vulnerable to lightning based injury than the average Ponyville citizen. And that explanation had flown right over Rainbow Dash’s head.

“Gah!” The prismatic pegasus shouted as she brought her hooves to her face. “Why am I so STUPID!” She cried out. “STUPID STUPID STUPID! You would’ve known better if you just paid attention!” Sobs started to wrack her body as the guilt set in full force. Rainbows head felt as though it were on fire.

‘Am I a bad pony? I didn’t mean to hurt him! It was an accident! I didn’t mean to!’

Rainbow stood in that spot, rooted to the ground. For how long, she didn’t know. It felt like hours had passed as she stewed in her own misery, but in reality it was likely only a few minutes.

‘It doesn’t matter if it was an accident. I hurt Anon. I hurt a friend! I have to make sure he’s okay!’ Resolving herself, Rainbow spread her wings and took flight, heading straight for Ponyville Hospital. She arrived in less than a minute, quickly landing and bursting through the door. She galloped up to the front desk so quickly that she startled the receptionist.

“Ah, good morning mis-“ before the mare could finish, Rainbow cut her off.

“Anon, Anonymous the human, where is he?” Questioned Rainbow urgently. Not being a stranger to the urgency displayed by some ponies in the hospital, the receptionist responded calmly.

“Ah the human, yes I remember seeing him brought in. He was in…quit a severe condition,” she replied grimly. “He was taken to the Emergency Care Center, so he’s likely in being treated as we speak.”

“Is he going to be okay?” The receptionist opened her mouth to reply, but stopped to consider her choice of words. “I know the doctors are going to do everything they can.” That wasn’t good enough for Rainbow but she knew it was the best she was going to get. Noting the pegasus’s distress, the mare behind the desk offered her some sympathy.

“I know it’s scary but don’t worry the doctors know what they’re doing. If you want I can direct you to the ECC waiting area.” Rainbow Dash just nodded silently. “Okay, just head through those doors, and straight down the hall past all the doors and you’ll find it on the left,” instructed the medical pony pointing her hoof strait to her right.

“Thanks,” and with that, Rainbow followed her instructions. Upon reaching the waiting room, Rainbow saw none other than Twilight Sparkle, who was pacing back and forth enough to leave a groove in the tile floor. Rainbow wordlessly approached, the sound of her hoof steps drawing Twilight’s attention. Twilight stopped in her tracks as both mares looked stated into each others eyes. Rainbow looked anxious while Twilight expression was unreadable.

“How…is he going to be okay?” Questioned the pegasus. Twilight paused, closing her eyes to think before she responded.

“They aren’t sure.” Faced with such dreadful uncertainty, Rainbow sat on her haunches and stared at the floor. “What where you thinking Rainbow Dash?”

“I…I didn’t…I wasn’t thinking, okay? I didn’t know it would hurt him! I thought lighting was harmless!”

“After I explained to you and the girls that Anon didn’t have any magic? You know that without magic, lightning would be even more dangerous for ponies than it is for humans?!” Twilight explained in an accusatory tone.

“Yeah, you explained it in all those big egg-head words that you knew I wouldn’t understand!” Retorted Rainbow, her frustration and guilt building up inside her.

“So it’s my fault you nearly killed Anon?” Rainbow reared back as if she’d been slapped in the face.

“I-I didn’t say that Twilight! But I didn’t mean to hurt him, okay! You know that I wouldn’t do that to a friend!” The tension in the air was palpable as the two mares stared each other down with tears in their eyes.

“I know you didn’t mean to, Dash,” responded Twilight as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “But you still did. You were incredibly reckless, and now Anon has to pay the price.” Rainbow opened her mouth to reply, but ultimately decided against it, instead dropping to her stomach, putting her hooves over her eyes.

“I know…I’m so stupid!” Her body became wracked with tears as she finally broke down. She lay on the floor of the hospital waiting room, crying her eyes out as the guilt continued to build.

Despite how angry Twilight was with Rainbow, she couldn’t bare to see a friend in such a state. She made her way over to her friend and sat down next to her, placing of hoof on her wither.

“I know you didn’t mean for this to happen Rainbow. But I can’t mince words with you, Anon is SERIOUSLY injured. But right now we don’t know how bad. The doctors, they aren’t used to dealing with this sort of injury. We won’t know how bad the damage is until after his surgery. Until then, I think you should go home.”

“I can’t do that!” Exclaimed Rainbow as she wiped the tears from her eyes, and lifted herself up. “It may be my fault, but I’m the Element of Loyalty, and I’m not going to leave a friend when he needs me!”

“I understand Rainbow, but there’s nothing you can do right now. And honestly, because of your involvement, I think it’s best that you keep your distance for the time being. I need some time to think about how to handle this.”

“Handle this? I don’t understand.”

“Anon is the only human in Equestria Rainbow Dash. That means that according to the Sentient Non-Pony Administration Bureau, he’s not only considered an endangered species, but he’s also under the diplomatic protection of the crown. Princess Celestia will want to know about this, and I need to think about how to explain everything.”

Anxiety returned in full force for Rainbow as the true gravity of the situation became ever more apparent for her.

“B-but there has to be some way for me to make it up to him! There has to be some way I can make this better!” Twilight put a hoof on Rainbows wither.

“I…I don’t know if that’s possible Rainbow Dash. We don’t even know if he’s going to….” The unicorn looked to the floor, more tears gathering in her eyes. Rainbow felt her heart skip a beat at the implication. “Just go home Rainbow Dash…please….”

Rainbow Dash gave a silent nod, and turned to leave, making her way out of the waiting room. But before she left, she turned back to her friend.

“You’ll…you’ll tell me what happens right? You’ll let me know if he’s okay?”

“Of course Rainbow.” The pegasus nodded, before leaving, making her way out of the hospital. As she stepped into the outdoors, she looked up to the sky above. The sun was shining bright, and the sky was nearly cloudless. But to Rainbow Dash, the day couldn’t have been any darker.

Author's Note:

Aight, here's the next chapter. If you like it, and want to support my horse words, I have links below:
