• Published 11th Jan 2023
  • 423 Views, 20 Comments

Misty's Adventures in Galar - Brian Sheil

A young school girl who's down on her luck is ready to go on a journey in the world of Pokémon

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48. Sorrow Before the Main Event

Author's Note:

Misty faces a roadblock while preparing for her big battle. Plus, the identity of the mystery woman is revealed.

It's been four days since Misty and Hop helped in stopping the return of the Darkest Day. Misty heard from Catrina that the legendary Pokémon, Eternatus, is adjusting well, knowing that he has a friend in Misty. Now, Misty returned to Wyndon to face Leon. But, at the Pokémon Center, she sat at one of the tables with her head hung low. After getting up, she left the Center with tears in her eyes.

She exits the center still crying. She sits on one of the benches, feeling much sorrow. Just then, she was approached by the mysterious woman who helped perk her up on occasions.

"What are you doing here?" Misty sobbed.

"I heard that something bad happened to you again." The woman said. She noticed that she was alone. "Where are your buddies, Paradise and Firefly?"

"They're gone. They left me harshly!"

Misty started to cry again. The mysterious woman was concerned about this. "What happened?"

"I don't think you'll believe me." Misty replied, still upset.

The woman approached her and try to comfort her. "Try me."

After calming down a little, Misty told her story. "This happened after I captured Eternatus, to stop the Darkest Day from happening again."


Me and my companions, including Hop, just left the Power Plant. We manage to defeat Rose and prevented the Darkest Day from reoccurring. Then, tragedy struck.

Before Misty knew it, she was struck from behind. She saw it was Firefly who hit her. But, she and Paradise are sparking with energy.

"What was that for?" Misty asked with concern.

Firefly crackled as she answered with an angry tone. "How dare you interfere with the Chairman's master plan!"


"The Chairman gave Eternatus those Wishing Stars so he can power up Galar." She then surged with energy as her eyes glowed yellow. "YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!! ROSE IS SUPPOSED TO WIN!!"

"Hey, girls!" Hop interrupted. "You guys are her friends."

Paradise crackled as she got angry too. "Who wants to be friends with this loser!"

Misty started to tear up. She couldn't believe that her friends would act like this.

"Think of all we did together." Misty pleaded. "We worked together to help me throughout my Gym Challenges. And, we learned the truth about Team Yell."

Paradise marched up to Misty and slapped her hard in the face. She then grabbed her by the shirt. "You're NO friend to us, you brat! Hydia and her daughters were right to cause you trouble!"

Paradise threw her to the ground. Then, Firefly came up to her again. "We're going home! In other words, you'll not have support when facing Leon!" She kicked her on her side.

Still sparking, Paradise and Firefly left the area. Seeing this situation, Raihan made a phone call.

End of Flashback

"Raihan told me that they were picked up by a patrol car to be taken to the hospital." Misty continued. "He thinks that all of that energy my friends were effected with is the cause of their aggression."

"It's possible." The mysterious one figured. "Energy from the Power Plant, the Wishing Stars, and energy from Eternatus must've made a nasty combo. I think the doctors can help your friends so that they'll be back to normal."

Misty wiped the tears from her eyes. "You really think so?"

"I know so."

At that moment, Hydia and her daughters came along. No doubt, they'll want to taunt Misty more.

"So, your friends left you." Hydia said cruelly. "It's about time, too!"

"They knew when to leave you behind." Draggle added.

"Now, to put the final nail on your coffin." Reeka said with joy.

The evil trio brought out Perrserker, Doublade, and Liepard. This got Misty worried. Without her friends, she's done for.

"ATTACK!" All three women shouted.

The Pokémon were closing in on Misty. But, the mysterious woman pulled out a Poké Ball and made her own move. "Come out, Delphox, and use Mystical Fire!"

A Delphox popped out and blasted the Pokémon with a blaze of fire. Seeing what happened, the trio recalled their Pokémon and Hydia gave out an order. "Let's SCRAM!"

Hydia and company left quickly. Misty was grateful to this woman. "Thanks for your help."

"You're welcome, Misty." The stranger replied. "One more thing before I leave."

"What's that?"

"Time to show you who I really am."

The woman removed her red mask. Then pulled off a brown wig, which revealed red hair with yellow streaks. Misty was shocked.

"I don't believe it." Misty gasped. "SUNSET SHIMMER!"

"In person." The woman, Sunset, replied.

Misty was a little confused. "Why did you want to help me?"

"I heard about Hydia and her daughters, Reeka and Draggle." Sunset explained. "Those guys like to target teenagers they don't like. They influence others to help them. Those ladies are very manipulative."

"That means," Misty figured, "they influenced Mr. Charlatan to throw me out of school."

"Seems that way. When they learned you are on a Pokémon journey in Galar, they thought to follow you there to stop you."

"I guess that's why YOU'RE here. You want to make sure I don't give up. Thanks, Sunset."

The two girls hugged each other. Minutes later, Sunset prepared to leave after changing her outfit into a bigger version of the outfit she wore in Kalos.

"You're leaving, Sunset?" Misty asked.

"I'm afraid so." Sunset replied. "I got a call from Twilight Sparkle. A trainer from Dream Valley defeated all eight gym leaders, and is traveling through Victory Road."

"Of course. You're the Kalos Region champion. This trainer is on his way to challenge you."

"That's right. As Champion, I have to be ready for all challengers. Good bye, Misty. And, good luck against Leon."

Misty watches Sunset head out for Kalos. But, praise from the Kalos region champion gave her the confidence boost she needs. She hopes that Firefly and Paradise will be watching her from wherever they're being treated. Because the next day, she faces Leon.

End of Chapter 48

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