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Anubis Grimgost

Comments ( 328 )


“Aaahhhh fuck, get of me you prick!”

off not of

B-but why? Fluffy pony family.....

Maybe he’ll find his way back into the care of the Storm household, whether he likes it or not.

well... celestia found him... getting caught in the crossfire sucked, but i personally wouldn't have held it against celestia, she didn't know he was there, and yah, breaching the wall when you don't know what's on the other side is irresponsible, but as long as she is good with the aftercare, i wouldn't be mad, i would definitely tease her with it though.

Play em like a damn fiddle!

Comment posted by Anubis Grimgost deleted Jun 24th, 2023

Yeah I may have changed the chapter a bit but look at it this way you may or may not know what happens in the next arc😉

What the fuck is this...? How does this horny pedophile kept her virginity for this long?

She should lose it long ago, with Celestia's school of gifted unicorn and all.

She sees the pony’s as her own. But a griffon isn’t a pony.

What happened to the artifact?

So does our griffon still age?

Yes he does but you’ll find out more about the artefact soon

I have more fear for those around him and it might be the world that kills his mind instead.

From what I read zodiac is the one underestimating Dr death here.

I can see the ship already preparing to sail in the distance our griffon princess seems to be boarding it.

The ship might sail or it may sink, who’s to say that it will even leave the docks? I guess we’ll have to find out.

Interesting concept. Is this a Frankenstein type doctor or something more extreme?

Oh he’s going to be more extreme.

Comment posted by AvoidingFever17 deleted Jul 6th, 2023

The C does stand for Chapter.

Sorry if it led to a bit of confusion.

English is my second language, so I really don’t want to use grammar as a basis for criticism. However, sometimes it’s worth proof-reading what you have written a second time (I know we all hate doing that but still…). Someone who has a deep understanding in biology and medicine would have a rather sophisticated and logical way of thinking, even when they are just mentally speaking to themselves, don’t you think? In addition, using correct punctuation can make your work easier to read.

Anyway I found this premise to be intriguing and we need more Griffon stories. Carry on the good work! :heart:

“Can you at least let me know how to control me atoms and cells? So I can, you know, not be so short.”

If he can control his own cells I don't see how he would die of old age. Old age is just the body not being able to produce as many cells compared to the number that die every second. So does the other artifact stop the decay of the soul, like when he gets old he will be perfectly healthy but will just drop dead because his soul gave out


I do proofread my story but I will unfortunately miss some things and grammar is struggle because of my dyslexia, but I’m putting a bit more effort into getting better.

And thanks for the constructive criticism but the reason why I’ve made him like that is because he doesn’t want to out himself right now. so as to mitigate that risk, he keeps that train of thinking out of his mind. As for the embarrassing moments that’s because of his body’s biological age. Plus his realisation that he’s not much better than the one he hate so much.

I hope that clears somethings up for you.

The way the red Necrovine artefact works, is it with allow the user to control their body’s atoms and cells, but it’s limited only to cells and atoms so when they reaches an age that they shouldn’t be able to naturally. The artefact will refuse to work and the body will rapidly decay. That’s why you needs the other two, one stops the body ageing process so the red artefact will work independently. The other binds the soul with the body and makes them completely one. Meaning the soul can’t leave and the body can’t be destroyed.

It seems Celestia is the ship's reluctant captain.

I was under the impression that our DNAends broke down from the constant copying and started to get damaged making the following cells of lower and lower quality until a organ failure.

In other news Teasing Tone has shipped Celestia and Mr Grim.

Saying the cells begin to stop replacing the previous cells over time is i simpler way of saying that your DNA-ends start to deteriorate over time because of the constant copying.

DNA is stored in the cell nucleus, so you’re right.

good story but the dialogue feels choppy or forced but it's has good plot and clop as well as a interesting mc

Yeah I’d be the first to say that it did play out how I originally imagined but if it makes you feel better Anubis is going to avoid the maid like the plague. I do plan to learn from this one.

Yeah, if I had a limited chance of time to make a cure, I would not hesitate. I would inject it in me right there if someone were watching me. And ignore entirely everybody who's looking at me. But before I pass out to warn them very quickly. I don't know who you are I know how you got in my room, but this is very important if you hear growing and bone-breaking sounds, that means it works and don't come in (lying) and then passes out.

Medical accident there better go visit the doctor.

But was the reason the artifact was attracted to him due to him being a half zombie?

Silver is a fun character.

he could just be be honest. that he became terrified that he was infected with a zombie virus that was made in the lab they already know he was held in. that he knew how it was made and how to cure it. and that's what he did out of his own reckless paranoia.
doesn't even have to be specific, could just call it a cure for a bioweapon made in the same lab.

He very well could but disclosing that information could ever make him look insane and crazy or make Celestia search for this bunker and try to insure that this virus doesn’t spread.

Celestia would look for it because she already understands that necromancy does exists.

You ever forgot he had sex with the maid so that the maid could be in danger too? His lustful desires will help cause an outbreak. So to keep others safe, they need the quarantine the maid as well.

Anubis making the cure and injecting himself with it was all for nothing. He wasn’t infected to begin with, the body that was infected was blown up. This new one wasn’t.

In short he over reacted but rightfully so. I mean who wouldn’t take immediate action.

The reason the bite mark is there, is because his new body was base on the original form which had been bitten before it destruction.

The artefact bonded with Anubis because his body is unnaturally in its creation. This also means that there was one other before him but they’re long gone now.

Those tags are intimidating, and if you're bad with english just find a beta reader

The little guy fell asleep, that’s so adorable but his condition is more of a concern especially all these scars he was hiding under his fur and feathers. Although his appearance is different from other griffons. He has a sharp silver coat with crimson red outlines that fades into a pure orange that started from his eyes, they look like he has orange eyes drawn onto him when he was asleep, which was a bit funny but cute nonetheless. As I followed the lines that separated his snow white under belly. His chest had an abnormal amount of fluff and the ears? he had big ears that I’ve never seen ears on a griffon but they looked similar to wolf ears.

Had the biggest ears*

Was that pony realy a predator or did the mc just kill someone trying to help?

“Is there any evidence, or leads to follow and what do you mean by, strange griffon? Captain could this griffon’s disappearance be linked with the recent string of foalnappings?”

Oh, nevermind

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