• Published 1st Mar 2023
  • 11,358 Views, 648 Comments

Thunder Struck - Synthetic Soul

It was just supposed to be a prank. He wasn't supposed to get hurt...

  • ...

Chapter 10.

The door shut behind Twilight, leaving her alone in the hallway with her teacher. Wordlessly, the Princess began making her way down the hall, leaving Twilight to stand there apprehensively. After a moment of contemplation, Twilight galloped ahead to close the distance. Once she was trotting next to her mentor, Twilight turned to ask her a question.

“Um, Princess? Why didn’t you tell Anon what happened to him?” Celestia stopped in her tracks and turned to face her apprentice.

“Because Twilight, right now Anon is in a very fragile state, both physically and mentally. I think it’s best we give him time to acclimate to his new way of life before we add any unnecessary stressors.” She turned away and stared straight ahead. “Besides, the responsibility for admitting to the truth of the matter lies with another.” She then started walking down the hall with Twilight in tow.

“Now Twilight, have you ever learned the cloud walking spell? I believe it’s time we spoke with Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash lay on her couch attempting to distract herself from the tormenting thoughts that raced around in her head. She attempted to lose herself in a Daring Doo novel, but try as she might, she couldn’t escape the burning fire of guilt that burned in the back of her mind. She focused as hard as she could on the words in front of her, trying to lose herself in the story.

Daring Doo gave a mighty and desperate flap from her wings, launching herself into the air just as the Chimera pounced. It’s paw just grazed her tail, severing several stray strands of hair. They floated down to the ground as she rocketed into the air. She landed with a heavy breath on a drifting cloud.

‘Just like the cloud you used to ATTACK ANON YOU MONSTER!’

She tried to shake the thoughts from her head and returned her focus to the book in front of her.

Daring surveyed the land around her. There was a forest of trees as far as she could see. She pulled out a compass from her saddle bag and watched as the little red needle pointed north.

“If I”m going to get the Talisman back to the Temple of Techomet before sundown, I need to hurry! But I can’t be reckless either!”

‘Reckless like you Rainbow Dash!’ Rainbow slammed the book shut and placed it beside her. She let out a deep sigh as she ran her hoof through her mane. ‘I have to talk to him. I need to tell him that I’m sorry, and hope he’ll forgive me.’

Just as she stood up from her couch, there was a stern knock at her door. So unexpected was it that her heart skipped a beat and she let out a surprised yelp.

‘Who could that be?’ She wasn’t expecting anypony. She made her way to her foyer, and opened the door. Her eyes shrunk to the size of pinpricks as she saw the impending form of none other than Princess Celestia standing on her doorstep. Rainbow’s mouth stood open as she struggled to find any words address her monarch.

“Good evening Rainbow Dash,” greeted Celestia in a formal tone. “May we come in?” Rainbow’s eyes darted past the princess to see her friend Twilight standing behind her, eyes downcast. Returning her gaze to Celestia, Rainbow gulped, and nodded. She knew what this was about.

“Y-yes. Come in.” Rainbow held the door open for the two ponies as they entered her home. Celestia held her head high, while Twilight was sunk low with an uncertain look on her face. Rainbow led them into her living room, and offered her guests seats on a few of her chairs. When everyone was settled, Celestia broke the tense silence.

“Would it be correct of me to assume that you know why we’re here?” She asked. Rainbow nodded.

“Is he okay?” Rainbow asked.

“That would depend on your definition of okay,” replied Celestia.

“W-what do you mean?” Rainbow questioned, nearly as quiet as Fluttershy.

“Well, he’s alive, thank the maker. However the quality of that life has been hampered to put it lightly.” Rainbow could only look on, dreading the news the princess was delivering. “According to the doctors, the lighting bolt that you launched at him overloaded and destroyed several key nerve endings in his spinal column. Anonymous is now paralyzed from the neck down.”

“P-p-paralzyed?!” Screeched Rainbow Dash. Of all the horrible news she believed she would be prepared to hear, this caught her completely off guard. She couldn’t have imagined such a simple prank could do so much harm! “H-how…I…I….”

