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Here for the ponies and the good reads.

Comments ( 229 )

Meh, it's got an interesting enough start bruh. ✌️

Wow, not even Starlight liked the idea of the Unity Crystals.

Good start.

Good start just hoping we see the girls (and spike) again.

This is definitely one of the best G5 stories I've ever seen. Hope to see more soon.


If even Starlight didn't like this idea, it is really fucked up.

Thanks for the chapter! So, in addition to being a prince, he became the bearer of an element, I get more and more excited about this story. I have a lot of questions I'm waiting for answers, like was he married in ancient Equestria? If so was it with a pony or with some other race creature? Was it really just one or did he have more than one partner? And will someone from this new era win his heart? How did Equestria fall? Why did Twilight apparently try to erase him from history?

I hope I read until I get the answers. But one thing is for sure your story has a lot of potential and you write very well.

All will be answered in due time. I don't plan leaving anything unanswered. Romance WILL be present in the story, (hence the tag). With whom? Well look for the subtle clues 🙃
Equestria's past and downfall will be a recurring issue, specially in the first half of the story.
If I end up catching up with the Netflix series and comics, I'll set this story in hiatus until more chapters are released and begin planning the two prequels I have in mind (one of them about his time in ancient Equestria, and the other of the time period since his departure until the downfall; both expanding on whatever small pieces are revealed in the current story).
Thanks a bunch for the support. Many ideas, and a few references to other stories incoming. Sit tight.

Alexander Kintobor

That last name is certainly not familiar at all. No siree.

Comment posted by Uraveling deleted Apr 9th, 2023

“Casi se parecía al día de las tribus de ponis. Sin una princesa que los guíe, los ponis no parecían ser tan diferentes a los humanos.”

honestly even if we wanted our civilization would never get to that point maybe we wouldn't convert in different countries we would eliminate a nation or something but we would never screw it up to such a level of not even remembering what happened 1,000 years ago currently the only way we come on, that's a massive nuclear war, eh, even the majority would know why, and I don't know if the ponies stood still in technology and knowledge in these 1,000 years, why do I say so? easy in the mlp comics the abyssinian had technology advanced enough to end up doing everything that the G5 ponies use. very possible by exchange but I suppose that in this story it will not be the case

I was referring more to how human populations tend to quickly divide into different factions, most of the time enemies, when losing a common leader.
As a human who lived on earth before arriving to Equestria, his opinions will always be biased by his knowledge of his home word, specially the bad things.
Referring to the technology, of course some changes from the MLP comics will have to be made. When conceiving G5 the writers didn't exactly respect the last period of G4.
Ponies never needed the technology other countries had developed as they had their magic. When magic is no more? Well guess it isn't so bad at all.
The destiny of the other races of Equestria will be somewhat commented in this story and expanded in the planned prequel.
Don't underestimate the ease with which a civilization can forget its own past. Especially if it's helped in duing so...

will you be doing the comics as well as the netflix series?

Comment posted by Right Writer deleted Apr 9th, 2023

Congratulations you've done two things the writers never bothered to do. Remember that izzy is an inventor and remember that sunny is a history buff that wants to know what happened to equestria.

I will do everything there is on G5 as long as I feel it's worth it. I'll create a coherent timeline between comics, MYM and TYT, and whatever comes from my imagination.

I shall, not to worry. I want to explore the characters further than the Netflix series and movie did. Both the main and secondary ones.

There is something important you need to know. During the traditional unicorn sleepover episode misty told opalines version of the story which involved:

• the ponies being jealous of the alicorn queens magic. Which is false.

•misty says the princess (twilight sparkle) stole all the magic and hid it away somehow. The unity Crystal's acted as a dead man's switch. If ponies lost harmony the Crystal's cut off their magic. So what i think happened was that opaline wanted to control all magic just like in the g5 show. So twilight did what the princesses did when tirek attacked. Store pony magic into one source.

Except this time instead of storing magic she simply cut off every pony from magic and then told the ponies to hide the Crystal's.

• by far the biggest revelation was that misty claimed that the princess put an enchanted invisibubble around equestria so the queen (opaline) couldn't find equestria. This gives the following implications

1.equestria didn't disappear due Societal collapse but by magic.

2. If this was an invisible spell, opaline should have still been able to enter equestria because it's a kingdom not a movable object. the spell didn't hide it from view. It straight up made the kingdom vanish from existence. (Which explains why twilight's castle hasn't been located)

3. Did this spell exist in equestria? Yes it did! King sombra casted this spell against the Crystal empire. Making it dissapear for centuries before suddenly reappearing. I'm betting that Alexander is going to notice the similarities of the story and that specific spell.

