• Member Since 9th Sep, 2021
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


I have no idea how to use this site most of the time so its miracle I even made a bio let alone stories

Comments ( 137 )

Hey you finally released my friend. And if you need help editing the next chapter feel free to pm me

Haven’t read it yet but I’m in the process of it now.

But question did a combine person or whatever get transported to equestria?

You'll learn as the story progresses you know how I do things by now at least I hope so

Much appreciated my friend!

Also, you spelled interest wrong and as 😅

Just noticed that no hard feelings!

If this is anything like your giant story, this should be good.


I aim to please all I ask for is feedback! Both positive and negative work

All I ask is this soldier be more introspective than freaked out, like the giant was.
Of course, if you want to, you could go with a pressure cooker approach; where he builds up stress before exploding into a torrent(or puddle, your choice on how pathetic you want him to seem) of rage, sorrow, & anxiety.
That'd be cool.

Really excited to see what becomes of this story.

I like this so far half life 2 stories I find are rushed or poorly done can’t wait to see more in the future

I like the idea but Overwatch soldiers are void of most emotions if the Combine could they would take them all away but if you do that you have a vegetable basically

However, they did make them extremely Hardy think of the Clones from star wars they don't snap easily and don't crack under pressure.

I also like to quote the game zero entropy:2

3650: So. What's the deal with this place? Who let the bugs in?

Overwatch soldiers: ...

3650: You guys don't talk very much. Do you?

3650: Must be the lack of Faculties.

This fic is kind of have vibes 'Well, why not'.
Write more, this is interesting!

'I like tunnels. Is this why I requested the Wallspiker class, I think? Close quarters, with a Shotgun, is devastating. More so in a cave, this is going to be fun, if there are any Anti-Citizens, down here. I also see why my transmission didn't go through, these are solid rock formations. '

Remind me again what the wallspiker class looks like?

i did for sure. I never thought I see a fanfic after that one animation. The way Combine soldiers are modified in Hlaf lifr alyx, always made me wonder how the ones Gordon would fit are modified, KInda used that old fan headcanon from back then for a half life fic of mine

If I had to guess the combine decided five years later to make soldiers less self-sufficient so that they are less likely to fall or reject the reeducation that they are given.

probably. thats always the thing with prequels introducing new enemies and such. The headcanon, I meant that based on the shirtless soldiers at nova prospect and the citadel, that they appear with the bald head under the helmet

I mean most likely because those armors get really hot and stuffy their also in them for hours at a time with no breaks so sweating is going to happen I think no hair was an attempt to mitigate it

maybe. i just mean in half life alyx, their full faces are inhumanely disfigured from their original form, as the eyes have gone missing, along with unknown modifications to the face and head in general. But when the shirtless soldiers were seen in half life 2, hinted to be in progress combine soldiers, it led to fan art like this or that, even such a pic. Thus in my half life story, I followed it that the combine soldiers still have that bald face under the helmet, instead of what half life Alyx showed years later

This is pretty interesting, I've gotta say this surpassed my expectations, which were already decently high to start with. I hope to see more soon.

This is fantastic I can't wait for the next chapter

I'm just so excited for the next chapter

Sorry it didn't load 😅 so all I saw was a blank comment but yes thank you

Quite an interesting beginning of the story and the idea itself in general. I will be happy to wait for the next chapter and new deaths.

It placed them into his gray-covered hand before taking the collar. 'Did; I, just. Do a commerce Exchange, with a Bird?' 860 was dumbfounded by this.

yes, yes you did

This is getting good, I'm curios if 860 will defect from the Combine or if he will continue to serve them, I can't wait to find out.

Whats with the random capitals, sentence fragments, and periods in the middle of sentences? Was this written by Ai?

No, I just feel like some words needed to be capitalized 😅 I also don't know if you're joking about that given the current part of the story.

Other than that they might just be small mistakes I missed which was more or less human error if you couldn't tell.

If you wish to create emphasis use underlining or italics, random capitals make it seem like you dont know Dirt isn't a name or title.

That first chapter is so littered with these errors its genuinely difficult to read or parse the meaning of. Try to look over your work two times, once for structural issues, second time for grammer. If you dont use grammerly or the like, I'd recommend you give it a shot.

Either way, a solid first story my freind, you improve quite a bit from chapter 1 to 2. Keep on it. :)

I'll fix chapter one tomorrow im just to tired to do it rn it's midnight currently 😅

Interesting take on how his emotions and induvidual thinking is still there. Eager to see where this goes

And i am the only one that thinks the combine shotgunner and squad leader in alyx look very similar to the Standard soldier in half life 2?

Not that 860-minded. but still, sunlight was better the night vision. Shaking his head, the soldier pressed forward while nature around him was very much energetic. There were birds, rabbits, and insectoids.


'We're the hell, am I? Is this an overlooked pocket from the Suppression field? So many questions and so few answers.' Sighing, 860 made sure the cart wouldn't roll off so he could grab a rock to keep it in place.


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