“Do you understand the severity of the situation Rainbow Dash?”questioned the Princess. “Imagine losing your wings. To no longer be able to look down at Ponyville as you pass by overhead. To lose the freedom to soar through the sky. As bad as that is, the situation Anon now finds himself in is incomprehensibly worse. I hope you realize that.”

Rainbow did realize that. She couldn’t even imagine what that would be like. The guilt wracked every part of her body and she felt worse in this moment than she ever had in her entire life.

“I…I didn’t mean too….” Twilight was about to speak up and attempt to offer some comforting words to her friend, but Celestia was faster.

“I understand that Rainbow Dash. I know this was an act of negligence not malice. I don’t think you are a bad pony. You are the Element of Loyalty after all. However I cannot simply allow something like this to go unpunished. That wouldn’t be fair to Anon now would it?”

Rainbow couldn’t meet the Alicorn's eyes, instead staring wide eyed down at the cloud floor. She slowly and delicately shook her head in the negative.

“I’m glad you agree. Now Rainbow Dash I’ve thought about this, and decided that the method of punishment must first and foremost deprive you of the ability to do further harm.”

‘Is she going to send me to jail…or Tartarus!’ Sweat started to bead down Rainbow’s forehead as she anticipated what was coming.

“From this day forward,” stated Celestia. “I am personally revoking your Weather Handlers License, and fining you five hundred bits. I am also barring you from joining the Wonder Bolts.”

“What!” Rainbow screeched. She wasn’t sure if this was better or worse than jail! Celestia just took away her life long dream! And without her weather handlers license, she would’t be able to do her job! “F-for how long?” She questioned.

“Indefinitely,” replied Celestia. Rainbow almost couldn’t breath!

“B-but my job! I can’t do it without my license!”

“Then I suppose you will need to find a new one.”

“B-b-but…” Rainbow stuttered as she started to shake.

“But nothing Rainbow Dash. I hope you realize how merciful I am being right now. Trust me, your punishment could be a lot worse.” Rainbow knew this was true. All things considered, she’d gotten off easy. But still, how could she react to this situation with anything but dread? She knew she deserved this, knew it was her own negligence that brought this situation upon her, and she knew that thanks to her someone else was in an even worse situation. But still, she couldn’t help but mourn her own loss in addition to all she’d done.

“But…my house…” Rainbow weakly gestured around her.

“I will allow you to perform shaping work on your cloud house on the condition that you never, ever under any circumstances discharge another lighting bolt. But that is the ONLY exception and all other uses of your weather magic will result in imprisonment. Do you understand me Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow shuddered and gulped, not able to look her in the eye.

“Y-yes Princess….”

“Very good,” replied Celestia as she stood. She began making their way to the front of the house with Twilight in tow. Rainbow followed after them at a much slower pace. “And one more thing,” stated Celestia as she reached the doorway.


“Anon is currently unaware that you are the one who hurt him. In fact, he believes you saved him from some random accident. I expect you to tell him the truth about what you have done. But not until he’s had time to acclimate. He is in a very fragile state right now and I think it’s best we allow him some recovery time before telling him that it was a trusted friend who paralyzed him. Until then, I would advise you to keep your distance. Twilight will keep me informed of his state of being, and I will decide when you will be allowed to see him.”

“He…thinks I SAVED him?” Muttered Rainbow.

“Yes. I’m sure you see the issue with this. I’d advise you to spend your time thinking up a proper apology. Until then, good day Miss Dash.” The Princes walked through the door, followed by Twilight, who offered her friend a sympathetic glance before the two departed. The door slammed shut, leaving Rainbow alone. Completely alone, with nothing but her thoughts.

Author's Note:

Here you go you salivating Jackals, the Rainbow Dash's punishment scene! Tear it apart with your bloody werwolf fangs as you howl in the moonlight, chase cars in the street and hump stuffed animals!

Speaking of Halloween, there's a Jack-O-Lantern in my bathroom that keeps speaking to me in Latin. Unfortunately I don't speak latin. Bummer. Also someone needs to make a 'Then Perish' meme with Celestia, I tried to find one, but couldn't. It would totally fit here.

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