4. Twilight knows how to use king sombra's dark magic. So it would be possible for twilight to do the same to make equestria and the ponies in it vanish temporarily as a last ditch effort. This would explain the absence of princess cadence, princess Luna, princess celestia,and princess twilight sparkle. Opaline straight up said alicorn's were immortal and it wasn't due to magic otherwise she would have been long dead.

5. If that was the plan that means twilight copied Alexander's plan of locking ones self in stasis for centuries then waking up and picking up the pieces but on a grander scale. Which is possible due to him telling starlight and starlight could have told twilight as a last resort.

6. While the show and comic conflict with each other. Its possible for both of them to work here. Since Alexander wasn't present during the actual fall. you ould write the dividing ponies to weaken their magic as the first phase then steal it in the second phase but was stopped by the spell making equestria vanish.

This could make the chapter that contains the traditional unicorn sleepover episode very interesting. As Alexander could give real life knowledge and make her question opaline's story. And misty's version of the story could help Alexander realize that equestria may not be entirely lost and can be saved someday.

I looked up kintober and lets just say 🎶the story begins with who's gonna win🎶 anyway sorry for the essay. I'm really enjoying the story!

Any chance that one day you could do a spin off. Where instead of waiting for the future. He uses the magic chamber to back in time to the start of the g4 show. So he can prevent a terrible future from happening.

Oh there was a misunderstanding. I said that you did remember their character traits unlike the g5 writers. And I really like the way you written everyone everybody is spot on!

I'm glad about the secondary characters. pipps coworkers were not allowed to shine as they should so I'm look forward to how you write them. I'm happy to see sprouts mom get some attention!

I need to rewatch the Netflix episodes in more detail so don't end up coming up with inconsistencies. Still, the version Misty told the ponies was the one what had been told by Opaline, meaning it might or might not be true in all it's aspects.
Personally I think Opaline's character and motivations are a bit flat, at least as far we have been shown. I want to build the character better, there has to be a reason why she seeks the magic and control of Equestria so badly. Was it because of being denied in the past? Where does she come from in the first place?
The series and comics have yet to delve into this way more than they have, if they even end up bothering.
What I can tell you for sure is that: the process of the downfall of Equestria was not a single event, it wasn't caused by a terrible villain that wanted to destroy everything like it had happened before, many different solutions were tried and failed leading the characters to reach a desperate point, the intervention (or lack of) greater powers were tied to Equestria's final destiny.
The destiny of the princess is a complicated one. Perhaps it wasn't Twilight who stole Alex's idea of time travel...
The most terrifying escenario which lead to the downfall of society is the one in which it was the same ponies that were responsable. After all, they only needed a small nudge for things to spiral out of control.
All in all, I'll try to stick as close to the official plot as I can, but the script and conflicts between series and comics don't make it easy. We only got one season after all, perhaps things I write end up being different in future episodes.

Also I plan on working on Misty's character, but that is for future characters. For now, stay tuned for the ending of Alex's integration and the mystery of the missing Crystal.

We'll see. For now I have MANY ideas to put on paper, so to speak. Depending of how fast I write and if I end up catching with the series I'll think about prequels, spin offs, etc. That's a problem for future me.

One thing that always annoyed me about opaline was that she supposedly the villain responsible for bringing down equestria. But she acts more like a Saturday morning cartoon villain than a threat. Also mystery of the missing crystal. Is that from the comics or the show? Either way I cant wait!

You'll definitely have to deviate from the make your Mark plot since the show is allergic to leaving maretime bay. XD I have a feeling that opaline will shit a brick upon learning that Alexander lives.

Comment posted by Uraveling deleted Apr 10th, 2023

Right, still I am sure that for humanity to forget itself it would not need a war or a separation or a nuclear war just that everyone does it on purpose it is simply impossible otherwise despite all the wars and destruction of humanity. history whether by fire or language, we always have a piece of history etched somewhere we never forget, something ponies don't seem to have. I appreciate their own history, I mean come on they were in their golden age and are you going to tell me that hardly a single pony tried to see the past?

“Mi nombre es Alexander Kintobor, doctor en Bioarqueología, jefe del departamento ISIT de Equestria, portador del Elemento de la Perseverancia y Príncipe del Conocimiento,” afirmé con orgullo.

APPLAUSE DAMN, there is no better element that represents (largely and with some push) humanity

Ah I see some things might be wrong in translation. It's Bio-Arcanología. The study of interaction and integration of magic and biology. It's important in reference of what kind of of investigation he did and what advances he provided to society..... And the consequences of doing so.
More details in the future.

