• Published 11th Jan 2023
  • 418 Views, 20 Comments

Misty's Adventures in Galar - Brian Sheil

A young school girl who's down on her luck is ready to go on a journey in the world of Pokémon

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2. The Adventure Truly Begins

Author's Note:

The story of Misty's travels to Galar continues.

The next morning, Misty wakes up from a peaceful night's sleep. She looks outside the window and sees how peaceful Postwick looks. She feels very good to begin her own Pokémon journey. After getting dressed, she came downstairs where Wind Whistler was waiting for her with a big back pack.

"If you're going on a journey," Wind Whistler advised, "you're going to need a backpack with useful items, including five Poké Balls."

"Oh." Misty replied. "For catching Pokémon. But, don't I need a Pokédex to learn about Pokémon?"

"I'm sure you'll get a Pokédex somewhere."

After receiving a warm hug from her host, Misty sets off on her journey. But, just as she steps outside, she saw Hop panicking in front of a broken piece of fence.

"What's wrong, Hop?" Misty asked.

"A Wooloo was practicing a Tackle attack on this fence yesterday." Hop replied. "When I came here, the fence was broken." He started to panic more. "That Wooloo must've broke on through!"

"What is beyond that fence anyway?"

Hop gave her a grim answer. "The Slumbering Weald. It's a place that people aren't supposed to go to."

Misty got concerned. "That Wooloo is in there somewhere. We have to go find it."

Misty charged ahead. Hop got concerned, and went after her. The pair made their way into the woods. The fog was very thick. They both figured why this place is not safe. Suddenly, they saw a dog like Pokémon they haven't seen. They brought out their Pokémon for battle.

"Sobble," Misty said, "Water Gun!"

Sobbke fired a stream of water at the creature. But, no effect. Hop tried hid luck. "Scorbunny, use Ember!"

The Rabbit Pokémon fired a small flame burst. That had no effect either. The fog soon thickened up. MInutes later, the two trainers slowly woke up.

"What happened?" Misty asked.

"Thank goodness I found you two." Said a familiar voice.

It was Leon. He went to see if they were all right.

"Leon!" Hop gasped. "How did you find us. You're horrible with directions."

"Thanks a lot, little brother." Leon replied. "I got worried about you both and started to look. What were you doing here?"

"We were trying to find a Wooloo who barged in here."

Leon pointed to the missing Wooloo being comforted by Charizard.

"That's a relief." Misty said. "Must've been brought here while we were out cold."

Leon gave them a stern talking to. "You know this place is off limits for various reasons. But, I do admire your courage for coming here, and your reason for doing so."

"Thanks, Leon."

"There's more to this, big brother." Hop interjected. "While looking for Wooloo, we saw a powerful Pokémon we never seen before. The attacks of our Pokémon had no effect."

This has Leon thinking a little. "There are legends about a Powerful beast lurking in Slumbering Weald. When you two get stronger, perhaps you'll discover the answer to this mystery. For now, let's leave this forest. I'll be here to protect you."

As the trio leave the forest, Hop gets more excited. "We may have gotten an earful from Leon, but this experience was worth it. This is the first page of my legendary story!"

"Easy, Hop." Misty said. "Take it down a few notches."

The two adventurers returned to Poteick to rest upafter this experience. After getting some rest, Hop and Misty made their way back to Wedgehurst.

"You see that building with the purple roof?" Hop said. "That's the Pokémon Research Lab. I think you should check it out."

"Okay." Misty replied. "I hope I can find a Pokédex there before I start catching Pokémon."

"Don't worry, Misty. You won't be disappointed. As for me, I better train my little Scorbunny. See you later."

As Hop runs off to train his Pokémon, Misty makes her way to Wedgehurst. She enters the Research Lab, and is surprised to see Leon there.

"Leon!" Misty gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"I figured to help you get on your way to your journey." Leon replied. He looks around the place, and all of the shelves of books. "I'll give Professor Magnolia credit. This place is kept organized."

"I thought I recognized your voice, Leon." Said the voice of a female occupant.

They looked up and saw a young lady with red hair and wearing a tan trench coat over a yellow shirt, gray pants, and black shirt. She walk down a stairway along side a pudgy looking yellow dog.

"This young lady is Sonia." Leon said. "She helps out well in this place. That little fella with her is Yamper, the Puppy Pokémon."

As Misty pets this little puppy, Sonia looks at Leon with interest. "So, what brings you here today, Leon?"

"Sonia," Leon said, "I would like you to help Misty here to get started on her Pokémon journey." He then turns to Misty. "I'll see you later."

As Leon leaves, Sonia looks to her other visitor.

"Leon told me about you, Misty Brightdawn." Sonia said. "He said that you're starting a Pokémon journey here on Galar."

"Yes, I am." Misty replied. "I want to see if I can do as good as Kalos Region Champion, Sunset Shimmer."

Sonia then pulls out a red rectangular device. "Then, you'll need this Pokédex. It'll help you on your journey."

Misty takes the Pokédex, and is very grateful. "Thank you, Sonia."

"The person you should thank is Professor Magnolia." Sonia replied. "She's my grandmother. And, she lives in a small cabin at the end of Route 2."

Misty nodded, and left the lab. She looks at the road ahead of her.

"Okay." Misty said to herself. "Now that I have a Pokédex, I can catch some Pokémon."

Meanwhile, in Maretime Bay, a deep magenta skinned woman with white hair looks at her laptop. She wore a blue jacket over a white shirt and black tie. She also wore a purple skirt and black shoes. She then closed her laptop, and started talking on her phone. "Squirk, we are taking a trip to Galar."

End of Chapter 2

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