• Published 11th Jan 2023
  • 422 Views, 20 Comments

Misty's Adventures in Galar - Brian Sheil

A young school girl who's down on her luck is ready to go on a journey in the world of Pokémon

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1. Enter the Galar Region

Author's Note:

In celebration of me getting a Switch and Pokémon Sword, I'm trying out a new Pokémon story. I hope you like it.

It's a brand new year in Canterlot High School. However, there was a lot ruckus going on. It's as if somebody is hurting somebody.

"You bothersome brat!" Said the voice of an angry man. "Nobody must ever trust you! Now, GET OUT FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR!"

A young sixteen year old girl got thrown out. She has sky blue skin and curly teal and blue hair. She wore a green polo shirt, black Capris, and white sneakers. Out steps a white skinned man with black hair and wearing a black suit.

"And, I swear by the legendary warrior: Grogar," The man bellowed, "don't you dare come to this school for any reason. Or, YOU'LL BE ARRESTED FOR TRESPASSING! Now, SCRAM!!"

The man slammed the doors shut.

"You mean brute!" The girl called out. "You'll regret this!"

The girl walks away with tears in her eyes. Her name is Misty Brightdawn. She was abandoned by her parents at an orphanage run by a woman named Opaline. She kept the kids there in check. She was very rotten to Misty. Ever since Misty was adopted by a kind woman named Porcina, Misty's outlook was better. Opaline was not convinced that Misty can do good outside the orphanage.

Later, Misty was sitting on a couch crying her eyes out. In walks a hefty, but kind pink skinned woman with brown hair. This woman is Miss Porcina. She was told about what happened.

"That Mr. Charlatan." Porcina said with disgust. "He had the nerve to do this to you."

"He was as cold as ice." Misty sobbed. "Trouble is, he doesn't represent Canterlot High School."

"That man always uses information to disgrace kids he don't like. He'll probably stop you from going to Crystal Prep and Griffonstone too."

"Then, what am I going to do?"

Porcina then gave her adopted girl a suggestion. "Perhaps you can follow in the footsteps of Sunset Shimmer."

"The Kalos Region champion?" Misty gasped. "You mean I should be a Pokémon trainer?"

"Correct. However, I think you should travel to a different region. I suggest Galar would be your destination."

Misty thought about it. She then made a decision. "Miss Porcina, it's a deal!"

The next day, Misty landed in an airport located at the Galar region. She was greeted by a sky blue skinned woman with white hair, and wearing a deep blue jacket over a white shirt, teal skirt, and blue platform shoes. Soon, she drove Misty to a little peaceful town. Inside one of the houses, the two ladies share time with each other.

"So, how do you like Postwick?" The woman asked.

"Pretty nice, Miss Wind Whistler." Misty replied. "I can't believe I'm in a region of the Pokémon world."

"I can understand how you feel, Miss Brightdawn. But, trust me. This experience as a Pokémon trainer will help build up confidence."

Soon, in steps a young boy with dark brown hair. By his side is a round sheep type creature.

"Hi there, Miss Wind Whistler!" The boy greeted.

"Hello there, Hop." Wind Whistler replied. "Stopping here on the way to Wedgehurst?"

"You bet. My brother, Leon, is coming home from his travels. I'm looking forward to this."

Misty was a little confused. "Who's this Leon character?"

Wind Whistler gave Misty some useful information. "Leon is the Galar Region's undefeated champion. Hop is Leon's little brother."

"Someday," Hop said, "I'll surpass my brother and become the Galar Region champion!" He then looked at Misty. "How about coming along? You won't believe the reception my big brother gets."

Misty thinks it's a good idea. It's not everyday you get to meet a champion. Soon, the two youngsters walked through Route 1.

"Wow!" Hop gasped. "I heard about Mr. Charlatan. He as cold as a blizzard."

"I know." Misty replied sadly. "After being kicked out of Canterlot High School, I was afraid of going to other schools like Griffonstone, Cloudsdale, and Crystal Prep."

"I get it. You're afraid he'll show up at any of those schools too."

Misty nodded. Later, they arrived at the village of Wedgehurst. They soon arrived at the Train station.

"Wait until you meet my brother, Misty." Hop said. "I would like to see a battle between Leon and the Kalos Region champion: Sunset Shimmer."

"Sunset Shimmer." Misty murmured. "Who can live up to her?"

A train soon comes into town. Many people are waiting for a special person. Soon, a young man with deep blue hair and wearing a regal outfit steps out to greet the crowd. After striking a pose, the crowd went wild.

"Hello, Wedgehurst!" The man announced. "Your champion has returned!"

When Misty heard that announcement, she was shocked. "That's Leon?"

"That's him." Hop replied. "He and his Charizard are an unbeatable team."

Leon finishes his speech to the people. "Keep training and keep believing in yourself and your Pokémon."

Soon, Leon walks up to his little brother. "Good to see you, Hop. You grew about an inch and a quarter since I last saw you."

"Thanks, big brother." Hop replied. "This girl is Misty Brightdawn. She recently came here from Canterlot City."

"Canterlot City. Home of the Kalos Region champion: Sunset Shimmer. I watched her battle against Diantha online."

"Wow!" Misty gasped. "I'd like to see that battle someday."

Leon got everybody's attention. "Let's head back to Postwick. I have a present for you two."

"Cool!" Hop replied excitingly. "Race you there!"

Hop rushes off. Misty was shaking her head. "Is he always this eager?"

"He sure is." Leon replied. "He's determined to strive to battle me one day."

Later, at Postwick, Leon presents the two youngsters three ball like objects.

"Are those Poke Balls?" Misty asked.

"Yes!" Hop answered. "They no doubt have the starter Pokémon of Galar."

Leon threw the balls into the air. "Come on out, everybody!"

Out popped three different creatures. A green chimp with a stick, a white rabbit, and a blue water lizard.

"These are the three starters." Leon explained. "Grookey: the Chimp Pokémon, Scorbunny: The Rabbit Pokémon, and Sobble: the Water Lizard Pokémon."

"They look so cool." Misty said happily.

"Now then, which would you guys like?"

"You choose first, Misty." Hop suggested.

After looking at them for a minute, Misty made a choice. "I'll take Sobble."

The little lizard was happy to be with a kind trainer. Hop made his own decision. "I'll take Scorbunny."

"Then, I'll take Grookey." Leon said. "Come on, you two. Let's get a good night's rest. Tomorrow starts a new adventure!"

Later that night, Misty was slipping on a magenta long sleeve nightgown. She then heard a knock on the door.

"Misty, may I come in?" Wind Whistler asked.

"Yes, ma'am." Misty replied.

Wind Whistler came in wearing a pair of red pajamas to talk to Misty.

"Getting nervous." Wind Whistler asked.

"A little." Misty replied. "Thanks for letting me journey all over Galar."

"Not a problem. This is the main reason you came here in the first place." She then gave Misty a warm hug. "Good night, Misty."

Misty was happy that she's going on a journey with her Pokémon. Meanwhile, in a location at Maretime Bay, Miss Opaline is enjoying a cup of coffee while thinking of what was talked about. So, Misty is at the Galar region to become a trainer. This should be intetesting.

End of Chapter 1

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