I need to write her more in depth. Her current motivations are too plain for my likes.
It involves the first 10 issues of the comic yes.

Well at least alex will be able reunite with one friend from his past then.

Thanks for the chapter! Well, here I was able to deduce a few things, first, Alex, apparently, did not have a romantic relationship with any of the Mane Six, second, possibly in this universe, Alex ended up accidentally instigating Opaline to follow a dark path, or she was his student and we have a repeat of the Sunset Shimer situation. That said, so far I'm shipping Alex and Sunny.

No me malinterpreten, siempre estuve dispuesto a luchar y morir por mis amigos si surgía la necesidad. Todos lo haríamos el uno por el otro. Fue ese vínculo lo que nos hizo imparables. Una confianza profunda, un nivel de comprensión, algo que es muy poco probable que se desarrolle con otros humanos en la Tierra.

........... why did it make me want to melt the face of a punch?

“Tienes razón Sunny, no poseo magia propia. Sin embargo, resulta que soy algo inteligente, si mis más de once artículos publicados tienen alguna relevancia... En realidad, no lo son, porque ya sabes, el viaje en el tiempo, la caída de Equestria, muchos documentos perdidos. ¡Bah! Lo que sea. Sin magia me sentía indefenso y muy celoso de las habilidades de mis amigos, así que, en lugar de convertirme en un supervillano como supongo que esperaban de mí, opté por corregir esa situación aplicando lo que me gustaba llamar el "enfoque humano".

He could have done many things without the need for magic, the problem is that most of the things we have created are made to kill, although the creation of these sometimes did not have that intention, it is the bad thing about living in a world where logic can kill you. kill if you're careless, I guess he wanted to go the "safe" way first

Me senté en la cama y me quité los zapatos. Miré alrededor de la habitación, absorbiendo las vistas y los olores de lo que se convertiría en mi nueva residencia. Un suspiro de alivio escapó de mis labios ante la perspectiva de no tener que pasar más noches al aire libre. “Siempre he sido más de bata de laboratorio que de botas de campaña. Aún así, nada se puede comparar con el cielo nocturno de Equestria. Dondequiera que estés Luna, tu noche sigue siendo tan hermosa como siempre”.

......... I don't think the moon can create something as beautiful as space. True, its beauty is random and as chaos ends up creating harmony, a few stars placed perfectly is the equivalent of putting on the ceiling from your room the green stars that light up in a straight line. It's not to screw up your life, but the day I make a nevulosa so that the sky has some variety, I'll consider giving it a 6/10

I went and found some spelling errors in the chapter.

These were found in the Alexander awnsers the main 5's questions part of the chapter.

1."Times" should be "time".

2."with s plan." Should be "with a plan."

3."Under no circumstance should have I been allowed to get access to them do easily." Should be "Under no circumstance should have I been allowed to get access to them so easily."

4."it still contains many of my father’s discoveries form his research on ancient Equestria" change form to from

5."I didn’t manage to correct the issue that brought as here on the first place." Replace as with us.

These were found in the flash back part of the chapter

6."I set to return to my previous sit with a parting kiss on her ear." Should be "I set to return to my previous seat with a parting kiss on her ear."

7."many creatures have started discretely you migrate back to their home countries." Should be "many creatures have started to discretely migrate back to their home countries."

8."Well, I’m NOT going to tolerate those believes.” should be "Well, I’m NOT going to tolerate those beliefs.”

9."These new tendencies have already stablished themselves within the population.” should be "these new tendencies have already established themselves within the population.”

10."We all had taken it very hard, but Twilight in special was on the verge of a panic attack." Should be "We all had taken it very hard, but Twilight especially was on the verge of a panic attack." Or you could just leave it as "We all had taken it very hard, but Twilight was on the verge of a panic attack."

11."I directed my attention to the young dragon and spoke with a tankful smile" replace tankful with thankful.

These were found in the Alexander tells sunny about the main 6 part of the chapter

12."I placed my arm over her sleeping form, and gently petting her back fur" replace petting with pet.

13."the girls asked me what element would represent me the best if I had been deemed worth of it." Replace worth with worthy.

14."I thanked her while retuning the gesture," replace retuning with returning.

15."More than once she confessed me that being a princess wouldn’t have been her first choice" add a "to" between confessed and me.

16."And, between you a me, she has absolutely gorgeous, as much as she chose to deny.” replace you a me with you and me. And replace has with is.

17."Ponies had a worse time when trying to seat like humans do" replace seat with sit

18."It was a small room, with a bed which looked big enough to fit my bigger heigh, barely that is;" change heigh to height

I really enjoyed this chapter! Alex messing with the ponies and telling him about his past is fun. I really like the character interactions between sunny and Alexander and I hope he can Bond with the other girls too.

Also something awakened Alexander early? I wonder if they were friendly.

Anyways can't wait for more your doing a fantastic job!

I think I fixed them all. Thanks for pointing them out.

Why are the ponies calling their lands equestria again? Not just in this fic they did it in the show too. Sure the ponies are interacting with each other again but they never refounded the kingdom of equestria they are still 3 separate city states with different rulers.

I can't tell for sure. Perhaps they were referring more to the land they shared than the kingdom they used to belong to.
Also I guess lazy writing.

I've been wondering why did you have Alexander arrive after the events of the movie were wrapping up instead of the beginning?

That was in my original plans, but after building the character and background story I thought it wouldn't make a lot of sense to have him there from the beginning. His knowledge of the past and his presence would have drastically change the movie's plot, and it wouldn't have made sense either to have him just following the ponies around without intervening.
The movie's is the G5 characters first test. I believed it was better to leave them to it and have introduce Alexander later, when plot starts to roll.
The same as many others FIM stories introduce their human character around season 2 or 3 instead of the beginning.
It's a shame because I lose some of the already scarce G5 content to work with, but I believe it was for the best.
Alex woke up JUST before the ponies managed to reunite the Unity crystals. Isn't that a bit too coincidental?

That makes sense.Cant have Alexander pointing out huge flaws In the movie. "Hey alex it's time to put the Crystal's together" "your missing the earth pony crystal sunny." "Oh"

On the note of people having their human characters arriving in later seasons I generally dont like when fics do that. Because they skip over important events. alot of great episodes happen in season 2. I mean if your a good enough writer you can do cannon episodes and change things up without your character causing issues. And add chapters of your own.

Kind of like how you did a tell your tell episode and changed stuff up. then smoothly transitioned into a original chapter.

I guess that depends how much effort you want to put in your story.
I will try to include material from everything G5 has offered, but I WILL deviate from the original content, whether is changing some events to including some entirely invented by my.
Will this cause the story to deviate a lot from the original plot? I don't know, there's only one season of the main series to take as a reference after all.
Still, I don't plan to build an alternative universe. I believe the story they have show us is interesting enough to follow.
The main problem is trying to bring TYT, MYM and the comics together without breaking the continuity.

I dont mind deviation from cannon material especially when it ignores equestrias downfall and conflicts with cannon ex: that episode where a message from past twilight was relayed from the harmony Crystals and next episode zipp was more interested then sunny the archaeological main6 fangirl. The way you mix tell your tale and make your mark has been great so far.

So what are you going to do about the alicorn princesses or is that a secret for now also what are you going to do about the magical creatures that used to live in equestria?

I can't tell you what exactly happened to them (spoilers if the current story/planned prequel), but I can assure you they are dead and buried. There's actually a scene on the upcoming chapter that might give you a hint. The idea I'm going to follow for them has already been explored in other fics, and I believe there are a reference in the comics (G4) that might support this idea. What I AM planning to work with is Sunny's alicorn powers and status. I think some very interesting scenes will come out of it.

For the rest of creatures I'm going to take a more careful approach. We still don't know if they will appear on future episodes or not. Sparky is the only example we have so far. I've already mentioned why there aren't any left in Equestria itself, but whether they still are on their home countries or not, I'll have to give it a careful thought. Everything regarding them will have to be invented by me since they aren't referred in any way as far as I remember. Mentioned, sure. But I highly doubt I'll introduce a griffon character or anything similar for now.

Also I'm gonna try and make Sparky less annoying. I don't know about you but it gets very tiresome very quickly.

Yeah g5 is anything but fanfic friendly and there is a reason sparky has been dubbed cocomelon dragon. So toning him down can only mean good things.

Do you have a plan for your fic if make your mark brings g4 ponies back?

I definitely can't wait to see what you do with sunny's alicorn powers and the status. I. Already picturing Alexander's mouth hanging open after he sees sunny turn her alicorn powers on and off!

I'll have first to see under what conditions they return. They better have a very, VERY good reason. Not just as an excuse to try to attract G4 fandom or anything the like.
In my planned story there could be a small chance for them to still be alive, but I think that would only steal the spotlight for the G5 characters.
The period between G4 and G5 is a complete mystery so technically anything could happen. But I fear that leash writing and fanservice will end up making their return redundant I that ends up been the case.

I like the idea Alex and Izzy flirting with each other

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